Quantum Mechanics is Complete
So Just Shut Up and Calculate

The View from Scylla: The Legacy of Copenhagen, Relational Quantum Mechanics, and the Role of Information

The correspondence between Einstein and Schrödinger shows that, already by the summer of 1935, the Copenhagen interpretation had become the orthodoxy. It was already the default way in which physicists were meant to think about quantum mechanics. Schrödinger was pleased that EPR had ‘publicly called the dogmatic quantum mechanics to account’.1 Einstein referred to the Copenhagen interpretation as ‘Talmudic’; a ‘religious’ philosophy that is to be interpreted only through its qualified priests, who insist on its essential truth, and who countenance no rivals.2

The philosopher Karl Popper called it a schism:3

One remarkable aspect of these discussions was the development of a split in physics. Something emerged which may be fairly described as a quantum orthodoxy: a kind of party, or school, or group, led by Niels Bohr, with the very active support of Heisenberg and Pauli; less active sympathizers were Max Born and P[ascual] Jordan and perhaps even Dirac. In other words, all the greatest names in atomic theory belonged to it, except two great men who strongly and consistently dissented: Albert Einstein and Erwin Schrödinger.

This is all really quite unfortunate. As the interpretation was forged through an uneasy alliance between Bohr and Heisenberg, brokered by Pauli, it was always going to be something of a compromise. For many physical scientists who—even today—routinely make use of quantum mechanics without worrying overmuch about what it means, the thought that there might be ‘nothing to see here’ is not particularly troubling. But for those (admittedly fewer) scientists who prefer to dig a little more deeply before committing to an anti-realist interpretation like this, it’s fair to say that Copenhagen fails to satisfy. For every question it appears to answer, more questions go unanswered. The ambiguity and confusion it engenders, when combined with the almost pathological levels of mathematical abstraction that were first introduced into the theory by Dirac and von Neumann, render quantum mechanics virtually incomprehensible, even to many scientists.

Bohr’s insistence on the principle of complementarity meant that discussions about interpretation quickly devolved into discussions about the inadequacy of the language we use to describe quantum systems and the relationship between these and the classical apparatus used to perform measurements on them. It also drew a line between the quantum and classical worlds that seems entirely arbitrary—just where is the quantum world supposed to end and the classical world begin? At the level of atoms and molecules? Or cats? The physicist John Bell called this the ‘shifty split’.4

At the time I’m sure this must have seemed perfectly reasonable. Neither Bohr nor Heisenberg could have possibly anticipated the abilities of talented experimentalists, and the development of apparatus of extraordinary subtlety and sophistication that would be brought to bear on these questions, forty or fifty years later. As we will see in subsequent chapters, later generations of physicists would be able to make measurements on quantum systems of a kind undreamt in the philosophy of the Danish priesthood.

Complementarity and the limitations of classical apparatus—central planks in the Copenhagen interpretation—were simply not future-proof.

But these are really distractions. They are actually inessential to Bohr’s core argument, which says that the quantum world is inaccessible. Unlike the classical world, which we had come to understand to be perfectly accessible—with its base concepts, such as momentum and energy, sitting right ‘on the surface’ of the equations—the quantum world lies beyond our reach. This is the principal metaphysical preconception that lurks at the heart of the Copenhagen interpretation. This preconception says that in quantum physics we have run up against a fundamental limit. We have hit the boundary that distinguishes the metaphysical things-in-themselves from the empirical things-as-they-appear.

What then happens if we forgo these additional preconceptions? What happens if we accept that our interpretation is not constrained by our classical language descriptions or limited by the nature of our measuring apparatus? All we need to do is separate our experience of quantum physics from the way we choose to represent it, in whatever language we deem to be appropriate. In other words, instead of being really rather ambiguous about Proposition #3, we come off the fence and reject it outright. Less Bohr, more Heisenberg.

And this is what contemporary theorist Carlo Rovelli has done.

Rovelli has spent his entire career as a theoretical physicist in pursuit of a quantum theory of gravity. In essence, this is about finding a way to bring together the two most successful foundational theories of physics—quantum mechanics and Einstein’s general theory of relativity. The former describes the physics of the very small. In the form of various quantum field theories, it underpins the current standard model of particle physics. The discovery of the Higgs boson at CERN in Geneva in 2012 was only the most recent of the standard model’s many triumphs. The latter is essentially a theory of space and time. It describes how mass–energy causes spacetime to curve, leading to the phenomenon we call gravity. The general theory of relativity is the basis for the current standard Big Bang model of the Universe, and the detection of gravitational waves in 2015—ripples in spacetime caused by violent events such as the merging of black holes—is only the most recent of this theory’s many triumphs.

As Lee Smolin explained in his book Three Roads to Quantum Gravity, published in 2000, there are potentially three approaches that can be taken. You can start with quantum mechanics and seek to constrain it so that it meets the stringent requirements of general relativity. Or you can start with general relativity and find a way to ‘quantize’ this—yielding a theory in which space and time are themselves quantum in nature. Or you can start over, seeking a new theory which has both quantum mechanics and general relativity as limiting forms.

Rovelli and Smolin are numbered among the chief architects of a theory called loop quantum gravity, forged by taking the road from general relativity.*

It goes without saying that if quantum mechanics is to be a foundation on which an elaborate quantum theory of gravity is to be built, a complete lack of clarity on the question of its interpretation and meaning is extremely unhelpful. Interestingly, both Rovelli and Smolin have sought clarity for themselves, but the interpretation of quantum mechanics is one of two problems in contemporary physics that they disagree on (the other is the reality of time).

In truth, whilst Rovelli has always considered quantum mechanics to be a profoundly revolutionary theory, he has never considered it to be inconsistent or incomplete in any sense. Early in their collaboration, Rovelli and Smolin were joined in deep discussion by mathematical physicist Louis Crane. They tossed ideas around about the relation between elements of reality and the observer, the philosophy of Leibniz, and quantum mechanics. ‘The way I remember it,’ Smolin explained, ‘we each took the basic ideas and constructed theories which expressed the idea that quantum mechanics was relational.’5

In developing his theories of relativity, Einstein sought to banish from physics the entirely metaphysical concepts of absolute space and time. One consequence is that the observer is put firmly back into the picture, making measurements with rulers and clocks and performing observations inside the physical reality that is being examined, rather than from some unique perspective, from some kind of ‘God’s-eye view’ of the Universe. It’s worth noting that, by ‘observer’, we don’t necessarily mean a human observer. It’s enough that there be something (anything) with which a physical system can establish some kind of relationship. Instead of dealing with metaphysical things-in-themselves, we’re then dealing with things-in-relation-to-other-things. If the relation is with a human observer, then we can talk about things-as-they-appear. If the relation is with some apparatus, such as a ruler or a clock, then we can talk about things-as-they-are-measured.

The observer plays a fundamentally important role in quantum mechanics, too. Just as Einstein rejected the notion that there can be absolutes in space and time, so Rovelli chose to reject the notion that a quantum system exists in an absolute, observer-independent state. In other words, in relational quantum mechanics, we can discover nothing at all about the physical quantum-states-in-themselves. He wrote: ‘The thesis…. is that by abandoning such a notion (in favour of the weaker notion of state—and values of physical quantities—relative to something), quantum mechanics makes much more sense.’6

In making such an assertion, Rovelli isn’t rejecting the existence of an objective reality or the reality of ‘invisible’ entities such as electrons. He’s broadly accepting of Propositions #1 and #2. There are objective, independently existing things-in-them-selves—there are such things as electrons and they continue to exist when nobody’s looking at them or thinking about them. But, as Kant argued, we can’t discover anything about these. It only makes sense to talk about their quantum states and their properties when they establish a relationship with another system. This calls into question the viability of Proposition #3: quantum mechanics is about relations between things, not the real properties of real physical things independent of relation.

So, if the mathematical equations we use in quantum mechanics do not refer to the independently existing real physical states of quantum systems, to what do they then refer? Rovelli’s answer is that they refer to information about the quantum system derived from our experience of it.

Now, Rovelli’s relational interpretation does not in any way demand that we assign any special significance to the process of measurement. As far as he is concerned, measurement is just one among many different ways of establishing the relationships essential to quantum mechanics. But, of course, measurement is fundamental in that this is how we acquire knowledge about quantum systems. So let’s therefore try to understand this interpretation by walking step by step through a typical measurement process.

Let’s suppose, once again, that we prepare a quantum system which, based on our previous experience and understanding of the physics, can be in one of two possible states—↑ and ↓. Let’s further suppose that there is only one kind of particle involved, which we label as A. As we now know, the correct way to describe this system is in terms of a total wavefunction expressed as a superposition of the contributions of the wavefunction for A in the ↑ state and the wavefunction for A in the ↓ state:


Before we go on, let’s just consider where this expression has come from. We know from previous experiments that if we prepare the quantum system in just this way, our experience and understanding of the physics lead us to anticipate that it can be in one or the other state. Or, alternatively, if we establish a certain kind of relation between the quantum system and the device we use to prepare it, we anticipate that it can be in one or the other state. We also know that in order to make the right predictions about the future behaviour of the system, we need to represent these two states as a superposition which we call the total wavefunction. We use information from our previous experience of the physics to write the total wavefunction of the quantum system as a superposition of ↑ and ↓ states.

It’s important to be clear on my use of language here. I’m using words like ‘we’ and ‘information’, which can be taken to suggest that this is once again all about human observers and information about the results of measurements which, for example, might get recorded in a laboratory notebook. And again, this is not the intended meaning. Rovelli refers to ‘information’ very much in a physical sense, in a form that can be manifested in inanimate objects: ‘a pen on my table has information because it points in this or that direction. We do not need a human being, a cat, or a computer, to make use of this notion of information.’7

Now if the contributions from each of the wavefunctions in the superposition are equal, we can anticipate that in a subsequent measurement we will get eitheror ↓ with equal (50:50) probability. The outcomes are random: we have no way of knowing in advance which outcome we will get.

But what if, instead of measuring the ↑ or ↓ property of the system, we measure another property? Let’s call this + or −. We know, again from previous experience and our understanding of the physics, that a quantum system consisting of a set of particles A prepared exclusively in the ↑ state will yield both + and − with equal probability in a subsequent measurement. Similarly, a quantum system prepared exclusively in the ↓ state will yield both + and − with equal probability.

So, what do we do now?

Remember from Chapter 1 that there is no such thing as the ‘right’ wavefunction. We’re perfectly at liberty to choose a form for the total wavefunction that’s most appropriate for the specific problem we’re trying to solve. What we need is a different superposition. Instead of ↑ and ↓, we need a superposition of + and −.

And we can do this fairly easily. I won’t distract you with the details. Suffice to say that we use the information from our previous experience of the behaviour of quantum systems prepared exclusively in the ↑ and ↓ states to deduce that


I’ll admit this looks like we’ve simply substituted the wavefunctions for ↑ and ↓ with the wavefunctions for + and −. But trust me when I tell you that, no matter what it looks like, this isn’t the case. There are some pretty rigorous mathematical rules that we must follow when we make this kind of change. It might help to know that the states ↑ and ↓ and + and − are often referred to as basis states, and what we’ve done therefore is change the basis of the representation of the total wavefunction. There is really no such thing as the ‘right’ or ‘preferred’ basis. We use information from our previous experience of the physics to change the total wavefunction to whatever basis is relevant to the problem we’re looking to solve. In this case we change to a superposition of the measurement states + and −.

As before, the contributions from the wavefunctions for + and − are equal, so we can anticipate that in a subsequent measurement we will get either + or − with equal (50:50) probability. Once again, we have no way of knowing in advance which outcome we will get.

Take it from me that this is all perfectly correct. We know (again from experience) that in a series of measurements on identically prepared systems, we’re likely to get a random sequence of results such as +, −, +, +, +, −, −, +,…. . Although all laboratory measurements are subject to experimental errors, we also know that after making a statistically significant number of measurements, we’ll find that we got + 50% of the time, and − 50% of the time.

What just happened here?

Rovelli argues that we simply use the wavefunction as a convenient way of coding our information about the quantum system. ‘The [wavefunction] that we associate with a system…. is therefore, first of all, just a coding of the outcome of these previous interactions with [the system].’8 We do this as a way of using information derived from previous experience to make predictions for the future behaviour of the system in measurements yet to be performed. The coded information allows us to make predictions about relationships that have yet to be formed.

In other words, the wavefunction isn’t real, in the sense of Proposition #3. It is not a base concept. It does not represent the real state of the quantum system. ‘In [relational quantum mechanics] the quantum state is not interpreted realistically, but the position of the electron when it hits the screen is…. an element of reality (although relative to the screen).’9 The wavefunction is merely a convenient device that allows us to connect past and future.

Rejecting Proposition #3 in quantum mechanics frees us from all kinds of apparent contradictions. When we form a total wavefunction as a superposition of two possibilities, we’re simply acknowledging that from previous experience we know to expect that the quantum system will produce outcomes such as ↑ or ↓, or + or −, depending on the type of measurements we’re going to make. The superposition is one of information, and not real, independently existing physical states.

If the wavefunction is just coded information, then it is not required to conform to any physical laws or mechanical processes. Information isn’t ‘local’ or ‘non-local’. In itself it isn’t constrained by Einstein’s special theory of relativity (though any attempt to communicate this information will be so constrained). Information can change instantaneously. A wavefunction which consists only of information is not obliged to undergo some kind of discontinuous, physical collapse. As Rovelli explains: ‘This change is unproblematic, for the same reason for which my information about China changes discontinuously any time I read an article about China in the newspaper.’10

This is no more mysterious than the referee tossing a coin at the beginning of a soccer or tennis match. If we felt the need, we could code the outcomes of this procedure as a superposition of ‘heads’ and ‘tails’. The coin spins through the air and lands on the ground, and we get the result ‘heads’. We believe that the two outcome possibilities persist on either side of the coin throughout, but as we’re ignorant of the precise mechanics of the toss and the motion of the coin through the air we resort to probabilities. We don’t tend to declare that these two possibilities ‘collapse’ to one outcome as the coin interacts with the ground, although we could, in principle.

In Rovelli’s relational interpretation of quantum mechanics, we may understand the mechanics reasonably precisely within the limits imposed by the uncertainty principle, but we lose sight of the outcome possibilities, as we can say nothing at all about the independently existing quantum states until they have established a relation with another system. In terms of a quantum coin toss, it is as though we can anticipate the mechanical motions of the coin through the air and the number of spins it will make, but now the sides of the coin no longer exist independently except in relation to their interaction with the ground. We resort to probabilities because we’re ignorant of the sides-in-themselves. We can only know the sides-on-the-ground.

Let’s push this a little further. Like every material thing in the Universe, the device we use to measure the + or − state of the quantum system is also made of ‘invisible’ quantum objects, such as atoms consisting of quarks and electrons. Suppose we connect this device to a gauge with a readout and a pointer. If the system is measured to be in the + state, the pointer points to the left. If it is measured to be in the − state, the pointer points to the right.

What is the correct quantum-mechanical description of this situation?

Well, that depends on whether we look at the pointer. Until we take a look to see which way it’s pointing, the correct representation for the total wavefunction is now something like


We’ve seen something like this before. The original quantum system and measuring device have become entangled with the gauge. Before we look to see which way the pointer went, the correct summary of the information that is available takes the form of yet another superposition.

We can go on like this forever, it seems, and this was precisely the point that Schrödinger was making with his famous cat paradox. If we rig the gauge such that pointing right kills a cat placed inside a closed box, then we’ve further entangled the quantum system, the original measuring device, the gauge, and the cat, giving


To discover the state of the cat we must introduce yet another device (me or you) capable of lifting the lid of the box and looking.

Our instinct is to insist that, surely, Schrödinger’s cat must already be either dead or alive before we lift the lid. But Rovelli just shrugs his shoulders. For sure, we can speculate about the physical state of the cat before the ‘act of measurement’ but we cannot escape a simple truth: we cannot know the state of the cat until we establish a relationship with it, by lifting the lid, and looking.

Our mistake is to think that the superposition represents the cat’s physical state—that the poor cat exists in some kind of purgatory—rather than simply representing a summary of our information about the situation. Lifting the lid doesn’t collapse the wavefunction in some physical sense, dragging the cat from purgatory into a state of deadness or aliveness. There is no physical collapse. The only thing that changes when we lift the lid is the state of our knowledge of the cat and, as Rovelli says, this is unproblematic.

So let’s now have a bit of fun. Alice and Bob are experimental physicists studying foundational aspects of quantum mechanics in a laboratory. Bob is running late, so Alice performs a measurement in his absence. She looks at the pointer and observes that this has moved to the left, image, which signals the measurement outcome A+. She writes this down in her notebook as ‘+’ (if she had observed the outcome image she would have written ‘–’). We denote these results as Alice+ and Alice. As far as she is concerned, the state of the quantum system is definitely +, relative to Alice. She concludes that the quantum system is now in the state given by the wavefunction


Bob is now buttonholed in the corridor by his research supervisor, who wants to know what the state of the quantum system is that Alice has just experimented on. This might seem a bit unfair, as Bob has no way of knowing, but he does know his quantum mechanics, and draws on his knowledge of the system under study (which now includes Alice) and explains that the state is given by the wavefunction


According to Bob, Alice and the result she wrote in her notebook are now entangled in the total wavefunction. He goes on to inform his supervisor that there’s a 50% probability that Alice will have observed the outcome + (pointer on the left, ‘+’ in her notebook) and a 50% probability she observed − (pointer on the right, ‘–’ in her notebook). This might all seem perfectly reasonable—Bob can’t possibly know the outcome of the measurement because he wasn’t in the laboratory at the time the measurement was made. But if he now opens the door of the laboratory and asks Alice what outcome she got, then as far as Bob is concerned this constitutes a ‘measurement’ involving the total wavefunction in which Alice was entangled.

Before he opens the door, Alice and Bob ascribe different states (different wavefunctions) to the quantum system, leading Rovelli to conclude that ‘[i]n quantum mechanics different observers may give different accounts of the same sequence of events.’11

This would seem to make no sense at all if the wavefunctions are assumed to be physically real.

This logic can be extended without much difficulty to the situation envisaged by EPR, involving two entangled particles, A and B, and the quantum states ↑ and ↓. We know from Chapter 4 that the total wavefunction for such a system is given by


Let’s presume that the two particles move apart, A moving to the left and B moving to the right. We wait until they move some long distance apart such that they are no longer in causal contact, meaning that no physical influence or information having physical consequences can pass from one to the other in the time available.* We make measurements in two separate laboratories.* In the laboratory over on the left, Alice observes that particle A is measured to be in an ↑ state.

Now, because she knows how the original quantum system was prepared, she can speculate that particle B must be in a ↓ state, but at the instant that particle A is observed she personally cannot know the state of B, because she hasn’t established a relation with it. Likewise, in the laboratory over on the right, Bob observes that particle B is measured to be in a ↓ state, but can only speculate that particle A must therefore be ↑.

For this situation to change a further interaction is required which could involve Alice and Bob communicating with each other to share their results. Or perhaps they both share their results with a third observer—let’s call him Charles—who concludes from this that the states of the particles are indeed correlated—A is ↑ and B is ↓. They conclude that, as a result of making a measurement on either A or B, the total wavefunction collapsed to give the outcome AB. They proceed to scratch their heads as they ponder on the non-locality of the total wavefunction and the spooky action at a distance implied by quantum mechanics.

But Rovelli argues that this is the wrong way to think about what’s happening here. All that’s really changed through this sequence is the nature of the information available to Alice, Bob, and Charles. When Alice makes her measurement, she establishes a relation with particle A. Likewise, when Bob makes his measurement, he establishes a relation with particle B which is completely independent of Alice’s relation with A.

There’s nothing non-local, mysterious, or spooky about any of this. But then, we might ask, how is the correlation between A and B established? That’s easy. Alice and Bob used what they know about the two-particle quantum system from previous experience, and they coded this information in the total wavefunction. Remember, there’s a law of conservation which means that the only possible outcomes are AB and AB. This law specifically excludes the possibilities AB and AB, which is why these were not included in the expression for the total wavefunction. In other words, information about the correlation was ‘preloaded’ into the total wavefunction. That the correlation is indeed observed in the two laboratories—by virtue of a further communication transmitted in a very non-spooky way at speeds no faster than light—simply reflects that the information has been coded correctly. All our researchers have done is take information about past events and used it to predict the outcome of a series of subsequent events.

Rovelli’s interpretation requires that quantum systems enter a relationship before meaningful information about them can be gained. But there are alternatives which focus exclusively on the nature of the information associated with quantum systems. These are generally known as information-theoretic interpretations.

Drawing cues once more from Heisenberg’s positivism, physicist Anton Zeilinger has suggested that quantum mechanics is essentially a theory about information, in which what we call physical properties are actually propositions relating to this information, derived from previous experience. Such propositions can then be determined to be true or false through future observations. ‘In fact, the object therefore is a useful construct connecting observations,’ Zeilinger writes.12

In quantum mechanics, not all propositions can be simultaneously true—‘this system exhibits information characteristic of a linear particle trajectory’ and ‘this system exhibits information characteristic of wave interference’ cannot both be true simultaneously for the same system. This means that the amount of information about the system is necessarily limited or constrained.

Zeilinger identifies an elementary quantum system to be one that carries information sufficient to determine the truth of just one proposition. Now quantum systems may possess a number of physical properties that are classified as polar opposites, such as positive or negative, (+ or −), up or down, (↑ or ↓), left or right. We can think of these as ‘off’ or ‘on’, as binary numbers, 0 or 1, known in computing as ‘bits’. An elementary quantum system therefore carries just one bit of information. What we get now depends on what kind of experimental question we ask of the system.

Consider a quantum system prepared exclusively in an ↑ state. If we now assert the proposition ‘this system exhibits information characteristic of the ↑ state’, we will return the result ‘true’. But what if we assert ‘this system exhibits information characteristic of the + state’? As before, we’re obliged to rewrite the total wavefunction of the system as a superposition of + and − states. But now the information available in the system is insufficient for a simple ‘true’ or ‘false’ pronouncement. Instead the result is completely random. In some instances it will be ‘true’; in others it will be ‘false’, with equal (50:50) probability.

We can obviously scale up to multiple elementary systems, capable of carrying information sufficient to determine the truth of multiple propositions, involving multiple bits. An entangled state is a two-bit system involving two particles, in which the joint correlation between the particles requires more than one bit. Starting from some fairly simple information-theoretic principles, it is possible to reconstruct the entirety of quantum mechanics.

In Zeilinger’s formulation, quantum information is a manifestation of the underlying quantum properties, much like temperature is a manifestation of the underlying motions of atoms and molecules. But the theorist Jeffrey Bub has argued that quantum information is a new physical ‘primitive’, one that cannot be reduced to physical fields or particles.13 Bub’s interpretation of information is not dependent on the existence of observers, but rather represents a fundamental element of reality itself.

As with the relational interpretation, adopting the preconception that the wavefunction represents information about a physical system and not the system itself spares us all of the uncomfortable consequences that quantum mechanics appears to imply. But at the same time it is entirely counterintuitive to separate the physics of a quantum system from our representation of it. We struggle to resist the temptation to read more into our representation than might be warranted. Rovelli sympathizes. The metaphysical preconceptions which flow from Proposition #3 are to a significant degree second nature, developed over a considerable period of acquaintance with classical mechanics. The presumption of the reality of the base concepts of our representations ‘was a philosophical assumption to which science was obviously immensely indebted’.14 But it was always an assumption.

And look at what we get if we’re prepared to reject it. All our problems go away.

But the relational and information-theoretic interpretations demand a significant trade-off, and there is a heavy price to be paid. To gain these advantages we must relax our grip on reality itself, as Rovelli explains: ‘the abandonment of Einstein’s strict realism allows one to exempt himself from…. intellectual acrobatics’.15 We must content ourselves with what we can discover about quantum physical systems and use the mathematical formalism to interpret these in ways that allow us to predict the outcomes of future measurements. We know this works fantastically well. But don’t expect this interpretation to tell us what is actually going on.

What happens physically to an electron on its journey from an electron gun, through a plate with two slits, to a phosphorescent screen on which it is detected as a single bright spot? What happens physically when a quantum system with two measurement possibilities yields just one measurement outcome? What happens physically to Schrödinger’s cat before we lift the lid of the box, and look inside? What happens physically to both particles A and B when Alice detects particle A to be in an ↑ state? In this experiment, is there any kind of physical influence on particle B?

According to the relational and information-theoretic interpretations, there are simply no answers to these questions. This is not because we lack the wit to discover them, but because the questions themselves are meaningless. The quantum state of the electron has no significance until it establishes a relation with the phosphorescent screen, and until this happens we can say nothing meaningful about it. We can say nothing meaningful about a quantum system with two measurement possibilities until it establishes a relation with a measuring device, at which point we see one outcome. We can say nothing meaningful about the state of Schrödinger’s cat until we lift the lid, and establish a relation with it. Irrespective of the result Alice gets for particle A, we can say nothing meaningful about the state of particle B until Bob establishes a relation with it. We can say nothing meaningful about the state of the two-particle system AB until Alice establishes a relation with A, and Bob establishes a relation with B, and they then go on to establish a relationship between themselves.

There’s nothing to see here.

John Wheeler, every ready with an apt turn of phrase or a clever epithet, called it the ‘great smoky dragon’ (see Figure 10). We appear to have a handle on a quantum system at the start of some physical transformation—we can see the tail of the dragon—and at the finish we know the outcome—we can see the dragon’s head. But between start and finish it seems that we can say nothing meaningful about the physics. The body of the dragon is inaccessible, as though clouded in some obscure quantum fog.


Figure 10 Wheeler’s ‘great smoky dragon’.

Do you remember what Bohr is quoted as saying? ‘It is wrong to think that the task of physics is to find out how nature is. Physics concerns what we can say about nature.’16

This compares rather neatly with a quote from Alfred J. Ayer, the British spokesperson for the Vienna Circle’s particular brand of positivism:17

The originality of the logical positivists lay in their making the impossibility of metaphysics depend not upon the nature of what could be known but upon the nature of what could be said.

If we’re also mindful of Ludwig Wittgenstein’s famous caution: ‘Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent’,18 we’re led inexorably to a rather infamous conclusion. If we can say nothing meaningful about the physics but we have a perfectly satisfactory representation which works wonderfully well, then perhaps we should just shut up and calculate.

Although this last phrase is frequently attributed to Richard Feynman, it appears to have been coined by N. David Mermin. As a research student studying quantum mechanics in the 1950s, Mermin’s questions about meaning and interpretation were rebuffed by his professors:19

‘You’ll never get a PhD if you allow yourself to be distracted by such frivolities,’ they kept advising me, ‘so get back to serious business and produce some results.’ ‘Shut up,’ in other words, ‘and calculate.’ And so I did, and probably turned out much the better for it. At Harvard, they knew how to administer tough love in those olden days.

In my view, the relational and information-theoretic interpretations are firmly anti-realist in the sense of Proposition #3. But, mindful of Hacking’s wariness of judgements based just on representation, let’s ask a different question. Are the relational and information-theoretic interpretations simply passive, empirically adequate (and therefore anti-realist) interpretations, or are they something more active, in the spirit of Proposition #4?

My view is that if the wavefunction is coded information, gathered from previous experience of quantum phenomena, then these are surely rather passive representations. As we’ve seen, they can provide no basis for saying anything meaningful about the physics that gives rise to the information, and so they provide no deeper insight or understanding. Arguably, these approaches provide no real incentive to do anything differently, because there really is nothing to see here.

In these interpretations, we load the Ship of Science with all the empirical data we have gathered, we codify this in our passive representations, and we head straight for the rock shoal of Scylla, content with a rather empty instrumentalism.

* You can find out more about Rovelli, Smolin, and loop quantum gravity in Jim Baggott, Quantum Space: Loop Quantum Gravity and the Search for the Structure of Space, Time, and the Universe, published by Oxford University Press in 2018.
* Unless the two particles somehow communicate with each other at speeds faster than light, violating one of the fundamental postulates of Einstein’s special theory of relativity (which nobody in their right mind wants to do).
* We’ll see in Chapter 7 how real measurements in real laboratories have been performed specifically to test quantum mechanics in this way.