ABC-TV, 671
abolitionism, 16, 37, 45, 48, 64, 70, 73, 176. See also Brown, John; Garrison, William Lloyd; Parker, Theodore; Rush, Benjamin
Abraham Lincoln Brigade, 387
Abu-Jamal, Mumia, 712
Academy Awards, 537
Act of Assembly, 7–8
Acts and Monuments (Foxe), 4
Adams, John Quincy, 57
Addams, Jane, 162, 210–221, 321, ILLUS. 1; Newer Ideals of Peace, 211; Peace and Bread in Time of War, 210
“Address to the Jury” (Debs), 169–186
Adodarhoh, 1
Advance, 506
Advocate of Peace, 14
Afghanistan, 537, 688, 717, 742, 767
African Americans, 11–12, 19, 21, 61–62, 69, 70, 74–75, 84–85, 101, 114, 175–176, 259, 313, 348–361, 366, 367–370, 372, 375–376, 383, 384, 385, 429, 430–431, 477–478, 485–486, 499, 501, 506–507, 507–513, 648, 694–697
AFSC. See American Friends Service Committee (AFSC)
Against the Tide: Pacifist Resistance in the Second World War (Hurwitz, Simpson), 601, 607
Agnew, Spiro, 530
Ahmadinejad, Mahmoud, 742
AIDS, 462
Air America, 659
A. J. Muste Institute, 567
Alabama, 256, 367, 375, 393, 409
Alaska, 119
Albert, Stewart, 471
Alcatraz Federal Penitentiary, 187, 197
Aleutian Islands, 624
Alexander the Great, 57, 116, 120
Allende, Salvador, 377
Allied Forces, 133, 191, 236, 268, 275, 328, 737, 743, 750, 751, 752, 753, 754
Almanac (Smith), 733
Altheimer (AR), 601
Alton (IL), 175
America and the Holocaust: Deceit and Indifference (PBS), 742
America First, 744
American Civil War. See Civil War
American Expeditionary Forces, 200
American Friends Service Committee (AFSC), 114, 318
American Hebrew, 743
American Mercury, 268
American Newspaper Repository, 736
American Peace Society, 14, 28, 37
American Revolution. See Revolutionary War
“American Scholar, The” (Emerson), 28
Americans for Democratic Action, 222
American Socialist Party. See Socialist Party of America
American World Policies (Weyl), 145
American Writers Against the Vietnam War, 425
“America’s Image in the World” (Byrd), 709–711
Amis, Martin, 736
Ammon, 22
Amnesty International, 493
Amulon, 21
Ancient Evenings (Mailer), 455
Anderson, Margaret, 131
Angola, 429
Animal, Vegetable, Miracle (Kingsolver), 690
anti-Semitism, 238, 555, 745, 751. See also Holocaust
Apostles, 392
“Appeal to Womanhood Throughout the World” (Howe), 97–98
Arab Americans, 689
Archive of Folk Song, Library of Congress, 331
Aria Da Capo (Millay), 236
Armies of the Night, The: History As a Novel, the Novel As History (Mailer), 455–461, 762
Armitt, John, 9
Arnold, Matthew, 116
Arrows in the Gale (Giovannitti), 202
“Arsenal at Springfield, The” (Longfellow), 43–44
Ashley, Karen, 650–651
Asia, 61, 254, 330, 380, 383, 410, 418, 420, 429, 430, 480, 490, 529, 530, 557, 659, 689
Associated Press, 265
Association for the Advancement of Women, 97
Astounding Science Fiction, 303
Atlanta (GA), 169
Atlantic Conference, 328
“Atlas of the Difficult World, An” (Rich), 644–646
atomic bomb. See nuclear weapons
Atomic Energy Commission, 313, 762, 765
Atom Squad, 294
“At the Un-National Monument along the Canadian Border” (Stafford), 287
Attila the Hun, 58
Auden, W. H., 483, 499, 551, 644, 767
“August 2026: There Will Come Soft Rains” (Bradbury), 208, 303–309
Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas (Stein), 136
Axel’s Castle (Wilson), 362
Aztlán and Viet Nam: Chicano and Chicana Experiences of the War (Mariscal), 681
Bacevich, Andrew J., 726–729; “I Lost My Son to a War I Oppose,” 726–729
Bacevich, Andrew J., Jr., 726–729
Backwash of War, The (La Motte), 136–140
Bacone College, 607
Baez, Albert, 492
Baez, Joan, 492–498, ILLUS. 11; Daybreak, 492; “What Would You Do If?,” 492, 493–498
Baez, Joan (mother), 492
Baez, Pauline, 492
Baghdad, Iraq, 677–680, 691, 692
“Baghdad” (Johnson), 717–718
Baker, Charles Ruthenberg, 171
Baker, John, 14–15
Baker, Nicholson, 736–755; Human Smoke, 736; “Why I’m a Pacifist: The Dangerous Myth of the Good War,” 737–755
Baker, Obadiah Ethelbert, 87; “Nov. 30th To an absent Wife,” 87
Balch, Emily Greene, 162–168, 210, 321, ILLUS. 1; “To the President of Wellesley College,” 162–164; “Toward Human Unity or Beyond Nationalism,” 164–168
Baldwin, James, 427–431; “The War Crimes Tribunal,” 428–431
Baldwin Locomotive Works, 134
Ballin, Chris, 659
Balliol College. See University of Oxford
“Ball of Confusion” (Temptations), 523
Ballou, Adin, 45–47; “The Term Non-Resistance,” 45–47
Baltimore Convention, 54, 56, 70
Bancroft, George, 174
Banyacya, Thomas, 607–608
Barbusse, Henri, 218
“Baring Witness,” 730–732
Barnard College, 677
Barnes, Earl B., 206, 230, 233
Bartram, James, 9
Bashlow, Robert, 386–391; 1001 Ways to Beat the Draft, 386–391
Bates, Peter, 473
“Battle Hymn of the Republic” (Howe), 97, 108
“Battle Hymn of the Republic, The (Brought Down to Date)” (Twain), 108–109
Battle of Chickamauga, 99–105
Battle of Corinth, 87
Battle of Germantown, 11
Battle of Gettysburg, 95–96
Battle-Pieces and Other Aspects of the War (Melville), 92
Beach Red (Bowman), 283
Bean Trees, The (Kingsolver), 690
Beastie Boys, 712
Beat Friar. See Everson, William
Beatrice Hawley Award, 719
Beauty, The (Hirshfield), 767
Beck, Julian, 434
Bedford-Stuyvesant Political League, 501
Behind the Lines: War Resistance Poetry on the American Homefront Since 1941 (Metres), 730
Belgium, 148
Bell, Tom, 438, 648, 651, 652–653
“Below the Battle” (Bourne), 141, 153–159
Belzec, 745
Benedict, Don, 294–296, 593–596; Born Again Radical, 593–596
Benezet, Anthony, 9
Beresford, J. D., 154
Berger, Victor, 207
Bergson, Henri, 154
Berkeley (CA), 377, 392, 492, 648, 650, 698
Berkeley Vietnam Day Committee, 658
Berkman, Alexander, 131
Berlin Wall, 301
Bermuda, 485
Bernhardi, Friedrich von, 135, 142
Berrigan, Daniel, 428, 475, 485, 514–522, 582, 615, 756, 757, ILLUS. 8, 10; The Trial of the Catonsville Nine, 514, 515–522
Berrigan, Philip, 514, 515, 756
Bethlehem Steel, 134
“Beyond Vietnam” (King), 408–424
Bhagavad-Gita, 297
Bhave, Vinoba, 370
BIA. See Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA)
Bible, 12, 17, 85, 110, 175, 224, 438
Bierce, Ambrose, 92, 99–105, 106, 609; Devil’s Dictionary, 99
Bigelow, Albert S., 313–320, ILLUS. 6; “Why I Am Sailing into the Pacific Bomb-Test Area,” 314–320
Bikini Atoll, 313
Bills of Credit, 11
Bin Laden, Osama, 696
Biology of War, The (Nicolai), 218–219
Birmingham (AL), 367, 370, 407, 486
Bishop, Corbett, 338
Bismarck, 314
Black Liberation Center, 375
Black Mountain College, 403, 432
Black Panther Party, 506, 510, 688
Black Power movement, 486, 649
Blitzer, Wolf, 741
Blood Rites: Origins and History of the Passions of War (Ehrenreich), 683–685
Bloomfield (NJ), 141
Bly, Robert, 425–426, 428; “Counting Small-Boned Bodies,” 425–426; Iron John, 425; The Light Around the Body, 425; “The Teeth-Mother Naked at Last,” 425
Boer War, 117
Bolling, Richard, 547
“Bombing of Baghdad, The” (Jordan), 655, 677–680
Bonaparte, Napoléon, 59–60, 120, 173–174
Bond, Julian, 383
Bookchin, Murray, 648
Book of Mormon, 21–27
Borden-Turner, Mary, 136
Born Again Radical (Benedict), 593–596
Born on the Fourth of July (Kovic), 537–540
Bosnia and Herzegovina, 719
Boston (MA), 48–56, 162, 252, 313, 483, 492
Boston, Bernie, 462
Boston College, 528
Boston Globe, 672
Boston University (BU), 475, 480–482
Bourne, Randolph, 141–159; “Below the Battle,” 141, 153–159; “The War and the Intellectuals,” 141–153
Bowman, Mary Jo, 567–592; Revolutionary Violence: A Dialogue, 568–592
Bowman, Peter, 283; Beach Red, 283
Boxer, Barbara, 662
Bracey, Bertha, 739
Bradbury, Ray, 208, 303–309; Fahrenheit 451, 303; The Martian Chronicles, 303; “August 2026: There Will Come Soft Rains,” 208, 303–309
Braden Methodist Church, 357–358
Bradley, Omar N., 310–312; “A Decent Respect for Human Intelligence,” 310–312
Brailsford, Henry N., 219
Branch, Taylor, 407
Brandeis University, 506
Bread and Puppet Theater, 552
Breathing in Water (Levertov), 403
Brecht, Bertolt, 284; Kriegsfibel [War Primer], 284
Brezhnev, Leonid, 389
British Coal Board, 445
British Navy, 314
Brittain, Vera, 738, 739, 749–750, 753, 754; Humiliation with Honour, 739; Letter to Peace Lovers, 739
Brockport (NY), 655–656
Bronx Science High School, 434
Bronze Star, 528
Brooklyn (NY), 14, 264, 455, 465, 501
Brooklyn College, 386
Brooks, John Graham, 184–185
Brooks, Van Wyck, 141
Brookwood Labor College, 379
Brother Antoninus. See Everson, William
Brown, Margaret Wise, 717; Goodnight Moon, 717
Brown, Runham, 739
Brown, Thomas, 9
Brown, William, 9
Bryn Mawr College, 162
BU. See Boston University (BU)
Buber, Martin, 393
Buchalter, Louis (Lepke), 248, 249, 252
Buchenwald, 740
Buck, Marilyn, 652
Buckley, Oliver E., 299
Budapest, Hungary, 260
Buddhism, 330, 392, 414, 417, 626, 647, 767
Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA), 607, 608
Burke, Edmund, 741
“Burning of Paper Instead of Children, The” (Rich), 514
Bush, George W., 528, 687, 696, 712, 726, 727, 728, 736, 742
“Business of America Is War and It Is Time for a Change, The” (Chisholm), 501–505
Butler, Samuel, 193; The Way of All Flesh, 193
Byrd, Robert, 709–711; “America’s Image in the World,” 709–711
Byzantium, 58
Cagle, Lonnie, 661
Cakars, Maris, 462–463, 465–467, 471–472; “Mobilization! Oct. 21,” 462–463, 465–467, 471–472
California, 58, 59, 119, 230, 287, 492, 662, 688, 712, 719
California Labor School, 499
Calvert, Gregory Nevala, 469, 647–654; Democracy from the Heart, 647–654
Calvin and Hobbes (Watterson), 620–621
Calvinism, 379
Calvo, Joseph, 442
Cambridge (MA), 492
Camp Angel, 246
Camp Gordon, 196
Camp Mercury, 315–316. See also Nevada Test Site
Camus, Albert, 761
Cannan, Gilbert, 154
Cannon, Joseph (Uncle Joe), 325
Canton (OH), 169, 170, 172, 179
Canton, China, 608
Cantor Fitzgerald, 686
Cape Ann (MA), 51
capitalism, 131, 133, 187, 203
capital punishment, 37
Carleton, Thomas, 9
Carmichael, Stokely, 427
Carter, Yvonne, 512
Case Western Reserve University, 348
Castillo, Maritza, 720
Cathedral of St. John the Divine, 427, 549
Catholicism, 4, 485, 514, 559, 560–566, 587, 597, 726, 756
Catholic Worker Houses, 246, 264
Catonsville Nine, 475, 514, ILLUS. 10
“Causerie at the Military-Industrial, A” (Goodman), 432, 443–454
CCC. See Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)
Center for Defense Information, 609
Center for the Study of Nonviolence, 559
Chagrin Falls (OH), 620
Chalmers, Burns, 740
Chaney, James, 373
Chapman, J. J., 121
Charles, Ray, 428
Chase Manhattan Bank, 371
Chattanooga (TN), 325
Chautauqua (NY), 214
Chelmno, 745
Chicago (IL), 128, 179, 214, 217, 229, 365, 410, 453, 576, 593, 694
Chicago Health Department, 212
“Chickamauga” (Bierce), 99–105
Chillicothe (OH), 617–619
China, 61, 119, 254, 328, 373, 413, 446, 601, 612, 704
China Men (Kingston), 698
Chisholm, Shirley, 48, 501–505, 506; “The Business of America Is War and It Is Time for a Change,” 501–505
Choice Before Us, The (Lowes Dickenson), 219
Christianity, 4, 8, 17, 37–42, 45, 49, 51, 56, 90–91, 97–98, 128–130, 131–132, 163, 174–175, 185, 223, 226, 285, 317, 350, 368, 383, 427, 487, 560–566, 568, 569, 573, 575, 582, 585–590, 593–596, 602, 721
“Christians at War” (Kendrick), 128–130
Christian Science, 246
Churchill, Winston, 328, 747, 748, 750, 751, 753
Churchman, John, 9
Church of the Brethren, 576, 577
Church of the Brethren Peace Education and Evangelism Program, 567
CIA, 363, 371, 389, 391, 439, 455, 659
Cincinnati (OH), 393
CISPES. See Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador (CISPES)
City College of New York, 256, 432
civil disobedience, 256
“Civil Disobedience” (Thoreau), 64–86, 114
Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), 114
Civilian Public Service Camps, 287, 290, 337, 365, 601
Civil Rights Act (1964), 384, 709
civil rights movement, 256, 313, 348–361, 375–376, 393, 485–486, 541
Civil War, 37, 45, 48, 87, 88–91, 92–93, 94, 95–96, 96, 99–105, 160, 224, 324, 362, 694; Battle of Chickamauga, 99–105; Battle of Corinth, 87; Battle of Gettysburg, 95–96; Battle of Shiloh, 92–93, 95
Clark, Champ, 324
Clark, Ramsey, 459
Clausewitz, Karl von, 373
Clemenceau, Georges, 616
Clemens, Roger, 728
Clemens, Susy, 108
Clergy and Laity Concerned about the War in Vietnam, 408, 514
Club 47 (Cambridge), 492
Clyver, Constance de, 331
CNN, 655
CNVA. See Committee for Nonviolent Action (CNVA)
CNWS. See Concord Naval Weapons Station (CNWS)
Coal Commission, 211
Coal Trust, 185
Cobden, Richard, 220
Coffin, William Sloane, Jr., 460, 593
Cohan, George M., 108, 238; “Over There,” 108, 238
Cohen, Morris, 432
Cold War, 362, 384, 504, 628, 704
Cold War and the Income Tax, The (Wilson), 362
Collected Poems (Replansky), 284
Collector of the Port of New York, 230
Collett, John, 751
Collier’s, 303
Cologne, Germany, 222
colonialism, 144–145, 148, 149
Colorado College, 681
Colorado University, 626
Colrain (MA), 515
Columbia University, 141, 199, 265, 475, 485, 694, 744
Columbus, Christopher, 31
Come era nel principio (Giovannitti), 202
Come Together, Imagine Peace (Metres), 730
Comiendo lumbre (Eating Fire) (Valdés), 681
Committee Against Discrimination in the Armed Forces, 256
Committee for Nonviolent Action (CNVA), 348, 349, 356, 649
Committee for Nonviolent Revolution, 365
Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador (CISPES), 686
Committee to Legalize Marijuana, 391
Communism, 238, 256, 319, 331, 375, 415, 506, 510, 543, 707, 708, 741
Communist Party, 256, 331, 506, 510
Community Party, 506
“Compulsory Heterosexuality and Lesbian Existence” (Rich), 644
Conant, James B., 299
Concord (CA), 657–674
Concord Naval Weapons Station (CNWS), 657–674
Confederate States Army, 94, 95, 96
Confucius, 77
Congo, 383
Congressional Black Caucus, 501
Congress of Nations, 36
Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), 256, 601
Connecticut, 208
Connecticut General Life Insurance v. Johnson, 477
Connor, Bull, 370
conscientious objection, 88–91, 153–159, 187–198, 199–201, 224, 617–619, 627–643. See also pacifism
Conscientious Objector, The (Kellogg), 199
“Conscientious Objector” (Millay), 236–237
“Conscientious Objector, The” (Shapiro), 285–286
Conscription Act. See Selective Service and Training Act for War
Constellation Theatre Company, 626
Constitution of the Iroquois Confederacy, 1; “The Tree of Great Peace,” 1–2, 21
Consultant in Poetry, Library of Congress, 287
Continental Army, 16
Coolidge, Calvin, 505
Copernicus, Nicolaus, 72
Cops for Christ, 552–553
“Cop Tales: Devastation” (Paley), 551–554
CORE. See Congress of Racial Equality (CORE)
Cornell, Esther, 141
Cornell Sun, 325
Cornell University, 433, 435–439, 444, 473
Cornwallis, Lord, 18
Corpus Christi Church, 485
Correa, Matthias F., 252
Corwin, Thomas, 57–63; “Speech of Mr. Corwin, of Ohio, on the Mexican War,” 57–63
Cosby, Henry, 523–524; “I Should Be Proud,” 523–524
Coshocton (OH), 601
Council for Abolishing War, 260. See also Council for a Livable World
Council for a Livable World, 260
Council of Constance, 4
“Counting Small-Boned Bodies” (Bly), 425–426
Country Joe and the Fish, 377. See also McDonald, Country Joe
Courtney, Lord, 220
Cousins, Norman, 317
Crane, Stephen, 106–107; The Red Badge of Courage, 106; “War Is Kind,” 106–107
Cranston, Alan, 662
Crawford, Ruth, 331
Crazy Horse & the Custers (Heyen), 655
Creeley, Robert, 403
Creston, British Columbia, 248
Crèvecoeur, Hector St. John de, 11
Crimean War, 220
Cronbach, Abraham, 738, 744, 754
Cullen, Countee, 427
Culture and War (Patten), 145
Cummings, E. E., 227–228, 236, 379; The Enormous Room, 227; “i sing of Olaf glad and big,” 227–228
Custer, George Armstrong, 677
Czech Republic, 704
Dachau, 740
Dahlberg, Edwin T., 317
Dalton, Melissa, 87
Damon, Matt, 475
Danbury (CT), 294
Danbury Federal Correctional Institution, 248, 294–296, 593, 601, 604
“Danbury Story, The” (Schoenfeld), 294–296
“Dancing in the Street” (Martha & the Vandellas), 523
Danielson, Leilah, 379
DAR. See Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR)
Dark Room Poetry Prize, 626
Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR), 134
Davidson, Carl, 466
Davis, Angela, 506–513; “The Liberation of Our People,” 507–513
Davis, Joshua Paul, 712; “March of Death,” 712–714
Davis, Richard Harding, 213
Dawson, Ralph, 672
Day, Dorothy, 236, 264–267, 407, 514, 738, 749, 754, ILLUS. 2; “We Go on Record,” 264– 267
Day, Tamar, 264
Daybreak (Baez), 492
D-Day, 310
Death Valley (CA), 315
Debs, Eugene V., 48, 169–186, 187, 202, 224, 709; “Address to the Jury,” 169–186
“Decent Respect for Human Intelligence, A” (Bradley), 310–312
Declaration of Independence, 16, 253, 350, 413, 551
“Declaration of Sentiments Adopted by the Peace Convention, Held in Boston, September 18, 19, & 20, 1838,” 37–42
Deerfield (MA), 334
Defense of Warner Mifflin Against Aspersions Cast on Him on Account of His Endeavours to Promote Righteousness, Mercy, and Peace among Mankind, The (Mifflin), 11–13
de la Rocha, Zacharias (Zack), 712–714, ILLUS. 16; “March of Death,” 712–714
Dell, Floyd, 210, 229–235, 236, 264; Homecoming, 229
Dellinger, David, 246, 252, 365–374, 427, 428, 466, 593, 647, 648, 649, 650; “The Future of Nonviolence,” 365–374
Dellums, Ron, 688
Deming, Barbara, 348–361, 428, 506, 567, 647, 649, ILLUS. 14; “On Revolution and Equilibrium,” 567; Revolution and Equilibrium, 649; “Southern Peace Walk: Two Issues or One?,” 348–361
Democracy from the Heart (Calvert), 647–654
Democratic National Convention (1968), 365
Democratic Party, 56, 178, 179, 202, 230, 324, 325, 455, 501, 528, 547, 597, 726, 728
DePauw University, 690
“Design of an Emergency Tax System, A,” 597, 598–600
Detroit (MI), 327
Devil’s Dictionary (Bierce), 99
Dewey, John, 141, 145; German Philosophy and Politics, 145
Dexter Avenue Baptist Church, 409
Dickinson, Clarence E., 329
Dickinson State College, 525
Dien Bien Phu, 413
Dien Cai Dau (Komunyakaa), 626
Dilling, Yvonne, 567–592; Revolutionary Violence: A Dialogue, 568–592
Dissent, 763
“Dissent in United States v. Schwimmer” (Holmes), 224–226
Diving into the Wreck (Rich), 644
“Divinity School Address” (Emerson), 28
Djilas, Milovan, 319
DJ Shadow. See Davis, Joshua Paul
Dodge, David Low, 14–15; “An Odd and Singular Man,” 14–15; War Inconsistent with the Religion of Jesus Christ, 14
Doing Time for Peace: Resistance, Family, and Community (Riegle), 756
Dominican Order, 246
Douglass, Frederick, 427
Dow Chemical, 476–482
“Down by the River-Side,” 21, 160–161
Down in My Heart (Stafford), 141, 287
“Dow Shalt Not Kill” (Zinn), 475, 476–482
Dresden, Germany, 268, 269–276, 562
“drinking a cup of tea” (Reps), 330
“Driving the Bus: After the Anti-War March” (Pratt), 715–716
Dr. Strangelove Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (Kubrick), 597
Drum-Taps (Whitman), 94
Duberman, Martin, 348
DuBridge, L. A., 299
Duesseldorf, Germany, 222
Dukakis, Michael, 528
Duncan, Donald, 466
Duncan, Robert, 403
Duncombe, David, 660, 663, 673–674
Dunlap’s American Daily Advertiser, 16
DuPont, 134
Dutch Reformed Church, 379
“Duty of Submission to Civil Government, The” (Paley), 68
Dylan, Bob, 492
Dyre Act, 604
Eastburn, Samuel, 9
Easter Peace Bridge, 438
East Indies, 18
Eastman, Max, 229
Eastman School of Music, 736
Ebenezer Baptist Church, 383
Economic Defense Board, 328
Edison, Thomas A., 365
Edward, Prince of Wales, 238
Ehrenreich, Barbara, 683–685; Blood Rites: Origins and History of the Passions of War, 683–685; “Fighting War,” 683–685; Living with a Wild God: A Nonbeliever’s Search for the Truth about Everything, 683; Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America, 683
Eighteenth Amendment, 225
Eisenhower, Dwight, 131, 265, 310, 313, 318
Elba, Italy, 60
Ellsberg, Daniel; Pentagon Papers, 475
el-Wafi, Aïcha, 686
Emerson, Gloria, 541–548; Winners and Losers, 541–548
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 28–36, 48, 192; “Divinity School Address,” 28; Essays, First Series, 28; “The American Scholar,” 28; “War,” 28–36
Eminem, 712
Emma Goldman Brigade, 541–545
England, 3, 7, 19, 31, 35, 48, 54, 55, 61, 117, 119, 127, 136, 143, 144, 145, 149, 182, 191, 196, 213, 214, 219, 220, 222, 225, 260, 263, 266, 310, 372, 485, 703–704
Eniwetok Proving Grounds, 313, 314, 318, 457
Enormous Changes at the Last Minute (Paley), 551
Enormous Room, The (Cummings), 227
Enzer, Erica, 460
Epistle of Tender Love and Caution to Friends in Pennsylvania, An, 7–9
“Epitaph: 1945” (Replansky), 284
Epton, Epi, 442
ESpeed, 686
Espionage Act, 169–186, 202–207, 231
Essays, First Series (Emerson), 28
Essen, Germany, 222
Europe, 59, 61, 117, 127, 133, 144, 148, 183, 185, 210, 211, 212, 214, 222–223, 254, 310, 377, 428, 430, 442, 445, 446, 695, 702, 739, 743
Evans, John, 9
Everett, Edward, 48
Evers, Medgar, 373
Everson, William, 246–247; Ten War Elegies, 246; “War Elegy X,” 246–247
Every War Has Two Losers (Stafford), 287
Executioner’s Song‚ The (Mailer), 455
“Experiment in Conscience, An” (Otto), 187–198
Exxon, 696
Fabian Society, 142, 156, 190. See also socialism
Fahrenheit 451 (Bradbury), 303
Faneuil Hall, 48–56
Fanon, Frantz, 567; The Wretched of the Earth, 567
Fariña, Mimi, 492
Farmer, James, 501
Farrington, Abraham, 9
Fate of the Earth, The (Schell), 701
FBI, 238, 440, 475, 514, 671, 672, 744
FBI Ten Most Wanted List, 514
Federalism, 52
Feinberg, Leslie, 715
Fellowship, 393
Fellowship of Reconciliation, 256, 379, 619
feminism, 3, 118, 119, 224, 348, 507, 644, 647, 649, 715
Ferber, Michael, 460
Fermi, Enrico, 300
Field of Broken Stones, A (Naeve), 248–251
Fifth Book of Peace, The (Kingston), 698–700
“Fighting War” (Ehrenreich), 683–685
Final Solution. See Holocaust
Finch, Robert, 502
First Amendment, 726
First Things (Osborne), 525
Five-Day Fast for Peace, 437
509th Composite Group, 559–560
Five Nations. See Haudenosaunee
Flame and Shadow (Teasdale), 208
Forrest, James, 591
Forrestal, James, 443
“For the Fifty (Who Made PEACE with Their Bodies)” (Metres), 730–732, ILLUS. 15
“For the Unknown Enemy” (Stafford), 287
Fothergill, Samuel, 9
Fouquier-Tinville, Antoine Quentin, 202
Fourteenth Amendment, 477
Foxe, John, 4; Acts and Monuments, 4
France, 19, 30, 35, 50, 60, 61, 136–140, 143, 146, 182, 189, 193, 213, 218, 222, 413, 416, 427–428, 475, 485, 514, 740
Franklin, Benjamin, 69, 72, 173, 175
Frederick II, King of Prussia, 59, 122
Freedom Rides, 256, 313, 486, 601
Freedom Singers, 465
Freedomways, 427
Freeman, Orville, 459
Free Speech Movement, 492
French-Algerian War, 428
French Resistance, 761
Frenssen, Gustav, 154
Frick, Henry Clay, 131
Fried, Erich, 220
Friends Committee on National Legislation, 318
Fugs, 386
Fussell, Paul, 106
“Future of Nonviolence, The” (Dellinger), 365–374
GAC. See General Advisory Committee to the US Atomic Energy Commission (GAC)
Gandhi, Mohandas, 37, 45, 222, 256, 319, 330, 341, 348, 366–367, 368, 369, 371, 372, 434, 487, 495–496, 559, 579, 580, 590, 702–704
Gardner, Alexander, 95–96; Gardner’s Photographic Sketch Book of the War, 95
Gardner’s Photographic Sketch Book of the War (Gardner), 95
Garrison, William Lloyd, 37–42, 45, 64, 132, 176, 709
Gaye, Marvin, 523; “What’s Going On,” 523
Gaza, 541
General Advisory Committee to the US Atomic Energy Commission (GAC), 297–300
General Court of Massachusetts, 54
General Dynamics, 443
General Electric, 756
General Foods, 443
General Learning, 443
General Motors, 443
General Services Administration (GSA), 463, 465, 648, 649, 651
General Strike for Peace, 434
General Telephone and Electronics, 443
Geneva Agreement (1954), 413, 416, 418
Geneva Conventions, 535
George III, King of England, 55
George Polk Award, 541
German Philosophy and Politics (Dewey), 145
Germany, 117, 127, 131, 132, 133, 135, 142, 143, 145, 146, 149, 152, 153, 157, 170, 177, 182, 183, 189, 195, 196, 213, 214, 222, 254, 256, 258, 260, 261, 263, 265, 268, 269, 275, 278, 281, 301, 310, 328, 381, 393
Gibbon, Edward, 58; The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, 58
Gibbons, Reginald, 624
Gibson, Bob, 492
Gilmore, Gary, 455
Ginsberg, Allen, 386, 390, 460, 597; “Howl,” 386
Ginzburg, Ralph, 390
Giovannitti, Arturo, 202–207; Arrows in the Gale, 202; Come era nel principio, 202; “Scott Nearing Reprieves Democracy,” 202–207
Girouard v. United States, 224
“Give Peace a Chance” (Lennon), 277
Gladden, Washington, 220
GNP. See Gross National Product (GNP)
Godoy, Carlos Mejía, 720
Going After Cacciato (O’Brien), 627
Golden Rule, 313
Goldman, Emma, 131–135; “Preparedness, the Road to Universal Slaughter,” 131–135
Gollancz, Victor, 750
Goodman, Andrew, 373
Goodman, Matthew, 432–443
Goodman, Paul, 141, 428, 432–454, 460; “A Causerie at the Military-Industrial,” 432, 443–454; “A Young Pacifist,” 141, 432–443; Growing Up Absurd, 432
Goodnight Moon (Brown, Hurd), 717
Good Will Hunting (Van Sant), 475
Gore, Robert, 349, 351, 358, 361
Gottlieb, Edward P., 744
Great Depression, 695
Great Madness, The: A Victory for American Plutocracy (Nearing), 202–207
Great Mother Conference, 425
Greco-Turkish War, 106
Greece, 115–116
Green, Val, 467
Green Berets, 420
Greenblatt, Bob, 470
Greenpeace, 313
Greenwich Village (NY), 256, 294, 427, 499, 506
Grigg, Joseph, 746
Gross National Product (GNP), 447, 448
Growing Up Absurd (Goodman), 432
GSA. See General Services Administration (GSA)
Guggenheim Award, 285
Gulf War, 462, 475, 537, 655, 677–680, 741
Gunn, Thom, 392
Guthrie, Woody, 331
Haessler, Carl, 187–198
Hague, Netherlands, 211, 212, 214
Hague Congress. See International Congress of Women
Hall, Gus, 391
Halsey, William F. Jr., 329
Hamburg, Germany, 253–254
Hamill, Sam, 717; Poets Against the War, 717
Hamilton, Dr. Alice, 213
Hammer, Dean, 758
Hand, Augustus N., 230
Hanoi, Vietnam, 403, 409, 416, 475, 492, 499, 514, 534, 551, 698
Hardie, Keir, 220
Harlem (NY), 366, 367–368, 411, 427, 429, 677
Harlot’s Ghost (Mailer), 455
Harper’s Bazaar, 108
Harriman, W. Averell, 436
Harris, George Edgerly, III, 462
Hartford Convention, 52
Harvard Law Review, 694
Harvard Law School, 694
Harvard University, 184, 313, 331, 455, 480, 562, 627, 701
Harvest of Death, A (O’Sullivan), 95–96
Hasenfus, Eugene, 659
Haudenosaunee, 1–2
Havana, Cuba, 390
Haverford College, 736
Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 210
Hayek, F. A., 741
Haymarket executions, 131
Haywood, Bill, 207
Hearst, William Randolph, 99
“Hearts on Fire” (Valdés), 681–682
Hebrew Union College, 393
Hecht, Anthony, 401
Helam, 21
Hemingway, Ernest, 277
Henry, Patrick, 173
Here, Bullet (Turner), 719
“Heroes” (La Motte), 136–140
Heschel, Abraham Joshua, 380, 393–400, 408, 514; Jewish Catalogues, 393; “The Moral Outrage of Vietnam,” 393–400
Heyen, William, 655–656; Crazy Horse & the Custers, 655; A Poetics of Hiroshima, 655; Ribbons: The Gulf War, 655; Shoah Train, 655; “The Truth,” 655–656
Hickerson, Joe, 331–333; “Where Have All the Flowers Gone,” 331–333
Highland Community College, 717
Hill, Julia Butterfly, 492
Hillquit, Morris, 230
Hinton, Joe, 523–524; “I Should Be Proud,” 523–524
Hiroshima, Japan, 260, 264, 297, 315, 316, 342, 559, 562, 607, 614, 692
Hiroshima Day, 439
Hirshfield, Jane, 767–768; The Beauty, 767; “I Cast My Hook, I Decide to Make Peace,” 767–768
History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, The (Gibbon), 58
Hitler, Adolf, 269, 331, 381, 489, 490, 509, 737, 738, 739, 740, 742, 743–755; Mein Kampf, 604, 605
Hobson, John A., 219; Towards International Government, 219
Hoffman, Isidor B., 744
Holden, Joan, 683
Hollywood (CA), 238
Hollywood Ten, 238
Holmes, Oliver Wendell Jr., 224–226; “Dissent in United States v. Schwimmer,” 224– 226
Homecoming (Dell), 229
Homer, The Iliad, 115
homosexuality, 256–257, 427, 432
Honduras, 691
Honolulu (HI), 694
“Honorable Discharge, An” (Kirby), 762–766
Hood, 314
Hoover, Herbert, 463
Hopedale community, 45
Hopi, 607–608
Hopkins, Gerard Manley, 485
Hopson, Clinton, 375–376, 383; “The War on Vietnam,” 375–376
Horne, William, 9
Hot Springs (AR), 294
House Judiciary Committee, 328
House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC), 238, 624, 752
Howard University, 334
Howe, Julia Ward, 48, 97–98, 108; “Appeal to Womanhood Throughout the World,” 97–98; “Battle Hymn of the Republic,” 97, 108
Howe, Samuel Gridley, 97
Howe, William, 11
“Howl” (Ginsberg), 386
HUAC. See House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC)
Hubbard, Ed, 672
Hudson River, 332
Hughan, Jessie Wallace, 738, 749, 752, 754, 755
Human Smoke (Baker), 736
Humboldt Bay, 313
Hume, David, 702
Humiliation with Honour (Brittain), 739
Humiston, David, 672
Humphrey, Hubert, 429, 459, 597, 598
Hunter College, 551
Huntington, Bill, 314–320
Hurd, Clement, 717; Goodnight Moon, 717
Hurwitz, Deena, 601, 603, 607; Against the Tide: Pacifist Resistance in the Second World War, 601, 607
Huss, John, 4
Hussein, Saddam, 694, 695–696, 710, 711, 721
Hyde Park Herald, 694
“I Cast My Hook, I Decide to Make Peace” (Hirshfield), 767–768
“I Counted None My Enemy” (Mifflin), 11–13
“I-Feel-Like-I’m-Fixin’-To-Die Rag” (McDonald), 377–378
If I Die in a Combat Zone, Box Me Up and Ship Me Home (O’Brien), 627
Iliad, The (Homer), 115
Illinois, 229, 287, 325, 694, 733
Illinois State Drug Rehabilitation Program, 647
“I Lost My Son to a War I Oppose” (Bacevich), 726–729
Imperial Germany and the Industrial Revolution (Veblen), 145
Imperial Japanese Navy, 609
India, 61, 256, 348, 365, 366, 367, 372, 580, 590, 702, 703–704
Indiana, 169
Indiana University, 626
Indian Nation of Alcatraz, 535
Indians. See Native Americans
Indonesia, 694
Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), 128, 169, 175, 184–185, 624
Infantry School, 310
Ingomar (PA), 199
In Our Son’s Name, 686
intellectualism, 141–153
Intercollegiate Socialist Society, 191
Internal Revenue Service (IRS), 334, 336, 347, 362, 515, 597, 598–600, 622–623; “A Design of an Emergency Tax System,” 597, 598–600
International Congress of Women, 211, 212, 214
International Criminal Court, 427
International Day of Protest, 436
International Fellowship of Reconciliation, 591
International Geophysical Year, 446
International Journal of Greek Love, 386
International Military Tribunal, 658
“Interview with Sister Anne Montgomery, RSCJ,” 756–761
Iowa Volunteer Cavalry Volunteer (2nd), 87
Iraq, 695–697, 698, 711, 717–718, 719, 720–725, 726–729, 730–732, 733–735
Iraq Veterans Against the War, 720
Iraq War, 377, 475, 537, 644, 694–697, 698, 709–711, 712–714, 717–718, 719, 720–725, 726–729, 730–732, 733–735
I Refuse (Osborne), 525–527
Iron John (Bly), 425
Iroquois Tradition, 1–2
IRS. See Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
“IRS’ Plan for the Hereafter, The” (McCarthy), 598–600
Irvine, Alexander, 205
Ishmael, 22
“I Should Be Proud” (Cosby, Hinton, Sawyer), 523–524
“i sing of Olaf glad and big” (Cummings), 227–228
Islam. See Muslims
Israel, 675–676
IWW. See Industrial Workers of the World (IWW)
Jackson, George, 506
Jackson, Jonathan, 506
Jackson, Robert H., 657–658
Jackson, William, 9
Jacobins, 35
Jamaica, 677
James, Alice, 114
James, William, 28, 64, 114–127, 154, 192, 693, 701, 707–708; Principles of Psychology, 114; “The Moral Equivalent of War,” 28, 114–127; Varieties of Religious Experience, 114
Japan, 117, 119, 120, 127, 254, 258, 260, 261, 262–263, 264, 269, 275, 278, 281, 313, 315, 321, 326, 328, 329, 330, 367, 416, 561, 563, 609, 648, 691, 737, 743
Jeannette Rankin Brigade, 321
Jeffers, Robinson, 246
Jeffords, Jim, 662
Jenkins, Clive, 463
Jerusalem, Israel, 21
“Jerusalem” (Nye), 675–676
Jesuits, 514
Jesus, 257, 258, 264, 265, 267, 358, 383, 388, 412, 439, 559, 583, 584, 585
Jewish Catalogues (Heschel), 393
Jewish Peace Fellowship, 744, 749, 754
Jewish Renewal movement, 393
Jewish Theological Seminary, 393
Jews, 622, 739–740, 742, 743– 755
Jezer, Marty, 462, 473; “Mobilization! Oct. 21,” 473
Job Corps, 503
“Joe Soap’s Army,” 128
John Carroll University, 730
John Muir Hospital, 669
Johnny Got His Gun (Trumbo), 16, 108, 238–245, 268
Johns Hopkins University, 136
Johnson, Irene, 460
Johnson, Kent, 717–718; “Baghdad,” 717–718; Lyric Poetry After Auschwitz: Eleven Submissions to the War, 717
Johnson, Lyndon B., 375, 387, 399, 429, 453, 458, 459, 460, 464, 597, 689
Johnson, Paul, 462, 474; “Mobilization! Oct. 21,” 464, 474
Joint Chiefs of Staff, 310, 609
Joint Legislative Committee to Investigate Seditious Activities, 218
Jonah House, 756
Jones, Angel, 403
Jones, Edgar L., 277–283; “One War Is Enough,” 277–283
Jones, Jenkin Lloyd, 220
Jordan, David Starr, 218
Jordan, June, 655, 677–680; Kissing God Goodbye, 677; “The Bombing of Baghdad,” 655, 677–680
Journal of John Woolman, The (Woolman), 3–10
Joyce, James, 362
Judaism, 285, 393, 644. See also Jews
Judge Advocate General, 199, 200
Juilliard, 331
Jung, Carl, 425
Kansas, 197
Kantor, MacKinlay, 753
Kaplan, Edward K., 393
Kasmir, Jan Rose, 462
Katzenbach, Nicholas, 390
Kaufman, Abraham, 737, 738, 744, 747, 748, 749, 751, 752
Keller, Dr. Elizabeth, 442
Kellogg, Walter Guest, 199–201; The Conscientious Objector, 199; “The Stierheim Case,” 199–201
Kelly, Kathy, 736
Kempis, Thomas à, 4
Kendrick, John F., 128–130, 609; “Christians at War,” 128–130; “The Mid-Summer Picnic of ’98,” 128
Kent, Susan, 462; “Mobilization! Oct. 21,” 467–468, 469–471
Kenyon College, 620
Kerner Commission, 504
Kerry, John, 528–536, 657, 662, 728, 754
Khayyam, Omar, 423
King, Coretta Scott, 321
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 45, 256, 348, 365, 367, 368, 379, 380, 383, 407–424, 428, 485–486, 492, 559, 565, 589; “Beyond Vietnam,” 408–424
King, Ynestra, 551
King of Prussia (PA), 756
Kingsolver, Barbara, 690–693; Animal, Vegetable, Miracle, 690; “A Pure, High Note of Anguish,” 690–693; The Bean Trees, 690; The Poisonwood Bible, 690
Kingston, Maxine Hong, 698–700; China Men, 698; The Fifth Book of Peace, 698–700; “Reflective Writing, Mindfulness, and the War: A Day for Veterans & Their Families,” 698; The Woman Warrior, 698
Kinoy, Arthur, 650
Kirby, Mike, 762–766; “An Honorable Discharge,” 762–766; The Technician, 762
Kirkpatrick, Jeane, 741
Kissing God Goodbye (Jordan), 677
Kitchin, Claude, 324
Knoxville (TN), 351
Koch, Kenneth, 717
Kollisch, Eva, 284
Komunyakaa, Yusef, 392, 626; “2527th Birthday of the Buddha,” 392, 626; Dien Cai Dau, 626; Neon Vernacular, 626
Konrád, Gyorgy, 704
Konvitz, Milton, 435
Koran, 721
Korean War, 310, 330, 510, 622, 657, 663
Kotzebue, August von, 11
Kovic, Ron, 537–540, 609, ILLUS. 13; Born on the Fourth of July, 537–540
Kraków, Poland, 622
Kriegsfibel [War Primer] (Brecht), 284
Krishna, 297
Kristol, Irving, 741
Kubrick, Stanley: Dr. Strangelove Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb, 597
Kupferberg, Tuli, 386–391; 1001 Ways to Beat the Draft, 386– 391
Kyoto, Japan, 330
LaFollette, Robert M., 324
Laird, Melvin, 503
Lakota, 677
Laman, 27
Lamb, Charles, 3
Lammasch, Heinrich, 220
Lamoni, 22
Lamont Prize, 514
La Motte, Ellen N., 136–140; The Backwash of War, 136–140; “Heroes,” 136–140; The Tuberculosis Nurse: Her Function and Her Qualifications, 136
Lampe, Keith, 473
Lane, Dorothy, 462, 472; “Mobilization! Oct. 21,” 464–465, 472
Lange, Dorothea, 699
La Rocque, Gene R., 609–616; “The Role of the Military in the Nuclear Age,” 609–616
“Last Night I Had the Strangest Dream” (McCurdy), 301–302, 331
Later the Same Day (Paley), 551
Latin America, 366, 371, 373, 419–420, 504, 510, 571, 572, 574, 584, 588, 657, 674
Lawrence, O. E., 265
Lea, Homer, 119–120, 122; The Valor of Ignorance, 119–120
League to Enforce Peace, 147, 149, 150, 155
Leahy, Patrick, 662
Leaving It All Behind (Osborne), 525
Lee, Barbara, 688–689, 690, 709; “Speech on House Joint Resolution 64,” 688–689
Lee, Robert E., 95
Lehrhaus, Frankfurt, 393
Lelyveld, Arthur, 744
Le Minh Khue, 699
Lemuel, 27
Lend-Lease Act, 743
Lenin, Vladimir, 390
Lenin Peace Prize, 506
Lennon, John, 277; “Give Peace a Chance,” 277
Letter to Peace Lovers, 739
“Letter to President Roosevelt” (Lowell), 252–255
Let Them Eat Bullets (Schoenfeld), 294
Levertov, Denise, 403–406, 428, 499; Breathing in Water, 403; “Life at War,” 403–405; “Making Peace,” 405–406; The Sorrow Dance, 403
Lewis, John, 313
Lewisburg (PA), 256
Lewis & Clark College, 287
Libby, Frederick J., 324
“Liberation of Our People, The” (Davis), 507–513
Liberty Bonds, 203
Libya, 754
Lice, The (Merwin), 483
“Life at War” (Levertov), 403–405
Light Around the Body, The (Bly), 425
“Like the Elders Say” (Banyacya), 607–608
Lindbergh, Charles, 751
Liteky, Charlie, 658
Lithuania, 131
Little Disturbances of Man, The (Paley), 551
Little Mao Tse-tung Library, 389
Living Theatre, 432
Living the Good Life (Nearing, Nearing), 202
Living with a Wild God: A Nonbeliever’s Search for the Truth about Everything (Ehrenreich), 683
Loeb, James, 222
Lomax, Alan, 331
London, England, 5, 144, 190, 218, 222, 328, 393, 403, 483
London, Meyer, 205
London Agreement, 657
London Review of Books, 762
Longfellow, Fanny, 43
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 43–44; “The Arsenal at Springfield,” 43–44
Long Walks and Intimate Talks (Paley), 551
Los Angeles (CA), 248, 377, 681
Los Angeles State College, 624
Los Angeles Times, 690–693
Los Four, 712
Lovejoy, Elijah, 175
Love Songs (Teasdale), 208
Low, Jackson Mac, 428, 462; “Mobilization! Oct. 21,” 468–469
Lowell (MA), 50
Lowell, James Russell, 424
Lowell, Robert, 246, 248, 252–255, 386, 460, 466, 593; “Letter to President Roosevelt,” 252–255; “Memories of West Street and Lepke,” 252; “Waking Early Sunday Morning,” 252
Lowes Dickinson, Goldsworthy, 122, 219; The Choice Before Us, 219
Luce, Henry, 328
Lumber Trust, 185
Lusk Committee. See Joint Legislative Committee to Investigate Seditious Activities
Luther, Martin, 72
Lynch, Lincoln, 463
Lynch, Stephen F., 728
Lynd, Alice, 114; Nonviolence in America, 114
Lynd, Staughton, 114; Nonviolence in America, 114
Lyric Poetry After Auschwitz: Eleven Submissions to the War (Johnson), 717
Macalester College, 627
MacArthur, Douglas, 463
MacDonald, Dwight, 466
Mack, Julian, 196
Madison, James, 702
Madrona, 525
Magyarization, 144–145
Mahoney, Jill Seiden, 541–545
Mahoney, Peter Paul, 544
Mailer, Norman, 379, 386, 428, 455–461, 647, 762; Ancient Evenings, 455; The Armies of the Night: History as a Novel, the Novel as History, 455–461, 762; The Executioner’s Song, 455; Harlot’s Ghost, 455; Marilyn: A Biography, 455; The Naked and the Dead, 455; “The White Negro,” 455
Maine, 236
Maire, Kathy, 758
“Making Peace” (Levertov), 405–406
Malone, Dudley Field, 230
Manchester College, 567, 569, 577
Mandan (ND), 525
Manger, Itzik, 284
Manhattan Project, 260. See also nuclear weapons
Manumit Preparatory School, 432
Mao Tse-tung, 387, 412, 453, 702
Marca, Brazil, 525
“March of Death” (De la Rocha, Davis), 712–714
March on the Pentagon (1967), 365, 379, 386, 455, 462, 647–651
March on Washington (1963), 256, 492
Marconi, Guglielmo, 365
Marcuse, Herbert, 506
Marilyn: A Biography (Mailer), 455
Marin County (CA), 730–732
Mariscal, George, 681; Aztlán and Viet Nam: Chicano and Chicana Experiences of the War, 681
Marks, Ann, 699
Marshall, George, 310
Marshall Islands, 313
Martha & the Vandellas, 523; “Dancing in the Street,” 523; “I Should Be Proud,” 523–524
Martian Chronicles, The (Bradbury), 303
Martin, Charles, 549–550; Room for Error, 549; “Terminal Colloquy,” 549–550
Martin, Joe, 375–376, 383; “The War on Vietnam,” 375–376
Massachusetts, 48–56, 69, 73–77, 224, 316, 318, 379, 528, 728, 762
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), 313, 480, 492
Massapequa (NY), 537
“Matter of Freedom, A” (Nelson), 334–347, 601
Matthei, Chuck, 264
Maurin, Peter, 264
Maxim, Hudson, 203
Mayer, Henry, 37
McAllister, Pam, 551
McCarthy, Charles, 559–566
McCarthy, Eugene J., 488, 597–600; “The IRS’ Plan for the Hereafter,” 598–600
McCarthy, Joseph, 331, 450, 510, 597
McCurdy, Ed, 301–302, 331; “Last Night I Had the Strangest Dream,” 301–302, 331
McDonald, Country Joe, 377–378; “I-Feel-Like-I’m-Fixin’-To-Die Rag,” 377–378
McGrath, Thomas, 624–625; “War Resisters’ Song,” 624–625
McKinley, William, 117
McNamara, Robert, 401–402, 429, 459, 599
McReynolds, Samuel, 325
Mead missile base, 379
Meat Inspection Act of 1906, 476
“Medical Problems of South Vietnam,” 478
Meeting for Sufferings, 5
Meigs, Mary, 348
Mejía, Camilo, 609, 720–725; Road from ar Ramadi, 720–725
Mellencamp, John, 712
Melnyczuk, Askold, 514
Melton, Barry (The Fish), 377
Melville, Herman, 92–93; Battle-Pieces and Other Aspects of the War, 92; “Shiloh: A Requiem,” 92–93, 95
“Memories of West Street and Lepke” (Lowell), 252
Memphis (TN), 407
Merton, Thomas, 485–491, 514, 591, 733, ILLUS. 8; “Nonviolence Does Not—Cannot—Mean Passivity,” 485–489; The Seven Storey Mountain, 485; “War and the Crisis of Language,” 489–491
Merwin, W. S., 483–484; The Lice, 483; “When the War Is Over,” 483, 484
Metres, Philip, 730–732; Behind the Lines: War Resistance Poetry on the American Homefront Since 1941, 730; Come Together, Imagine Peace, 730; “For the Fifty (Who Made PEACE with Their Bodies),” 730–732; To See the Earth, 730
Mexican-American War, 48–56, 57–63, 64, 65, 68–69, 71
Mexico, 48–56, 57–63, 68, 69, 71, 681, 712
Mexico City, Mexico, 248
Michnik, Adam, 705
Middoni, 22
“Mid-Summer Picnic of ’98, The” (Kendrick), 128
Mifflin, Warner, 11–13; The Defense of Warner Mifflin Against Aspersions Cast on Him on Account of His Endeavours to Promote Righteousness, Mercy, and Peace among Mankind, 11–13; “I Counted None My Enemy,” 11–13
Milan (MI), 604
Miles, Josephine, 392, 401, 626; “Necessities (I),” 392, 401
Milford (MA), 45
militarism, 118, 122, 131–135, 182, 420, 422
Mill, John Stuart, 217
Millay, Edna St. Vincent, 236–237, 264; Aria Da Capo, 236; “Conscientious Objector,” 236–237
Miller, Henry, 377; Quiet Days in Clichy, 377
Millman, Paul, 653
Milosz, Czeslaw, 767
Minnesota State University, 624
Mississippi, 367, 375–376, 383, 541, 545
Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party, 375
Mississippi River, 175
Missouri, 310
MIT. See Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Mitterrand, François, 612
Mobil, 696
“Mobilization! Oct. 21” (Cakars), 462–463, 465–467, 471–472
“Mobilization! Oct. 21” (Jezer), 473
“Mobilization! Oct. 21” (Johnson), 464, 474
“Mobilization! Oct. 21” (Kent), 467–468, 469–471
“Mobilization! Oct. 21” (Lane), 464–465, 472
“Mobilization! Oct. 21” (Low), 468–469
“Mobilization! Oct. 21” (Solomonow), 467
Moenkopi (AZ), 607
Montana, 310, 321, 322, 323, 326
Montgomery (AL), 256, 367, 407, 409, 412, 492
Montgomery, Anne, 756–761; “Interview with Sister Anne Montgomery, RSCJ,” 756–761
Montgomery Bus Boycott, 485–486
Moore, Suzanne, 460
“Moral Equivalent of War, The” (James), 28, 114–127
Moral Man and Immoral Society (Niebuhr), 222
“Moral Outrage of Vietnam, The” (Heschel), 393–400
Morehouse College, 419
Morello, Tom, 712
Morrison, Norman, 401–402
Morrison, Toni, 428
Mother Earth, 131
Motown, 523
Mount Holyoke College, 501
Moussaoui, Zacarias, 686
Mrotz-Mroz, Josef, 465
MTV, 712
Muhammad, Elijah, 427
Muldoon, Paul, 733
Murphy, Bob, 473
Murphy, Duncan, 661, 663, 666, 667, 668, 669
Muslims, 375, 422, 590, 689, 721–722, 727
Muste, A. J., 256, 365, 379–382, ILLUS. 7; “Statement Made on 12/21/65 to the Federal Grand Jury,” 380–382
My Hometown Concentration Camp (Offen), 622
NAACP. See National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)
Naegle, Walter, 257
Naeve, Lowell, 246, 248–251, 249, 252, 593; A Field of Broken Stones, 248–251; Phantasies of a Prisoner, 248
Nagasaki, Japan, 260, 264, 559, 562, 563, 564, 607, 613, 614
Naked and the Dead, The (Mailer), 455
napalm, 403, 420, 421, 451, 475, 476–481, 486, 497, 514, 531, 658, 753
Nasmyth, George, 219; Social Progress and the Darwinian Theory, 219
Nation, 162, 294, 736, 738, 749
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), 334
National Book Award, 238, 287, 425, 455, 483, 541, 627, 644, 698
National Book Critics Circle Award, 698
National Catholic Reporter, 672
National Council for Prevention of War, 324
National Council of Churches, 317
National Liberation Front, 409, 412, 415, 418
National Medal of Arts, 644
National Mobilization Committee, 462–463
National Security Council, 446
National Security Industrial Association, 432, 443–454
National Security League, 203
National Women’s Republican Club, 543
Nation of Islam, 427
Native Americans, 6, 15, 16, 18, 19, 34, 326, 429, 430, 535, 556, 607–608, 677
Nature, 28
Nazis, 260, 366, 367, 379, 465, 593, 604, 622–623, 660, 739, 744, 748, 751, 754
Nearing, Helen, 202; Living the Good Life, 202
Nearing, Scott, 202–207, 334; The Great Madness: A Victory for American Plutocracy, 202–207; Living the Good Life, 202; “Scott Nearing Reprieves Democracy” (Giovannitti), 202–207
“Necessities (I)” (Miles), 392, 401
Nehors, 27
Nelson, Juanita, 334–347, 601, ILLUS. 5; “A Matter of Freedom,” 334–347, 601
Nelson, Wally, 334, 335–336, 337, 601–606, ILLUS. 5; “One Race, the Human Race,” 602–606
Neon Vernacular (Komunyakaa), 626
Nephi, 25
Nephites, 22–23
Neruda, Pablo, 425
Netherlands, 379
New Deal, 453
New England Non-Resistance Society, 37; “Declaration of Sentiments Adopted by the Peace Convention, Held in Boston, September 18, 19, & 20, 1838,” 37–42
Newer Ideals of Peace (Addams), 211
New Freedom, The (Wilson), 180
New Guinea, 285
New Jersey, 323
New Journalism, 455
New Left Notes, 438
Newport Folk Festival, 492, 493
New Republic, 141, 155–156, 763
New School, 551
New Testament, 45, 258, 358. See also Bible
Newton, Huey, 509
New York City, 202, 212, 224, 229, 230, 236, 248, 265, 348, 368, 380, 386, 403, 407, 427, 432, 453, 455, 483, 485, 499, 541, 624, 701, 736, 746, 767
New York Daily News, 391
New York Herald Tribune, 265, 746
New York Peace Society. See American Peace Society
New York Red Squad, 543
New York Review of Books, 483
New York State Assembly, 501
New York Times, 213, 328, 407, 455, 459, 541, 686–687, 690, 737, 749, 753
New York Workshop in Nonviolence, 462
New York Yankees, 728
Nexø, Martin Andersen, 154
Nicaragua, 568, 569–575, 576, 579, 580, 581, 582, 583–590, 591, 657, 658, 659, 660, 670, 691, 692, 717, 720
Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America (Ehrenreich), 683
Nicolai, Georg Friedrich, 218–219; The Biology of War, 218–219
Niebuhr, Reinhold, 222–223, 393; Moral Man and Immoral Society, 222
Niedecker, Lorine, 699
Nietzsche, Friedrich, 154
Nigeria, 541
Nihilists, 234
Nixon, Patricia, 543
Nixon, Richard, 377, 427, 501–502, 504, 513, 532, 598
Nobel Peace Prize, 162, 164–168, 210, 365, 407, 411n, 412, 694
“No More unto the Breach” (Schell), 701–708
nonresistance, 45–47
“Nonviolence Does Not—Cannot—Mean Passivity” (Merton), 485–489
Nonviolence in America (Lynd, Lynd), 114
Normandy invasion, 310
Norristown (PA), 757
North Carolina, 331
North Dakota, 624
North Dakota State University, 624
Northern Ireland, 541
Northwestern University, 314–315
“Not in Our Son’s Name” (Rodríguez, Rodríguez), 686–687
Notre Dame University, 266, 559; Center for the Study of Nonviolence, 559
“Nov. 30th To an absent Wife” (Baker), 87
Nozick, Robert, 741
NSK Neustadt Prize for Children’s Literature, 675
Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, 611, 615–616
nuclear weapons, 208, 297–300, 310–312, 313–320, 559–566, 609–616, 622, 624, 657–674, 701, 762–766, 767
Nuremberg Actions, 657–674
Nuremberg Trials, 381, 657, 754
Nye, Naomi Shihab, 675–676; “Jerusalem,” 675–676
Oakland (CA), 246, 647, 648, 688, 762, 765
Oak Ridge (TN), 266
Obama, Barack, 257, 332, 537, 694–697; “Weighing the Costs of Waging War in Iraq,” 694–697
Oberlin College, 331
O’Brien, Tim, 627–643; Going After Cacciato, 627; If I Die in a Combat Zone, Box Me Up and Ship Me Home, 627; “On the Rainy River,” 627–643; The Things They Carried, 627
Occidental College, 694
Occupy Wall Street, 332, 493, 515
Ochs, Phil, 464
“Odd and Singular Man, An” (Dodge), 14–15
Offen, Bernard, 622–623; My Hometown Concentration Camp, 622; “To: Internal Revenue Service,” 622–623
“Of Late” (Starbuck), 401–402
O’Hara, Frank, 717; “A True Account of Talking to the Sun at Fire Island,” 717
O’Hare, Kate Richards, 171, 174
Ohio Wesleyan University, 601
Old Oraibi, 607
Old Testament, 110, 482. See also Bible
Olofsson, Tommy, 675
“One Race, the Human Race” (Nelson), 602–606
1001 Ways to Beat the Draft (Kupferberg, Bashlow), 386–391
“One War Is Enough” (Jones), 277–283
Onondaga Nation, 1
“On Revolution and Equilibrium” (Deming), 567
“On the Rainy River” (O’Brien), 627–643
On Third World Legs (Willson), 657–674
“Onward Christian Soldiers,” 128
Operation Desert Storm, 655
Oppenheimer, J. Robert, 297, 299
O’Reilly, Bill, 377
O’Ryan, Maj. Gen. John F., 135
Osborne, J. K., 525–527; First Things, 525; I Refuse, 525–527; Leaving It All Behind, 525
Oslo, Sweden, 164
O’Sullivan, Timothy H., 95–96; A Harvest of Death, 95–96
Otis Elevators, 443
Otto, M. C., 187–198; “An Experiment in Conscience,” 187–198
Our Lady of Gethsemani, 485
“Over There” (Cohan), 108, 238
Owen, Wilfred, 94; “Strange Meeting,” 94
Paccassi, Virginia, 248
pacifism, 11–13, 14–15, 16–20, 21, 37–42, 43–44, 45–47, 48–56, 64–86, 99, 106, 118–125, 121, 145, 151, 155, 165, 195–197, 202–207, 208, 210–221, 222–223, 224–226, 252–255, 256, 257–259, 260, 268, 277, 294, 365, 379, 432–443, 490, 493–498, 593–596, 602–606, 701–708, 736–755
Pacifist: Or, My War and Louis Lepke (Wetzel), 617–619
Palestine, 675–676
Paley, Grace, 428, 551–558, 698, ILLUS. 9; “Cop Tales: Devastation,” 551–554; Enormous Changes at the Last Minute, 551; Later the Same Day, 551; The Little Disturbances of Man, 551; Long Walks and Intimate Talks, 551; Women’s Pentagon Action Unity Statement, 554–558
Paley, William, 68, 69; “The Duty of Submission to Civil Government,” 68
Palmer, A. Mitchell, 203
Paoli, Arturo, 576
Paris, France, 136, 427, 436–437, 506
Parker, Theodore, 48–56, 57, 501, 709; “Speech Delivered at the Anti-War Meeting, in Faneuil Hall, February 4, 1847,” 48–56
Partisan Review, 763
Patriotic Gore (Wilson), 362
Patten, Simon, 121, 145; Culture and War, 145
Patton, George S., 694
Paulus Aemilius, 116
PBS, 742; America and the Holocaust: Deceit and Indifference, 742
Peace and Bread in Time of War (Addams), 210
Peace Corps, 114, 301, 399, 446, 525
Peace Eye Bookstore, 386
Peace Now Movement, 751–752
“Peace Principle, The” (Emerson). See “War” (Emerson)
Peace Studies Bulletin, 569
Pearl Harbor, 238, 253, 313, 314, 315, 316, 321, 327, 328, 329, 609, 690, 694, 737, 744
Peck, Sidney, 469
Peloponnesian War, 116
Pemberton, John, 9
Pendleton, Ellen, 162–168
Penn, William, 319
Pennsylvania, 6, 61, 256, 301, 515
Pentagon, 252, 363, 371, 386, 452, 462–474, 514, 554–558, 647–654
Pentagon Papers (Ellsberg), 475
Pentecost, 392
Pentecostalism, 427
People’s Council of America for Democracy and the Terms of Peace, 217
People’s History of the United States, A (Zinn), 475
Perle, Richard, 695
Perry, Dr. Richard E., 478–479
Pershing, John J., 200
Peskin, Ellen, 700
Peter, Paul and Mary, 464
“Petition to the President of the United States, A” (Szilard), 261–263
Phantasies of a Prisoner (Naeve), 248
Phi Beta Kappa, 188
Philadelphia (PA), 5, 6, 7, 53
Phillips, Wendell, 175, 179–180
Philosophie des Krieges, Die (Steinmetz). See Philosophy of War, The (Steinmetz)
Philosophy of War, The (Steinmetz), 120
Phoenix of Hiroshima, 313
Pickett, Clarence, 738
Picketts Chapel Methodist Church, 354
Pierre, Saint, 29
Pierre Hotel, 686
“Plan of a Peace-Office for the United States, A” (Rush), 16–20
Plantagenet, House of, 35
“Plea for the Poor, A” (Woolman), 9–10
Plowshares Eight, 756, 757–761
Plowshares Movement, 515
Podhoretz, Norman, 742
“Poem” (Rukeyser), 21, 499–500
Poetics of Hiroshima, A (Heyen), 655
Poet Laureate of the United States, 483
Poetry, 401
Poetry for the People, 677
Poetry Society of America, 284
Poets Against the War (Hamill), 717
Poisonwood Bible, The (Kingsolver), 690
Polk, James K., 48, 49, 51, 52–53, 54, 178–179
Ponsonby, Arthur, 737–738, 739, 744, 754
Poole, Ernest, 205
Poor People’s Campaign, 485
Popper, Karl, 741
Port Chicago (CA), 657–674
Portland (OR), 657
Post-Vietnam Syndrome (PVS), 545
POW. See Prisoners of War (POW)
pragmatism, 114, 141, 216, 489
Pratt, Minnie Bruce, 715–716; “Driving the Bus: After the Anti-War March,” 715–716
Prayer and Conscience Vigil, 315–316
“Preparedness, the Road to Universal Slaughter” (Goldman), 131–135
Presidential Medal of Freedom, 257
Pride, Inc., 504
Princeton Series of Contemporary Poets, 733
Princeton University, 483, 626, 767
Principles of Psychology (James), 114
Pringle, Cyrus, 88–91; The Record of a Quaker Conscience: Cyrus Pringle’s Diary, 88–91
Prisoners of War (POWs), 268
Prison Etiquette: The Convict’s Compendium to Useful Information, 294
Progressive, 763
Progressive Party, 212
Propaganda in the Next War (Rogerson), 327–328
Proust, Marcel, 362
Provincetown Players, 229, 236, 264
Prussia, 58, 59, 132, 133, 135, 182
Pryzby, S. J., 670–671
Puentes y fronteras (Bridges and Borders) (Valdés), 681
Pulitzer Prize, 236, 285, 455, 483, 549, 626
Pullman strike of 1894, 169
“Pure, High Note of Anguish, A” (Kingsolver), 690–693
PVS. See Post-Vietnam Syndrome (PVS)
Pyle, Ernie, 280
Qaddafi, Muammar, 754
Quaker Farm, 460
Quakers, 3–10, 11–13, 88–91, 226, 256, 313, 316–317, 319, 360, 401–402, 438, 461, 492, 736, 738, 745
Quebec Conference, 254
Quiet Days in Clichy (Miller), 377
Rabi, Isidore Isaac, 300
Radcliffe College, 644
Rag, 647
Rage Against the Machine, 712
Rain and the Fire and the Will of God, The (Wetzel), 617
Ramadi, Iraq, 720–725
Rameses II, 455
Rand, Sally, 301
Rand School of Social Science, 205
Rankin, Jeannette, 321–329, 379, 688, ILLUS. 3; “Two Votes Against War: 1917, 1941,” 322–329
Rathbone, Eleanor, 750
Rauen, Holley, 662, 663–665, 666, 667–668, 670
Rauschenbusch, Walter, 220
RCA, 443
Reagan, Cordell, 465
Reagan, Ronald, 528, 591, 612, 613, 615, 616
“Reconciliation” (Whitman), 94
Record of a Quaker Conscience, The: Cyrus Pringle’s Diary (Pringle), 88–91
Red Badge of Courage, The (Crane), 106
Redbook, 478
Red Cross, 272
Reed College, 683
Reeves, Martha, 523
“Reflective Writing, Mindfulness, and the War: A Day for Veterans & Their Families,” 698
Regis College, 525
Remington (arms manufacturer), 134
Replansky, Naomi, 284, 285; Collected Poems, 284; “Epitaph: 1945,” 284; Ring Song, 284
Reps, Paul, 330, 767; “drinking a cup of tea,” 330; Square Sun, Square Moon, 330; Zen Flesh, Zen Bones, 330; Zen Telegrams, 330
Republican Party, 131, 178, 210, 318, 321, 327, 453, 543, 726, 740
“Resistance to Civil Government” (Thoreau). See “Civil Disobedience” (Thoreau)
Reston, James, 459
Revolution and Equilibrium (Deming), 649
revolutionary violence, 567–592
Revolutionary Violence: A Dialogue (Dilling, Bowman), 568–592
Revolutionary War, 11–13, 14–15, 16, 68, 173, 175; Battle of Germantown, 11
Rexroth, Kenneth, 246, 403, 499
Reynolds, Barbara, 313
Reynolds, Earle, 313
Reynolds, Minnie J., 323
Reznikoff, Charles, 699
Rhodes Scholars, 189
Ribbons: The Gulf War (Heyen), 655
Riboud, Marc, 462
Rich, Adrienne, 428, 499, 514, 644–646; “An Atlas of the Difficult World,” 644–646; “Compulsory Heterosexuality and Lesbian Existence,” 644; Diving into the Wreck, 644; “The Burning of Paper Instead of Children,” 514; “When We Dead Awaken,” 644
Riegle, Rosalie G., 756; Doing Time for Peace: Resistance, Family, and Community, 756
Ring Song (Replansky), 284
Road from ar Ramadi (Mejía), 720–725
Rockefeller, John D., 184
Rockefeller University, 683
Rockford Female Seminary, 210
Rock Hill (SC), 313
Rodríguez, Elizabeth, 686
Rodríguez, Greg, 686–687
Rodríguez, Orlando, 686–687; In Our Son’s Name, 686; “Not in Our Son’s Name,” 686– 687
Rodríguez, Phyllis, 686–687; In Our Son’s Name, 686; “Not in Our Son’s Name,” 686–687
Rogers, Dr. William, 439
Rogers, Merrill, 229
Rogerson, Sidney, 327–328; Propaganda in the Next War, 327–328
“Role of the Military in the Nuclear Age, The” (La Rocque), 609–616
Rollins, Metz, 350
Roman Empire, 57–58
Romero, Archbishop Oscar, 572
Room for Error (Martin), 549
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 252, 260, 324–325, 326, 327, 328, 329, 742, 747, 748
Roosevelt, Theodore, 119, 132, 134, 143, 363
Roosevelt School of Aviation, 499
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 29
Rowe, Hartley, 299
Rudman, Warren, 672
Rukeyser, Muriel, 21, 428, 499–500; “Poem,” 21, 499–500; “Theory of Flight,” 499
Rumsfeld, Donald, 733–735
Rush, Benjamin, 16–20; “A Plan of a Peace-Office for the United States,” 16–20
Ruskin, John, 213–214
Russell, Bertrand, 427, 428, 429
Russell, Charlie, 205
Russell-Sartre Tribunal, 427, 428–431
Russia, 30, 38, 58, 59, 119, 131, 146, 149, 172–173, 267, 272, 276, 283, 314, 356, 370, 445, 446, 612, 696, 706
Rustin, Bayard, 246, 256–259, 379, 407, ILLUS. 4; “To Local Board No. 63,” 257–259
Ruthenberg, C. E., 171
Ryan, John C., 672
Sacco, Nicola, 236
Sacramento (CA), 246
Sacred Heart, 756
Sa’di, 719
“Sadiq” (Turner), 719
Sagan, Carl, 613
Saib, Tippo, 18
Salvadoran Air Force, 659
San Antonio (TX), 675
Sandburg, Carl, 699
Sanders, Ed, 386
Sandinistas, 567, 568–575, 579, 581, 586–590, 591, 717, 720
San Francisco (CA), 99, 119, 246, 326, 658, 663
San Francisco Chronicle, 673, 765
San Francisco State University, 506
Santa Monica (CA), 284
Sarah Lawrence College, 499, 551
Saturday Evening Post, 329
Savage, Sam, 361
Sawyer, Pam, 523–524; “I Should Be Proud,” 523–524
Scarborough, John, 9
Scarritt College for Christian Workers, 350
Schell, Jonathan, 701–708; The Fate of the Earth, 701; “No More unto the Breach,” 701–708; The Unconquerable World: Power, Nonviolence, and the Will of the People, 701; The Village of Ben Suc, 701
Schenck, Charles, 225
Schenck v. United States, 225
Schoenfeld, Howard, 294–296; Let Them Eat Bullets, 294; “The Danbury Story,” 294–296
Schuchardt, John, 756
Schulz, Charles M., 620
Schumacher, E. F., 445
Schwarzenegger, Arnold, 377
Schwerner, Michael, 373
Schwimmer, Rosika, 224–226
Scotland, 189
Scott, Sir Walter, 35
“Scott Nearing Reprieves Democracy” (Giovannitti), 202–207
Scottsboro trials, 499
Scranton (PA), 483
SDS. See Students for a Democratic Society (SDS)
Seale, Bobby, 509, 511, 512, 688
Secaucus (NJ), 267
Secretary of the Peace, 16–17
Seeger, Charles, 331
Seeger, Pete, 331–333, 492, ILLUS. 12; “Where Have All the Flowers Gone,” 331–333
Selective Service, 437
Selective Service and Training Act for War, 257, 258, 259
Selective Service Law, 488
self-immolation, 626
Selma (AL), 393, 407, 428, 486, 492, 514, 715
Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, 528
September 11, 2001, 686–687, 688–689, 690–693, 695, 710–711, 727
September 11, 2001: American Writers Respond, 655
September 11th Families for Peaceful Tomorrows, 686
Servco, 443
settlement house movement, 210
Seven Arts, 141
Seven Storey Mountain, The (Merton), 485
Sexton, Anne, 499
Shapiro, Karl, 285–286; “The Conscientious Objector,” 285–286; The Trial of a Poet, 285; V-Letter and Other Poems, 285
Shatir, Virginia, 403
Shaw, Dr. Anna Howard, 212
Shaw, George Bernard, 190
Shaw, John, 375
Sheehan, Cindy, 377
Sheehan, Donna Oehm, 730
“Shiloh: A Requiem” (Melville), 92–93, 95
Shoah Train (Heyen), 655
Shock of Recognition, The (Wilson), 362
Sicily, 310
Silver Star, 528
Simon, Bessie, 751
Simon & Garfunkel, 301
Simpson, Craig, 601, 607; Against the Tide: Pacifist Resistance in the Second World War, 601, 607
Sinclair, Upton, 205
Sioux City (IA), 248
Slaughterhouse-Five (Vonnegut), 16, 268
slavery, 3, 11, 30, 37, 48, 49–56, 57, 61–62, 64, 65, 67–71, 74–75, 84–85, 92, 116, 135, 175–176, 184, 185
Sloan, Cordell, 352, 355–356, 356–357, 358, 359, 360
Smith, Austin, 733–735; Almanac, 733; “That Particular Village,” 733–735
Smith, Barbara, 715
Smith, Cyril Stanley, 299
Smith, Garret, 176
Smith, Joseph, Jr., 21–27
Smith, Stephen, 401
SNCC. See Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC)
Soblen, Dr. Robert, 391
socialism, 122, 123, 141, 146, 149–150, 155, 164, 169, 171, 174, 178, 179, 180, 181, 190, 193, 194, 196, 202, 204–205, 230, 375, 582
Socialist Party of America, 169, 178, 179–180, 181, 204–205, 230; Rand School of Social Science, 205
Social Progress and the Darwinian Theory (Nasmyth), 219
Society of Friends. See Quakers
Soledad State Prison, 506
Solidarity, 332
Solidarity, 128
Solomon, Maynard, 377
Solomon Islands, 315
Solomonow, Allan, 462; “Mobilization! Oct. 21,” 467
Somoza, Anastasio, 570, 571, 572, 573, 574, 575, 580, 581, 582, 583, 585–589
Sontag, Susan, 506
Sorrow Dance, The (Levertov), 403
South Africa, 366–367, 383, 428, 429, 556, 694, 702, 707
Southern Christian Leadership Conference, 256, 411
Southern Cross, 626
Southern Negro Youth Congress, 506
“Southern Peace Walk: Two Issues or One?” (Deming), 348–361
South Sea Islands, 204
Soviet Union, 131, 227, 254–255, 297, 303, 331, 506, 611, 702, 704–706, 707, 708. See also Russia
Space Defense Initiative, 613, 614
Spanish-American War, 99, 106, 108–109, 117, 128
Spanish Inquisition, 203
Spanish Medical Bureau, 499
Spargo, John, 205
Specimen Days (Whitman), 94
“Speech Delivered at the Anti-War Meeting, in Faneuil Hall, February 4, 1847” (Parker), 48–56
“Speech of Mr. Corwin, of Ohio, on the Mexican War” (Corwin), 57–63
“Speech on House Joint Resolution 64” (Lee), 688–689
Sperry Rand, 443
Spock, Dr. Benjamin, 460, 463, 464, 466
“Spring in the Naugatuck Valley” (Teasdale), 208
Square Sun, Square Moon (Reps), 330
Stafford, Kim, 287
Stafford, William, 141, 246, 287–293, 392; “At the Un-National Monument along the Canadian Border,” 287; Down in My Heart, 141, 287; Every War Has Two Losers, 287; “For the Unknown Enemy,” 287; “To Meet a Friend,” 287–293; Traveling through the Dark, 287
Stalin, Joseph, 331
Standard Oil Company, 183–184, 185
Stanley, Henry M., 127
Stanton, Daniel, 9
Starbuck, George, 401–402; “Of Late,” 401–402
Starr, Ellen Gates, 210
“Statement Made on 12/21/65 to the Federal Grand Jury” (Muste), 380–382
“Statement on American Policy in Vietnam” (Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee), 383–385
State University of New York (SUNY), 401, 549, 677
Stein, Gertrude, 136; Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas, 136
Steinmetz, S. R., 120–121; The Philosophy of War, 120
Stevens, Thaddeus, 176
Stevens, Wallace, 699
Stewart, Potter, 479
Stierheim, Richard L., 199–201
“Stierheim Case, The” (Kellogg), 199–201
St. Johnsbury (VT), 435
St. John’s University, 597
St. Louis (MO), 675
St. Louis platform, 177–178
Stokes, J. G. Phelps, 205
Stokes, Rose Pastor, 171, 174, 180–182
Stone, Oliver, 537
Stop the Draft Week, 647
“Strange Meeting” (Owen), 94
“Strategy of Tax Refusal, The” (Wilson), 362–364
Strong, Caleb, 52
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), 256, 350, 351, 383–385, 464, 475, 486, 506, 545; “Statement on American Policy in Vietnam,” 383–385
Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), 438, 468, 469, 506, 647, 648, 649, 650, 652, 653, 654
suffrage, 97, 136, 211, 321, 322–324
Sugarloaf Key (FL), 348
Summers, Hatton W., 328–329
Sumner, Charles, 43
SUNY. See State University of New York (SUNY)
Switzerland, 189
Syracuse University, 715
Syria, 767
Szilard, Leo, 260–263, 264; “A Petition to the President of the United States,” 261–263
Tabor House, 567
Tale of Gilgamesh, 626
Tanning Prize, 483
taxation, 3–8, 52–53, 74–83, 85, 123. See also war tax resistance
Teasdale, Sara, 208–209, 303; Flame and Shadow, 208; Love Songs, 208; “Spring in the Naugatuck Valley,” 208; “There Will Come Soft Rains,” 208–209
Technician, The (Kirby), 762
“Teeth-Mother Naked at Last, The” (Bly), 425
Temperance Reformation, 46
Temptations, 523; “Ball of Confusion,” 523
Tennessee, 325
Ten War Elegies (Everson), 246
“Terminal Colloquy” (Martin), 549–550
“Term Non-Resistance, The” (Ballou), 45–47
Terre Haute (IN), 169
Texas, 49, 184, 203, 204, 328, 688
Thatcher, Margaret, 612
“That Particular Village” (Smith), 733–735
“Theory of Flight” (Rukeyser), 499
“There Will Come Soft Rains” (Teasdale), 208–209
Thich Nhat Hanh, 514
Thích Quảng Duc, 626
Things They Carried, The (O’Brien), 627
Thomas, Norman, 379
Thompson, Sadie, 379
Thoreau, Henry David, 64–86, 114, 135, 334, 379; “Civil Disobedience,” 64–86, 114
Thucydides, 116
Tiananmen Square, 601
“To: Internal Revenue Service” (Offen), 622–623
Tokyo, Japan, 326
“To Local Board No. 63” (Rustin), 257–259
“To Meet a Friend” (Stafford), 287–293
Tonkin Gulf Resolution, 688, 689
Torres, Camilo, 585
To See the Earth (Metres), 730
To the Finland Station (Wilson), 362
“To the President of Wellesley College” (Balch), 162–164
“Toward Human Unity or Beyond Nationalism” (Balch), 164–168
Towards International Government (Hobson), 219
Toynbee, Arnold, 423
“Tracks, The” (Willson), 657–674
Traveling through the Dark (Stafford), 287
treason, 40, 54–55, 62, 95, 174, 576, 726, 752
Treblinka, 695
“Tree of Great Peace, The,” 1–2, 21
Treitschke, Heinrich von, 135
Trial of a Poet, The (Shapiro), 285
Trial of the Catonsville Nine, The (Berrigan), 514, 515–522
Trotter, Benjamin, 9
“True Account of Talking to the Sun at Fire Island, A” (O’Hara), 717
Truffaut, François, 303
Truman, Harry S., 260, 264–267, 297, 310
Trumbo, Dalton, 16, 108, 238–245, 268; Johnny Got His Gun, 16, 108, 238–245, 268
“Truth, The” (Heyen), 655–656
Tuberculosis Nurse, The: Her Function and Her Qualifications (La Motte), 136
Tucson Prison Camp, 292
Tunisia, 310
Turkey Shoot, 315
Turner, Brian, 719; Here, Bullet, 719; “Sadiq,” 719
Tuscaloosa (AL), 715
Tuskegee (AL), 384
Twain, Mark, 97, 108–113, 114; “The Battle Hymn of the Republic (Brought Down to Date),” 108–109; “The War Prayer,” 108, 110–113
Twin Towers. See World Trade Center
“2527th Birthday of the Buddha” (Komunyakaa), 392, 626
“Two Votes Against War: 1917, 1941” (Rankin), 322–329
Ukraine, 767
Ulam, Adam, 704
UN. See United Nations (UN)
Unconquerable World, The: Power, Nonviolence, and the Will of the People (Schell), 701
Union Army, 88, 92, 94, 95, 99
Union Theological Seminary, 365, 379
United Church of Christ, 593
United Fruit Company, 371
United Nations (UN), 277, 421, 607, 614, 695, 712, 756
United States Commission on Industrial Relations, 184
United States Institute for Peace, 16
United States Military Academy. See West Point
United States v. Schwimmer, 224–226
Unity Democratic Club, 501
University of Alabama, 715
University of Arizona, 690
University of Berlin, 260
University of California, 246, 265, 331, 392, 506–507, 626, 663, 674, 677, 681, 688, 712; Poetry for the People, 677
University of Chicago Law School, 694
University of Frankfurt, 506
University of Illinois, 190, 192, 194, 264
University of Minnesota, 597
University of Oxford, 145, 189, 190
University of Pennsylvania, 481, 542
University of Toledo, 202
University of Virginia, 285
University of Wisconsin, 187, 189, 190
UN Security Council, 710
Updike, John, 736
Urakami Cathedral, 564
Uranium 235, 266. See also nuclear weapons
Urban Life Center, 576
US Air Force, 657
US Army, 253, 331, 609, 622, 624, 626, 719, 720, 729
US Congress, 34, 49, 50, 51, 54, 57, 175, 179, 180, 205, 207. See also US House of Representatives; US Senate
US Constitution, 73, 83, 84, 85, 179, 180, 224–225; Eighteenth Amendment, 225
US House of Representatives, 321, 323–325, 597, 709
US Marines, 346, 537, 665, 669
US Mint, 16
US National Guard, 720
US Naval Training Station, 315
US Navy, 253, 313, 314, 316, 329, 425, 609, 610, 670, 671, 672, 673, 674
USS Dale W. Peterson, 315, 316
US Secretary of State, 528
US Senate, 50, 57, 324, 325, 399, 503, 528, 597, 628, 641, 709, 711
USS Macdonough, 609
USS Maine, 106
USS Providence, 610
USSR. See Russia; Soviet Union
US Supreme Court, 165, 224–226, 401, 479
utopianism, 122–123
Valdés, Gina, 681–682; Comiendo lumbre (Eating Fire), 681; “Hearts on Fire,” 681–682; Puentes y fronteras (Bridges and Borders), 681
Valor of Ignorance, The (Lea), 119–120
Van Cleve, Henry, 463
Van Sant, Gus; Good Will Hunting, 475
Vanzetti, Bartolomeo, 236
Varieties of Religious Experience (James), 114
Vatican, 267
Vatican Nostra Aetate (1965), 393
Veblen, Thorstein, 145; Imperial Germany and the Industrial Revolution, 145
Venezuela, 114
Verdun, France, 200
Vermont, 202
Veterans’ Fast for Life, 657, 661, 672
Veterans for Peace, 314, 657–674, 720
Veterans of War, Veterans of Peace, 698
Vienna, Austria, 265
Vietnam: The Logic of Withdrawal (Zinn), 475
Vietnam Veterans Against the War, 528–536, 537
Vietnam War, 160, 187, 248, 252, 321, 332, 348, 365, 375–376, 379, 380–382, 383–385, 386–391, 392, 393–400, 401–402, 403–406, 407–424, 425–426, 427, 428–431, 437, 440, 444, 452–453, 475, 476–482, 483, 484, 487, 489–491, 492, 499, 501–505, 506, 507–513, 514, 523–524, 528–536, 537, 541, 545–548, 549–550, 597, 609, 626, 627, 644, 653, 657, 658, 689, 698, 699, 701, 707, 726, 729, 753
Villa, Pancho, 99
Village of Ben Suc, The (Schell), 701
Village Voice, 455
V-Letter and Other Poems (Shapiro), 285
Vonnegut, Kurt, 16, 268–276, 428, 609; Slaughterhouse-Five, 16, 268; “Wailing Shall Be in All Streets,” 268–276
Voting Rights Act (1965), 384, 709
Wadleigh, Michael; Woodstock, 377
Wagenknecht, Alfred, 171
Wagner, Robert, 367
“Wailing Shall Be in All Streets” (Vonnegut), 268–276
“Waking Early Sunday Morning” (Lowell), 252
Wallace, George, 715
Wallace, Henry, 328
Walling, William E., 205
Wall Street Action, 551–554
“War” (Emerson), 28–36
“War” (Starr), 523
“War and the Crisis of Language” (Merton), 489–491
“War and the Intellectuals, The” (Bourne), 141–153
“War Crimes Tribunal, The” (Baldwin), 428–431
“War Elegy X” (Everson), 246–247
War Inconsistent with the Religion of Jesus Christ (Dodge), 14
“War Is Kind” (Crane), 106–107
War Labor Policies Board, 211
War of the Rebellion. See Civil War
“War on Vietnam, The” (Hopson, Martin), 375–376
“War Over the War, The: Protestors and the White House During the Vietnam Era” (Wells), 659n
“War Prayer, The” (Twain), 108, 109–113
War Resisters International, 739–740
War Resisters League, 462, 551, 737, 744, 749, 751, 752
“War Resisters’ Song” (McGrath), 624–625
Warsaw, Poland, 393
war tax resistance, 334–347, 362–364, 492, 515, 622–623
Warwick, Earl of, 35
Washington, 756
Washington, D.C., 197, 214, 252, 297, 318, 325, 346, 348, 393, 460–461, 462–463, 499, 501, 567, 577, 578, 579, 626, 647, 662, 671
Washington, George, 11, 54, 69, 72, 173, 175
Washington Post, 407, 627, 727
Watterson, Bill, 620–621; Calvin and Hobbes, 620–621
Way of All Flesh, The (Butler), 193
Weavers, 301
Webb, Beatrice, 190
Webb, Sidney, 190
Webster, Daniel, 49, 50, 53, 84
“We Go on Record” (Day), 264–267
“Weighing the Costs of Waging War in Iraq” (Obama), 694–697
Weil, Simone, 485
Weinberger, Caspar, 612
Weinberger, Eric, 360
Weiss, Hymie, 248
Wellesley College, 162–164, 163, 210; Program in Peace & Justice Studies, 162
Wells, H. G., 126–127
Wells, Tom, 658n–659n; “The War Over the War: Protestors and the White House During the Vietnam Era,” 659n
Wershaw, Henry, 353
“We Shall Overcome,” 492
West Bank, 675
Western Philosophical Association, 193
West Street Detention Center, 248–251
Wetzel, Donald, 617–619; Pacifist: Or, My War and Louis Lepke, 617–619; The Rain and the Fire and the Will of God, 617; A Wreath and a Curse, 617
Weyl, Hermann, 145; American World Policies, 145
Wharton School, 202
“What’s Going On” (Gaye), 523
“What Would You Do If?” (Baez), 492, 493–498
“When the War Is Over” (Merwin), 483, 484
“When We Dead Awaken” (Rich), 644
“Where Have All the Flowers Gone” (Seeger, Hickerson), 331–333
White, William Allen, 321
“White Negro, The” (Mailer), 455
Whitman, Louisa Van Velsor, 94
Whitman, Walt, 94; Drum-Taps, 94; “Reconciliation,” 94; Specimen Days, 94
Whittier, John Greenleaf, 11
“Why I Am Sailing into the Pacific Bomb-Test Area” (Bigelow), 314–320
“Why I’m a Pacifist: The Dangerous Myth of the Good War” (Baker), 737–755
Wiesner, Jerome, 446
Wikipedia, 736
William Carlos Williams Award, 284
Williams, Terry Tempest, 608
Williams, William Carlos, 699
Williamstown (MA), 51
Willson, Gabriel, 663–665, 666, 667–668
Willson, S. Brian, 657–674; On Third World Legs, 657–674; “The Tracks,” 657–674;
WILPF. See Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF)
Wilson, Dagmar, 464
Wilson, Edmund, 362–364, 379; Axel’s Castle, 362; The Cold War and the Income Tax, 362; To the Finland Station, 362; Patriotic Gore, 362; The Shock of Recognition, 362; “The Strategy of Tax Refusal,” 362–364
Wilson, John, 464
Wilson, Pete, 662
Wilson, Woodrow, 132, 134, 135, 180, 183, 191, 202, 214, 230, 323, 399, 737; The New Freedom, 180
Winchester Ammunition, 134
WIN Magazine, 647
WIN Magazine contributors, 462–474
Winners and Losers (Emerson), 541–548
Wisconsin, 597
Wolfowitz, Paul, 695
Woman’s Congress. See International Congress of Women
Woman Warrior, The (Kingston), 698
Women’s Encampment for a Future of Peace, 348
Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF), 162, 210, 321
Women’s Pentagon Action Unity Statement, 554–558
Women Strike for Peace, 321
Woodstock (Wadleigh), 377
Woodstock festival, 377
Woolman, John, 3–10, 37, 64, 88; “A Plea for the Poor,” 9–10; The Journal of John Woolman, 3–10
Woolman Hill, 334
Works Progress Administration (WPA), 229
World Council of Churches, 566
World Jewish Congress, 748
World Trade Center, 686–687, 711. See also September 11, 2001
World War I, 128, 136–140, 141–153, 162–164, 169–186, 187, 190–198, 199–201, 202–207, 208, 210–221, 222–223, 227, 229, 238, 310, 321, 322, 328, 329, 362, 367, 379, 737, 744, 764
World War II, 92, 162, 222, 236, 246, 252, 264, 268, 269–276, 277, 287, 313, 314–315, 337, 338, 365, 367, 373, 379, 455, 475, 499, 547, 559, 563, 580, 593, 601, 607, 609, 610, 617, 624, 663, 709, 736, 737, 738–741, 742–755, 756; Battle of the Bulge, 268, 269
Worthington (MN), 627
WPA. See Works Progress Administration (WPA)
Wreath and a Curse, A (Wetzel), 617
Wretched of the Earth, The (Fanon), 567
Writers and Editors War Tax Protest, 425, 428
Xerox, 450
Yale Review, 268
Yale Younger Poets Award, 483, 499, 644
Yarnall, Mordecai, 9
Yeats, W. B., 362
Yeltsin, Boris, 706
Yippies. See Youth International Party
Young, Art, 229, 233, 234
Young, Samuel, 384
Young Anarchists, 437
Young Communist League, 256, 331; Committee Against Discrimination in the Armed Forces, 256
“Young Pacifist, A” (Goodman), 141, 432–443
Youth International Party, 654
Ypres, France, 136
Zabelka, George, 559–566
Zalman, Shneur, 403
Zane, Isaac, 9
Zapatistas, 712
Zen. See Buddhism
Zen Flesh, Zen Bones (Reps), 330
Zengakuren, 648
Zen Telegrams (Reps), 330
Zinn, Howard, 428, 475–482, 514; “Dow Shalt Not Kill,” 475, 476–482; A People’s History of the United States, 475; Vietnam: The Logic of Withdrawal, 475