

1. Empire of Connected Things

Carna Surveils the Realm

What’s in a Pax?

The Demographics of Diffusion

Information Technology and the New World Order

Pax Romana, Britannica, Americana

The Balaceras of Monterrey

The Internet Is Also a Surveillance State

The Wars Only Bots Will Fight

The Political Empire of Connected Things

2. Internet Interregnum

Discovering the UglyGorilla

Devices of Hope

The Demographics of Diffusion

The Zapatistas Reboot History

From Gold to Bits

States Don’t Own It, Though They Fight Hard to Control It

A New Kind of New Order

But It’s Not a Westphalian—or Feudal—World

3. New Maps for the New World

Mapping Hispaniola

Dictators and Dirty Networks

Mubarak’s Choice

We Are All Laila

Governments, Bad and Fake

The Dictator’s Digital Dilemma

Finding Kibera

Dirty Networks, Collapsing

The Democracy of Devices

4. Five Premises for the Pax Technica

Learning from the Internet Interregnum

First Premise: The Internet of Things Is Being Weaponized

Second Premise: People Use Devices to Govern

Third Premise: Digital Networks Weaken Ideologies

Fourth Premise: Social Media Solve Collective Action Problems

Fifth Premise: Big Data Backs Human Security

Defining the Pax Technica

5. Five Consequences of the Pax Technica

Empire of Bits—A Scenario

First Consequence: Networked Devices and the Stability of Cyberdeterrence

Second Consequence: Governance Through the Internet of Things

Third Consequence: From a Clash of Civilizations to a Competition Between Device Networks

Fourth Consequence: Connective Action and Crypto Clans

Fifth Consequence: Connective Security and Quality of Life

The Downside of Connective Security

6. Network Competition and the Challenges Ahead

My Girlfriend Went Shopping . . . in China

Authoritarian, but Social

Bots and Simulations

DRM for the Material World?

Other Challenges (That Are Lesser Challenges)

The Downside of Up

Rival Devices on Competing Networks

7. Building a Democracy of Our Own Devices

Your Coffee Betrays You

Internet Succession: Computers, Mobiles, Things

The World Ahead

The Hope and Instability of Hackers and Whistle Blowers

Firing the Social Scientists—and Training New Ones

Putting the Civic into the Internet of Things, Domestically

Device Networks and Foreign Affairs

How Can You Thrive in the Pax Technica?

The Promise of the Pax



