Appendix: The Data

WITH the growing popularity of time-series analysis in the social sciences, it would seem natural to find compendia of long-term time-series data on the indicators discussed in the text. But they are scarce. The best-known ones—the Statistical Abstract of the United States, for example— seldom give year-by-year data, or data extending back more than the most recent five or ten years. Some of the best sources of data, such as the statistical appendix to the Employment and Training Report of the President, are relatively obscure government publications that many libraries do not possess. For some indicators, Washington, D.C., is one of the few places where a year-by-year record going back twenty or thirty years can be reconstructed. The Bureau of the Census and the libraries of the various government agencies protect nearly unique, complete archives of their respective publications.

Hence this appendix. It includes the data used to generate the figures in the text, plus the complete data sets for trends that are only summarized in the text. The variables are basic and applicable to a wide variety of investigations. I hope that the appendix will shorten the piecing-together time of others who are who are engaged in such research.

I have another motive in including the appendix—namely, to encourage others to do likewise. The problem with statistical accounts is not (usually) that people lie with statistics, but that there is more than one way to view a given data set, and the reader cannot determine whether the analysis is sound. The most exasperating examples are articles that interpret regression coefficients or canonical correlations at great length without telling enough about means, standard deviations, confidence intervals, sample sizes, and other useful items to let the reader determine whether the writer is drawing sensible conclusions. But the need for supplementary data is equally great for simple statistics such as the ones in this book. Arguments can go on ad infinitum, with one person stressing, for example, proportional changes and the other stressing the absolute changes, each drawing seemingly opposite conclusions, and the observer wondering whether numbers really mean anything except what advocates want them to mean. With the inclusion of the data, it is at least possible for readers to be quite specific about the nature of the difference in the use of the numbers, to work from the same data, and eventually, one hopes, to reach a consensus about the meaning of the data. Social scientists need to make their analyses more accessible to each other, and I hope the appendix contributes to that end.

A few comments about procedure:

The objective in each case was to develop a complete year-by-year data set for the period 1950”80. For many of the white/nonwhite breakdowns, however, annual racial data became available only in 1954 when the Current Population Survey (CPS) was amended to include racial identification of the respondent. For some of these variables, I could recover a 1950 figure for what was nominally the same variable, but one that was computed from decennial census data. Because of the substantial differences between the procedures used in the decennial census and the Current Population Survey, I do not include those figures.

In other cases, notably the data on natality, a consistent data base was available, but the published figures did not always include the variable I was working with. I reconstructed the needed figure whenever the data permitted. Such cases are specified in the notes.

Population figures used to calculate per capita, percent, or per-1,000 statistics are based on the civilian, resident, noninstitutional population. Readers who need such breakdowns by race and age are referred to the Current Population Reports, Series P–25, #310 (for 1950–60), #519 (for 1960–73), #721 (for 1970–75), and #870 (for 1976–79) (Washington, D.C.: Bureau of the Census).

Financial and access constraints generally limited the analysis to published data. One exception is the special computer runs for the UCR data from 1974”80, which permitted a consistent trendline for arrest data as discussed in note 1 to chapter 8.

Note that data for many populations not explicitly included in the following tables may be recovered by manipulating the information on both percentages and raw numbers. This is especially true of the data on poverty and labor market behavior. Sometimes inconsistencies persist. For example, the total population figures that can be interpolated from the poverty and labor force data will not agree exactly with the figures in the population table, even though, judging from the definitions in the sources, they “should” have been the same except for rounding error.

I put “NA,” for “not available,” in missing cells when, despite searching and inquiries, I was unable to obtain either the needed number or the name of a reference in which it might be found. I do so knowing, with anticipatory embarrassment, that there are references out there that will seem very obvious after I hear about them. “MD,” for “missing data,” is applied to a few years of budget data that remained stubbornly unobtainable even though the numbers surely exist somewhere.

TABLE 1 The Resident Population of the United States In 1,000s)

Year Persons Families
Overall Whites Blacks & Others
Total 65 & Over
1950 150790 12362 134611 16180 39303
1951 151599 12768 135207 16392 39929
1952 153892 13169 137148 16743 40578
1953 156595 13582 139493 17102 40832
1954 159695 14040 142141 17553 41202
1955 162967 14489 144915 18053 41951
1956 166055 14902 147540 18515 42889
1957 169110 15353 150107 19003 43497
1958 172226 15771 152735 19491 43696
1959 175277 16213 155289 19988 44232
1960 179979 16675 159381 20598 45111
1961 182992 17089 161891 21101 45539
1962 185771 17457 164185 21587 46418
1963 188483 17778 166413 22070 47059
1964 191141 18127 168577 22564 47540
1965 193526 18451 170499 23027 47956
1966 195576 18755 172111 23465 48509
1967 197457 19071 173562 23895 49214
1968 199399 19365 175096 24304 50111
1969 201385 19680 176641 24744 50823
1970 203810 20085 178551 25260 51586
1971 206212 20487 180406 25804 51948
1972 208230 20883 181899 26331 53296
1973 209851 21329 183049 26802 54373
1974 211390 21815 184109 27281 55053
1975 213137 22400 185198 27939 55712
1976 214680 22954 186241 28439 56245
1977 216400 23513 187409 28991 56710
1978 218228 24064 188657 29571 57215
1979 220099 24658 189968 30132 57804
1980 226505 25544 188341 38164 58426

Source for persons: Current Population Reports, Series P–25, as follows: for 1950–59, #310 (figures are for civilian population only); for 1960–73, #721; for 1976–79, #870. For 1974, 1975, and 1980, sources are SAUS–75, Table 35, SAUS–76, Table 28, and SAUS–81, Table 29 respectively. “65 and over” for 1950–59 taken from HSUB, A29–42. Note the warning in SAUS–81 that “[t]he 1980 totals for ‘White’ and ‘Other’ are not comparable with corresponding figures from the 1970 census and previous censuses.” (p. 3). It is preferable to use the inter-censal estimate for 1980 (that is, the estimated racial breakdown in 1980 using the 1970 decenniel census data as the basis for the estdmate) for purposes requiring a consistent time series. That estimate, provided from unpublished data by the Population Division of the Bureau of the Census, is as follows: Total resident population, 222,436,000; whites, 191,556,000; blacks and others, 30,880,000. It is not clear in the sources cited in the following tables whether inter-censal or census data were used for 1980 calculations. For that reason, conspicuous shifts in trends in 1979–80 should be interpreted cautiously.

Source for families: for 1950 and 1955–70, HSUS, A288–319; for 1951–54 and 1971–80, SAUS–81, Table 60, and comparable tables in earlier editions. A family is defined as two or more persons related by blood, marriage, or adoption, and residing together in a household. (SAUS–81, p. 3)

TABLE 2 Federal Social Welfare Expenditures Aggregated by the Standard Categories (In Millions of 1980 Dollars)

Year Social Insurance Public Aid Health & Medical Programs Veterans’ Programs Education Housing Other Social Welfare Total Inflator (Based on CPI)
1950 7184 3768 2063 21816 536 51 594 36014 3.42
1951 8622 3785 3703 17917 570 70 548 35214 3.17
1952 10355 3752 4914 15843 954 77 449 36346 3.10
1953 12984 4184 4242 14204 1319 117 587 37637 3.07
1954 15583 4344 3702 13852 1282 165 817 39744 3.06
1955 19611 4619 3532 14657 1490 230 774 44914 3.07
1956 22806 4707 3802 15051 1441 278 990 49075 3.03
1957 26074 4937 4119 14840 1580 295 1113 52958 2.92
1958 30886 5220 4458 15092 1730 316 993 58694 2.84
1959 36815 5872 4842 15260 2163 361 1106 66418 2.82
1960 39714 5876 4822 14898 2409 400 1158 69277 2.78
1961 43887 6424 5357 15225 2752 437 1240 75322 2.75
1962 49734 7453 6096 15116 2964 470 1441 83276 2.72
1963 52177 8059 6559 15400 3555 519 1534 87804 2.69
1964 54717 8502 7286 15485 4293 562 1723 92568 2.65
1965 56827 9366 7247 15664 6437 620 2116 98277 2.61
1966 65042 11066 7973 16061 11608 636 2623 115010 2.53
1967 75234 12916 9067 16933 13002 697 3350 131200 2.46
1968 83681 15263 10009 17058 11823 768 4013 142614 2.36
1969 91654 17567 10194 17688 11046 954 4275 153378 2.24
1970 95841 20439 10115 18962 12447 1233 4785 163822 2.12
1971 109399 26364 10448 20967 13389 1770 5573 187911 2.03
1972 120535 32060 12442 22445 13227 2328 6209 209246 1.97
1973 133821 33453 12406 23899 13632 3241 6568 227021 1.85
1974 138325 34047 11932 23169 11760 3355 6516 229104 1.67
1975 152520 41612 13021 25345 13199 3887 6522 256104 1.53
1976 172919 47028 14327 27243 13046 4202 6648 285412 1.45
1977 182868 48041 13818 25597 13225 5437 7424 296411 1.36
1978 185697 50460 14586 24679 13726 6163 7502 302813 1.26
1979 185926 49520 13796 23087 13736 6588 7323 299976 1.14
1980 191107 49252 13348 21254 12990 6608 8786 303345 1.00

Source: SAUS–81, Table 518, and comparable tables in earlier editions. Consumer Price Index data taken from SAUS–81, Table 765.

TABLE 3 Other Budgetary and Economic Data Cited in the Text (In 1980 Dollars)

Year Gross Nat’l Product (Billions) Cash Total Federal Income Transfers (1,000,000s) Noncash Cash Public Assistance (1,000,000s) Elementary & Secondary Education Education for the Deprived (1,000s) Higher Education Loans (1,000s) Educational Opportunity Grants (1,000s) Law Enforcement Assistance Administration (1,000s)
1950 1052 17816 51 3744 0 0 0 0
1951 1140 18851 70 3760 0 0 0 0
1952 1182 20633 77 3752 0 0 0 0
1953 1227 24471 117 4184 0 0 0 0
1954 1212 27425 165 4301 0 0 0 0
1955 1294 32321 230 4426 0 0 0 0
1956 1322 35750 363 4429 0 0 0 0
1957 1346 39310 260 4703 0 0 0 0
1958 1340 44633 501 4791 0 0 0 0
1959 1420 51243 902 5144 0 0 0 0
1960 1451 54332 861 5158 131129 111939 0 0
1961 1489 59412 1143 5333 MD MD 0 0
1962 1575 65636 1955 5645 144491 202940 0 0
1963 1638 68671 2335 5971 MD MD 0 0
1964 1725 71594 2523 6236 178041 470138 0 0
1965 1829 74099 3247 6465 MD MD 0 0
1966 1938 83172 4484 7107 2918211 597884 0 0
1967 1990 85611 14057 7663 MD MD 0 0
1968 2082 90406 19992 8252 3985457 535101 243793 0
1969 2140 97194 23861 9218 MD MD MD 64982
1970 2136 101535 27107 9458 3690747 416958 302010 136787
1971 2209 116994 32469 11644 4545470 470260 MD 761751
1972 2334 127661 39482 12483 4107478 565131 329833 747337
1973 2470 140854 41897 12414 4221074 601139 MD 1092808
1974 2456 144209 42836 13577 3781453 605850 399472 1286577
1975 2428 157226 52383 15800 4229041 686578 931465 1304502
1976 2559 174364 61756 15274 3826935 607023 1658275 1330950
1977 2699 181952 66720 16101 3876221 513586 2288258 1147793
1978 2828 181548 72974 15525 4298274 942678 2425806 1018454
1979 2919 179219 74802 14528 4635578 1556681 2351348 734066
1980 2914 179068 79205 14260 4677394 1766312 2610924 640178

Sources: The figures for total federal cash transfers, total noncash transfers, and cash public assistance are rough estimates derived from the standard SAUS table, “Social Welfare Expenditures, By Source of Funds and Public Program” (Table 521 in SAUS–81). Using the wording of the categories in the table, the estimates were derived as follows:

Total Cash Transfers = (Social Insurance – Medicare – Workers’ Compensation Hospital Benefits) + (Public Assistance - Medicaid - Social Services) + SSI + Veterans’ Pensions.

Total Noncash Transfers = Social Insurance + Public Aid + Housing + Veterans’ Pensions – Total Cash Transfers as computed above (in other words, the noncash elements of the Social Insurance and Public Aid categories, plus Housing).

Cash Public Assistance = Public Assistance – Medicaid – Social Services + SSI.

Figures on Veterans’ pensions during the early 1950’s (when they were not broken out as a separate category in the standard SAUS table) were obtained from HSUS Y984–997. Prior to the establishment of Medicaid, “Vendor Payments” under Public Aid was the equivalent noncash medical assistance category. Sources of other data: DES Tables 161 and 163 (for educational budgets); EIKP–81, Table G–3 (for GNP); various editions of the Federal Budget Appendix (for LEAA outlays and, in 1979–80, for CUAPS, which replaced LEAA).

TABLE 4 Data on Job Training Programs and Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC)

Year Work and Training Programs Administered by the Department of Labor AFDC Recipients
No. of Families Total No. of Recipients Number of Children AFDC Families as a Percentage of All Families
Obligations in 1980 Dollars (Millions) First-Time Enrollments (1,000s) (1,000s) (1,000s) (1,000s)
1950 0 0 651 2233 1661 1.66
1951 0 0 592 2041 1523 1.48
1952 0 0 596 1991 1495 1.47
1953 0 0 547 1941 1464 1.34
1954 0 0 604 2173 1639 1.47
1955 0 0 602 2192 1661 1.44
1956 0 0 615 2270 1731 1.43
1957 0 0 667 2497 1912 1.53
1958 0 0 755 2486 2181 1.73
1959 0 0 776 2946 2265 1.15
1960 0 0 803 3073 2370 1.78
1961 0 0 916 3566 2753 2.01
1962 0 0 932 3789 2844 2.01
1963 151 34.1 954 3930 2951 2.03
1964 377 77.6 1012 4219 3170 2.13
1965 1079 156.9 1054 4396 3316 2.20
1966 1593 235.8 1127 4666 3526 2.32
1967 1960 833.3 1297 5309 3986 2.64
1968 1897 780.8 1522 6086 4555 3.04
1969 2311 1000.7 1875 7313 5413 3.69
1970 3005 1051.4 2552 9659 7033 4.95
1971 3015 1412.5 2918 10651 7707 5.62
1972 5308 1973.0 3122 11064 7983 5.86
1973 5100 1537.7 3156 10815 7813 5.80
1974 3579 1917.7 3323 11022 7901 6.04
1975 6285 2761.9 3566 11401 8105 6.40
1976 7354 3211.9 3585 11203 7909 6.37
1977 12928 3428.2 3547 10780 7572 6.25
1978 9293 3873.3 3488 10349 7226 6.10
1979 12060 4011.5 3560 10379 7207 6.16
1980 8778 3699.4 3841 11102 7600 6.57

Source for training data: ETRP–81, Table F–1, and comparable tables in earlier issues. This source (prepared by the Department of labor) does not show any programs prior to 1963. It remains possible some very small programs existed during the period 1950–62 that could be classified as “work and training” programs.

Source for AFDC data: For 1950–70, HSUS H346–367; for 1971–80, SAUS–81, Table 559, and comparable tables in earlier issues. Percentage of all families is computed using data from appendix table 1.

TABLE 5 Poverty Data by Race and Age (Population Figures in 1,000s)

Year Persons Beneath the Poverty Level
Total Persons in Poverty Persons 65 and Over
All Races Whites Blacks & Others Whites Blacks & Others
n % n % n % n % n %
1959 39490 22.4 28484 18.1 11006 58.2 4744 33.1 737 59.5
1960 39851 22.2 28309 17.8 11542 56.4 NA NA NA NA
1961 39628 21.9 27890 17.4 11738 56.8 NA NA NA NA
1962 38625 21.0 26672 16.4 11953 56.1 NA NA NA NA
1963 36436 19.5 25238 15.3 11198 51.1 NA NA NA NA
1964 36055 19.0 24957 14.9 11098 49.8 NA NA NA NA
1965 33185 17.3 22496 13.3 10689 47.1 NA NA NA NA
1966 30424 15.7 20751 12.2 9673 40.8 NA NA NA NA
1966r 28510 14.7 19290 11.3 9220 39.7 4357 26.4 757 52.6
1967 27769 14.2 18983 11.0 8786 38.2 4646 27.7 742 49.7
1968 25389 12.8 17395 10.0 7994 32.8 3939 23.1 693 46.9
1969 24147 12.1 16659 9.5 7488 30.9 4052 23.3 735 48.0
1970 25420 12.6 17484 9.9 7936 31.6 3984 22.5 725 47.9
1971 25559 12.5 17780 9.9 7779 31.3 3605 19.9 668 40.1
1972 24460 11.9 16203 9.0 8257 32.4 3072 16.8 666 36.8
1973 22973 11.1 15142 8.4 7831 29.3 2698 14.4 656 35.6
1974 24260 11.6 16290 8.9 7970 30.5 2642 13.8 666 34.6
1974r 23370 11.2 15736 8.6 7634 29.7 2460 12.8 625 32.7
1975 25877 12.3 17770 9.7 8107 29.8 2634 13.4 683 33.8
1976 24975 11.8 16713 9.1 8262 29.5 2633 13.2 680 31.8
1977 24720 11.6 16416 8.9 8304 29.0 2426 11.9 751 35.0
1978 24497 11.4 16259 8.7 8238 29.4 2530 12.1 703 32.2
1979 25345 11.6 16823 8.9 8522 28.9 2840 13.2 746 33.4
1979r 26072 11.7 17214 9.0 8858 28.1 2911 13.3 771 33.0
1980 29272 13.0 19699 10.2 9573 29.9 3042 13.6 829 36.2

Figures for 1959 thereafter are taken from the annual published poverty statistics from the March CPS of the Bureau of the Census, in recent years published under the title, Characteristics of the Population Below the Poverty Level. Figures in this table were taken from the advance report for 1981, Series P–60, No. 134 (which, unlike the full report, contains the data for 1961–65); the full report (P–60, No. 138); and, for “blacks and others” for the years 1960–65, from various editions of SAUS. The method for calculating the poverty statistic was revised in 1966, 1974, and 1979. The pre-revision and post-revision data are given for these years, with the revised figure indicated by “r.” “Blacks and others” data after 1966 were computed from the numbers for “all races” less the numbers for whites only. This procedure enables consistent data to be presented for the entire 1959–80 period. For data from 1966–80 for blacks only, see P–60, No. 138, Table 1.

For 1950–58, retrospective estimates of the percentage of the population beneath the official poverty level were reported in “EccnanLc Report to the President: Combating Poverty in a Prosperous Economy” (January, 1969), reprinted in folly Qrshansky, ed., The Measure of Poverty, Technical Raper I, vol. 1 (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, n.d.), p. 349. Estimates recovered from the graphs in that report are: 1950, 30.2; 1951, 28.0; 1952, 27.9; 1953, 26.2; 1954, 27.9; 1955, 24.5; 1956, 22.9; 1957, 22.8; 1958, 23.1.

TABLE 6 Poverty Data for Households Headed by a Female, No Husband Present (Population Figures in 1,000b)

Year Female Head, All Ages Female Head under 65
Whites Blacks & Others Whites Blacks & Others
n % n % n % n %
1959 7115 43.8 3275 73.5 5336 42.8 3023 73.8
1960 7207 42.3 3456 76.7 NA NA NA NA
1961 7048 41.9 3750 75.1 NA NA NA NA
1962 7015 41.8 4216 77.3 NA NA NA NA
1963 6982 39.9 4115 75.8 NA NA NA NA
1964 7046 38.3 3925 71.3 NA NA NA NA
1965 7085 38.5 3973 70.5 NA NA NA NA
1966 6914 36.5 3931 67.6 NA NA NA NA
1966r 6511 33.9 3739 64.5 4412 31.0 3434 64.6
1967 6600 33.9 3991 60.3 4273 29.7 3689 60.3
1968 6400 32.3 3964 58.1 4334 29.8 3641 57.9
1969 6531 32.1 3881 57.3 4410 29.7 3520 56.7
1970 6832 31.4 4322 58.1 4668 28.8 3975 57.7
1971 7146 32.1 4263 54.9 5035 30.5 3929 55.1
1972 6682 29.4 4905 56.6 4835 28.8 4548 57.2
1973 6642 27.9 4715 54 5078 28.4 4386 54.7
1974 6852 27.2 4923 54.5 5344 28.0 4547 54.8
1974r 6673 26.5 4796 53.6 5238 27.4 4436 54.0
1975 7324 28.1 4944 52.6 5797 29.5 4566 53.0
1976 7356 27.3 5230 54.2 5784 28.5 4868 54.9
1977 7221 25.5 5403 53.1 5786 26.8 5011 53.7
1978 7262 24.9 5618 52.4 5767 26.0 5222 53.2
1979 7467 24.8 5663 51.2 5829 25.3 5247 51.5
1979r 7653 24.9 5850 51.0 5975 25.4 5419 51.1
1980 8569 27.1 6080 51.9 6724 27.7 5617 52.0

The figures for “blacks and others” were obtained by subtracting the “whites” figures from the “all races” figures in the Bureau of the Census publications cited previously.

TABLE 7 Male Unemployment Rates by Race and Age Percentage of Persons in Labor Force

Year Age Range
16–17 18–19 20–24 25–34
Whites Blacks & Others Whites Blacks & Others Whites Blacks & Others Whites Blacks & Others
1951 9.5 8.7 6.7 9.6 3.6 6.7 2.0 5.5
1952 10.9 8.0 7.0 10.0 4.3 7.9 1.9 5.5
1953 8.9 8.3 7.1 8.1 4.5 8.1 2.0 4.3
1954 14.0 13.4 13.0 14.7 9.8 16.9 4.2 10.1
1955 12.2 14.8 10.4 12.9 7.0 12.4 2.7 8.6
1956 11.2 15.7 9.7 14.9 6.1 12.0 2.8 7.6
1957 11.9 16.3 11.2 20.0 7.1 12.7 2.7 8.5
1958 14.9 27.1 16.5 26.7 11.7 19.5 5.6 14.7
1959 15.0 22.3 13.0 27.2 7.5 16.3 3.8 12.3
1960 14.6 22.7 13.5 25.1 8.3 13.1 4.1 10.7
1961 16.5 31.0 15.1 23.9 10.0 15.3 4.9 12.9
1962 15.1 21.9 12.7 21.8 8.0 14.6 3.8 10.5
1963 17.8 27.0 14.2 27.4 7.8 15.5 3.9 9.5
1964 16.1 25.9 13.4 23.1 7.4 12.6 3.0 7.7
1965 14.7 27.1 11.4 20.2 5.9 9.3 2.6 6.2
1966 12.5 22.5 8.9 20.5 4.1 7.9 2.1 4.9
1967 12.7 28.9 9.0 20.1 4.2 8.0 1.9 4.4
1968 12.3 26.6 8.2 19.0 4.6 8.3 1.7 3.8
1969 12.5 24.7 7.9 19.0 4.6 8.4 1.7 3.4
1970 15.7 27.8 12.0 23.1 7.8 12.6 3.1 6.1
1971 17.1 33.4 13.5 26.0 9.4 16.2 4.0 7.4
1972 16.4 35.1 12.4 26.2 8.5 14.7 3.4 6.8
1973 15.1 34.4 10.0 22.1 6.5 12.6 3.0 5.8
1974 16.2 39.0 11.5 26.6 7.8 15.4 3.5 7.2
1975 19.7 39.4 17.2 32.9 13.2 22.9 6.3 11.9
1976 19.7 37.7 15.5 34.0 10.9 20.7 5.6 11.0
1977 17.6 38.7 13.0 36.1 9.3 21.7 5.0 10.6
1978 16.9 40.0 10.8 30.8 7.6 20.0 3.7 8.8
1979 16.1 34.4 12.3 29.6 7.4 17.0 3.6 8.6
1980 18.5 37.7 14.6 33.0 11.1 22.3 6.0 12.5
Year Age Range
35–44 45–54 55–64 65 and Over
Whites Blacks & Others Whites Blacks & Others Whites Blacks & Others Whites Blacks & Others
1951 1.8 3.4 2.2 3.6 2.7 4.1 3.4 4.7
1952 1.7 4.4 2.0 4.2 2.3 3.7 2.9 4.7
1953 1.8 3.6 2.0 5.1 2.7 3.6 2.3 3.1
1954 3.6 9.0 3.8 9.3 4.3 7.5 4.2 7.5
1955 2.6 8.2 2.9 6.4 3.9 9.0 3.8 7.1
1956 2.2 6.6 2.8 5.4 3.1 8.1 3.4 4.9
1957 2.5 6.4 3.0 6.2 3.4 5.5 3.2 5.9
1958 4.4 11.4 4.8 10.3 5.2 10.1 5.0 9.0
1959 3.2 8.9 3.7 7.9 4.2 8.7 4.5 8.4
1960 3.3 8.2 3.6 8.5 4.1 9.5 4.0 6.3
1961 4.0 10.7 4.4 10.2 5.3 10.5 5.2 9.4
1962 3.1 8.6 3.5 8.3 4.1 9.6 4.1 11.9
1963 2.9 8.0 3.3 7.1 4.0 7.4 4.1 10.1
1964 2.5 6.2 2.9 5.9 3.5 8.1 3.6 8.3
1965 2.3 5.1 2.3 5.1 3.1 5.4 3.4 5.2
1966 1.7 4.2 1.7 4.1 2.5 4.4 3.0 4.9
1967 1.6 3.1 1.8 3.4 2.2 4.1 2.7 5.1
1968 1.4 2.9 1.5 2.5 1.7 3.6 2.8 4.0
1969 1.4 2.4 1.4 2.4 1.7 3.2 2.1 3.2
1970 2.3 3.9 2.3 3.3 2.7 3.4 3.2 3.8
1971 2.9 4.9 2.8 4.5 3.2 4.7 3.4 3.4
1972 2.5 4.8 2.5 3.8 3.0 4.6 3.3 6.9
1973 1.8 4.0 2.0 3.2 2.4 3.1 2.9 3.6
1974 2.4 4.1 2.2 4.0 2.5 3.6 3.0 5.6
1975 4.5 8.3 4.4 9.0 4.1 6.1 5.0 9.5
1976 3.7 7.3 3.7 7.2 4.0 6.2 4.8 9.3
1977 3.1 6.1 3.0 5.2 3.3 6.4 4.9 8.3
1978 2.5 4.9 2.5 5.0 2.6 4.4 3.9 7.1
1979 2.5 5.8 2.5 5.2 2.5 4.8 3.1 6.3
1980 3.6 7.8 3.3 6.6 3.1 6.0 2.5 8.8

Source: ETRP–81, Table A–30. Data for 1951–53 from earlier editions of the ETRP.

TABLE 8 Male Labor Force Participation Rates by Race and Age (Percentage of Civilian Noninstitutional Population)

Year Age Range
Total, 16 Years & Over 16–17 18–19 20–24 25–34
Whites Blacks & Others White Blacks & Others Whites Blacks & Others Whites Blacks & Others Whites Blacks & Others
1954 85.6 85.2 47.1 46.7 70.4 78.4 86.4 91.1 97.5 96.2
1955 85.4 85.0 48.0 48.2 71.7 75.7 85.6 89.7 97.8 95.8
1956 85.6 85.1 51.3 49.6 71.9 76.4 87.6 88.9 97.4 96.2
1957 84.8 84.3 49.6 47.5 71.6 72.0 86.7 89.6 97.2 96.1
1958 84.3 84.0 46.8 45.1 69.4 71.7 86.7 88.7 97.2 96.3
1959 83.8 83.4 45.4 41.7 70.3 72.0 87.3 90.8 97.5 96.3
1960 83.4 83.0 46.0 45.6 69.0 71.2 87.8 90.4 97.7 96.2
1961 83.0 82.2 44.3 42.5 66.2 70.5 87.6 89.7 97.7 95.9
1962 82.1 80.8 42.9 40.2 66.4 68.8 86.5 89.3 97.4 95.3
1963 81.5 80.2 42.4 37.2 67.8 69.1 85.8 88.6 97.4 94.9
1964 81.1 80.0 43.5 37.3 66.6 67.2 85.7 89.4 97.5 95.9
1965 80.8 79.6 44.6 39.3 65.8 66.7 85.3 89.8 97.4 95.7
1966 80.6 79.0 47.1 41.1 65.4 63.7 84.4 89.9 97.5 95.5
1967 80.7 78.5 47.9 41.2 66.1 62.7 84.0 87.2 97.5 95.5
1968 80.4 77.6 47.7 37.9 65.7 63.3 82.4 85.0 97.2 95.0
1969 80.2 76.9 48.8 37.7 66.3 63.2 82.6 84.4 97.0 94.4
1970 80.0 76.5 48.9 34.8 67.4 61.8 83.3 83.5 96.7 93.7
1971 79.6 74.9 49.2 32.4 67.8 58.9 83.2 81.5 96.3 92.9
1972 79.6 73.7 50.2 34.1 71.1 60.1 84.3 81.5 96.0 92.7
1973 79.5 73.8 52.7 33.4 72.3 61.4 85.8 81.8 96.3 91.7
1974 79.4 73.3 53.3 34.6 73.6 62.4 86.5 82.1 96.3 92.3
1975 78.7 71.5 51.8 30.1 72.8 57.5 85.5 78.4 95.8 91.4
1976 78.4 70.7 51.8 30.2 73.5 55.6 86.2 78.4 95.9 90.6
1977 78.5 71.0 53.8 30.8 74.9 57.8 86.8 78.2 96.0 90.4
1978 78.6 72.1 55.3 33.2 75.3 59.5 87.2 78.0 96.0 90.9
1979 78.6 71.9 55.3 31.7 74.5 57.8 87.6 80.1 96.1 90.6
1980 78.3 70.8 53.6 31.9 74.1 56.3 87.1 78.9 95.9 90.4
Year Age Range
35–44 45–54 55–64 65 years & over
Whites Blacks & Others Whites Blacks & Others Whites Blacks & Others Whites Blacks & Others
1954 98.2 96.6 96.8 93.2 89.2 83.0 40.4 41.2
1955 98.3 96.2 96.7 94.2 88.4 83.1 39.5 40.0
1956 98.1 96.2 96.8 94.4 88.9 83.9 40.0 39.8
1957 98.0 96.5 96.6 93.5 88.0 82.4 37.7 35.9
1958 98.0 96.4 96.6 93.9 88.2 83.3 35.7 34.5
1959 98.0 95.8 96.3 92.8 87.9 82.5 34.3 33.5
1960 97.9 95.5 96.1 92.3 87.2 82.5 33.3 31.2
1961 97.9 94.8 95.9 92.3 87.8 81.6 31.9 29.4
1962 97.9 94.5 96.0 92.2 86.7 81.5 30.6 27.2
1963 97.8 94.9 96.2 91.1 86.6 82.5 28.4 27.6
1964 97.6 94.4 96.1 91.6 86.1 80.6 27.9 29.6
1965 97.7 94.2 95.9 92.0 85.2 78.8 27.9 27.9
1966 97.6 91.1 95.8 90.7 84.9 81.1 27.2 25.6
1967 97.7 93.6 95.6 91.3 84.9 79.3 27.1 27.2
1968 97.6 93.4 95.4 90.1 84.7 79.6 27.3 26.6
1969 97.4 92.7 95.1 89.5 83.9 77.9 27.3 26.1
1970 97.3 92.2 94.9 88.2 83.3 79.2 26.7 27.4
1971 97.0 92.0 94.7 86.9 82.6 77.8 25.6 24.5
1972 97.0 91.4 94.0 86.1 81.2 73.6 24.4 23.6
1973 96.8 91.3 93.5 88.0 79.0 70.7 22.8 22.6
1974 96.7 90.9 93.0 84.7 78.1 70.2 22.5 21.7
1975 96.4 90.0 92.9 84.6 76.5 68.7 21.8 20.9
1976 96.0 90.6 92.5 83.4 75.4 65.7 20.3 19.7
1977 96.2 91.4 92.2 82.7 74.7 67.0 20.2 19.3
1978 96.3 91.0 92.1 84.5 73.9 69.1 20.4 21.3
1979 96.4 90.9 92.2 85.5 73.6 66.9 20.1 19.6
1980 96.2 89.7 92.2 83.9 73.3 63.5 19.3 17.5

Source: ETRP–61, Table A–5.

TABLE 9 Number of Males in Civilian Labor Force by Race and Age (Number of Persons in 1,000s)

Year Age Range
Total, 16 Years & Over 16–17 18–19 20–24 25–34
Whites Blacks & Others Whites Blacks & Others Whites Blacks & Others Whites Blacks & Others Whites Blacks
1954 39760 4203 895 127 1094 178 2656 396 9695 1074
1955 40196 4279 934 135 1121 178 2802 419 9720 1085
1956 40734 4359 1003 140 1111 181 3034 450 934 1090
1957 40821 4376 992 135 1115 175 3153 473 9483 1088
1958 41080 4442 1001 133 1116 180 3278 493 9386 1069
1959 41397 4490 1077 130 1202 188 3408 532 9261 1065
1960 41742 4645 1140 150 1293 203 3559 564 9153 1099
1961 41986 4666 1067 142 1372 210 3681 575 9072 1103
1962 41931 4668 1041 136 1391 201 3726 553 8846 1074
1963 42404 4725 1183 138 1380 206 3955 558 8805 1070
1964 42893 4785 1345 154 1371 205 4166 588 8800 1074
1965 43400 4855 1359 172 1639 226 4279 614 8823 1079
1966 43572 4899 1423 187 1831 244 4200 620 8859 1089
1967 44042 4945 1464 194 1727 249 4416 628 9101 1106
1968 44554 4979 1504 183 1732 262 4432 639 9477 1133
1969 45185 5036 1583 187 1830 271 4615 667 9773 1167
1970 46013 5182 1628 180 1922 275 4983 725 10068 1223
1971 46801 5220 1675 175 2038 272 5422 772 10390 1263
1972 47930 5335 1749 195 2220 293 5890 804 10940 1267
1973 48648 5555 1862 196 2297 310 6206 874 11478 1370
1974 49486 5700 1905 213 2387 319 6382 871 11946 1447
1975 49881 5734 1851 189 2413 307 6531 867 12345 1509
1976 50506 5853 1844 193 2483 311 6758 908 12813 1570
1977 51421 6028 1920 198 2541 326 6944 934 13251 1635
1978 52258 6284 1969 216 2556 337 7100 963 13570 1714
1979 53074 6443 1937 208 2555 331 7225 1013 14001 1791
1980 53627 6518 1841 210 2534 327 7267 1020 14445 1881
Year Age Range
35–4 45–54 55–64 65 Years & Over
Whites Blacks & Others Whites Blacks & Others Whites Blacks & Others Whites Blacks & Others
1954 9516 997 7914 790 5654 451 2338 187
1955 9598 998 8027 813 5653 468 2342 183
1956 9662 1002 8175 827 5736 484 2417 185
1957 9719 1012 8317 836 5735 487 2308 170
1958 9822 1021 8465 855 5800 505 2213 166
1959 9876 102 8581 849 5833 512 2158 163
1960 9919 1049 8689 884 5861 538 2129 158
1961 9961 1050 8776 891 5988 542 2068 151
1962 10029 1087 8820 895 5995 564 2082 159
1963 10079 1109 8944 891 6090 584 1967 168
1964 10055 1101 9053 903 6160 580 1943 181
1965 10023 1098 9129 916 6188 575 1958 173
1966 9892 1090 9189 912 6250 597 1928 162
1967 9784 1076 9260 929 6349 590 1943 175
1968 9661 1064 9340 927 6427 598 1980 174
1969 9509 1048 9413 931 6467 592 1995 175
1970 9413 1052 9488 929 6515 609 1977 188
1971 9286 1037 9530 927 6542 604 1918 170
1972 9261 1063 9479 943 6548 590 1841 181
1973 9187 1083 9454 977 6432 571 1733 175
1974 9213 1099 9467 984 6437 592 1749 176
1975 9190 1098 9431 995 6390 592 1731 176
1976 9241 1128 9327 995 6396 575 1643 172
1977 9453 1167 9195 996 6445 598 1671 174
1978 9794 1192 9091 1031 6454 632 1725 198
1979 10111 1226 8994 1057 6511 628 1740 188
1980 10377 1249 8905 1047 6553 611 1704 173

Source: ETRP–81, Table A–4. The total does not alvays equal the sum of the age categories because of rounding.

TABLE 10 Women and the Labor Market, by Race and Age (Number of Persons in 1,000s)

Labor Year Age Range
Market Total, 16 Years & Over 16–17 18–19 20–24 25–34
Whites Blacks & Others Whites Blacks & Others Whites Blacks & Others Whites Blacks & Others Whites Blacks & Others
In Labor Force
(Employed or Not)
1955 17886 2663 576 65 966 117 2137 307 3546 706
1960 20171 3069 731 74 1112 139 2228 352 3441 690
1965 22736 3464 862 92 1405 154 2910 454 3568 761
1970 27505 4015 1194 129 1695 222 4246 628 4790 907
1975 32203 4795 1484 167 2110 277 5296 772 7176 1280
1980 38544 6029 1568 171 2290 302 6134 959 10017 1825
Not in Labor Force
1955 33917 3109 1353 221 890 154 2534 350 7260 670
1960 35044 3300 1702 261 1030 175 2645 370 6656 697
1965 36865 3666 2137 356 1374 231 3006 369 6258 648
1970 37119 4095 2066 404 1386 274 3118 461 6305 667
1975 37912 4956 1994 465 1382 336 2802 601 6228 804
1980 36618 5253 1749 485 1228 357 2549 639 5459 807
1955 17113 2438 509 55 892 92 2030 267 3394 634
1960 19095 2779 625 55 984 105 2067 298 3244 627
1965 21601 3147 733 57 1217 111 2727 392 3394 698
1970 26025 3642 1011 82 1493 149 3955 534 4536 836
1975 29429 4124 1200 102 1770 171 4701 598 6568 1115
1980 36043 5239 1297 102 1991 196 5611 750 9389 1600
Labor Year Age Range
Market 35–44 43–54 55–64 65 Years & Over
Whites Blacks & Others Whites Blacks & Others Whites Blacks & Others Whites Blacks & Others
In Labor Force
(Employed or Not)
1955 4131 673 3654 499 2156 235 720 60
1960 4531 771 4633 645 2661 324 835 73
1965 4876 844 5032 680 3203 383 879 96
1970 5112 855 5781 750 3734 419 952 104
1975 5535 957 5884 781 3800 444 917 116
1980 7381 1220 6065 906 4076 515 1014 130
Not in labor Force
1955 6211 530 4912 414 4615 343 6142 427
1960 6387 519 4903 419 4688 363 7030 497
1965 6119 567 5056 449 4751 400 8163 645
1970 5140 571 4979 496 5026 470 9100 751
1975 4546 593 4946 595 5534 569 10482 992
1980 3968 570 4104 565 5853 629 11708 1200
1955 3976 636 3530 473 2079 222 703 58
1960 4341 705 4448 608 2574 310 812 70
1965 4678 779 4880 649 3118 369 856 93
1970 4891 814 5582 720 3637 405 921 102
1975 5172 875 5543 729 3607 421 868 112
1980 7016 1125 5805 851 3949 491 984 124

Source: ETRP–81, Tables A–4, A–13, and A–29. The total does not always equal the sun of the age categories because of rounding.

TABLE 11 Occupational and Wage Data

Year Percentage of Employed Persons in White Collar Jobs Median Income of Year-Round, Full-Time Workers
In 1980 Dollars Blacks & Others Median as Percentage of Whites Median
Whites Blacks & Others
1955 * * 13471 8200 60.9
1956 NA NA 14032 8389 59.8
1957 NA NA 14270 8733 61.2
1958 NA NA 14540 9145 62.9
1959 45.9 14.4 15241 8905 58.4
1960 46.6 16.1 15504 10248 66.1
1961 47.1 16.3 16023 10169 63.5
1962 47.7 16.8 16328 9744 59.7
1963 47.3 17.8 16806 10617 64.4
1964 47.6 18.8 17154 11248 65.6
1965 47.9 19.5 17764 11157 62.8
1966 48.3 20.9 18228 11446 62.8
1967 48.8 22.9 18522 12365 66.8
1968 49.5 24.4 19059 13070 68.6
1969 49.8 26.2 20124 13720 68.2
1970 50.8 27.9 20047 14066 70.3
1971 50.6 29.1 20147 14255 70.8
1972 50.0 29.8 21505 14922 69.4
1973 49.9 31.1 21880 15387 70.3
1974 50.6 32.0 20718 15573 75.2
1975 51.7 34.2 20260 15541 76.7
1976 51.8 34.6 20659 15167 73.4
1977 51.7 35.3 20911 15006 71.8
1978 51.8 36.2 20664 16348 79.1
1979 52.5 37.9 20447 15464 75.6
1980 53.9 39.2 19720 14727 74.7

Source for white collar data: ETRP,Table A–21. Source for income data: Current Population Reports, Series P–60, no. 132, Table 44.

*SAUS–66, Table 322, gives the follovdng percentages for 1950 and 1955 respectively: whites, 40.3 and 42.1; blacks and others, 10.2 and 12.0. Ihe comparability of these data with the 1959–80 series could not be determined.

TABLE 12 Enrollment in Educational Institutions

Year Percentage of Persons 14–17 Years Old Percentage of Persons 20–24 Years Old
Whites Blacks & Others Whites Blacks & Others
1950 84.5 75.5 10.0 7.0
1951 86.3 77.1 8.8 6.2
1952 NA NA NA NA
1953 86.4 82.3 11.9 5.4
1954 88.3 78.8 12.0 5.8
1955 87.5 82.8 11.6 7.2
1956 89.2 81.2 13.4 8.7
1957 90.1 84.8 14.7 8.8
1958 90.0 82.8 14.1 8.7
1959 90.8 85.3 13.4 8.5
1960 90.8 86.8 13.9 7.5
1961 92.0 86.9 14.4 9.1
1962 92.8 86.6 16.5 9.9
1963 93.3 90.4 18.3 10.2
1964 93.5 90.7 17.9 9.1
1965 93.4 91.7 20.2 10.2
1966 94.0 91.6 21.3 10.2
1967 94.1 90.8 22.9 15.4
1968 94.5 92.2 22.4 14.0
1969 94.3 92.4 23.9 16.7
1970 94.5 92.1 22.5 15.2
1971 94.6 93.6 22.4 19.0
1972 93.3 93.4 22.1 17.8
1973 93.0 92.6 21.3 17.3
1974 93.0 92.3 21.6 19.7
1975 93.8 92.6 22.7 20.6
1976 93.6 94.1 23.4 22.9
1977 93.5 94.6 22.7 24.0
1978 93.5 95.1 21.7 22.4
1979 93.5 93.9 22.0 20.0
1980 93.2 94.3 22.7 19.9

Sources: Figures for 1953–70 are taken from HSUS, H442–476. Figures for 1971–80 are taken from Current Population Reports, Series P–20, Nos. 241, 260, 272, 286, 303, 319, 333, 346, 355, and 362. Figures for 1950 and 1951 are computed from population and enrollment data in SAUS–51 and SAUS–52. The figures for 1952 could not be recovered fran the published data.

TABLE 13 Mean General Academic Aptitude Scores for a Representative National Sample of 9th-Grade Pupils in 1960 (Project TALENT), by Race and Sex

Ethnic/Racial Group Males Females
Mean Std. Error Mean Std. Error
Whites 444 3 469 3
Blacks 300 6 319 5
Orientals 504 29 465 28
Mexican–Americans 378 19 374 13
Total 432 455
(n = 23042, std. dev. = 115)

Source: lauress L. Wise, Donald H. Mcaughlin, and Kevin J. Gilmartin, The American Citizen: Eleven Years After High School, vol. II. (Palo Alto, Calif.: American Institutes for Research, September, 1977), pp. A–v and A–51.

TABLE 14 Median Achievement Test Scores for a Representative National Sample of 1st– and 12th–Grade Pupils in 1965, by Race

Test Racial/Ethnic Group Medians Whites Blacks Orientals
Whites Blacks Orientals Mexican–Americans
1st Grade
Nonverbal 54.1 43.4 56.6 50.1
Verbal 53.2 45.4 51.6 46.5
12th Grade
Nonverbal 52.0 40.9 51.6 45.0
Verbal 52.1 40.9 49.6 43.8
Reading 51.9 42.2 48.8 44.2
Mathematics 51.8 41.8 51.3 45.5
General Information 52.2 40.6 49.0 43.3
Average of the 5 Tests 52.0 41.1 50.1 44.4

Source: James S Coleman et al., Equality of Educational Opportunity (Washington, D.C.: Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, 1966).

TABLE 15 Armed Forces Qualification Test (AFQT) Scores for a Representative National Sample of 1980 Youth, by Race and Selected Characteristics

Characteristic Racial/Ethnic Group Means Total
Whites Blacks Hispanics Mean Std. Dev.
18–19 Years 51.40 22.96 28.99 45.96 27.14
20–21 Years 55.81 23.58 30.11 49.84 28.17
22–23 Years 60.26 26.26 34.58 54.25 28.30
Male 56.58 23.87 33.54 50.80 28.77
Female 55.33 24.70 29.39 49.49 27.23
Educational Level
Non–Hgh School Graduates 32.99 12.83 16.15 27.13 22.66
High School Graduates 61.92 30.02 43.05 57.32 25.85
Mother’s Education
Eight Grade or Less 35.28 16.53 24.21 29.05 23.79
High School Graduate 57.12 27.33 42.77 53.84 25.74
College Graduate or More 73.83 43.85 61.98 71.42 22.02
Region (Chosen for Contrasting Levels of Educational Expenditure)
Middle Atlantic ($2,793/ pupil) 58.40 25.98 27.18 52.04 24.84
West North Central ($2,126/ pupil) 61.02 20.78 37.41 57.70 24.11
East South Central ($1,378/ pupil) 47.40 22.49 * 42.07 24.03
Overall Sample Size 5,533 2,298 1,342 9,173
Overall Mean AFQT Score 55.97 24.29 31.48 50.15
Overall Std. Dev. 26.17 20.81 24.77 28.03

Source: Profile of American Youth: 1980 Nationwide Administration of the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (Washington, D.C.: Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Manpower, Reserve Affairs, and i^ogistics, March, 1982), Tables C–1 to C–5. Whites include all racial/ethnic groups other than black or Hispanic. Ihe geographic groupings are as follows. Middle Atlantic: New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania; West North Central: Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas; East South Central: Alabama, Kentucky, Mississippi, Tennessee. Public school expenditures per pupil taken from SAUS–81, Table 257.

*Sample size too small to permit reliable estimates.

TABLE 16 Distribution of 1980 Scholastic Aptitude Test Scores by Race (Percentage Students Who Took the Test

Score Verbal Component Mathematics Components
Whites Blacks Orientals Mexican–Americans Whites Blacks Orientals Mexican–Americans
750–800 .21 .02 .26 .03 .83 .04 2.37 .16
700–749 .96 .08 1.07 .18 2.40 .15 5.26 .50
650–699 2.13 .24 1.75 .58 5.04 .48 8.05 1.65
600–649 4.89 .82 3.74 1.51 8.77 1.20 11.08 3.31
550–599 8.34 1.66 5.95 3.66 11.79 2.33 12.34 6.00
500–549 12.74 3.53 8.53 6.54 15.87 4.92 14.74 10.47
450–499 17.09 6.30 12.33 10.82 16.75 8.05 13.84 13.73
400–449 18.87 10.04 14.01 14.38 14.74 12.10 11.82 16.07
350–399 16.85 15.77 15.08 19.40 11.95 18.88 10.03 18.46
300–349 10.88 19.56 13.74 18.26 8.37 26.84 6.84 17.78
250–299 5.37 22.15 11.73 14.81 3.06 19.88 3.00 9.85
200–249 1.66 19.84 11.82 9.84 .43 5.13 .65 2.03
N 720,010 76,888 27,495 14,169 719,891 76,880 27,512 14,167
Mean 442 330 396 372 482 360 509 413
Std. Dev. 103 95 122 101 111 90 125 104

Source: Profiles, College–Bound Seniors, 1980, an unpublished report prepared by The College Board, 1983.

TABLE 17 Indian 1980 Scholastic Aptitude Test Scores by Race and Selected Characteristics

Characteristic Median Score, SAT–Verbal Median Score, SAT–Math
Whites Blacks Orientals Mexican–Americans Whites Blacks Orientals Mexican–Americans
Father’s Highest Level of Education
Grade School 398 292 341 332 432 327 495 376
High School Diploma 412 305 361 362 454 334 473 397
Graduate or Professional Degree 469 386 455 418 516 398 551 452
Mother’s Highest Level of Education
Grade School 391 286 332 333 429 323 505 377
High School Diploma 417 308 369 371 462 336 494 408
Graduate or Professional Degree 465 372 447 414 507 386 530 451
Annual Parental Income
Under $6,000 407 284 294 322 438 318 466 360
$24,000 - $29,999 437 350 415 392 485 373 521 433
$50,000 or Over 455 403 435 409 501 424 552 441
Type of School
Public School 433 312 389 357 480 339 508 399
Nonpublic School 440 356 391 386 471 367 517 406

Source: Profiles, College-Bound Seniors, 1980, an unpublished report prepared by the College Board, 1983.

TABLE 18 Overall Crime Rates, Homicide Data, and Clearance Rates

Year Overall Crime Rate per 100,000 Persons Homicides per 100,000 Persons Percentage of Known Offenses Cleared by Arrest
Arrests Male Victims
Whites Blacks & Others Whites Blacks & Others Robbery Burglary
Violent Property
1950 153.6 1567.3 * * 3.9 45.5 43.5 29.0
1951 149.7 1625.8 * * 3.6 41.3 40.3 29.1
1952 161.5 1635.8 * * 3.7 45.4 36.0 26.7
1953 168.7 1661.8 * * 3.5 41.3 39.7 26.8
1954 168.9 1681.8 * * 3.5 40.6 40.6 29.6
1955 160.5 1661.2 * * 3.4 36.9 42.8 32.1
1956 160.7 1854.5 * * 3.3 37.1 NA NA
1957 164.3 1982.5 * * 3.2 36.5 42.6 29.6
1958 * * * * 3.4 34.9 42.7 29.7
1959 * * * * 3.5 35.0 42.5 30.7
1960 160.9 1726.3 3.5 42.4 3.6 34.5 38.5 29.5
1961 158.1 1747.9 3.3 35.7 3.6 33.6 41.6 30.0
1962 162.3 1857.5 3.4 38.9 3.8 35.5 38.4 27.7
1963 168.2 2012.1 3.2 35.7 3.9 35.7 38.6 26.9
1964 190.6 2197.5 3.2 36.2 3.9 37.4 37.0 25.1
1965 200.2 2248.8 3.4 41.4 4.4 40.1 37.6 24.7
1966 220.0 2450.9 3.6 43.8 4.5 43.7 32.4 22.0
1967 253.2 2736.5 3.8 49.0 5.3 49.9 29.8 20.3
1968 298.4 3071.8 4.1 56.9 6.0 55.1 27.4 19.4
1969 328.7 3351.3 4.4 64.3 6.1 58.7 26.9 18.9
1970 363.5 3621.0 4.9 65.0 6.8 60.8 29.1 19.4
1971 396.0 3768.8 5.0 72.9 7.3 67.5 27.5 18.8
1972 401.0 3560.4 5.3 69.4 7.6 69.7 30.0 18.9
1973 417.4 3737.0 5.6 62.2 8.2 65.3 27.2 17.6
1974 461.1 4389.3 6.5 71.2 8.8 66.5 27.3 17.6
1975 481.5 4800.2 6.3 54.7 9.0 61.9 27.0 17.5
1976 459.6 4806.8 6.2 56.7 8.2 55.1 26.9 16.8
1977 466.6 4588.4 6.3 54.8 8.6 52.8 26.9 16.3
1978 486.9 4622.4 6.5 53.9 9.0 51.7 25.9 15.6
1979 535.5 4986.0 7.0 48.9 9.9 56.2 24.9 14.6
1980 580.8 5319.1 7.2 48.3 10.9 57.8 23.3 13.8

Sources: Crime rates from 1960–1980 were taken from Federal Bureau of Investigation, Crime in the United States (Washington, D.C.: Goverrment Printing Office, issued annually), Table 2 in the 1975 and 1981 editions. Crime rates from 1950–957 were computed from data in HSUS, H962–970 and A57–72. See note 2, chapter 8, for discussion. Homicide arrest data were taken from UCR data and converted to rates per 100,000. See note 1, chapter 8 for procedure. HanLcide victimization rates are from Robert D. Grove and Alice M. HetzaL, Vital Statistics Rates in the United States, 1940–1960 (New York: Arno Press, 1976); Facts of life and Death (Washington, D.C.: National Center for Health Statistics, 1967), Table 19; and printouts provided to the author by the National Center for Health Statistics. All homicide victimization figures are based on the same data and procedural bases. Clearance rates are from FBI, Crime in the United States, annual editions from 1950–60, for urban reporting agencies.

*Data are available, but not comparable with subsequent data. See note 2, chapter 8.

TABLE 19 Number of Arrests for Index Crimes by Race and Age

Year Total Arrests for Index Crimes Arrests of Persons 17 and Younger Arrests of Persons 18 and Older
Violent Crime Property Crime Violent Crime Property Crime Violent Crime Property Crime
Whites Blacks & Others Whites Blacks & Others Whites Blacks & Others Whites Blacks & Others Whites Blacks & Others Whites Blacks & Others Whites
1960 39369 51081 280041 126861 * * * * * * * *
1961 55628 50806 319825 133030 * * * * * * * *
1962 46994 59572 351574 155551 * * * * * * * *
1963 46990 57345 370326 162183 * * * * * * * *
1964 52531 61070 409103 183640 * * * * * * * *
1965 56285 69691 429973 208636 8767 15711 241986 113253 47518 53980 187987 95383
1966 61725 71335 456887 211928 10138 16007 264454 116773 51587 55328 192433 95155
1967 70974 86622 509273 251228 11884 20382 290236 135051 59090 66240 219037 116177
1968 77092 97369 528375 278217 131217 23374 299554 150550 63895 73995 228821 127667
1969 80720 10937 541298 299087 13830 26828 298152 156181 66890 82509 243146 142906
1970 96100 118803 640968 340272 15292 28442 315173 158303 80808 90361 325795 181969
1971 103128 136251 700794 358547 17548 32338 343051 160856 85580 103913 357743 197691
1972 115021 144816 700144 348700 20515 36248 365298 163400 94506 108568 334846 185300
1973 118541 132930 699120 330714 22346 32567 371133 157745 96195 100363 327987 172969
1974 135371 145574 830487 396486 26560 35292 440461 186008 108811 110282 390026 210478
1975 154384 134444 936551 30444 31962 473835 171924 123940 102482 462716 225653
1976 153747 145977 893459 456529 30298 31842 438830 189533 123449 114135 454629 266996
1977 174673 161879 922145 462217 34827 37679 447967 192742 139846 124200 474178 269475
1978 225157 211616 1060881 549952 39645 51319 504690 229174 185512 160297 556191 320778
1979 221422 191614 1079790 509274 40882 43195 489490 200009 180540 148419 590300 30265
1980 210207 179058 1017703 482607 36123 41056 429523 176501 174084 138002 588180 306106

Source: For 1960–1973, data fran FBI, Crime in the United States, annual editions. For 1974–1980, UCR data on agencies reporting for full year. See note 1, chapter 8.

*Data are available but not ccmparable vdth subsequent data because of changes in reporting procedures. See note 2, Chapter 8.

TABLE 20 Arrest Rates By Race

Year Total Arrests for Index Crimes Relative to Size of Male Population Aged 13–39 (Arrests per 100,000) Total Arrests for Robbery and Burglary Relative to Size of Male Population Aged 13–39 (Arrests per 100,000)
Violent Crime Property Crime Robbery Burglary
Whites Blacks & Others Whites Blacks & Others Whites Blacks & Others Whites Blacks & Others
1960 250 2529 1776 6281 84 754 545 1969
1961 328 2329 1887 6098 87 715 594 1979
1962 259 2519 1936 6578 85 830 580 2054
1963 248 2295 1951 6490 79 713 566 1953
1964 274 2384 2131 7170 78 721 592 2161
1965 275 2526 2099 7561 81 843 577 2293
1966 287 2485 2125 7382 77 842 584 2164
1967 318 2807 2280 8142 87 1044 660 2503
1968 340 3091 2332 8833 95 1202 689 2707
1969 359 3443 2405 9418 94 1390 682 2750
1970 393 3392 2619 9716 101 1419 713 2741
1971 404 3694 2744 9722 104 1557 755 2829
1972 431 3713 2624 8941 106 1569 733 2579
1973 456 3472 2691 8638 114 1417 782 2460
1974 548 3950 3364 10758 143 1689 981 3091
1975 570 3281 3457 9702 147 1325 1039 2692
1976 534 3307 3103 10342 131 1300 898 2680
1977 577 3443 3045 9831 147 1382 886 2617
1978 640 3823 3017 9935 143 1532 873 2673
1979 641 3479 3127 9248 150 1343 876 2430
1980 661 3485 3200 9394 159 1441 905 2485

Source: For 1960–1973, data fran FBI, Crime in the United States, annual editions. For 1974–1980, UCR data agencies reporting for full year. See note 1, chapter 8, for discussion of data sources and use of age ranges as a basis for estimating arrest rates.

TABLE 21 Arrest Rates By Race and Age

Year Arrests of Persons 18 and Over Relative to Size of Male Population Aged 18–39 (Arrests per 100,000) Arrests of Persons 17 and Younger Relative to Size of Male Population Aged 13–17 (Arrests per 100,000)
Violent Crime Property Crime Violent Crime Property Crime
Whites Blacks & Others Whites Blacks & Others Whites Blacks & Others Whites Blacks & Others
1965 310 2723 1225 4812 171 2021 4711 14572
1966 322 2698 1203 4641 184 1951 4806 14234
1967 354 3017 1314 5292 210 2289 5128 15170
1968 378 3319 1355 5726 229 2540 5189 16362
1969 398 3672 1449 6360 242 2889 5208 16817
1970 442 3649 1782 7349 247 2772 5093 15429
1971 447 3977 1867 7566 275 3008 5381 14962
1972 469 3912 1663 6676 313 3224 5578 14531
1973 488 3666 1664 6317 357 2986 5924 14464
1974 577 4152 2069 7924 455 3429 7545 18074
1975 595 3445 2222 7585 486 2847 7562 15311
1976 553 3538 2038 8276 467 2680 6762 15953
1977 592 3583 2006 7774 525 3050 6749 15601
1978 670 3895 2007 7794 531 3613 6766 16136
1979 656 3586 2144 7472 584 3157 6992 14620
1980 679 3538 2293 7848 587 3319 6976 14267

Source: For 1960–1973, data from FBI, Crime in the United States, annual editions. For 1974–1980, UCR data agencies reporting for full year. See note 1, chapter 8, for discussion of data sources and use of age ranges as a basis for estimating arrest rates.

TABLE 22 Victimizations Per 100,000 Persons by Race and Income Level, 1965–66 and 1979

Year Type of Victimization and Race of Victim Family Income in 1980 Dollars
0–$7829 $7,830–15,659 $15,660–26,099* $26,100+
Forcible Rape**
White 58 46 10 17
Black and Others 111 60 121 NA
White 116 91 42 34
Black and Others 278 240 121 NA
Aggravated Assault
White 146 289 147 220
Black and Others 389 420 121 NA
White 1310 958 764 763
Black and Others 1336 1261 2056 NA
Larceny ($130+)***
White 378 700 565s 916
Black and Others 501 300 363 NA
0–$3419 $3,420–8,549 $8,550–11399 $11,400–17,099 $17,100–28,499 $28,500+
Rape and Attempted Rape
White 314 168 118 127 72 65
Black and Others 467 99 342 120 30 0
White 758 807 744 586 401 439
Black and Others 1632 1455 905 1474 455 894
Aggravated Assault
White 2183 1173 1377 971 910 678
Black and Others 1819 1320 2038 1364 766 738
Black and Others NA NA NA NA NA NA
Personal Larceny with Contact***
White 474 385 257 220 182 230
Black and Others 786 511 456 730 469 204

Source for 1965–66 data: Philip H. Ennis, “triminal Victimization in the United States. Field Surveys II. A Report of a National Survey,” President’s Comission on Law Enforcement and the Administration of Justice (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1967), p. 31. Source for 1979 data: Timothy J. Flanagan, David J. van Alstyne, and Michael R. Gottfredson (eds.) Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics—1981 (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1982), Table 3.12

*Black and other data are for all families with income greater than $15660 (there were too few nonwhite respondents with incomes above $26,100 to maintain as a separate category).

**Apparently uses the UCR definition, which includes attempted rape.

***Note differences in larceny definitions for 1965–66 and 1979.

TABLE 23 Arrest and Imprisonment Data

Year Estimated Total Arrests for Index Offenses Prisoners in State and Federal Institutions Prisoners per 1,000 Arrests Percentage of Population Covere by Agencies Reporting UCR Arrest Data
1950 * 166123 * *
1951 * 165640 * *
1952 * 168200 * *
1953 * 173547 * *
1954 * 182848 * *
1955 * 185780 * *
1956 * 189421 *
1957 * 195256 * *
1958 * 205493 * *
1959 * 207446 * *
1960 918001 212957 232 54
1961 978718 220149 225 57
1962 1018102 218830 215 60
1963 1026355 217283 212 62
1964 1145387 214336 187 62
1965 1182422 210395 178 65
1966 1223657 199654 163 66
1967 1340833 194896 145 68
1968 1443218 187914 130 68
1969 1559939 196007 126 66
1970 1711090 196429 115 70
1971 1827268 198061 108 71
1972 1805612 196183 109 72
1973 1854929 204349s 110 69
1974 2345004 218205 93 64
1975 2344360 240593 103 69
1976 2280883 263291 115 72
1977 2298478 278141 121 75
1978 2384272 293546 123 86
1979 2396262 301470 126 84
1980 2527265 314272 124 75

Source for computation of estimated total arrests: For 1960–73, FBI, Uniform Crime Reports, annual editions. For 1974–80, UCR data on agencies reporting for full year. See note 1, chapter 8.

Source for prisoner data: For 1950–70, HSUS H1135–1143; for 1971–80, SAUS–81, Table 330, and comparable tables in earlier editions.

Ccmputation of estimated arrests and prisoners per 1000 arrests was based on unrounded data. For procedure and discussion, see note 2, chapter 13.

*Data are available but not comparable with subsequent data because of changes in reporting procedures. See note 2, chapter 8.

TABLE 24 Illegitimate Births, Overall and to Women 15 to 19 Years Old, and Family Headship

Year Illegitimate Live Births, Overall Illegit. Births to Women Aged 15–19 Percentage of Families Headed by Married Couple
Rate per 1000 Rate per 1000
Total Number Live Births Total Number Live Births*
Whites Blacks & Others Whites Blacks & Others Whites Blacks & Others Whites Blacks & Others Whites Blacks & Others
1950 54000 88000 17.5 179.6 NA NA 62 358 ** **
1951 52800 93900 16.3 182.8 19725 37720 58 366 NA NA
1952 54700 104100 16.3 183.4 NA NA 58 384 NA NA
1953 57307 112400 16.9 191.1 NA NA 59 389 NA NA
1954 62700 113900 18.2 198.5 23209 44005 63 400 NA NA
1955 64200 119200 18.6 202.4 23843 46790 64 407 NA NA
1956 68000 126000 19.0 204.0 25217 47604 63 405 NA NA
1957 71000 131000 19.6 206.7 26897 49598 63 409 88.4 74.7
1958 75000 134000 20.9 212.3 28515 50903 66 419 88.6 73.4
1959 80000 141000 22.1 218.0 31185 55756 69 427 88.8 72.0
1960 82500 141800 22.9 215.8 32928 54139 72 422 88.7 73.6
1961 91100 149100 25.3 223.4 36175 57132 77 439 88.6 74.4
1962 94700 150400 27.0 227.8 36556 58099 79 455 88.8 72.3
1963 104600 154900 30.4 235.5 41024 61528 93 471 88.7 71.6
1964 114300 161300 33.9 245.0 45476 66222 103 468 88.6 73.6
1965 123700 167500 39.6 263.2 50840 72390 115 492 88.6 73.1
1966 132900 169500 44.4 276.5 57521 78242 124 501 88.8 72.7
1967 142200 175800 48.7 293.8 60151 83999 138 521 88.6 72.3
1968 155200 183900 53.3 312.0 67078 90547 157 549 88.9 69.1
1969 163700 197200 54.7 325.1 70044 97751 161 574 88.8 68.7
1970 175100 223600 56.6 349.3 79152 111038 171 613 88.7 69.6
1971 163800 237500 56.1 373.3 76120 118081 170 652 88.3 67.4
1972 160500 242700 60.4 402.6 78786 123655 182 678 88.2 65.7
1973 163000 244300 63.9 416.9 81043 123792 191 691 87.8 63.2
1974 168500 249600 65.4 427.3 84762 125058 202 713 87.7 63.9
1975 186400 261600 73.0 441.7 93641 127924 228 743 86.9 63.9
1976 197100 271000 76.8 451.5 97445 127404 248 770 86.8 62.9
1977 220100 295500 81.8 464.9 106861 132754 272 795 86.7 61.9
1978 233600 310200 87.1 475.6 108646 131211 285 803 85.9 59.3
1979 263000 334800 93.6 488.1 116400 136700 303 825 85.7 58.8
1980 320063 345684 110.4 484.5 127984 134793 330 821 85.6 59.3

Source: Primary source is Vital Statistics of the United States (National Center for Health Statistics), various editions. Number of illegitimate births (overall) for 1950 and 1956–59 taken fron HSUS, B28–35. Source for married couple data: SAUS–81, Table 61, and comparable tables in preceding editions. The ratio of illegitimate births to total births among 15–19 year-olds for 1950–60 was taken from Robert D. Grove and Alice M. Hetzel, Vital Statistics Rates in the United States 1940–1960 (New York: Arno Press, 1976), Table 28. For 1979 and 1980, they were computed directly from figures in the Monthly Vital Statistics Reports. For 1961–1977, the percentage was computed indirectly from the published figures in the annual Vital Statistics volune for birth rate of married 15–19-year-olds, birth rate for unmarried 15–19-year-olds, total number of births to 15–19 year-olds, and (from Bureau of the Census P–25 series) the population of 15–19-year-old vonen.

*Rate per 1000 live births to wcmen aged 15–19.

**Data available but not directly canparable to subsequent years because of differences in the data base.

TABLE 25 Persons Living in Families Headed by a Female, No Husband Present, by Race and Income Level

Year Persons in Poor Families Headed by a Single Female Persons in Low-IncaDe Families Headed by a Single Female
Numbers of Persons As a Percentage of All Persons Living in Poor Families Numbers of Persons (in 1,000s) As a Percentage of All Persons Living in Low-Income Families
Total Whites Blacks & Others Total Whites Blacks & Others Total Whites Blacks & Others Total Whites Blacks & Others
1959 7014 4232 2782 20.29 17.31 27.49 962 751 211 6.53 5.89 10.63
1960 7247 4296 2951 20.75 17.71 27.68 1147 935 212 8.14 7.63 11.60
1961 7252 4062 3190 21.01 17.11 29.64 NA NA NA NA NA NA
1962 7781 4089 3692 23.14 18.08 33.53 NA NA NA NA NA NA
1963 7646 4051 3595 24.27 19.15 34.74 NA NA NA NA NA NA
1964 7297 3911 3386 23.61 18.88 33.21 NA NA NA NA NA NA
1965 7524 4092 3432 26.53 22.11 34.84 1372 1006 366 11.37 10.26 16.17
1966 6861 3646 3215 28.82 23.63 38.37 1469 1002 467 12.49 10.77 19.00
1967 6898 3453 3445 30.29 23.25 43.50 1435 938 497 13.75 11.52 21.68
1968 6990 3551 3439 33.78 26.21 48.10 1531 929 602 16.36 13.05 26.86
1969 6879 3577 3302 35.87 28.34 50.40 1760 1022 738 18.77 14.88 29.46
1970 7503 3761 3742 36.91 28.23 53.40 1622 1036 586 18.24 15.41 27.00
1971 7797 4099 3698 38.21 30.22 54.07 1964 1182 782 20.58 16.36 33.72
1972 8114 3770 4344 41.45 30.73 59.43 1923 1196 727 22.28 18.13 35.72
1973 8178 4003 4175 44.69 35.08 60.62 1870 1061 809 22.78 17.54 37.42
1974 8462 4278 4184 44.97 35.12 63.05 2075 1180 895 25.09 19.80 38.76
1975 8846 4577 4269 42.55 33.17 61.07 2082 1221 861 22.30 17.20 38.45
1976 9029 4463 4566 45.99 35.70 64.02 1912 1083 829 22.56 17.45 36.55
1977 9205 4474 4731 47.19 36.19 66.25 9999 1234 988 25.63 19.80 40.53
1978 9269 4371 4898 48.63 36.27 69.85 1902 1110 792 25.39 19.74 42.40
1979 9400 4375 5025 47.08 35.01 67.28 2226 1134 1092 27.25 19.24 48.00
1980 10120 4940 5180 44.78 33.87 64.64 2181 1275 906 24.53 18.73 43.47
Year Persons in Mid-and-Upper-Income Families Headed by a Single Female
Numbers of persons (in 1,000’s) As a Percentage of All Persons Living in Mid-and-Upper-Income Families
Total Whites Blacks & Others Total Whites Blacks & Others
1959 5530 687 5.33 5.01 10.92
1960 6436 5805 632 5.39 5.13 10.09
1965 7487 6462 1025 5.41 4.98 11.93
1966 8916 7616 1301 6.11 5.65 11.74
1967 9473 7739 1734 6.35 5.62 15.15
1968 9532 7727 1805 6.22 5.49 14.53
1969 9359 7698 1661 5.97 5.39 11.96
1970 10541 8418 2123 6.72 5.84 16.79
1971 10406 8225 2181 6.57 5.70 15.37
1972 11228 8790 2438 6.97 6.00 16.81
1973 11795 9241 2554 7.24 6.28 16.39
1974 12621 9960 2661 7.71 6.72 17.31
1975 12675 9788 2887 7.89 6.75 18.51
1976 13265 10391 2874 8.13 7.08 17.68
1977 13966 11031 2935 8.61 7.48 19.89
1978 14869 11384 3485 9.04 7.72 20.52
1979 15286 11815 3471 9.14 7.86 20.52
1980 15280 11441 3838 9.24 7.78 21.01

Source: Characteristics of the Population Below the Poverty Level: 1980, computed from data in Tables 1 and 2. Far purposes of the table, “poor” is defined as below the official poverty line; “low-income” is defined as all incanes from 100 to 125 percent of the poverty line; “mid-and-Hipper inccme” (next page) is defined as incanes greater than 125 percent of the poverty line.