Writing this book would not have been possible without the many colleagues and collaborators I have been lucky enough to have for the past 15 years. These individuals include Howard Barbaree, Ray Blanchard, Stephen Butler, James Cantor, Meredith Chivers, Angela Eke, Kurt Freund, Grant Harris, Michael Kuban, Martin Lalumière, Niklas Långström, Calvin Langton, Ed Peacock, Vern Quinsey, Marnie Rice, Tracey Skilling, and Scott Woodside. I mention in particular Vern Quinsey for his mentorship; Martin Lalumière and Grant Harris for our rich history of collaboration and friendship (and for being such good fishing buddies); and Kurt Freund, whom I had the privilege of collaborating with for several years before his death in 1997. Kurt was one of the great pioneers in the scientific study of pedophilia and was an important role model for me as someone who could be both a serious scientist and a compassionate clinician.
I greatly benefited from conversations with many different people in the course of preparing this book. I do not have the space to thank all of them here, but I hope they know they are appreciated. I specifically acknowledge Ray Blanchard, James Cantor, Meredith Chivers, Dennis Doren, Karl Hanson, Grant Harris, Martin Lalumière, Janice Marques, Vern Quinsey, and Marnie Rice for their helpful comments on draft chapters. Meredith, Karl, Grant, and Martin went above and beyond by reading and commenting on the entire book.
I thank Lansing Hays, then senior acquisitions editor with the American Psychological Association, for inviting me to write this book in the fall of 2002. I also thank Emily Leonard, development editor, and Harriet Kaplan, production editor, for the fantastic help they provided me during this process. Locally, I have benefited from the speedy and friendly library assistance of Robyn Mound and Zahra Akhavian at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health from 2003 to 2006 and that of Shawn Lawson of the Kinsey Institute during my visit to Indiana University in July 2003. I also thank the many talented research assistants who have helped me in my program of research on pedophilia and sexual offending against children: Michelle Adams, Lina Barkas, Teresa Grimbos, Madalyn Marcus, Alexandra Maric, Jennifer McCormick, Tara Watson, and Jennette Williams. Teresa Grimbos further assisted me by collating and organizing the references cited in this book.
I thank Peter Pollard and Stop It Now! for giving me permission to use photographs from media campaigns that were run in Minnesota and Virginia. I also thank Gerard Schaefer, Klaus Beier, the other members of the Berlin Prevention Project, and the Scholz and Friends agency for their permission to use their media campaign photographs.
chapter 2
, I adapted material from an article I published in the
Journal of Forensic Psychology Practice
and a chapter I published in the proceedings of a 2003 sexual psychophysiology conference at the Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender, and Reproduction.
chapter 8
, I adapted material from a chapter published in the proceedings of a 2002 sex offender treatment conference at Cambridge University’s Institute of Criminology and a chapter published in
Gabbard’s Treatment of Psychiatric Disorders
I thank the American Psychiatric Press, Haworth Press, Indiana University Press, and Willan Publishing for their permission to adapt these copyrighted texts. The entire book grew from a broad overview of the literature on pedophilia and sexual offending that I prepared for the
Annual Review of Sex Research
Last, but foremost, I thank my wife, Meredith Chivers, for all of her love and encouragement, both in writing this book and in all the other aspects of my life. She is wonderful, and I am full of wonder.