Eze 16:49 were arrogant, overfed and u;
Ru 3:7 quietly, u his feet and lay down.
1Co 11:5 her head u dishonors her head—
11:13 to pray to God with her head u?
Heb 4:13 Everything is u and laid bare
Heb 12:8 and everyone u discipline—
1Pe 5:9 the world is u the same kind
Job 38:4 Tell me, if you u.
42:3 Surely I spoke of things I did not u,
Ps 14:2 to see if there are any who u,
73:16 I tried to u all this, it troubled
119:27 Cause me to u the way of your
119:125 that I may u your statutes.
Pr 2:5 you will u the fear of the LORD
2:9 Then you will u what is right
30:18 for me, four that I do not u:
Ecc 7:25 to u the stupidity of wickedness
11:5 so you cannot u the work of God,
Isa 6:10 with their ears, u with their hearts,
44:18 minds closed so they cannot u.
52:15 they have not heard, they will u.
Jer 17:9 and beyond cure. Who can u it?
31:19 after I came to u, I beat my breast.
Da 9:25 “Know and u this: From the time
Hos 14:9 Let them u. The ways
Mt 13:15 ears, u with their hearts and turn,
24:15 let the reader u—
Lk 24:45 so they could u the Scriptures.
Ac 8:30 “Do you u what you are reading?”
Ro 7:15 I do not u what I do. For what I
15:21 those who have not heard will u.”
1Co 2:12 that we may u what God has freely
2:14 and cannot u them because they
Eph 5:17 but u what the Lord’s will is.
1Ti 6:4 they are conceited and u nothing.
Heb 11:3 By faith we u that the universe was
2Pe 1:20 all, you must u that no prophecy
3:3 all, you must u that in the last days
3:16 some things that are hard to u,
1Ki 4:29 of u as measureless as the sand
Job 12:12 Does not long life bring u?
28:12 Where does u dwell?
28:28 is wisdom, and to shun evil is u.”
32:8 of the Almighty, that gives them u.
36:26 How great is God—beyond our u!
37:5 he does great things beyond our u.
Ps 111:10 follow his precepts have good u.
119:32 for you have broadened my u.
119:34 Give me u, so that I may keep your
119:100 I have more u than the elders,
119:104 I gain u from your precepts;
119:130 it gives u to the simple.
136:5 who by his u made the heavens,
147:5 his u has no limit.
Pr 2:2 and applying your heart to u—
2:6 his mouth come knowledge and u.
3:5 heart and lean not on your own u;
3:13 find wisdom, those who gain u,
4:5 Get wisdom, get u; do not forget
4:7 Though it cost all you have, get u.
9:10 knowledge of the Holy One is u.
10:23 a person of u delights in wisdom.
11:12 one who has u holds their tongue.
14:29 Whoever is patient has great u,
15:21 but whoever has u keeps a straight
15:32 one who heeds correction gains u.
17:27 whoever has u is even-tempered.
18:2 Fools find no pleasure in u
19:8 the one who cherishes u will soon
Isa 11:2 the Spirit of wisdom and of u,
40:28 and his u no one can fathom.
56:11 They are shepherds who lack u;
Jer 3:15 lead you with knowledge and u.
9:24 that they have the u to know me,
10:12 stretched out the heavens by his u.
Da 5:12 a keen mind and knowledge and u,
10:12 that you set your mind to gain u
Hos 4:11 and new wine take away their u.
Mk 4:12 and ever hearing but never u;
12:33 with all your u and with all your
Lk 2:47 heard him was amazed at his u
2Co 6:6 in purity, u, patience and kindness;
Eph 1:8 With all wisdom and u,
Php 4:7 which transcends all u, will guard
Col 1:9 wisdom and u that the Spirit gives,
2:2 have the full riches of complete u,
1Jn 5:20 God has come and has given us u,
1Ch 28:9 every heart and u every desire
Mt 13:23 who hears the word and u it.
Ro 3:11 there is no one who u; there is no
Ne 8:8 the people u what was being read.
8:12 because they now u the words
Ps 73:17 then I u their final destiny.
Isa 40:21 Have you not u since the earth was
Ro 1:20 being u from what has been made,
Jos 24:15 serving the LORD seems u to you,
1Ch 12:33 to help David with u loyalty—
Ps 86:11 give me an u heart, that I may fear
Eze 11:19 I will give them an u heart and put
1Co 7:35 in a right way in u devotion
Pr 18:7 The mouths of fools are their u,
Eph 6:24 Lord Jesus Christ with an u love.
Ps 21:6 you have granted him u blessings
1Pe 3:4 the u beauty of a gentle and quiet
Ex 15:13 u love you will lead the people
1Sa 20:14 But show me u kindness like
2Sa 22:51 shows u kindness to his anointed,
Ps 6:4 save me because of your u love.
Ps 13:5 But I trust in your u love;
18:50 he shows u love to his anointed,
21:7 the u love of the Most High
26:3 always been mindful of your u love
31:16 save me in your u love.
32:10 the LORD’s u love surrounds
33:5 the earth is full of his u love.
33:18 those whose hope is in his u love,
33:22 May your u love be with us,
36:7 How priceless is your u love,
44:26 rescue us because of your u love.
48:9 God, we meditate on your u love.
51:1 O God, according to your u love;
52:8 I trust in God’s u love for ever
77:8 Has his u love vanished forever?
85:7 Show us your u love, LORD,
90:14 in the morning with your u love,
107:8 thanks to the LORD for his u love
107:15 thanks to the LORD for his u love
107:21 thanks to the LORD for his u love
107:31 thanks to the LORD for his u love
119:41 May your u love come to me,
119:76 May your u love be my comfort,
130:7 for with the LORD is u love
143:8 bring me word of your u love, for I
143:12 In your u love, silence my enemies;
147:11 who put their hope in his u love.
Pr 19:22 What a person desires is u love;
20:6 Many claim to have u love,
Isa 54:10 yet my u love for you will not be
La 3:32 compassion, so great is his u love.
Hos 10:12 reap the fruit of u love, and break
Lev 6:2 is u to the LORD by deceiving
Nu 5:6 and so is u to the LORD is guilty
1Ch 10:13 Saul died because he was u
Pr 11:6 the u are trapped by evil desires.
13:2 the u have an appetite for violence.
13:15 but the way of the u leads to their
22:12 he frustrates the words of the u.
23:28 and multiplies the u among men.
25:19 foot is reliance on the u in a time
Jer 3:20 Israel, have been u to me,”
Mal 2:10 by being u to one another?
2:11 Judah has been u. A detestable
2:14 You have been u to her, though she
2:15 and do not be u to the wife of your
2:16 be on your guard, and do not be u.
Ro 3:3 What if some were u?
Titus 1:16 and u for doing anything good.
119:130 The u of your words gives light;
2Ti 3:3 without love, u, slanderous,
Pr 18:1 An u person pursues selfish ends
1Co 14:14 my spirit prays, but my mind is u.
Titus 2:12 It teaches us to say “No” to u
Ro 4:5 but trusts God who justifies the u,
5:6 powerless, Christ died for the u.
1Ti 1:9 and rebels, the u and sinful,
2Ti 2:16 in it will become more and more u.
2Pe 2:6 of what is going to happen to the u;
Jude 15 all the defiant words u sinners have
1Ti 1:9 and sinful, the u and irreligious,
2Ti 3:2 to their parents, ungrateful, u,
Heb 10:29 has treated as an u thing the blood
Lev 4:2 ‘When anyone sins u and does
Nu 15:22 you as a community u fail to keep
Dt 4:42 had u killed a neighbor without
1Co 6:15 and u them with a prostitute?
Ge 2:24 and mother and is u to his wife,
Mt 19:5 and mother and be u to his wife,
Ro 6:5 be u with him in a resurrection
Eph 5:31 and mother and be u to his wife,
Php 2:1 from being u with Christ, if any
Col 2:2 encouraged in heart and u in love,
2Ch 30:12 the people to give them u of mind
Ps 133:1 God’s people live together in u!
Jn 17:23 may be brought to complete u.
Eph 1:10 to bring u to all things in heaven
4:3 keep the u of the Spirit through
4:13 until we all reach u in the faith
Col 3:14 them all together in perfect u.
1Co 4:9 made a spectacle to the whole u,
Eph 4:10 in order to fill the whole u.)
Heb 1:2 through whom also he made the u.
11:3 understand that the u was formed
Ro 3:5 God is u in bringing his wrath
9:14 shall we say? Is God u? Not at all!
1Pe 2:19 pain of u suffering because they
Ac 17:23 with this inscription: TO AN U GOD.
Titus 3:14 urgent needs and not live u lives.
2Pe 1:8 u in your knowledge of our Lord
Titus 3:9 because these are u and useless.
Ex 34:7 Yet he does not leave the guilty u;
Pr 6:29 no one who touches her will go u.
11:21 The wicked will not go u, but those
19:5 A false witness will not go u,
Lk 3:17 will burn up the chaff with u fire.”
2Pe 2:12 They are like u animals,
Ro 2:5 stubbornness and your u heart,
Isa 55:7 ways and the u their thoughts.
Zep 3:5 not fail, yet the u know no shame.
Mt 5:45 rain on the righteous and the u.
1Pe 3:18 righteous for the u, to bring you
2Pe 2:9 to hold the u for punishment
Ro 11:33 How u his judgments, and his
Mt 6:6 and pray to your Father, who is u.
6:18 but only to your Father, who is u;
2Co 4:18 but on what is u, since what is seen
4:18 temporary, but what is u is eternal.
Mt 9:16 “No one sews a patch of u cloth
Ro 7:14 but I am u, sold as a slave to sin.
Col 2:18 with idle notions by their u mind.
Jas 3:15 down from heaven but is earthly, u,
Jas 1:8 double-minded and u in all they
2Pe 2:14 they seduce the u; they are experts
3:16 ignorant and u people distort,
Job 34:12 It is u that God would do wrong,
2Co 11:6 I may indeed be u as a speaker,
2Co 3:18 with u faces contemplate the Lord’s
Ps 116:6 The LORD protects the u;
Eph 4:29 Do not let any u talk come
Eph 5:15 how you live—not as u but as wise,
Ge 32:10 I am u of all the kindness
Job 40:4 “I am u—how can I reply to you?
Lk 17:10 do, should say, ‘We are u servants;
1Co 11:27 Lord in an u manner will be guilty
Ps 82:3 u the cause of the poor
Isa 41:10 I will u you with my righteous
Ro 3:31 Not at all! Rather, we u the law.
Ps 37:17 but the LORD u the righteous.
37:24 for the LORD u him with his hand.
63:8 cling to you; your right hand u me.
140:12 poor and u the cause of the needy.
145:14 The LORD u all who fall and lifts
146:7 He u the cause of the oppressed
Am 5:10 hate the one who u justice in court
Mic 7:9 he pleads my case and u my cause.
Dt 32:4 does no wrong, u and just is he.
Job 1:1 This man was blameless and u;
Ps 7:10 High, who saves the u in heart.
11:7 the u will see his face.
25:8 Good and u is the LORD;
33:1 it is fitting for the u to praise him.
64:10 all the u in heart will glory in him!
92:15 proclaiming, “The LORD is u;
97:11 righteous and joy on the u in heart.
119:7 an u heart as I learn your righteous
Pr 2:7 He holds success in store for the u,
3:32 but takes the u into his confidence.
8:9 they are u to those who have found
15:8 but the prayer of the u pleases him.
21:29 the u give thought to their ways.
Isa 26:7 you, the U One, make the way
Titus 1:8 who is self-controlled, u,
2:12 u and godly lives in this present
Dt 28:63 You will be u from the land you are
Jer 31:40 The city will never again be u
Jude 12 autumn trees, without fruit and u
Lk 10:41 worried and u about many things,
Titus 2:4 they can u the younger women
Hittite husband of Bathsheba, killed by David’s order (2Sa 11).
Eph 4:28 doing something u with their own
2Ti 2:21 u to the Master and prepared to do
3:16 is God-breathed and is u for
Phm 11 now he has become u both to you
1Co 15:14 our preaching is u and so is your
Titus 3:9 these are unprofitable and u.
Phm 11 Formerly he was u to you, but now
Heb 7:18 set aside because it was weak and u
Jas 2:20 that faith without deeds is u?
Job 34:36 the u for answering like a wicked
Son of Amaziah; king of Judah also known as Azariah (2Ki 15:1–7; 1Ch 6:24; 2Ch 26). Struck with leprosy because of pride (2Ch 26:16–23).
Ps 33:17 A horse is a v hope for deliverance;
73:13 in v I have kept my heart pure
127:1 the house, the builders labor in v.
Isa 65:23 They will not labor in v, nor will
1Co 15:2 Otherwise, you have believed in v.
15:58 your labor in the Lord is not in v.
2Co 6:1 you not to receive God’s grace in v.
Gal 2:2 had not been running my race in v.
1Sa 10:26 by v men whose hearts God had
Jn 8:14 my testimony is v, for I know
Ps 23:4 I walk through the darkest v,
Isa 40:4 Every v shall be raised up,
Joel 3:14 multitudes in the v of decision!
SS 2:1 am a rose of Sharon, a lily of the v.
Lk 12:24 how much more v you are than
Lev 27:3 the v of a male between the ages
Pr 16:13 they v the one who speaks what is
31:11 in her and lacks nothing of v.
Mt 13:46 When he found one of great v,
Lk 16:15 What people v highly is detestable
1Ti 4:8 physical training is of some v, but godliness has v for all things,
Php 2:3 Rather, in humility v others
Heb 11:26 as of greater v than the treasures
Jas 4:14 for a little while and then v.
Queen of Persia replaced by Esther (Est 1–2).
Ge 2:1 were completed in all their v array.
Dt 1:19 of the Amorites through all that v
8:15 He led you through the v
Ps 139:17 How v is the sum of them!
Nu 31:3 carry out the LORD’s v on them.
Isa 34:8 For the LORD has a day of v,
Na 1:2 The LORD takes v on his foes
Jdg 5:11 They recite the v of the LORD,
5:11 the v of his villagers in Israel.
2Sa 22:51 “He gives his king great v;
Ps 18:50 He gives his king great v;
21:1 great is his joy in the v you give!
21:5 Through the v you gave, his glory
44:4 my God, who decrees v for Jacob.
Zec 9:9 comes to you, righteous and v,
Rev 2:7 To the one who is v, I will give
2:11 The one who is v will not be hurt
2:17 To the one who is v, I will give
2:26 To the one who is v and does my
Rev 3:5 The one who is v will, like them,
3:12 The one who is v I will make
3:21 To the one who is v, I will give
3:21 just as I was v and sat down
21:7 who are v will inherit all this,
Ps 45:4 In your majesty ride forth v
2Sa 8:6 LORD gave David v wherever he
Ps 20:5 May we shout for joy over your v
44:6 my sword does not bring me v;
60:12 With God we will gain the v, and
129:2 have not gained the v over me.
Ps 149:4 he crowns the humble with v.
Pr 11:14 v is won through many advisers.
Isa 63:1 I, proclaiming v, mighty to save.”
1Co 15:54 has been swallowed up in v.”
15:57 He gives us the v through our Lord
1Jn 5:4 This is the v that has overcome
Ps 12:8 is v is honored by the human race.
Mk 6:6 Jesus went around teaching from v to v.
Job 13:18 my case, I know I will be v.
Ps 17:15 I will be v and will see your face;
1Ti 3:16 in the flesh, was v by the Spirit,
Ps 128:3 like a fruitful v within your house;
Isa 36:16 you will eat fruit from your own v
Jn 15:1 “I am the true v, and my Father is
1Ki 21:1 The v was in Jezreel,
Pr 31:16 out of her earnings she plants a v.
SS 1:6 my own v I had to neglect.
Isa 5:1 the one I love a song about his v:
1Co 9:7 Who plants a v and does not eat its
Heb 2:2 every v and disobedience received
Ge 6:11 in God’s sight and was full of v.
Isa 53:9 though he had done no v, nor was
60:18 No longer will v be heard in your
Eze 45:9 Give up your v and oppression
Joel 3:19 because of v done to the people
Jnh 3:8 give up their evil ways and their v.
Eze 18:10 “Suppose he has a v son, who sheds
Mt 11:12 and v people have been raiding it.
1Ti 1:13 and a persecutor and a v man,
3:3 to drunkenness, not v but gentle,
Titus 1:7 not v, not pursuing dishonest gain.
Ps 140:3 the poison of v is on their lips.
Lk 3:7 baptized by him, “You brood of v!
Ro 3:13 “The poison of v is on their lips.”
Dt 22:15 at the gate proof that she was a v.
Isa 7:14 The v will conceive and give birth
Mt 1:23 “The v will conceive and give birth
Lk 1:34 asked the angel, “since I am a v?”
2Co 11:2 I might present you as a pure v
Col 3:14 And over all these v put on love,
Nu 12:6 reveal myself to them in v, I speak
Joel 2:28 dreams, your young men will see v.
Ac 2:17 your young men will see v,
Dt 30:20 listen to his v, and hold fast to him.
Job 40:9 and can your v thunder like his?
Ps 19:4 Yet their v goes out into all
29:3 The v of the LORD is over
95:7 if only you would hear his v,
Pr 8:1 not understanding raise her v?
Isa 30:21 your ears will hear a v behind you,
40:3 A v of one calling:
Mk 1:3 “a v of one calling
Jn 5:28 are in their graves will hear his v
10:3 him, and the sheep listen to his v.
Ro 10:18 “Their v has gone out into all
15:6 and one v you may glorify the God
Heb 3:7 “Today, if you hear his v,
Rev 3:20 If anyone hears my v and opens
Phm 14 not seem forced but would be v.
Lev 18:28 it will v you out as it vomited
Pr 26:11 As a dog returns to its v, so fools
2Pe 2:22 “A dog returns to its v,” and,
Nu 6:2 woman wants to make a special v,
30:2 a man makes a v to the LORD
Jdg 11:30 Jephthah made a v to the LORD:
Mt 24:28 is a carcass, there the v will gather.