Notes on Contributors
Introduction   Jeff Birkenstein, Anna Froula & Karen Randell
Terry Gilliam Interview:   Karen Randell
1      Steampunked: The Animated Aesthetics of Terry Gilliam in Jabberwocky and Beyond   Anna Froula
2      Grail Tales: The Preoccupations of Terry Gilliam   Tony Hood
3      ‘And Now for Something Completely Different’: Pythonic Arthuriana and the Matter of Britain   Jim Holte
4      The Baron, the King and Terry Gilliam’s Approach to ‘the Fantastic’   Keith James Hamel
5      The Subversion of Happy Endings in Terry Gilliam’s Brazil   Jeffrey Melton and Eric Sterling
6      The Fissure King: Terry Gilliam’s Psychotic Fantasy Worlds   Jacqueline Furby
7      ‘You can’t change anything’: Freedom and Control in Twelve Monkeys   Gerry Canavan
8      ‘It shall be a nation’: Terry Gilliam’s Exploration of National Identity, Between Rationalism and Imagination   Ofir Haivry
9      ‘Won’t somebody please think of the children?’: The Case for Terry Gilliam’s Tidelands   Kathryn A. Laity
10     Divorced from Reality: Time Bandits in Search of Fulfilment   Jeff Birkenstein
11     Celebrity Trauma: The Death of Heath Ledger and The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus   Karen Randell