

 Title page





 Editors’ Preface

 Author’s Foreword and Acknowledgements

 Text and Picture Credits

 Note on Species Names

 Part I: A Separate and Special Place

  1 A Land Set Apart

  2 Naturalists and Visitors

 Part II: The Evolving Landscape

  3 The Peninsula Emerges

  4 The Influence of People

 Part III: A Rich Variety

  5 South Gower Cliffs

  6 The Surrounding Sea

  7 Beach and Dune

  8 The Worm, the Holms and the Mumbles

  9 Inlet and Estuary

10 A Common Resource

11 Pills, Pools and Marshes

12 Woods, Hedges and Fields

13 Caves and Swallets

 Part IV: A New Future

14 Protecting Gower

 Keep Reading


  1 The Gower Flora of Isaac Hamon

  2 Local Names of Plants and Animals

  3 Designated Sites

  4 Geological Conservation Review Sites

  5 Wildlife Trust Reserves

  6 Organisations and Contacts

 References and Further Reading

 Species Index

 General Index

 About the Publisher