- A
- accounting
- accruals, 159
- balance sheet, 159–160
- capital expenses (CapEx), 160–161
- chargebacks, 158
- chart of accounts, 159
- depreciation, 161
- EBITDA (earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization), 162
- GL (general ledger), 159
- income statement, 160
- internal labor, capitalizing, 161
- legal issues, 148
- liquidity, 160
- operating expenses (OpEx), 160–161
- ROI (return on investment), 162–163
- showbacks, 159
- statement of cash flows, 160
- write-offs, 162
- active/passive redundancy, 104
- advisors, 87–88
- Agile method
- close-proximity and, 75
- The Five Whys, 62
- project management and, 134–135
- SpaceX, 135
- WIP limit, 121
- allocations (chargebacks), 158
- annual readiness, 102
- artificial intelligence (AI), 197
- Austin, Robert, 4
- automatic scaling, 112
- AWS (Amazon Web Services), 112
- Azure cloud, 78, 112
- B
- Barley, Susan, 91
- Barron, Tobi, 58
- benefits, HR and, 143
- big room planning, 132–133
- boutique firms, 76
- breach of contract, 147
- C
- CAB (change advisory board), 101
- Cantrell, Vicki, 181
- capital expenses, lean and efficient IT and, 114
- capital expenses (CapEx), 160–161
- capitalizing internal labor, 161
- career development, planning, 59
- change management, 101
- chargebacks (allocations), 158
- charter, 133
- CHIME (College of Healthcare Information Management Executives), 82
- CIO (chief information officer)
- culture, influence on, 42–43
- formal networks, 82–83
- performance assessment, 35
- project evaluation matrix, 117–118
- self-assessment, 9
- CISO, organizational structure and, 50
- classic rock, pebbles, and sand story, 118
- cloud
- legal issues, 146–147
- redundancy and, 106
- cloud services
- automatic scaling, 112
- lean and efficient IT and, 111–112
- CMO (chief marketing officer), 140
- cocktail party tips, 83–84
- CoD (cost of delay), 125
- cold calls, 179
- collaboration, 87–88
- communication
- crisis response, 192
- priorities list, 126
- communication style, 18
- culture, 75
- offshore model, 75
- compensation, 140
- confidentiality, professionalism, 175
- consultants, 71
- boutique firms, 76
- lean and efficient IT, 113
- management consultants, 71–72
- offshore work, 74–75
- project-based consultants, 72–74
- contracts
- breach, 147
- vendor relationship and, 152
- CIO self-assessment, 9
- micromanagement, 11–13
- project conflicts, 10–11
- COO (chief operating officer), 5
- cost reduction
- robotic process automation (RPA), 28
- value creation and, 28
- CPO (chief people officer), 10, 140
- crisis response
- assessment, 192
- communication, 192
- monitoring, 192
- team creation, 191–192
- Cuban, Mark, 176
- culture, 39
- CIO influence, 42–43
- development mistakes, 41
- golden handcuffs and, 39
- organizational structure and, 53
- productivity and, 39
- siloed cultures, 40
- turnover and, 39
- weak, 40
- cyber-attacks, 107
- cyber-security, 107
- CISO and, 50
- legal issues and, 149
- organizational structure, 50
- PM (project manager), 50–51
- PMO (project management office), 50–51
- D
- daily meetings, 101–102
- data ownership, 148–149
- decision making, support and, 59
- delegating, 183
- Demboski, Paul, 62
- depreciation, 161
- Devlin, Scott, 61
- DevOps, project management and, 132
- diodes, 60
- discretionary effort, culture and, 39
- diversity
- Drucker, Peter, 94
- Duncan, Les, 49–50
- E
- EBITDA (earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization), 114, 162
- electronic data interchange (EDI), 198
- employee relations (ER) specialists, 141–142
- motivation, 58
- open-door policies and, 60–61
- exercise tips, 187
- expectations, setting, 17–18
- expenses. See accounting
- external evaluation, 195–196
- F
- Facebook, 84
- failing fast, 34
- feedback, 62–63
- The Five Whys, 62
- force majeure, 147–148
- forming-storming-norming-performing, project management, 135
- chart, employee evaluation, 55–56
- freemium software, 149–150
- G
- golden handcuffs, 39
- Google, 112
- H
- Hadoop, 78
- health and wellness
- exercise, 187
- nutrition, 186–187
- sleep, 185–186
- weight management, 186
- Hopper, Max, 10
- Hotka, Cathy, 81
- HR (human resources), 139–140
- benefits, 143
- compensation and, 140
- employee relations (ER) specialists, 141–142
- learning and development (L&D), 142–143
- organizational structure and, 51, 143
- payroll, 143
- recruiting, 143–144
- talent acquisition, 143–144
- I
- idea generation, innovation and, 33
- indemnification, 147
- information sharing, 59–60
- innovation, 8, 205
- idea generation, 33
- keep the lights on (KTLO), 31
- money allocation and, 32
- prototyping, 34
- resources, 32
- risk and, 33
- ROI (return on investment), 32
- Instacart, 28–29
- internal labor, capitalizing, 161
- invoicing, terms changes, 151
- IT departments, amazing, 7–8
- IT problems, responses, 11–12
- IT strategy, 91
- ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library), 97
- ITSM (IT service management), 97
- J
- Jackson, Andrew, 81
- job changes, 199–202
- L
- Laudato Hierarchy of IT needs, 21–22
- innovation, 31–34, 205
- lean and efficient IT, 25–26
- value creation, 27–29
- leadership, 4
- Lean, WIP limit, 121
- lean and efficient IT, 25–26, 205
- capital expenses, 114
- cloud services, 111–112
- hidden costs, 114–115
- legal issues, 111
- operating expenses, 114
- professional services, 113–114
- RIF (reduction in force), 115–116
- shadow IT, 109
- software, 110–111
- telecom, 112–113
- Lean practitioners, The Five Whys, 62
- learning and development (L&D), HR and, 142–143
- learning the business, 165–166
- least privilege, cyber-security and, 107
- legal issues
- accounting and, 148
- breach of contract, 147
- cloud and, 146–147
- contracts with hyperlinks, 151
- cyber-security, 149
- data ownership and preservation, 148–149
- EULA (end-user license agreement), 150–151
- force majeure, 147–148
- freemium software, 149–150
- indemnification, 147
- invoice terms changes, 151
- lean and efficient IT and, 111
- legal department relationship, 152–153
- licensing models, 145–146
- limited liability, 147
- software audits, 152
- virtualization and, 151
- Leite, Sharon, 139–140, 183
- licensing models, 145–146
- limited liability, 147
- LinkedIn, 84
- listening skills, 4–5
- supporting employees, 61–62
- Little's Law, WIP limit, 121
- lookback ROI, 163
- M
- Maslow's hierarchy of needs, 21
- MAX451, 78
- MBWA (management by walking around), 61
- meetings, 183–184
- daily meetings, 101–102
- skip meetings, 61
- super-skip meetings, 61
- N
- nearshore model, 74–75
- negotiation, 155–156
- Netflix, 33
- networking, 81–82
- CIOs, formal networks, 82–83
- social media, 84–85
- NRF (National Retail Federation), 181
- O
- offshore model, 74–75
- onshore model, 74–75
- open-door policies, 60–61
- operating expenses, lean and efficient IT and, 114
- operating expenses (OpEx), 160–161
- operationally required (OR) projects, 127
- opportunity enablers, value creation and, 28–29
- order management (OMS) team, 132
- org charts, 46
- organizational structure, 45
- business needs, 46
- CISO and, 50
- culture and, 53
- cyber-security, 50
- design, 49–52
- finance department and, 51
- HR and, 51, 143
- org chart, 46
- PM (project manager), 50–51
- PMO (project management office), 50–51
- skills identification, 47
- out-of-scope section, project charter, 133
- out-of-work behavior, 177
- outages, 100
- outsourcing, 74–75
- drawbacks, 197–198
- staff augmentation and, 75–76
- P
- payroll, HR and, 143
- PCI-DSS, 108
- peers, 4
- performance assessment, CIO (chief information officer), 35
- phone responses, vendors, 180
- PM (project manager), 50–51
- PMBOK 7 (Project Management Body of Knowledge), 133–134
- PMO (project management office), 50–51
- portfolio management. See project management
- priorities list
- communicating, 126
- creating, 124
- cumulative total, 126–127
- line jumpers, 129
- maintaining, 129
- must-do projects, 127
- operationally required (OR), 127
- project management, 132
- ranking, 123, 124–125
- ROI projects, 124
- SAFe (Scaled Agile Framework) methodology, 125
- should-do projects, 127
- standard deviation report, 125–126
- swarming, 123
- WSJF (weighted shortest job first), 124–125
- probability, redundancy and, 105
- productivity, culture and, 39
- professional services, lean and efficient IT and, 113–114
- professionalism
- complaints, 174
- confidentiality, 175
- cursing, 175
- emails becoming public, 175
- gossip, 174
- integrity, 174
- project management, 131
- Agile mindset and, 134–135
- big room planning, 132–133
- charter, 133
- consistency, 131
- forming-storming-norming-performing, 135
- Kanban, 134
- project list, 132
- schedule, 133–134
- unified calendar, 132
- project schedule, 133–134
- prototyping, innovation and, 34
- R
- Rake, Greg, 139
- ransomware, 107
- readiness, annual, 102
- recruiting, 143–144
- redundancy, 103–105
- Renfro, Stacey, 7
- responsibility without authority, 140
- revenue increases, value creation and, 28–29
- Rickard, Kristian Kimbro, 78
- RIF (reduction in force), lean and efficient IT and, 115–116
- rights of employees, 57–58
- risk, innovation and, 33
- risk reduction, value creation and, 29
- robotic process automation (RPA), 28, 197
- ROI (return on investment)
- accounting and, 162–163
- innovation and, 32
- lookback, 163
- priorities list, 124
- S
- SaaS (software-as-a-service), uptime, 97
- SAFe (Scaled Agile Framework) methodology, 125
- big room planning, 132–133
- SAM (software asset management) tools, 111
- shadow IT, 109
- should-do projects, priorities, 127
- showbacks, 159
- siloed cultures, 40
- SLAs (service-level agreements), 96
- hyperlink in contract, 151
- SLOs (service-level objectives), 96
- SM (scrum master), 50–51
- Smart, Brad, 65
- social media
- Facebook, 84
- LinkedIn, 84
- software
- audits, 152
- freemium, 149–150
- lean and efficient IT and, 110–111
- SAM (software asset management) tools, 111
- SOX (Sarbanes-Oxley), 108
- staff augmentation, outsourcing and, 75–76
- standard deviation report, priorities list, 125–126
- Storm Boss, 100
- super-skip meetings, 61
- support, decision making and, 59
- support team, reporting to CIO, 49–50
- Sutton, Robert, 169
- swarming, 123
- system failure, redundancy and, 104
- T
- talent acquisition, 143–144
- team building
- diversity, 69–71
- hiring, 65–67
- teams
- crisis response, 191–192
- order management (OMS), 132
- organizational structure and, 47
- project management and, 135
- support, 59
- top teams, 69–71
- technology, importance of understanding, 203–204
- Techpact.org, 69
- telcom, lean and efficient IT and, 112–113
- tell me more, 62
- employee in wrong role, 63
- terms of reference, project charter and, 133
- top teams, 69–71
- troubleshooting, 99–100
- trust building, 18–19
- Tuckman, Bruce, 135
- Turner, Cary, 60
- turnover
- culture and, 39
- outsourcing and, 74–75
- U
- uptime, 95
- daily meetings, 101–102
- measuring, 96–98
- problems, 98–99
- readiness, annual, 102
- SaaS (software-as-a-service), 97
- troubleshooting and, 99–100
- use cases, organizational structure and, 46–47
- V
- value creation, 21, 27–28
- cost reduction, 28
- opportunity enablers, 28–29
- revenue increase, 28–29
- risk reduction, 29
- values, 19
- vendors
- cold calls, 179
- phone responses, 180
- relationships with, 152
- tips for contact, 181–182
- The Vitamin Shoppe, 5, 33
- volume rebate, 113
- W
- warehouse management team (WMS), 132
- Waterfall method, close proximity and, 75
- weight management, 186
- WIP (work in process), limiting, 121–122
- write-offs, 162
- WSJF (weighted shortest job first), priorities list, 124–125