Accelerade, 146
AccelGel, 146
Acetaminophen, 127(table), 129–131
Adenosine, 105–106
Aerobic capacity, increasing through training, 172
Ahlborg, Gunvar, 109
Akathisia, 125
Akman, Murat, 34
Alcohol consumption
as post-race “reward,” 152
balancing diet quality, 48
prerace dinner, 117
prerace hydration, 125
Amaranth, 47
American College of Sports Medicine, 124
American diet, 21
post-exercise recovery nutrition, 153–154, 155
recovery nutrition, 157
vegetables, 36
calorie density affecting, 32
compensation effect, 30
micronutrients controlling, 34–35
physiological effects of food and drink while running, 133–134
reducing calorie intake during taper, 99–100
Atkins Diet, 19
Austin, Krista, 82
Balancing diet quality
fueling workouts, 76
lunch, 60–63
mechanics of, 42–50
tools for tracking daily dietary needs, 67–69
Beck, Kevin, 127
Beet juice, 125
alcohol consumption, 48, 117, 125
balancing diet quality, 48
breakfast, 53–54
Kenyan diet, 21
overdrinking, 75–76
physiological effects of food and drink while running, 133–134
prerace hydration, 122–126
recovery drinks during carbohydrate loading, 110
slushies, 125–126
water, 74–76
See also Water
Blood volume, 74
Body fat
as accessible resource, 12–13
calcium inhibiting storage of, 39
calorie deficit and weight loss, 162
daily carbohydrate target, 23
elite runners, 28
minimum for good health, 29
post-race weight gain, 157–159
taper weight gain, 99
Body weight
carbohydrate target, 23
daily carbohydrate needs, 24–25
dairy consumption, 39
energy cost of running, 172
excess weight limiting performance, 27–29
impact of nutrient density, 34–35
improving performance through careful eating choices, 31
Rapoport Calculator, 12
See also Weight gain; Weight loss
Boost, 110
Boston Marathon, 14–15, 117, 120, 127
guidelines for diet quality balance, 68–69(table)
incorporating into training, 53–58
Kenyan diet, 21
prerace meal, 119–122
recipes, 55–58
Buckwheat, 47
Burfoot, Amby, 77
Burke, Louise, 23
Burla, Serena, 120
caffeine fast before a race, 5
caffeine fast during half marathon training, 202, 203, 213, 214, 226, 227
caffeine fast during marathon training, 242, 243, 257, 258, 272, 273
during the race, 147–148
during the taper period, 105–108, 113
in sports drinks and gels, 89–90
prerace hydration, 125, 128–129
California International Marathon, 1
Calorie deficit, 161–163, 163(fig.)
Calorie density
dairy products, 39
fish and lean meats, 37–38
impact on appetite, 32–34
nuts and seeds, 37
vegetables, 36
whole grains, 38
Calorie reduction
during taper period, 99–101
eating for weight loss while training for performance, 159, 160
half marathon training plan, 202, 203, 213, 226, 227
marathon training plan, 242, 243, 257, 258, 272, 273
taper period, 113
Calorie requirements, 24
Campbell, Colin, 38
Carbohydrate loading
before a race, 116–117
during half marathon training, 203, 214, 227
during marathon training, 244, 273
early use of, 16
breakfast, 53–54
choosing the right drinks and gels, 88–90
daily target amounts, 24, 24(table), 25
during the race, 120
effect of caffeine taken with, 148
fat loading during taper, 101–105
fruits, 37
guidelines for diet quality balance, 68–69(table)
high-carb diets in the real world, 20–22
high-low training, 82–85
importance as energy source, 14–16
in vegetables, 36
increasing aerobic capacity, 172
inhibiting fat-burning practice, 81–82
Kenyan diet, 20–21
low-carb and low-fat diets, 16–20
neurological effect of intake, 74–75
prerace breakfast, 119–122
race day fueling strategies, 87–88, 135–146
Rapoport Calculator, 12
recovery nutrition, 151–154, 155, 157
role in hitting the wall, 4
slushies, 126
snack ideas, 59–60
sports drinks and energy gels, 85–87
stored fat and, 12–13
taper period calorie reduction, 100–101
taper period carbohydrate loading, 108–112, 113
target amounts, 22–25
Two-Rule Diet, 6
workout fueling, 74–76, 80–85, 87–88
See also Energy gels; Glucose; Glycogen; Sports drinks; Training and nutrition plans
Cardiac efficiency, 74
Cardiac lag, 183
Carlsbad Marathon, 178
Catastrophes, nutritional
food poisoning, 115
not eating, 120
unfamiliar foods on race day, 121–122
See also Gastrointestinal distress
Chicago Marathon, 117, 138–139
Christensen, Erik, 15
Clark, Nancy, 16–17
Clif Shot energy gel, 87
A Cold Clear Day (Murphy), 121–122
Combination foods, 48
Comfort food, 152–153
Compensation effect, 29–32
Complex carbohydrates, 88–89
Control, nutritional, 116, 121
Core body temperature, 13, 126
Corn syrup, 41
Cross-training, 179–180
Cuff, Rochelle, 85
Customs, eating, 52–53
acetominophen use, 130
as cross training, 192
effect of beet juice on performance, 125
fat loading, 101
fluid intake, 86
high-intensity interval training, 165–166
maximizing fat loss and fitness gains, 159–160
Cytomax, 138
Dairy products
alternatives, 49
breakfast recipes, 55–58
categorizing high quality foods, 35
diet quality guidelines, 46(table)
minimum requirements, 43(table)
nutrients in and health benefits of, 39–40
recovery nutrition, 154–155
snack ideas, 59–60
See also Recipes
Davila, Desiree, 122
Diabetes, 40
Diet quality. See Balancing diet quality; Quality of diet
Diet soft drinks, 48
for lunch, 61
guidelines for diet quality balance, 68–69(table)
Kenyan diet, 20–21
prerace nutrition, 116–118
recipes, 63–67
Edelen, Leonard “Buddy,” 121
8 percent rule of weight gain, 158–159
Electrolyte minerals, 89, 148–150, 154. See also Sports drinks; Training and nutrition plans
Elite runners
body weight, 28
drinking by thirst, 79
hitting the wall, 172
Kenyan diet, 20–21
limiting carb intake, 81
loose nutritional habits, 31
overuse injuries, 179
prerace nutrition, 120
race day fueling strategies, 135, 137, 140–141
Simulator, 91–92
training schedule, 54
high-fat, low-carb diets, 19
sports drinks and gels, 89
Energy cost of running, 172
Energy gels
at aid stations, 88
at the start line, 131, 134–135
caffeinated, 148
choosing the right one, 88–90
consumption rate, 84
race day fueling strategies, 136–142
testing a nutrition plan, 92–93
with protein, 146–147
workout fueling, 85–87
See also Training and nutrition plans
Ensure, 110
Essential nutrients, 26
Esteve-Lanao, Jonathan, 176
Ethiopian diet, 23
Exercise responders, 30
Fad diets, 16–17
Familiarity, nutritional, 116, 121
Fast-finish run, 187–188. See also Training and nutrition plans
Fasting workouts, 164–165
Fat, stored. See Body fat
Fat burning
fasting workouts, 164–165
fat loading increasing capacity for, 101
supplemental carbohydrates inhibiting, 81–82
training increasing potential for, 172
Fat loading
during taper period, 101–105, 105(table), 113
during training, 201
half marathon training, 197, 202, 203, 208, 213, 220
marathon training plan, 225, 226, 227, 241, 242, 243, 251, 256, 257, 258, 271, 272, 273
determining carbohydrate intake during workouts, 80
glycogen depletion, 13
muscle cramping resulting from, 149–150
nervous-system fatigue from high-intensity running, 177
reactive hypoglycemia, 89
Fats and oils
dairy products, 39
diet fads, 16–20
fruits, 37
link to heart disease, 16
prerace dinner, 116
recovery nutrition, 151–152, 154
reducing calorie intake during taper, 100–101
training target levels, 25
Fish and lean meats
balancing diet quality, 42, 43, 46(table)
fat loading, 104
minimum requirements, 43(table)
nutrients in and benefits of, 37–38
prerace breakfast, 121–122
See also Recipes
5K races
aid stations, 137
half-marathon training, 191
taper training, 97
Zone training, 181–182
Five-zone heart-rate training system, 181–182, 181(table), 191
Fluid intake
consuming nothing on race day, 145
drinking by thirst, 78–80
during training, 76–80
elite runners’ race day strategies, 137
race day strategies, 135–137
recovery nutrition, 154
Food knowledge, 52
Foundation run, 186. See also Training and nutrition plans
Fraioli, Mario, 178
Fried foods, 35, 41–42, 43(table), 46(table)
balancing diet quality, 42, 43
categorizing high-quality foods, 35, 36–37
diet quality guidelines, 46(table)
Kenyan diet, 21
minimum requirements, 43(table)
snack ideas, 59–60
weight loss, 34
See also Recipes
Galactose, 89
Gastrointestinal distress
accepting discomfort, 141–142
carbohydrate intake during the race, 136, 138
combining energy gels with sports drinks, 140
consuming nothing on race day, 144–146
energy gels at the start line, 134–135
mouth rinsing with sports drinks decreasing, 143–144
prerace hydration, 124
vomiting, 117
Gatorade, 1, 77–79, 87, 122, 124, 137, 139, 142, 145
Gel flask, 140
Gels. See Energy gels
Gleukos, 88
Glucose, 12
carbohydrate research on nutrition and blood glucose levels, 14–15
depleting stored fat, glycogen, and, 13
importance of breakfast, 53
See also Glycogen
Glutamine, 154
Glycemic index, 120–121
carbohydrate research, 15–16
depleting stored fat, glucose, and, 13
fat loading, 101
glycogen depletion and carbohydrate loading, 109–110
high-carbohydrate and low- carbohydrate diets during training, 20
“lasting” energy in sports drinks, 89
maintaining availability of, 13–14
post-exercise recovery nutrition, 154, 155
Rapoport Calculator, 12
taper weight gain, 99
training increasing potential for storage, 172
See also Glucose
Goucher, Kara, 122
balancing protein with, 22
breakfast recipes, 56–58
diet quality guidelines, 46(table)
Kenyan diet, 20–21
minimum requirements, 43(table)
refined, 40
varieties of whole grains, 47–48
See also Recipes
Half marathon
fat loading and carbo loading, 102–104, 111–112
fluid and carbohydrate needs, 135–136
hitting the wall and glycogen depletion, 2–3, 13–14
muscle cramping, 149
Simulator, 93
taper period, 98
training plan time, 189–190
See also Training and nutrition plans
Hammer Gel, 147
Hansen, Ole, 15
Hanson, Keith, 91
Hanson, Kevin, 91
Hartmann, Jason, 119–120
Hays, Shannon, 75–76
Healthy body weight range, 29
Heart-rate monitor, 180–181, 182–185, 186(table)
Heart-rate training zones, 83–84
Heart-rate-based plans. See Training
and nutrition plans
Henry, Chip, 19
Heusner, John, 178
Hickman, Libbie, 120
High-low training, 82–85
High-quality foods
balancing diet quality, 42–50, 45
calorie density, 32
categorizing, 35–40
fat loading, 104
nutrient density, 34–35
See also specific foods
Hill intervals, 167
Hill repetitions run, 188. See also Training and nutrition plans
Hill sprints, 166–167
Holt, Susanna, 33
Hu, Frank, 34
Hunger level, 33
Hutchinson, Alex, 136
Hydration, 133–134. See also Beverages; Water
Ideal racing weight, 29, 30, 42, 55
Immune system disturbances, 152, 153
acetominophen, 130–131
avoiding high-mileage training, 179
muscle cramps, 148–150
quality diet reducing, 34
weightlifting preventing, 164
Insulin spikes, 89
Intensity, running
average training plan, 177–178
categorizing runs by, 186–189
during the taper period, 97–99
fasting workouts, 164–165
fuel source selection, 13
high-intensity intervals, 165–167
long slow distance, 173–175
maximizing fat loss and fitness gains, 159–160
monitoring and controlling intensity of training, 180–185
risks of high-intensity running, 176–177
Interval training, 165–167, 181–182, 181(table), 188. See also Training and nutrition plans
Ironman competitions, 151, 179
Journal, food intake, 67–69
Juices, 48
Junk food, 30, 31. See also Processed foods
Kastor, Deena, 51, 117, 118, 122
Kenyan diet, 20–21, 22–23, 155
Lactate threshold, 187
Lactate-threshold heart rate, 182–185, 186(table)
Lactose intolerance, 39
Lambert, Vicki, 101
Lemel, Joe, 148–149
Levy, Irit, 108
London Marathon, 111–112
Long runs, 178, 186–187. See also Training and nutrition plans
Low-quality foods
balancing diet quality, 43–44
calorie density, 32
categorizing, 40–42
nutrient density, 34–35
post-race weight gain, 158
Lozano, Heidi, 117
Lunch, 21, 60–63, 68–69(table)
Lydiard, Arthur/Lydiard training method, 96–97, 173, 176–177, 178, 180–185
Macronutrients. See Carbohydrate; Fat; Protein
Marathon Maniacs club, 153
Meat, fatty, 41
Meat, lean. See Fish and lean meats
Meckler, Jackie, 77
Melatonin, 119
Metabolic challenge, 4
Minimum dietary requirements, 43(table)
Morken, David, 179
Multi-carb products, 88
Munger, Dave, 123
Murphy, Frank, 121–122
Muscle rigor, 13
Natural foods. See High-quality foods
Ndereba, Catherine, 128
Neurotransmitters, adenosine, 105–106
New York City Marathon, 11, 21–22, 27, 115
Nitrates, 125
Noakes, Tim, 124
Nutrient density, 34–35, 37, 39. See also Balancing diet quality
avoiding hitting the wall, 3
compensation effect, 29–32
delaying glycogen depletion, 14
motivation and discipline for eating carefully, 4–5
training versus, 4–6
See also Quality of diet; Training and nutrition plans
Nutrition knowledge, 52, 101, 162–163
Nutrition-training synergy, 7
Nuts and seeds
balancing diet quality, 42, 43, 45, 46(table)
classifying foods, 35
minimum requirements, 43(table)
nutrients in, 37
snack ideas, 60
weight loss, 34
See also Recipes
Oils. See Fats and oils
Olympic Games/Olympic Marathon, 16, 28, 51, 77, 117, 122, 173
Omega-3 fats, 26
Once A Runner (Parker), 30
Online tools, 67–69, 101, 162–163
Overhydration, 124
lower body weight and body fat improving pace, 27–29
on race day, 150
Rapoport Calculator, 12
using the Simulator, 93
Parker, John L., Jr., 30
Pasta, 64
PEAR Sports, 180, 182, 183, 192, 229–230
Percy, Kate, 21–22
Percy, Mark, 21–22
acetominophen use, 129–131
carbo loading, 111–112
effect of beet juice on, 125
effect of caffeine on, 106–108
effect of dehydration on, 122–124
increasing aerobic capacity, 172
maximizing fat loss and fitness gains, 159–167
mouth rinsing with sports drinks, 143–144
protein intake during a race, 146–147
relating to recovery nutrition, 156
Two-Diet Rule contributing to, 69
water and carbohydrates enhancing, 75
Plosser, Liz, 99
Portion size, 45
PowerGel, 137
Power-to-weight ratio, 165–166
Prerace nutrition
acetaminophen, 129–131
breakfast, 119–122
caffeine, 128–129
dinner, 116–118
emptying your bladder, 126–128
half marathon training plan, 203, 214, 227
hydration, 122–126
marathon training plan, 244, 258, 273
morning nutrition timeline, 127(table)
Rapoport Calculator, 12
sleep, 118–119
See also Race day; Taper period
Prioritizing time, 179
Processed foods
American lunches, 60–61
balancing diet quality, 43–44, 46(table)
categorizing low quality foods, 35
during carbohydrate loading, 110
elites runners’ loose nutritional standards, 31
fat loading, 104
fatty meats, 41
fried foods, 41–42
high-mileage training overcoming impact of, 30
minimum requirements for a quality diet, 43(table)
recovery period indulgences, 151–152
refined grains, 40
satiety index, 33–34
sugar, 41
Two-Rule Diet, 26
Product labels, 67
Progression, principle of, 167–168
balancing with carbohydrates, 22
breakfast recipes, 55–58
categorizing high quality foods, 35
fat loading during taper period, 105(table)
fish and lean meat, 37–38
fruits, 37
in sports drinks and gels, 89–90
increasing protein for weight loss, 163
nuts and seeds, 37
performance-enhancing effect, 74
post-exercise recovery nutrition, 153–154
prerace dinner, 116
race day intake, 146–147
recovery nutrition, 151–152, 154–155
training target levels, 25
vegetables, 36
whole grains, 38
Psychological health, 152–153
Quality of diet
balancing, 42–50
breakfast, 53–58
calorie density, 32–34
categorizing high quality foods, 35–40
categorizing low quality foods, 40–42
food knowledge and nutrition knowledge, 52
guidelines for, 46(table), 68(table)
snack ideas, 58–60
Quick start period
calorie deficit, 161–163
fasting workout, 164–165
high-intensity intervals, 165–167
objectives of, 159–160
protein intake, 163
template for, 167–168
weightlifting, 164
Quinoa, 47
Race day nutrition
avoiding muscle cramps, 148–150
caffeine during the race, 147–148
caffeine fast in preparation for, 105–106
carb consumption during workouts, 83, 87–88
departing from your plan, 145–146
fueling strategies for marathons and half marathons, 73, 135–146
gels and water, 140–142
half marathon training plan, 203, 214, 227
marathon training plan, 244, 258, 273
pacing, 150
physiological effects of food and drink while running, 133–134
prerace morning nutrition timeline, 127(table)
protein intake, 146–147
Rapoport Calculator for in-race nutrition, 12
sports drinks, gels, and water, 136–140
sports drinks alone, 142–143
water alone, 143–144
Radcliffe, Paul, 118
Rapoport, Ben, 11–12
Rapoport Calculator, 12
Raw foods, 117–118
Reactive hypoglycemia, 89
breakfast, 55–58
dinner, 63–67
lunch, 60–63
snacks, 58–60
after the Simulator or a hard run, 93
maximizing fat loss and fitness gains, 159–167
nutrition practices for quick recovery, 153–157
nutritional errors, 3
physiological damage from a race, 151–153
quick start period, 160–167
recovery runs, 185–186
taper period enabling, 95–96
tea with milk, 21
See also Training and nutrition plans
incomplete and full, 79
post-exercise recovery, 154
Resting. See Taper period
Ritzenhein, Dathan, 27, 137, 138
Rodgers, Bill, 30
Rothstein, Stephanie, 137
Rubio’s Mexican restaurants, 40
Salt tablets, 150
San Francisco Marathon, 117
Sands, Mark, 44–45
Sauces, condiments, 49
Siegel, Rodney, 126
Silicon Valley Marathon, 107
Simulator, 90–93, 108, 211, 224, 230, 241, 244, 256, 259, 271
Sleep, 118–119
Slushies, 125–126
balancing diet quality, 52–53, 68–69(table)
ideas and recipes, 58–60
Kenyan diet, 20–21
Soft drinks, 48
Solinsky, Chris, 31
Speed and distance device, 93
Speed-play run, 189. See also Training and nutrition plans
Spelt, 48
Sports drinks
at the start line, 131
choosing the right one, 88–90
elite runners’ fueling strategies, 137
enhancing performance, 74–75
familiarization with, 87–88
limiting fitness-building adaptations to training, 3
low-calorie drinks, 1
mouth rinsing stimulating carbohydrate receptors, 143–144
practicing consumption during workouts, 83
prerace hydration, 123–124
race day fueling strategies, 131, 136–140, 142–143
recovery nutrition, 155
testing a nutrition plan, 92–93
with protein, 146–147
workout fueling, 85–87
See also Training and nutrition plans
Square One device, 192, 229–230
Stellingwerff, Trent, 110–111
Stir-fry meals, 42
Strength training, 192
Stress, 176
Subway restaurants, 40–41
during carbohydrate loading, 110
omega-3, 26
sleep aids, 118–119
Sympathetic nervous system, 176
Taper period
caffeine fasting, 105–108, 113
carbohydrate loading, 108–112, 113
designing the diet for, 113
fat loading, 101–105, 109, 110, 113
half marathon training plans, 202–203, 204, 213, 215, 225–227
high-carbohydrate and high-fat diets, 18
historical development of, 96–97
marathon training plans, 244, 256–258, 259, 271–272
performance gains, 69
reducing calorie intake, 99–101, 113
training guidelines, 97–99
Teff, 48
Tempo run, 187. See also Training and nutrition plans
10K races
half-marathon training, 191
carb consumption benefits, 136
hitting the wall, 4
Thirst, drinking by, 78–80, 139, 141–142, 155
Threshold, lactate, 187. See Lactate-threshold heart rate
Tools for nutritional goals, 67
average training distance and intensity, 177–178
avoiding fried foods, 42
avoiding hitting the wall, 2–3
balancing diet quality while, 47
barriers to high mileage, 178–180
compensation effect, 29–32
creating a plan, 189–190
daily carbohydrate needs, 23–24, 24(table), 25
delaying glycogen depletion, 14
determining lactate-threshold
heart rate, 182–185
effect on fat-burning capacity, 17–18
fast-finish run, 187–188
fasting workouts, 164–165
fat and protein target levels, 25
foundation run, 186
heart-rate based systems, 180–182
high-carbohydrate diets increasing
tolerance, 18–19
high-fat diets reducing capacity, 18
hill repetitions run, 188
increasing aerobic capacity, 171–172
long runs, 186–187
long slow distance, 173–175, 178
Lydiard method, 96–97, 173, 176–178, 180–185
maximizing fat loss and fitness
gains, 159–167
monitoring and controlling
intensity of, 180–185
nutrition versus, 4–6
pushing back the wall, 171–172
recovery runs, 185–186
risks of high-intensity running, 176–177
speed-play run, 189
tempo run, 187
testing the effects of caffeine, 108
time of day, 54–55
using the Simulator, 90–92
weight gain between races, 157–158
weightlifting, 164
See also Taper period; Training and nutrition plans; Workout fueling
Training and nutrition plans: half marathon
level one plan, 193–203
level two plan, 204–214
level three plan, 215–227
Training and nutrition plans: marathon
level one plan, 231–244
level two plan, 244–258
level three plan, 259–274
Training high, training low, 164–165
Two-Rule Diet, 6, 14, 45. See also Balancing diet quality; Carbohydrates; Quality of diet
Tylenol, 129–131
Ultra-endurance races, 18
Valerian root, 119
balancing diet quality, 42, 43
categorizing high-quality foods, 36
classifying foods, 35
diet quality guidelines, 46(table)
Kenyan diet, 21
minimum requirements, 43(table)
weight loss, 34
See also Recipes
fat loading, 104
protein intake, 25
VO2 max
5-zone heart-rate training system, 181–182, 181(table)
law-carb diets and, 19
Rapoport Calculator, 12
recovery nutrition, 156
Vomiting, 117
Warm-ups, 92
as sole race-day fuel, 143–144
carbohydrate intake and, 84, 84(table)
enhancing performance, 74–76
post-exercise recovery nutrition, 153–154
race day fueling strategies, 136–142
slushies and, 126
sports drinks, energy gels, and, 85–87
See also Training and nutrition plans
Weather, hydration during hot weather, 125–126
Weight gain
daily carbohydrate target, 23
during taper period, 99
fatty meats contributing to, 41
impact of nutrient density on body weight, 34–35
post-race gain, 157–159
sugar and, 41
See also Body weight
Weight loss
calorie density, 32–34
carbohydrate targets for, 25
compensation effect, 30
daily calorie deficit by weight, 163(fig.)
dehydration, 79
impact of nutrient density on body weight, 34–35
increasing protein for, 163
maximizing fat loss and fitness gains, 159–167
quality foods, 31–32
quick start period, 161–163
Two-Rule Diet, 6
See also Body weight; Quick start period
Weightlifting, 164
Withdrawal, caffeine, 108
body weight of elite runners, 28
compensation effect, 30
fat intake, 26
Workout fueling
carbohydrate intake, 80–85
choosing sports drinks and energy gels, 88–90
fluid intake guidelines, 76–80
high-low training, 82–85
race nutrition plan, 90–93
race-day fueling and, 87–88
Simulator, 91–93
water and carbohydrate, 74–76, 84, 84(table)
See also Training; Training and nutrition plans
Zátopek, Emil, 96
Zones, training, 166–167