

In dreams, a pacemaker represents the renewal of an old love relationship.


To endeavor to pacify suffering implies that you will be loved for your sweetness of disposition. Pacifying the anger of others implies that you will labor for the advancement of others.


To pace back and forth in a dream suggests that you are having too much fun and overdoing things. Be careful not to get physically run down.


If you dream that you are carrying a package, you are taking responsibility for a problem that is not yours; you need to step away.


If you see yourself packing in your dream, you are stuck in a rut and not going anywhere in the near future.


A clean or new pad of paper in your dream suggests new opportunities.


To dream that you have something padded means you will soon have to deal with a dishonest friend.


To dream of breaking or losing a paddle portends moderately bad news. To dream of using one means you will overcome a health problem easily.

*See Oar.


To see a page in dreams denotes that you will contract a hasty union with someone unsuited to you. You will fail to control your romantic impulses.

If a young woman dreams that she is acting as a page, she is likely to participate in a foolish escapade.


To dream of a pageant of any kind suggests the return of a lost friend or relative.


Turning pages in a book or magazine in your dream foretells a small financial gain.


To see a pagoda in your dreams means you will soon go on a long-desired journey.


To dream of full pails is a sign of fair prospects and pleasant associations. An empty pail represents hard times.


To dream that you are in pain foretells useless regrets over a trivial transaction. To see others in pain warns you that you are making mistakes in your life.


To dream of taking painkillers means you will be told you are in good health. But if you dream of taking them just to get high, you will suffer a health problem soon.


To see newly painted houses in dreams foretells that you will succeed at a plan. If you accidentally get paint on your clothing, you will be made unhappy by the thoughtless criticism of others. To dream that you are using the brush yourself denotes that you will be well pleased with your present occupation.

If you dream of seeing beautiful paintings, you will find pleasure.


To dream of this sport means you have a chance to accomplish something great. However, it also warns that you should proceed carefully so as not to be blindsided by co-workers. If you are stalking someone in your dream, you long for a challenge. Being stalked indicates hidden fears.


To dream that someone is in pajamas (you or another person) foretells peace of mind with family members.


To dream of wandering through a palace and noting its grandeur signifies that your prospects are growing brighter. You will assume new dignity.


To dream of palisades indicates that you will alter well-formed plans to please strangers, and by so doing will impair your own interests.


To dream of seeing see a pall suggests sorrow and misfortune. If you raise the pall from a corpse, you will doubtless soon mourn the death of one you love.


To dream of a pallbearer indicates that an enemy will provoke your ill feeling by attacking your integrity. A pallbearer carrying a coffin augurs a sudden change in your life.


To dream of a pallet foretells temporary uneasiness over your love affairs.


To dream of looking at your palm indicates that you need look no farther to find what you require for success: you hold it all in the palm of your hand.


To dream of palm-reading means you are contemplating your life’s goals and direction.


To dream of this holy day suggests the coming of many blessings in your life.


Palm trees seen in dreams symbolize hopeful situations and happiness of a high order.


To dream that you are afflicted with palsy indicates that you are making poor decisions in business. To see a friend so afflicted indicates uncertainty as to his or her faithfulness; sickness, too, may enter your home.


If you dream that you are reading a pamphlet, you are about to embark on new education for your career. Handing out pamphlets suggests a job loss.


To dream of a cooking pan heralds financial gain and prosperity in the very near future.


To dream of eating pancakes means that you will have excellent success in all enterprises undertaken at this time. Your affections are well placed; a home may be bequeathed to you.

To cook pancakes in a dream suggests that you are economical and thrifty in your home.


To dream of one of these adorable bears tells you that if you let go of worry, your troubles will go away—but you might need to compromise.


To dream of handling a pane of glass denotes that you are dealing in uncertainties. If you break it, your failure will be accentuated.

To talk to a person through a pane of glass suggests that obstacles in your immediate future will cause you no slight inconvenience.

*See Glass, Mirror.


To dream that you are panhandling implies good luck in gambling. To dream that you give money to a panhandler warns of a financial loss.


If you dream that you panic, you will find much peace of mind and calmness surrounding you and your family now. To dream of others panicking while you stay calm means that you will have to deal with a family problem that you wanted to stay out of.


To dream of a panorama predicts that you will change your occupation or residence. You should curb your desire for a change of scene and friends.


A dream of these flowers predicts an argument or misunderstanding with a friend.


To see a panther and experience fright denotes that contracts in love or business may be canceled unexpectedly due to adverse influences working against you. But if you kill or overpower the animal, you will experience joy and be successful in your undertakings. If one menaces you by its presence, you will have disappointments in business. Other people will likely renege on their promises to you.

If you hear the growl of a panther and experience terror or fright, expect unfavorable news of reduced profit or gain, as well as social discord; if you’re not frigthened in the dream, the news won’t be as bad. As with all cats, seeing a panther in a dream is a warning, unless you kill it.


To dream of seeing pantomimes indicates that your friends will deceive you. If you participate in pantomimes, you will have cause for offense.


In dreams, a full pantry represents prosperity; an empty one, financial loss.


If you have occasion in your dreams to refer to or handle any paper or parchment, you will be threatened with losses. They are likely to be in the nature of a lawsuit.


To dream of this spice warns you not to overspend in the very near future.


To dream of parables denotes that you will be undecided as to the best course to pursue in addressing a business complication.


To dream of an easily opened parachute means a happy love life. To dream that you have trouble opening one suggests that you will be let down by a love interest or close friend.


To dream that you lead a parade means you will be socially recognized. If you march in one, people may visit unexpectedly and become annoying. To dream of watching a parade augurs financial gain.


To dream that you are in paradise implies that loyal friends are willing to aid you.

To dream that you set out to find paradise but find yourself bewildered and lost suggests that you will undertake enterprises that look feasible and full of promise, but they will prove disappointing and vexatious.


Paralysis in a dream can be indicative of your emotional state. Perhaps you are feeling paralyzed about what to do in a situation. It can also be an indication of the sleep state. REM sleep often renders the person unable to move, as if paralyzed.


To dream of a parasol means emotional security. If it is ripped, your security is not assured.

*See Umbrella.


If you dream that a parcel is being delivered to you, you will be pleasantly surprised by the return of an absent loved one or will be cared for in a world-class way.

If you carry a parcel, you will have an unpleasant task to perform. To drop one as you deliver it predicts the failure of a deal.


To dream that you are endeavoring to gain a pardon for an offense you never committed implies that you will be troubled, seemingly with cause, over your affairs, but it will finally develop that events worked for your advancement. If you are guilty of the offense, on the other hand, you will realize embarrassment in affairs.

If you dream of receiving a pardon, you will prosper after a series of misfortunes.


To see your parents looking cheerful in your dream suggests harmony and pleasant associates. If your parents appear to you after they are dead, it is a message of love and warmth, and sometimes a warning. You should be careful in your dealings.

If you see your parents while they are living, and they are in your home and happy, the dream foretells pleasant changes for you.

To dream of seeing your parents looking robust and contented implies that you are in good shape; your business and love interests will flourish.

*See Father, Mother.


To dream of walking through a well-kept park denotes enjoyable leisure. If you walk with your lover, you will be comfortably and happily married. Ill-kept parks devoid of green grass and foliage warn of unexpected reverses.


To dream that you are parking a vehicle means the ending of a friendship that does not work anymore.


To hear parrots chattering in your dreams signifies frivolity and idle gossip among your friends. Seeing parrots in repose denotes a peaceful interruption in family quarrels. If you see yourself trying to teach a parrot, you will have trouble in your private affairs. A dead parrot foretells the loss of friends.


To dream of parsley denotes hard-earned success; usually your surroundings are healthful and lively. To eat parsley is a sign of good health.


To see or eat parsnips is a favorable omen of successful business or trade, but love will take on unfavorable and gloomy aspects.


To dream of parting from friends and companions suggests that many little vexations will come into your daily life. Parting from enemies betokens success in love and business.


To dream of seeing your business partner indicates that you may need help from others in completing a project or task.


To dream of forming a partnership denotes financial uncertainty.

To dissolve an unpleasant partnership in a dream suggests that things will arrange themselves according to your desires; if the partnership was pleasant, however, the dream implies disquieting news and disagreeable turns.


To see partridges in your dream predicts favorable conditions for the acquisition of property. To ensnare them signifies that you will be fortunate in meeting your expectations. Killing them foretells success; eating them, the enjoyment of deserved honors. If you see partridges flying, a promising future lies before you.


If you dream of attending a party of any kind for pleasure, you will find that life holds much good—unless the party is an inharmonious one. In this case, you need to work on your social skills.


To dream of seeing passengers arriving with their luggage denotes improvement in your surroundings. If they are leaving, you will lose an opportunity of gaining some desired property. If you are one of the passengers leaving home, you will be dissatisfied with your present situation and will seek to change it.


To dream of getting or using a passport signifies upcoming travel. If you dream of taking someone else’s passport, travel plans will be delayed or canceled.


To dream of a password suggests that you will be able to address a slight trouble that will soon visit you.


To dream of pasteboard implies that unfaithful friends will deceive you concerning important matters. If you cut pasteboard, you will throw aside difficulties in your struggle to reach the top.


To dream of pastry suggests that you are enjoying sensual times and fulfilling moments.

*See Pie.


In dreams, green pastures symbolize happiness and prosperity; withered and dry pastures, bad news. To dream of just-plowed pastures suggests that you will soon reach a goal you set for yourself. If your dream includes animals in the pasture, see the individual animals as well.


To dream that you have patches on your clothing suggests that you have no false pride. To see others wearing patches foretells a period of want.

To wear or see an eye patch implies surprising changes in your sex life.


To dream of securing a patent warns you to be careful and painstaking with any task you take on. If you fail to secure your patent, you will suffer failure due to your lack of ability.


To dream that you are walking on a narrow and rough path, stumbling over rocks and other obstructions, predicts a rough encounter with adversity that will weigh heavily on you.

To dream that you are trying to find your path implies that you will fail to accomplish some work.

Walking along a pathway bordered with green grass and flowers speaks of your freedom from oppressive love.


To dream of someone with a large paunch denotes wealth and the total absence of refinement. A shriveled paunch foretells illness and reverses.


To dream that you are a pauper implies unpleasant events. Seeing paupers predicts a call upon your generosity.

*See Beggar.


To dream of new or smooth pavement means easy times ahead. Bumpy or broken pavement speaks of jealousy between you and a friend.


To dream of an animal paw warns that some of your friends are dishonest and disloyal.


If in your dreams you enter a pawnshop, you will find disappointments and losses in your waking life. To dream of seeing one hints that you haven’t been trustworthy and are in danger of sacrificing your honorable name as a result of a salacious affair.

If you dream of pawning articles, you will have unpleasant scenes with your spouse or sweetheart and perhaps disappointments in business. Redeeming an article at a pawnshop suggests that you will regain things you lost.


To dream that you are paying a bill foretells financial security in the near future. To dream of being paid or having to pay someone else predicts an unexpected monetary gain.


If you dream of world peace, you will find happiness and contentment through spiritual learning.


To dream of seeing or eating peaches indicates pleasurable times ahead.

To see them on trees with foliage suggests that you will secure some desired position or thing after much striving and risking of health and money.

Dried peaches warn you that foes may steal from you.

*See Orchard.


Peacocks are a good omen, signaling prestige, success, and contentment in your relationship and career. However, they can also indicate a problem with vanity and false pride.

To hear their harsh voices while looking upon their proudly spread plumage indicates that someone may cause you discomfort and uneasiness.


In dreams, peanuts—whether in or out of the shell—represent social popularity.


To dream of peanut butter suggests that you feel sorry about something you have done and long to confess it.


In dreams, pearls symbolize good business and trade and affairs of a social nature.


To dream of eating pears denotes fertility and prosperity. To admire the golden fruit suggests that fortune will wear a more promising aspect than formerly. Gathering them in your dream implies that pleasant surprises will follow quickly upon disappointment.

If you dream of preserving pears, you accept reverses philosophically. Baking them denotes uninspired love and friendships.


Dreaming of eating peas augurs robust health and the accumulation of wealth. Much activity is indicated for farmers.

To see peas growing denotes successful enterprises. Planting peas indicates that your hopes are well grounded; they will be realized. To gather them signifies that your plans will culminate in good and you will enjoy the fruit of your labors.

If you dream of canned peas, your brightest hopes will be filled with uncertainties for a short season, to be followed with success. Dried peas suggest that you are overtaxing your health. Eating dried peas in a dream reveals that you will, after much success, suffer a slight decrease in pleasure or wealth.


To dream that you are a peasant suggests unexpected financial gain through inheritance or winnings. To dream of peasants foretells a small gain in finances through hard work.


In dreams, pebbles and small stones represent minor troubles and vexations in your life. To be throwing them, or to have them thrown at you, indicates that you are being oversensitive; minor criticisms tend to wound you.


If you dream of eating this appetizing nut, you will see one of your dearest plans come to full fruition; a seeming failure will prove a propitious source of gain.

To see pecans growing among leaves signifies a long, peaceful existence. Failure in love or business will follow if the pecan is bad. If the pecans you dream of are difficult to crack and the fruit is small, you will succeed after much trouble and expense, but returns will be meager.


To dream of pedaling anything, such as a bicycle, means you will enjoy great reward from hard work.


In dreams, peddling your wares represents financial gain through dishonesty; be careful!


To dream of placing something on a pedestal suggests that higher spiritual knowledge is coming to you through inspiration. If you dream of taking something off a pedestal, you will find occasion to look at your spiritual self and make changes for peace of mind.


To dream of receiving a pedicure means you will soon find rest from hard work. To give a pedicure in a dream means you will have to help someone you love reach a goal.


To dream of hearing the peeping of chickens or birds betokens a pregnancy or birth announcement.


To dream about hanging something on a peg suggests that you will be cleaning up some mental stress that has been a bother to you. To dream of hammering a peg into something advises you to try out various new ideas to clear up mental anguish.


To dream of a pelican denotes a mingling of disappointments with successes. If you dream of catching a pelican, you will be able to overcome disappointing influences. Killing one denotes that you will cruelly set aside the rights of others. If you see them flying, you are threatened with changes that leave you uncertain.


To dream of this writing implement warns that you are being led into serious complications by your love of adventure. If the pen doesn’t write, you will be faced with a problem.


To dream of penalties being imposed on you foretells duties that will rile you and leave you rebellious.

To pay a penalty denotes sickness and financial loss. If you escape the payment, you will be a victor in some contest.


In dreams, pencils symbolize favorable occupations.


To dream of pendulums assures you that a sudden change in plans or routine will turn out for the better.


To dream of these birds reminds you that with patience, your troubles will soon be gone.


No matter whose penis you dream about, it portends a pregnancy or birth announcement.

*See Phallic symbol.


To dream of a penitentiary suggests that coming engagements will result in your loss. To be an inmate of one foretells discontent in the home and failure in business. If you escape from one, you will overcome obstacles.


To dream of pennies denotes unsatisfactory pursuits. Business will suffer; lovers and friends will complain of the lack of affection.

To dream of losing pennies signifies small deferences and failures. If you find pennies, prospects will advance to your advantage. Counting pennies suggests that you are businesslike and economical.

*See Cent.


To dream of drawing a pension foretells that you will be aided in your labor by friends. To fail in your application for a pension denotes that you will lose in an undertaking and will suffer the loss of friendships.


To dream of a penthouse warns that you are overspending and must watch your money. If you already live in one in your waking life, this dream means nothing.


In dreams, these flowers represent worry and anxiety.


If you dream of pepper burning your tongue, you will suffer because of your love of gossip.

Seeing red pepper growing foretells a thrifty and an independent partner in marriage. To see piles of red pepper pods signifies that you will aggressively maintain your rights.

To grind black pepper denotes that you will be victimized by the wiles of ingenious men or women. To see ground black pepper in a peppermill on a table portends sharp reproaches or quarrels.


To dream of peppermint denotes pleasant entertainment and interesting affairs.

If you see it growing, you will participate in some pleasure that includes a dash of romance.

To enjoy drinks infused with peppermint hints that you will enjoy assignations with an attractive and fascinating person.


If you climb on a perch in your dream, you will soon experience a raise or promotion. To dream of a bird on a perch foretells good news about a change in your life.


If you dream of performing in a play or movie, you will soon be faced with a personality issue that you have kept hidden. It now needs to be brought out into the open.


To dream of inhaling perfume is an augury of happy events. For you to perfume your garments and person implies that you will seek and obtain adulation. Being intoxicated by perfume indicates that excesses in joy will impair your thinking.

To spill perfume in dreams denotes that you will lose something that affords you pleasure. To break a bottle of perfume foretells that your most cherished wishes and desires will end disastrously, even while they promise a happy culmination.

To dream that you are distilling perfume means that your employments and associations will be of the pleasantest character.


If you dream of committing perjury, you are being warned that some business deal will not be honest; be careful. To dream that others perjure themselves suggests that an injustice done to you in the past will soon be redressed.


To dream of perspiration foretells that you will come out of a difficulty that has stirred up much gossip with renewed honor.


If you dream of being worried over a pest of any nature, disturbing elements will prevail in your immediate future. To see others thus worried predicts that you will be annoyed by a displeasing development.


To dream of petals falling is a sign that a friendship or relationship will soon end.


To dream of seeing new petticoats denotes that pride in your belongings will make you an object of raillery among your acquaintances. If they are soiled or torn, your reputation may be in great danger.


In dreams, these flowers represent social pleasures, new hobbies, or vacation plans.


To dream of pewter foretells straitened circumstances.

*See Dish.


To dream of any phallic symbol foretells the announcement of a pregnancy or birth.

*See Penis.


To dream that a phantom pursues you foretells strange and disquieting experiences. If you see a phantom fleeing from you, trouble will diminish.

*See Ghost.


To dream of anything having to do with a pharmacy suggests a successful business deal.


To dream of receiving this degree means advancement in your career. Giving one to someone else suggests a possible job loss.


Dreaming of pheasants heralds good fellowship among your friends.


To dream of clearing your throat of phlegm augurs happy news about a health problem. To dream of someone else spitting out phlegm warns you of a health problem that should not be ignored.


To dream of any kind of phobia means you will soon find that you are fearless in trying to achieve your goals or better your life.


To dream of seeing phosphorus is indicative of evanescent joys.


To dream of making photocopies suggests that you are trying to be someone you aren’t. Just be yourself and everything will work to your advantage.


If you see photographs in your dreams, you need to fully examine certain relationships in your life; you may be looking at them superficially. Ripping up a photo in your dream implies letting go. Having your photo taken indicates that you need to examine how others view you.


To dream that you are undergoing physical therapy implies that you are in great shape and should try some new physical challenge. If you dream that you are giving someone physical therapy, it is time for a checkup.


To dream of a doctor indicates a need for healing, whether spiritual, physical, emotional, or mental. To dream that you are a doctor indicates that you have the power to do the healing. To dream that you marry a doctor means you are being deceived.


In dreams, a piano represents a joyful occasion.


To dream of a pickax suggests that a relentless enemy is working to overthrow you socially. A broken pickax portends disaster to all your interests.


To dream of pickles denotes that you will follow worthless pursuits if you fail to call energy and judgment to your aid.


If you dream of a pickpocket, an enemy will succeed in harassing you and causing you loss.


To dream of attending a picnic betokens success and real enjoyment. Dreams of picnics mean undiluted happiness to the young. To dream of storms or other interfering elements at a picnic implies the temporary displacement of profit and pleasure in love or business.


Pictures appearing before you in dreams prognosticate deception and the ill will of contemporaries.

To make a picture suggests that you will engage in an unremunerative enterprise. To destroy one means that you will be pardoned for using strenuous means to establish your rights. Dreams of buying pictures foretell worthless speculation.

If you dream of seeing your likeness in a living tree, you will be prosperous and seemingly contented, yet you will know disappointment when you reach out for companionship and the understanding of ideas and plans.

To dream of being surrounded by the best efforts of the Old Masters and modern painters denotes that you have an insatiable longing for ever-greater accomplishment. Compared with what you have presently achieved, your current success will seem poverty-stricken and miserable.

*See Paint and painting, Photograph.


In dreams, eating pie indicates rewards for your hard work.

*See Pastry.


To stand on a pier in your dream denotes that you will be brave in your battle for recognition and you will be admitted to the highest places of honor. If you strive to reach a pier and fail, you will lose the distinction you most covet.


To pierce anything in a dream foretells permanent changes in residence or career. To dream that you see someone else piercing something tells you that change is not good at this time.


To dream of a fat, healthy pig implies reasonable success in affairs. If you see pigs wallowing in mire, you will have hurtful associates, and your engagements will be subject to reproach.

*See Hog.


To dream of seeing pigeons and hearing them cooing above their cotes speaks of how proud you are of your children. To see them flying denotes freedom from misunderstanding, and perhaps news from those far away.


If you dream of giving a piggyback ride, you will have help from a friend or associate in an upcoming business or personal matter. To dream of getting a piggyback ride means you will have to solve a problem on your own.


To dream of wearing this hairstyle means you will soon find yourself carefree after a difficult time. If you dream of assisting someone else tie pigtails, you will soon help someone find a solution to a personal problem.


To put things in piles in a dream means you need to be more organized about the help you are willing to give; if you spread yourself too thin, you may not be able to fulfill a promise.


To dream of pilgrims predicts that you will go on an extended journey, leaving home and its dearest objects on the mistaken belief that it must be done for your loved ones’ sakes.

To dream that you are a pilgrim portends struggles with poverty and unsympathetic companions.


To dream that you take pills indicates that you will have responsibilities to look after, but they will bring you much comfort and enjoyment.

To give pills to others signifies that you will be criticized for being disagreeable.

*See Capsule.


To dream of a pillow denotes luxury and comfort.


To dream that you are a pilot suggests a new direction in your business or personal life.


To dream that you are associated with a pimp warns you to look closely at new financial and business opportunities. If you are the pimp, you can expect failure in a business dealing.


To dream of your flesh being full of pimples denotes worry over trifles. To see others pimpled signifies that you will be troubled by illness and complaints from others.


If you dream of playing pinball, you must take more than one detour and avenue to solve a problem or conclude a project you are working on.


To dream of feeling pincers on your flesh implies that you will be burdened by exasperating cares. Any dream of pincers speaks of misfortune.


To dream of being pinched means you will become suddenly aware of a problem that needs an immediate solution. If you dream that you are pinching someone, a solution to a current problem is extremely hard to find.


To dream of the smell of pine foretells mental stability and peace of mind.


To dream of pineapples is exceedingly propitious. Success will follow in the near future if you gather pineapples or eat them. If you dream that you prick your fingers while preparing a pineapple for the table, you will experience considerable vexation over matters that will finally bring pleasure and success.


Pinecones in a dream represent unexpected news of a birth.


To see a pine tree in a dream foretells success in any undertaking.


If you dream that you cannot win a frustrating game of table tennis, you will have competition in a business matter; stay on your toes.


To dream of the color pink suggests a happy time.


A dream of these special sewing scissors implies that you can finish a chore rapidly without much stress.


In dreams, pins represent personal differences and family quarrels. To dream of swallowing a pin predicts that accidents will put you in danger. To lose one implies a petty loss or disagreement. If you see a bent or rusty pin, you may lose esteem because of your careless ways. To stick one into your flesh suggests that someone will irritate you.


To dream of wearing a piece of clothing with pinstripes means you will become meticulous in a personal or business project and will reap great rewards.


To dream of a pinwheel means your life will soon become more interesting and colorful.


Pipes seen in dreams are representatives of peace and comfort after many struggles.

Sewer, gas, and similar pipes denote unusual thought and prosperity in your community. Old and broken pipe signifies ill health and stagnation of business.

To dream that you smoke a pipe implies that you will enjoy the visit of an old friend; peaceful settlement of differences will also take place.


To dream of pirates suggests that you will be exposed to the evil designs of false friends. If you dream that you are a pirate, your social standing will fall.


In dreams, pistachios symbolize financial gain.


Seeing a pistol in a dream generally denotes bad fortune. If you own one, you will cultivate a low, designing personality. If you hear the report of one being fired, you will be made aware of some scheme to ruin your interests.

To dream of shooting your own pistol signifies that you will become envious of some innocent person and will go far to avenge an imagined wrong.


If you are looking into a deep pit in your dream, you will run silly risks in business ventures and will make people uncomfortable with your entreaties.

To fall into a pit denotes calamity and deep sorrow. To wake as you begin to feel yourself falling into a pit brings you out of distress in fairly good shape, however.

To dream that you are descending into a pit signifies that you knowingly risk health and fortune for greater success.


To dream of making or eating pita bread suggests good cash flow.


To dream of a pitcher denotes that you are of a generous and congenial disposition. Success will attend your efforts. A broken pitcher implies loss of friends.


Pitchforks in dreams represent struggles for betterment of fortune and some sort of great mental or physical labor.

To dream that you are attacked by someone wielding a pitchfork implies that you have personal enemies who would not hesitate to harm you.


To dream of pitching a ball means the coming of happy news.


To dream that you pity someone foretells arguments and frustration with friends and family. To dream that someone is pitying you means good luck, as does any dream in which you feel sorry for yourself.


To dream of pixels on a television or computer screen suggests that elements of your life are coming together for happiness and well-being. If any of the pixels are missing, however, you must discover what is missing from your waking life and try to fix it.


To dream of pizza means good fortune and gain in your life, especially financially.


If you dream of taking medicine while knowing it’s a placebo and you are convinced that it’s helping you, an unexpected find will help you solve a problem in your personal or business life.


To dream of place cards suggests unexpected news and surprises, all good.


To dream of afterbirth means an upcoming pregnancy or birth announcement—unless you are pregnant, in which case the dream doesn’t mean anything.


To dream of a plague denotes disappointing returns in business. If you are afflicted with the plague, you will keep your business in the black with the greatest maneuvering. If you are trying to escape a plague, some trouble that looks overwhelming is pursuing you.


To dream of this material or pattern tells you that new ideas from your friends will help you better your life.


To dream of crossing a plain implies that you will be fortunately situated, if the grasses are green and luxuriant; if the plain is arid, or the grass is dead, you will experience much discomfort and loneliness.

*See Prairie.


If you dream of looking at plans for a house or building, new friends and business associates will be very important to you. To dream of seeing yourself drawing plans suggests that you may be tricked into doing something that you don’t want to, which could lead to financial loss.

To dream of making future plans suggests the need for delay, but everything will turn out fine in the end.


If you dream of seeing carpenters using planes, things will progress smoothly in your undertakings.


To dream of a planet foretells an uncomfortable journey and depressing work.


Walking the plank is a good omen, if the board is sturdy, but you are warned to be unusually careful in your conduct after such a dream.


To dream of healthy plants portends good luck. Wilted plants suggest disappointment and difficulty coming into your life. To dream of repotting, watering, or feeding plants speaks of a comfortable home life.


In dreams, plantations symbolize financial gain and material success.


To dream of this type of TV tells you that illusion and fantasy cloud your life. You need to get real and based in your truth.


If you dream of seeing walls plainly plastered, it indicates that success will come, but it will not be stable.

To have plaster fall on you denotes unmitigated disasters and public exposure.

To see plasterers at work suggests that you will have sufficient competence to live above penury.


Dreaming of plastic speaks of friendships that add to your life.


Unless you are undergoing reconstructive surgery, this dream warns that vanity and arrogance will be your downfall socially.


To see a plate in your dream indicates social advantages. If it is empty, you suffer an emotional void.

*See Dish.


To dream of being on a platform suggests a rise in your social or career status.


If you dream of this precious metal, you will soon attain something you thought was out of reach.


In dreams, this aquatic animal represents frivolity and enjoyment in your social life.


To dream of watching a play and enjoying it foretells happy times. To dream of watching a play and not enjoying it warns of upcoming financial problems.

*See Drama, Theater.


To dream of playing in general suggests good fortune, success, and love.


To dream of pleading on behalf of yourself means life will be simple and you will have peace of mind. If it is on behalf of someone else, you will be asked to step in and help someone with a problem. You should not hesitate; your input may mean the difference in the outcome.


To dream of pleasure suggests gain and personal enjoyment.

*See Joy.


To dream of taking a pledge implies a rise in your social or business status.


To dream that you replace real glass with Plexiglas is a warning that things in your business or personal life may not be as clear or as easy as you first thought.


To dream of this tool suggests that you will find a way around your current problem.


To dream of plotting against someone else reminds you that you must address the ups and downs in your business life in order to move forward. To dream of being plotted against foretells financial improvement.


To dream of a plow signifies unusual success, and affairs will reach a pleasing culmination. To see people plowing denotes activity and advancement in knowledge and fortune.


In dreams, plucking something represents ridding yourself of unwanted associates.


To dream of a plug or of plugging something suggests financial gain through hard work.


If you dream of feathered plumage and find it pleasing, good love relationships are in the offing. If the plumage displeases you, expect a broken relationship or marriage.


To dream of shiny and bright plumbing suggests that an unexpected opportunity will bring financial gain. Old, dull, or leaky plumbing predicts frustration and annoyance with a friend or colleague.


To dream of being plump or thinking someone else is pleasingly plump suggests financial stability in your life. To dream that you are unhappy with your plumpness or that you find someone else’s chubbiness displeasing warns about upcoming spending issues and possible financial problems.


In dreams, green plums signify discomfort, unless seen on trees. Ripe plums denote joyous occasions; they will be of short duration. To eat plums denotes that you will engage in flirtatious behavior.

If you dream of gathering plums, you will obtain your desires, but they will not prove as satisfying as you had imagined. If you see yourself collecting them from the ground and finding rotten ones among the good, you will be forced to admit that your expectations about life have not been realized, and that there is no life filled with pleasure alone.


To dream of suffering from PMS foretells fertility problems and health issues.


To dream of this illness predicts health issues. You need to get a checkup.


To dream of your pocket is a sign of bad luck.


If you find a pocketbook filled with money in your dreams, you will be quite lucky, gaining what you desire in nearly every instance. If the pocketbook is empty, you will be disappointed in some big hope. If you lose your own pocketbook, you will unfortunately disagree with a best friend.

*See Purse.


To dream of seeing your face pockmarked suggests that you are being seen by others for your inner beauty. To dream of someone else’s face being pockmarked reminds you to examine how you deal with others.


To dream of a podcast means you will find the ability to learn something new that you never thought you could.


To dream of a poet means you will soon be asked for a monetary loan.


To dream of poetry betokens an interesting and unusual new friend.


To dream of this Christmas plant suggests family harmony and stable relationships. If the poinsettia is dead or unhealthy, however, it foretells family arguments and discord.


To dream that you are poisoned suggests that a painful influence will immediately reach you. If you seek to use poison on others, you are guilty of base thoughts, or life will dissapoint you.

Throwing poison away in your dream denotes that by sheer force you will overcome unsatisfactory conditions. To handle poison, or see others with it, signifies that unpleasantness will surround you.

If an enemy or rival is poisoned, you will overcome obstacles. To recover from the effects of poison suggests that you will succeed after worry. To dream of taking strychnine or other poisonous medicine under the guidance of a physician cautions that you are undertaking an affair fraught with danger.

*See Cyanide.


To dream of this plant suggests that a painful misunderstanding will soon occur with a special friend.


To play poker warns you against evil company.


To dream of seeing a red-hot poker, or fighting using one, signifies that you meet trouble with combative energy.


Polar bears in dreams suggest improvement in your social and financial circumstances. To see the skin of one denotes that you will successfully overcome any opposition.

*See Bear.


To dream of a polecat signifies salacious scandals. If you notice the odor of a polecat on your clothes, or otherwise smell it, you will find that your conduct is considered rude, and your affairs will prove unsatisfactory. To kill one reveals that you will overcome formidable obstacles.


To dream you are an exotic dancer, using a pole as a prop, foretells exciting and exotic adventures coming into your life.


To dream of pole-vaulting suggests unexpected financial gain if you clear the pole; if you don’t, financial loss is warned of.


If you dream of the police trying to arrest you for a crime of which you are innocent, it foretells that you will successfully outstrip rivals. If the arrest is just, you will have a season of misfortune. To see police while you’re out on parole indicates alarming developments in your affairs.

*See Sheriff.


To dream of having this disease indicates sound mental health.


If you dream of polishing any article, high attainments will place you in enviable positions.


To dream of a politician suggests displeasing companions and loss of time and means.

If you engage in political wrangling, misunderstandings and ill feeling will be shown you by friends.


In dreams, dancing the polka symbolizes pleasant occupations.

*See Dancing.


To dream of this pattern suggests that confusion in an upcoming business project will cause you great frustration until the problem is solved.


To dream of pollen suggests financial gain. To suffer an allergy from pollen in your dream warns you against unnecessary spending that could lead to a financial loss.


To dream that you are polluting implies that surrounding yourself with a beautiful environment will give you peace of mind and serenity.


Dreaming of polo foretells an increase in material wealth.


To dream of these supernatural, playful creatures is a warning that being socially irresponsible could bring you embarrassment.


To dream about polygamists, or that you are a polygamist, cautions you of mistrust and suspicion in a current love affair.


Dreaming of pomegranates shows that you will wisely use your talents for the enrichment of the mind rather than seeking pleasures that destroy morality and health. To eat one signifies that you will become captive to the personal charms of another.


To dream of wearing a poncho means that help will come in times of trouble.


To see a still, clear pond in your dream indicates that your life is fine and there is no immediate cause for concern. If the pond is muddy or choppy, you will have domestic quarrels.

*See Puddle, Water.


To dream of ponies indicates that moderate speculation will be rewarded with success.


To dream of a swimming pool foretells social enjoyment, as long as the water is clear. If the pool is empty or the water is dirty, gambling will lead to financial loss.

*For playing pool, see Billiards.


To dream of excrement denotes extreme financial gain and good fortune.


To dream that you or your friends are poor signifies worry and loss.

*See Pauper.


To see a poorhouse in your dream warns you of unfaithful friends who care for you only so they can use your money and belongings.


To dream of this snack food suggests abundance in friendship, fun, and love.


Any dream in which you see the Pope represents your spiritual guidance, beliefs, and self. This is a good omen.


To dream of seeing poplars is an omen of good, if they are in leaf or bloom.


Poppies seen in dreams represent a season of seductive pleasures and flattering business, but they have unstable foundations. If you inhale the odor of one, you will be the victim of artful persuasions and flattery.


To dream of porcelain signifies that you will have favorable opportunities of progressing in your affairs. To see porcelain broken or soiled denotes mistakes that will cause grave offense.


To dream of a porch implies that you will engage in new undertakings, and the future will be full of uncertainties. If you dream of building a porch, you will assume new duties.


To see a porcupine in your dreams indicates that you will disapprove any new enterprise and repel new friendships with coldness. To see a dead porcupine signifies your abolishment of ill feelings and possessions.


If you eat pork in your dreams, you will encounter trouble; but if you merely see pork, you will come out of a conflict victoriously.

*See Bacon.


To see a porpoise in your dreams indicates a connection between your subconscious and conscious. Porpoises are spiritual mammals and portend a time of growth in your spiritual life.


Seeing a porter in a dream augurs decidedly bad luck. To imagine yourself a porter suggests humble circumstances. If you hire one, you will be able to enjoy whatever success comes to you.


To dream of a portfolio indicates that your employment will not be to your liking; you will seek a change in your location.


To dream of looking through a porthole is not necessarily a bad omen, unless the water you are looking at is murky and rough; then you will have tough times ahead.


To dream of gazing on the portrait of a beautiful person indicates that, while you enjoy pleasure, you can feel the disquiet and treachery of such joys. You will suffer loss after dreaming of portraits.

*See Likeness, Paint and painting, Photograph, Picture.


In dreams, a post office symbolizes generally unpleasant tidings and ill luck.


To dream of postage stamps suggests organization and remuneration in business. If you try to use canceled stamps, you will fall into disrepute.

To receive stamps signifies a rapid rise to distinction. Seeing torn stamps implies that there are obstacles in your way.


To dream of sending, writing, or buying a postcard means you will be embarrassed by something you have done in your past. To dream of receiving one denotes a financial embarrassment or loss.


To dream of the postponement of a social or business affair portends an argument with someone close to you. If the postponement is of a trip, financial worries are coming.


If you dream of a pot, unimportant events will cause you vexation. To see a broken or rusty one foretells keen disappointment.

*For the drug, see Marijuana.


Dreaming of potatoes often brings good. To dream of digging them denotes success; eating them, substantial gain; cooking them, congenial employment. Planting them brings the realization of desires. To see potatoes rotting reveals vanished pleasure and a darkening future.


To see anything potbellied in a dream augurs luck and financial gain.


To dream of potluck meals indicates good fortune and physical well-being.


If you dream of smelling potpourri and finding it pleasing, you’ll experience relief from mental stress. If the smell is overpowering or annoying, something in your life is giving you much stress.


To dream of a potter denotes constant employment and satisfactory results.


To see a potter’s field in your dreams warns of poverty and misery.


If you dream of intact pottery, you will soon have a pleasant surprise. Broken pottery foretells broken engagements, promises, and business deals.


To see dressed poultry in a dream reveals that extravagant habits will reduce your security in monetary matters.


To dream that you are pounding something suggests frustration with business or in your personal life.


To dream of weighing something in pounds foretells financial gain.


To dream of pouring something or having something poured on you suggests an upcoming problem. The exact liquid being poured will indicate whether the problem will be easily remedied.


To see powder in your dreams reveals that you are dealing with unscrupulous people. You may detect them through watchfulness.


To dream of power in any form is a dream of success.


To dream that you have obtained power of attorney over another means you will soon seek help in a legal matter. To dream that someone has power of attorney over you augurs good health and mental stability.


To dream of a power plant means you will find the energy to complete a project that you never thought you could.


To dream of this Native American ritual foretells upcoming blessings and spiritual enlightenment.


To dream of playing a practical joke on someone suggests success in a business deal. If you dream of having such a joke played on you and find it funny, a problem with a friend or business associate is indicated. If the joke is not funny to you, expect disappointment in your personal life.


To dream of practicing something over and over again means advancement in your career.


To dream of a prairie denotes that you will enjoy ease, even luxury and unobstructed progress.

An undulating prairie covered with growing grasses and flowers signifies joyous happenings. A barren prairie represents loss and sadness through the absence of friends. To be lost on one is a sign of sadness and ill luck.


To dream of receiving praise foretells an unexpected gift of money. To dream of giving praise forewarns of an unanticipated expense.


To dream of saying prayers foretells peace of mind and happiness in life. To hear others pray suggests loyal and lasting friendships.


To dream of a preacher denotes that your ways are not above reproach, and your affairs will not move smoothly. To dream that you are a preacher foretells losses in business; unsavory amusements will shake you up.

To hear preaching in a dream implies that you will experience misfortune. If you argue with a preacher, you will lose in a contest.

To see one walk away from you denotes that your affairs will proceed with renewed energy. If he or she looks sorrowful, reproaches will fall heavily upon you. To see a long-haired preacher warns of disputes with overbearing and egotistical people.

*See Minister, Priest.


To dream of standing over a yawning precipice portends misfortune and calamity. If you fall over the precipice, you will be engulfed in disaster.

*See Abyss, Pit.


To hear someone make a prediction in a dream foretells bad news. To dream that you are making a prediction warns you against putting yourself at risk.


To dream that you are pregnant suggests that a new aspect of yourself is growing and developing. If the baby is sick or dying inside you in the dream, a project you put a lot of effort into may be falling apart. If you are pregnant and have this dream, it has no meaning.


To dream of being prejudiced warns you that you may not be living your life in accordance with what you believe to be true.


To dream of anything being premature suggests happiness and contentment in the near future. If you are pregnant and dream of a premature baby, the dream means nothing.


To dream that you are attending a premiere foretells a pleasant surprise and happy news in your family.


To dream of filling a prescription for yourself suggests good health; for someone else, disappointment.


To receive presents in your dreams denotes that you will be unusually fortunate.

*See Gift.


If you dream of being prideful, your integrity will soon be challenged. To dream of others being prideful suggests an advancement in your career.


A dream of a priest is an augury of ill, indicating the need for spiritual advice or guidance in your life.

*See Minister, Preacher.


To dream of a prime minister means you will soon win a legal battle. To dream that you are the prime minister of a country means great social success.


To dream of this little flower in the grass at your feet heralds joys laden with comfort and peace.


To dream of being this member of the royal family suggests an advancement in your social status; but this could be surrounded by jealousy, so you need to watch your back.


To dream of a school principal warns you to be careful about your driving; you might get a traffic ticket. To dream that you are the principal suggests that you will escape legal trouble.


To see a printing-press operator in your dreams is a warning of poverty if you neglect to practice economy.

To dream of an office or computer printer implies that you will reach your goals, but only through your hard work.


To be in a printing office in dreams denotes that slander will threaten you. To run a printing office is indicative of hard luck.


To dream of a prison is the forerunner to misfortune if the prison encircles your friends or yourself.

To see anyone dismissed from prison denotes that you will finally overcome misfortune.

*See Jail.


To dream that your privacy suffers intrusion suggests that overbearing people worry you.


To dream that you have won a prize signifies success and material gain.


To see a prizefight in your dreams suggests that controlling your affairs will give you trouble.


To dream of a procession indicates that you will have trouble fulfilling your obligations because of fear. If it is a funeral procession, sorrow is fast approaching and will throw a pall over your happiness.


To dream of profanity reveals that you cultivate traits that render you coarse and unfeeling toward your fellow man.

To dream that others use profanity is a sign that you will be injured in some way and probably insulted also.


To dream of being a college professor means advancement in your career, unless you are a professor in waking life, in which case, it has no meaning. To dream of being instructed by a professor foretells a new hobby.


To dream that you are writing a profile of yourself suggests that you will soon be examining your conscience and experiencing guilt for something you have done in the past. If you dream that you are reading another person’s profile, your friends are honest and loyal.

To dream of viewing a person in profile foretells a problem with a friend or family member.


To dream of profits augurs success in your immediate future.

*See Gain.


To dream of a prom foretells an unexpected and enjoyable social invitation.


To dream of promenading suggests that you will engage in energetic and profitable pursuits. To see others promenading signifies that you will have rivals in your pursuits.


If you make a promise in a dream, you will forgive an enemy and gain a friend. To dream that you have received a promise betokens an unexpected event that will bring you great joy.


If you dream of giving a promissory note to someone, an unexpected sum of money may enter your life. To dream of having to repay a promissory note suggests that you may suffer a financial loss because you didn’t make sure the item was of value.


To dream of proofreading warns you to be diligent in making sure that upcoming business projects are financially solvent.


To dream of influencing others using propaganda means you will have to hold your own against an underhanded attack on your reputation.


To dream of this fuel means you will soon be setting the world on fire. All your previous ideas will come together and create a synergy that will benefit you.


To dream of a working propeller means a swift conclusion to an upcoming business deal. To dream of a stalled or broken propeller warns you that your carelessness or apathy will work against you and be someone else’s gain.


To dream that you own vast property predicts that you will be successful in your business affairs, gaining friends along the way.

*See Wealth.


To dream of a prophet means you will have great blessings in your future and will enjoy an expanded spiritual base.


To dream of making or receiving a proposal, if you are a woman, predicts great popularity among your friends and colleagues. If you are a man, it warns you not to trip yourself up by being too arrogant.


To dream that you are in the company of a prostitute indicates that you will incur the righteous scorn of friends for ill-mannered conduct.

To dream you are a prostitute indicates either that you secretly feel you are prostituting yourself for an unworthy cause, or perhaps that you need to deal with sexual repression.


To dream of a prototype means that you will have to acknowledge the efforts of others for the success of an upcoming project.


If you dream that you are a prude or someone else is, you are outspoken and may lose friends or colleagues in the near future.


To dream of this dried fruit suggests that you will soon be undergoing a change of residence. If they are stewed in your dream, it foretells improving health.


To dream of reading, singing, or hearing psalms means blessings and abundance.


To dream of a psychic means good luck and happy times. To dream you are a psychic suggests that you may need financial help for a monetary problem.


To dream of having this food poisoning warns you to watch your diet.


To dream of seeing this type of body hair predicts an announcement of pregnancy or birth.


To dream of publicity for yourself or someone else warns that you are not handling your friends and family members kindly.


To dream of a publisher foretells long journeys and aspirations to the literary craft.

For a publisher to reject your manuscript indicates that you will suffer disappointment at the miscarriage of cherished designs. If the publisher instead accepts your manuscript, you will rejoice in the full fruition of your hopes. If the manuscript is lost, you will suffer evil at the hands of strangers.

To dream of being involved with a publisher suggests financial loss. Dreaming of having something published implies an improvement in your personal and financial life.


To dream of seeing pudding denotes small returns from large investments. To eat pudding is proof that your affairs will be disappointing.


To find yourself stepping into puddles of clear water in a dream denotes vexation but some redeeming good in the future. If the water is muddy, unpleasantness will go a few rounds with you.

To wet your feet by stepping into puddles foretells that your pleasure will cause you harm afterward.


To dream of a pulpit denotes sorrow and vexation. If you are in a pulpit, expect sickness and unsatisfactory results in business.


To dream of your pulse warns you to look after your affairs and health with care, as both are susceptible to debilitating conditions.

To dream of feeling the pulse of another signifies that you are committing depredations in pleasure’s domain.


To see a pump in a dream suggests that energy and faithfulness to business will produce desired riches. Good health also is usually betokened by this dream.

A broken pump signifies that your means of advancing in life will be absorbed by family cares. To the married and the unmarried, it intimates wasted energies. If you work a pump, your life will be filled with pleasure and profitable undertakings.


Any form of pumpkin in your dream represents a happy, comfortable home life.


To dream of drinking punch denotes that you prefer selfish pleasures to honorable distinction and morality.


To dream that you are punching anyone with a club or fist implies quarrels and recriminations.


To dream that you are puncturing something means a change in residence.


If you dream you are being punished, you’re about to become very popular. To dream that you are punishing someone else means you will be doing something that you will be very proud of.


To dream of a puppet warns you to examine your career and personal life to see if you are being controlled.


To dream of puppies indicates that you will entertain the innocent and hapless and thereby enjoy pleasure. The dream also shows that friendships will grow stronger and fortune will increase if the pups are healthy and well formed; vice versa if they are lean and dirty.

*See Dog, Hound.


To dream of purchases usually augurs profit and advancement with pleasure.


To dream of purgatory means you will soon have to make a decision. You might not initially believe it is the right thing for you, but it will turn out to be a blessing.


The color purple always is tied to psychic development, spiritual intuition, and development of spirit.


To dream of hearing purring augurs contentment and happiness.


To dream of your purse being filled denotes associations where “good cheer” is the motto, and harmony and tender love make Earth a beautiful place.

To dream of your purse being empty suggests financial issues.

*See Pocketbook.


To dream of pushing or being pushed foretells troubles that you will rise above.


In dreams, pussy willows symbolize comfort and security.


To dream of working with putty suggests that you are taking hazardous chances with fortune. If you put a windowpane in with putty, you will seek fortune, with poor results.


To dream of solving a puzzle reveals that a current problem will be easily solved. If you cannot solve a puzzle in your dream, expect hard work ahead in solving a real-life problem.


To dream of pyramids tells you that many changes are coming. If you climb them, you will journey a long while before you find the gratification of desires.

To dream that you are studying the mystery of the ancient pyramids indicates that you will develop a love for the mysteries of nature and will become learned and cultured.


To dream of this type of large snake warns you against your friends and colleagues being dishonest and backbiting.