Please note that index links point to page beginnings from the print edition. Locations are approximate in e-readers, and you may need to page down one or more times after clicking a link to get to the indexed material.

Adidas, 181

Adrenaline, 190–191, 232

AFC (American Football Conference), 203

Afghanistan, 159

After-action reports, 234

Aftershocks, 184–185

Allen, George Herbert, Sr., 233, 234

Alltel Stadium, 26–27

American Airlines, 185

American Football Conference (AFC), 203

Amygdala, 194

Anaheim Stadium, 44

Anderson, Richard Dean, 83

Animal House (film), 79

Anxiety, 191, 194

Apple Inc., 16

AR-15 rifle, 150

Arizona Diamondbacks, 44

Arlington, Texas, 56

Arnold, Mike, 211

Arsenal, 230

Art Ross Trophy, 143

Associated Press, 50, 150

Association of Tennis Professionals (ATP), 135

Atlanta, Georgia, 163

Atlanta Braves, 43

ATP (Association of Tennis Professionals), 135

AT&T Stadium (see Cowboys Stadium)

Audibles, 158

Austria, 166

Awareness, 172–176

Baltimore Ravens, 192, 229–230

Barak, Benny, 35–36

Barbieri, Chris, 207, 214

The Barenaked Ladies, 224

Barrow, Lance, 211

Beatty, Warren, 175

Béliveau, Jean, 66, 67

Bench strength, 164–165

Bernard M. Baruch College, 35

Berra, Yogi, 70, 147

Bettman, Gary, 65, 148–149, 155

The Billion Dollar Game (St. John), 167, 171

“Blackout Bowl” (Super Bowl XLVII), 2–3, 78, 153, 188, 192, 208, 209, 225, 229, 232, 246

Blame, 212–213

Bloomberg, Michael, 58–59

Bohr, Niels, 247

Bonds, Barry, 43

Bosses, 68–69

Boston, Massachusetts, 30, 83

Boston Bruins, 30, 31

Boston Marathon, 205

Brand risk, 14–18

Branson, Richard, 171, 172

Brenly, Bob, 43

Broadway (New York City), 53

Brooklyn, New York, 189

Brooks, Ahmad, 229

Bruno Mars, 62

Budgell, Jack, 67

Budget, 7, 35, 63, 64, 119, 128, 231, 243

Buffalo Sabres, 165

California, 144

Canada, 65, 143, 224

Canton, Ohio, 230

Caraccia, Sherri, 142

Caribbean, 58

Catlin, Kevin, 120

CBS, 192, 211, 215, 246

CBS This Morning, 192

CCCP (Charlotte Center City Partners), 46

Central Maine Community College, 129

Cerebrums, 194

Charlotte, North Carolina, 46–47

Charlotte Center City Partners (CCCP), 46

Charlton, 230

Chicago, Illinois, 15, 185

Chicago Bears, 169

Chicago Bulls, 70

Chick-fil-A, 163

Circuit Court of Appeals, 152

City University of New York, 35, 189

Civil War, 40

Clarity, 165–166

Cleveland Indians, 43

Coca-Cola, 163

Cohen, Ivy, 184–186, 188, 221–223

Columbia University, 150

Command, 93–101

chains of, 101

web of, 98–101

Command centers, 95–98

Communication, 83–91, 96

of change, 89–90

during crises, 188

failure of, 85

and hoarded information, 87–89

and management, 158–160

mode of, 86–87

over-, 133

parties in, 85–86

preparing, 185–187

and surprises, 90–91

Communities, 135–145

changing, 139–140

creating, 138–139

incentivizing, 140–141

leading, 135–138

measured responses to, 141–145

Conn Smythe Trophy, 143

Connecticut, 189

Consumer behaviors, 35–36

Contingency factors, 63

Contingency plans (contingency planning), 53–64, 74

costs of, 62–64

and developing plans, 54–55

evaluating, 55–57

improving initial plans via, 60–62

and the predictable, 58–60

Contractors, 97, 103–104

Coughlin, Tom, 39

Coulier, Dave, 83

Cowboys Stadium, 56, 57, 74, 75

Crises, 96

communicating during, 188

internal, 189–191

levels of, 13–18

management, 4–7

and “oops”/”damn” moments, 181–183

triage of, 18–20

Crisis communications center, 96

Crisis communications strategies, 184

Crystal Palace, 230

Culture, organization, 120–122

“Cup Keeper,” 67

Daily News, 50

Dallas, Texas, 56–57

Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex, 56

“Damn” moments, 179–188

Daniels, Mitch, 173

Dao, David, 185

Davis, Bill, 115–116

Deadlines, 36, 39–40, 133

Decay Theory, 235

Decision making, 99, 101

Decisiveness, 169–171

Defensive design, 22–23

Delegated decisions, 19, 62, 98–101, 106, 109–111, 130, 207

Denmark, 247

Denver, Colorado, 54, 127

Denver Broncos, 49, 60, 147, 158

Department of Homeland Security (DHS), 74, 209

Detroit, Michigan, 29, 37, 203

Detroit Lions, 77

Detroit Police Department (DPD), 78

Detroit Tigers, 43, 78

DHS (Department of Homeland Security), 74, 209

Direct messages (DMs), 221

Disney, Walt, 248

The Disney Institute, 136

DMs (direct messages), 221

Dodger Stadium, 149

Dolphin Stadium, 19, 169, 199

Donovan, Dan, 77–80

Double-checking, 29–33, 90, 176

Downton Abbey, 212

DPD (Detroit Police Department), 78

Drop-down menu, 180

Dunaway, Faye, 175

E. coli, 16

Early warning system, 123–125

East Rutherford, New Jersey, 49, 53, 58, 147, 154

Edelman Trust Barometer, 219

Edmonton, Alberta, 144, 149

Edmonton Oilers, 149

Egypt, 117

Electrical budget, 231

Elliott, Chris, 200

Emergency Operations Center (EOC), 180–181

Empowerment, 127–134

benefits of, 128–129

culture of, 127–128

investing in, 130

limitations on, 130–132

and trust, 132–134

Enberg, Dick, 27

Entergy, 212

EOC (Emergency Operations Center), 180–181

Epinephrine, 190

Equalizers, 23–26

ESPN, 127

Ethology, 189

Evaluation, 6–7, 73–75

Event planning, 7–8

Execution, 5–6

Expectations, 105–106

Expenses, 63

Experiences, 243

Facebook, 138, 174, 211

“Fans First” rallies, 135, 137, 139–141

Farmer’s Almanac, 50, 53, 58, 60

Favorability, 47–50

FBI, 151, 152

Fick, Robert, 43

“Fight or flight” response, 190, 239

Flacco, Joe, 229

Flexibility, 167–169

Florida, 41

Focus, 174–175, 120

Ford Field, 77

Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 41, 199

Fort Worth, Texas, 57

Fox, Michael J., 83

Gallup poll, 220

Game Operations Manual (NFL), 27

Gantt bar charts, 5

Gaylord Family Oklahoma Memorial Stadium, 71

Geiger, Pete, 50

General Motors, 203

Genetic code, 189

Geological Survey, 184

Georgia World Congress Center, 163

Giants Stadium, 50

Gill, Nancy, 107, 108

Ginn, Ted, Jr., 229

Glauber, Bob, 50

Glendale, Arizona, 150

Global Positioning System (GPS), 94

Goodell, Roger, 24, 59, 201

Gowdy, Curt, 27

GPS (Global Positioning System), 94

Grande, Ariana, 19

“Great Frozen Game,” 65, 83

Green Bay Packers, 53, 55, 57

Gretzky, Wayne, 144

Grubman, Eric, 210, 213

Guam, 98

Halladay, Roy, 43

Hamlin, Kristen, 129

Hart Trophy, 143

Hasselbeck, Matt, 203

Hast, Bob, 152

Havelock, Kurt William, 150–153

Hawaii, 180, 184, 244

Hawaii Emergency Management Authority, 179, 183, 196, 244, 246


Herald Square (New York City), 53

Hiring panels, 108

Hoarded information, 87–89

Hockey Hall of Fame, 66, 67

Honolulu, Hawaii, 70

Honolulu Police Department, 180

Hope, 65–68

Hotline approach, 124

Houser, Jerry, 83

Houston Chronicle, 129

HR (human resources), 223

Hudson River, 147

The Huffington Post, 59

Human error, 180

Hunter, Torii, 43, 44

Hurricane Irma, 186

Hurricane Katrina, 153, 193

HVAC system, 232

Hyperventilation, 195

Identifiable stimuli, 194

Imagination, 4–5, 32, 40–42

IMS (Indianapolis Motor Speedway), 94, 237

Incentives, 140–141

Inconvenience, 13–14

Indiana, 172

Indiana Convention Center, 173

Indianapolis, Indiana, 29, 95, 137, 172–173

Indianapolis Colts, 136, 158, 169, 173

Indianapolis Motor Speedway (IMS), 94, 237

Indy 500, 95, 237

Influence, 121

Information Technology (IT), 122–123, 206, 207

Innate behaviors, 243

Innovation, 40–42

Innsbruck, Austria, 165

Insight Strategies, Inc., 120

Instagram, 174

Instincts, 171–172, 243

Internal crises, 189–191

Intimidation, 25

Inverted pyramid, 115–119

Irsay, Jim, 136

IT (see Information Technology)

Ivy Cohen Corporate Communications, 184

Jack Murphy Stadium, 181

Jacksonville, Florida, 23–24, 26, 28, 38

Jagger, Mick, 35

Japan, 98

Japanese Imperial Army, 98

Jaws (film), 145

Jaws of Life, 204

Jersey Boys, 54

Jim Beam Black®, 212

John Deere, 181

Jones, Jacoby, 192, 211, 212

Jordan, Michael, 70

JP Morgan Chase, 107

“Just Say No” International, 184

Kaepernick, Colin, 229

Kessler, Luba, 220

Keteyian, Armen, 192, 193, 211

Kosta Boda bowls, 25, 26

Kraft, Robert, 27

Krumbine, Robert, 46–47

Kruse, Kevin, 120–121

Lady Byng Trophy, 143

LaFleur, Guy, 66, 67

“Law of Unintended Consequences,” 148–152

Leading, 109–111, 118–120, 135–138

LEADx, 120

Learned behaviors, 243

Learning, 243–244

“Let-down effect,” 232

Levenson, Sam, 244

Levy Restaurants, 127

Lewis, Ray, 229–230

Liabilities, 222

Limbic system, 194

Linear problem-solving, 170

Lipton, Barnett, 70–71, 234

Liverpool, 230

Logan International Airport, 31

Lombardi, Vince, 55

London, England, 230

Long Island Expressway, 37

Los Angeles, California, 120, 143, 144

Los Angeles Convention Center, 143

Los Angeles Times, 150

Lucas Oil Stadium (Indianapolis), 135, 173

Madden, John, 27

Major League Baseball, 43–44

Malaysia, 230

Management, 129, 157–166

and audibles, 158

and caring for your team, 163–164

clarity/precision in, 165–166

and communication, 158–160

and keeping it simple, 165

and self-care, 161–163

styles of, 160–161

time, 36–37

Management teams, 119

Managing the message, 217–226

with colleagues, 222–226

legal aspects of, 221–222

trust and, 219–221

Manchester, England, 19, 151

Manhattan, 35, 41, 53, 147

Manning, Peyton, 158

Martinez, Ric, 200–202, 204

Maryland State Police, 217

Maui, 29

McCartney, Paul, 27

McConnell, Bill, 204, 215

Meadowlands Sports Complex, 50, 147, 154

Measured responses, 141–145

Melangton, Allison, 135

Melnick, Meredith, 59

Mercedes-Benz Superdome, 2, 3, 188, 192, 193, 209, 210, 212, 214, 215, 231

Merton, Robert, 149, 150

Message, managing the (see managing the message)

MetLife Stadium (East Rutherford, New Jersey), 49, 53, 58, 60, 61, 63, 147, 154

Miami, Florida, 19, 31, 41, 169, 171, 200, 233

Miles, Mark, 135

Miller, Jeffrey B., 217–219

Miller Park (Milwaukee), 43

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 43

Minneapolis Metrodome, 207–208

Minnesota Twins, 43

Minnesota Vikings, 207–208

Miscellaneous expenses, 63

Mission statement, 122

Mistakes, 179–188

MLB All-Star Game, 43–46, 98

M&M Mars, 89

Montreal, Quebec, 65, 66, 183

Montreal Forum, 66, 67, 71

Most Valuable Player honors, 43, 44, 232

Motivation, 121

MTV, 83–85

Mundinger, Paul, 189

Munoz, Oscar, 15

Murphy, Edward A., 21–23, 30, 31, 44

Murphy’s First Corollary, 16, 90, 240

Murphy’s Law, 16, 30, 32

Namath, Joe, 27

Nantz, Jim, 211, 215

NASA, 93

National Basketball Association (NBA), 70

National Football Conference (NFC), 203

National Football League (NFL), 3, 8, 40, 74, 89, 90, 111, 122, 123, 142, 171, 200, 237, 245

Annual Owner’s Meeting, 29

coaches of, 55, 157, 233

Security, 19, 151, 209

senior executives of, 3, 24, 25, 27, 28, 53, 59, 138, 139, 173, 181, 201, 210

Tailgate Party, 8, 75, 139, 167

National Hockey League (NHL), 25–27, 30, 31, 45, 65, 66, 71, 83, 85, 95, 143, 148, 149

National Special Security Events (NSSEs), 74, 151, 169

NBA (National Basketball Association), 70

NBA All-Star Game, 56

NBC, 40

NeuroLeadership Institute, 174

New England Patriots, 24, 27

New Jersey, 60, 154

New Jersey Transit (NJT), 148

New Orleans, Louisiana, 2, 3, 60, 139, 182, 188, 193, 200, 211, 225, 231

New Orleans Police Department (NOPD), 209

New Orleans Superdome, 78, 81, 153, 154

New York City, 28, 35, 37, 41, 53, 58, 88, 137, 139, 147, 148, 174, 184

New York Giants, 39, 147, 148, 207

New York Jets, 41, 148

New York Road Runners (NYRR), 58–59

New York Times, 39, 89, 167, 175, 185, 222

New York Yankees, 140

Newsday, 50

NFC (National Football Conference), 203

NFL (see National Football League)

NFL Combine, 29

NFL Control, 3, 77, 81, 93–97, 99–101, 168–170, 192, 193, 196, 197, 209–211, 213–216

NFL Draft, 29, 104, 108, 175

NFL Experience, 45, 173

NFL Films, 203

NFL Media Center, 45

NGOs (non-governmental organizations), 219

NHL (see National Hockey League)

NHL All-Star Faceoff, 83, 84, 87

NHL All-Star Game, 183, 224

NHL All-Star Weekend, 65, 127, 143

“NHL FANtasy,” 143

NHL Stadium Series, 149

NHL Winter Classic, 149

Nickel Mines, 220

Nike, 212

NJT (New Jersey Transit), 148

Non-governmental organizations (NGOs), 219

NOPD (New Orleans Police Department), 209

Norman, Oklahoma, 71

North Korea, 179

North Texas Super Bowl Host Committee, 56

NSSEs (see National Special Security Events)

NYRR (New York Road Runners), 58–59

O Canada, 30

O’Hare International Airport, 15

Oklahoma, 72, 182

Olympiahalle (Innsbruck), 165

Olympics, 41, 71, 154, 182

“Oops” moments, 179–188

Oreo cookies, 212

Organization culture, 120–122

Oscars, 175

PA (public address) system, 188, 197

Pagoda Tower (Indianapolis), 94

Panic, 192–197

avoiding, 192–193

as contagious phenomenon, 195–197

and decision making, 193–195

PBS, 212

Pennsylvania State Police, 218, 219, 225

Penske, Roger, 24, 26

Pentagon, 159

Pepsi Center, 127

Perry, Matthew, 83


Philadelphia Eagles, 24

Phoenix, Arizona, 45, 46, 150

Phoenix Convention & Visitors Bureau, 45

Pittsburgh Steelers, 57

P&L (profit and loss), 63, 121

Plans, contingency (See Contingency plans)

Postmortems, 234–238

Postpartums, 234–238

PR (see Public relations)

Precision, 165–166

Prediction, 45–47

Preparation, 5

of communication, 185–187

evaluation of, 73–75

limits of, 80–81

of strategies, 75–76

for unintended consequences, 152–155

for the unpredictable, 76–80

Price, Bill, 50

PriceWaterhouse-Coopers, 174

Priestley, Jason, 83

Prince, 19, 224

Pritchard, Phil, 67–69

Pro Football Hall of Fame, 229–230, 233, 245–246

Probability, 43–50

and favorability, 47–50

and prediction, 45–47

Problem-solving, 108, 170

Product teams, 118

Profit and loss (P&L), 63, 121

Psycho (film), 161

Psychology Today, 174, 220

Public address (PA) system, 188, 197

Public relations (PR), 200, 212, 223

Purple Rain, 19, 224

Pyramid, inverted, 115–119

Quarterback (QB), 203–204, 229

Queens College, 189

Radio City Music Hall, 23, 70, 115–116, 157, 163, 175, 234

“Radio Row,” 203

Ralph Wilson Stadium, 149

Rancourt, Rene, 31

Raymond James Stadium, 88

Reaction, 213–216

Recognition program, 140

Recovery, 207–216, 240–241

and blame, 212–213

prioritizing, 207–208

and response vs. reaction, 213–216

Red Hot Chili Peppers, 62

Redundancies, 210

Renaissance Center (Detroit), 37

Response, 6, 213–216

Review, 241–242

Revision, 244–247

Richard, Maurice (“The Rocket”), 66–69

Risk, 13–18

brand, 14–16, 96

financial, 17, 96

personal brand, 17–18

product, 16–17

safety/security, 13–14

Robertson, Ed, 224

Rock, David, 174

Rockettes, 54

Rodgers, Bruce, 61–62, 145

Romney, Mitt, 175

Rooney, Art, 57

Root causes, 206

Root-cause analyses, 207

Ruby Tuesday, 175

Run of show documents, 87

Ryan-Canu, Joan, 142, 171, 172

St. John, Allen, 167, 168, 171

St. Paul, Minnesota, 224

San Antonio, Texas, 137

San Diego, California, 23

San Francisco 49ers, 2, 153, 212, 229

San Francisco Giants, 43

San Jose, California, 83, 87, 88, 90

San Jose Arena, 84

Saving time, 37–39

Schilling, Curt, 44

Science (journal), 220

Seattle, Washington, 54

Seattle Seahawks, 49, 147, 203

Secret Service, 151

Self-care, 161–163

Selhurst Park, 230

Selig, Bud, 44, 98

Senior leadership, 118

Service teams, 118

Sesame Street, 137

Sherer, Susan, 24

Showtime, 192

SHRM (Society for Human Resource Management), 129

Silos, 159

Simms, Phil, 211

60 Minutes, 2, 192, 211

Smartphones, 39, 78

Smith, Kate, 31

Smoltz, John, 43–44

Snapchat, 174

Snickers, 89

Socializing, 160

Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), 129

SP Plus Corporation, 139

Special Inspector General (Pentagon), 159

Specifications, 105–106

Spielberg, Steven, 145

Stanley, Frederick Arthur, 65, 68, 69

Stanley Cup, 27, 65–68, 71, 143, 183

Stapp, John, 30

Starr, Bart, 27

The Star-Spangled Banner, 30, 84, 90

State of the Union address, 151

Staubach, Roger, 27

Steeg, Jim, 28, 29

Stimuli, identifiable, 194

Stone, Emma, 174

Strahan, Michael, 39

Strategies, preparation of, 75–76

Summerall, Pat, 27

“Sunday School,” 115–116

Super Bowl, 6–9, 25, 27, 29–33, 48, 60, 74–75, 77, 78, 80, 86, 89, 90, 96, 97, 99–101, 110, 121–124, 130, 135–138, 151, 152, 159, 160, 164, 171, 186, 197, 199, 204, 212, 216, 231, 233, 236

VII, 233

IX, 60

XXII, 181

XXXIX, 23, 26

XL, 24, 28, 29, 37–38, 77, 203

XLI, 19, 169, 224

XLII, 45, 150

XLIII, 88, 139

XLIV, 41

XLV, 56–57, 76, 93, 95

XLVI, 95, 173

XLVII (“Blackout Bowl”), 2–3, 78, 153, 188, 192, 208, 209, 225, 229, 232, 246

XLVIII, 49, 50, 53, 58, 60, 61, 147, 154

LII, 40

Super Bowl Boulevard, 53–54

Super Bowl Media Center, 26, 45, 56, 173, 203, 204

Super Bowl Media Day, 57

Superstitions, 70–72

Superstorm Sandy, 58–59

Surprises, 90–91

Swann, Lynn, 27

Sweden, 25

Symptoms, 206

Tabletop exercises, 77

Tagliabue, Paul, 27

Tailgate Party (see NFL Tailgate Party)

Tampa, Florida, 88, 89, 139

Tampa Bay Buccaneers, 139

Tampa Bay Lightning, 165

Tasker, Steve, 211

Teams, 103–111

components of effective, 103–109

delegating to, 109–111

importing members of, 104–105

management, 119

mission of, 122–123

and specifications vs. expectations, 105–106

and trust, 106–109

Tempe, Arizona, 150

Temporary staff, 103–105

Texas, 56–58, 75, 76, 93

Thicke, Alan, 83

Third-party agencies, 103, 238

Thornton, Doug, 192, 193, 196, 208–210, 215, 216, 232

TIAA Bank Field, 26–27

Tide detergent, 212

Time, 35–42, 129

and deadlines, 39–40

managing, 36–37

saving, 37–39

Times Square, 53, 147

Toma, George, 181

Toronto, Ontario, 66

Toronto Blue Jays, 43

Torre, Joe, 43

Trust, 106–109, 132–134

“Trust Index,” 219

Tulane University, 60

Twitter, 174, 211, 212

Two-minute drill, 167–176

and awareness, 172–176

and decisiveness, 169–171

and double-checking, 176

and focus, 174–175

and instinct, 171–172

and nimbleness, 167–169

Tyrol, Austria, 166

Unintended consequences:

law of, 148–152

preparing for, 152–155

United Airlines, 15–16, 185

United Parcel Service (UPS), 214

University of Maryland, 217

University of North Carolina, 70

University of Oklahoma, 71, 182

University of Phoenix Stadium, 151

UPS (United Parcel Service), 214

Upton Park (London), 230

U.S. Army, 159

U.S. Navy, 210

Vanity Fair, 192

Vendors, 103–105

Vince Lombardi Trophy, 27–28

VIPs, 136

Virgin Group, 171

Vizquel, Omar, 43

VVIPs, 132

Waikiki, Hawaii, 179

Waikiki Shell (Honolulu, Hawaii), 70

Walgreens Pharmacy, 212

Walker, Mike, 163

The Washington Post, 44

Web of command, 98–101

West Ham United, 230

The Who, 201

Wilcots, Solomon, 211

Wimbledon, 230

Witte, Mike, 139–140

Wittenberg, Mary, 59

World Series, 31, 45

World War II, 98

Xanax, 192, 138

“Yard of Bricks,” 94

Yokoi, Shōichi, 98, 101

Your Brain at Work (Rock), 174