All illustrations created by Joy Gosney, apart from the following:
1. Dice pyramid © Raymond Turvey
2. Chaotic path. Constructed using ‘Restricted Three-Body Problem in a Plane’, Wolfram Demonstrations Project:
3. Evolutionary fractal tree. Illustration adapted from images generated by the One Zoom Tree of Life Explorer:
4. Magnetic fields © Joe McLaren
5. Four graphs describing the behaviour of the dice. Illustration adapted from M. Kapitaniak, J. Strzalko, J. Grabski and T. Kapitaniak. ‘The three-dimensional dynamics of the die throw’, Chaos 22(4), 2012
6. Atoms inside a dice. Yikrazuul / Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain
7. Jean Baptiste Perrin’s Les Atomes. J. B. Perrin (SVG drawing by MiraiWarren) / Public Domain
8. Reprinted graph with permission from the American Physical Society as follows: C.G. Shull, ‘Single-Slit Diffraction of Neutrons’. Physical Review. 179, 752, 1969. Copyright 1969 by the American Physical Society:
9. Entropy. Illustration adapted from Roger Penrose’s The Emperor’s New Mind: Concerning Computers, Minds, and the Laws of Physics. OUP, 1989
10. p. 292 CCC diagram © Roger Penrose. Cycles of Time: An Extraordinary New View of the Universe. Bodley Head, 2010
11. Neuron drawing. Reproduced with kind permission from Santiago Ramón y Cajal, Cajal Legacy, Instituto Cajal, Madrid
12. Purity by Randall Munroe.
13. Wakefulness / Deep Sleep. Illustration based on images from Marcello Massimini, Fabio Ferrarelli, Reto Huber, Steve K. Esser, Harpreet Singh, Giulio Tononi. ‘Breakdown of Cortical Effective Connectivity During Sleep’, Science 309, 2228–2232, 2005
14. Two images of 8-node networks. Reproduced with kind permission from the authors. Giulio Tononi and Olaf Sporns. ‘Measuring information integration’, BMC Neuroscience 4, 2003
All reasonable efforts have been made by the author and the publisher to trace the copyright holders of the images and material quoted in this book. In the event that the author or publisher are contacted by any of the untraceable copyright holders after the publication of this book, the author and the publisher will endeavour to rectify the position accordingly.