Title Page
Author’s Note
Introduction: The White Castle
1. The Beginning: Gazi Osman and Orhan
2. The Sultan and His Converted Slaves: Murad I
3. Resurrecting the Dynasty: Bayezid I, Mehmed I, and Murad II
4. Conquering the Second Rome: Mehmed II
5. A Renaissance Prince: Mehmed II
6. A Pious Leader Faces Enemies at Home and Abroad: Bayezid II
7. Magnificence: From Selim I to the First Ottoman Caliph, Suleiman I
8. Sultanic Saviours
9. The Ottoman Age of Discovery
10. No Way Like the ‘Ottoman Way’
11. Harem Means Home
12. Bearded Men and Beardless Youths
13. Being Ottoman, Being Roman: From Murad III to Osman II
14. Return of the Gazi: Mehmed IV
15. A Jewish Messiah in the Ottoman Palace
16. The Second Siege of Vienna and the Sweet Waters of Europe: From Mehmed IV to Ahmed III
17. Reform: Breaking the Cycle of Rebellion from Selim III to Abdülaziz I
18. Repression: A Modern Caliph, Abdülhamid II
19. Looking Within: The Ottoman Orient
20. Saving the Dynasty from Itself: Young Turks
21. The Genocide of the Armenians and the First World War: Talat Pasha
22. The End: Gazi Mustafa Kemal
Conclusion: The Ottoman Past Endures
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About the Author
List of Ottoman Rulers and Their Reigns
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