Finding Your Voice
Goddess Mantras For Peace
Pax, Roman Goddess of the Peaceful State
Our Lady of Fátima, Peaceful Mother of Christianity
Branwen, Welsh Goddess of Compassionate Peace
Ritual for Peace: The Sacred Prayer of Peace
Goddess Mantras For The Environment
Asase Yaa, Akan Mother Earth Goddess
Pachamama, Peruvian Earth Mama
Eriu, Irish Goddess of the Land
Ritual for the Environment: Love for a Tree, Love for All
Goddess Mantras For Love
Venus, Roman Goddess of All Things Love-ly
Caelia, British Faerie Queen of Eternal Love
Freyja, Norse Goddess of Passion and Sex
Ritual for Love: Allowing Love to Enter
Goddess Mantras For Self-Love
Venus of Willendorf, Paleolithic Goddess of Self-Celebration
Hina, Hawaiian Goddess of Self-Liberation
Cessair, Irish Goddess of Self-Esteem
Ritual for Self-Love: Awakening Your Rainbow Body
Goddess Mantras For Forgiveness
Tlazolteotl, Aztec Eater of Filth
Mary Magdalene, Christian Sacred Prostitute
Arianrhod, Welsh Sovereign Lady
Ritual for Forgiveness: Creating a Mandala of You
Goddess Mantras For Healing
Uzume, Shinto Goddess of Laughter and Shadow
Sulis, British Goddess of Cures and Curses
Airmid, Irish Goddess of Herbs and Plants
Ritual for Healing: The Rattle of Health
Goddess Mantras For Growth
Heqet, Egyptian Goddess of Childbirth and Resurrection
Pomona, Roman Goddess of Orchards and Fruitfulness
Blodeuwedd, Welsh Goddess of Personal Growth and Change
Ritual for Growth: Welcoming the Positive
Goddess Mantras For Hope
Demeter, Greek Sorrowful Mother Goddess
Persephone, Greek Queen of the Dead
Sunna, Norse Light-Bringer of Hope
Ritual for Hope: Crafting H.O.P.E.
Goddess Mantras For Spirituality
The Pleiades, Greek Goddesses of All Time and Space
Isis, Great Egyptian Goddess of Magic and Motherhood
Rhiannon, Welsh Great Queen and Triple Goddess
Ritual for Spirituality: What Do You Want to Do?