A note about the index: The pages referenced in this index refer to the page numbers in the print edition. Clicking on a page number will take you to the ebook location that corresponds to the beginning of that page in the print edition. For a comprehensive list of locations of any word or phrase, use your reading system’s search function.
- abolitionists, 4, 250, 340
- abortion, 265, 266, 267, 328, 356, 442, 496
- Abraham Lincoln, USS, 424
- Abrams, Samuel, 512
- Access Hollywood, 450, 451, 454
- AccuWeather, 102
- Acker, Neal, 208–9
- Acosta, Jim, 373
- ACT, 130, 134
- adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), 73
- affirmative action, 27
- Affordable Care Act (Obamacare), 9, 42, 184, 196, 347, 351, 375, 504
- Afghanistan, 212, 432
- African Americans, 4, 43, 327, 479
- civil rights movement, 43, 65–67, 171, 234–36, 239, 240, 265, 273, 348, 349, 496
- colonization schemes for, 364–65
- convict-leasing system and, 61
- coronavirus pandemic and, 474
- evangelical views among, 268
- fast food and, 78–80
- health and, 69–80
- incarceration rates and, 61, 350, 359
- life expectancy of, 69, 72
- median household income of, 336
- Museum of African American History and Culture, 459–60
- segregation and, see segregation
- slavery and, see slavery
- in South, 62–64
- unemployment among, 344
- voting and, see voting, voting rights
- wealth and, 21, 22
- see also racism
- Age of American Unreason, The (Jacoby), 34
- Agriculture, U.S. Department of, 80
- AIDS and HIV, 13, 17, 258, 274
- President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), 267–68
- Al Assir, Abdul Rahman, 213–14
- Alefantis, James, 109, 110
- Alexander, Claude, 273
- algorithms, 38, 280–86
- Alien and Sedition Acts, 251
- Allen, Danielle, 143
- “The Road From Serfdom,” 493–508
- Allen, Woody, 179
- allergens, 76
- Alpha Dogs: The Americans Who Turned Political Spin Into a Global Business (Harding), 219
- Alpha Zero, 279
- al-Qaeda, 429
- alt-right, 91–97, 147, 157
- Alvarez, Priscilla, 357
- Amazon, 294, 533
- ambiguity and uncertainty, 327–29
- Ambition, Competition, and Electoral Reform: The Politics of Congressional Elections Across Time (Carson and Roberts), 192–93
- American citizenship, 81–90, 361–67, 508
- American Colonization Society, 365
- American Crossroads, 194
- American Enterprise Institute (AEI), 512
- American Evangelicalism (Hunter), 263
- American exceptionalism, 363
- “American Hustler” (Foer), 201–24
- American Lawyer, 133
- American Renaissance, 93
- American Revolution, 56, 62–63, 308
- Americans for Prosperity, 194
- Americans With Disabilities Act, 130
- America’s Voice, 329
- “Am I an American?” (Kendi), 361–67
- Anderson, Benedict, 520
- anger, 324
- Anglin, Andrew, 95, 96
- anthrax, 321
- antibiotics, 12
- antifa, 243
- Anti-intellectualism in American Life (Hofstadter), 34
- anti-Semitism, 91, 93, 147, 159, 163
- Anton, Michael, 252, 253
- apartheid, 150
- apartheid redistricting, 231
- apocalyptic thinking, 122–23
- Apodaca, Tom, 234
- Appelbaum, Yoni, 241–54
- Applebaum, Anne
- “Between Bravado and Despair,” 531–35
- “The Coronavirus Called America’s Bluff,” 315–22
- “A Warning From Europe,” 143–67
- Apprentice, The, 384
- Arbery, Ahmaud, 473
- Arendt, Hannah, 150
- Argentina, 413
- aristocracy, 166–67
- art, 525–29
- Articles of Confederation, 188
- artificial intelligence (AI), 275–88
- authoritarianism and, 283–84
- self-driving cars, 280, 284
- Åslund, Anders, 215, 217
- al-Assad, Bashar, 427
- assortative mating, 25–26
- asthma, 76
- asylum seekers, 87, 89, 298, 357, 385
- Atlantic, The, 4–5
- founding of, 2, 4, 260, 479
- “How to Stop a Civil War” issue, 37, 493
- “The Trump Presidency: A Damage Report” issue, 331
- Atwater, Lee, 210, 211
- authoritarianism, 165, 167, 247, 420
- artificial intelligence and, 283–84
- democracy and, 283
- fascism, 148, 156, 420, 421, 527
- Trump and, 405–21
- automobile emission targets, 514–15
- Avent, Ryan, 30
- Ayers, Bill, 332
- Azar, Alex, 319
- Baker, James A., III, 208, 213, 233, 378
- Baldwin, James, 353
- Ball, Molly, 323–30
- Ball State University, 513–14
- Baltimore, Md., 70, 72, 73, 75–78
- Baltimore Sun, 77
- Bandar bin Sultan Al Saud, Prince, 212
- banks, 499, 503
- Bannon, Steve, 96, 163, 333, 408, 444
- Barber, William J., II, 227–29, 231, 232, 240
- Barna Group, 270
- Barr, William, 385–91, 395
- Barrack, Tom, 222
- Basham, W. Ralph, 86
- “Battle for North Carolina, The” (Newkirk), 225–40
- “Battle Hymn of the Republic” (Howe), 4
- Beautiful Struggle, The: A Father, Two Sons, and an Unlikely Road to Manhood (Coates), 331
- Beck, Glenn, 410, 465–66
- “Becoming a Parent in the Age of Black Lives Matter” (Smith), 471–76
- Beecher, Lyman, 260
- Behenna, Michael, 433
- Beilenson, Peter L., 78
- “Being Black in America Can Be Hazardous to Your Health” (Khazan), 69–80
- Bell, Jeff, 208, 209
- Bell, Tom, 214
- Bell Curve, The (Herrnstein and Murray), 335
- Bennett, William J., 344
- Berman, Elizabeth Popp, 499
- “Between Bravado and Despair” (Applebaum), 531–35
- Between the World and Me (Coates), 331
- Bevin, Matt, 447
- Bible, 258, 261, 262, 266, 339, 453, 457
- Biden, Joe, 344, 345, 399, 459
- Bilbo, Theodore, 341
- Bill of Rights, 56, 479, 519
- bin Laden, Osama, 326
- biological warfare, 321
- biotechnology, 276, 277
- birtherism, 111, 156–57, 159, 272, 332, 352, 440
- “Birth of a New American Aristocracy, The” (Stewart), 19–36
- Black, Charlie, 210–12
- Black, Hugo, 267
- Black, Manafort, Stone and Kelly, 210–14
- Black Codes, 61
- blackface, 51, 54, 56
- Black Hawk Down (Bowden), 423
- Black Lives Matter, 416, 471–76
- Blackmun, Harry, 267
- Blanchard, Jonathan, 259–60, 266
- Blight, David W., 517–24
- Blitzer, Wolf, 120
- Boggs, Tommy, 209, 211
- Bolduc, Don, 432, 434
- Bond, Julian, 66
- Bon Secours Hospital, 70
- Borusewicz, Bogdan, 153, 155
- Boulware, Kiarra, 69–75, 77, 78, 81
- Bourdain, Anthony, 335
- Bowden, Mark, 423–34
- Bowditch, Manfred, 77
- Bowling Alone (Putnam), 496
- Bray, T. J., 414–15
- breast cancer, 467
- Breitbart News, 96, 163, 455
- Brennan Center for Justice, 289, 292
- Brexit, 277
- bribe-taking, 413
- Brock, David, 179
- Brookings Institution, 40
- “Brotherhood of Losers” (Nagle), 91–97
- Browder, Bill, 371
- Brown, John, 52
- Brown, Michael, 474
- Brown, Peter, 510, 511, 515
- Brown v. Board of Education, 54–55, 65
- Bryan, William Jennings, 262–63, 269, 270
- bureaucracies, 320–22
- Burger King, 79
- Burlingame Treaty, 521
- Burnet, Frank Macfarlane, 12
- Burns, William, 393
- Burr, Richard, 229
- Burson-Marsteller, 214–15
- Bush, George H. W., 17, 192, 211, 213, 214, 299, 386, 513
- Bush, George W., 2–3, 17, 216, 255, 256, 258, 270, 299, 329, 349, 380, 386, 396, 407, 419, 425, 431, 432, 513
- post-9/11 programs of, 291, 293, 296
- President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), 267–68
- Bush, Jeb, 2
- Bush, Prescott, 192
- Bush, Vannevar, 4
- Buttigieg, Pete, 512–13
- BuzzFeed News, 173
- Byrd, Harry, 55
- Cabaret, 526
- Calhoun, John C., 249, 339
- California, fires in, 101, 102
- cancer, 465–70
- Cantor, Eric, 193
- capitalism, 150, 488
- capital punishment, 328
- Caplan, Amy, 132, 134–35
- Caplan, Gordon, 132–35
- Caputo, Michael, 441
- Carlson, Tucker, 410
- Carney, Jay, 372
- Carrier, 414–15
- “Carry Me Back” (Faust), 51–67
- cars, self-driving, 280, 284
- Carson, Jamie L., 192–93
- Carter, Jimmy, 233, 265, 412
- Carter-Baker Commission, 233
- Catholic Information Center, 388
- Catholic Lawyer, 388
- Catholics, 147, 253, 261, 266, 268, 270, 387–89
- CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), 13, 15, 16, 77, 318, 321
- Center for Public Integrity, 213
- Central America, 86–87, 297, 358, 382, 385
- Central Park Five, 332, 462
- Cernovich, Mike, 94, 95, 109
- Chao, Elaine, 409
- chaos syndrome, 187–89, 201, 497
- charity, breaking of, 37–39, 42
- Charlotte, N.C., 45–48
- Charlottesville rally, 51, 91–92, 95–96, 243, 271, 333, 359, 445–46, 450
- Chauvin, Derek, 473
- Chávez, Hugo, 414
- chess, 278–79
- Chetty, Raj, 26, 32
- Chicago, Ill., 299
- China, 13, 14, 16, 149, 277, 287, 295, 317–19, 327, 430, 460
- Chinese immigration to America, 521–23
- Chorne More, 220
- Christ, 256, 258, 455
- Second Coming of, 260–62, 269
- Christianity, Christians, 123, 244, 250, 254, 388, 456, 514
- Bible, 258, 261, 262, 266, 339, 453, 457
- Catholics, 147, 253, 261, 266, 268, 270, 387–89
- evangelicals, see evangelicalism, evangelicals
- evolution and, 261–63, 269–70
- Protestants, 251, 254, 260, 263, 264
- sexuality and, 267
- Christie, Chris, 412
- Chu, Helen Y., 317–18
- Chu, Jon M., 527
- Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 123
- CIO (Congress of Industrial Organizations), 487–89
- Cipollone, Pat, 388
- Circa News, 395
- Circus, The, 355
- cities, urban areas, 39, 42, 43, 44, 46–49, 51
- citizenship, 81–90, 361–67, 508
- Citizenship and Immigration Services, U.S. (USCIS), 88–90
- City of Man: Religion and Politics in a New Era (Gerson and Wehner), 255
- City of Rivals (Grumet), 197
- Civic Platform, 147
- Civil Rights Act, 65, 198
- civil rights movement, 43, 65–67, 171, 198, 234–36, 239, 240, 265, 273, 348, 349, 496
- Civil War, 52–54, 60, 166, 248, 259, 261, 291, 299, 364, 479, 498, 517, 518, 520, 523–24, 532
- Claremont Review of Books, 252
- class divide, 9, 19–36
- Clausewitz, Carl von, 173
- Clay, Henry, 365
- Cleland, Max, 326
- Clifford, Clark, 209
- climate change, 9, 306, 328, 329, 442
- extreme weather events and, 99–106
- Paris accord and, 99, 334, 444–45, 514
- Clinton, Bill, 17, 179, 296, 343–44, 347, 387
- Gingrich and, 181–83, 185
- impeachment of, 183, 185
- Lewinsky scandal and, 183
- Clinton, Hillary, 2, 33–34, 39, 44, 213, 223, 286, 336, 343–45, 349, 350, 373, 380, 389, 395, 409, 418, 455, 462
- conspiracy theories about, 107, 108, 110, 112–14, 118, 121
- CNBC, 408
- CNN, 33, 120, 198, 358, 373, 400, 408, 418, 427, 446
- Coates, Ta-Nehisi, 331–53
- Coats, Dan, 258
- Cohen, Lizabeth, 481–91
- Cohen, Michael, 441
- Cohn, Gary, 444
- Cohn, Norman, 122–23
- Colbert, Stephen, 369
- Cold War, 212, 349
- Cole, Jim, 489
- colleges and universities, 27–29, 31
- admissions scandal and, 125, 129–41
- elite prep schools and, 125–30, 139
- legacy admissions and, 130
- tests and, 130–31, 134, 140, 141
- Collins, Ben, 114
- Collins, Francis, 273–74
- Collins, Susan, 321
- Colson, Chuck, 265
- Comet Ping Pong and Pizzagate, 108–10, 112, 117, 119, 157
- Comey, James, 389, 395
- Commerce Department, U.S., 296
- Commercial Observer, 441
- Communications Act, 294
- communism, 152, 153, 156, 160–63, 166, 212, 275, 317, 319, 420, 488
- compromise, 506
- Compromise of 1877, 366
- computers, 294
- algorithms, 38, 280–86
- artificial intelligence, 275–88
- chess and, 278–79
- Confederacy, 53, 59–60, 62, 339, 519
- Congress, 177, 178, 180–82, 184, 188, 189, 242, 248–49, 306, 308, 407–10, 412, 414, 426, 505, 507–8
- emergency powers and, 291–92, 294, 301
- pork-barrel spending and, 197–98
- primary elections for, 192
- seniority in, 195–96, 198
- Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO), 487–89
- conservatism, 246–48, 254, 264, 270, 327, 390
- compassionate, 270
- uncertainty and, 327–28
- Conservative Opportunity Society, 176
- conspiracy theories and theorists, 9, 18, 91, 93, 110–12, 147, 148, 174, 207, 531
- appeal of, 160–61
- birtherism, 111, 156–57, 159, 272, 332, 352, 440
- coronavirus and, 108, 111, 116–18
- elites, 349
- Foster and, 179
- Obama phones, 346
- Pizzagate, 108–10, 112, 117, 119, 157
- QAnon, 107–23, 125
- Smolensk, 157–60
- Trump and, 109–11, 115–18, 120–21
- constitution, informal, 143, 498
- Constitution, U.S., 43, 46, 56, 166, 188–89, 235, 364, 380, 381, 396, 406, 411, 493, 495, 496, 518, 519, 524, 533
- emergency powers and, 291, 298, 300, 301
- Emoluments Clause of, 414
- Framers of, 177, 188, 374, 379
- unitary executive authority and, 386, 388, 389
- Constitutional Amendments:
- Bill of Rights, 56, 479, 519
- Fifteenth, 479, 518
- First, 295
- Fourteenth, 227, 479, 518
- Nineteenth, 305
- Reconstruction, 479, 517, 518
- Thirteenth, 305, 479, 518
- Constitutional Convention, 52
- Contract with America, 180
- Conway, Kellyanne, 369
- Cook, Ezra, 259
- Cook, Tim, 436, 444
- Cooper, Amy, 474
- Cooper, Christian, 474
- Coppins, McKay, 173–85
- Corak, Miles, 23
- Corcoran, Thomas, 209
- “Coronavirus Called America’s Bluff, The” (Applebaum), 315–22
- coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, 5, 9, 11, 19, 315–20, 377, 465, 490
- African Americans and, 474
- conspiracy theories and, 108, 111, 116–18
- Trump and, 4, 11, 17–18, 111, 313, 315, 318–19, 465, 466, 468–70
- corruption, 322, 384, 395, 420, 531, 533
- Coughlin, Charles, 485, 486
- Counting Descent (Smith), 471
- crime, 322, 343, 416
- fear of, 323–24, 326, 327, 329, 330
- super-predator theory and, 344
- criminal justice system, 69
- incarceration rates, 61, 350, 359
- Cromwell, Oliver, 260
- cruelty, 313, 459–63
- “Cruelty Is the Point, The” (Serwer), 459–63
- Cruz, Ted, 183–84, 196, 409, 497
- C-SPAN, 177
- Cuba, 277
- “cucks,” 93, 333
- Customs and Border Protection, U.S. (CBP), 81, 82, 84–88
- Cuz: The Life and Times of Michael A. (Allen), 493
- cybersecurity, 294
- cyberwarfare, 320, 424
- cynicism, 306, 420
- Daily Stormer, 95, 96
- Daniels, Stormy, 257
- Darrow, Clarence, 263
- Daschle, Tom, 197
- data, 283, 287
- Davis, Jefferson, 339–40
- Davis, Jordan, 474
- Davis, Manafort and Freedman, 215–16, 220–21
- Davis, Rick, 215, 216, 219–21
- Davis Manafort International, 221
- Dawes, Nic, 417
- Dawson, John, 249
- Death of Expertise, The (Nichols), 34
- decision making, 285
- Declaration of Independence, 56, 254, 497, 498
- Deep Blue, 278
- deep state, 107, 111, 115, 118, 425
- defining deviancy down, 99
- democracy, 36, 149, 150, 152, 163, 165–67, 190, 225, 241, 242, 244, 246–52, 254, 298, 379, 396, 406, 417, 497, 507, 535
- dictatorship and, 283
- fears and, 328
- norms and values and, 303–9
- participation in, 307, 507
- technology and, 275–88
- Democratic Party, Democrats, 38–41, 43, 44, 46, 48, 51, 110, 163, 164, 177–78, 180, 194, 209, 242–43, 245, 251, 252, 334, 345, 347–48, 350, 362–63, 372, 409, 447, 503
- conservative, 178
- evangelicals and, 265
- Gingrich and, 176–77, 179, 181, 183, 184
- Justice, 498
- New Deal and, 485–88
- primaries of, 192
- demographic change, 244–45, 248, 249, 252, 330
- Demosclerosis: The Silent Killer of American Government (Rauch), 187
- Depression, Great, 307, 481–91, 501
- Deresiewicz, William, 27
- Deripaska, Oleg, 203, 215–17, 219–23
- Deryugina, Tatyana, 102
- Detroit News, 79
- Dewey, John, 485
- Diamond, Dan, 319
- Diaz, Tracy, 116
- Dideon, Joan, 466–67
- Diego-Rosell, Pablo, 335
- diGenova, Joseph, 395–96
- DiIulio, John J., Jr., 344
- Dillon, John Forrest, 47
- diversity, 37, 350–51
- divorce, 26, 31
- Dobson, James, 265, 271, 272
- Dole, Bob, 177, 211
- Dole, Elizabeth, 230
- “Donald Trump and the Politics of Fear” (Ball), 323–30
- Douglas, Paul H., 485
- Douglass, Frederick, 4, 479, 517–24
- Dreams From My Father (Obama), 332
- drug traffickers, 85
- Du Bois, W. E. B., 353
- Dukakis, Michael, 418
- Duke, David, 333, 342
- Dunford, Joseph, 429–30
- Dunne, John R., 388
- Durham, John, 389
- earmarking, 197
- Earnest, Josh, 372
- Easley, Mike, 229
- Eaton, Rosanell, 234–36, 239
- Ebola, 14, 17, 18
- economic issues, 329, 331, 335, 420, 498–503, 533
- financial crisis and Great Recession of 2008, 106, 148, 219, 220, 344, 499
- Great Depression, 307, 481–91, 501
- inequality and social mobility, 9, 19–36, 39, 41, 244, 322, 531
- median household income, 336
- prejudice and, 40
- unemployment, 344, 531
- Economist, 194
- Edison Research, 336
- Educated (Westover), 37
- education, 27–29, 31, 42, 69, 350–51
- Edwards, Mickey, 180, 184
- Einstein, Albert, 4, 305–6
- Eisenhower, Dwight, 54–55, 65, 299, 300, 307
- elections, 283
- Electoral College, 188, 250
- elite conspiracy, 349
- emergency powers, 289–301
- Emerging Democratic Majority, The (Teixeira and Judis), 244–45
- Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 2
- emission targets, 514–15
- empathy, 38, 42, 488, 491, 528–29
- “Enemy Within, The” (Mattis), 303–9
- Engel, Steven, 382
- environmentalism, 533
- epidemics, see pandemics
- Era of Good Feelings, 9
- Erdoğan, Recep Tayyip, 419
- Escape From Rome (Scheidel), 510–12
- eugenics, 263, 270
- Europe, 143–67, 174, 247
- European Union, 144, 162
- euthanasia, 266
- evangelicalism, evangelicals, 107–8, 121, 244, 255–74, 375
- definition of term, 258
- ethnicity and, 268
- evolution and, 261–63, 269–70
- fundamentalism and, 262–63
- Moore, 274, 451–58
- popular use of term, 258
- public voice of, 268–69
- racism and, 273
- Republican Party and, 255, 264, 265
- Trump and, 255–59, 268, 271–74, 358, 451–58
- voting behaviors of, 268
- Evans, Diana, 198
- Evans, George Henry, 340
- Evans, Walker, 489
- Everett, Burgess, 196
- Evers, Medgar, 350
- evolution, 261–63, 269–70
- Excellent Sheep (Deresiewicz), 27
- Ex parte Milligan, 299
- extreme weather events, see hurricanes and other extreme weather
- extremist groups, 243, 247, 531
- Facebook, 116, 117, 120–22, 243, 281–82, 287, 294, 533
- factionalism, 493–95, 506
- Fairbanks, Cassandra, 94
- Fallows, Deborah, 509
- Fallows, James, 509–15
- Falwell, Jerry, Jr., 255, 257, 271, 272, 454
- Falwell, Jerry, Sr., 265, 266
- Family Research Council, 257
- family values, 355–59
- Farm Security Administration (FSA), 489
- fascism, 148, 156, 420, 421, 527
- fast food, 78–80
- Fauci, Anthony, 11, 15, 17, 117–18, 318
- Faulkner, William, 64
- Faust, Drew Gilpin, 51–67, 69
- FBI, 107, 112, 221, 300, 351, 378, 381, 387, 392, 395
- college admissions scandal and, 125, 132, 134, 140–41
- Manafort and, 203
- fear, 323–30, 331
- Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), 101–3, 300
- Federal Housing Administration, 76
- federalism, 44
- Federalist Papers, 407
- Federalists, 251
- Federalist Society, 390
- Federal Reserve, 103, 503
- Federal Theater Project, 489
- Feltenstein, Sidney, 79
- Ferraro, Geraldine, 265
- Fiddler on the Roof, 527
- Fidesz, 150, 164
- Field of Blood, The: Violence in Congress and the Road to Civil War (Freeman), 248–49
- Figyelő, 162
- financial crisis and Great Recession of 2008, 106, 148, 219, 220, 344, 499
- Financial Times, 164
- Finish, The: The Killing of Osama bin Laden (Bowden), 423
- Finley, Robert, 365
- Finney, Charles G., 260
- fires in California, 101, 102
- First Amendment, 295
- “First White President, The” (Coates), 331–53
- Fitzhugh, George, 338–39
- Five, 410
- flag burning, 416
- Flake, Jeff, 409, 461
- Flanagan, Caitlin
- “The Last Day of My Old Life,” 465–70
- “They Had It Coming,” 125–41
- Fleischer, Ari, 419
- Floodlines, 226
- Floyd, George, 471–76, 532
- flu, 12–18, 321
- 1918 pandemic, 12, 13, 17
- Flynn, Michael, 389, 432
- Foa, Roberto Stefan, 507
- Focus on the Family, 265
- Foer, Franklin, 201–24
- food, 78–80, 531
- Food and Drug Administration, 318
- Ford, Christine Blasey, 460–61
- Ford, Gerald, 208, 209, 418
- Foreign Agents Registration Act, 212
- foreign policy, 321
- Forrest, Nathan Bedford, 365
- Fortas, Abe, 209
- Fortune, 414
- Foster, Vince, 179
- Founders, 56, 57, 188, 189, 304–6, 308, 377, 504, 505
- 4chan, 94, 96, 109, 110, 113–15, 121–22
- Fourteenth Amendment, 227
- Fox News, 107, 111, 243, 266, 351, 373, 395–96, 409–10, 426, 461
- Framers, 177, 188, 374, 379
- France, 149, 329
- Frantz, Erica, 420
- Frederick Douglass: Prophet of Freedom (Blight), 517
- Freedom Caucus, 195
- Freedom of Information Act, 300
- Freeman, Douglas Southall, 62
- Freeman, Joanne, 248–49
- Frieden, Tom, 16
- Friedman, Milton, 502, 506
- Frug, Gerald, 47
- Frum, David, 405–21
- Fugitive Slave Act, 249–50
- fundamentalism, 262–63
- Fundamentalism and American Culture (Marsden), 261
- Futureface: A Family Mystery, an Epic Quest, and the Secret to Belonging (Wagner), 355
- Gadarian, Shana, 328, 329
- Galbraith, John Kenneth, 485
- Galen, Reed, 324
- Gallagher, Edward, 433
- Gallup, 327, 335
- Gannon, Curtis, 380
- Garber, Megan, 369–75
- Garner, Eric, 473, 474
- Garrison, William Lloyd, 365
- Garverick, Pat, 325
- Gated City, The (Avent), 30
- Gates, Bill, 14
- Gates, Rick, 202, 203, 219, 220
- Gatsby Curve, 24, 32, 35, 36
- gay rights and LGBT issues, 45, 227, 267, 274, 328
- marriage equality, 267, 274, 356
- Gazeta Wyborcza, 154
- GDP, 40, 103–6, 490
- “General Chaos” (Bowden), 423–34
- Genovese, Eugene, 59
- gentrification, 527
- German Dye Trust, 212
- Germany, 164, 276
- coronavirus and, 319–20
- Nazi, 150, 155, 161, 212, 383–84, 394, 526
- in 1930s, 248
- gerrymandering, redistricting, 171, 193, 225, 230–32, 237, 245, 359, 505
- Gerson, Michael, 255–74
- Gessen, Masha, 419
- Giannulli, Mossimo, 136–37
- Giannulli, Olivia Jade, 136–37
- Gibbons, Edward, 511
- Gibbs, Robert, 372
- Giddings, Joshua, 249
- Gingles test, 232
- Gingrich, Callista, 174
- Gingrich, Newt, 171, 173–85, 195, 410–11, 419
- Clinton and, 181–83, 185
- “Contract with America” of, 180
- government shutdowns and, 182, 184
- personal life of, 185
- Girl Land (Flanagan), 125
- Giuliani, Rudy, 394–97, 399
- Glazer, Nathan, 265
- globalization, 13, 39, 243, 330, 344, 500
- Goitein, Elizabeth, 289–301
- Goldberg, Jeffrey, 1–5, 37–42
- Golden, Daniel, 27
- Goldsmith, Jack, 386
- Goldwater, Barry, 184, 207
- Gone with the Wind (Mitchell), 54
- Goodrich, Lauren, 216
- Google, 279, 284, 287, 294, 533
- GOPAC, 178, 179
- Gore, Al, 17, 418, 442, 514
- Goss, Janina, 151
- government failure, 511–12
- government shutdowns, 182, 184, 198, 438
- Graham, Billy, 263–65
- Graham, David A., 43–49
- Graham, Franklin, 257, 263, 269, 271–72, 274
- Gramm, Phil, 210
- Grant, Ulysses S., 365
- Grassroots Change, 44
- Gray, Freddie, 474
- Gray, Tyler, 71
- Greasing the Wheels: Using Pork Barrel Projects to Build Majority Coalitions in Congress (Evans), 198
- Great Awakening, 108, 111, 119, 123
- Great Depression, 307, 481–91, 501
- Great Gatsby Curve, 24, 32, 35, 36
- Great Recession of 2008, 106, 148, 219, 220, 344, 499
- Great Reversal, 262
- Greece, 165–66
- Greeley, Horace, 340
- Green, Emma, 451–58
- green cards, 88, 89
- Griffin, Philip, 211, 217, 219
- Grisham, Stephanie, 448
- Gulag: A History (Applebaum), 143
- Gulf War, 430
- habeas corpus, 291, 300
- Haberman, Maggie, 370, 372
- Hale, David, 395–403
- Haley, Nikki, 449
- Halleck, Charles, 198
- Hamilton, 494, 525, 527
- Hamilton, Alexander, 374
- Hannity, Sean, 181, 395–97, 409–10, 418
- Hansen, Alvin, 484
- Harari, Yuval Noah, 275–88
- Harding, James, 219
- Harger, Pat, 119–21
- Harlow, Bryce, 209
- Harper’s Bazaar, 442
- Hatchett, Richard, 16–17
- Haugen, Gary, 273
- Hawley, Ellis W., 483
- Hayek, Friedrich A., 500–502, 504, 506
- Healing American Democracy: Going Local (Hais, Ross, and Winograd), 514
- health and health care, 9, 34, 42, 69, 266, 306, 316, 320, 321, 328, 334, 350, 372, 531
- African Americans and, 69–80
- cancer, 465–70
- HealthierUS initiative, 349
- life expectancy, 69, 72
- Obamacare, 9, 42, 184, 196, 347, 351, 375, 504
- pandemics, see pandemics
- Romneycare, 351
- Health and Human Services, U.S. Department of, 319
- Heck, Denny, 402–3
- Helms, Jesse, 210, 239
- Hemings, Sally, 58
- Henderson, Rebecca, 103
- Hennessey, Susan, 385
- Henry, Carl, 263
- Herbst, John, 218
- Herceptin, 467, 468
- Heroic Conservatism: Why Republicans Need to Embrace America’s Ideals (And Why They Deserve to Fail If They Don’t) (Gerson), 255
- Heyer, Heather, 92
- Hezbollah, 429
- Hill, 395, 396, 399
- Hilton, Paris, 440
- Hispanics and Latinos, 21, 22, 230, 231, 239, 252, 268, 343, 348
- Hitler, Adolf, 150
- HIV/AIDS, 13, 17, 258, 274
- President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), 267–68
- Hodge, Douglas, 136
- Hodgkinson, James, 243
- Hofeller, Thomas, 237
- Hofstadter, Richard, 34
- Hollywood Hills Country Club, 126
- Holocaust, 146, 147
- Hóman, Bálint, 163
- Homeland Security, U.S. Department of, 85, 300, 460
- Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow (Harari), 275
- Honolulu Civil Beat, 111
- Hoover, Herbert, 483
- Hoover Dam, 112
- House of Terror, 161
- housing, 30–31, 69, 344
- discrimination in, 76–78
- home values, 30, 33–34
- “How America Ends” (Appelbaum), 241
- “How Could Vietnam Happen? An Autopsy” (Thomson), 383
- Howe, Julia Ward, 4
- How the Word Is Passed (Smith), 471–73
- How to Be an Antiracist (Kendi), 361
- “How to Build an Autocracy” (Frum), 405–21
- “How to Destroy a Government” (Packer), 377–403
- Hsiang, Solomon, 105, 106
- Hsieh, Chang-Tai, 30
- Hudes, Quiara Alegría, 526
- Huê´ 1968 (Bowden), 423
- Huffman, Felicity, 133, 140–41
- Hughes, Langston, 366
- Hungary, 150, 152, 157, 160–65, 297–98
- Hunter, James Davison, 263
- Huntsman, Abby, 447
- hurricanes and other extreme weather, 99–106
- Hurricane Harvey, 100–101, 103, 104, 106
- Hurricane Irma, 100
- Hurricane Katrina, 226, 299
- Hurricane Maria, 99–101, 104, 358, 461
- Hurvitz, Sara, 468
- Hybels, Bill, 455–56
- IBM, 278, 437
- I Contain Multitudes: The Microbes Within Us and a Grander View of Life (Yong), 11–12
- identity politics, 92, 341, 345–47
- Immense World, An (Yong), 12
- immigration, immigrants, 45, 81–90, 244, 248, 251, 253–54, 261, 266, 306, 329–30, 350, 442, 523, 526, 528–29
- asylum seekers, 87, 89, 298, 357, 385
- from Central America, 86–87, 297, 358, 385
- from China, 521–23
- from Mexico, 81–90, 91
- Republican Party and, 355–59
- separation of families, 355–57, 460–62
- Trump and, 87, 89, 159, 245, 250, 272, 286, 289, 297, 313, 323, 324, 327, 329, 332, 334, 355–59, 459–63, 528
- Trump’s wall plan and, 91, 286, 289, 329, 355, 438, 442
- undocumented, 81–90, 298, 382, 406
- voting by, 251
- Immigration and Customs Enforcement, U.S. (ICE), 89, 356
- Immigration and Naturalization Service, U.S. (INS), 81, 83–85
- “In Case of Emergency” (Goitein), 289–301
- incarceration rates, 61, 350, 359
- indenture, 337–38
- India, 14
- Industrial Revolution, 534
- influenza, 12–18, 321
- 1918 pandemic, 12, 13, 17
- informal constitution, 143, 498
- information technology, 276–77
- information warfare, 320
- Infowars, 110
- Inglesby, Tom, 17
- Inglis, Bob, 410
- Ingraham, Laura, 396
- “Inside Ivanka’s Dreamworld” (Plott), 435–50
- Inspector General, 386
- instability, 36
- Institute for Policy Studies, 22
- institutions, 308, 322
- Insurrection Act, 298–99
- intergenerational earnings elasticity (IGE), 23–24
- International Emergency Economic Powers Act (IEEPA), 295–98
- internet and social media, 9, 38, 91, 111, 171, 244, 284, 294, 322, 419, 514
- alt-right and, 91–97
- conspiracy theories on, 107–23
- Facebook, 116, 117, 120–22, 243, 281–82, 287, 294, 533
- 4chan, 94, 96, 109, 110, 113–15, 121–22
- Reddit, 93, 107, 110, 112, 116
- TikTok, 116
- Trump and, 294–95
- Twitter, 94, 109, 111, 116, 155, 242, 294, 419, 424, 426, 428, 455
- YouTube, 109, 116, 119–20
- “In the Fall of Rome, Good News for America” (Fallows), 509–15
- In the Heights, 525–28
- Iran, 295, 296, 424–26, 428–29
- Iran-Contra scandal, 213, 387
- Iraq, 293, 427, 429–33
- Iron Curtain: The Crushing of Eastern Europe (Applebaum), 143
- ISIS, 426–27, 429, 433
- Israel, 1, 281–82
- Jackson, Andrew, 3, 189, 338, 352
- Jackson, Jesse, 347
- Jackson, Robert, 289–90, 293, 301
- Jacoby, Susan, 34
- Jama, Garad, 297
- Japan, 413–14
- Meiji Restoration in, 322, 534
- Pearl Harbor attack by, 307, 313
- Perry expedition and, 316–17, 320, 322
- Japanese Americans, 289, 291, 293
- Jefferson, Thomas, 56, 58, 306, 338, 352, 364, 510
- Jeffress, Robert, 257, 271
- Jeremiah, David, 257
- Jernigan, Daniel, 15
- Jews, 148, 253, 254, 257, 261, 332, 383–84
- anti-Semitism and, 91, 93, 147, 159, 163, 383–85
- Holocaust and, 146, 147
- Jim Crow, 61, 62, 65, 226, 228, 234, 236, 239, 307, 366, 523
- jobs, disappearance of, 344, 531
- Johns Hopkins Hospital, 70
- Johnson, Andrew, 365
- Johnson, Lyndon B., 2, 198, 228, 383
- Johnson, Samuel, 56
- Jones, Alex, 109, 110, 410
- Jones, Dave, 101
- Jones, Doug, 268
- Jones, Elizabeth, 393
- Jost, John, 328
- Jou, Chin, 79
- Journal of Democracy, 507
- Judd, Keith, 349
- Judge, Mark, 461
- Judis, John, 244–45
- Julian, Percy, 350
- Justice Department, U.S., 46, 118, 125, 224, 233, 300–301, 377, 380–92, 411
- Kaczyński, Jarosław, 146, 151–52, 154, 158–59
- Kaczyński, Lech, 157–60
- Kaepernick, Colin, 359
- Kail, Thomas, 526
- Kalyvas, Stathis, 165
- Kasich, John, 1
- Kasparov, Garry, 278
- Katyal, Neal, 386
- Katyn, 157–58
- Kavanaugh, Brett, 460–61
- Keller, Helen, 4
- Keller, Tim, 258, 273
- Kelly, John F., 432, 446, 447
- Kelly, Megyn, 409–10, 419
- Kelly, Peter, 210–11, 213
- Kemp, Jack, 211
- Kendall-Taylor, Andrea, 420
- Kendi, Ibram X., 361–67
- Kennedy, John F., 383, 430
- Kennedy, John F., Jr., 121
- Kennedy, Ted, 329
- Kent, George, 397–402
- Kerner Commission, 366
- Kerry, John, 418
- Keynes, John Maynard, 485, 501, 503
- KFC, 79
- KGB, 215
- Khashoggi, Adnan, 213
- Khashoggi, Jamal, 446
- Khazan, Olga, 69–80
- Khodorkovsky, Mikhail, 216
- Kilimnik, Konstantin, 223
- Kill All Normies: Online Culture Wars From 4chan and Tumblr to Trump and the Alt-Right (Nagle), 91
- Kim Jong Un, 425, 430
- King, Martin Luther, Jr., 65–66, 254, 264, 337, 341, 350
- “Letter From a Birmingham Jail,” 4–5
- King, Rodney, 299
- Klain, Ron, 18
- Koch brothers, 194
- Koestler, Arthur, 156
- Korean War, 291, 292
- Korematsu v. United States, 289–90, 293
- Krastev, Ivan, 163
- Kristof, Nicholas, 345–47, 349
- Kristol, Bill, 180
- Krueger, Alan, 20, 23–24
- Ku Klux Klan, 51, 54, 251, 333, 342, 365, 459
- Kurski, Jacek, 153–56
- Kurski, Jarosław, 153–54
- Kushner, Jared, 1–3, 27, 257, 416, 438–39, 441, 444, 446–49
- Kuwait, 430