Illustration credits


1. Illustration by Steven Mithen using data from Aiello & Dunbar (1993); upper figure modified from Aiello (1996b).

2. Drawing by Margaret Mathews, after Saladin D’Angular (1990).

3. Drawing by Margaret Mathews, after McGrew (1992).

4. Illustration by Margaret Mathews and Steven Mithen.

5. Drawing by Margaret Mathews, modified from Schick & Toth (1993).

6. Illustration by Steven Mithen.

7. Drawing by Aaron Watson.

8. Drawing by Aaron Watson.

9. Drawing by Margaret Mathews, after Jones et al (1992).

10. Illustration by Margaret Mathews and Steven Mithen.

11. Drawing by Margaret Mathews.

12. Drawing by Margaret Mathews.

13. Drawing by Aaron Watson.

14. Drawing by Aaron Watson.

15. Illustration by Margaret Mathews and Steven Mithen.

16. Illustration by Margaret Mathews and Steven Mithen.

17. Illustration by Margaret Mathews and Steven Mithen.

18. Drawing by Margaret Mathews, based on a photograph by A. Marshack in National Geographic 174 (1988).

19. Drawing by Margaret Mathews, after Delluc & Delluc (1978).

20. Drawing by Margaret Mathews, after Mania, D. & Mania, U. (1988). Deliberate engravings on bone artefacts by Homo erectus, Rock Art Research 5: 91–107.

21. Drawing by Margaret Mathews, after Breuil (1952).

22. Drawing by Simon S. S. Driver, in Fagan, B. (1990) Journey from Eden (London & New York: Thames and Hudson).

23. Drawing by Margaret Mathews, after Bahn & Vertut (1989).

24. Drawing by Margaret Mathews, after Marshack (1991).

25. Illustration by Margaret Mathews and Steven Mithen.

26. Illustration by Margaret Mathews and Steven Mithen.

27. Illustration by Margaret Mathews and Steven Mithen.

28. Drawing by Margaret Mathews, modified from Schick & Toth (1993).

29. Drawing by Margaret Mathews, after Jones et al (1992).

30. Drawing by Margaret Mathews, after Jones et al (1992).

31. Drawing by Margaret Mathews, after Jones et al (1992).

32. Drawing by Margaret Mathews, after Jones et al (1992).

33. Illustration by Margaret Mathews and Steven Mithen.

34. Drawing by Margaret Mathews, after Wendorf et al (1980).

35. Drawing by Aaron Watson.

36. Drawing by Margaret Mathews, after Piette (1906).


p. 14. Illustration by Steven Mithen.

pp. 24–5. Drawings by Margaret Mathews, after Jones et al (1992).

pp. 26–7. Drawings by Margaret Mathews, (from top to bottom) quartz flake, after Merrick & Merrick (1976); chopper, after Bordes (1968); pointed handaxe, after Roe (1981); Levallois flake and core, after Bordes (1968); the Clacton-on-Sea ‘Spear’, after Oakley, K. (1949) Man the Tool-maker (London: Trustees of the British Museum (Natural History)); blade core, after Bordes (1968); bone harpoon, after Bordes (1968); the ‘Willendorf Venus’, after Marshack (1991).

p. 28. Drawing by Margaret Mathews.

p. 29. Drawing by Margaret Mathews.

p. 30. Drawing by Margaret Mathews.

p. 31. Illustration by Steven Mithen, modified from Wood (1993).

p. 32. Illustration by Steven Mithen, after Stringer & Gamble (1993).

p. 67. Illustration by Steven Mithen.

p. 127. Drawings by Margaret Mathews, after Shea (1988) and Oswalt (1973).

p. 158. Drawings by Margaret Mathews, after Morphy (1989) and Leroi-Gourhan (1968).

p. 163. Illustration by Steven Mithen.

p. 166. Illustration by Steven Mithen.

p. 175. Drawing by Margaret Mathews, after Cunliffe (1994).

Box pp. 196–97. Illustration by Steven Mithen.

Box p 198. Illustration by Steven Mithen.