Legacy Animations

Before ViewPropertyAnimator and the rest of the animator framework were added in API Level 11, we had the original Animation base class and specialized animations based upon it, like TranslateAnimation for movement and AlphaAnimation for fades. On the whole, you will want to try to use the animator framework where possible, as the new system is more powerful and efficient than the legacy Animation approach. However, particularly for apps where the NineOldAndroids backport is insufficient, you may wish to use the legacy framework.

After an overview of the role of the animation framework, we go in-depth to animate the movement of a widget across the screen. We then look at alpha animations, for fading widgets in and out. We then see how you can get control during the lifecycle of an animation, how to control the acceleration of animations, and how to group animations together for parallel execution. Finally, we see how the same framework can now be used to control the animation for the switching of activities.


Understanding this chapter requires that you have read the core chapters, particularly the ones on basic resources and basic widgets. Also, you should read the chapter on custom views.

It’s Not Just For Toons Anymore

Android has a package of classes (android.view.animation) dedicated to animating the movement and behavior of widgets.

They center around an Animation base class that describes what is to be done. Built-in animations exist to move a widget (TranslateAnimation), change the transparency of a widget (AlphaAnimation), revolve a widget (RotateAnimation), and resize a widget (ScaleAnimation). There is even a way to aggregate animations together into a composite Animation called an AnimationSet. Later sections in this chapter will examine the use of several of these animations.

Given that you have an animation, to apply it, you have two main options:

  1. You may be using a container that supports animating its contents, such as a ViewFlipper or TextSwitcher. These are typically subclasses of ViewAnimator and let you define the “in” and “out” animations to apply. For example, with a ViewFlipper, you can specify how it flips between Views in terms of what animation is used to animate “out” the currently-visible View and what animation is used to animate “in” the replacement View.
  2. You can simply tell any View to startAnimation(), given the Animation to apply to itself. This is the technique we will be seeing used in the examples in this chapter.

A Quirky Translation

Animation takes some getting used to. Frequently, it takes a fair bit of experimentation to get it all working as you wish. This is particularly true of TranslateAnimation, as not everything about it is intuitive, even to authors of Android books.

Mechanics of Translation

The simple constructor for TranslateAnimation takes four parameters describing how the widget should move: the before and after X offsets from the current position, and the before and after Y offsets from the current position. The Android documentation refers to these as fromXDelta, toXDelta, fromYDelta, and toYDelta.

In Android’s pixel-space, an (X,Y) coordinate of (0,0) represents the upper-left corner of the screen. Hence, if toXDelta is greater than fromXDelta, the widget will move to the right, if toYDelta is greater than fromYDelta, the widget will move down, and so on.

Imagining a Sliding Panel

Some Android applications employ a sliding panel, one that is off-screen most of the time but can be called up by the user (e.g., via a menu) when desired. When anchored at the bottom of the screen, you get a container that slides up from the bottom and slides down and out when being removed.

One way to implement such a panel is to have a container (e.g., a LinearLayout) whose contents are absent (INVISIBLE) when the panel is closed and is present (VISIBLE) when the drawer is open. If we simply toggled setVisibility() using the aforementioned values, though, the panel would wink open and closed immediately, without any sort of animation. So, instead, we want to:

  1. Make the panel visible and animate it up from the bottom of the screen when we open the panel
  2. Animate it down to the bottom of the screen and make the panel invisible when we close the panel

The Aftermath

This brings up a key point with respect to TranslateAnimation: the animation temporarily moves the widget, but if you want the widget to stay where it is when the animation is over, you have to handle that yourself. Otherwise, the widget will snap back to its original position when the animation completes.

In the case of the panel opening, we handle that via the transition from INVISIBLE to VISIBLE. Technically speaking, the panel is always “open”, in that we are not, in the end, changing its position. But when the body of the panel is INVISIBLE, it takes up no space on the screen; when we make it VISIBLE, it takes up whatever space it is supposed to.

Later in this chapter, we will cover how to use animation listeners to accomplish this end for closing the panel.

Introducing SlidingPanel

With all that said, turn your attention to the Animation/SlidingPanel sample project and, in particular, the SlidingPanel class.

This class implements a layout that works as a panel, anchored to the bottom of the screen. A toggle() method can be called by the activity to hide or show the panel. The panel itself is a LinearLayout, so you can put whatever contents you want in there.

We use two flavors of TranslateAnimation, one for opening the panel and one for closing it.

Here is the opening animation:

      anim=new TranslateAnimation(0.0f, 0.0f,
(from Animation/SlidingPanel/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/anim/SlidingPanel.java)

Our fromXDelta and toXDelta are both 0, since we are not shifting the panel’s position along the horizontal axis. Our fromYDelta is the panel’s height according to its layout parameters (representing how big we want the panel to be), because we want the panel to start the animation at the bottom of the screen; our toYDelta is 0 because we want the panel to be at its “natural” open position at the end of the animation.

Conversely, here is the closing animation:

      anim=new TranslateAnimation(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f,
(from Animation/SlidingPanel/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/anim/SlidingPanel.java)

It has the same basic structure, except the Y values are reversed, since we want the panel to start open and animate to a closed position.

The result is a container that can be closed:

The SlidingPanel sample application, with the panel closed
Figure 534: The SlidingPanel sample application, with the panel closed

… or open, in this case toggled via a menu choice in the SlidingPanelDemo activity:

The SlidingPanel sample application, with the panel open
Figure 535: The SlidingPanel sample application, with the panel open

Using the Animation

When setting up an animation, you also need to indicate how long the animation should take. This is done by calling setDuration() on the animation, providing the desired length of time in milliseconds.

When we are ready with the animation, we simply call startAnimation() on the SlidingPanel itself, causing it to move as specified by the TranslateAnimation instance.

Fading To Black. Or Some Other Color.

AlphaAnimation allows you to fade a widget in or out by making it less or more transparent. The greater the transparency, the more the widget appears to be “fading”.

Alpha Numbers

You may be used to alpha channels, when used in #AARRGGBB color notation, or perhaps when working with alpha-capable image formats like PNG.

Similarly, AlphaAnimation allows you to change the alpha channel for an entire widget, from fully-solid to fully-transparent.

In Android, a float value of 1.0 indicates a fully-solid widget, while a value of 0.0 indicates a fully-transparent widget. Values in between, of course, represent various amounts of transparency.

Hence, it is common for an AlphaAnimation to either start at 1.0 and smoothly change the alpha to 0.0 (a fade) or vice versa.

Animations in XML

With TranslateAnimation, we showed how to construct the animation in Java source code. One can also create animation resources, which define the animations using XML. This is similar to the process for defining layouts, albeit much simpler.

For example, there is a second animation project, Animation/SlidingPanelEx, which demonstrates a panel that fades out as it is closed. In there, you will find a res/anim/ directory, which is where animation resources should reside. In there, you will find fade.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<alpha xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
  android:toAlpha="0.0" />
(from Animation/SlidingPanelEx/app/src/main/res/anim/fade.xml)

The name of the root element indicates the type of animation (in this case, alpha for an AlphaAnimation). The attributes specify the characteristics of the animation, in this case a fade from 1.0 to 0.0 on the alpha channel.

This XML is the same as calling new AlphaAnimation(1.0f,0.0f) in Java.

Using XML Animations

To make use of XML-defined animations, you need to inflate them, much as you might inflate a View or Menu resource. This is accomplished by using the loadAnimation() static method on the AnimationUtils class, seen here in our SlidingPanel constructor:

  public SlidingPanel(final Context ctxt, AttributeSet attrs) {
    super(ctxt, attrs);
    TypedArray a=ctxt.obtainStyledAttributes(attrs,
                                              0, 0);
    speed=a.getInt(R.styleable.SlidingPanel_speed, 300);
    fadeOut=AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(ctxt, R.anim.fade);
(from Animation/SlidingPanelEx/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/anim2/SlidingPanel.java)

Here, we are loading our fade animation, given a Context. This is being put into an Animation variable, so we neither know nor care that this particular XML that we are loading defines an AlphaAnimation instead of, say, a RotateAnimation.

When It’s All Said And Done

Sometimes, you need to take action when an animation completes.

For example, when we close the panel, we want to use a TranslationAnimation to slide it down from the open position to closed… then keep it closed. With the system used in SlidingPanel, keeping the panel closed is a matter of calling setVisibility() on the contents with INVISIBLE.

However, you cannot do that when the animation begins; otherwise, the panel is gone by the time you try to animate its motion.

Instead, you need to arrange to have it become invisible when the animation ends. To do that, you use an animation listener.

An animation listener is simply an instance of the AnimationListener interface, provided to an animation via setAnimationListener(). The listener will be invoked when the animation starts, ends, or repeats (the latter courtesy of CycleInterpolator, discussed later in this chapter). You can put logic in the onAnimationEnd() callback in the listener to take action when the animation finishes.

For example, here is the AnimationListener for SlidingPanel:

  Animation.AnimationListener collapseListener=new Animation.AnimationListener() {
    public void onAnimationEnd(Animation animation) {
    public void onAnimationRepeat(Animation animation) {
      // not needed
    public void onAnimationStart(Animation animation) {
      // not needed
(from Animation/SlidingPanel/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/anim/SlidingPanel.java)

All we do is set our content’s visibility to be INVISIBLE, thereby closing the panel.

Loose Fill

You will see attributes, available on Animation, named android:fillEnabled and android:fillAfter. Reading those, you may think that you can dispense with the AnimationListener and just use those to arrange to have your widget wind up being “permanently” in the state represented by the end of the animation. All you would have to do is set each of those to true in your animation XML (or the equivalent in Java), and you would be set.

At least for TranslateAnimation, you would be mistaken.

It actually will look like it works — the animated widgets will be drawn in their new location. However, if those widgets are clickable, they will not be clicked in their new location, but rather in their old one. This, of course, is not terribly useful.

Hence, even though it is annoying, you will want to use the AnimationListener techniques described in this chapter.

Hit The Accelerator

In addition to the Animation classes themselves, Android also provides a set of Interpolator classes. These provide instructions for how an animation is supposed to behave during its operating period.

For example, the AccelerateInterpolator indicates that, during the duration of an animation, the rate of change of the animation should begin slowly and accelerate until the end. When applied to a TranslateAnimation, for example, the sliding movement will start out slowly and pick up speed until the movement is complete.

There are several implementations of the Interpolator interface besides AccelerateInterpolator, including:

  1. AccelerateDecelerateInterpolator, which starts slowly, picks up speed in the middle, and slows down again at the end
  2. DecelerateInterpolator, which starts quickly and slows down towards the end
  3. LinearInterpolator, the default, which indicates the animation should proceed smoothly from start to finish
  4. CycleInterpolator, which repeats an animation for a number of cycles, following the AccelerateDecelerateInterpolator pattern (slow, then fast, then slow)

To apply an interpolator to an animation, simply call setInterpolator() on the animation with the Interpolator instance, such as the following line from SlidingPanel:

    anim.setInterpolator(new AccelerateInterpolator(1.0f));
(from Animation/SlidingPanel/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/anim/SlidingPanel.java)

You can also specify one of the stock interpolators via the android:interpolator attribute in your animation XML file.

Animate. Set. Match.

For the Animation/SlidingPanelEx project, though, we want the panel to slide open, but also fade when it slides closed. This implies two animations working at the same time (a fade and a slide). Android supports this via the AnimationSet class.

An AnimationSet is itself an Animation implementation. Following the composite design pattern, it simply cascades the major Animation events to each of the animations in the set.

To create a set, just create an AnimationSet instance, add the animations, and configure the set. For example, here is the logic from the SlidingPanel implementation in Animation/SlidingPanelEx:

  public void toggle() {
    TranslateAnimation anim=null;
    AnimationSet set=new AnimationSet(true);
    if (isOpen) {
      anim=new TranslateAnimation(0.0f, 0.0f,
    else {
      anim=new TranslateAnimation(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f,
    set.setInterpolator(new AccelerateInterpolator(1.0f));
(from Animation/SlidingPanelEx/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/anim2/SlidingPanel.java)

If the panel is to be opened, we make the contents visible (so we can animate the motion upwards), and create a TranslateAnimation for the upward movement. If the panel is to be closed, we create a TranslateAnimation for the downward movement, but also add a pre-defined AlphaAnimation (fadeOut) to an AnimationSet. In either case, we add the TranslateAnimation to the set, give the set a duration and interpolator, and run the animation.

Active Animations

Starting with Android 1.5, users could indicate if they wanted to have inter-activity animations: a slide-in/slide-out effect as they switched from activity to activity. However, at that time, they could merely toggle this setting on or off, and applications had no control over these animations whatsoever.

Starting in Android 2.0, though, developers have a bit more control. Specifically:

  1. Developers can call overridePendingTransition() on an Activity, typically after calling startActivity() to launch another activity or finish() to close up the current activity. The overridePendingTransition() indicates an in/out animation pair that should be applied as control passes from this activity to the next one, whether that one is being started (startActivity()) or is the one previous on the stack (finish()).
  2. Developers can start an activity via an Intent containing the FLAG_ACTIVITY_NO_ANIMATION flag. As the name suggests, this flag requests that animations on the transitions involving this activity be suppressed.

These are prioritized as follows: