About Me
Introduction: What is hypnobirthing and how is it going to help you?
1. The science stuff
The muscles of the uterus
The cervix
U.F.O. positions
What muscles need
The hormonal rollercoaster
2. The toolkit
And breathe . . .
Positive reinforcement
Learning to switch off
Guided relaxation exercises
Setting anchors
Light-touch massage
3. Talking sense
4. Choosing where to give birth
The case for home births
The case for birth centres
The case for hospitals
5. My womb, my rules!
6. Use your B.R.A.I.N.
B is for Benefits
R is for Risks
A is for Alternatives
I is for Instinct
N is for Nothing
7. Keeper of the cave: the role of the birth partner
8. It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3
The first stage of labour (up stage)
The second stage of labour (down stage)
The third stage of labour (the Golden Hour)
9. Bring it on, baby! Induction
Why might you opt for an induction?
What does an induction typically entail?
How to use your hypnobirthing toolkit to ensure a positive experience
10. Go gentle: opting for a natural caesarean
Different types of caesarean
‘Gentle’ or ‘natural’ caesareans
Caesarean birth preferences
Using your hypnobirthing techniques in theatre
11. The big day (or night)
Early labour
Established labour
The final stretch
Hello baby!
12. There’s always a plan B . . .
Birth preferences template
13. Packing the ultimate birth bag
14. Conclusion: You’ve got this!
Guided relaxation scripts
Hypnobirthing practice schedule