Seeing a dagger in a dream suggests threatening enemies. If you remove the dagger from the hand of another, you will be able to counteract the influence of your enemies and overcome misfortune.
To see fresh and bright dahlias in a dream signifies good fortune for the dreamer.
To dream of dairy products means you will be nurturing a hobby or outside activity that brings you much pleasure.
To dream of a dairy means that there is money and/or prosperity coming your way.
To dream of a bunch of daisies implies sadness, but if you dream of being in a field where these lovely flowers are in bloom, with the sun shining and birds singing, happiness, health, and prosperity will lead you through the pleasantest avenues of life.
To dream of seeing a damask rosebush in full bloom foretells that a wedding will soon take place in your family, and great hopes will be fulfilled.
It’s a particularly good dream if you are so fortunate as to see damson plum tree branches laden with rich purple fruit and dainty foliage; expect riches.
To dream of eating damsons forebodes grief.
To the married, to dream of seeing a crowd of merry children dancing signifies loving, obedient, and intelligent children and a cheerful and comfortable home. To young people, it denotes easy tasks and many pleasures.
To see older people dancing suggests a brighter outlook for business. If you dream of dancing by yourself, unexpected good fortune will come to you.
To dream of a dancing master warns that you are neglecting important affairs to pursue frivolities.
To see dandelions blossoming and green foliage foretells happy unions and prosperity.
To dream of being in a perilous situation where death seems imminent indicates that you will emerge from obscurity into distinction and honor; but if you should not escape the impending danger, and if you die or are wounded, you will suffer in business and be troubled at home and by others. If you are in love, or if you seek love, your prospects will grow dim.
To dream of darkness overtaking you on a journey augurs ill for any work you may attempt, unless the sun breaks through before the journey ends, in which case, difficulties will be overcome.
To dream of seeing dates on trees signifies prosperity and happy relationships; but if you eat the dates, it augurs want and distress.
To dream of your daughter suggests that displeasing incidents will give way to pleasure and harmony. If in the dream she disappoints you for any reason, you will suffer vexation and discontent.
To dream of your daughter-in-law indicates that an unusual event will add to your happiness or discontent. The difference depends on whether she is pleasant or unreasonable in the dream.
To dream of the biblical David means the coming of blessings.
To dream of the day portends improvement and pleasant associations. A gloomy or cloudy day foretells loss and disappointment in new enterprises.
To watch the daybreak in a dream augurs success, unless the scene is indistinct and unusual; then it may imply disappointment when success in business or love seems assured.
To dream of the dead means rebirth and new beginnings.
To dream of your own death means the release of worries. To dream of someone else’s death often foretells news of a birth.
*See Corpse, Dead, Ghost, Phantom.
Debt in a dream is rather challenging and foretells worries in business and love, as well as feelings of incompetency; but if you have enough funds to meet all your obligations, things will improve.
To dream of December foretells the accumulation of wealth, but the loss of friendship. A stranger will capture the heart of someone who loved you.
If you dream of being on a ship while a storm is raging, disasters and unfortunate alliances will plague you; but if the sea is calm and the light distinct, your way to success is clear. For lovers, this dream augurs happiness.
To dream of decorating signifies a favorable outlook in business and continued success socially and educationally.
To dream of seeing or signing deeds foreshadows a lawsuit. Be careful in selecting counsel, to avoid being the loser.
This is a favorable dream, denoting pure, deep friendships and a quiet and uneventful life. To dream of hunting deer denotes failure in your pursuits.
To dream of defrosting something or needing to defrost something counsels you to be patient with an upcoming project that will take more time than you anticipated.
To dream of having the same thing happen to you over and over, or of seeing the same person again and again, suggests that you will need to deal with a problem several times before it is solved.
To be delayed in a dream warns you of enemies scheming to prevent your progress.
To delegate power to another or to have someone else take over your job means you will soon be rewarded for a job well done.
To dream of deleting words (or files from your computer) warns you to be careful of deception and dishonesty around you.
To dream that you work in a deli means you will have a pleasant time on vacation. To dream that you shop at a deli tells you that dreams are starting to come true.
To dream of experiencing delight over something signifies a favorable turn of events. For lovers to be delighted with the conduct of their sweethearts suggests pleasant greetings.
To feel delight when looking at beautiful landscapes speaks of great success and warm relationships.
To deliver anything or have it delivered to you means good fortune is coming your way.
To dream of much water at one time means that good fortune and prosperity await you—if the water is clear. If the water is muddy, money troubles lie ahead.
To dream that you are hit with a demand for charity suggests being placed in embarrassing situations, but fully restoring your good name by sheer persistence. If the demand is unjust, you will become a leader in your profession.
To find yourself suffering from this disease means you will be very sharp in future business dealings. To find someone else suffering from this in a dream warns you to read the fine print on contracts.
To dream of being a Democrat when you are not means you will be seeking advice from someone you never thought you would look to for help.
To watch something being demolished in a dream indicates that you will be moving. If you are unhappy as you watch, the unexpected move is unwelcome.
To be in the presence of a demon in your dream warns you of evil doings around you. To fight and defeat a demon suggests that you will have many blessings in family, home, and work.
To find yourself in a state of denial in a dream means you are taking your responsibilities too seriously and need to lighten up.
To dream of this material means you have a few tough times ahead. To see and feel the denim softened implies the tough times are over.
To wear or make clothing from denim in a dream indicates security in your life.
To put a dent in a vehicle in your dream means you may be the target of theft if you are not careful. To fix a dent means a problem that seemed very large will turn out to be an easy fix.
To dream of a dentist working on your teeth suggests that you will doubt the sincerity and honor of someone you have dealings with.
To wear dentures in a dream, or prepare to, means you may find yourself lying to escape a problem. To find or lose someone else’s dentures warns that you will be lied to about an important matter in the near future.
To dream that you need to put this on means good health. To refuse to wear it in your dream means you will soon have a health problem that needs immediate attention.
To dream of waiting for your means of transportation to depart means that your time will be wasted on trivial matters. To watch a departure suggests that you will finish a project with time to spare.
To find yourself being deported from your country in a dream means you will soon be traveling for business.
Depositing money in a bank in a dream warns you to watch your spending. To dream that someone else is depositing money into your account is a sign of good fortune.
To dream that you see, or are in, a train derailment that does not lead to any injuries means your current health issues will get better quickly. To have or see injuries in your dream means that an unexpected health issue will soon emerge.
To deal with one or more derelicts in your dream means that you and several colleagues will soon brainstorm for ideas. If you are a derelict, the dream is a warning that you are being too lazy at work and need to take more responsibility.
To dream that you are a dermatologist means someone will be getting under your skin and giving you trouble soon. To dream that you go to one to clear up skin problems suggests that your friends are loyal and true.
In dreams, derricks symbolize strife and obstruction on your way to success.
To dream that you see something desecrated means your priorities are not what they should be. To dream that you are responsible for the desecration means you will honor someone for a good deed.
To dream of wandering through a gloomy and barren desert predicts famine, racial strife, and great loss of life and property.
To find yourself desiring something in a dream that’s never interested you before predicts an upcoming adventure to an unexpected place. To have no desire for the things you love means you are in need of a change in your work, home, family, or friendships.
To be using a desk in a dream implies unforeseen ill luck. To see money on your desk implies unexpected extrication from private difficulties.
To be in despair indicates that you will have many cruel vexations in the working world. To see others in despair foretells the distress and unhappy situation of some relative or friend.
To find yourself desperate to solve a problem or get rid of something in your dream means you will have the means to take a pleasant vacation or purchase an item you’ve been longing for.
To dream that everyone around you is despondent means fun and happy times are coming. If you are the despondent one, expect a vacation or a good time in the near future.
To dream that you are eating dessert is a good omen, unless you’re eating it alone; then it warns of the ending of a friendship. To make or bake a dessert means good luck.
To find yourself destitute is a dream of money luck coming in the near future.
To see something destroyed in your dream means you will soon rebuild your life for the better. To destroy things in a dream warns you to examine your life and make sure you are really making the right decisions for the change you want.
To be detained in a dream suggests that you will have the freedom to do what you want in an upcoming project. To detain another means that you will have to stick to the rules in this project.
To dream of being followed by a detective when you are innocent indicates that fortune and honor are drawing nearer to you each day; if you feel yourself guilty, however, you are likely to find your reputation at stake, and friends will turn from you.
To hire a detective is a warning of dishonesty among your friends.
To be a detective means you will soon discover a hidden secret that will bring you good fortune.
To buy or use detergent in a dream means you will come clean about something you have been keeping secret. You will feel refreshed and renewed afterward.
To dream of a device being in working order means you will soon be purchasing something that will give you pleasure. To dream of a device in need of repairs counsels that something mechanical will soon break down.
If the dream involves fighting the devil, you will outwit those who want to harm you. If you speak to him, you will find temptations hard to resist. This dream can also portend ill health and mental stress.
To dream of devotion implies prosperity, peace, and adoration from your associates.
To feel the dew falling on you in your dreams portends that you will be attacked by fever or some malignant disease; but if you see dew sparkling through the grass in the sunlight, great honors and wealth are about to be heaped upon you. If you are single, a wealthy marriage will soon be your portion.
To dream that you have diabetes means good health.
To dream of a diadem implies that some honor will be tendered you for acceptance.
To dream you are getting a good diagnosis for an ailment you are having in your dream warns you to be wary of health issues. If it is a bad diagnosis, your health is good.
To draw or see a diagram in your dream suggests that you should pay close attention to upcoming legal matters in your life.
If you dream of a dial on the clock and you can’t read it, you are wasting time. If you can read it, you have more control in your life than you thought. Dialing a telephone in a dream portends good fortune, especially if you can remember the numbers you dialed.
To dream of being on kidney dialysis foretells that you will soon be clearing out toxic relationships in your life.
To dream of owning diamonds is a very propitious dream, signifying great honor and recognition from high places.
For a speculator, it denotes prosperous transactions. Diamonds are omens of good luck, unless they are stolen from the bodies of the dead, in which case they suggest that your own unfaithfulness will be discovered by your friends.
To dream of wearing a diaper implies that you are ashamed of something you have done or will be shamed publicly for it.
To dream of putting a diaper on someone means you will find yourself protecting another person’s integrity.
Dreams of having or seeing diarrhea foretell excellent fortune and good luck.
To dream of writing in a diary means you need to be careful in what you are thinking, because it may become reality.
To dream that you are reading someone else’s diary suggests renewed or new friendships.
To dream of dice indicates unfortunate speculations and consequent misery. It can also foretell contagious sickness.
To dream that you are referring to a dictionary signifies that you depend too much on the opinions and suggestions of others for the clear management of your own affairs; you could do this yourself by giving your will free rein.
To dream of this petroleum product is a warning not to feed or pass on a vicious rumor.
To dream that you are on a diet and can’t lose weight foretells a health problem. To dream that you are on a diet and are losing weight means good health is on the horizon.
To dream of being a dietitian suggests that you need to eat more healthily.
To dream that you differ with someone means that in your waking life you will actually be “on the same page” with someone else.
This dream signifies temporary embarrassment for businesspeople of all classes, including soldiers and writers. But if you extricate yourself from difficulties, expect prosperity.
To have problems digesting food in your dream means that you will find an upcoming situation very hard to stomach.
To dream of digging indicates that although you will never be in want, life will be an uphill affair.
If you dig a hole and find any glittering substance, expect a favorable turn in fortune; but if you open up a vast area of hollow mist, you will be harassed with real misfortunes and filled with gloomy forebodings.
If water fills the hole you dig, events will not bend to your will, despite your most strenuous efforts.
To dream you are writing digits means you will have good luck.
To dream you are missing a digit on a hand or foot means that a project you are currently working on needs help so you can complete it.
Looking at a digital clock in a dream predicts good fortune, especially if you can remember the numbers.
To dream of a dam that is breaking or leaking—whether the water is clear or muddy—suggests dishonesty coming into your life.
To dream of being able to fix a dike that is broken indicates good fortune if the water is clear. Muddy water betokens hard times ahead, but all will turn out fine.
To dream of seeing a building that is dilapidated means you will be moving to a home whose worth is beyond your wildest imagination.
To dream of seeing or collecting dimes means good fortune. To dream of losing them warns you to watch your money in an upcoming business deal.
To dream of a dimple foretells pleasant surprises coming into your life.
To dream of eating in a diner suggests that you need to watch your food intake and the way you are eating.
To dream of eating dinner alone indicates that you will often have cause to think seriously of the necessities of life.
If you are one of many invited guests at a dinner, you will enjoy the hospitality of those who are able to extend many pleasant courtesies to you.
To dream of these ancient animals recommends that you rethink an idea that may be outdated.
To dream you are receiving or giving a diploma means you will be learning a new skill in the near future.
To dream of a diplomat (yourself or someone else) suggests that you be very careful in what you say to people and how you say it.
To dream that you are asking for directions reminds you to be careful with your driving skills. If you dream that you are giving directions, you will be able to find an easy solution to an upcoming problem.
To be a director in your dream means it’s time to lead rather than follow.
To ask for a phone number through directory assistance in a dream foretells an unexpected phone call coming your way.
To dream of seeing freshly stirred dirt around flowers or trees means that thrift and healthful conditions abound.
Dreaming that someone throws dirt on you warns of enemies trying to injure your character.
To dream that you are disabling something means you will receive a pleasant surprise in the mail.
To dream you are disabled assures you that you have the ability to stand on your own two feet in an upcoming problem, even though you may not believe it.
To dream that you are having a disagreement means that your friends are extremely loyal to you as you work through a problem.
To dream of something, someone, or yourself disappearing suggests that you will have clarity with an upcoming problem, making it very easy for you to solve.
To find that you are disappointed in a dream predicts a coming gift.
To find your life or environment in disarray means your life is actually very settled and balanced.
To dream of being in any disaster involving public transportation warns that you are in danger of losing property or of being harmed by a disease.
Other disasters may signify loss by death; but if you dream that you are rescued, you will be placed in trying situations and come out unscathed.
If you dream of a train wreck in which you are not a participant, you will eventually be interested in some accident when a relative or friend is hurt, or you will have trouble of a business nature.
To be a lawyer and dream you are being disbarred means you will gain recognition with your peers. To dream of knowing a lawyer who is disbarred warns of legal problems.
To dream that you have money disbursed to you cautions you to be careful of theft. To disburse money in your dream means you will soon see monetary gain.
To discard anything is a dream of gain.
To be discharged from military service, a military hospital, or a military job in a dream implies good change coming to your life.
To dream of one of Jesus’s disciples, or that you are one, is a dream of many blessings.
If you dream of dancing in a disco, look for good times ahead. To watch others dancing suggests that you will be overlooked at a special event or party.
To feel discomfort in a dream foretells good health. To cause discomfort to others is a warning of an upcoming health problem.
To dream of having your phone disconnected means you will be making a new friend soon. To disconnect someone’s phone in a dream indicates that you will be dealing with a lie or rumor about yourself.
To have a favorite thing discontinued in a dream means a big surprise is coming.
To ask for a discount means you should watch how you are spending your money.
To feel discouraged over anything in a dream indicates that your wishes are coming true.
To dream you make a discovery of any kind means you will soon lose a treasured item. This warning dream reminds you to be careful of your things.
To dream that you have discredited another person means you will soon be called upon to help prove someone’s honesty. To be discredited in a dream suggests that your friends will prove to be loyal and true when faced with a rumor about you.
To dream that you are being discriminated against means that you will gain the respect of your peers. To dream that you are discriminating against someone suggests that you will have an opportunity to help a fellow worker.
To find yourself dreaming that you are in a long discussion, heated or otherwise, means that you will soon have to prove yourself at work.
To dream that you are diseased denotes a slight attack of illness, or it could denote unpleasant dealings with a relative.
To dream of disembarking from any mode of transportation—ship, plane, car—indicates that you will soon be traveling.
To feel or see yourself disembodied in a dream asks you to examine your spiritual self.
To perform an act of disembowelment in a dream is a sign of health issues on the horizon. To watch it suggests a good report about a current health concern.
To be disfigured means you will be complimented on your beauty from an unlikely source. If you dream you are going to disfigure someone else, you will be surprised by someone’s integrity.
To fret in a dream over disgraceful conduct will bring you unsatisfied hopes, and worries will harass you.
To be in disgrace yourself indicates that you hold morality in low esteem; you are in danger of harming your reputation.
To dream that you are in disguise warns you not to lie in your relationships. To see another in disguise suggests that you are being lied to.
To dream of handling dishes denotes good fortune; but if they should be broken, fortune will be short-lived for you.
To see shelves of polished dishes implies success in marriage. Dreaming of dishes portends success, and you will be able to fully appreciate your good luck. Soiled dishes represent dissatisfaction and an unpromising future.
To uncover dishonesty in a dream means that the truth will be revealed about a friend, surprising you. If you yourself are dishonest in a dream, you will be truthful in your waking life: you need to watch your words, for they may hurt someone else.
To dream of buying, selling, loading, or unloading a dishwasher foretells happy times ahead.
To disinfect anything in your dream cautions you to look closely at a contract before signing it.
To dream that you are disinherited warns you to look well at your business and social standing.
To see a disk in your dream suggests that you will be making fond memories in a new relationship.
To dislocate a bone in your dreams is a warning that a broken friendship is coming.
To dislodge something from your throat in a dream lets you know that you will indeed be heard when you speak the truth about someone or something.
If you’re unable to dislodge it, the dream is warning you to watch your words, for they might be misrepresented or misunderstood.
To dismantle anything in a dream indicates a project being finished ahead of time.
To find yourself dismembering another in a dream predicts a broken engagement or love relationship. To have one of your own body parts removed warns of upcoming health issues.
To dream of being dismissed from a job portends upcoming fame.
To see yourself in a dream dismounting from an animal means you will soon travel. If you help another dismount, you will soon have to travel unexpectedly.
To have your commands disobeyed in your dream advises you to be clear on what you ask for in the future. To disobey someone else suggests that you will have a clear mind during an upcoming trouble or issue.
To find yourself very disorganized in a dream, you must find a way to change a current relationship or it will fail.
To disown someone in a dream means that a lasting friendship is currently in your life. To be disowned means you will soon start a new friendship that will last a lifetime.
To dream that you put something or someone on display suggests that you will soon face shame for an act of yours. To be on display means you will have to explain your actions.
To dream of disputes over trifles indicates bad health and unfairness in judging others.
To dream of disputing with learned people shows that you have some latent ability but are a little sluggish in developing it.
To dream that you are disqualified from a sporting event or contest means you will win in a similar endeavor in your waking life. To disqualify someone else warns that you may not be able to finish an upcoming sporting event, competition, or contest.
If you dissect anything in a dream, you will soon have to face a problem that you have been trying to hide from.
To dream of something dissolving in a liquid means your troubles will soon end.
To dream of a distaff denotes frugality, with pleasant surroundings. It also signifies that you are cultivating a devotional spirit.
To dream of being a long way from home implies that you will make a journey soon in which you may meet many strangers who will be instrumental in changing your life from good to bad.
To dream of friends at a distance suggests slight disappointments. To dream of distance itself signifies travel and a long journey.
To distill alcohol in a dream foretells problems with your love life. To drink anything that has been distilled means that new love is on the horizon.
To dream of something in a distorted way means you will have to take a closer look at the things you plan to buy.
To disturb someone in your dream tells you that people are talking behind your back. To be disturbed in a dream is a sign of good friendships.
To dream of falling in a ditch denotes degradation and personal loss; but if you jump over a ditch, you will live down any suspicion of wrongdoing.
To see yourself as a diva in your dreams means you will be humiliated in front of your peers. To notice another acting as a diva suggests that you will soon humiliate someone.
To do this type of math or to physically divide something yourself in your dreams means you will soon have time for more pleasure in your life. If you see someone else doing this, you will have more than enough to share with others.
In dreams, dividends symbolize successful speculations or prosperous harvests. Failure in securing hoped-for dividends proclaims failure in management or love affairs.
To dream of diving into clear water signifies a favorable end to some embarrassment. If the water is muddy, you will suffer anxiety at the turn your affairs seem to be taking.
Watching others diving indicates pleasant companions. For lovers to dream of diving marks the consummation of happy dreams and passionate love.
To see a divining rod in your dream foretells ill luck and dissatisfaction with present surroundings.
To dream of being divorced indicates that you are not satisfied with your companion and should cultivate a more congenial atmosphere at home. It is a dream of warning.
To dream that you are hearing this jazz music foretells happy times ahead.
This dream indicates possible blood-pressure problems. It also can predict an upset from a new love interest.
To be a DJ spinning records in your dreams means you will soon be entertaining unexpectedly. To watch a DJ in your dream portends an upcoming invitation from a surprising person.
If you hear the term DNA in your dream or are looking at a model of DNA, this is a dream of pregnancy and birth.
To dream of hearing someone being pronounced dead on arrival—or hearing it said of yourself—means you will be receiving good news about a health issue, either yours or that of someone you love.
To dream of being on a dock indicates that you are about to make an unpropitious journey. Accidents will threaten you. If you are wandering alone on a dock and darkness overtakes you, you will meet with deadly enemies; but if the sun is shining, you will escape the dangers.
It is a most auspicious dream, denoting good health and general prosperity, if you meet a doctor socially, for you will not then spend your money on his or her services.
To dream of a doctor professionally signifies discouraging illness and disagreeable differences between members of a family.
To dream that a doctor makes an incision in your flesh without there being any blood indicates that you will be tormented and injured by some evil person, who may try to make you pay out money for his or her debts. If the doctor cuts you and there is blood, you will be the loser in some transaction.
To read, sign, or get signed documents of any kind in a dream warns of legal problems or poor money speculations.
To dream of a vicious dog suggests enemies and unalterable misfortune. To dream that a dog nuzzles you indicates great gain and constant friends. A dog with fine qualities lets you know that you will be possessed of solid wealth.
If you dream that a bloodhound is tracking you, you are likely to fall into some temptation that threatens your downfall.
To dream of small dogs indicates that your thoughts and chief pleasures are of a frivolous order.
If you dream of dogs biting you, expect a quarrelsome companion either in marriage or business. Lean, filthy dogs indicate failure in business, as well as sickness among children.
A dog show symbolizes many and varied favors from fortune.
To hear the barking of dogs foretells news of a depressing nature. Difficulties are more than likely to follow. To see dogs chasing foxes or other large game suggests an unusual briskness in all affairs.
To see fancy pet dogs reveals a love of show—and an owner who is selfish and narrow. For a young woman, this dream foretells a fop for a sweetheart.
To feel much fright upon seeing a large mastiff implies that you will experience inconvenience because of efforts to rise above mediocrity.
To hear the growling and snarling of dogs indicates that you are at the mercy of designing people and you will be afflicted with unpleasant home surroundings.
To hear the lonely baying of a dog foretells a death or a long separation from friends.
To hear dogs growling and fighting portends that you will be overcome by your enemies and that your life will be filled with depression.
If you dream of dogs and cats seemingly on friendly terms suddenly turning on each other, showing their teeth, and a general fight ensuing, you will meet with disaster in love and worldly pursuits unless you succeed in quelling the row.
If you dream of a friendly white dog approaching you, it portends for you a victorious engagement, whether in business or love. For a woman, this is an omen of an early marriage.
To dream of a many-headed dog warns that you are trying to maintain too many branches of business at one time. Success always comes with concentration of energies. A man who wishes to succeed in anything should take heed of this dream.
If you dream of a mad dog, your most strenuous efforts will not bring desired results, and a fatal disease may even be clutching at your vitals. If a mad dog succeeds in biting you, it is a sign that you or some loved one is on the verge of insanity, and a tragedy may occur.
To dream of traveling alone with a dog following you foretells staunch friends and successful undertakings.
Swimming dogs represent an easy stretch to happiness and fortune. To dream that a dog kills a cat in your presence is significant of profitable dealings and some unexpected pleasure.
For a dog to kill a snake in your presence is an omen of good luck.
*See Bulldog, Collie, Mad dog, Puppy.
To dream of this tree is a dream of blessing coming in your life, especially if it is in bloom out of season.
To dream of a doll suggests social and familial happiness.
To dream of a silver dollar or dollars means good luck.
If you dream of a dolphin, you’re liable to come under a new government. It is not a very good dream.
To dream that you are in the dome of a building, viewing a strange landscape, signifies a favorable change in your life. You will occupy honorable places among strangers.
To behold a dome from a distance portends that you will never reach the height of your ambition; if you are in love, the object of your desires will scorn your attention.
If you dream of playing at dominoes and you lose, you will be affronted by a friend, and your family will feel much concern for your safety, because you are not discreet romantically or in other matters.
If you are the winner of the game, you will be courted and admired by certain dissolute characters, bringing selfish pleasures to you but much distress to your relatives.
To dream of a donkey braying in your face indicates that you are about to be publicly insulted by a lewd and unscrupulous person.
If you hear distant braying filling space with melancholy, you will receive wealth and release from unpleasant bonds by the death of someone close to you. If you see yourself riding on a donkey, you will visit foreign lands and explore many places that are difficult to reach.
To see others riding donkeys suggests a meager inheritance for them and a life of toil.
To drive a donkey signifies that all your energies and pluck will be brought into play against desperate efforts by your enemies to overthrow you. If you drive a donkey while you are in love, evil people will cause you trouble.
If you are kicked by this little animal, it shows that you are carrying on illicit affairs and are anxious about the possibility of betrayal.
If you lead a donkey by a halter, you will be master of every situation, leading others into your way of seeing things by flattery. To see children riding and driving donkeys suggests that they will be both healthy and obedient.
To fall or be thrown from a donkey denotes ill luck and disappointment. Lovers will quarrel and separate.
To see a donkey that is dead denotes satiety resulting from licentious excesses.
To dream of drinking the milk of a donkey suggests that frivolous desires will be gratified at the expense of responsibility.
If you see a strange donkey among your stock, or on your premises, you will inherit some valuable things.
To dream of coming into the possession of a donkey by gift or purchase portends that you will attain enviable heights in the business or social world; if you’re single, you will enter into a successful marriage.
Organ donation in your dreams warns of upcoming health problems.
To find yourself doodling on something in your dreams cautions you to step back from a problem and rethink how you are going to solve it.
To dream that you are looking forward to doomsday is a warning for you to give substantial and material affairs close attention, or you will find that the artful and scheming friends you are entertaining will get what they desire from you, which is your wealth and not your heart.
To dream of entering a door suggests slander and enemies, people you are trying in vain to escape from. If the door you dream of entering is your childhood home, your days will be filled with plenty and with congeniality.
To see others go through a doorway denotes unsuccessful attempts to get your affairs in order. It also foreshadows changes for farmers and in the world of politics.
For authors, it suggests that the reading public will refuse to read their new works.
If you dream that you attempt to close a door and it falls from its hinges, injuring someone, evil threatens a friend through your unintentional wrong advice. If you see another attempt to lock a door, and it again falls from its hinges, you will have knowledge of some friend’s misfortune and be powerless to help.
*See Dutch door.
To dream you hear or ring a doorbell foretells unexpected tidings, or a hasty summons to business or to the bedside of a sick relative.
To see yourself living in a dormitory implies a possible move to another location. To visit a dormitory in your dream means that travel is on the horizon.
To dream of seeing two of an item foretells good luck with money. To dream that you see double means you need to look again at something or someone to totally understand a problem you are having.
To dream of doughnuts means travel, sometimes unexpected.
Dreaming of doves mating and building their nests indicates a peaceful world and joyous homes where children are obedient and mercy is extended to all.
To hear the lonely, mournful voice of a dove portends sorrow and disappointment through the death of one to whom you looked for aid. Often it portends the death of a father.
Dreaming of a dead dove portends a separation of husband and wife, through either death or infidelity.
White doves suggest bountiful harvests and the utmost confidence in the loyalty of friends.
To dream of seeing a flock of white doves denotes peaceful, innocent pleasures and fortunate developments in the future.
If one brings you a letter, pleasant news from absent friends is intimated, as is a lover’s reconciliation. If the dove seems exhausted, a note of sadness will pervade the reconciliation, or a sad touch may be given the happy tidings by mention of an invalid friend; a slight drop in business affairs may follow. If the letter bears the message that you are doomed, it foretells that a desperate illness, either your own or that of a relative, may cause you financial misfortune.
To dream that you are caught in a downpour is an omen of great fortune coming your way.
To dream that you have been fired because your company has downsized is a great predictor of advancement at work.
To dream that you have Down syndrome, or someone else does, indicates good mental health and clarity.
To dream that you fail to receive a dowry suggests poverty and a cold world to depend on for a living. If you do receive one, your expectations for the day will be fulfilled.
To dream that you have a dozen of anything represents abundance, whether you keep things or give them away.
To dream that you are sitting or standing in a draft means you will learn a good lesson. To dream of being drafted into the army indicates peaceful times in your life.
To dream of a dragon suggests that you allow yourself to be governed by your passions; you are likely to place yourself in the power of your enemies through those outbursts of sardonic tendencies. You should be warned by this dream to cultivate self-control.
To dream of a dragonfly means monetary gain—though it may just be fleeting.
To dream of seeing a drama signifies pleasant reunions with distant friends. If you are bored at the performance, you will be forced to accept an uncongenial companion at some entertainment or secret affair.
To write a drama portends that you will be plunged into distress and debt, to be extricated as if by a miracle.
To dream of drapes on a window or to find yourself or someone else draping a cloth over something suggests that you’re trying to cover up a financial problem from those around you.
To dream of a drawbridge either closing or opening means that exciting times are coming—but you will need to take everything slowly to keep healthy.
To dream that you are drawing a picture of yourself or someone else means you will go through a time of questioning your spiritual self.
To dream that you have this hairstyle means you will be thinking in a totally different way about a love relationship. To see dreadlocks on another signifies new love coming into your life. To cut or have your dreadlocks cut implies a coming problem that could change a love relationship.
To dream of being in a dress rehearsal reveals your ability to take your time to figure out an upcoming problem or confusing situation in your life.
To experience trouble dressing in a dream means that evil people will worry you and keep you from happiness. If you have trouble getting dressed on time, this means you will have many annoyances through the carelessness of others. Depend on your own efforts, as much as possible, for contentment and success.
To dream of drilling anything warns you to look at how you might be wasting time on trivial matters.
To be given to drinking in your dream suggests ill-natured rivalry and contention over small possessions. To think you have quit drinking or find that others have done so shows that you will rise above your present state and will prosper.
To pave a driveway or see one being paved tells you that extreme luck with money is coming your way. To sit in your car in a driveway means the same thing.
To dream of driving signifies unjust criticism of your seeming extravagance. You will be compelled to do things that appear undignified.
To dream of driving a public cab denotes menial labor with little chance for advancement. If it is a wagon, you will remain in poverty and unfortunate circumstances for some time.
If you are driven by others, you will profit by superior knowledge of the world and will always find some path through difficulties.
To dream that you find yourself dropping things suggests good health.
To drop out of anything in a dream—a play, a school, an event, what have you—means you will soon be in a position to learn something new.
To experience a drought in a dream means you will have more than enough and will share your wealth.
To dream of drowning denotes loss of property and life; but if you are rescued, you will rise from your present position to one of wealth and honor.
If you see others drowning and go to their relief, you will aid your friend in high places and will bring deserved happiness to yourself.
To take a drug in a dream suggests that you will learn of a loved one’s poor health. To give a drug in your dream means a problem with your own health. If you buy or sell drugs, there is dishonesty among your friends, family, or co-workers; you need to stay away from them.
*See specific drugs.
To hear the muffled beating of a drum indicates that an absent friend is in distress and is calling on you for aid.
To see a drum foretells amiability and a great aversion to quarrels and dissension.
To dream of eating a drumstick is a sign of good fortune.
To use drumsticks to play a drum is a sign of happy times ahead. To use them to play on something other than drums means you will be deceived in a contract if you are not careful.
Drunkenness in all forms is unreliable as a good dream. Everyone is warned by this dream to shift thoughts into more healthful channels.
This is an unfavorable dream if you are drunk on heavy liquors, indicating profligacy and loss of employment. You will be disgraced by stooping to forgery or theft.
To see others in a drunken condition foretells for you, and probably others, unhappy states.
However, if drunk on wine, you will be fortunate in business and in love and will scale exalted heights in literary pursuits. This dream always foretells aesthetic experiences.
*See Beer, Intoxication.
To dream of bringing clothing to a dry cleaner means you will soon be “cleaning” up past relationships that have ended. To pick up items from the dry cleaner in your dream suggests that new friendships are coming your way.
To handle dry ice with gloves in a dream cautions you about deception among your co-workers. To dream that you handle it without gloves means you will be asked to be deceitful to someone. This is a warning that you must say no or you will be blamed and another will go free.
To dream of seeing wild ducks on a clear stream signifies fortunate journeys, perhaps across the sea. White ducks around a farm indicate thrift and a fine harvest.
To hunt ducks denotes displacement in employment and the carrying out of plans.
To see them shot reveals that enemies are meddling in your private affairs.
Flying ducks foretell a bright future for you. This also denotes marriage and children in a new home.
To dream of using this in any manner means you will soon solve a problem, but it will surface again and you will have to solve it differently the next time.
To dream of fighting a duel means people around you may try to get you into trouble.
To dream of hearing a duet played suggests a peaceful existence for lovers. Businesspeople carry on a mild rivalry.
To musical people, dreaming of a duet denotes competition and wrangling for superiority.
To hear a duet sung augurs unpleasant tidings; but this will not last, as some new pleasure will displace the unpleasantness.
To dream of a dulcimer lets you know that the highest wishes in life will be attained by exalted qualities of mind.
To dream of being dumb indicates your inability to persuade others into your mode of thinking, and to use them for your profit by your glib tongue.
To the dumb, it denotes false friends.
To dream of a dump means you will be asked to help someone get out of trouble.
If you dream of eating or making dumplings, you will soon find yourself stress-free for a while.
To dream that you receive a dunning notice warns you to look after your affairs and correct a tendency toward neglect in business and love.
To climb a dune in your dream means you will have an easy time with an upcoming problem. To run down or fall down a dune in a dream means trouble ahead that will not be easily solved.
To dream of being in a dungeon foretells struggles with the vital issues of life—but by wise dealing, you will disengage yourself from obstacles and the designs of enemies. For a woman this is a dark dream; willful indiscretions cause the loss of status among honorable people.
To see a dungeon lighted up portends threats of entanglement that your better judgment warns you against.
If you dream of a dunghill, you will see profits coming in through the most unexpected sources. This is a dream of good luck.
To live in, own, or visit someone residing in a duplex means you will have to share something you thought would be all yours, such as money from an inheritance.
To duplicate anything in your dream advises you to look twice at things before you make a major life decision.
This is a dream of sadness; it portends an early decline and unrequited hopes and suggests a dark outlook for trade and pursuits of any kind.
To dream of dust covering you suggests that you will be slightly injured in business by the failure of others. If you free yourself of the dust with judicious measures, you will clear up the loss.
To see this door in your dream means you will have several ways to solve a problem and you will feel protected while doing so.
To cook in your dream with this pot means you will have a fun time coming to you with friends and family.
If you see a DVD in your dream, you will be faced with memories that cause you either joy or pain.
This is a very favorable dream. Health and good constitution will be yours.
If you dream of seeing the dyeing of cloth or garments in process, it suggests luck—either bad or good, depending on the color. Blues, reds, and golds indicate prosperity; black and white, sorrow in all forms.
To dream of dying implies that you are facing big changes ahead in your life on many levels.
To see dynamite in a dream is a sign of approaching change and the expansion of your affairs.
To be frightened by it indicates that a secret enemy is at work against you. If you are not careful of your conduct, he or she will pop up at an unexpected and helpless moment.
To dream of having dysentery suggests that a desperate or fatal illness will overtake you or some member of your family. To see others thus afflicted implies disappointment in carrying out some enterprise through the neglect of others. Inharmonious states will vex you.
To dream you have dyslexia means that you are going to be very clear in what you want in the near future when it comes to making contracts.
If you dream of helping someone learn how to overcome dyslexia, you will have to read between the lines in what people are saying to you in order to understand their true meaning.