Mt 22:21 give back to C what is Caesar’s,


Firstborn of Adam (Ge 4:1), murdered brother Abel (Ge 4:1–16; 1Jn 3:12).


Dt 31:17 disasters and c will come on them,

31:21 disasters and c come on them,


Pr 22:8 Whoever sows injustice reaps c,


Judahite who spied out Canaan (Nu 13:6); allowed to enter land because of faith (Nu 13:3014:38; Dt 1:36). Possessed Hebron (Jos 14:615:19).


Ex 32:4 into an idol cast in the shape of a c,

Pr 15:17 love than a fattened c with hatred.

Lk 15:23 Bring the fattened c and kill it.

Ac 7:41 made an idol in the form of a c.


Ex 3:15 the name you shall c me

1Ki 18:24 you c on the name of your god,

18:24 will c on the name of the LORD.

2Ki 5:11 c on the name of the LORD his

Ps 116:13 and c on the name of the LORD.

116:17 and c on the name of the LORD.

145:18 LORD is near to all who c on him,

Pr 31:28 children arise and c her blessed;

Isa 5:20 Woe to those who c evil good

55:6 c on him while he is near.

65:24 Before they c I will answer;

Jer 33:3C to me and I will answer you

Zep 3:9 all of them may c on the name

Zec 13:9 They will c on my name and I will

Mt 9:13 I have not come to c the righteous,

Mk 2:17 I have not come to c the righteous,

Lk 5:32 I have not come to c the righteous,

Ac 2:39 all whom the Lord our God will c.”

9:14 to arrest all who c on your name.”

9:21 in Jerusalem among those who c

Ro 10:12 richly blesses all who c on him,

11:29 gifts and his c are irrevocable.

1Co 1:2 all those everywhere who c

1Th 4:7 For God did not c us to be impure,

2Ti 2:22 with those who c on the Lord


Ge 2:23 she shall be c ‘woman,’ for she was

12:8 and c on the name of the LORD.

21:33 and there he c on the name

26:25 and c on the name of the LORD.

1Sa 3:5 and said, “Here I am; you c me.”

2Ch 7:14 my people, who are c by my name,

Ps 34:6 This poor man c, and the LORD

116:4 I c on the name of the LORD:

Isa 56:7 for my house will be c a house

La 3:55 I c on your name, LORD,

Hos 11:1 him, and out of Egypt I c my son.

Mt 1:16 of Jesus who is c the Messiah.

2:15 “Out of Egypt I c my son.”

21:13 “ ‘My house will be c a house

Mk 11:17 ‘My house will be c a house

Lk 1:32 will be c the Son of the Most High.

1:35 be born will be c the Son of God.

Ro 1:1 c to be an apostle and set apart

1:6 among those Gentiles who are c

1:7 by God and c to be his holy people:

8:28 who have been c according to his

8:30 those he predestined, he also c; those he c, he also justified;

1Co 1:1 c to be an apostle of Christ Jesus

1:2 Jesus and c to be his holy people,

1Co 1:24 but to those whom God has c,

1:26 of what you were when you were c.

7:15 God has c us to live in peace.

7:17 to them, just as God has c them.

Gal 1:6 deserting the one who c you

1:15 womb and c me by his grace,

5:13 and sisters, were c to be free.

Eph 1:18 the hope to which he has c you,

4:4 just as you were c to one hope

Col 3:15 of one body you were c to peace.

2Th 2:14 c you to this through our gospel,

1Ti 6:12 you were c when you made your

2Ti 1:9 saved us and c us to a holy life—

Heb 9:15 that those who are c may receive

1Pe 1:15 But just as he who c you is holy,

2:9 the praises of him who c you

3:9 to this you were c so that you may

5:10 who c you to his eternal glory

2Pe 1:3 of him who c us by his own glory

Jude 1 To those who have been c, who are


Isa 40:3 A voice of one c:

Mt 3:3 “A voice of one c in the wilderness,

Mk 1:3 “a voice of one c in the wilderness,

10:49 On your feet! He’s c you.”

Lk 3:4 “A voice of one c in the wilderness,

Jn 1:23 voice of one c in the wilderness,

Ac 22:16 your sins away, c on his name.’

Eph 4:1 worthy of the c you have received.

2Th 1:11 may make you worthy of his c,

2Pe 1:10 every effort to confirm your c


Ps 17:10 They close up their c hearts,

73:7 From their c hearts comes iniquity;

119:70 Their hearts are c and unfeeling,


Isa 6:10 Make the heart of this people c;

Mt 13:15 this people’s heart has become c;

Ac 28:27 this people’s heart has become c;


Ps 147:4 the stars and c them each by name.

Isa 40:26 and c forth each of them by name.

Joel 2:32 everyone who c on the name

Mt 22:43 by the Spirit, c him ‘Lord’?

Jn 10:3 He c his own sheep by name

Ac 2:21 everyone who c on the name

Ro 10:13 “Everyone who c on the name

1Th 2:12 who c you into his kingdom

5:24 The one who c you is faithful,


Ps 107:30 They were glad when it grew c,

Pr 29:11 but the wise bring c in the end.

Isa 7:4 careful, keep c and don’t be afraid.

Eze 16:42 I will be c and no longer angry.


Pr 15:18 one who is patient c a quarrel.


Mt 19:24 easier for a c to go through the eye

23:24 strain out a gnat but swallow a c.

Mk 10:25 easier for a c to go through the eye

Lk 18:25 easier for a c to go through the eye


Heb 13:13 go to him outside the c,


Ge 10:15 C was the father of Sidon his

Lev 14:34 “When you enter the land of C,

25:38 of Egypt to give you the land of C

Nu 13:2 some men to explore the land of C,

33:51 ‘When you cross the Jordan into C,

Jdg 4:2 into the hands of Jabin king of C,

1Ch 16:18 C as the portion you will inherit.”

Ps 105:11 C as the portion you will inherit.”

Ac 13:19 he overthrew seven nations in C,


Ge 10:18 Later the C clans scattered

28:1 “Do not marry a C woman.

Jos 5:1 the C kings along the coast heard

Jdg 1:32 lived among the C inhabitants


Ex 33:2 before you and drive out the C,


Dt 15:1 every seven years you must c debts.


Mt 18:27 on him, c the debt and let him go.

18:32 ‘I c all that debt of yours because

Col 2:14 having c the charge of our legal



2Sa 22:12 made darkness his c around him—

2Ki 16:18 He took away the Sabbath c

Ps 18:11 his covering, his c around him—

Isa 4:5 everything the glory will be a c.

40:22 stretches out the heavens like a c,

Jer 43:10 he will spread his royal c


Mt 4:13 he went and lived in C, which was

Jn 6:59 teaching in the synagogue in C.


Dt 21:22 someone guilty of a c offense is put


Zec 4:7 he will bring out the c to shouts

4:10 rejoice when they see the chosen c


Pr 6:25 or let her c you with her eyes.


Ac 8:23 are full of bitterness and c to sin.”

2Co 10:5 we take c every thought to make it

Col 2:8 no one takes you c through hollow

2Ti 2:26 has taken them c to do his will.


Ps 68:18 on high, you took many c;

Isa 61:1 to proclaim freedom for the c

Eph 4:8 he took many c and gave gifts to


Dt 28:41 them, because they will go into c.

2Ki 25:21 So Judah went into c,

Jer 30:3 Judah back from c and restore

52:27 So Judah went into c,

Eze 29:14 I will bring them back from c


1Sa 4:11 The ark of God was c, and Eli’s two

2Sa 5:7 David c the fortress of Zion—

2Ki 17:6 the king of Assyria c Samaria


Jdg 14:9 taken the honey from the lion’s c.

Mt 24:28 Wherever there is a c,


Ps 8:4 human beings that you c for them?

43:3 me your light and your faithful c,

65:9 You c for the land and water it;

144:3 human beings that you c for them,

Pr 12:10 The righteous c for the needs

29:7 The righteous c about justice

Mk 5:26 suffered a great deal under the c

Lk 10:34 him to an inn and took c of him.

18:4 fear God or c what people think,

Jn 21:16 Jesus said, “Take c of my sheep.”

1Co 3:10 But each one should build with c.

Eph 5:29 but they feed and c for their body,

1Ti 3:5 family, how can he take c of God’s

6:20 what has been entrusted to your c.

Heb 2:6 a son of man that you c for him?

1Pe 5:2 of God’s flock that is under your c,


Ge 31:24 “Be c not to say anything to Jacob,

31:29 ‘Be c not to say anything to Jacob,

Ex 19:12 ‘Be c that you do not approach

23:13 “Be c to do everything I have said

34:12 Be c not to make a treaty with

34:15 “Be c not to make a treaty

Lev 18:4 laws and be c to follow my decrees.

25:18 decrees and be c to obey my laws,

26:3 and are c to obey my commands,

Dt 2:4 will be afraid of you, but be very c.

4:9 Only be c, and watch yourselves

4:23 Be c not to forget the covenant

5:32 So be c to do what the LORD your

6:3 be c to obey so that it may go well

6:12 be c that you do not forget

6:25 we are c to obey all this law before

7:12 laws and are c to follow them,

8:1 Be c to follow every command

Dt 8:11 Be c that you do not forget

11:16 Be c, or you will be enticed to turn

12:1 laws you must be c to follow

12:13 Be c not to sacrifice your burnt

12:19 Be c not to neglect the Levites as

12:28 Be c to obey all these regulations I

12:30 c not to be ensnared by inquiring

15:5 are c to follow all these commands

15:9 Be c not to harbor this wicked

17:10 Be c to do everything they instruct

24:8 be very c to do exactly as

Jos 1:7 Be c to obey all the law my servant

1:8 that you may be c to do everything

22:5 very c to keep the commandment

23:6 be c to obey all that is written

23:11 So be very c to love the LORD

1Ki 8:25 if only your descendants are c in all

2Ki 10:31 Yet Jehu was not c to keep the law

17:37 You must always be c to keep

21:8 only they will be c to do everything

1Ch 22:13 if you are c to observe the decrees

28:8 Be c to follow all the commands

2Ch 6:16 if only your descendants are c in all

33:8 only they will be c to do everything

Ezr 4:22 Be c not to neglect this matter.

Job 36:18 Be c that no one entices you

Ps 45:10 daughter, and pay c attention:

101:2 I will be c to lead a blameless life—

Pr 4:26 Give c thought to the paths for

13:24 one who loves their children is c

21:28 a c listener will testify successfully.

27:23 give c attention to your herds;

Isa 7:4 him, ‘Be c, keep calm and don’t be

Jer 17:21 Be c not to carry a load

17:24 But if you are c to obey me,

22:4 For if you are c to carry out these

Eze 11:20 decrees and be c to keep my laws.

18:19 has been c to keep all my decrees,

20:19 decrees and be c to keep my laws.

20:21 they were not c to keep my laws,

36:27 decrees and be c to keep my laws.

37:24 laws and be c to keep my decrees.

Hag 1:5 “Give c thought to your ways.

1:7 “Give c thought to your ways.

2:15 “ ‘Now give c thought to this

2:18 give c thought to the day

2:18 temple was laid. Give c thought:

Mt 6:1 “Be c not to practice your

16:6 “Be c,” Jesus said to them.

23:3 So you must be c to do everything

Mk 8:15 “Be c,” Jesus warned them.

Lk 21:34 “Be c, or your hearts will be

Ro 12:17 Be c to do what is right in the eyes

1Co 8:9 Be c, however, that the exercise

10:12 firm, be c that you don’t fall!

Eph 5:15 Be very c, then, how you live—

2Ti 4:2 great patience and c instruction.

Titus 3:8 God may be c to devote themselves

Heb 2:1 We must pay the most c attention,

4:1 be c that none of you be found


Pr 12:26 righteous choose their friends c,

Mt 2:8 “Go and search c for the child.


Dt 11:12 a land the LORD your God c for;

Job 39:16 c not that her labor was in vain,

Ps 55:22 Cast your c on the LORD and he

142:4 no one c for my life.

Ecc 5:3 comes when there are many c,

Jer 12:11 because there is no one who c.

30:17 outcast, Zion for whom no one c.’

Na 1:7 He c for those who trust in him,

Jn 10:13 hand and c nothing for the sheep.

1Th 2:7 Just as a nursing mother c for her

1Pe 5:7 on him because he c for you.


1Ti 5:4 practice by c for their own family


Lk 21:34 will be weighed down with c,

Ro 13:13 daytime, not in c and drunkenness,

1Pe 4:3 orgies, c and detestable idolatry.


Mk 6:3 Isn’t this the c? Isn’t this Mary’s


Mt 13:55 “Isn’t this the c son?


Ex 19:4 and how I c you on eagles’ wings

Dt 1:31 how the LORD your God c you,

Isa 63:9 up and c them all the days of old.

Heb 13:9 Do not be c away by all kinds

2Pe 1:21 God as they were c along

3:17 you may not be c away by the error


Dt 32:11 to catch them and c them aloft.

Isa 40:11 arms and c them close to his heart;


Lev 16:22 The goat will c on itself all their

26:15 and fail to c out all my commands

Isa 46:4 I have made you and I will c you;

Lk 14:27 whoever does not c their cross

Gal 6:2 C each other’s burdens, and in this

6:5 each one should c their own load.


Jn 19:17 C his own cross, he went

1Jn 5:2 God and c out his commands.


Nu 33:52 Destroy all their c images and their


Pr 22:23 for the LORD will take up their c

23:11 he will take up their c against you.


Lev 16:8 He is to c lots for the two goats—

Ps 22:18 them and c lots for my garment.

55:22 C your cares on the LORD and he

Pr 16:33 The lot is c into the lap, but its

Jn 19:24 them and c lots for my garment.”

1Pe 5:7 C all your anxiety on him because


Pr 18:18 C the lot settles disputes and keeps

Mt 27:35 divided up his clothes by c lots.


Lk 5:4 and let down the nets for a c.”


Job 5:13 He c the wise in their craftiness,

1Co 3:19 “He c the wise in their craftiness”;


Ps 50:10 and the c on a thousand hills.


Ge 22:13 in a thicket he saw a ram c by its

2Co 12:2 who fourteen years ago was c up

1Th 4:17 are left will be c up together


Ps 7:16 The trouble they c recoils on them;

25:3 who are treacherous without c.

Ps 82:3 uphold the c of the poor

Pr 24:28 against your neighbor without c

Ecc 8:3 Do not stand up for a bad c, for he

Mt 18:7 the things that c people to stumble!

Ro 14:21 that will c your brother or sister

1Co 10:32 Do not c anyone to stumble,


Isa 8:14 he will be a stone that c people

Mt 5:29 If your right eye c you to stumble,

5:30 if your right hand c you to stumble,

18:6 “If anyone c one of these little

18:8 hand or your foot c you to stumble,

Ro 14:20 eat anything that c someone else

1Co 8:13 if what I eat c my brother or sister

1Pe 2:8 “A stone that c people to stumble


Ps 46:9 He makes wars c to the ends


Ex 10:9 because we are to c a festival

12:14 to come you shall c it as a festival

12:17C the Festival of Unleavened

12:17 C this day as a lasting ordinance

12:47 community of Israel must c it.

12:48 c the LORD’s Passover must have

23:14 times a year you are to c a festival

23:15C the Festival of Unleavened

23:16C the Festival of Harvest

23:16C the Festival of Ingathering

34:18C the Festival of Unleavened

34:22C the Festival of Weeks

Lev 23:39 c the festival to the LORD

23:41 C this as a festival to the LORD

23:41 c it in the seventh month.

Nu 9:2 “Have the Israelites c the Passover

9:3 C it at the appointed time,

9:4 told the Israelites to c the Passover,

9:6 of them could not c the Passover

9:10 are still to c the LORD’s Passover,

9:12 When they c the Passover,

9:13 on a journey fails to c the Passover,

9:14 also to c the LORD’s Passover

29:12 C a festival to the LORD for seven

Dt 16:1 c the Passover of the LORD your

16:10 Then c the Festival of Weeks

16:13 C the Festival of Tabernacles

16:15 For seven days c the festival

Jdg 16:23 to Dagon their god and to c,

2Sa 6:21 I will c before the LORD.

2Ki 23:21C the Passover to the LORD

2Ch 30:1 and c the Passover to the LORD,

30:2 decided to c the Passover

30:3 They had not been able to c it

30:5 and c the Passover to the LORD,

30:13 in Jerusalem to c the Festival

30:23 to c the festival seven more days;

Ne 8:12 of food and to c with great joy,

12:27 to c joyfully the dedication

Est 9:21 them c annually the fourteenth

Ps 2:11 fear and c his rule with trembling.

89:16 they c your righteousness.

145:7 They c your abundant goodness

Isa 30:29 on the night you c a holy festival;

Hos 5:7 they c their New Moon feasts,

Na 1:15 C your festivals, Judah, and fulfill

Zec 14:16 to c the Festival of Tabernacles.

14:18 up to c the Festival of Tabernacles.

14:19 up to c the Festival of Tabernacles.

Mt 26:18 I am going to c the Passover

Lk 15:23 and kill it. Let’s have a feast and c.

15:24 and is found.’ So they began to c.

15:29 me even a young goat so I could c

15:32 But we had to c and be glad,

Rev 11:10 will c by sending each other gifts,


2Pe 2:10 afraid to heap abuse on c beings;

Jude 8 and heap abuse on c beings.


Lev 16:12 is to take a c full of burning coals

Rev 8:3 had a golden c, came and stood


Nu 16:6 followers are to do this: Take c


Mt 8:5 Capernaum, a c came to him,

27:54 When the c and those with him

Mk 15:39 And when the c, who stood there

Lk 7:3 The c heard of Jesus and sent some

23:47 The c, seeing what had happened,

Ac 10:1 c in what was known as the Italian

27:1 handed over to a c named Julius,


Jn 1:42 You will be called C” (which,

1Co 1:12 another, “I follow C”;

3:22 Paul or Apollos or C or the world

9:5 and the Lord’s brothers and C?

Gal 2:9 James, C and John, those esteemed


Lev 14:2 at the time of their c cleansing,

15:13 off seven days for his c cleansing;

Mk 7:3 they give their hands a c washing,

Jn 2:6 used by the Jews for c washing,

3:25 Jew over the matter of c washing.

11:55 for their c cleansing before

18:28 to avoid c uncleanness they did not

Heb 9:10 drink and various c washings—

13:9 not by eating c foods, which is of


Lev 4:12 outside the camp to a place c clean,

5:2 touch anything c unclean (whether

6:11 the camp to a place that is c clean.

7:19 touches anything c unclean must

7:19 meat, anyone c clean may eat it.

10:14 Eat them in a c clean place;

11:4 it is c unclean for you.

Lev 12:2 to a son will be c unclean for seven

12:7 she will be c clean from her flow

13:3 shall pronounce them c unclean.

14:8 then they will be c clean.

15:28 and after that she will be c clean.

15:33 with a woman who is c unclean.

17:15 they will be c unclean till evening;

21:1 must not make himself c unclean

22:3 of your descendants is c unclean

27:11 they vowed is a c unclean animal—

Nu 5:2 who is c unclean because of a dead

6:7 not make themselves c unclean

8:6 Israelites and make them c clean.

9:6 day because they were c unclean

9:13 if anyone who is c clean and not

18:11 household who is c clean may eat

18:13 household who is c clean may eat

19:7 he will be c unclean till evening.

19:9 in a c clean place outside the camp.

19:18 a man who is c clean is to take

Dt 12:15 Both the c unclean and the clean

12:22 Both the c unclean and the clean

14:7 they are c unclean for you.

15:22 Both the c unclean and the clean

1Sa 20:26 to David to make him c unclean—

2Ch 13:11 the bread on the c clean table

30:17 for all those who were not c clean

Ezr 6:20 themselves and were all c clean.

Ne 12:30 Levites had purified themselves c,

Isa 66:20 of the LORD in c clean vessels.

Eze 22:10 period, when they are c unclean.

Ac 24:18 I was c clean when they found me

Heb 9:13 those who are c unclean sanctify


Ge 50:11 Egyptians are holding a solemn c

Ex 12:25 you as he promised, observe this c.

12:26 ‘What does this c mean to you?’

13:5 are to observe this c in this month:


Lk 1:4 you may know the c of the things

Jn 17:8 They knew with c that I came


Dt 24:1 and he writes her a c of divorce,

24:3 her and writes her a c of divorce,

Isa 50:1 “Where is your mother’s c

Jer 3:8 I gave faithless Israel her c

Mt 5:31 divorces his wife must give her a c

19:7 a man give his wife a c of divorce

Mk 10:4 a man to write a c of divorce


Jn 3:33 Whoever has accepted it has c


Ps 1:4 They are like c that the wind blows

35:5 May they be like c before the wind,

Da 2:35 became like c on a threshing floor

Mt 3:12 up the c with unquenchable fire.”


2Ti 2:9 But God’s word is not c.


Eph 6:20 for which I am an ambassador in c.

Col 4:18 Remember my c. Grace be

2Ti 1:16 me and was not ashamed of my c.

Jude 6 with everlasting c for judgment


1Sa 17:4 A c named Goliath, who was from

Ps 19:5 like a c rejoicing to run his course.


Ecc 9:11 but time and c happen to them all.


1Sa 15:29 being, that he should c his mind.”

Ps 110:4 has sworn and will not c his mind:

Jer 7:5 If you really c your ways and your

Mal 3:6 “I the LORD do not c. So you,

Mt 18:3 unless you c and become like little

Heb 7:21 has sworn and will not c his mind:

Jas 1:17 lights, who does not c like shifting


1Sa 10:6 will be c into a different person.

Hos 11:8 My heart is c within me;

1Co 15:51 not all sleep, but we will all be c


Ru 3:11 that you are a woman of noble c.

Pr 12:4 of noble c is her husband’s crown,

31:10 A wife of noble c who can find?

Ac 17:11 were of more noble c than those

Ro 5:4 perseverance, c; and c, hope.

1Co 15:33 “Bad company corrupts good c.”


Job 34:13 Who put him in c of the whole

Ro 8:33 will bring any c against those

1Co 9:18 the gospel I may offer it free of c,

2Co 11:7 the gospel of God to you free of c?

2Ti 4:1 and his kingdom, I give you this c:

Phm 18 or owes you anything, c it to me.


Ro 5:13 sin is not c against anyone’s


Isa 50:8 Who then will bring c against me?


2Ki 2:11 suddenly a c of fire and horses

Ps 104:3 makes the clouds his c and rides

Ac 8:28 sitting in his c reading the Book


2Ki 6:17 and c of fire all around Elisha.

Ps 20:7 trust in c and some in horses,

68:17 The c of God are tens of thousands


Pr 17:8 A bribe is seen as a c by the one

31:30 C is deceptive, and beauty is


Pr 26:25 Though their speech is c, do not

SS 1:16 Oh, how c! And our bed is verdant.


Lev 26:8 Five of you will c a hundred,

Pr 12:11 who c fantasies have no sense.

28:19 those who c fantasies will have


Lk 16:26 you a great c has been set in place,


Heb 12:6 and he c everyone he accepts as his


1Ti 6:20 Turn away from godless c

2Ti 2:16 Avoid godless c, because those who


Pr 10:8 but a c fool comes to ruin.

10:10 grief, and a c fool comes to ruin.


Lev 6:2 stolen, or if they c their neighbor,

Mal 1:14 “Cursed is the c who has

1Co 6:8 you yourselves c and do wrong,


Ge 31:7 yet your father has c me

1Sa 12:3 Whom have I c? Whom have I

12:4 “You have not c or oppressed us,”

Lk 19:8 if I have c anybody out of anything,

1Co 6:7 Why not rather be c?


Am 8:5 price and c with dishonest scales,


Mt 5:39 anyone slaps you on the right c, turn to them the other c also.

Lk 6:29 If someone slaps you on one c,


Isa 50:6 my c to those who pulled out my


Pr 15:13 A happy heart makes the face c,

15:15 the c heart has a continual feast.

17:22 A c heart is good medicine,

2Co 9:7 for God loves a c giver.


Pr 12:25 the heart, but a kind word c it up.


2Ki 23:13 for C the vile god of Moab,


Ps 66:18 If I had c sin in my heart,


Pr 19:8 c understanding will soon prosper.


Ex 25:19 Make one c on one end

Eze 28:14 You were anointed as a guardian c,


Ge 3:24 east side of the Garden of Eden c

1Sa 4:4 who is enthroned between the c.

2Sa 6:2 who is enthroned between the c

22:11 He mounted the c and flew;

1Ki 6:23 inner sanctuary he made a pair of c

2Ki 19:15 enthroned between the c, you

1Ch 13:6 who is enthroned between the c

Ps 18:10 He mounted the c and flew;

80:1 who sit enthroned between the c,

99:1 he sits enthroned between the c,

Isa 37:16 enthroned between the c, you

Eze 10:1 that was over the heads of the c.


2Ki 12:9 Jehoiada the priest took a c

Da 2:32 pure gold, its c and arms of silver,

Rev 1:13 with a golden sash around his c.


Lev 11:3 a divided hoof and that c the cud.


1Pe 5:4 And when the C Shepherd appears,


Pr 22:15 Folly is bound up in the heart of a c,

23:13 Do not withhold discipline from a c;

29:15 but a c left undisciplined disgraces

Isa 9:6 For to us a c is born, to us a son is

11:6 and a little c will lead them.

66:13 As a mother comforts her c, so will

Eze 18:20 The c will not share the guilt

Mt 18:2 He called a little c to him,

Lk 1:42 and blessed is the c you will bear!

1:80 And the c grew and became strong

1Co 13:11 When I was a c, I talked like a c,

1Jn 5:1 loves the father loves his c as well.


Ge 3:16 make your pains in c very severe;

1Ti 2:15 women will be saved through c

Heb 11:11 who was past c age, was enabled


Gal 4:19 pains of c until Christ is formed


1Co 13:11 I put the ways of c behind me.


Ge 11:30 Now Sarai was c because she was

29:31 to conceive, but Rachel remained c.

Ps 113:9 settles the c woman in her home


Ex 20:5 punishing the c for the sin

Dt 4:9 Teach them to your c and to their c

6:7 Impress them on your c.

11:19 Teach them to your c,

14:1 You are the c of the LORD your

24:16 nor c put to death for their parents;

30:19 life, so that you and your c may live

32:46 you may command your c to obey

Job 1:5 “Perhaps my c have sinned

Ps 8:2 Through the praise of c and infants

17:14 may their c gorge themselves on it,

78:5 our ancestors to teach their c,

127:3 C are a heritage from the LORD,

Pr 13:24 spares the rod hates their c,

17:6 parents are the pride of their c.

20:7 blessed are their c after them.

20:11 Even small c are known by their

22:6 Start c off on the way they should

29:17 Discipline your c, and they will

31:28 Her c arise and call her blessed;

Isa 54:13 All your c will be taught

Hos 1:10 they will be called ‘c of the living

Joel 1:3 Tell it to your c, and let your c tell it to their c,

Mal 4:6 the hearts of the parents to their c,

4:6 the hearts of the c to their parents;

Mt 5:9 for they will be called c of God.

7:11 how to give good gifts to your c,

11:25 and revealed them to little c.

18:3 change and become like little c,

19:14 said, “Let the little c come to me,

21:16 “ ‘From the lips of c and infants

Mk 9:37 these little c in my name welcomes

10:14 them, “Let the little c come to me,

Mk 10:16 And he took the c in his arms,

13:12 C will rebel against their parents

Lk 6:35 and you will be c of the Most High,

10:21 and revealed them to little c.

18:16 said, “Let the little c come to me,

Jn 1:12 the right to become c of God—

12:36 so that you may become c of light.”

Ac 2:39 your c and for all who are far off—

Ro 8:14 the Spirit of God are the c of God.

8:16 with our spirit that we are God’s c.

9:26 there they will be called ‘c

1Co 14:20 and sisters, stop thinking like c.

2Co 12:14 c should not have to save up for

Gal 3:26 in Christ Jesus you are all c of God

Eph 6:1 C, obey your parents in the Lord,

6:4 Fathers, do not exasperate your c;

Col 3:20 C, obey your parents in everything,

3:21 do not embitter your c, or they will

1Th 2:7 we were like young c among you.

2:7 as a nursing mother cares for her c,

1Ti 3:4 well and see that his c obey him,

3:12 wife and must manage his c and

5:10 such as bringing up c,

Heb 2:13 am I, and the c God has given me.”

12:7 God is treating you as his c.

1Jn 3:1 that we should be called c of God!


Mk 4:19 things come in and c the word,


Dt 30:19 Now c life, so that you and your

Jos 24:15 c for yourselves this day whom you

Pr 8:10 C my instruction instead of silver,

Jn 15:16 You did not c me, but I chose you


Mt 11:27 to whom the Son c to reveal him.

Lk 10:22 to whom the Son c to reveal him.”

Jn 7:17 who c to do the will of God


Mt 11:21 “Woe to you, C! Woe to you,


Ge 13:11 Lot c for himself the whole plain

Ps 33:12 the people he c for his inheritance.

Jn 15:16 but I c you and appointed you so

1Co 1:27 But God c the foolish things

Eph 1:4 For he c us in him before

2Th 2:13 because God c you as firstfruits


Isa 41:8 whom I have c, you descendants

Mt 22:14 many are invited, but few are c.”

Lk 10:42 Mary has c what is better, and it

23:35 if he is God’s Messiah, the C One.”

Jn 1:34 I testify that this is God’s C One.”

15:19 but I have c you out of the world.

1Pe 1:20 He was c before the creation

2:9 But you are a c people, a royal


Jn 1:41 found the Messiah” (that is, the C).

Ac 9:34 said to him, “Jesus C heals you.

Ro 1:4 from the dead: Jesus C our Lord.

3:22 faith in Jesus C to all who believe.

5:1 God through our Lord Jesus C,

5:6 powerless, C died for the ungodly.

5:8 we were still sinners, C died for us.

5:11 in God through our Lord Jesus C,

5:17 life through the one man, Jesus C!

6:4 just as C was raised from the dead

6:9 we know that since C was raised

6:23 is eternal life in C Jesus our Lord.

7:4 to the law through the body of C,

8:1 for those who are in C Jesus,

8:9 does not have the Spirit of C, they do not belong to C.

8:17 heirs of God and co-heirs with C,

8:34 C Jesus who died—more than that,

8:35 separate us from the love of C?

10:4 C is the culmination of the law so

12:5 so in C we, though many, form one

13:14 yourselves with the Lord Jesus C,

14:9 C died and returned to life so that

15:3 even C did not please himself but,

15:5 toward each other that C Jesus had,

15:7 then, just as C accepted you,

16:18 people are not serving our Lord C,

1Co 1:2 to those sanctified in C Jesus

1:7 for our Lord Jesus C to be revealed.

1:13 Is C divided? Was Paul crucified

1:17 For C did not send me to baptize,

1:17 lest the cross of C be emptied of

1:23 but we preach C crucified:

1:30 of him that you are in C Jesus,

2:2 while I was with you except Jesus C

3:11 one already laid, which is Jesus C.

5:7 For C, our Passover lamb, has been

6:15 bodies are members of C himself?

8:6 Jesus C, through whom all things

8:12 conscience, you sin against C.

10:4 them, and that rock was C.

10:9 We should not test C, as some

11:1 as I follow the example of C.

11:3 that the head of every man is C,

11:3 and the head of C is God.

12:27 Now you are the body of C,

15:3 C died for our sins according

15:14 And if C has not been raised,

15:22 die, so in C all will be made alive.

15:57 victory through our Lord Jesus C.

2Co 1:5 abundantly in the sufferings of C,

1:5 our comfort abounds through C.

3:3 show that you are a letter from C,

3:14 because only in C is it taken away.

4:4 gospel that displays the glory of C,

4:5 but Jesus C as Lord, and ourselves

4:6 glory displayed in the face of C.

5:10 before the judgment seat of C,

5:17 if anyone is in C, the new creation

6:15 What harmony is there between C

10:1 the humility and gentleness of C,

11:2 to C, so that I might present you as

Gal 1:7 trying to pervert the gospel of C.

2:4 on the freedom we have in C Jesus

2:16 of the law, but by faith in Jesus C.

2:16 we may be justified by faith in C

2:17 that mean that C promotes sin?

2:20 I have been crucified with C and I no longer live, but C lives in me.

2:21 the law, C died for nothing!”

3:13 C redeemed us from the curse

3:16 meaning one person, who is C.

3:26 So in C Jesus you are all children

4:19 of childbirth until C is formed

5:1 for freedom that C has set us free.

5:4 law have been alienated from C;

5:24 to C Jesus have crucified the flesh

6:14 in the cross of our Lord Jesus C,

Eph 1:3 with every spiritual blessing in C.

1:10 in heaven and on earth under C.

1:20 when he raised C from the dead

2:5 made us alive with C even when

2:10 created in C Jesus to do good

2:12 time you were separate from C,

2:20 with C Jesus himself as the chief

3:8 Gentiles the boundless riches of C,

3:17 so that C may dwell in your hearts

4:7 has been given as C apportioned it.

4:13 whole measure of the fullness of C.

4:15 of him who is the head, that is, C.

4:32 other, just as in C God forgave you.

5:2 just as C loved us and gave himself

5:21 one another out of reverence for C.

5:23 head of the wife as C is the head

5:25 just as C loved the church and gave

Php 1:18 motives or true, C is preached.

1:21 to live is C and to die is gain.

1:23 I desire to depart and be with C,

1:27 manner worthy of the gospel of C.

1:29 on behalf of C not only to believe

2:5 have the same mindset as C Jesus:

3:7 now consider loss for the sake of C.

3:10 I want to know C—yes, to know

3:18 live as enemies of the cross of C.

4:19 to the riches of his glory in C Jesus.

Col 1:4 have heard of your faith in C Jesus

1:27 which is C in you, the hope

1:28 present everyone fully mature in C.

2:2 the mystery of God, namely, C,

2:6 as you received C Jesus as Lord,

2:9 in C all the fullness of the Deity

2:13 flesh, God made you alive with C.

Col 2:17 the reality, however, is found in C.

3:1 you have been raised with C,

3:1 hearts on things above, where C is,

3:3 your life is now hidden with C

3:15 Let the peace of C rule in your

1Th 5:9 through our Lord Jesus C.

2Th 2:1 the coming of our Lord Jesus C

2:14 in the glory of our Lord Jesus C.

1Ti 1:12 I thank C Jesus our Lord, who has

1:15 C Jesus came into the world to save

1:16 C Jesus might display his immense

2:5 and mankind, the man C Jesus,

2Ti 1:9 us in C Jesus before the beginning

1:10 appearing of our Savior, C Jesus,

2:1 in the grace that is in C Jesus.

2:3 like a good soldier of C Jesus.

2:8 Remember Jesus C,

2:10 the salvation that is in C Jesus,

3:12 life in C Jesus will be persecuted,

3:15 salvation through faith in C Jesus.

4:1 the presence of God and of C Jesus,

Titus 2:13 our great God and Savior, Jesus C,

Heb 3:6 C is faithful as the Son over God’s

3:14 We have come to share in C,

5:5 C did not take on himself the glory

6:1 the elementary teachings about C

9:11 when C came as high priest

9:14 will the blood of C, who through

9:15 For this reason C is the mediator

9:24 C did not enter a sanctuary made

9:26 Otherwise C would have had

9:28 so C was sacrificed once to take

10:10 of the body of Jesus C once for all.

13:8 Jesus C is the same yesterday

1Pe 1:2 Spirit, to be obedient to Jesus C

1:3 and Father of our Lord Jesus C!

1:11 Spirit of C in them was pointing

1:19 but with the precious blood of C,

2:21 called, because C suffered for you,

3:15 in your hearts revere C as Lord.

3:18 For C also suffered once for sins,

3:21 you by the resurrection of Jesus C,

4:13 participate in the sufferings of C,

4:14 insulted because of the name of C,

2Pe 1:1 a servant and apostle of Jesus C,

1:16 of our Lord Jesus C in power,

1Jn 2:1 Jesus C, the Righteous One.

2:22 whoever denies that Jesus is the C.

3:16 Jesus C laid down his life for us.

3:23 Jesus C, and to love one another as

4:2 that Jesus C has come in the flesh

5:1 believes that Jesus is the C is born

5:20 is true by being in his Son Jesus C.

2Jn 9 teaching of C does not have God;

Jude 4 deny Jesus C our only Sovereign

Rev 1:1 The revelation from Jesus C,

1:5 and from Jesus C, who is

20:4 reigned with C a thousand years.

20:6 of C and will reign with him


Ac 26:28 you can persuade me to be a C?”

1Pe 4:16 if you suffer as a C, do not be


Ac 11:26 The disciples were called C first


1Co 9:21 God’s law but am under C law),

2Co 2:14 captives in C triumphal procession

5:14 For C love compels us, because we

5:20 We are therefore C ambassadors,

5:20 We implore you on C behalf:

12:9 so that C power may rest on me.

Col 1:22 by C physical body through death


Mt 16:18 and on this rock I will build my c,

18:17 refuse to listen, tell it to the c;

18:17 they refuse to listen even to the c,

Ac 20:28 Be shepherds of the c of God,

1Co 5:12 mine to judge those outside the c?

14:4 one who prophesies edifies the c.

14:12 excel in those that build up the c.

14:26 done so that the c may be built up.

15:9 because I persecuted the c of God.

Gal 1:13 how intensely I persecuted the c

Eph 5:23 wife as Christ is the head of the c,

Col 1:18 he is the head of the body, the c;

1:24 the sake of his body, which is the c.


Pr 30:33 For as c cream produces butter,


Isa 40:22 enthroned above the c of the earth,


Dt 10:16 C your hearts, therefore, and do


Ge 17:10 Every male among you shall be c.

17:12 who is eight days old must be c,

Jos 5:3 c the Israelites at Gibeath

Gal 2:8 in Peter as an apostle to the c,

5:2 you that if you let yourselves be c,


Ro 2:25 C has value if you observe the law,

2:29 and c is c of the heart, by the Spirit,

1Co 7:19 C is nothing and uncircumcision is


Php 4:11 to be content whatever the c.

1Th 5:18 give thanks in all c; for this is God’s


Lk 19:17 small matter, take charge of ten c.’

19:19 ‘You take charge of five c.’


Eph 2:19 but fellow c with God’s people


Ac 22:28 to pay a lot of money for my c.”

Eph 2:12 excluded from c in Israel

Php 3:20 But our c is in heaven.


Ac 18:10 I have many people in this c.”

Heb 13:14 here we do not have an enduring c,

Rev 21:2 I saw the Holy C, the new


2Ti 2:4 a soldier gets entangled in c affairs,


Pr 25:6 do not c a place among his great

1Jn 1:6 If we c to have fellowship with him

1:8 If we c to be without sin,

1:10 If we c we have not sinned,


Jas 2:14 if someone c to have faith but has

1Jn 2:6 Whoever c to live in him must live

2:9 Anyone who c to be in the light


1Co 13:1 a resounding gong or a c cymbal.


Job 21:5 c your hand over your mouth.

Ps 47:1 C your hands, all you nations;

98:8 Let the rivers c their hands,

Pr 30:32 evil, c your hand over your mouth!

Isa 55:12 trees of the field will c their hands.

La 2:15 who pass your way c their hands

Na 3:19 the news about you c their hands


2Ki 11:12 and the people c their hands

Eze 25:6 Because you have c your hands


Job 27:23 It c its hands in derision and hisses

34:37 scornfully he c his hands among us


2Co 10:12 We do not dare to c or compare


Ac 11:28 happened during the reign of C.)

18:2 because C had ordered all Jews


Isa 45:9 Does the c say to the potter,

64:8 We are the c, you are the potter;

Jer 18:6 “Like c in the hand of the potter,

La 4:2 are now considered as pots of c,

Da 2:33 of iron and partly of baked c.

Ro 9:21 the same lump of c some pottery

2Co 4:7 this treasure in jars of c to show

2Ti 2:20 and silver, but also of wood and c;


Ge 7:2 pairs of every kind of c animal,

Lev 4:12 the camp to a place ceremonially c,

16:30 you will be c from all your sins.

Ps 24:4 one who has c hands and a pure

51:7 me with hyssop, and I will be c;

Pr 20:9 I am c and without sin”?

Eze 36:25 I will sprinkle c water on you, and you will be c;

Mt 8:2 are willing, you can make me c.”

12:44 swept c and put in order.

23:25 You c the outside of the cup

Mk 7:19 this, Jesus declared all foods c.)

Jn 13:10 you are c, though not every one

15:3 You are already c because

Ac 10:15 impure that God has made c.”

Ro 14:20 All food is c, but it is wrong


2Sa 22:25 according to my c in his sight.


Ps 51:2 my iniquity and c me from my sin.

51:7 C me with hyssop, and I will be

2Ti 2:21 Those who c themselves

Heb 9:14 c our consciences from acts

10:22 having our hearts sprinkled to c us


Mt 11:5 those who have leprosy are c,

Heb 9:22 nearly everything be c with blood,

2Pe 1:9 they have been c from their past


Eph 5:26 c her by the washing with water

Heb 6:2 instruction about c rites, the laying


Ex 33:22 I will put you in a c in the rock


Isa 5:21 own eyes and c in their own sight.


Pr 23:4 get rich; do not trust your own c.


Ps 63:8 I c to you; your right hand upholds

Ro 12:9 Hate what is evil; c to what is good.


Ex 12:11 with your c tucked into your belt,

2Ki 4:29 “Tuck your c into your belt,

9:1 to him, “Tuck your c into your belt,


2Ki 11:8 Stay c to the king wherever he

Ps 34:18 The LORD is c

148:14 of Israel, the people c to his heart.

Pr 28:27 but those who c their eyes to them

Isa 40:11 and carries them c to his heart;

Jer 30:21 near and he will come c to me—


Ex 3:5 “Do not come any c,” God said.

Pr 18:24 friend who sticks c than a brother.


Ps 45:3 c yourself with splendor

Isa 52:1 Zion, c yourself with strength!

Ro 13:14 c yourselves with the Lord Jesus

Col 3:12 c yourselves with compassion,

1Pe 5:5 c yourselves with humility toward


Ps 30:11 my sackcloth and c me with joy,

104:1 you are c with splendor

Pr 31:22 she is c in fine linen and purple.

31:25 She is c with strength and dignity;

Isa 61:10 For he has c me with garments

Lk 24:49 the city until you have been c

Gal 3:27 into Christ have c yourselves


Dt 8:4 Your c did not wear out and your

Mt 6:25 food, and the body more than c?

6:28 “And why do you worry about c?

27:35 divided up his c by casting lots.

Jn 11:44 “Take off the grave c and let him

19:24 “They divided my c among them


Dt 22:5 A woman must not wear men’s c,

22:5 nor a man wear women’s c,

Job 29:14 I put on righteousness as my c;

Mt 7:15 They come to you in sheep’s c,

1Ti 6:8 But if we have food and c, we will


Lk 2:12 You will find a baby wrapped in c


Ex 13:21 them in a pillar of c to guide them

1Ki 18:44 “A c as small as a man’s hand is

Pr 16:15 his favor is like a rain c in spring.

Isa 19:1 the LORD rides on a swift c and is

Lk 21:27 of Man coming in a c with power

Heb 12:1 by such a great c of witnesses,

Rev 14:14 seated on the c was one like a son


Dt 33:26 you and on the c in his majesty.

Ps 68:4 extol him who rides on the c;

104:3 makes the c his chariot and rides

Pr 25:14 Like c and wind without rain is one

Da 7:13 man, coming with the c of heaven.

Mt 24:30 of Man coming on the c of heaven,

26:64 and coming on the c of heaven.”

Mk 13:26 Man coming in c with great power

1Th 4:17 them in the c to meet the Lord

Rev 1:7 he is coming with the c,”


Pr 25:18 a c or a sword or a sharp arrow


Ro 8:17 heirs of God and c with Christ,


Ro 16:3 Priscilla and Aquila, my c in Christ

1Co 3:9 For we are c in God’s service;


Pr 25:22 will heap burning c on his head,

Ro 12:20 this, you will heap burning c on his


Eph 5:4 foolish talk or c joking, which are


Mt 5:40 shirt, hand over your c as well.


Ro 2:27 even though you have the written c

2:29 by the Spirit, not by the written c.

7:6 not in the old way of the written c.


Mt 18:28 who owed him a hundred silver c.

Mk 12:42 put in two very small copper c,

Lk 15:8 suppose a woman has ten silver c


Pr 25:25 Like c water to a weary soul is

Mt 10:42 anyone gives even a cup of c water

24:12 the love of most will grow c,


1Co 16:1 about the c for the Lord’s people:


Zec 9:9 on a c, the foal of a donkey.

Mt 21:5 a donkey, and on a c, the foal


Ge 5:29 said, “He will c us in the labor

37:35 sons and daughters came to c him,

1Ch 7:22 and his relatives came to c him.

Job 2:11 sympathize with him and c him.

7:13 When I think my bed will c me

16:5 c from my lips would bring you

36:16 to the c of your table laden

Ps 23:4 your rod and your staff, they c me.

71:21 my honor and c me once more.

119:50 My c in my suffering is this:

119:52 ancient laws, and I find c in them.

119:76 May your unfailing love be my c,

119:82 I say, “When will you c me?”

Isa 40:1 C, c my people, says your God.

51:3 The LORD will surely c Zion

51:19 upon you—who can c you?—

57:18 and restore c to Israel’s mourners,

61:2 of our God, to c all who mourn,

66:13 comforts her child, so will I c you;

Jer 16:7 offer food to c those who mourn

31:13 I will give them c and joy instead

La 1:2 her lovers there is no one to c her.

1:9 there was none to c her.

1:16 No one is near to c me, no one

1:17 hands, but there is no one to c her.

1:21 but there is no one to c me.

La 2:13 that I may c you, Virgin Daughter

Eze 16:54 all you have done in giving them c.

Na 3:7 Where can I find anyone to c you?”

Zec 1:17 the LORD will again c Zion

10:2 that are false, they give c in vain.

Lk 6:24 you have already received your c.

Jn 11:19 Mary to c them in the loss of their

1Co 14:3 strengthening, encouraging and c.

2Co 1:3 of compassion and the God of all c,

1:4 that we can c those in any trouble

1:4 with the c we ourselves receive

1:5 also our c abounds through Christ.

1:6 it is for your c and salvation;

1:6 it is for your c, which produces

1:7 so also you share in our c.

2:7 you ought to forgive and c him,

7:7 also by the c you had given him.

Php 2:1 Christ, if any c from his love, if any

Col 4:11 and they have proved a c to me.


Ge 24:67 Isaac was c after his mother’s

37:35 him, but he refused to be c.

2Sa 12:24 Then David c his wife Bathsheba,

Job 42:11 They c and consoled him over all

Ps 77:2 hands, and I would not be c.

86:17 LORD, have helped me and c me.

Isa 12:1 turned away and you have c me.

52:9 for the LORD has c his people,

54:11 lashed by storms and not c, I will

66:13 and you will be c over Jerusalem.”

Jer 31:15 her children and refusing to be c,

Mt 2:18 her children and refusing to be c,

5:4 who mourn, for they will be c.

Lk 16:25 but now he is c here and you are

Ac 20:12 man home alive and were greatly c.

2Co 1:6 if we are c, it is for your comfort,

7:6 c us by the coming of Titus,


Ecc 4:1 and they have no c;

4:1 and they have no c.

Jer 8:18 You who are my C in sorrow,


Job 16:2 you are miserable c, all of you!

Ps 69:20 was none, for c, but I found none.


Isa 66:11 and be satisfied at her c breasts;

Zec 1:13 c words to the angel who talked

Jn 11:31 with Mary in the house, c her,

1Th 2:12 c and urging you to live lives


Job 29:25 I was like one who c mourners.

Isa 49:13 For the LORD c his people

51:12 “I, even I, am he who c you.

66:13 As a mother c her child, so will I

2Co 1:4 who c us in all our troubles,

7:6 But God, who c the downcast,


Ex 7:2 You are to say everything I c you,

Nu 14:41 are you disobeying the LORD’s c?

24:13 to go beyond the c of the LORD

Dt 4:2 Do not add to what I c you and do

8:1 to follow every c I am giving you

12:32 See that you do all I c you;

15:11 I c you to be openhanded

30:16 For I c you today to love

32:46 so that you may c your children

Ps 91:11 he will c his angels concerning you

148:5 for at his c they were created,

Pr 6:23 For this c is a lamp, this teaching is

13:13 whoever respects a c is rewarded.

Ecc 8:2 Obey the king’s c, I say,

Jer 1:7 you to and say whatever I c you.

1:17 and say to them whatever I c you.

7:23 Walk in obedience to all I c you,

11:4 me and do everything I c you,

26:2 Tell them everything I c you;

Joel 2:11 mighty is the army that obeys his c.

Mt 4:6 “ ‘He will c his angels concerning

15:3 why do you break the c of God

Lk 4:10 “ ‘He will c his angels concerning

Jn 13:34 “A new c I give you:

15:12 My c is this: Love each other as I

Jn 15:14 are my friends if you do what I c.

15:17 This is my c: Love each other.

Ro 13:9 are summed up in this one c:

1Co 14:37 I am writing to you is the Lord’s c.

Gal 5:14 is fulfilled in keeping this one c:

1Ti 1:5 The goal of this c is love,

1:18 I am giving you this c in keeping

6:14 keep this c without spot or blame

6:17 C those who are rich in this

Heb 9:19 Moses had proclaimed every c

11:3 the universe was formed at God’s c,

2Pe 2:21 on the sacred c that was passed

3:2 and the c given by our Lord

1Jn 2:7 I am not writing you a new c

2:7 This old c is the message you have

3:23 And this is his c: to believe

4:21 And he has given us this c:

2Jn 6 his c is that you walk in love.


Ge 2:16 And the LORD God c the man,

7:5 Noah did all that the LORD c him.

50:12 Jacob’s sons did as he had c them:

Ex 7:6 did just as the LORD c them.

19:7 all the words the LORD had c him

Dt 4:5 laws as the LORD my God c me,

6:24 The LORD c us to obey all these

Jos 1:9 Have I not c you? Be strong

1:16 “Whatever you have c us we will

2Sa 5:25 So David did as the LORD c him,

2Ki 17:13 entire Law that I c your ancestors

21:8 careful to do everything I c them

2Ch 33:8 do everything I c them concerning

Ps 33:9 came to be; he c, and it stood firm.

78:5 which he c our ancestors to teach

Mt 28:20 to obey everything I have c you.

1Co 9:14 way, the Lord has c that those who

1Jn 3:23 and to love one another as he c us.

2Jn 4 in the truth, just as the Father c us.


2Ti 2:4 rather tries to please his c officer.


Jos 22:5 be very careful to keep the c

Mt 22:36 which is the greatest c in the Law?”

22:38 This is the first and greatest c.

Mk 12:31 There is no c greater than these.”

Lk 23:56 the Sabbath in obedience to the c.

Ro 7:8 the opportunity afforded by the c,

7:9 but when the c came, sin sprang

7:10 that the very c that was intended

7:11 and through the c put me to death.

7:12 and the c is holy,

7:13 that through the c sin might

Eph 6:2 is the first c with a promise—


Ex 20:6 those who love me and keep my c.

24:12 the law and c I have written for

34:28 words of the covenant—the Ten C.

Dt 4:13 the Ten C, which he commanded

5:10 those who love me and keep my c.

5:22 These are the c the LORD

6:6 These c that I give you today are

7:9 those who love him and keep his c.

9:10 On them were all the c the LORD

10:4 Ten C he had proclaimed to you

Ne 1:5 those who love him and keep his c,

Pr 19:16 Whoever keeps c keeps their life,

Ecc 12:13 Fear God and keep his c, for this is

Da 9:4 those who love him and keep his c,

Mt 19:17 you want to enter life, keep the c.”

22:40 the Prophets hang on these two c.”

Mk 10:19 You know the c: ‘You shall not

12:28 “Of all the c, which is the most

Lk 18:20 You know the c: ‘You shall not

Ro 13:9 The c, “You shall not commit


Ex 25:22 give you all my c for the Israelites.

34:32 gave them all the c the LORD had

Lev 22:31 “Keep my c and follow them.

Nu 15:39 so you will remember all the c

Dt 7:11 take care to follow the c,

11:1 decrees, his laws and his c always.

11:27 you obey the c of the LORD your

28:1 carefully follow all his c I give you

30:10 and keep his c and decrees that are

Jos 22:5 to keep his c, to hold fast to him

1Ki 2:3 keep his decrees and c, his laws

8:58 obedience to him and keep the c,

8:61 live by his decrees and obey his c,

1Ch 28:7 is unswerving in carrying out my c

29:19 devotion to keep your c,

2Ch 31:21 in obedience to the law and the c,

Ps 78:7 his deeds but would keep his c.

112:1 who find great delight in his c.

119:10 do not let me stray from your c.

119:32 I run in the path of your c, for you

119:35 Direct me in the path of your c,

119:47 in your c because I love them.

119:48 I reach out for your c, which I love,

119:73 me understanding to learn your c.

119:86 All your c are trustworthy;

119:96 a limit, but your c are boundless.

119:98 Your c are always with me

119:115 that I may keep the c of my God!

119:127 I love your c more than gold,

119:131 and pant, longing for your c.

119:143 but your c give me delight.

119:151 and all your c are true.

119:172 for all your c are righteous.

119:176 I have not forgotten your c.

Pr 2:1 and store up my c within you,

3:1 but keep my c in your heart,

10:8 The wise in heart accept c,

Isa 48:18 you had paid attention to my c,

Mt 5:19 sets aside one of the least of these c

5:19 teaches these c will be called great

Mk 7:8 You have let go of the c of God

7:9 way of setting aside the c of God

Lk 1:6 God, observing all the Lord’s c

Jn 14:15 “If you love me, keep my c.

14:21 Whoever has my c and keeps them

15:10 just as I have kept my Father’s c

Ac 17:30 now he c all people everywhere

1Co 7:19 Keeping God’s c is what counts.

Eph 2:15 aside in his flesh the law with its c

1Jn 2:3 come to know him if we keep his c.

2:4 but does not do what he c is a liar,

3:22 because we keep his c and do what

3:24 The one who keeps God’s c lives

5:2 loving God and carrying out his c.

5:3 this is love for God: to keep his c.

5:3 And his c are not burdensome,

2Jn 6 that we walk in obedience to his c.

Rev 12:17 those who keep God’s c and hold

14:12 the people of God who keep his c


Ex 12:14 “This is a day you are to c;


Ecc 8:15 So I c the enjoyment of life,

Ro 16:1 I c to you our sister Phoebe,

2Co 3:1 we beginning to c ourselves again?

4:2 the truth plainly we c ourselves

5:12 We are not trying to c ourselves

6:4 God we c ourselves in every way:

10:12 with some who c themselves.

1Pe 2:14 wrong and to c those who do right.


1Pe 2:19 it is c if someone bears up under

2:20 you endure it, this is c before God.


Ne 11:2 The people c all who volunteered

Job 29:11 of me, and those who saw me c me,

Lk 16:8 “The master c the dishonest

Ac 15:40 c by the believers to the grace

Ro 13:3 do what is right and you will be c.

2Co 12:11 I ought to have been c by you, for I

Heb 11:2 is what the ancients were c for.

11:4 By faith he was c as righteous,

11:5 he was c as one who pleased God.

11:39 These were all c for their faith,


Ps 145:4 One generation c your works

2Co 10:18 not the one who c himself who is

10:18 but the one whom the Lord c.


Ex 20:14 “You shall not c adultery.

Dt 5:18 “You shall not c adultery.

1Sa 7:3 and c yourselves to the LORD

Ps 31:5 Into your hands I c my spirit;

37:5 C your way to the LORD;

Pr 16:3 C to the LORD whatever you do,

Mt 5:27 was said, ‘You shall not c adultery.’

19:18 you shall not c adultery, you shall

Mk 10:19 you shall not c adultery, you shall

Lk 18:20 ‘You shall not c adultery, you shall

23:46 into your hands I c my spirit.”

Ac 20:32 “Now I c you to God

Ro 2:22 should not c adultery, do you c adultery?

13:9 “You shall not c adultery,”

1Co 10:8 We should not c sexual immorality,

Jas 2:11 “You shall not c adultery,”

1Pe 4:19 to God’s will should c themselves

Rev 2:22 I will make those who c adultery


Lev 20:10 man c adultery with another man’s

Pr 6:32 a man who c adultery has no sense;

29:22 hot-tempered person c many sins.

Ecc 8:12 a wicked person who c a hundred

Eze 18:12 the poor and needy. He c robbery.

18:14 who sees all the sins his father c,

18:24 from their righteousness and c sin

18:26 from their righteousness and c sin,

22:11 you one man c a detestable offense

Mt 5:32 a divorced woman c adultery.

19:9 marries another woman c adultery.”

Mk 10:11 another woman c adultery against

10:12 another man, she c adultery.”

Lk 16:18 marries another woman c adultery,

16:18 a divorced woman c adultery.

1Co 6:18 All other sins a person c are


Nu 5:7 must confess the sin they have c.

1Ki 8:61 may your hearts be fully c

15:14 Asa’s heart was fully c

2Ch 16:9 those whose hearts are fully c

Mt 5:28 lustfully has already c adultery

11:27 “All things have been c to me

Lk 10:22 “All things have been c to me

Ac 14:23 and fasting, c them to the Lord,

14:26 where they had been c to the grace

1Co 9:17 I am simply discharging the trust c

2Co 5:19 And he has c to us the message

1Pe 2:22 “He c no sin, and no deceit was

Rev 17:2 the kings of the earth c adultery,

18:3 of the earth c adultery with her,

18:9 the earth who c adultery with her


Ge 11:1 had one language and a c speech.

Lev 10:10 between the holy and the c,

Pr 22:2 Rich and poor have this in c:

29:13 and the oppressor have this in c:

Ac 2:44 together and had everything in c.

Ro 9:21 purposes and some for c use?

1Co 10:13 has overtaken you except what is c

2Co 6:14 and wickedness have in c?

2Ti 2:20 purposes and some for c use.


Pr 6:19 who stirs up conflict in the c.


Ps 55:13 like myself, my c, my close friend,

55:20 My c attacks his friends;

Pr 13:20 wise, for a c of fools suffers harm.

28:7 a c of gluttons disgraces his father.

29:3 but a c of prostitutes squanders his

Rev 1:9 your brother and c in the suffering


Ps 45:7 you above your c by anointing you

Heb 1:9 you above your c by anointing you


Ps 14:5 is present in the c of the righteous.

Pr 21:16 comes to rest in the c of the dead.

24:1 the wicked, do not desire their c;

Jer 15:17 I never sat in the c of revelers,

1Co 15:33 “Bad c corrupts good character.”


Job 28:17 Neither gold nor crystal can c

28:19 The topaz of Cush cannot c with it;

39:13 they cannot c with the wings

Ps 40:5 None can c with you; were I

Ps 86:8 no deeds can c with yours.

89:6 skies above can c with the LORD?

Pr 3:15 nothing you desire can c with her.

8:11 nothing you desire can c with her.

Isa 40:18 With whom, then, will you c God?

40:25 “To whom will you c me?

46:5 “With whom will you c me

La 2:13 With what can I c you,

Eze 31:8 nor could the plane trees c with its

Da 1:13 c our appearance

Mt 11:16 “To what can I c this generation?

Lk 7:31 then, can I c the people of this

13:18 of God like? What shall I c it to?

13:20 shall I c the kingdom of God

2Co 10:12 or c ourselves with some who

10:12 and c themselves with themselves,


Jdg 8:2 “What have I accomplished c

8:3 What was I able to do c to you?”

Isa 46:5 you liken me that we may be c?

Eze 31:2 “ ‘Who can be c with you

31:18 the trees of Eden can be c with you

Ro 5:16 the gift of God be c with the result


Ro 8:18 present sufferings are not worth c

2Co 8:8 of your love by c it

Gal 6:4 without c themselves to someone


2Co 3:10 was glorious has no glory now in c


Ex 33:19 I will have c on whom I will have c.

Dt 13:17 you mercy, and will have c on you.

28:54 man among you will have no c

30:3 your fortunes and have c on you

2Ki 13:23 had c and showed concern for

2Ch 30:9 your children will be shown c

Ne 9:19 your great c you did not abandon

9:27 and in your great c you gave them

9:28 in your c you delivered them time

Ps 51:1 to your great c blot out my

77:9 Has he in anger withheld his c?”

90:13 will it be? Have c on your servants.

102:13 You will arise and have c on Zion,

103:4 pit and crowns you with love and c,

103:13 As a father has c on his children,

103:13 so the LORD has c on those who

116:5 our God is full of c.

119:77 Let your c come to me that I may

119:156 Your c, LORD, is great;

135:14 and have c on his servants.

145:9 he has c on all he has made.

Isa 13:18 infants, nor will they look with c

14:1 The LORD will have c on Jacob;

27:11 so their Maker has no c on them,

30:18 he will rise up to show you c.

49:10 He who has c on them will guide

49:13 will have c on his afflicted ones.

49:15 and have no c on the child she has

51:3 will look with c on all her ruins;

54:7 with deep c I will bring you back.

54:8 everlasting kindness I will have c

54:10 says the LORD, who has c on you.

60:10 you, in favor I will show you c.

63:7 Israel, according to his c and many

63:15 and c are withheld from us.

Jer 12:15 I will again have c and will bring

13:14 or c to keep me from destroying

21:7 show them no mercy or pity or c.’

30:18 tents and have c on his dwellings;

31:20 I have great c for him,”

33:26 fortunes and have c on them.’ ”

42:12 I will show you c so that he will have c on you

La 3:32 grief, he will show c, so great is his

Eze 9:5 and kill, without showing pity or c.

16:5 or had c enough to do any of these

39:25 and will have c on all the people

Da 1:9 to show favor and c to Daniel,

Hos 2:19 and justice, in love and c.

11:8 all my c is aroused.

13:14 “I will have no c,

14:3 for in you the fatherless find c.”

Jnh 3:9 with c turn from his fierce anger so

Mic 7:19 You will again have c on us;

Zec 7:9 show mercy and c to one another.

10:6 I will restore them because I have c

Mal 3:17 just as a father has c and spares his

Mt 9:36 saw the crowds, he had c on them,

14:14 he had c on them and healed their

15:32 and said, “I have c for these people;

20:34 Jesus had c on them and touched

Mk 6:34 a large crowd, he had c on them,

8:2 “I have c for these people;

Lk 15:20 him and was filled with c for him;

Ro 9:15 I will have c on whom I have c.”

2Co 1:3 the Father of c and the God of all

Php 2:1 the Spirit, if any tenderness and c,

Col 3:12 clothe yourselves with c, kindness,

Jas 5:11 The Lord is full of c and mercy.


Ex 22:27 to me, I will hear, for I am c.

34:6 LORD, the c and gracious God,

2Ch 30:9 LORD your God is gracious and c.

Ne 9:17 gracious and c, slow to anger

Ps 86:15 Lord, are a c and gracious God,

103:8 The LORD is c and gracious,

111:4 the LORD is gracious and c.

112:4 for those who are gracious and c

145:8 The LORD is gracious and c,

La 4:10 their own hands c women have

Joel 2:13 for he is gracious and c,

Jnh 4:2 that you are a gracious and c God,

Eph 4:32 Be kind and c to one another,

1Pe 3:8 love one another, be c and humble.


La 3:22 not consumed, for his c never fail.


Ac 20:22 “And now, c by the Spirit, I am

1Co 9:16 boast, since I am c to preach.


Job 32:18 and the spirit within me c me;

2Co 5:14 For Christ’s love c us, because we


2Co 3:5 but our c comes from God.


Ro 15:14 and c to instruct one another.

1Co 6:2 are you not c to judge trivial cases?

2Co 3:5 Not that we are c in ourselves

3:6 He has made us c as ministers


1Co 9:25 Everyone who c in the games goes

2Ti 2:5 anyone who c as an athlete does


Pr 1:32 the c of fools will destroy them;

Eze 30:9 ships to frighten Cush out of her c.


Isa 32:9 You women who are so c,

32:11 Tremble, you c women;

Am 6:1 Woe to you who are c in Zion,

Zep 1:12 lamps and punish those who are c,


Dt 16:15 your hands, and your joy will be c.

Jn 3:29 That joy is mine, and it is now c.

15:11 in you and that your joy may be c.

16:24 will receive, and your joy will be c.

17:23 they may be brought to c unity.

Ac 20:24 c the task the Lord Jesus has given

Php 2:2 then make my joy c by being

Col 4:17 it that you c the ministry you have

Jas 1:4 so that you may be mature and c,

2:22 faith was made c by what he did.

1Jn 1:4 We write this to make our joy c.

2:5 for God is truly made c in them.

4:12 in us and his love is made c in us.

4:17 is how love is made c among us so

2Jn 12 to face, so that our joy may be c.


1Co 13:10 but when c comes, what is in part


Pr 23:8 eaten and will have wasted your c.


Ecc 8:17 No one can c what goes on under

8:17 they know, they cannot really c it.


Job 38:18 Have you c the vast expanses


Job 28:13 No mortal c its worth; it cannot be


2Co 9:7 not reluctantly or under c, for God


Ps 40:10 I do not c your love and your

Pr 25:2 It is the glory of God to c a matter;


Jer 16:17 me, nor is their sin c from my eyes.

Mt 10:26 there is nothing c that will not be

Mk 4:22 whatever is c is meant to be

Lk 8:17 nothing c that will not be known

12:2 There is nothing c that will not be


Pr 10:11 mouth of the wicked c violence.

10:18 Whoever c hatred with lying lips

28:13 Whoever c their sins does not


Isa 16:6 of her c, her pride and her

Jer 48:29 her c and the haughtiness of her

Php 2:3 out of selfish ambition or vain c.


1Sa 17:28 I know how c you are and how

Ro 11:25 sisters, so that you may not be c:

12:16 of low position. Do not be c.

2Co 12:7 order to keep me from becoming c,

Gal 5:26 Let us not become c,

1Ti 3:6 he may become c and fall under

6:4 they are c and understand nothing.

2Ti 3:4 rash, c, lovers of pleasure rather


Isa 7:14 The virgin will c and give birth

Mt 1:23 “The virgin will c and give birth

Lk 1:7 Elizabeth was not able to c,


Ps 51:5 from the time my mother c me.

Mt 1:20 because what is c in her is

1Co 2:9 and what no human mind has c”—

Jas 1:15 after desire has c, it gives birth


Ps 7:14 is pregnant with evil c trouble


Ge 39:6 he did not c himself with anything

39:8 “my master does not c himself

1Sa 23:21 LORD bless you for your c for me.

2Ki 13:23 showed c for them because of his

Job 9:21 blameless, I have no c for myself;

19:4 my error remains my c alone.

Ps 131:1 I do not c myself with great matters

Pr 29:7 but the wicked have no such c.

Eze 36:21 I had c for my holy name,

Jnh 4:11 I not have c for the great city

Ac 18:17 and Gallio showed no c whatever.

1Co 7:32 I would like you to be free from c.

12:25 that its parts should have equal c

2Co 7:7 deep sorrow, your ardent c for me,

7:11 what c, what readiness to see

8:16 of Titus the same c I have for you.

11:28 of my c for all the churches.

Php 2:20 who will show genuine c for your

4:10 at last you renewed your c for me.


Ex 2:25 Israelites and was c about them.

Ps 142:4 my right hand; no one is c for me.

Jnh 4:10 “You have been c about this plant,

1Co 7:32 An unmarried man is c

9:9 Is it about oxen that God is c?

Php 4:10 Indeed, you were c, but you had no


1Co 7:6 I say this as a c, not as a command.


Job 9:20 innocent, my mouth would c me;

34:17 you c the just and mighty One?

34:29 he remains silent, who can c him?

40:8 Would you c me to justify yourself?

Ps 94:21 and c the innocent to death.

109:7 guilty, and may his prayers c him.

Ps 109:31 from those who would c them.

Isa 50:9 Who will c me? They will all wear

Mt 12:41 with this generation and c it;

12:42 with this generation and c it;

20:18 of the law. They will c him to death

Mk 10:33 They will c him to death and will

Lk 6:37 Do not c, and you will not be

11:31 of this generation and c them,

11:32 with this generation and c it,

Jn 3:17 Son into the world to c the world,

7:51 “Does our law c a man without

8:11 “Then neither do I c you,”

12:48 words I have spoken will c them

Ro 2:27 yet obeys the law will c you who,

14:22 is the one who does not c himself

2Co 7:3 I do not say this to c you;

1Jn 3:20 If our hearts c us, we know that

3:21 if our hearts do not c us, we have

Jude 9 did not himself dare to c him


Eze 33:12 former wickedness will not bring c.

Ro 3:8 good may result”? Their c is just!

5:16 followed one sin and brought c,

5:18 just as one trespass resulted in c

8:1 there is now no c for those who are

2Co 3:9 that brought c was glorious,

2Pe 2:3 Their c has long been hanging over

Jude 4 individuals whose c was written


Dt 13:17 none of the c things are to be

Job 32:3 to refute Job, and yet had c him.

Ps 34:21 the foes of the righteous will be c.

34:22 who takes refuge in him will be c.

37:33 let them be c when brought to trial.

79:11 your strong arm preserve those c

102:20 and release those c to death.”

Mt 12:7 you would not have c the innocent.

12:37 and by your words you will be c.”

23:33 How will you escape being c

27:3 saw that Jesus was c, he was seized

Mk 14:64 They all c him as worthy of death.

16:16 does not believe will be c.

Lk 6:37 condemn, and you will not be c.

Jn 3:18 Whoever believes in him is not c,

3:18 not believe stands c already

5:29 done what is evil will rise to be c.

8:10 Has no one c you?”

16:11 prince of this world now stands c.

Ac 25:15 against him and asked that he be c.

Ro 3:7 glory, why am I still c as a sinner?”

8:3 And so he c sin in the flesh,

14:23 whoever has doubts is c if they eat,

1Co 4:9 like those c to die in the arena.

11:32 that we will not be finally c

Gal 2:11 him to his face, because he stood c.

Col 2:14 which stood against us and c us;

2Th 2:12 all will be c who have not believed

Titus 2:8 of speech that cannot be c,

Heb 11:7 By his faith he c the world

Jas 5:6 You have c and murdered

5:12 Otherwise you will be c.

2Pe 2:6 if he c the cities of Sodom

Rev 19:2 He has c the great prostitute who


Dt 25:1 the innocent and c the guilty.

1Ki 8:32 c the guilty by bringing down

2Ch 6:23 c the guilty and bringing down

Pr 17:15 the guilty and c the innocent—

Ac 13:27 in c him they fulfilled the words

Ro 2:1 you are c yourself, because you


Job 15:6 Your own mouth c you, not mine;

Pr 12:2 but he c those who devise wicked

14:34 a nation, but sin c any people.

Ro 8:34 then is the one who c? No one.


Pr 27:23 Be sure you know the c of your


Ps 112:5 who c their affairs with justice.

Pr 20:11 is their c really pure and upright?

21:8 but the c of the innocent is upright.

Ecc 6:8 how to c themselves before others?

Jer 4:18 “Your own c and actions have

17:10 each person according to their c,

Eze 7:3 I will judge you according to your c

Php 1:27 c yourselves in a manner worthy of

1Ti 3:15 how people ought to c themselves

4:12 believers in speech, in c, in love,


2Co 1:12 we have c ourselves in the world,


Lev 5:5 they must c in what way they have

16:21 and c over it all the wickedness

26:40 if they will c their sins and the sins

Nu 5:7 c the sin they have committed.

Ne 1:6 I c the sins we Israelites,

Ps 32:5 “I will c my transgressions

38:18 I c my iniquity; I am troubled by

Jn 1:20 He did not fail to c, but confessed

Jas 5:16 Therefore c your sins to each other

1Jn 1:9 If we c our sins, he is faithful


1Sa 7:6 day they fasted and there they c,

Ne 9:2 in their places and c their sins

Da 9:4 to the LORD my God and c:

Jn 1:20 confess, but c freely, “I am not

Ac 19:18 and openly c what they had done.


Pr 28:13 c and renounces them finds mercy.

2Ti 2:19 “Everyone who c the name


Ezr 10:1 While Ezra was praying and c,

Da 9:20 c my sin and the sin of my people

Mt 3:6 C their sins, they were baptized

Mk 1:5 C their sins, they were baptized


Ne 9:3 and spent another quarter in c

2Co 9:13 accompanies your c of the gospel

1Ti 6:12 when you made your good c

6:13 Pontius Pilate made the good c,


Jdg 9:26 and its citizens put their c in him.

2Ki 18:19 are you basing this c of yours?

2Ch 32:8 And the people gained c from what

32:10 On what are you basing your c,

Job 4:6 Should not your piety be your c

Ps 71:5 LORD, my c since my youth.

Pr 3:32 but takes the upright into his c.

11:13 A gossip betrays a c,

20:19 A gossip betrays a c;

25:9 to court, do not betray another’s c,

31:11 Her husband has full c in her

Isa 32:17 will be quietness and c forever.

36:4 are you basing this c of yours?

Jer 17:7 in the LORD, whose c is in him.

49:31 ease, which lives in c,”

Eze 29:16 will no longer be a source of c

Mic 7:5 put no c in a friend.

2Co 2:3 I had c in all of you, that you

3:4 Such c we have through Christ

7:16 I am glad I can have complete c

8:22 so because of his great c in you.

Eph 3:12 approach God with freedom and c.

Php 3:3 and who put no c in the flesh—

3:4 I myself have reasons for such c.

3:4 have reasons to put c in the flesh,

2Th 3:4 We have c in the Lord that you are

Heb 3:6 if indeed we hold firmly to our c

4:16 God’s throne of grace with c,

10:19 since we have c to enter the Most

10:35 So do not throw away your c;

11:1 Now faith is c in what we hope for

13:6 So we say with c, “The Lord is my

13:17 Have c in your leaders and submit

1Jn 3:21 condemn us, we have c before God

4:17 us so that we will have c on the day

5:14 This is the c we have