— five —

Family Healing

All states, including the waking state, sleep state, and death state, exist within you as fields of subtle energy and consciousness. Interactions on the levels of energy and consciousness take place in these fields even if the people involved are unconscious of them.

In 2016, we began to work with Sebnem, a thirty-two-year-old Turkish woman who lived in Berlin with her husband Howard, an American engineer. They consulted us because Howard had sexual problems, which included a lack of sexual motivation and difficulty maintaining an erection. And Sebnem was unable to express her authentic emotions spontaneously or assert her desires freely—a problem she had been wrestling with since she was a child. Since Sebnem managed a team of social workers, her inability to express herself freely had begun to disrupt her relationship to her teammates. In addition, she had been unable to conceive a child, which depressed her and stressed her relationship with Howard.

We discovered that Howard’s problems had their foundation in his death field. And Sebnem’s problems were created by a polarity imbalance. We also discovered that Sebnem’s polarity problems, which included a disruption of both her back-front polarity and her up-down polarity, were responsible for abdominal cramps and an inability to express her authentic emotions freely, symptoms which she had experienced since puberty.

It’s not unusual for a family member whose back-front polarity has become disrupted to have difficulty expressing anger, fear, pain, and joy—the four authentic emotions. In fact, an emotional blockage is one of its most common symptoms.

To compensate for her emotional problem, Sebnem chose to live almost exclusively in her head, which also interfered with her relationship to Howard. In our work, we’ve learned that this is one way that people deal with the problem; another way is to substitute inauthentic emotions such as arrogance, rage, or contempt for the authentic emotions that they can no longer express freely.

We began by looking into Howard’s sexual problems. They had become acute—leading to bouts of self-doubt and irritation that he was having difficulty controlling. By looking into the condition of his subtle field, we discovered that his older brother Jack had projected distorted fields of jealousy at him as well as distorted fields of sexual energy in an unconscious effort to supplant him as his mother’s favorite.

It’s important to note that the field of death can have a profound influence on a person’s sexual energy, their ability to have a satisfying orgasm, and to experience unconditional joy. This is one explanation for why the French refer to orgasm as “the little death.”

The brothers had shared the same tiny bedroom until Jack left for the army, which explains why attachments were found mostly in Howard’s field of death. By sleeping in such close proximity, the brothers’ emotional and mental auras interpenetrated each other at night. As a result of this sleeping arrangement, the negative thoughts and feelings Jack had radiated directly into Howard’s subtle field. To overcome the problem, we began by teaching Howard to look inward in order to locate the field of death and then to fill it with prana and bliss. Filling the field of death with prana and bliss restored his confidence, and in a short time, he was able to sustain an erection and satisfy both himself and his wife. Even if you don’t suffer from a sexual dysfunction, by locating and clearing out distortions in the field of death, you will enhance your relationships by improving your ability to sense your body, share sexual energy, and experience unconditional joy.

Restoring the field of death had solved Howard’s sexual problems. But it didn’t solve the long-term problem which was the damage his brother’s projections had done to his boundaries. To overcome that problem, it was necessary for Howard to enhance the amount of jing (which is the essence of chi) that radiated through his exceptional meridians. We taught him how to do that a short time later by creating the Boundary Safety Net, which you will find in Chapter Seventeen.

Exercise: Locating Your Field of Death

To locate the field of death in your subtle field, find a comfortable position with your back straight. Then close your eyes and breathe deeply through your nose for two to three minutes. Continue by asserting, “It’s my intent to go to my personal healing space.” Then bring your awareness to your body, soul, and spirit. Enjoy your healing space for five minutes. Then assert, “It’s my intent to experience the death field within me.” Take five minutes to experience the death field. Then assert, “It’s my intent to center myself in my death field.” Next, assert, “It’s my intent to turn my appropriate senses (sight, hearing, feeling, etc.) inward on the level of the death field within me.” It’s by turning your appropriate senses inward, on the level of your death field, that you will perceive it in its fullness.

After you’ve observed the death field and you’re satisfied with what you’ve experienced, count from one to five. When you reach the number five, open your eyes and bring yourself out of the exercise.

Exercise: Filling the Field of Death
with Prana and Bliss

After you’ve experienced your field of death, you can fill it with prana and bliss. To begin the exercise, find a comfortable position with your back straight. Then breathe deeply through your nose for two to three minutes. Continue by going to your healing space next. Then bring your awareness to your body, soul, and spirit. Once you’re centered, perform the Orgasmic Bliss Mudra (see page 68). Hold the mudra while you assert, “It’s my intent to experience the death field within me.” Take five minutes to experience the death field. Then assert, “It’s my intent to center myself in my death field.” Continue by asserting, “It’s my intent to turn my appropriate organs of perception (sight, hearing, feeling, etc.) inward on the level of the death field within me.” Take five minutes to enjoy the experience. Then assert, “It’s my intent to fill my death field with prana and bliss.” Continue to hold the mudra for five more minutes. Then release it and count from one to five. When you reach the number five, open your eyes and bring yourself out of the meditation.

While Howard performed these exercises, we looked into how he and Sebnem interacted with one another on the subtle levels. Considering their relationship problems, we were surprised to see that they had compatible soul vibrations, core values, and dominant elements. In spite of their natural compatibility and the benefits it gave them, it was clear that Sebnem’s polarity problem interfered with Howard’s ability to retain an erection as well as her ability to express her emotions freely. In our next session, we began by addressing the problem.

We explained to Sebnem at the beginning of the session that even though energy with universal qualities (prana, chi) plays a special role in family relationships, if it’s not in balance, over time polarity problems will develop. These problems can make it difficult, if not impossible, for the afflicted person to share prana with their partner freely.

It’s the build-up of energy with individual qualities in a person’s subtle field that creates this imbalance. In extreme cases, the build-up of distorted energy can make a family member overly masculine or overly feminine. Since all polarity problems are in fact relationship problems, a polarity problem can affect a person’s sexual relationship with their partner as well as their relationship with other family members.

When Balance Has Been Disrupted

When a family member’s polarity becomes excessively masculine, which was the case with Sebnem, they can become overly assertive, aggressive, and—in extreme cases—violent. Men and women who’ve become excessively masculine on the levels of subtle energy leave little room for other people to radiate their energy freely. This can disrupt family relationships because family members will find it difficult to express their emotions or to assert their will and desires freely.

People who are excessively masculine often oppress those dependent on them, particularly women and children. Some feel compelled to control their environment. Others can become arrogant, manipulative, and excessively critical of the people closest to them.

When a family member’s polarity becomes excessively feminine, it can make them overly receptive, passive, and—in extreme cases—dependent and/or passive aggressive. People who’ve become overly feminine can also become hyper-sensitive to the feelings and emotions of others because their surface boundaries have been weakened. Surface boundaries surround all fields within the subtle field, including auric fields, domains, and chakra fields. In order for a person to remain stable on the emotional and mental levels, it’s essential that their boundaries remain strong.

There are two forms of polarity that have a significant influence on the health of intimate relationships: back-front polarity and up-down polarity. We will look at back-front polarity first.

Back-Front Polarity

Back-front polarity is extremely important because it regulates your ability to express anger, fear, pain, and joy—your four authentic emotions. It also affects your self-confidence, self-esteem, and your ability to create and maintain a strong personal identity.

Let’s take a moment to look at how back-front polarity can influence your ability to express authentic emotions. According to the principles of polarity, the back of your body is masculine in relationship to the front, which is feminine. Back-front polarity is the same for men, women, and children.

The reason for this is simple to understand. In a person’s non-physical field, the movement of masculine energy is strongest through the main masculine meridian, the governor, in the back of the body. The movement of feminine energy is strongest through the main feminine meridian, the conceptual, in the front of the body (see Figure 10: Back-Front Polarity).

To fully understand how back-front polarity influences your emotional life, you first need to know that there are two types of emotions: authentic emotions and inauthentic emotions. Emotions that are authentic have their foundation in prana moving upward through the governor meridian, in the back of your body.

Figure 10

Figure 10: Back-Front Polarity

Emotions that are inauthentic have their foundation in fields of energy with individual qualities that have become trapped in your non-physical field. When prana (chi) emerging from the base of your spine flows upward through the governor meridian without disruption, no authentic emotions will emerge. It’s only when attachments to fields of energy with individual qualities and external projections have blocked the flow of energy through the governor meridian that an authentic emotion will be produced.

If you turn your attention to Figure 10: Back-Front Polarity, you can see that the main masculine meridian, the governor, passes through the back of the seven traditional chakra gates. When prana flowing through the governor meridian is prevented from moving upward in the vicinity of a chakra gate, it will be forced to move forward. When that energy reaches the middle of the chakra gate, a point which corresponds to the mid-point of your physical-material body, its polarity, which was masculine (because it was in the back of the body), will be reversed, and it will become feminine. That’s the exact moment when an authentic emotion will emerge.

Anger emerges when prana is forced through the second chakra gate; fear emerges when prana is forced through the third chakra gate; pain emerges when prana is forced through the fourth chakra gate, and joy emerges when prana is forced through the fifth chakra gate.

Human beings have evolved the ability to express the four authentic emotions as soon as they emerge by crying, yelling, screaming, etc., as well as through their eyes and facial musculature. Expressing an authentic emotion spontaneously will create a feeling of satisfaction which indicates that the pent-up emotional energy has reached the organs of expression in the head and a healthy flow of prana through the governor meridian has been restored.

If the emotional energy isn’t expressed spontaneously, it will continue to flow forward, through the front of your chakra gate into the auric field, where it will get trapped. No amount of crying, screaming, or shouting after the fact will transmute this residual emotional energy and release it. Emotional energy which has not been expressed spontaneously will become part of the dense, qualified energy known as karmic baggage, which is deposited in the auric fields surrounding personal body space.9

Sebnem was unable to express authentic emotions because her father had wanted a son. And rather than accepting her, he projected distorted fields of energy into her field. These projections blocked her femininity by blocking the functions of her second through fifth chakras. To restore her back-front polarity, we taught Sebnem to perform the following series of exercises. We also taught them to Howard since her condition had impacted his ability to express himself freely and to perform sexually.

Each exercise will enhance your ability to express one of the four authentic emotions—anger, fear, pain, and joy—freely. Sebnem practiced them regularly and they restored her back-front polarity. If you have difficulty expressing any of the four authentic emotions, perform the appropriate exercise, and it will do the same for you.

Before you begin to perform the exercises, it’s important to recognize two things. The first is that by restoring a healthy flow of energy, authentic emotions serve as safety valves. These safety valves evolved along with your organs of expression to bring back-front polarity into a healthy balance and restore relationship when it’s been disrupted by blockages and external projections.

The second is that emotions are a function of polarity, not gender. This means that emotions are feminine—that’s all! It doesn’t mean that women are inherently more emotional than men. Women may be subject to different hormonal and cultural influences than men, but there’s nothing in their energy fields that makes them inherently more emotional. All we can say with confidence is that when prana has been forced forward and enters the front half of your subtle field, an authentic emotion will emerge.10

Exercise: The Authentic Anger Meditation

Anger is a normal reaction to the disruption of intimate relationships. In the Authentic Anger Meditation, you will enhance your ability to express anger when it’s appropriate by activating your second chakra, centering yourself in your second chakra field, and then filling your second chakra field with prana. After that, you will continue to fill your right and left kwas with prana. An inability to express anger was Sebnem’s most pressing problem, one that was quickly resolved once she began to practice the Authentic Anger Meditation.

To begin the exercise, find a comfortable position with your back straight. Close your eyes and breathe deeply through your nose for two to three minutes. Then go to your healing space and bring your awareness to your body, soul, and spirit. Enjoy the process for five minutes. Then assert, “It’s my intent to activate my second chakra.” Continue by asserting, “It’s my intent to center myself in my second chakra field.” Once you’re centered, assert, “It’s my intent to fill my second chakra field with prana.” Take two to three minutes to enjoy the process.

Then assert, “It’s my intent to fill my right and left kwas with prana” (see Figure 2: Taoist Subtle Anatomy). Take ten minutes more to fill your second chakra field and kwas with prana. Then count from one to five. When you reach the number five, open your eyes and bring yourself out of the meditation. Repeat as needed.

To enhance your ability to express authentic fear, you can use the same exercise. Simply substitute your third chakra and chakra field for your second chakra and chakra field and your two midriff cavities for your two kwas while you are centered in your personal healing space.

To enhance your ability to express authentic pain, you can use the same exercise. Simply substitute your fourth chakra and chakra field for your third chakra and chakra field and your two armpit cavities for your two midriff cavities while you are centered in your personal healing space.

To enhance your ability to express authentic joy, you can use the same exercise. Simply substitute your fifth chakra and chakra field for your fourth chakra and chakra field and your Eye of Brahma for your two armpit cavities while you are centered in your personal healing space.


9. Keith Sherwood, Sex and Transcendence (Woodbury, MN: Llewellyn Publications, 2011), 119.

10. Sherwood, Sex and Transcendence, 119–120.