Poster, Peace for us all. 16⅛″ × 21⅜″. Mario Uribe and Kazuaki Tanahashi (KT). Published and distributed by American Friends Service Committee, Buddhist Peace Fellowship, and Ecumenical Peace Institute, 1991.

Portrait, Morihei Ueshiba. Ink and acrylic on paper, 17″ × 19″. Legend: “Portrait of Master Morihei Ueshiba,” signed by Ichisanjin (KT’s artist name), 2017.

Poster, Manhattan Project II. Acrylic on paper, 23½″ × 29½″, 1992.

Painting, Surrender. Ink on paper, 20 panels, 32″ × 40″ each, 1987. Exhibited at the Cathedral of Saint John the Divine, New York City, 1987. Photos at Everson Museum of Art, Syracuse, New York, 1993.

Drawing, Samsara 10. Watercolor on silk, 32″ × 37″, Mussoorie, India, 1989. Translation of the waka poem: “Himalayas far / in summer sky / above the mist / in my heart / the peaks’ snow line.”

Painting, Stop the arms race, or…10. Ink on paper, collage, 22½″ × 28½″, 1988.

Multimedia piece, Billboard. 18″ × 40″, portion. Mario Uribe, brushwork by Mario Uribe and KT, San Diego, California, 1991.

Poster, If we go to WAR…17½″ × 24″. Published and distributed by the American Friends Service Committee, Buddhist Peace Fellowship, and Ecumenical Peace Institute, 1990.

Poster, Can we stop violence non-violently? Acrylic on paper, 23½″ × 29½″, 1992.

Booklet, Japan’s Plutonium: A Major Threat to the Planet. Cover art by Mayumi Oda and KT. Published by Plutonium Free Future, 1992.

Poster, Who will guard this plutonium? Acrylic on paper, 23½″ × 29½″, 1992.

Print, Journey of the Akatsuki Maru. Print, 20″ × 26″. Mario Uribe, calligraphy by KT, 1992.

Poster, No nukes! 17½″ × 24″, 2013.

Creating the Circle of All Nations. Photo by Kazu Yanagi. Organized by American School of Japanese Arts and artistic director Mario Uribe. United Nations Plaza, San Francisco, 1995.

Installing the Circle of All Nations. Five panels, 23’ × 28’ in total, plus two horizontal banners, 4’ × 23’ each. Photo by Kazu Yanagi. Organized by American School of Japanese Arts and artistic director Mario Uribe; calligraphic director, Georgianna Greenwood. War Memorial and Performing Arts Center, San Francisco, 1995.

The Circle of All Nations, installed. Photo by Kazu Yanagi, 1995.

Poster, Grieving of Humanity. 23½″ × 29½″. Birkenau, Poland, 1997.

Painting, Nanjing Lamentation. Acrylic on canvas, 30″ × 36″. Exhibited at the Remembering Nanjing Tragedy Conference, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing, China, 2007.

Painting, Rapes and Devastations. Acrylic on canvas, 30″ × 36″. Exhibited at the Remembering Nanjing Tragedy Conference, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing, China, 2007.

Painting, Atonement: One Hundred Million Japanese. Acrylic on canvas, 30″ × 36″. Exhibited at the Remembering Nanjing Tragedy Conference, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing, China, 2007.

Painting, Manchuria Live Human Experiments. Acrylic on canvas, 30″ × 36″. Exhibited at the Remembering Nanjing Tragedy Conference, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing, China, 2007.

Painting, Life’s Dreams Are Lost. Acrylic on canvas, 30″ × 36″. Exhibited at the Remembering Nanjing Tragedy Conference, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing, China, 2007.

Creating Circle of Peace. By members of the Interfaith Pilgrimage of Peace, monastery of Deir Mar Musa el-Habashi, Syria, 2002.

Circle of Peace, installed. Monastery of Deir Mar Musa el-Habashi, Syria, 2002.

Altar ready for a mass with Miracles of Peace. Monastery of Deir Mar Musa el-Habashi, Syria, 2002.

Painting, One Million Suns. Acrylic on canvas, 30″ × 36″, 2008.

Poster, Can we recycle as Nature does? Acrylic on paper, 23½″ × 29½″, 1992.

Banner, 1 H bomb = 100 days of Auschwitz. Acrylic on canvas, 80″ × 40″, lettering by Bradley Wade, brushwork by KT. Displayed at the rally and march at the Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico, 2015.

Ideograph, Breakthrough. Cursive script of the ideograph. Acrylic on canvas, 13″ × 15″, 2017.

Poster, action/no action. Acrylic on paper, 23½″ × 29½″, 1992.

Painting, Dogen. Acrylic on paper, 15⅞″ × 20¾″, 1995.

Backdrop, Bristlecone Pine. Acrylic on canvas, two panels, 4’ × 12’ each. For reading of Mountains and Rivers Without End by Gary Snyder, Stanford University, California, 1997.

Creating Where Are We Going? Acrylic on canvas, five panels, 6’ × 22’ in total. Erlangen Museum of Art, Erlangen, Germany, 1997.

(Final page) At a Los Alamos rally. Photo by Iwona Michalczewska, 2015.