Table of Contents

Introduction by John Bennett, The Aspen Center for Environmental Studies

Jim Worrall, U.S. Forest Service

Sudden Aspen Decline & Climate Change – Why More SAD May Await Us

Diana Six, University of Montana

Climate, Forests & Insects: From Montana White Pine to South African Euphorbia

Phillip van Mantgem, U.S. Geological Survey

Can Our Forests Take the Heat? Increasing Tree Mortality Rates Across the Western U.S.

Tom Swetnam, University of Arizona

Wildfire, Climate & People: Perspectives and Warnings from the Past

Werner Kurz, Canadian Forest Service, Natural Resources Canada

Sinks & Sources: The Role of Forests in Carbon Sequestration … and Why It Matters

Craig Allen, U.S. Geological Survey

We’re Not Alone: Forest Die-off Risks Around the Globe

Linda Joyce, U.S. Forest Service

The Future of Our National Forests: Enhancing Adaptive Capacity

Tom Cardamone, Aspen Center for Environmental Studies

Sequestering Carbon in a High Elevation Peat Bog

A record of the presentations from the Forests At Risk Symposium in Aspen, Colorado on Februrary 18, 2011