IV.1 Harvard University Statement on Acquisitions (1972)
IV.2 Smithsonian Institution Statement on Acquisitions (1973)
IV.3 Report of the Association of Art Museum Directors (AAMD) Taskforce on the Acquisition of Archaeological Material and Ancient Art (Revised 2008)
IV.4 American Association of Museums (AAM) Standards Regarding Archaeological Material and Ancient Art (July 2008)
IV.5 Copyright Duration Tables (2011)
IV.6 VARA Waiver for Removal of Visual Art Incorporated into a Building
IV.7 General VARA Waiver
IV.8 Deed of Gift Samples
IV.9 Seller’s Warranty Samples
IV.10 J. Paul Getty Museum Acquisition Policy (2006)
VI.1 Agreement for Incoming Loan (History Museum)
VI.2 Agreement for Incoming Loan (Art Museum)
VI.3 Agreement for Outgoing Loan (History Museum)
VI.4 Agreement for Outgoing Loan (Art Museum)
VI.5 Agreement for Site-Specific Installation
VII.1 Unclaimed Loans: State Statutes as of January 2010
VII.2 Model Museum Unclaimed Property Law
VII.3 Practical Guidelines for Resolving Unclaimed Loans
VII.4 Sample Worksheet for Resolving Unclaimed Loans
VII.5 Sample Letter of Notice to Terminate Loan
VII.6 Sample Receipt and Waiver by Lender on Return of a Loaned Item
VIII.1 Deductible Chart, U.S. Indemnity Program
VIII.2 Sample Certificate of Indemnity, U.S. Indemnity Program
VIII.3 Checklist 1: Organizing International Exhibitions
VIII.4 Checklist 2: Loan Agreement between Organizer/Museum and Individual Lender
VIII.5 Checklist 3: Contract between Organizer/Museum and Borrower/Museum
IX.1 Sample Temporary Custody Receipt Form
XI.1 Pledge Forms
XIII.1 Sample Museum Policy Regarding Appraisals/Authentications
XIII.2 Release Form Regarding Appraisals/Authentications
XV.1 Model Insurance Policy