

Page numbers in bold means that there is a picture on that page.


ancestors, 1, 15

animal spirits, 15


baby carriers. See cradleboards

Bald Eagle (sister), 20

baskets, 23

beadwork, 4, 54

Bear Clan, 15

bears, 42, 42

Bends the Bough (mother)

on following tradition, 4950

homestead of, 14

before Mountain Wolf Woman’s birth, 78, 14

Mountain Wolf Woman’s childhood and, 17, 18, 21

on Mountain Wolf Woman’s marriage, 63

resettlement of, 78

return to Wisconsin of, 9, 1113

berry picking

blueberries, 26, 3033, 31

cranberries, 38, 3839, 39

Big Winnebago (brother), 20, 43, 4950

Black River Falls, Wisconsin, 11, 14, 14, 27, 31, 32

British settlers, 5


canoes. See dugout canoes

ceremonies, 46

See also feasts

cattail. See mats

clans, 13, 15, 15

See also specific clans

clothes, traditional, 23, 49, 61, 62, 63, 64

corn, 33, 3334, 34

cradleboards, 18, 19, 19

Crashing Thunder (brother), 20


dancing, 48, 60, 61

deer, 3940, 42, 48

Department of Natural Resources, 29

Distant Flashes Standing (sister), 20, 4344, 58

dolls, 43

dugout canoes, 911, 10


Eagle Clan, 14, 15

earth clan, 15

Earthmaker, 23, 55


at home, 2223

at school, 5152, 59, 5961, 60

European settlers, 3, 5

trade with, 45, 10


fall activities

cranberry picking, 38, 3839, 39

hunting, 26, 3940, 40, 4243

family roles

aunts, 2, 54

brothers, 51, 60, 6263

duties and privileges, 2, 48

grandfathers, 54

nephews, 2, 48, 53, 54

nieces, 2, 53

sisters, 51, 60

uncles, 48, 53

fasting, 22, 43, 4950

Fear the Snake Den (grandfather), 5456

feasts, 46, 4850

fishing, 2829, 29

food, 3, 26, 27, 37, 50

See also specific methods of obtaining

Fox River, 4, 6

French settlers, 3, 4, 12


gardening, 3, 4, 26, 30

corn, 33, 3334, 34

squash, 3435, 35

gathering, 3

food stored by mice, 36

potatoes, 3536, 36

slippery elm bark, 57, 5758

water lilies, 2930, 30

generosity, as duty, 2, 21, 54, 60, 64

gifts, 21, 54, 60, 64

Good Snake (grandfather), 5456

Green Bay, Wisconsin, 4, 6

Green Lake, 59, 59

groundnuts. See potatoes


High Snake (grandfather), 54


language of, 6

as name, 6

Ho-Chunk Nation

history of in Wisconsin, 1, 4

lands of, 7

resettlement of by government, 57, 6, 13, 67

homesteads, 1314

houses. See log cabin, wigwams

hunger, 50

hunting, 3, 26, 3940, 40, 4243, 46


Iroquois, 3


jewelry, 54, 54, 62, 63


La Crosse, Wisconsin, 11, 27

lacrosse (game), 46


decisions about, 15

Ho-Chunk territory, 7

as private property, 13, 26

log cabin, 14, 30

Lurie, Nancy Oestreich, 2, 18, 66, 67

Lutheran Mission School, 5961, 60, 67


maple sugar, 1617, 17, 54

marriage, 6264, 65

Marshfield, Wisconsin, 53

marsh rabbits. See muskrats

mats, cattail, 3, 40, 41, 41

for wigwams, 9

medicine, traditional, 56, 5658, 65

medicine lodge, 5556

Mississippi River, 11, 12, 27, 67

Missouri River, 9, 11, 12, 67

moccasins, 23

month names, 25

Mountain Wolf Woman

birth of, 1

death of, 67

descendants of, 65

early childhood of, 16, 1718, 2122

as a grown-up, 6566, 66

life story collected, 2

marriage of, 6264, 65

name of, 2022

religious beliefs of, 59

school years of, 5152, 59, 5961, 60

as a teenager, viii, 63

Mountain Wolf Woman: Sister of Crashing Thunder; The Autobiography of a Winnebago Indian (Lurie), 2

muskrats, 2728, 28



birth order and, 20

ceremonial, 20, 21

for Ho-Chunk Nation, 6

of months, 25

Nebraska, Ho-Chunk people in, 5, 7, 9

Neillsville, Wisconsin, 40

Nicolet, Jean, 3, 3


Pine (father-in-law), 64

potatoes, Indian, 3536, 36

Potawatomi, 53

Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin, 11

prayers and offerings, 44, 48


Rattlesnake (grandfather), 5859

reservations, 5, 7

resettlement by government, 57, 6, 13, 67

Revolutionary War, 5

River’s Mouth Place, 11, 12


seasonal cycles, 2427, 52

See also individual seasons

sky clan, 13, 14, 15

slippery elm, as medicine, 57, 5758

Snake Clan, 54

spear fishing, 29, 29


of clans, 15

prayers and offerings to, 44, 48

religion and, 23

spring activities, 13

blueberry picking, 3033

fishing, 2829, 29

maple sugar making, 16, 26

trapping, 26, 27

water lily gathering, 2930

squash, 3435, 35

St. Louis, Missouri, 11, 12

store-bought items, 3233

Strikes Standing (brother), 20, 4950, 56

sturgeon, 2829

sugaring. See maple sugar

summer activities

gardening, 26, 30, 33, 3335, 34, 35

gathering potatoes, 3536, 36


Thunder Clan, 13, 15

Thundercloud, Frances, 2

tobacco, 44, 44, 48

Tomah Indian Industrial School, 5152, 52, 67

Tomah, Wisconsin, 5152

tools, 10

trapping, 4, 27

treaties, 5


visions, obtaining, 4950


war bundles, 46, 47, 47

water lilies, 2930, 30

weaving, 44

White Thunder (sister), 17, 20, 56

wigwams, 8, 89, 40, 48, 55


as name, 6

See also

Ho-Chunk winter activities

feasts, 46, 4850

hunting, 26, 46


resettlement from, 57, 6, 13, 67

return to, 6, 9, 1113, 67

statehood of, 1

Wittenberg, Wisconsin, 5253, 53, 59, 59

Wolf Clan, 21

Wolf Woman, 2122