Abkhazi Garden: 211
Aboriginal Cultural Festival: 215
aboriginal culture: Aboriginal Cultural Festival 215; Bill Reid Gallery of Northwest Coast Art 59-60; Brockton Point totem poles 62; history of 282; Museum of Anthropology 76; Museum of Vancouver 74; Nanaimo Museum 228; residential schools 284; Royal British Columbia Museum 201; Squamish Lil’wat Cultural Centre 261, 262; Talking Stick Festival 148; Talking Trees Walk 62; top experience 12, 23; Vancouver International Airport 146; see also totem poles
Aboriginal Tourism Association of British Columbia: 23
Absolute Spa at the Fairmont: 189
accessibility: 302
accommodations: 185-197; general discussion 185-188; Downtown and the West End 188-192; Gastown and Chinatown 193-194; Granville Island 195; highlights 186; Kitsilano 195; Nanaimo 230; North Shore 197; Richmond 196-197; Squamish 257; Tofino 242-244; UBC and Point Grey 195-196; Ucluelet 246; Victoria 222-224; Whistler 272-275
airport hotels: 188
Alpha Lake: 268
Al’s Habrich Ridge Trail: 254
Alta Lake: 268
Ancient Cedars Trail: 266
Ancora Waterfront Dining and Patio: 21, 93, 104
Araxi Longtable Series: 266
architecture: B.C. Parliament Building 201; Fairmont Empress 200; Museum of Anthropology 76; Museum of Vancouver 74; Rattenbury, Francis Mawson 210; Sea Village 73; Vancouver Central Library 61; walking tours 28
art galleries: general discussion 290; Art Gallery of Greater Victoria 212; Audain Art Museum 261, 263; Bill Reid Gallery of Northwest Coast Art 59-60; Cambie Corridor 145; Downtown and the West End 137; Emily Carr House 209; Gastown and Chinatown 139; Granville Island 141-142; Legacy Art Gallery 210; Lonsdale Quay 91; Morris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery 77; Museum of Anthropology 76; Railspur Alley 72; Rennie Collection at Wing Sang 65; Robert Bateman Centre 208; UBC and Point Grey 144; Vancouver Art Gallery 60; Yaletown and False Creek 140
Art Gallery of Greater Victoria: 212
Artisan Wine Shop: 91
Artist Loop: 246
arts and culture: 135-151; Cambie Corridor 145-146; Commercial Drive 147; cultural overview 287-291; Downtown and the West End 137-138; Gastown and Chinatown 139-140; Granville Island 141-143; highlights 136; Kitsilano 143; UBC and Point Grey 144-145; Whistler 265; Yaletown and False Creek 140-141
Aussie Pie Guy: 97
backpacking: 233
bald eagles: 255
banking: 304
baseball: 163
Bastion, the: 228
Bateman, Robert: 208
BC Ferries Connector: 26
B.C. Parliament Building: 201
B.C. Place: 69
B.C. Sports Hall of Fame: 70
beaches: general discussion 307; best bets 166; Downtown and the West End 154; Kitsilano 159; Pacific Rim National Park Reserve 233, 234; Stanley Park 62; Tofino 239; UBC and Point Grey 160
Beacon Hill Children’s Farm: 209
Beacon Hill Park: 209
bear-watching tour: 239
Beaty Biodiversity Museum: 20, 78
Beaucoup Bakery & Café: 16, 110
Beaver Lake Trail: 63
best-of itinerary: 13-17
beverages: 291
Big Tree Trail: 238
biking: general discussion 157, 307; Commercial Drive 163; Crankworx Freeride Mountain Bike Festival 266; Seawall 58; Stanley Park 18, 63; tours 27; Whistler 266; Yaletown and False Creek 155
Bill Reid Gallery of Northwest Coast Art: 15, 23, 57, 59-60
Birds in Motion demonstration: 19, 87
Bistro: 215
Blackcomb: 259
Black Tusk/Garibaldi Lake: 256
Bloedel Conservatory: 80
Blue Parrot Espresso Bar: 71
bobsledding: 267
Boulevard Kitchen & Oyster Bar: 17, 21, 95
Brackendale Eagles Provincial Park: 249
Brasserie L’Ecole: 208
breweries, craft: Callister Brewing 81; Commercial Drive 133; Doan’s Craft Brewing Company 81; Downtown and the West End 127; Granville Island 73, 131; laws 28; Parallel 49 Brewing Company 81; Powell Street Craft Brewery 81; Squamish 257; top experience 10, 82; tours 28, 82; Vancouver Craft Beer Week 149; Victoria 208, 211; Yaletown and False Creek 128-129
bridges: Capilano Suspension Bridge 89; Lions Gate Bridge 62; Sky Pilot Suspension Bridge 253; Whistler 264
Britannia Mine Museum: 250
Britannia Shipyards National Historic Site: 17, 24, 164
Brockton Point Lighthouse: 62
Broken Islands Group: 233
Buddhist Temple: 86
Burnaby Lake Regional Park: 163
Butchart Gardens: 199, 208, 213
Callister Brewing: 81
Cambie Corridor: arts and culture 145-146; highlights 48-49; map 340-341; nightlife 132; restaurants 112-116; shopping 182-184; sights 17, 80-81; sports and activities 163
Cameron Bandshell: 210
camping: general discussion 187-188; Tofino 234; Ucluelet 246; Whistler 276
Canada Day: 149
Canadian independence: 283
Canadian Trail: 58
canoeing: 239
Canucks, Vancouver: 156
Capilano Suspension Bridge: 16, 19, 57, 89
Carr, Emily: 209
Catfe: 68
Cathedral Grove: 231
Celebrating Flight: 146
cemeteries: 212-213
Central Valley Greenway: 157, 163
Chan Centre for the Performing Arts: 136, 144
Cheakamus River: 256
Chef Hung Taiwanese Beef Noodle: 85
children, traveling with: 303
Chinatown: accommodations 193-194; arts and culture 24, 139-140; evolution 28; highlights 37; history of 67; map 38, 330-331; Millennium Gate 66; nightlife 127-128; restaurants 100-103; shopping 175-176; sights 16, 64-68; walking tour 36-39
Chinatown (Victoria): 208, 210
Chinese food: Dumpling Trail 21, 120; Richmond 118-120; Richmond Night Market 84; top experience 10, 120, 291
Chocolate Arts: 16, 21, 93, 110
Chocolate Project: 219
Church and State Wines: 214-215
Chutzpah! Festival: 148
Cibo Trattoria: 192
cinema: 140
Clayoquot Oyster Festival: 240
climate: 280-281
Coastal Peoples Fine Arts Gallery: 136, 139
comedy: Cambie Corridor 146; Downtown and the West End 138; Granville Island 143
Commercial Drive: arts and culture 147; highlights 50-51; map 342-343; nightlife 133-134; restaurants 116-118; shopping 184; sights 81-83; sports and activities 163-164
Common Loaf Bake Shop: 238, 242
communications: 305
Concerts in the Park: 210
consulates: 299
Cornucopia Festival: 266
Cox Bay Beach: 239
craft breweries: see breweries, craft
crafts: 72, 178-180; see also totem poles
Craigdarroch Castle: 212
Crankworx Freeride Mountain Bike Festival: 266
Creekside: 259
crime: 302
cross-country skiing: 269, 308
cruises: 235
culture: general discussion 287-291; Asian 24, 148; Eastside Culture Crawl 151; French 288; Indian Summer Festival 149; Jewish 148; see also aboriginal culture; arts and culture
currency: 304
customs: 299
Cypress Mountain: 168
Cypress Provincial Park: 167
Daiso: 85
dance: Downtown and the West End 138; PuSh International Performing Arts Festival 148; Yaletown and False Creek 141
David Foster Harbour Pathway: 209
David Lam Park: 155
Deep Cove Kayaks: 22, 153, 165
demographics: 287-288
Diamond Head: 256
Dinesty Dumpling House: 18, 95
discounts: 27
distilleries: Liberty Distilling 72; Long Table Distillery 70; Odd Society Spirits 82; tours 28; Victoria 214-215
Doan’s Craft Brewing Company: 81
Douglas Reynolds Gallery: 136, 145
downtown Vancouver: accommodations 185, 188-192, 195; arts and culture 137-138; highlights 31; map 32, 328-329; nightlife 125-127; restaurants 94-100; shopping 172-174; sights 14-15, 58-61; sports and activities 154-155; walking tour 30-35
Drinkwaters Social House: 235
Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden: 8, 16, 24, 64
Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Park: 65
Dude Chilling Park: 163
Eagle Run Park: 255
Eagle Spirit Gallery: 14, 72, 136, 141
earthquakes: 280
Eastside Culture Crawl: 151
EAT! Vancouver Food + Cooking Festival: 151
Ecology Centre: 90
Ecomarine Paddlesports Centre: 15, 162
economy: 286-287
Edible Canada Bistro: 15, 72, 107
Elaho-Squamish River: 256
Electronic Travel Authorization (eTA): 26
Elfin Lakes: 256
embassies: 299
emergency services: 301
Emily Carr House: 209
Empire Seafood Restaurant: 24, 120
Engine 374 Pavilion: 70
English Bay Beach: 15, 19, 23, 153, 154
entry requirements: 26
environmental issues: 281
European explorers: 282
events: general discussion 28-29; Squamish 255; Tofino 240; Vancouver 147-151; Victoria 215-216; Whistler 266
Expo ’86: 285
Eye of the Wind: 88
Fairmont Empress: 200, 208, 217, 223
Fairmont Pacific Rim: 21, 186, 188
False Creek: accommodations 194, 195; arts and culture 140-141; family activities 19; highlights 41; map 42, 332-333; nightlife 128-130; restaurants 103-107; shopping 177-178; sights 68-70; sports and activities 155-158; walking tour 40-43
family activities: 18-21; Beacon Hill Children’s Farm 209; Beaty Biodiversity Museum 78; Capilano Suspension Bridge 89; FlyOver Canada 58; Greenheart TreeWalk 79; Grouse Mountain 88; H. R. MacMillan Space Centre 75; Kidsbooks 181; Kids Market 73; Science World 68; travel tips 303; Ucluelet Aquarium 246; Vancouver International Children’s Festival 149; Vancouver Maritime Museum 75; Victoria Bug Zoo 208; Victoria Buttterfly Gardens 214; Whistler Children’s Festival 266; white-water rafting 256
Fan Tan Alley: 211
farmers markets: Granville Island 72; Kitsilano 26, 111; Tofino 241; UBC 79; Victoria 218; West End 26, 99; Whistler 269
Federation of Canadian Artists Gallery: 136, 141
ferries: general discussion 297; False Creek 75; Horseshoe Bay 91, 234, 244, 247; Nanaimo 231; Victoria 200, 225-226
festivals: 147-151
First Nations culture: see aboriginal culture
First Nations Dugout Canoe Tour: 238, 239
First Peak: 255
Fisherman’s Terrace Seafood Restaurant: 85
Fisherman’s Wharf: 209
flightseeing: 236
Flight (Spindle Whorl): 146
folk festival: 149
food: 291; see also restaurants, Restaurants Index
“Food Street”: 120
food trucks: 97
forests: 231
Freebird Chicken Shack: 164
French culture: 288
Function Junction: 259
galleries: see art galleries
Galley Patio and Grill: 20, 111
gardens and parks: general discussion 306; Abkhazi Garden 211; Beacon Hill Park 209; best bets 166; Butchart Gardens 213-214; Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden 8, 64; Granville Island 158; Hatley Park National Historic Site 215; Lost Lake Park 266; Lynn Canyon Park 22, 90; MacMillan Provincial Park 231; Nitobe Japanese Garden 77; North Shore 167; Queen Elizabeth Park 80; Stanley Park 7, 62-63, 166; Tofino Botanical Gardens 235; UBC Botanical Garden 78; VanDusen Botanical Garden 80; Vanier Park 75; Victoria Buttterfly Gardens 214; Yaletown and False Creek 155
Garibaldi Lake: 256
Garibaldi Provincial Park: 256
Gassy Jack Statue: 66
Gastown: accommodations 185, 193-194, 195; arts and culture 139-140; highlights 37; map 38, 330-331; nightlife 127-128; restaurants 100-103; shopping 172, 175-176; sights 16, 64-68; walking tour 36-39
Gate of Harmonious Interest: 210
geography: 279-280
goat stampede: 209
Goldcorp Centre for the Arts at Simon Fraser University: 148, 150
Golden Paramount Seafood Restaurant: 17, 24, 93, 119
Golden Village: 21, 24, 84, 120
gold rush: 282
Gordon MacMillan Southam Observatory: 75
government: 286
Granville Island: accommodations 185, 195; arts and culture 141-143; family activities 19; highlights 44-45; map 334-335; nightlife 131; people-watching 19; restaurants 107-108; shopping 178-180; sights 14-15, 71-74; sports and activities 158
Granville Island Brewing: 73
Granville Island Hat Shop: 72, 178
Granville Island Public Market: 8, 14, 19, 22, 71
Granville Street: 172
Green Lake: 268
Green Leaf Brewing: 91
Green Wave: 146
Grouse Grind: 16, 22, 88, 89, 153, 165
Grouse Mountain: 11, 15, 16, 19, 22, 57, 87-88
Grouse Mountain Refuge for Endangered Wildlife: 19, 87
Guelph Park: 163
Gulf of Georgia Cannery National Historic Site: 17, 24, 164
Guu Richmond: 85
Habitat Island: 71
Harmony Lake Trail and Loop: 261
Harmony Meadows Trail: 262
Harrison Galleries: 106
Hatley Park National Historic Site: 215
Hawksworth Restaurant: 21, 94, 188
health: 301-302
Helmcken House: 201
Hetux: 146
High Note Trail: 262
high season: 25
hiking: general discussion 306-307; Grouse Mountain 88, 165; Lynn Canyon Park 90; Meares Island 238; Pacific Rim National Park Reserve 233, 234; Squamish 254, 255-256; Stanley Park 63; Tofino 240; UBC and Point Grey 162; Ucluelet 246; Whistler 261, 266; Whistler-Blackcomb 259, 261
Hill’s Native Art: 16, 136, 139
historic sights: Bastion, the 228; B.C. Parliament Building 201; Britannia Mine Museum 250; Craigdarroch Castle 212; Emily Carr House 209; Engine 374 Pavilion 70; Hatley Park National Historic Site 215; Helmcken House 201; Roedde House Museum 61
history: 282-285
hockey: 156
Hollow Tree: 62
Holy Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral suppers: 113
hospitals: 301
Hotel at River Rock: 197
hotels: see accommodations, Hotels Index
hot springs: 236
Hoyne Brewing Co.: 211
H. R. MacMillan Space Centre: 75
Hugging the World: 146
Human/Bear Mask: 146
ice-skating: general discussion 308; Downtown and the West End 155; Grouse Mountain 89; Richmond 165
immigrant history: 283
immigration and customs: 26, 299
Indian Summer Festival: 149
Inner Harbour, Victoria: 199, 200
insurance, health: 301
International Buddhist Temple: 17, 24, 86
International Summer Night Market: 84
itineraries: Vancouver 14-24; Victoria 208; West Coast, Vancouver Island 236; Whistler 261
Japanese gardens: 77
jazz: 149
Jericho Sailing Centre: 20, 160
Jetside Bar: 196
Jewish culture: 148
jogging/walking paths: Burnaby Lake Regional Park 163; Cathedral Grove 231; David Foster Harbour Pathway 209; Seawall 58
Kaboom Box, The: 97
kayaking: general discussion 307; best bets 166; Broken Islands Group 233; False Creek 19, 155; Granville Island 72, 158; Indian Arm fjord 22, 165; Meares Island 238; North Shore 165; Point Grey 20; Stanley Park 62; UBC and Point Grey 162; Whistler 268
Ken Spencer Science Park: 68
Kitsilano: accommodations 185, 195; arts and culture 143; highlights 46-47; map 323; nightlife 131-132; restaurants 108-111; shopping 180-182; sights 74-76; sports and activities 159
Kwisitis Visitor Centre: 233, 234, 238
Lee’s Donuts: 71
Legacy Art Gallery: 210
Le Tigre Cuisine: 97
Letter Writing Club: 183
LGBTQ culture: general discussion 29; nightlife 126; travel tips 303; Vancouver Pride Festival 150; Whistler Pride and Ski Festival 266
libraries: 61
Lighthouse Loop: 246
literature: 289
Locarno Beach: 161
logging: 255
Lone Cone Trail: 238
Long Beach Unit: 233
Long Table Distillery: 70
Longtail Kitchen: 164
Lost Lake: 268
Lost Lake Park: 266
MacKenzie Beach: 239
MacMillan Provincial Park: 231
Main Gracious Hall: 86
Main Street: 172
maps: Cambie Corridor 340-341; Chinatown 330-331; Commercial Drive 342-343; downtown Vancouver 328-329; False Creek 332-333; Gastown 330-331; Granville Island 334-335; Kitsilano 338-339; North Shore 346-347; Point Grey 336-337; Richmond 344-345; University of British Columbia 336-337; West End 328-329; Yaletown 332-333
Maquinna Marine Provincial Park: 236
marathons: 149
maritime museums: 75
Meares Island: 238
media: 305
medical services: 301
meditation: 266
military sights: 228
Millennium Gate: 66
mining: 250
Mobi bike sharing: 157
Modern Café: 229
Mom’s Grilled Cheese: 97
money: 304
Monument for East Vancouver: 83
Moon Under Water Brewery and Pub: 211
Morris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery: 77, 144
mountain biking: 259, 261, 262
Mount Seymour: 169
Museum of Anthropology: 9, 16, 20, 57, 76
Museum of Vancouver: 74
music: general discussion 290; Beacon Hill Park 210; Downtown and the West End 125, 137; Gastown and Chinatown 127; Granville Island 131; PuSh International Performing Arts Festival 148; TD Vancouver International Jazz Festival 149; UBC and Point Grey 144; Vancouver Folk Festival 149; Victoria festivals 216; Whistler 265; Yaletown and False Creek 130
Musqueam Welcome Figures: 146
Nanaimo: 228-232
Nanaimo bars: 229
Nanaimo Museum: 228
Nanaimo Visitor Centre: 229
Nat Bailey Stadium: 163
neighborhoods: 30-55; Cambie Corridor 48-49; Commercial Drive 50-51; Downtown and the West End 30-35; Gastown and Chinatown 36-39; Granville Island 44-45; Kitsilano and UBC 46-47; North Shore 54-55; Richmond 52-53; Yaletown and False Creek 40-43
NEXUS card: 26
nightlife: 123-134; Cambie Corridor 132; Commercial Drive 133-134; Downtown and the West End 125-127; Gastown and Chinatown 127-128; Granville Island 131; highlights 124; Kitsilano 131-132; Whistler 265; Yaletown and False Creek 128-130; see also Nightlife Index
Nitobe Japanese Garden: 16, 57, 77
North Shore: accommodations 187, 197; family activities 19; highlights 54-55; map 346-347; restaurants 121-122; sights 16, 87-91; sports and activities 165-169
Nuu-chah-nulth Trail: 234
observatories: 75
Odd Society Spirits: 17, 57, 82
Old Cemeteries Society of Victoria: 213
old-growth forests: 231
OLO: 208
Olympic Cauldron: 58
Olympics of 2010: 71, 263, 285
outdoor adventure: 12, 22-24, 166; see also sports and activities
Oyama Sausage: 71
oysters: 240
Pacific Central Station: 26
Pacific Rim National Park Reserve: 199, 232-235, 238
Pacific Rim Visitor Centre: 233
Pacific Rim Whale Festival: 240
Pacific Spirit Regional Park: 20, 153, 162, 166
packing tips: 302
Panorama Trail: 254
Parallel 49 Brewing Company: 17, 57, 81
Parliament Building: 208
passes, sightseeing: 27
Peak Chalet: 87
people-watching sites: 19
pharmacies: 301
Phillips Beer: 211
photo tours: 27
Pirate Chips: 229
planetariums: 75
planning tips: 25-29
Point Artist-Run Centre: 265
Point Grey: accommodations 195-196; arts and culture 144-145; map 336-337; restaurants 111-112; sights 20, 76-80; sports and activities 160-162
police museum: 66
politics: 286
Polygon Gallery: 91
population: 287-288
Porteau Cove Provincial Park: 252
Powell Street Craft Brewery: 81
Powerhouse Living Foods: 229
Presentation House Gallery: 91
Prospect Point: 62
publications: 305
public transportation: 295
PuSh International Performing Arts Festival: 148
Queen Elizabeth Park: 80
rafting: 256
Rattenbury, Francis Mawson: 210
Rawlings Trail: 63
reading, suggested: 309-310
recreation: see sports and activities
Red Light Rendezvous Tour: 66
religion: 289
Rennie Collection at Wing Sang: 65
reservations, advance: 26
resources, Internet: 310-311
restaurants: 92-122; general discussion 291; Cambie Corridor 112-116; Commercial Drive 116-118; Dine Out Vancouver 147; Downtown and the West End 94-100; EAT! Vancouver Food + Cooking Festival 151; Gastown and Chinatown 100-103; Granville Island 107-108; highlights 93; Kitsilano 108-111; Nanaimo 229; North Shore 121-122; Richmond 118-121; Squamish 257; Tofino 240-242; UBC and Point Grey 111-112; Ucluelet 246; Victoria 217-222; Whistler 279-282; Yaletown and False Creek 103-107; see also Restaurants Index
Richmond: accommodations 187, 196-197; Asian culture 24, 120; family activities 20; highlights 52-53; map 344-345; restaurants 118-121; sights 17, 84-87; sports and activities 165
Richmond Night Market: 17, 21, 24, 57, 84
Richmond Olympic Experience: 86
Richmond Olympic Oval: 86, 165
River Market: 164
Robert Bateman Centre: 208
Robson Square Ice Rink: 155
Robson Street: 172
Rocky Mountaineer: 294
Roedde House Museum: 61
romantic sights: 21
Ross Bay Cemetery: 212-213
Roundhouse Community Arts & Recreation Centre: 148
Royal British Columbia Museum: 199, 201, 208
Saanich Peninsula: 213-215
safety: 301-302
sake: 73
salmon candy: 71
Scenic Rush: 257
sculpture: general discussion 290; A-maze-ing Laughter 61; Craigdarroch Castle 212; Dude Chilling Park 163; Monument for East Vancouver 83; Museum of Anthropology 77; Olympic Village 69; Rennie Collection at Wing Sang 65; Terry Fox Memorial 70; Vancouver Art Gallery 60; Vancouver International Airport 146
Sea Cider Farm & Ciderhouse: 215
Sea Harbour Seafood Restaurant: 197
seals, snorkeling with: 199, 228
Sea Safari: 91
season, travel tips by: 25
Sea-to-Sky Highway: 248; in a Ferrari 257; map 251; sights 252
Sea-to-Summit Trail: 254
Seawall: 15, 18, 19, 58, 62, 157, 166
Second Peak: 255
senior travelers: 303
Seven Buddha Hall: 86
Shannon Basin Loop Trail: 254
Shannon Falls Provincial Park: 253
Shaw Ocean Discovery Centre: 214
shopping: 170-184; Cambie Corridor 182-184; Commercial Drive 184; Downtown and the West End 172-174; Gastown and Chinatown 175-176; Granville Island 178-180; highlights 171; Kitsilano 180-182; Victoria 216-217; Yaletown and False Creek 177-178; see also Shops Index
Shorepine Bog Trail: 234
sights: 56-91; Cambie Corridor 80-81; Commercial Drive 81-83; Gastown and Chinatown 64-68; Granville Island 71-74; highlights 57; Kitsilano 74-76; North Shore 87-91; Richmond 84-87; UBC and Point Grey 76-80; Whistler 265; Yaletown and False Creek 68-70
Sins of the City Walking Tours: 66
skeleton runs: 268
skiing/snowboarding: general discussion 308; Cypress Mountain 168; Grouse Mountain 88; Mount Seymour 169; Whistler-Blackcomb 259, 262
Skyline Ridge Trail: 254
Sky Pilot Suspension Bridge: 253
sledding: 267
snowshoeing: general discussion 308; Cypress Mountain 168; Grouse Mountain 89; Sea-to-Sky Gondola 254; Whistler Olympic Park 269
South Beach Trail: 234
souvenirs: 172-174
Spanish Banks Beach: 161
spas: Absolute Spa at the Fairmont 189; Tofino 244; Wedgewood Hotel & Spa 190; Whistler 261, 264
Spinnakers Gastro Brewpub: 211
Spirit of Haida Gwaii: The Jade Canoe: 146
Spirit Trail: 254
sports and activities: 152-169; Cambie Corridor 163; Commercial Drive 163-164; Downtown and the West End 154-155; Granville Island 158; highlights 153; Kitsilano 159; Nanaimo 228; North Shore 165-169; Pacific Rim National Park Reserve 234; Richmond 165; Sports Hall of Fame 69; Squamish 250-254, 255-256; Tofino 236-240; UBC and Point Grey 160-162; Ucluelet 246; Victoria 217; Whistler 259-263, 266-269; Yaletown and False Creek 155-158
Spring Festival Parade: 148
Sproat Lake: 235
Squamish: 250-258
Squamish Days Loggers Sports Festival: 255
Squamish Lil’wat Cultural Centre: 23, 249, 252, 261, 262
Stanley Park: 7, 15; family activities 18; sights 15, 62-63; top experience 62-63, 166
Stawamus Chief Provincial Park: 249, 255
Steveston Seabreeze Adventures: 164
Steveston Village: 17, 20, 24, 164
street food smartphone app: 97
student travelers: 300
Sunset Beach: 154
Swans Brewpub: 211
Talking Stick Festival: 148
Taste: Victoria’s Festival of Food and Wine: 216
Tatlow Walk: 63
taxes: 304
taxis: 297
Taylor Meadows: 256
TD Vancouver International Jazz Festival: 149
Teahouse at Abkhazi Garden: 212
temples: 86
Terry Fox Memorial: 70
theater: Cambie Corridor 145; Commercial Drive 147; Downtown and the West End 137; Gastown and Chinatown 139; Granville Island 142-143; Kitsilano 143; PuSh International Performing Arts Festival 148; UBC and Point Grey 144; Vancouver Fringe Festival 150; Victoria festivals 216; Yaletown and False Creek 141
Theatre in the Sky: 87
Third Beach: 62
Third Peak: 255
30 Foot Pool Trail: 90
Thousand Buddha Hall: 86
Thunderbird and Killer Whale: 146
Thunderbird Café: 263
Thunderbird Park: 201
tobogganing: 269
Tofino Botanical Gardens: 235, 238
Tofino Food and Wine Festival: 240
top experiences: 6-13
totem poles: Beacon Hill Park 209; Douglas Reynolds Gallery 145; Museum of Anthropology 76; Royal British Columbia Museum 201; Stanley Park 15, 18, 62; Thunderbird Park 201; Vancouver Maritime Museum 76
Tourism Nanaimo: 229
Tourism Victoria: 200
tourist information: 305
tours: general discussion 27; First Nations Dugout Canoe Tour 238; Hatley Castle 215; Parliament Building 208; Royal British Columbia Museum 201; Tofino 236, 238-239; Victoria 200; see also specific place
tours, walking: general discussion 27-28; Downtown and the West End 32-35; Gastown and Chinatown 38-39; Nanaimo bar trail 229; Vancouver Police Museum 66; Whistler 263; Yaletown 42-43
train wreck site: 264
tree-top canopy walks: 267
trolley tours: 62
Twin Falls Trail: 90
UBC Museums and Gardens Pass: 27
Ucluelet: 246-247
Ucluelet Aquarium: 246
Ukrainian Church suppers: 113
University of British Columbia: accommodations 187, 195-196; arts and culture 144-145; family activities 20; highlights 46-47; map 336-337; restaurants 111-112; sights 16, 76-80; sports and activities 160-162
Upper Village: 259
Valley Trail: 266
Vancouver Aquarium Marine Science Centre: 18, 62
Vancouver Brewery Tours: 82
Vancouver Canadians: 163
Vancouver Central Library: 61
Vancouver Craft Beer Week: 28, 149
Vancouver East Cultural Centre: 136, 147, 148
Vancouver Folk Festival: 29, 149
Vancouver Fringe Festival: 29, 150
Vancouver International Airport: 26, 146
Vancouver International Children’s Festival: 149
Vancouver International Film Festival: 151
Vancouver International Jazz Festival: 29, 149
Vancouver International Wine Festival: 148
Vancouver Island: highlights: 199; maps: 202-203; Nanaimo: 228-232; Victoria: 200-228; West Coast: 232-247
Vancouver Island Brewing Co.: 211
Vancouver Lookout: 14, 15, 16, 59
Vancouver Maritime Museum: 75
Vancouver Police Museum: 66
Vancouver Pride Festival: 29, 136, 150
Vancouver street food smartphone app: 97
Vancouver Sun Run: 149
Vancouver Theatre Sports League: 23, 136, 143
Vancouver Whale Watch: 164
Vancouver Writers Fest: 151
VanDusen Botanical Garden: 57, 80
Vanier Park Explore Pass: 75
Vice, Dice, and Opium Pipes Tour: 66
Victoria: 200-228; accommodations 222-224; day trip 208; dining 217-222; festivals 215-216; highlights 199; information and services 224; maps 204-207; recreation 217; shopping 216-217; sights 200-215; top experience 13, 200; transportation 224-228
Victoria Bug Zoo: 208
Victoria Buttterfly Gardens: 214
Victoria Classic Boat Festival: 216
Victoria Day: 215
Victoria Distillers: 215
Victoria Fringe Fest: 216
Victoria Harbour Ferry: 200, 209
Victoria International Buskers Festival: 216
Victoria Symphony Splash: 216
views, best: general discussion 15; gondolas 253, 259; Grouse Mountain 88; LIFT Bar & Grill 124; Rennie Collection at Wing Sang 65; Vancouver Lookout 59
walking tours: see tours, walking
Wanderlust Whistler: 266
waterfalls: 253
weather: 280-281
West 4th Avenue: 172
West Coast Trail: 233
West Coast, Vancouver Island: 232-247
West End: accommodations 185, 188-192, 195; arts and culture 137-138; map 32, 328-329; nightlife 125-127; restaurants 94-100; shopping 172-174; sights 58-61; sports and activities 154-155; walking tour 30-35
Whale Centre: 236
whale-watching: general discussion 164, 308; Granville Island 158; Pacific Rim Whale Festival 240; Richmond 20, 164; Tofino 236, 238; Victoria 199, 208, 217
Whistler-Blackcomb: 249
Whistler Children’s Festival: 266
Whistler Film Festival: 266
Whistler Olympic Park: 269
Whistler-Olympic Plaza: 263
Whistler Pride and Ski Festival: 266
Whistler Village: 259
Whistler Writers Festival: 266
white-water rafting: 256
wildlife viewing: bear tours 238; bear-watching tour 239; Brackendale Eagles Provincial Park 255; sea lion tours 164; Sea Safari 91; Shaw Ocean Discovery Centre 214; snorkeling with seals 228; Tofino 236; see also whale-watching
Wild Pacific Trail: 246
windsurfing: 162
wine: Cornucopia Festival 266; Downtown and the West End 174; Granville Island 180; Olympic Village 178; Taste: Victoria’s Festival of Food and Wine 216; Tofino Food and Wine Festival 240; Vancouver International Wine Festival 148; Victoria 214-215; Whistler 265
Wonderland Trail: 254
Woodward’s Building: 68
work permits: 300
World War II: 284
Wreck Beach: 161
Yaletown: accommodations 185, 194, 195; arts and culture 140-141; highlights 41; map: 42, 332-333; nightlife 128-130; restaurants 103-107; shopping 177-178; sights 19, 68-70; sports and activities 155-158; walking tour 40-43
yoga: 266
Yolk’s Breakfast Street Meet Truck: 97
Zambri’s: 208
Zen Kitchen: 86
zip-lines: 22, 88, 259, 261, 267
Ancora Waterfront Dining and Patio: 93, 104
AnnaLena: 108
Ask for Luigi: 101
Au Comptoir: 110
Aussie Pie Guy: 97
Bao Bei Chinese Brasserie: 101
BBT Shop: 120
Beaucoup Bakery & Café: 110
Bella Gelateria: 99
Bella Gelateria Yaletown: 106
Bishop’s: 108
Blue Water Café: 104
Boulevard Kitchen & Oyster Bar: 95
Burdock & Co: 112
Bushuair Restaurant: 118
Buzz Café and Espresso Bar: 106
Café Zen: 110
Caffé Artigiano: 100
Chau Veggie Express: 108
Chicha: 114
Crackle Crème: 103
Culprit Coffee: 111
Dinesty Dumpling House: 95
Dumpling Trail: 120
Dynasty Seafood: 113
Edible Canada Bistro: 107
Empire Seafood Restaurant: 120
España Restaurant: 98
Fable: 109
Fanny Bay Oyster Bar: 105
Farmer’s Apprentice: 113
Forage: 94
49th Parallel Coffee Roasters: 115
Galley Patio and Grill: 111
Gene Coffee Bar: 116
Giardino: 106
Go Fish: 107
Golden Paramount Seafood Restaurant: 93, 119
Golden Village: 120
Hao’s Lamb Restaurant: 93, 119
Hawksworth Restaurant: 94
Hokkaido Ramen Santouka: 96
Homer Street Café and Bar: 103
Honey Donuts: 122
House Special: 105
Jam Café: 102
Jamjar: 116
Japadog: 96
Juniper Kitchen & Bar: 16, 65, 100
Juno Sushi Bistro: 105
Kaboom Box: 97
Kin Kao Thai Kitchen: 116
Kitsilano Farmers Market: 111
La Grotta del Formaggio: 117
La Pentola: 106
Le Crocodile: 97
Le Tigre Cuisine: 97
Liberty Bakery: 115
Market Grill: 108
Meat and Bread: 99
Merchant’s Oyster Bar: 116
Mission: 109
Mom’s Grilled Cheese: 97
Mr. Red Café: 109
New Spicy Chili Restaurant: 24, 93, 118
O5 Tea Bar: 111
Peaceful Restaurant: 96
Pidgin: 101
Pier 7 Restaurant & Bar: 17, 121
Prado Café: 117
Rain or Shine Ice Cream: 110
Rangoli: 114
The Red Wagon: 117
Revolver: 103
Richmond Public Market: 121
Rodney’s Oyster House: 105
Savary Island Pie Company: 121
Shao Lin Noodle House: 113
Small Victory Bakery: 107
Snowy Village Dessert Café: 20, 99
Stock Market: 108
Taishoken Ramen: 101
Templeton: 98
Terra Breads Bakery Café: 71, 107
Tojo’s: 114
Tractor Foods: 99
Tsuki Sushi Bar: 101
Turks Coffee House: 117
Ukrainian Church suppers: 113
Vancouver Street Food app: 97
Vij’s: 114
West End Farmers Market: 99
WildTale Coastal Grill: 19, 105
Yaas Grill House: 121
YEW Seafood + Bar: 95
Yolk’s Breakfast Street Meet Truck: 97
Alibi Room: 127
Bacchus Lounge: 126
Backstage Lounge: 131
Brassneck Brewery: 129
Cascade Room: 132
Celebrities Nightclub: 126
Central City Brew Pub: 129
Chill Winston: 128
Commodore Ballroom: 125
Corduroy: 131
The Diamond: 128
Dockside Lounge: 131
Fountainhead Pub: 126
Frankie’s Jazz Club: 130
Gerard Lounge: 126
Guilt & Company: 127
Havana: 134
Jonnie Fox’s Irish Snug: 125
La Mezcaleria: 134
Local Public Eatery: 131
Prohibition Lounge: 16, 124, 125
The Roxy: 125
Salt Tasting Room: 128
Shameful Tiki Room: 132
Six Acres: 127
St. Augustine’s: 133
33 Acres Brewing: 17, 124, 128
Uva Wine & Cocktail Bar: 16, 126, 192
Wolf and Hound: 132
Yaletown Brewing Company: 129
Ainsworth Custom Design: 179
Ayoub’s Dried Fruits and Nuts: 174
Bookmark: 173
Circle Craft Co-Operative: 179
Comor Sports: 181
Designhouse: 173
Edible Canada: 180
Funk Shui Atelier: 178
Global Atomic Designs: 177
Gourmet Warehouse: 184
Granville Island Broom Co.: 179
Granville Island Hat Shop: 178
Gravity Pope: 180
Holt Renfrew: 172
Indigo: 183
Kit and Ace: 175
Legacy Liquor Store: 178
Liberty Wine Merchants: 180
Little Dream: 178
Lululemon Athletica: 173
MEC: 183
Moulé: 177
My Sister’s Closet: 177
Nordstrom: 173
Oak + Fort: 175
One of a Few: 175
Örling & Wu: 176
Paper Hound Bookshop: 176
Pulp Fiction Books: 181
Regional Assembly of Text: 183
Silk Road Tea: 181
Silk Weaving Studio: 179
Sports Junkies: 184
Sterling Glassworks: 179
Still Fabulous: 184
Travel Bug: 182
Twigg & Hottie: 182
Two of Hearts: 180
Vancouver Special: 183
Viti Wine & Lage: 174
Wickaninnish Gallery: 180
Winners: 173
Woo To See You: 177
Barclay House B&B: 191
Blue Horizon Hotel: 191
Century Plaza Hotel & Spa: 192
Corkscrew Inn: 195
Delta Vancouver Suites: 193
Fairmont Hotel Vancouver: 189
Fairmont Pacific Rim: 186, 188
Fairmont Vancouver Airport Hotel: 196
Four Seasons Hotel Vancouver: 189
Granville Island Hotel: 195
HI-Vancouver Jericho Beach: 195
Hotel at River Rock: 197
Hotel BLU: 194
Loden Hotel: 189
Moda Hotel: 192
Opus Hotel Vancouver: 21, 186, 194
Pacific Spirit Hostel: 196
Pan Pacific Hotel Vancouver: 190
Pinnacle Hotel at the Pier: 197
River Rock Casino Resort: 196
Rosewood Hotel Georgia: 186, 188
Sunset Inn and Suites: 192
Sylvia Hotel: 192
Victorian Hotel: 193
Wedgewood Hotel & Spa: 21, 190
West Coast Suites at UBC: 195
West End Guest House: 190
YWCA Hotel Vancouver: 194