

To babble in a dream, or feel that what you are saying isn’t making sense, means you need to rethink your words before you speak.


If you dream of a baboon, you need to spend more time with family and friends or you need to get more serious about your life.


To dream of a babushka or other kerchief means you are hiding your thoughts from other people.


To dream of crying babies is indicative of ill health and disappointments. A happy baby denotes love requited and many warm friends.


To dream of a baby carriage suggests that a friend will devise many pleasurable surprises for you.


To dream you are babysitting or being babysat means you need to be more playful; if you are being too childish, you need to develop an adult consciousness.


If a man dreams of being a bachelor, and he isn’t, there are problems in his love life.


To dream of seeing a naked back denotes loss of power. Lending advice or money can be dangerous.

If you see a person turn and walk away from you, envy and jealousy are working to your detriment.

To dream of one’s own back bodes ill for the dreamer.


To dream of playing backgammon portends unexpected meetings with strangers.

If you win the backgammon game, it means gain in your life. If you lose, unsettled business affairs will bother you.


Conditions will change from good to bad if you are joined by others in backstabbing. To dream of your friends stabbing you in the back means they will remain loyal.


It is good to dream of eating bacon.


To dream of bacteria means that your health is in good shape.


To give or receive a badge bespeaks a need to develop more courage for an upcoming event.


To dream of a badger is a sign of success after battles with hardships.


To feel baffled by a situation in your dream means you will find clarity with regard to a vexing event in your life. If you try to baffle someone in your dream, you will create confusion in an upcoming life event.


If you dream of eating a bagel or making one, expect to go around in circles before you find a solution to a problem—but you will find one.


To carry baggage means you must clear out emotional issues that are keeping you from seeing things as they truly are. To pack baggage foretells an upcoming trip. To unpack a bag signifies increased clarity regarding the future.


Dreaming of bagpipes is not bad, unless the music is harsh and the player is in rags.


If the dreamer is seeking bail or is bailing someone out, unforeseen troubles will arise; accidents are likely to occur; unfortunate alliances may be made.


To dream of a bailiff implies that your goals may be too high to reach.


To dream of a bakery tells you to be cautious if you’re making changes in your career.


In dreams, baking is a sign of good luck.

*See Bread, Crust, Custard.


To dream of trying to stay balanced on an object tells you to seek more give-and-take in your view of a current situation. To be unable to balance means you’re looking at things myopically; you need to broaden your outlook.


Dreaming of a balcony suggests unpleasant news about friends.


If you see a bald person in a dream, expect a change that will benefit you.


Catching or throwing a ball in your dreams represents giving or receiving someone’s love.

Dreaming of a fête or ball is a very satisfactory omen if beautiful and well-dressed people are dancing to strains of entrancing music. If the party finds you gloomy and distressed by the inattention of others, expect a death in the family soon.


To hear or sing a ballad in your dream means you will be singing with happiness in the future.


A dream about ballet indicates marital infidelity; quarrels, and jealousies between sweethearts; it can also suggest failures in business.


Blighted hopes and adversity come with a dream of balloons.


To cast a ballot or vote in a dream means that someone values your opinion.


In dreams, this evergreen, which suggests Christmas, symbolizes good health.


To dream of bamboo means great fortune is coming into your life. If a panda is eating the bamboo, it’s double fortune.


To dream of bananas warns you to watch out in your business and personal life for setbacks and dishonesty.


To dream of a bandage means healing and good fortune. If you dream of sporting a bandage, your problem will have an easy solution. If someone else is wearing it, you will help another person solve a problem.


If you wear a bandanna in a dream, worries and hard work lie ahead of you. If someone else is wearing it, expect happy family news.


To dream of being robbed, or to see other people being robbed, means you will be embarrassed.


If you dream of hearing someone make loud, banging noises—or if you are making the noise yourself—the message is that you need to speak up.


To dream of this wrist jewelry means you feel shackled by an event, decision, or person.


To dream of being banished to a foreign land is a dream of great prosperity.


To hold a banister while walking down the stairs in a dream means that you are very secure in your life.

To grab a banister while falling down the stairs predicts that you will be saved from unpleasantness at the last moment.


To dream of a banjo implies that pleasurable moments are on the horizon.


To see an empty bank in a dream foretells of business losses.

Giving out money denotes carelessness; receiving it, great gain and prosperity.


A dream of bankruptcy suggests partial collapse in business and weakening of the brain faculties. Consider it a warning to avoid speculation.


To see your nation’s banner or flag floating in a clear sky denotes triumph over foreign foes. To see it battered signifies war and loss of military prowess.

*See Flag.


It is good to dream of a banquet. Friends want to do you favors.

To dream of yourself, together with many beautifully attired guests, eating from costly china and drinking old, expensive wine foretells enormous gain in enterprises of every nature, as well as happiness among friends.


To see bantam chickens in your dream implies that while your fortune may be small, you will enjoy contentment. If the chickens appear sickly, or if they are exposed to wintry storms, your interests will be impaired.


To dream of baptism advises you to strengthen your character by showing restraint when offering your opinions. To dream that you are being baptized signifies that you will humiliate your inner self for public favor.


To dream of being caught on a barb means that an unpleasant situation in your life will be very painful to get rid of.


To encounter a barbarian in your dream suggests that you should deal with someone in your life very unconventionally if you hope to get your point across.


To dream of tending a bar warns that you may resort to some questionable mode of advancement.

Seeing a bar denotes community activity, quick improvement of finances, or the consummation of illicit desires.


To smell or eat barbecue in your dream means that your spiritual self is being nurtured.


To dream of being tangled in barbed wire means a situation in your life is so painful to dislodge from, you find it easier just to stay put.


To dream of a barber signifies that success will come through hard work and close attention to detail.


To dream of taking a sedative or barbiturate means that your eyes are wide open to events unfolding in your life.


To walk on a bare floor in your dream tells you that you’ll always be steady on your feet.


To dream of being barefoot means overcoming difficulties in reaching your goals; it also suggests impending good luck.


To dream you are naked means you will suffer embarrassment in the near future. It can also refer to exposing some deception occurring in your life.

*See Nakedness.


To dream of finding a bargain suggests good fortune. To dream of haggling warns that something of value may be taken away from you.


To hear an angry, menacing dog barking in your dream warns you to beware of a so-called friend.


To feel the bark of a tree under your hand in your dream means that you have a sturdy character.

To see the bark of a tree in your dream advises you to go slowly with the opposite sex.


If you dream of this grain, you need a fresh start in some aspect of your life.


For a young woman to dream that she is a barmaid suggests an attraction to reckless men and a preference for illicit pleasures.


Seeing a barn filled with ripe grain, perfect ears of corn, and fat livestock is an omen of great prosperity. If the barn is empty, the reverse may be expected.


To dream of barnacles means you will “scrape away” the negative in your life.


Seeing a barometer in a dream tells you that a profitable change will soon take place in your life.

If the barometer is broken, displeasing incidents in your business may arise unexpectedly.


To dream of a baron suggests that your status will be elevated.


Dreaming of a military barracks full of soldiers means that you have much camaraderie in your life and never lack for friends to support you.

To dream of an empty barracks means your fight will be fought alone.


Dreaming of a full barrel denotes prosperous times and feastings. If it’s empty, your life will be void of joy and consolation.


To dream of a bartender means you need to be more selective about your choice of partners.

To be a bartender in your dream means you will be called upon to give advice.


If you are bartering in your dream, it’s a warning sign that something you purchase will not be what you believe it is or that the deal is not fair to you.


If baseball is played in your dream, you are easily contented and your cheerfulness makes you a popular companion.


To dream that you are in a basement warns that you will see lucrative opportunities sinking; with them, pleasure will dwindle into trouble and care.

*See Cellar.


To be bashful or shy in a dream means you will be quite sociable at an upcoming event.


To dream of bathing in a basin foretells a rise in social status.


To dream of seeing or carrying a basket signifies that you will meet unqualified success if the basket is full; empty baskets indicate discontent and sorrow.


To participate in this sport in your dream means you will reach your goals.

To be a spectator watching a basketball game in your dream advises you to stop sitting on the sidelines in your waking life and participate more fully.


To dream of this colorful fish means that good fortune is coming your way.


To dream that you have a bass voice suggests that you may detect some discrepancy in your business brought about by the deceit of someone in your employ.

Romantically, it foretells estrangements and quarrels.


If you dream of being a bastard, it means you are an honorable person. If you dream of someone else being a bastard, expect an improvement in your social standing.


To dream of basting meats while cooking is a sign of prosperity and happiness.


If you are frightened of these winged creatures in your dream, you need to be quiet about your personal affairs. If you are not afraid of the bats, you have an opportunity for financial gain in business.


To dream of bathing means good luck is coming your way.


To dream of a bathroom is an omen of good luck.


To dream you are making any kind of batter means something you have been trying to accomplish is not yet completed.


To dream of replacing a battery suggests renewing a friendship with someone from your past.


Dreaming of battle represents striving with difficulties and finally winning. If you are defeated in battle, bad deals made by others will mar your prospects.


To dream of a bauble means that social success and fortune are coming your way.


To dream of a bayonet signifies that enemies hold you in their power, unless you get possession of the bayonet.


Dreams of bay trees are generally good for everybody. A verdant leisure awaits you in which you will have many pleasing diversions. You will reap much knowledge during this respite from labor.


Going to a bazaar in your dream means you have many choices. If you buy any item at a bazaar, you will spend money on an object or an event that brings joy.


If you dream you are on a sandy beach, your financial situation needs to be put in order.


To dream of a beacon light means that your life is very balanced. If you’re in distress, expect warm attachments to form with young people. If you’re sick, this dream signifies speedy recovery and continued health. Business will gain new impetus.

To see a beacon light go out in time of storm or distress, however, suggests setbacks during a time when you thought fortune was smiling on you.


To dream of beads foretells attention from those in high places. Counting beads portends joy and contentment. Stringing them implies that you will obtain the favor of the rich.


To dream of this hunting dog suggests loyalty among your colleagues and peers in the workplace.


To dream of a bird’s beak warns that someone’s sharp words may ruin your day.


To dream of seeing a beam of light shining in your eyes means you will be left in the dark regarding a problem you are trying to solve. To dream of a beam showing you the way suggests that you will get guidance.

To dream of a wooden beam in good repair indicates that you are living in a stable, sturdy environment. If you dream of a broken beam, things in your life may need to be fixed.


To dream of uncooked beans means difficulties ahead; cooking them reveals that you will see financial gain.


Dreaming of a bear signifies overwhelming competition in pursuits of every kind. To kill a bear portends extrication from former entanglements.


To dream of seeing a beard suggests that an uncongenial person will oppose you. You may experience a fierce struggle for mastery and you are likely to lose money. A gray beard signifies hard luck and quarrels.

To see a beard on a woman foretells unpleasant associations and lingering illness.

If someone pulls your beard, you risk losing property.

To comb and admire a beard shows that your vanity will grow with prosperity. Former companions may come to despise you.


To dream of encountering and conquering a beast means you have been successful in conquering your lower self and baser emotions.

To be chased, attacked, and defeated by the beast advises you to assess what may be weak or negative in your character.


It bodes no good to dream of beating or being beaten by someone. Expect discord.


Dreaming of beauty in any form is preeminently good. A beautiful woman brings pleasure and profit. A lovely child represents love reciprocated and a happy union.


To dream of seeing beavers means you will attain comfortable circumstances by diligent effort. If you dream of killing beavers for their skins, you may be accused of fraud and improper conduct toward the innocent.


To beckon someone in a dream speaks of new friends and acquaintances on the horizon.


Dreaming of a bed, clean and white, denotes peace of mind. To dream of making a bed signifies a new friendship or business associate. To dream of being in bed in a strange room suggests that unexpected friends will visit you. If a sick person dreams of being in bed, complications will arise and, perhaps, death.

To dream that you are sleeping on a bed in the open air foretells delightful experiences and opportunities to improve your fortune.

To dream of a child wetting a bed implies unusual anxiety; those who are sick may not recover as quickly as might be expected. If you’re the one wetting the bed, illness or tragedy may interrupt your daily routine.


Seen in your dreams, they indicate continued sickness and unhappiness.


To dream of being in the midst of chaos and bedlam tells you that you’re entering a quiet time in your life.


To see a newly furnished bedroom predicts a happy change involving journeys to distant places and pleasant companions.


To dream of a beech tree means you will be chewing on an idea for longer than necessary.


To dream of beef is an omen of pleasant surroundings and harmony in love and business. If it’s raw and bloody, though, this means sadness and disappointment.

*See Meat.


To dream of a beehive means prosperity and freedom from worry in the future. If you upset the beehive in your dream, you will suffer from financial trouble that you have created.


To dream of drinking at a bar portends disappointment. If you see others drinking, the work of schemers will displace your fondest hopes.

*See Drunkenness.


Bees signify pleasant and profitable times. Those in positions of authority can expect obedient employees and a healthy environment. If a bee stings you, though, you could experience loss or injury.


To dream of seeing beetles on your person denotes poverty and small ills. To dream of killing them is good.


If your dream features beets growing abundantly, peace and fruitful harvest will reign in the land; eating them with others is a sign full of good tidings.


To dream of an old, decrepit beggar is a sign of bad management and, unless you are economical, could signify the loss of property.


To find yourself begging in a dream tells you that good fortune and wealth are on the horizon. To give money to a beggar in a dream advises you to be careful about how you are spending your money. To refuse to give to a beggar in your dream means you need to be more generous in your life.


In a dream, when you begrudge someone something that the person deserves, it suggests that in your waking life you will have something taken away from you.

When you are begrudging about making an effort to do something in your dream, it means the task will be fairly easy.


If you beguile another in your dream, you will be cheated and lied to. If you are the person being beguiled, the full truth is being spoken to you.


If you dream of being beheaded, overwhelming defeat or failure in an undertaking will soon follow. To see others beheaded means you may soon find yourself taking another direction in your personal or business life.


If you belch or burp in a dream, or someone else doess, you need to be more observant of situations and people around you.


To dream of being steadfast in your beliefs warns that you will be questioned about something you have said. If you sway in your beliefs in your dream, you will have the courage and strength to stand up for what you believe.


Strategic moves will bring success in business. If you dream of taking belladonna, however, debt problems loom.


To dream you are a belle at a social gathering denotes social embarrassment at an upcoming event.


Fortune is hurrying after you. Questions of importance will be settled amicably among friends and families.


Working a bellows in a dream suggests that while you may struggle, by your energy and perseverance, you’ll achieve a lasting triumph over poverty and fate. To dream of seeing a bellows means distant friends long to see you.


To hear bells tolling in your dreams means death.


It is bad to dream of seeing a swollen belly; this indicates sickness. To see a healthy belly denotes good health and well-being.

*See Abdomen.


To dream that you are beloved means that the person or people in your dreams hold you in high regard; you are indeed loved very much.


To dream of owning a stylish new belt suggests that you are soon to meet a stranger and make an engagement that may hurt your prosperity. If your belt is out of fashion, you will be censured for rudeness.


Distrust debtors and confidants if you dream of sitting on a bench. If you see others doing so, though, happy reunions between friends who have been separated through misunderstandings are suggested.


To bend an object in your dream means you will be straightforward in finding whatever answers you seek.

To bend a person to your will or your way of thinking strongly suggests that you must examine your conscience about something you have said to another that may have caused hurt.


After this dream, the knowledge of duties well performed and the health of the young are assured.


To dream of grieving the loss of a child warns you that your plans will meet with frustration quickly; where you expect success, there will be failure.

The loss of relatives or friends denotes disappointment in well-formed plans and augurs a poor outlook for the future.


To dream of berries on the vine, or of eating them, means that you have good social standing among your peers. This also signals material wealth and good fortune.


To dream of lying in a berth on a ship means you will have safe travel by water.


To witness the besieging of a castle or other building means that something may be stolen from you. It warns you to safeguard your home or business.


If you are a man dreaming of being the best man at a wedding, happiness and the love of family and friends are coming your way.

If you are a woman, your dream foretells future security.


To dream of being betrayed by a loved one means the person will always be a steadfast and loyal companion. To dream you are betraying a loved one means you are not as loyal as you claim to be.


Dreaming of being betrothed or engaged is a prediction of a broken relationship. If you dream of a betrothal being broken, this is actually a prediction of an upcoming marriage.


To dream of betting on races warns you to be cautious when engaging in new undertakings. Enemies are trying to divert your attention away from legitimate businesses.

Betting at gaming tables indicates that illegal tactics will be used to take money from you.


To dream of drinking a beverage speaks of your thirst for life being quenched; you find much joy in living. To give another person a beverage to drink means you will help that person meet a current goal.

*See Punch.


If you dream of being bewildered or of trying to bewilder or confuse another in your dream, your honesty will always be strong.


If you dream of being bewitched or of trying to bewitch someone, you are wasting time in your daily life.


To dream of the “Bhagavad Gita” suggests a season of seclusion and rest for exhausted faculties. A pleasant journey for your benefit will be planned by your friends.

This is a dream of many blessings, although little financial advancement is promised.


To dream of the Bible indicates blessings and good fortune.


To dream of muscular biceps means protection. Scrawny-looking biceps indicate a health problem.


To bicker or argue with someone in a dream means a happy relationship is on the horizon.


To dream of riding a bicycle uphill signifies bright prospects.


To dream of wearing a bicycle helmet or having one put on you indicates a false sense of security.


If you find yourself bidding on an object in a dream, such as at an auction, you may lack funds to buy something for yourself in the near future.


To dream of wearing or seeing someone wear these glasses suggests that you can see both sides of an issue.


For a man to commit bigamy in a dream denotes loss of manhood and failing intellect.

If a woman dreams of bigamy, she will suffer dishonor unless she is very discreet.


To dream of seeing yourself in a bikini and being embarrassed by the way you look means you are taking very good care of yourself physically. To see someone else in a bikini warns you to take care of your physical health.


To pay a bill in a dream warns you to make a careful accounting of your money.

To receive a bill in a dream means good fortune. If you can’t pay the bill, something you are purchasing or paying for in your waking life will actually cost much less than you anticipated.


Dreaming of playing billiards foretells coming troubles, lawsuits, and contention over property. Slander will work to your detriment. If the table and the billiard balls lie idle, deceitful comrades are undermining you.


To dream of binding any of your body parts hints at the release of inhibitions and insecurities.

To bind another person in any way indicates freeing yourself from a relationship.


To use binoculars in your dream predicts a sudden, unexpected event that you will be able to examine closely and then take care of easily and quickly.


To study biochemistry or see someone else studying biochemistry in a dream means you will hear of an event in the world of science that will shake you to your core.


A dream of reading or writing a biography about someone is a warning not to spread rumors and to use your words wisely when talking about others.


To study or see someone else studying biology in a dream suggests that a relationship in your life must be dissected in order for you to understand it better.


To dream of this tree means you will shed your fears, becoming less thin-skinned and more flexible in the way you think.


It is favorable to dream of birds with beautiful plumage. Flying birds signify prosperity for the dreamer. All disagreeable environments will vanish before the wave of prospective good.

To catch birds also indicates good fortune.

*See Cardinal. See also specific birds.


To dream of seeing birds’ nests suggests that you will be interested in an enterprise that will prove profitable.

To see an empty nest denotes gloom in business or sorrow through the absence of a friend.

With eggs in the nest, good results will follow all engagements. If chicks are in the nest, expect successful journeys and satisfactory dealings. If they are lonely and deserted, however, your own folly will cause you anxiety.

To dream of a nest filled with broken or bad eggs portends disappointment and failure.


For a married woman to dream of giving birth to a child foretells great joy and a substantial legacy; for a single woman, loss of virtue and abandonment by her lover.


To the young, to dream of a birthday is a signal of poverty and falsehood. To the old, it indicates long trouble and desolation.


Receiving birthday presents means you have many accomplishments. Working people will advance in their trades. Giving birthday presents means you have found a new respect for those in your life.


Eating or baking biscuits indicates ill health and family peace ruptured over unimportant issues.


To dream of a bishop means it will take hard work to accomplish your goals.


To dream of a live bison means that your spirit will be strong in the face of coming adversity. A dead or a stuffed bison suggests losing faith in yourself and your ability to solve a vexing problem.


To dream of bisque china warns of upcoming rough patches in an important relationship.

To dream of bisque soup means that your soul needs nourishment.


To dream of a female dog warns you to beware the women in your life. To be called a bitch means a female loved one may cause you hurt.


A bite mark, whether from an insect, animal, or human, acts as a warning that someone wishes you ill. It also implies a wish to undo work that is past undoing. You are also likely to suffer losses through some enemy.


To dream of having a bitter taste in your mouth or eating something bitter means you will soon find your life very sweet. To dream that you are bitter toward someone or something means that you will soon discover that your fears are actually unfounded.


To witness or display bizarre behavior means you are taking yourself too seriously.


In dreams, black represents the ending of one phase of life and the beginning of another and marks transitions, death, and rebirth.


To dream of blackberries denotes many ills. To gather them is unlucky. Eating them suggests losses.


To see anyone writing in white chalk on a blackboard means your financial security is in question.


To be blackmailed or want to blackmail someone suggests that you’re thought of as a trustworthy friend.


To find yourself purchasing something on the black market in a dream warns you to examine your future purchases for authenticity.


If you dream of blacking out, your senses will be fully awake during an upcoming situation you need to resolve.

To dream of experiencing an electrical blackout suggests you use your five senses to solve problems in your life.


To see a blacksmith in a dream tells you that difficult projects will soon work to your advantage.


To dream of your bladder hints that you will have serious trouble in your business if you are not careful with your health and the way you invest your energy.


To dream of sharpening a blade warns you to be wary of giving advice with a sharp tongue.


To dream of yourself or someone else blanching a food item means that even though a problem in your waking life might seem resolved, you need to dig deeper to find a true solution.


To dream of cajoling someone or performing an act of blandishment advises you to be more flexible in your thinking.

To be cajoled in a dream is a warning to stand strong about what you believe.


Soiled blankets in a dream mean treachery. New and white blankets speak of success where you fear failure.


Blasphemy in a dream warns that an enemy is creeping into your life. Feigning friendship, this person will do you great harm.

To dream you are cursing yourself means bad luck.

To dream you are being cursed by others signifies affection and prosperity.

*See Profanity.


To dream of hearing or feeling a blast of air or fire means you are protected from negativity in your waking life.


To watch a blaze, big or small, in your dream warns that you must stay alert in a relationship.

If you are engulfed by a blaze and feel no fear, your relationships are strong and trustworthy.


To hear young animals bleating in your dream suggests that you will have new responsibilities, but not necessarily pleasant ones.


To dream of bleeding signifies bad luck and financial loss.


To dream of seeing blemishes on yourself or someone else means that your friendships are pure and innocent.


To dream of blending or combining different ingredients warns you to look at the issues in your life one at a time, not jumbled together, which could overwhelm you.


To feel you are blessed in a dream means that you have a pleasant surprise coming.


To see blight or decay on a vegetable or other food suggests a fruitful harvest or a positive outcome to something.


To dream of a blindfold tells you to reexamine your plans and goals.


To dream of playing blindman’s bluff suggests engaging in an enterprise that will likely humiliate you and cause you financial loss.


To dream of being blind denotes a sudden change from affluence to poverty. To see others blind means that a worthy person will call on you for aid.


Blinking normally in a dream means that your insights are clear. Blinking incessantly implies that you need to reexamine your thinking.


To dream of feeling blissful and happy foretells sadness.


To dream of noticing a blister or feeling its pain warns you to watch your step in an upcoming adventure. To pop a blister and see it drain means that any misstep you take in a venture will correct itself immediately.


If you dream of a snowstorm, it means you are being blinded by illusion.


If you dream of someone looking bloated or swollen, good luck will come your way.

If you dream of being bloated, you will receive troubling news about your finances.


To dream that you have a blockage in your body means that you will have a spiritual epiphany or breakthrough.


Dreaming of cinder blocks suggests that you will soon experience money trouble.

Children’s building blocks indicate that you are currently building toward your future, materially.


To dream of shiny blond hair (yours or someone else’s) means you will soon outshine everyone around you in an upcoming project. To dream of unwashed blond hair is a warning to take precautions in this project.


Bloodstained garments indicate enemies who seek to tear down a successful career that is opening up before you. Beware of uncomfortable friendships.

To see blood flowing from a wound predicts physical ailments and worry, or bad business caused by disastrous dealings with foreigners.

To dream of blood on your hands portends immediate bad luck if you are not careful.


To dream of seeing a bloodstone tells you that you will be unfortunate in your social engagements.


To dream of seeing trees and shrubs in bloom suggests that a time of prosperity is nearing.


If you dream of seeing a blot on something that is not of your making, you will soon solve a mystery that has been eluding you.

If you put a blot on something, look for unexpected improvements in your finances.


To dream of seeing blotches on your skin warns that you need to make yourself clear in your communication and actions.


To dream of using blotting paper signifies that you may be tricked into betraying secrets that involve a friend.

To see worn blotting paper denotes continued disagreements in the home or among friends.


Dreaming of blows portends injury to yourself. If you defend yourself, a rise in business will follow.


To dream of any shade of blue might warn of a bout of depression. It could also refer to an unexpected, positive event. Finally, blue might indicate that the sky’s the limit in a current endeavor.


To dream of this bird warns you to put things in perspective and examine your priorities.


If you dream of making a blunder, great success awaits you.


To dream of blushing suggests worry and humiliation through false accusations.


To dream of this snake indicates stormy times and bad fortune. Disenchantment will follow. To kill one in a dream, however, is good.


If you dream of a boar chasing you, disappointment awaits you. If you kill it in your dream, you will have a corresponding gain in your life.


To dream of a boardinghouse foretells that you will suffer entanglement and disorder and you are likely to change your residence.


If you hear someone else boasting in your dreams, you will sincerely regret an impulsive act that causes trouble for your friends.

To boast to a competitor foretells that you will be unjust and will use dishonest means to win in competition.


Dreaming of a boat on clear water signals bright prospects. If the water is unsettled and turbulent, cares and unhappy changes threaten.

Unlucky is the dreamer who falls overboard while sailing on stormy waters.


To dream of a bobbin means that hard work lies ahead of you if you hope to complete a project.


If you dream of your own body, it means that success is well within your reach.

To dream of someone else’s body means you have a long way to go before you reach success.

If you dream of a cadaver or dead body, whether beautiful or deformed, great success is coming your way.


Bogs in dreams speak of heavy burdens. You may feel hopeless even trying to rise to the challenge. Illness and other worries may oppress you.

*See Swamp.


If you dream of a boil running pus and blood, expect unpleasant things in the immediate future. The insincerity of friends may cause you great inconvenience.


To dream of seeing a boiler in need of repair warns you of bad management or disappointment.


To dream of bolts signifies formidable obstacles that will impede your progress. If the bolts are old or broken, your expectations will be eclipsed by failures.


To see a bomb going off in your dreams, or to make one, tells you that a project demands meticulous attention to detail or it will blow up.


To dream of bombshells foretells anger and disputes ending in lawsuits. Many unpleasant incidents may follow such a dream.


To see your bone protruding from your flesh cautions that treachery may ensnare you.

A pile of bones means a loss of finances.


For a woman to dream of a bonnet denotes gossip and slanderous insinuations, both of which call for careful defense.

If a man sees a woman tying her bonnet, this indicates unforeseen good luck shortly. His friends will be faithful and true.

A young woman is likely to engage in pleasant and harmless flirtations if her bonnet is new and any color except black.


Dreaming of receiving a bonus indicates unexpected financial gain.


To dream of studying suggests pleasant pursuits, honor, and riches.

For an author to dream of a work going to press is a dream of caution; there will be much trouble before the work reaches the public.

To dream of devoting great study and time to learning difficult subjects, and the hidden meaning of scholarly texts, indicates honors well earned.

To see children working at their books denotes harmony and good conduct of the young.

To dream of old books is a warning to shun evil in any form.


To see a bookcase in your dreams means that you associate knowledge with your work and pleasure.

Empty bookcases imply that you will be upset because you lack the means or ability to work.


Dreaming of a bookkeeper means that someone will soon hold you accountable for your recent actions.

To dream of being a bookkeeper means that you will soon be holding someone accountable for actions.


To visit a bookstore in your dream foretells that you will be filled with knowledge and unexpected interest.


If you throw a boomerang and it comes back to you, someone is being dishonest with you.

If you dream of throwing one and it doesn’t come back, expect a shift in some aspect of your life.


The dream of being in a booth means you will soon be boxed in and need to make a decision. If you dream of being outside a booth, you can help someone make a decision that will be liberating.


If you dream of wearing new boots, you will be lucky in your dealings. Old and torn boots indicate sickness and snares.


To dream of planting or installing a border around your home, office, or other physical environment suggests a psychological need for boundaries to keep other people from interfering in your life.

If the border is a rock or other heavy material, you need to make your boundaries strong.

A border of flowers tells you that your boundaries are currently easy to maintain, which means that people naturally understand what you will and will not accept.


Borrowing is a sign of loss and insufficient support.

If bankers dream of borrowing from other banks, this warns of a catastrophic run on their own banks.

If another person borrows from you in a dream, help in time of need will be extended or offered you. True friends will be there for you.


A healthy bosom means coming prosperity, while an unhealthy one means loss, either financial or personal.


To dream of being a boss means that you will soon fail at your job or career.

Disliking your boss, on the contrary, means that in your waking life, you and your supervisor get along very well.

Liking your boss in a dream means you need to watch your back at work.


To dream of this science or of being a botanist suggests many pleasant surprises in your lifetime.


Bottles are good to dream of if they’re filled with transparent liquid. You will overcome all obstacles in affairs of the heart, and prosperity will ensue.

If the bottles are empty, though, trouble will enmesh you, but you will be able to disengage yourself by using strategy.


To dream of sitting on the bough of a tree means you must seek ways to make your life more secure.

To watch a bough swinging in a breeze or moving means your security is rock-solid. If the bough breaks, your security has been breached.


To come across a boulder in your dream that you can move or walk around with ease suggests that your problems are nearly insurmountable.

To face a boulder that you can’t move or easily get around means your current problems will be overcome easily.


To watch yourself, someone else, or an object bouncing in a dream foretells great joy in your life.


To dream of setting a boundary around yourself, regardless of what it’s made of, counsels that you must establish rules in your life.

To dream of having a boundary destroyed also warns you to set rules.


To receive abundance in your dream warns you to be cautious of your financial situation.


To dream of a richly colored bouquet suggests a legacy from some wealthy and unknown relative; also, pleasant, joyous gatherings among young folks.

A withered bouquet signifies sickness and death.


To tie a bow in your dream means you will soon tie up the loose ends of an affair.


To dream of a bow and arrow tells you that you can achieve great gain from others’ inability to carry out plans.

To make a bad shot means disappointed hopes in business affairs.


In dreams, having a bowel movement or watching someone have one represents great fortune or good luck.


To dream of an empty bowl means disappointment is on the horizon. To dream of a full bowl means gain.


To dream of bowling and knocking down pins foretells good fortune.

To dream of getting a gutter ball or missing the pins means that good fortune will soon be within your reach, but you will not be able to grasp it.


Opening a box in your dream signifies untold wealth and suggests that delightful journeys to distant places may have happy results. If the box is empty, disappointment will follow.


If you are boxing or watching boxers in a dream, be careful of repeating past mistakes.


If you dream of a boy, good fortune is coming in your near future.


To find yourself or others boycotting something in a dream means that this same thing will become a part of your life soon.


To see a bracelet encircling your arm in a dream assures you of an early and happy marriage.

The loss of a bracelet signifies loss and vexation. Finding one means that good property will come into your possession.


To see your own brain in a dream warns that uncongenial surroundings will turn you into an unpleasant companion.

Seeing the brains of animals foretells mental trouble.

If you eat them, you will gain knowledge, and profit unexpectedly.


To dream of braking a motor vehicle with ease means you will be offered a new opportunity.

If you cannot get the brakes on a vehicle to work in a dream, be wary of accepting any new offers or prospects.


To dream of brambles entangling you suggests that lawsuits and legal problems lie ahead.


Dreaming of a branch full of fruit and green leaves betokens wealth and many delightful hours with friends. If they are dried, it indicates sad news.


To dream of brandy warns that while you may reach heights of distinction and wealth, you lack that ability to create true friendship from the people you are trying to please. In other words, there is an inauthenticity to those relationships that have carried you far.


To dream of brass indicates that you will rise rapidly in your profession.


For a woman to dream of a bra means security. If a man dreams of a bra, he needs to watch his back with his associates.


To see yourself or another performing an act of bravery in a dream means that you will not have the courage you need in an upcoming situation.


Hearing an ass bray is significant of unwelcome tidings or intrusions.


To dream of bread is a good indicator that your life, both personal and professional, is on the right track.

To dream of breaking bread with others indicates that you have an assured competence in your life.

*See Baking, Crust.


Breakage is a bad dream. To dream of breaking any of your limbs denotes bad management and probable failures. To break furniture suggests domestic quarrels.

To break a window signifies bereavement. If you see a broken ring, order will be displaced by furious and dangerous uprisings, as the kind caused by jealousy and contentiousness.


To see a tasty breakfast indicates sudden, favorable changes.

If you are eating alone, it means you will fall into a trap set by your enemies. Eating with others is a good sign.

*See Meal.


To break wind in front of people means you are moving in the wrong direction with your ideas. To hear someone else break wind in a dream suggests unexpected travel.


To dream of breasts means you will be nurtured in the near future—mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically.


If you come close to a person in your dream who has pure, sweet breath, your conduct will be commendable, and successful business deals will follow.

Fetid breath indicates sickness and snares.

Losing your breath signals failure where success seemed assured.


To feel a breeze in your dream means that an upcoming project or event will go smoothly.


To dream of being in a vast brewing establishment implies persecution by public officials, but you will eventually prove your innocence and will rise above your persecutors.

Brewing in any way in your dreams denotes initial anxiety that usually gives way to profit and satisfaction.


To see yourself caught among briars means a problem with your career. But if you disentangle yourself, you will find a solution.


To dream of being offered a bribe and accepting it warns of a possible problem with gambling.

If you don’t accept the bribe in your dream, you will be lucky in games of chance.


Seeing bricks in a dream indicates unsettled business and disagreements in love affairs. To make bricks means you will doubtlessly fail in your efforts to amass great wealth.


For a young woman to dream that she is a bride foretells that she will shortly come into an inheritance that will please her exceedingly—if she is happy making her bridal preparations. If she isn’t, she will suffer disappointments.

To dream that you kiss a bride predicts a happy reconciliation between friends. For a bride to kiss others suggests many friends and pleasures for you; if she kisses you, you will enjoy health and find that your sweetheart inherits unexpected fortune.

To kiss a bride and find that she looks careworn and ill indicates that you will be displeased with your success and the actions of your friends.

If a bride dreams that she is indifferent to her husband, it foretells many unhappy circumstances.

*See Marriage, Wedding.


If you dream of a bridegroom, either yourself or someone else, expect delays in your plans in the near future. To dream that you are a bridegroom means a temporary breakup of a relationship.


To dream of bridesmaids, either yourself or others, means difficulties in your love life.


If you see a long, dilapidated bridge mysteriously winding into darkness, then profound melancholy over the loss of possessions will befall you, and your life will be dismal.

To the young and those in love, bridges foretell disappointment in the heart’s fondest hopes; loved ones will fall below expectations.

To cross a bridge safely suggests ultimately surmounting difficulties, though the means hardly seem safe. Any obstacle or delay threatens disaster.

If you see a bridge give way before you, beware treachery and false admirers.


To dream of a bridle means you will engage in an enterprise that will give you much worry, but will eventually result in pleasure and gain. An old or broken bridle suggests that you will encounter difficulties that will likely take you down.


To see bridle bits in your dream implies that you can subdue and overcome any obstacle opposing your advancement or happiness. If they break or are broken, you may be surprised into making concessions to enemies.


To dream of a briefcase that is old and worn means great success in your business.

To dream of one that is new tells you to watch for unforeseen and unwanted changes in business.


To dream of brimstone foretells that disreputable dealings will lose you many friends if you fail to rectify mistakes you are making.

To see fire and brimstone warns that you are threatened with loss.


To dream of a broadcast indicates success through hard work.


To dream of a broker, yourself or someone else, means that you need to be careful in your financial dealings,


To dream that you have bronchitis signifies that you will be detained in your plans by complications of sickness at home.


To dream of bronze means that your fortunes will be uncertain and unsatisfactory.


To dream of a brooch that is shiny and new counsels you to watch your heart.

To dream of an antique brooch means that you can count on close relationships, and that the people around you are steadfast and loyal.


To see a fowl with her brood denotes accumulation of wealth.


To cross a clear brook in a dream foretells ease in solving an upcoming problem. To cross a muddy brook indicates that the problem will be solved, but only with hard work. To fall into a clear book means that current problems will be over soon. Conversely, a muddy brook indicates that the problem will demand time and resources.


To dream of new brooms denotes thrift and rapid improvement in your fortune. If they are seen in use, you will lose in speculation.


Broth represents the sincerity of friends who will stand by you. If you need financial aid, it will be forthcoming.

To lovers, it promises a strong and lasting attachment.

To dream of making broth means you rule your own and others’ fate.


To dream of being in a brothel warns that you will encounter disgrace through pandering to your vanity by overindulgence and greed in acquiring material possessions that you can ill afford.


To dream of seeing your brother(s) full of energy means that you will rejoice at your own or their good fortune; but if they are poor and in distress, or begging for assistance, you will be called to a deathbed soon, or some dire loss will overwhelm you or them.


In dreams, any shade of brown symbolizes stability and security in your life and connection with the planet and nature.


To dream of bruising counsels you to be careful with your partying. Too much fun can lead to problems, and you need to slow down.


To dream of using a hairbrush means you will suffer misfortune due to your mismanagement. Old hairbrushes denote sickness and ill health.

To see a clothes brush indicates that a heavy task is pending. If you are busy brushing your clothes, you will soon receive reimbursement for difficult work.

To see miscellaneous brushes foretells a varied line of work that is pleasing and remunerative.


To dream of these vegetables—whether you are eating, cooking, or looking at them—indicates small gains in the future.


To dream of bubbles means your current problems will vanish into thin air. To dream of blowing bubbles advises you to watch your finances.


To dream of buckles foretells that you will be beset by invitations to pleasurable events, and your affairs will be in danger of chaotic confusion.


To dream of the Buddha means abundant blessings.


To dream of buffalo forecasts large profits—unless you kill or injure a buffalo, in which case you need to be careful in new business ventures.


If you hear joyous blasts from a bugle in a dream, prepare for happiness, as harmony and good things are being created for you by unseen powers.

Blowing a bugle denotes fortunate dealings.


To dream of bugs indicates that unpleasant complications will arise in your daily life.


To see large and magnificent buildings with green lawns stretching out before them signifies a long life of plenty and includes travel and exploration in foreign countries.

Small and newly built buildings denote happy homes and profitable undertakings; old and filthy buildings, however, warn of ill health and the loss of love and livelihood.

*See House.


If you dream of a bull pursuing you, you will be beset by business trouble at the hands of envious and jealous competitors.

Dreaming of a bull goring a person suggests that misfortune will overtake you as a result of using another person’s possessions.


If you dream of entering strange premises and having a bulldog attack you, you are at risk of committing perjury to obtain your desires.

If one meets you in a friendly way, you will rise in life, regardless of criticism and the interference of enemies.

*See Dog.


To dream of a bullet means you are exposed to possible danger or vicious rumors.

To dream you are hit by a bullet warns you to get a medical checkup at once.


To dream of seeing or hearing a bullfrog means new friendships are on the horizon.


To dream of hitting a bull’s-eye means important news is coming your way.

To dream of someone else hitting a bull’s-eye counsels you to reexamine your relationship with that person; he or she may not be trustworthy.


To be bullied in a dream speaks of loyal and good friends in your waking life. If you do the bullying, you are not as good a friend as you should be.


If you dream of being bumped or of bumping into someone or something, be very careful where you put your loyalties.


If you dream of receiving a wrapped bundle, an unexpected gift or invitation is coming your way.

If you dream of carrying a bundle, beware of being criticized.


To dream of having a bunion fixed means you will be steady on your feet in an upcoming challenge.

To have a painful bunion in a dream tells you that a project or upcoming event may need to be aborted.


Dreaming of sleeping in a bunk yourself, or of seeing others sleep there, symbolizes security.

To dream of an empty bunk hints at the need to find more security in your life.


To dream that you carry a heavy burden signifies that you will be tied down by injustice due to favoritism shown your enemies by those in power. If you struggle free from the burden, you will climb to the heights of success.


If you dream that burglars are searching your person, you will have dangerous enemies to contend with. They may destroy you unless you’re extremely careful in your dealings with strangers.

If you dream of your home or place of business being burglarized, your good standing in business or society will be assailed, but your courage will protect you.


To attend a burial is a sign of healthy relationships and happiness in your personal life.

*See Funeral.


To dream that you are buried alive warns that you are about to make a great mistake, which your opponents will quickly turn to your disadvantage.

If you are rescued from the grave, your struggle will eventually correct your mistake.


To dream of this coarse material means that you will find great satisfaction in the finer things around you.


Burns stand for good news, good tidings, and good health.


To dream of burrs indicates that you will struggle to free yourself from an unpleasant obstacle and seek a change of surroundings.


To dream of a bus means you are heading toward your heart’s desire and will indeed get what you want. However, waiting for a bus means a setback is ahead.

An accident involving a bus indicates financial worry.


To dream of a bush means that a change in location is on the horizon. A dream of hiding in the bushes says you have no secrets.

To dream of cutting or burning a bush suggests that your secrets will be exposed.


To dream of your business flourishing means you will encounter hard times ahead. To dream of your business failing foretells unexpected gain.

To dream of documents regarding your business being signed warns you of dishonesty among your colleagues.


If you dream of handing someone your business card or receiving a business card from someone, expect introductions to people who will be beneficial to your finances.


If you dream of a butcher slaughtering cattle and being drenched with blood, you may expect a long and fatal illness in your family.

To see a butcher cutting meat suggests that your character will be dissected by society to your detriment. Beware of writing letters or documents.


To dream of eating fresh butter is a sign of good health and plans carried out well; it will bring you possessions, wealth, and knowledge.

To eat rancid butter denotes competence acquired through manual labor.

Selling butter represents small gain.


To see a butterfly among flowers and green grass indicates prosperity.

To see them flying about denotes news from friends by letter or from someone who has seen them.


Any dream of buttermilk denotes sorrow.

*See Milk.


If you dream of buttocks, prepare for good times ahead.


To dream of sewing buttons tells you that emotional worries will soon be looming. To dream of buttons in general suggests losses or ill health.


To dream that you hear a buzzard foretells that some old scandal or gossip will resurface to disturb you.


If you dream of a bypass in a road, it is warning you to be straight and honest in your dealings with others.