1.1 Mary Evans Picture Library

 2.1 Bettmann Archive

 2.2 Author’s collection

 2.3 Minnesota Historical Society

 2.4 Atlantis: The Antediluvian World

 2.5 New York American

 3.1 Theosophical Institute

 3.2 Association for Research and Enlightenment

 3.3 Author’s collection

 4.1 Voyage to Atlantis

 4.2 Map by Richard Ellis

 5.1 Mary Evans Picture Library

 5.2 Ashmolean Museum, Oxford

 5.3 Herakleion Museum

 5.4 National Museum, Athens

 5.5 Herakleion Museum

 5.6 British Museum

 5.7 Ashmolean Museum, Oxford

 5.8 Herakleion Museum

 5.9 Photograph by Richard Ellis

 5.10 Photograph by Richard Ellis

 5.11 Herakleion Museum

 5.12 The Decipherment of Linear B

 5.13 Ashmolean Museum, Oxford

 5.14 Otis Imboden, National Geographic Society Photo Collection

 5.15 Herakleion Museum

 5.16 Herakleion Museum

 6.1 American Museum of Natural History

 6.2 American Museum of Natural History

 6.3 Map by Richard Ellis

 6.4 U.S. Geological Survey

 6.5 Illustrated London News

 6.6 Photograph by Richard Ellis

 7.1 Photograph by James Mavor

 7.2 Photograph by Richard Ellis

 7.3 Photograph by Richard Ellis

 7.4 Photograph: Aris Poulianos

 7.5 Herakleion Museum

 7.6 Photograph courtesy of Dr. Lyvia Morgan, University of Manchester

 7.7 Photograph courtesy of Dr. Lyvia Morgan, University of Manchester

 7.8 Photograph by Richard Ellis

 7.9 Herakleion Museum

 7.10 Photograph courtesy of Christos Doumas

 8.1 Author’s collection

 8.2 Bettmann Archive

 8.3 Royal Society Report of Krakatoa Committee, 1888

 8.4 Bettmann Archive

 9.1 Author’s collection

 9.2 Vingt mille lieues sous les mers

 9.3 Author’s collection

 9.4 Author’s collection