The 10 (+3) Most Unwanted List


In your repertoire of communication skills, there exist varying degrees of knowledge and ignorance, with their consequent interpersonal strengths and weaknesses. As a result, you may have no trouble at all dealing with that overly or unemotional person whom no one else can stand. You may have more difficulty with people who whine and are negative, or you may find dealing with aggressive people to be the most challenging. Passive people may frustrate you, or you may have a low tolerance for braggarts and blowhards. Likewise, you probably frustrate several people yourself because everybody is somebody’s difficult person at least some of the time.

You may agree or disagree with this or that person about who is the difficult person and who is not. Nevertheless, there is a certain consensus in polite society about who difficult people are and what it is they do that others find difficult. We’ve identified 10 specific behavior patterns that sane people resort to when they feel threatened or thwarted, which represent their struggle with or withdrawal from undesired circumstances, followed by three patterns of bad behavior more likely to be problematic in families. Here are 10 (+ 3) difficult behaviors that represent normal people at their worst!

The Tank

It was a beautiful day. The sky was clear, and Jim could hear birds singing outside his window. He was moving forward on the project, and the office was humming with activity and teamwork.

Suddenly, there was a familiar and inescapable sound!

It reminded Jim of the sound of tank treads rumbling down the hallway. It seemed as though the ground actually began to tremble, and Jim could almost hear the distant ping of radar being activated. As Jim listened, Joe “The Tank” Bintner rounded the corner and came into view. Raising his arm like a turret-mounted cannon, he pointed in Jim’s direction. Somehow, Jim could sense the cross hairs locking on to a target ... himself! In desperation, he mentally waved a white flag, but the Tank continued moving in his direction. As he stared in shock at the cannonlike finger now pointed at his face, Bintner unleashed a verbal blasting of accusation and scorn.

“... You’re an idiot, a moron. You’re completely incompetent and an embarrassment to the human race! You must be a genetic mistake. You’ve been working on this for two weeks, and you’re already three weeks behind. I won’t listen to any more of your excuses. Pay attention, because this is what you are going to do ...”

Out of the corner of his eye, Jim could see that everyone else in the office had either run for cover or was standing frozen, paralyzed with fear. Like the sound of distant thunder, Bintner barked out his orders. Then, as suddenly as it began, the determined assault ended. Bintner was moving off in a new direction, and Jim was left sitting amid the rubble of his best efforts and good intentions.

The Tank is confrontational, pointed, and angry, the ultimate in pushy and aggressive behavior.

The Sniper

Sue had never worked harder to prepare a report. This was the big day, and if she could deliver it in a professional and polished manner, there was a good chance she would be rewarded with a promotion. All eyes were on her as she began her presentation. She knew all her numbers would fit into place, and she could sense that victory was just around the corner.

Then, as she made her move to the bottom line, there was a stirring like the rustling of leaves, and she saw a slight movement off to the side of the room. That’s when she heard the shot:

“Hey,” said an insistent, scoffing voice. “That idea of yours reminds me of something I saw in a book. I think it was in Chapter 11!”

First a solitary, diabolical laugh filled the room, but then one uneasy chuckle after another joined it. Sue’s mind wandered, her concentration broken, the point she was about to make lost. “Huh?” she mumbled awkwardly, as she looked around for the source of the disruption. And there, grinning like a Cheshire cat was the Sniper, preparing to take another shot.

“Maybe it was Chapter 13? Ha ha. Don’t mind me. Please go on. I’m just beginning to understand how little you actually know about this subject.”

Whether through rude comments, biting sarcasm, or a well-timed roll of the eyes, making you look foolish is the Sniper’s specialty.

The Grenade

It had been a good day for getting work done. A pleasant breeze drifted lazily through the window as Ralph double-checked the numbers before him. That’s when Bob walked into the room, his face a rigid mask, hands balled into fists. Ralph could sense that something was wrong, but a second glance at Bob’s close-lipped expression prompted him to mind his own business. Bob passed Ralph’s desk, and as he did, he brushed against a stack of papers perched precariously on the desktop. The papers tumbled to the ground like so many autumn leaves drifting in the breeze. Ralph didn’t mean to say anything, but in spite of himself, a tiny voice escaped his throat, “Careful, there, Bob!”

In a timeless moment, Bob whirled about, eyes widening, facial muscles twitching, hair standing on end, arms trembling, as his voice exploded:

“Why don’t you watch where you put that %#@*& stuff, anyway #@!&?*!!@! How the *&!? was I supposed to know that was there!? svcvI don’t know why I even bother to show up here! Nobody cares what I’m going through! That’s the *&^!@ problem with the world today! Nobody gives a &%* ...”

As the volume of Bob’s voice escalated, the breeze seemed to became a violent wind with scraps of ideas whipping about in a flurry of epithets and emotional shrapnel. It seemed like forever, but at long last Bob’s anger began to subside. He stopped yelling, looked around at everyone staring at him, and stormed out the door without another word, slamming the door behind him. A lone sheet of paper drifted lazily to the floor.

After a brief period of calm, the grenade explodes into unfocused ranting and raving about things that have nothing to do with the present circumstances.

The Know-It-All

“Hello. This is XYZ Tech Support. My name is Frank. How may I help you?” Frank answered.

The customer began to explain. “My name is Thadeus Davis. I am the MIS director at my company, and I have worked with hundreds of hard drives.” Davis went on to describe the problem, concluding, “There is clearly something wrong with your product.”

“Well, Mr. Davis, I am very familiar with this product. What you have described does not sound to me like it’s mechanical, but it does sound like a software conflict. Could you tell me which extensions you have loaded?”

“It is not a software conflict.”

“Sir, that’s what I am trying to determine. How do you know it isn’t a software conflict?”

“Aren’t you listening? It is not a software conflict. The problem is with your product!”

Frank tried another question. “Did it generate a sense key condition? Do you recall what it said?” Davis didn’t remember, and he impatiently repeated that the product was at fault. Frank tried again. “Sir, have you tried the drive with another computer?”

Davis retorted, “We know it is not a problem with the computer because we can put any other drive on the computer. Let me speak to your supervisor!”

Seldom in doubt, the Know-It-All has a low tolerance for correction and contradiction. If something goes wrong, however, the Know-It-All will speak with the same authority about who’s to blame—you!

The Think-They-Know-It-All

Dena didn’t plan on it happening this way. She had the most expertise on the investment committee, and she had poured her heart and soul into the research. She really believed she was finally going to show what she was capable of doing. She forgot to consider the possibility that Leo might interfere. Like a bad dream come true, Leo was dominating the meeting. He was making claims about the performance of various funds that were pure hokum. No one else seemed to realize what he was doing! He had completely taken the group’s attention away with the conviction of his communication. And once Leo had the floor, there was no stopping him.

“Leo,” she pleaded. “Those funds are ..., well, when you look at their track record ...” She struggled with the information, not knowing how to stop this before it was too late.

“You got a question about that, or anything else, just ask!” Leo proclaimed without missing a beat, then turned back to his spellbound audience. “I know exactly what we need. Of course, for me, picking the right investments is a piece of cake! Yeah, no sweat! In fact, I kind of enjoy it! That’s an ability I have, you know. Plus, I have followed these funds for years. Great track record! Trust me!”

Great track record? From what he was saying, it was obvious to Dena that he knew nothing about those funds. It was equally obvious to her that she had no idea how to stop him. Her heart sank as she looked around the room and watched helplessly, as one by one, people were swayed by Leo’s sureness and enthusiasm. How could they know that he didn’t know what he was talking about, when Dena was the one who had done the research?

Think-They-Know-It-Alls can’t fool all of the people all of the time, but they can fool some of the people enough of the time, and enough of the people all of the time—all for the sake of getting some attention.

The Yes Person

Alice was just about the nicest person you could ever meet. So nice that she just couldn’t say no. So she didn’t. Instead, she said yes to everyone and everything, and she sincerely hoped that this would make everybody happy.

“Would you do me a favor?” asked Tom.

“Sure!” Alice would say.

“Drop this off for me, would you?” requested Mark.

“No problem!” was Alice’s reply.

“Could you remind me to return this call?” begged Ellen.

“All right!” Alice answered cheerfully.

“Finish this up before you leave, okay?” said the boss.

“My pleasure!” was Alice’s immediate response.

But more often than not, Alice didn’t remind Ellen, didn’t do Tom the favor, didn’t drop off Mark’s package, and didn’t finish the work her boss requested. She could always offer excuses and explanations for failing to do what she’d said she’d do, and yet, to her surprise, that just wasn’t good enough.

When promises aren’t kept, people get upset, and upset people become confrontational. Mark, Tom, Ellen, and the boss all confronted Alice, each in his or her own way. They assessed her problem and offered solutions, to which Alice always agreed because she wanted to avoid confrontation at any cost . Still pleasant on the outside, she was soon seething with silent hostility on the inside, and she decided that she had no intention of ever doing what she promised for these nasty people.

In an effort to please people and avoid confrontation, Yes People say yes without thinking things through. They react to the latest demands on their time by forgetting prior commitments, and they overcommit until they have no time for themselves. Then they become resentful.

The Maybe Person

Marv found himself up against a deadline that required a decision from Sue. Sue knew that the moment of decision was at hand, yet strangely, she was nowhere to be found. After a prolonged search of every hall and stairwell, he caught up with her at last. “I don’t have time to talk, Marv. I’m really sorry.” She tried to rush off, but Marv hustled to keep up with her and pressed his case.

“So, have you decided who we will be sending to the convention in Hawaii?” asked Marv urgently.

“Well ..., I’m still thinking about it,” was Sue’s tentative reply.

“Still thinking about it!?” Marv had to accelerate, as Sue was pulling away rapidly.

“Sue, the convention is in just three weeks. I asked you to choose somebody six months ago. This is the biggest event of the year, and we always send our best sales rep.”

“Well ..., I know, but ..., I guess I’ll decide ...”

Marv, breathing rapidly, hustled to keep up. “You guess? When?”

Sue stopped walking. “I don’t know. Soon.” She looked down at the floor absently for a moment, then spun around and headed back the way they’d come. Marv stood there, looking after her, astonished and breathing rapidly. There was no doubt in his mind that this decision would be put off until it was too late to act.

In a moment of decision, the Maybe Person procrastinates in the hope that a better choice will present itself. Sadly, with most decisions, there comes a point when it is too little, too late, and the decision makes itself.

The Nothing Person

If Nat had anything to say for himself, Sally would never know. His ability to sit and stare was unnerving, to say the least. The longer they were married, the less he would say. These days, it seemed to Sally that she did all the talking. There could be worse problems, of course. At least Nat wasn’t a bully, and he never talked unkindly about people. But then again, he hardly ever talked. Maybe a bit of gossip would be an improvement over the sound of silence. Sally thought she’d give it try. “So, uh, Nat, what do you think about the president’s work?” Nat didn’t seem to hear her. He just shrugged and kept reading the paper. Sally tried again. “Nat? So, uh, do you like him?”

The movement of his eyes upward to meet hers was almost imperceptible. Looking into his eyes was like looking into a vacant room. It appeared that nobody was home. “I ... don’t ... know.” That’s all he said, and then he lowered his eyes in that same nondescript manner, and he began reading again.

Sally couldn’t stop herself from pursuing this, now that she had begun it. After all, they had been married for over 17 years. She felt as if the distance between them was miles instead of meters and that it was her responsibility to build a bridge between them. So she tried again. “Nat, uh, it seems like we never talk. You never tell me you love me anymore. Do you still love me?”

Nat gave her that same look, then slowly turned his head until he was facing the window. He put the paper down and simply said, “Nothing is going on. I told you 17 years ago I love you. If something changes, I will let you know.” And that was that. He picked up his paper and went back to reading, and Sally’s hopes drifted off into the void.

No verbal feedback, no nonverbal feedback. Nothing. What else could you expect from ... the Nothing Person.

The No Person

Jack had just completed the third quarter of his seminar presentation when a woman in the back raised her hand. “Yes ma’am? You in the back. Do you have a question?”

She gazed at him through narrowed eyes. “That won’t work,” she said finally.

“Have you ever tried it?” He asked, unsure what they were talking about.

“What would be the point of trying it if it doesn’t work?” Whatever it was, it seemed obvious to her.

“How do you know it doesn’t work?” he tried again.

“It’s obvious.”

“Obvious to whom?” Jack asked. Desperation seized him and wouldn’t let go.

“To any intelligent person capable of thinking it through.” Her determination was remarkable.

“Well, it’s not obvious to me!” said Jack, believing he had gained the upper hand.

“Well now, what does that say about you?” She replied triumphantly.

More deadly to morale than a speeding bullet, more powerful than hope, able to defeat big ideas with a single syllable. Disguised as a mild mannered normal person, the No Person fights a never ending battle for futility, hopelessness, and despair.

The Whiner

Just as Joann was regaining her concentration, Cynthia began whining again. This was the 112th time she had been interrupted by Cynthia, and it wasn’t even noon.

To make matters worse, Cynthia’s voice dragged on and on, and it had the resonance of a chain saw. “Did I tell you that I just brought my new charcoal grill home after saving up for it for the last year and a half? It was very heavy, and I had a great deal of trouble getting it out of the car. My husband offered to help me, but he has a bad back, and I didn’t think that it was a good idea, so I wouldn’t let him. But the box was an awkward size. Not only that, but it’s very difficult to move a box when it doesn’t fit your arms. But I tried. Finally, after I’d bruised myself in several places, I got out a wheelbarrow ...”

“Cynthia,” Joann implored. “If you didn’t have any other way to get it out of your car, why didn’t you wait until a time when you had help before picking it up at the store?”

“But I couldn’t ask anyone else to help with it. And anyway, two people couldn’t have done it more easily than one. And I cut my finger on a staple on the box when I opened it! If people had been helping me, they would have cut themselves and blamed me. And besides, I didn’t know how long the sale would last, and I really wanted it. And my husband would have been very disappointed if I had waited because he was anxious to try it—as anxious as I was. And anyway, it didn’t work right, and I had to take it back, but it was too heavy to get it back in the box, and I ...”

As Cynthia’s voice drilled deeper into Joann’s unconscious, Joann thought to herself, “What’s wrong with her? All she ever does is complain!”

Whiners feel helpless and overwhelmed by an unfair world. Their standard is perfection, and no one and nothing measures up to it. But misery loves company, so they bring their problems to you. Offering solutions makes you bad company, so their whining escalates.


The Judge

The Giant dreaded his mother’s visits because she criticized or complained about everything. On her last visit, he gave her in a room in the tower because it had the best view. But she whined about having to walk up all the stairs. The time before that, he gave her a ground floor room, and she said, “What? I’m not special enough for a tower room?” So far, this visit was proving to be no different.

“Look at the way you’re dressed! A sloppy schlump! How can you expect people to fear you?”

“But, Ma, it’s not easy to find size extra-extra-extra-extra-large shirts.”

“Are you so lazy that you can’t do what it takes to look scary anymore? Yes, you are! And look at this place. You certainly haven’t done any yard work since I was last here. How can you let that unsightly giant bean stalk grow in your front yard? And you can’t clean up once in a while? Why, fee fi fo fum, it smells like the blood of an Englishman around here! Well, at least I hope you have taken good care of my dear goose.”

As his mom went into the castle to find her goose, the Giant rolled his big eyes, then plopped down onto the stone steps. He slumped sadly, feeling so incredibly small.

The Judge sets a standard that no one can meet, then pronounces judgment along with a running commentary of criticism.

The Meddler

Daphne stood up, surprised to see her future mother-in-law. “Hera, how nice of you to drop by! To what do I owe this honor?”

“Daphne, my future daughter-in-law.” Hera took hold of both Daphne’s shoulders, leaned back, and eyed her up and down. “I have come to help you dress. Let us begin, because much work will be required.”

Before Daphne could utter a word, Hera breezed by her and walked through the columned entrance into her apartment. Daphne chased after her. “Sorry, Hera, this isn’t exactly a good time. I haven’t had a chance to pick up.” But as she arrived in the main living space, Hera was nowhere to be seen. “Hera?” she called out.

“In here,” came Hera’s voice from Daphne’s bedroom.

From my bedroom! How dare she! Daphne thought. She walked into the bedroom and was about to say something when again she was stunned into silence. Hera was going through her closet like a whirlwind. Some outfits were thrown on the floor, others on the bed, and Hera had something to say about each in turn.

“Trash. Trash. This one you can wear on your honeymoon. This one, forget it, you’ll never fit into it. This one, it’s a rag ...”

Caught between her outrage and her desire to not offend her future mother-in-law, Daphne silently simmered. And as Hera went through her closet, Zeus’s head appeared out of nowhere and hovered in the center of the room, surrounded by roiling clouds. Oh, my god! Daphne thought. He’s as invasive as she is!

Meddlers think they know what’s best for you, decide you’re incapable, and seek to manage your life for you.

The Martyr

“Ho ho ho,” Santa laughed. “Well, Pinky, it’s one week before the big night, and we seem to be ahead of schedule! I am delighted.”

Pinky, the head elf, was always cautious about getting overly optimistic. But even he had to admit things were in great shape. He replied, “Yes, this is the first year in a century that I can remember having elves standing around at this time of the season.”

Santa smiled, leaned back in his chair, and prepared to light a celebratory pipe. At just that moment Mrs. Claus appeared at the door, with the phone in her hand. “Dear, I have my mother on the line. She is inviting us to come down to the South Pole for Christmas Eve dinner.”

Santa put his pipe down, took a deep breath, and said, “You well know, my dear, that I have to work on Christmas Eve.”

Mrs. Claus pulled the phone away from her ear, and Santa could hear his mother-in-law starting to complain: “Don’t tell me he can’t stop by for a dinner! He has to eat, doesn’t he? He certainly looks like he eats. And who told him to do everything in one night anyway? Not to mention that it was I who gave him the down payment on that magic sled and those reindeer in the first place. That’s why he’s able to be such a big shot! If not for my sacrifices on his behalf, he would still be a fat old man delivering presents in a small village in Sweden.”

Santa put his head in his hands and muttered, “That was 800 years ago! Do I still have to hear about it after all this time?”

Martyrs are needy givers, giving gifts whether you want them or not. Each gift comes with an obligation.


These are the difficult people whom most people can’t stand working with, talking with, and dealing with. But if you’re fed up with laziness, frustrated by bullies, disappointed in human nature, and tired of losing, don’t despair. Instead, remember that when dealing with difficult people, you always have a choice. In fact, you have four choices:

1. You can stay and do nothing. That includes suffering through it and complaining to someone who can do nothing about it. Doing nothing is dangerous because frustration with difficult people tends to build up and get worse over time. And complaining to people who can do nothing tends to lower morale and productivity, while postponing effective action.

2. You can vote with your feet. Sometimes, your best option is to walk away. Not all situations are resolvable, and some are just not worth resolving. Voting with your feet makes sense when it no longer makes any sense to continue to deal with the person. If the situation is deteriorating, if everything you say or do makes matters worse, and if you find yourself losing control, remember that discretion is the better part of valor, and walk away. As Eleanor Roosevelt said, “You’re nobody’s victim without your permission.” However, before you decide to walk, you may want to consider your other two choices:

3. You can change your attitude about your difficult people. Even if the difficult people continue to engage in the difficult behaviors, you can learn to see them differently, listen to them differently, and feel differently around them. There are attitudinal changes that you can make in yourself that will set you free from your reactions to problem people. And a change in attitude is absolutely necessary if you hope to find the willpower and flexibility to make the fourth choice:

4. You can change your behavior. When you change the way you deal with difficult people, then they have to learn new ways to deal with you. Just as certainly as some people bring out the best in you and some people bring out the worst in you, you have this same ability with others. There are effective, learnable strategies for dealing with most problem behaviors. Once you know what needs to be done and how to do it, you will be well on your way to taking charge over unpleasant situations and redirecting them to worthwhile results.