Ф symbol, 103

Abu Kamil Shuja ibn Aslam, 39

The Adoration of the Magi (Botticelli), 77

African spiral aloe plant, 149

Agnew, H. C., 96

Alhambra palace, 193

Alma-Tadema, Lawrence, 106

Altarpiece of Saint Mark (Botticelli), 80


cats, 164

chameleons, 161

conch shells, 162

five-fold symmetry, 152

primates, 165

screw shell, 162

seahorses, 161

sea urchins, 152, 153

starfish, 152, 153

Annunciation (Leonardo da Vinci), 66

Annunciation (Sandro Botticelli), 77, 78, 79, 80

apples, 152

Archimedean spiral, 156

Archimedean truncated icosahedron, 61

Archimedes, 195

Art Forms in Nature (Ernst Haeckel), 153

Aston Martin automobiles, 138

Athena Parthenos (Phidias), 104

The Baptism of Christ (Piero della Francesca), 62, 63

Barr, Mark, 103

Basel Minster, 156

Bathers in Asnières (Georges Seurat), 120

Bernoulli, Jacob, 156

Birds and Nature, 145

The Birth of Venus (Sandro Botticelli), 75, 77

black holes, 188, 189

blue passionflower, 151

Bonnet, Charles, 145

Book of Algebra (Abu Kamil Shuja ibn Aslam), 39

Botticelli, Sandro, 75, 77

BP logo, 137

Brady, Oliver, 13

Bridge of Courbevoie (Georges Seurat), 124

Bronnikov, Fyodor, 16

Brunelleschi, Filippo, 115

buckyballs, 190, 195

Caldwall, James, 145

Cambio, Arnolfo di, 115

caricatures, 177

Cartesian space, 32, 33

Cathedral of Saint Mary of the Flower, 115, 116

cats, 164

Cattedrale di Santa Maria del Fiore, 115, 116

The Cestello Annunciation (Botticelli), 78

chameleons, 161

The Channel of Gravelines, Petit Fort Philippe (Georges Seurat), 124

Chartres Cathedral, 111, 112, 113, 114, 203

Christ as Savior of the World (Leonardo da Vinci), 72

Chrystal, George, 9

Cité radieuse (Radiant City), 127

Clark, Carmel, 13

Clark, Kenneth, 62

Codea, Radu, 196

Coltellini, Michele, 74

The Compendious Book on Calculation by Completion and Balancing (Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi), 38

conch shells, 162

Cook, Theodore Andrea, 103

Corbusierhaus, 127


black holes, 188, 189

Earth, 183, 185

Moon, 183

planetary motion, 182, 185

stars, 186, 187

Sun, 185

Venus, 185

Coxeter plane projections, 196, 197

The Creation of Adam (Michelangelo), 84, 85

The Creation of Eve (Michelangelo), 86

Crescenzi, Darrin, 139, 141

Cruz, Norman, 189

Curl, Robert, 195

The Curves of Life (Sir Theodore Andrea Cook), 103

Dambrun, Jean, 16

Darb-i Imam shrine, 193

Dash, Glen, 99

Davies, Paul, 189

The Da Vinci Code (Dan Brown), 66

da Vinci, Leonardo, 12, 59, 60, 61, 66, 68, 69, 74, 149, 150

De Architectura (Vitruvius), 108

DeBruine, Lisa, 167

De Divina Proportione (Luca Pacioli), 59, 61, 62, 66, 74

Dell, Susan, 140

De Prospectiva Pingendi (Piero della Francesca), 62

Descartes, René, 68, 156

discovery, 16

Disney logo, 137

DNA, 170

dodecahedron, 17, 25, 31, 32, 33, 58, 61, 182, 183, 195

Dow Jones Industrial Average, 200

The Drunkenness of Noah (Michelangelo), 87

Dürer, Albrecht, 58

E8 Coxeter plane projections, 196, 197

Earth, 183, 185

Echeveria succulent plants, 148

Einstein, Albert, 22

Elements (Euclid)

Arabic translation of, 20

Book II, Proposition 5, 8

Book III, Propositions 8, 19

Book VI, Proposition 11, 22

Book VI, Proposition 30, 22

Book XIII, Proposition 1, 23

Book XIII, Proposition 2, 23

Book XIII, Proposition 3, 23

Book XIII, Proposition 4, 24

Book XIII, Proposition 5, 24

Book XIII, Proposition 6, 24

Book XIII, Proposition 8, 24, 26

Book XIII, Proposition 9, 25

Book XIII, Proposition 17, 25

circulation of, 58

description of Ф, 10

Encyclopedia Britannica, 9

Epitome Astronomiae Copernicanae (Johannes Kepler), 30

ethnicity, 175

Euclid, 10, 19, 24

“Euclid Alone Has Looked on Beauty Bare” (Edna St. Vincent Millay), 19

extreme and mean ratio, 8, 17, 22, 24

faces, 164, 165, 167, 173, 179

The Fall and Expulsion from the Garden of Eden (Michelangelo), 85

“Famous Men” series (Justus of Ghent), 19

The Fashion Code, 140

fashion design, 140

Fibonacci heap, 199

Fibonacci, Leonardo, 39, 42, 103

Fibonacci numbers, 146, 166, 169

Fibonacci search technique, 199

Fibonacci sequence, 43, 47, 48, 199

Fibonacci spiral. See golden spiral.

Fibonacci system, 199

Fibonacci triangle, 48

financial markets, 199

fingers, 166

Finklestein, David, 189

five-petaled violets, 149, 150

The Flagellation of Christ (Piero della Francesca), 62, 65

forearm, 166

fractal patterns, 186, 199, 205

fractals, 154

Francesca, Piero della, 62, 74

fruit, 152

Fuller, Buckminster, 195

galaxies, 161

Galileo Galilei, 37

gambling, 199

gauge calipers, 57

German yellowjackets, 163

Ghyika, Matila, 120

giant silk moths, 163

Giza site, 93

golden angle, 147, 148

golden gnomon, 29

golden ratio

calculating, 51

constructing, 26

discovery, 16

golden rectangle, 31, 99, 100, 107, 130, 131, 132

golden rhombus, 192, 193

golden spiral, 13, 46, 47, 68, 146, 154, 157, 160

golden triangle, 29, 34

Google logo, 136

Gosset, Thorold, 196

Great Pyramid of Giza, 93, 99, 184

Great Sphinx, 102

Greek letters, 9

Gutenberg, Johannes, 19

Haeckel, Ernst, 153

hand, 166

Harmonices Mundi (Johannes Kepler), 30, 182

Herodotus, 96

Hertzsprung–Russell diagram, 187

Heyday of Greece (August Ahlborn), 106

Hollar, Wenceslaus, 74

Ho-Mg-Zn quasicrystal, 192, 193

House of Wisdom (Baghdad), 38

The Human Face documentary, 173

human body

caricatures, 177

DNA, 170

ethnicity, 175

face, 167, 173, 179

fashion, 140

forearm, 166

hand, 166

head, 168

index finger, 166

teeth, 178

icosahedrite, 192

icosahedron, 31, 182, 195

index finger, 166

insects, 163

Introduction to Algebra (George Chrystal), 9

Islamic Golden Age, 39, 40

Jahan, Shah, 118

Jefferies, Matt, 138, 139

John the Baptist (Leonardo da Vinci), 12

Jones, Ben, 167

Julia Titi Flavia, 174

Justus of Ghent, 19

Kepler, Johannes, 15, 17, 27, 30, 53, 95, 181, 182

Kepler triangle, 27, 95, 184

Khafre Pyramid, 99

Khufu Pyramid, 93, 99, 184

al-Khwarizmi, Muhammad ibn Musa, 38, 39

Koch snowflake, 154

Kroto, Harry, 195

Kunstformen der Natur (Ernst Haeckel), 153

al-Khwarizmi, 38

Lagrange, Joseph Louis, 50

Lahori, Ustad Ahmad, 118

The Last Supper (Leonardo da Vinci), 69

Le Corbusier, 126, 134

Lefebvre, Vladimir A., 200

Levin, Eddy, 169, 178

Levy, Ruth, 140

Levy, Sara, 140

Liber Abaci (Leonardo Fibonacci), 39, 42, 45

The Lighthouse at Honfleur (Georges Seurat), 121

Limburg Cathedral, 114

Lindner, John, 186

logarithmic spiral, 156

lotus flowers, 148

Lucas, Edouard, 45

Luminet, Jean-Pierre, 183

lute of Pythagoras, 154

Madonna della Misericordia (Piero della Francesca), 64

Maestlin, Michael, 51

Mahal, Mumtaz, 118

Marquardt Beauty Mask, 173

Marquardt, Stephen R., 143, 169, 173

Martingale progression, 199

Mästlin, Michael, 28

Matsys, Quentin, 177

Menkaure Pyramid, 99

Michelangelo (Daniele da Volterra), 84

Millet, Aimé, 104

Modestini, Dianne Dwyer, 72

Modular design system, 126, 127, 128, 132

molecular structures

buckyballs, 190, 195

quasicrystals, 191

Mona Lisa (Leonardo da Vinci), 68

Moon, 183

morning glory, 151

moths, 163

Mysterium Cosmographicum (Kepler), 17, 30, 31

National Geographic logo, 137

nautilus shell, 157

The Navvies (Georges Seurat), 122

Nefertiti, 174

nest fern, 161

Neue Lehre von den Proportionen des menschlichen Körpers (Adolph Ziesing), 144

A New Illustration of the Sexual System of Carolus von Linnaeus (Robert John Thornton), 145

New Doctrine of the Proportions of the Human Body (Adolph Ziesing), 144

Niemeyer, Oscar, 127, 131

Nieto, J. A., 189

Nissan logo, 137

Notre-Dame Cathedral, 109, 110, 111, 196, 197

numeric reduction, 49

Occam’s razor, 166

Ohm, Martin, 9

okra, 152

Olivares, Marco, 189

On Perspective for Painting (Piero della Francesca), 62

orchids, 161

origami triangle, 29

Ostwald, Michael J., 126

Oxyrhynchus papyri, 8

Pacioli, Luca, 55, 58, 59, 74, 195, 205

Padovan, Richard, 130

Paganucci, Giovanni, 43

papaya, 152

Parthenon, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107

Pascal, Blaise, 44

Pascal’s triangle, 44

Peasant with a Hoe (Georges Seurat), 122

Penrose, Sir Roger, 34

Penrose tiles, 29, 34, 192

Pentagon construction, 26, 193

pentagram, 17, 29, 154

people. See human body.

periwinkle, 151

“The Phi Collection” (Susan Dell), 140

Phidias, 103, 104, 106

PhiMatrix software, 11, 57, 62, 82, 162, 168, 174

phyllotaxis, 145

pine cones, 144, 146

planetary motion, 182, 185


African spiral aloe plant, 149

apples, 152

blue passionflower, 151

Echeveria succulent, 148

five-fold symmetry, 152

five-petaled violet, 149, 150

fractals, 154

fruit, 152

golden angle, 147

lotus flower, 148

morning glory, 151

nautilus shell, 157

nest fern, 161

okra, 152

orchids, 161

papaya, 152

periwinkle, 151

pine cones, 146

Plumeria, 151

Romanesco broccoli, 154

sacred datura, 151

starfruit, 152

sunflowers, 146, 147, 204

Theobroma cocoa plant, 152

Plato, 17, 183

Platonic solids, 17, 31, 182

Pliny the Elder, 145

Plumeria flower, 151

polyhedrons, 61

Polyptych of the Misericordia (Piero della Francesca), 62, 65

primates, 165

The Procession of the Youngest King (Benozzo Gozzoli), 76

Proportion: Science, Philosophy, Architecture (Richard Padovan), 130

A Psychological Theory of Bipolarity and Reflexivity (Vladimir A. Lefebvre), 200

PsychoMorph software, 167

The Pure Elementary Mathematics (Martin Ohm), 9

Pyramids of Queens, 101

Pythagoras, 17, 27, 29, 30

Pythagorean 3–4–5 triangle, 28

quasicrystals, 191

quasi-periodicity, 194

Radiant City, 127

Raphael, 82

Recherches sur l’usage des feuilles dans les plantes (Charles Bonnet), 145

Die Reine Elementar-Mathematik (Martin Ohm), 9

Remarks on Rural Scenery (John Thomas Smith), 134

Research on the Use of Leaves in Plants (Charles Bonnet), 145

Rhind Mathematical Papyrus, 97

Roddenberry, Gene, 138

Romanesco broccoli, 154

RR Lyrae-class stars, 186, 187

rule of thirds, 134

sacred datura plant, 151

Sacred Golden Ratio (Oliver Brady and Carmel Clark), 13

Sainte Marie de la Tourette convent, 127

Salvator Mundi (Leonardo da Vinci), 72, 73, 74

al-Saud, Bader bin Abdullah bin Mohammed bin Farhan, 72

scarab beetles, 163

The School of Athens (Raphael), 82

screw shell, 162

seahorses, 161

sea urchins, 152, 153

Secretariat building, 127

The Seine at La Grande Jatte (Georges Seurat), 125

seked measurements, 97

Self-portrait (Raphael), 82

Semper, Godfried, 108

The Separation of the Earth from the Waters (Michelangelo), 86

Seurat, Georges, 91, 120, 134

Shah-i-Zinda necropolis, 193

Shechtman, Dan, 191, 192, 193

Short Book on (the) Five Regular Solids (Piero della Francesca), 62

Sierpinski triangle, 154

Simon, Robert, 72

Simson, Robert, 45

Sistine Chapel, 84, 85, 87, 88, 89

skeletonic solids, 60, 195

Smalley, Richard, 195

Smith, John Thomas, 134

Solomon’s Temple (Jerusalem), 61

Sphinx, 102

Square construction, 26

starfish, 152, 153

starfruit, 152

Star Trek television show, 138, 139

Stiftskirche (“Collegiate Church”), 114

stock markets, 199

St. Peter’s Basilica, 56, 89

Stradivarius violins, 136

St. Vincent Millay, Edna, 19

Sulley, James, 9

Sully, Maurice de, 111

Summary of Arithmetic (Luca Pacioli), 59

Sun, 185

A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte (Georges Seurat), 120, 121

sunflowers, 146, 147, 204

Taj Mahal, 118

Talenti, Francesco, 115

Tedder, Chris, 99

teeth, 178

Temple of Zeus (Olympia), 103

Theobroma cocoa plant, 152

Thornton, Robert John, 145

Three Lines construction, 26

Tiddeman, Bernard, 167

Timaeus (Plato), 17, 183

Toyota, 137

Triangle construction, 26

truncated icosahedron, 195

Tuman Aka mausoleum, 193

al-Tusi, Nasir al-Din, 20

Typhoon Sonca, 160

The Ugly Duchess (Quentin Matsys), 177

Unité d’Habitation of Berlin. See Corbusierhaus.

UN Secretariat building, 128, 130

Venus, 185

Vernet, Horace, 56

Villanueva, J. R., 189

Vinci, Leonardo da, 134

Vitruvian Man (Leonardo da Vinci), 69, 72, 166

Vitruvius, 108

Vogel, Helmut, 146

Volterra, Daniele da, 84

volutes, 47

Whirlpool Galaxy, 161

William of Ockham, 166

WMAP radiation data, 183

Woman with Umbrella (Georges Seurat), 123

yellowjackets, 163

Ziesing, Adolf, 144