
18% gray card, 60

50% gray fill option, 206

50% magnification setting, 334

100% size view, 81


about this book, xiiixvii

Actions palette, 113

Add Layer Mask icon, 93, 165, 185

Add mode

Auto Selection tool, 242

B&W Selection Brush, 315

Quick Selection tool, 247

Add Noise filter, 369

Add Photos dialog, 363

Adjust Edge sliders, 253

Adjust Intensity sliders, 302

Adjust Sharpness control, 349351

adjustment layers

B&W conversions and, 304307

composite images and, 256

contrast adjustments and, 209

dark subject fixes and, 216218

flesh tone fixes and, 192193

portrait retouching and, 374, 375

selections and, 237, 240, 244, 245, 248

Smart Brush tool and, 198

adjustment marker, 199

Adobe Camera Raw. See Camera Raw

Adobe Color profile, 54

Adobe Landscape profile, 54

Adobe RGB color space, 354

Adobe Standard profile, 53, 54

Adobe Vivid profile, 54, 55

Advanced Dialog button, 5

albums, 25, 371

creating, 25, 42

deleting, 27

Albums palette, 25, 27

aligning layers, 173

Alignment tool, Photomerge, 276

Amount slider

Adjust Sharpness control, 349

Camera Raw Sharpening section, 80, 82

Correct Camera Distortion filter, 223, 312

Profile Browser, 98

Unsharp Mask dialog, 335, 339

Angle controls

Correct Camera Distortion filter, 225

Gradient Fill dialog, 319

Arrow keys, 115

artifact removal, 264265

As Shot white balance, 57, 59

Auto corrections, Camera Raw, 6364, 95

Auto Haze Removal option, 210

Auto Panorama option, 309

Auto Red Eye Fix option, 220

Auto Selection tool, 241242

Auto Smart Fix option, 242

Auto White Balance setting, 57, 58

Auto-Enhance checkbox, 246

Autofill Edges checkbox, 126

automated processing, 133134

Automatic Download checkbox, 4

automatic red-eye removal, 219220


B&W Detail Brush, 316

B&W Selection Brush, 314315

Background color setting, 122

Background layer, 158, 169


blurring, 291294

composite image, 255, 260

cropping to remove, 126

masking from effects, 300

special effect, 286

textured, 168, 169170

backing up photos, 67

backlit photos, 72

Backup Catalog option, 6

Balance palette, 144

banding in prints, 369

Before/After previews, 6162, 142, 261

Black & White selection view, 250

black-and-white conversions

in Camera Raw, 9599

in Photoshop Elements, 301307

Blacks slider, 6566, 68, 96

blemish removal, 374

blend modes, 179183

Color, 325

Hard Light, 345

Luminosity, 362

Multiply, 181182, 368

Overlay, 183, 206, 254, 299, 318

Screen, 179, 368

Soft Light, 183, 208, 296

Vivid Light, 297

blending layers, 165166, 179183

Blue color channel, 306, 322

Blue Skies effect, 197, 200


background, 291294

noise reduction, 204

options for removing, 350

reducing from camera shake, 226229

Surface Blur filter, 298

Blur slider, 292

bright area fixes, 214215

Brush Picker, 159, 165

Brush tool

dodging/burning and, 206208

fill flash technique and, 217218

layer masks and, 187188, 254

opacity setting for, 206

painting on layers with, 159, 160

portrait retouching and, 374

sharpening technique using, 343

special effects and, 296, 300

brushes, sizing/resizing, 197, 267

burned-in edge effect, 312313

burning and dodging, 205209


calibrating your monitor, 355357

Camera Matching profiles, 55, 56

Camera Raw, 47105

Auto corrections, 6364

Before/After previews, 6162

black-and-white conversions in, 9599

Blacks slider, 6566, 68, 96

camera profiles, 5356

cheat sheet for using, 5051

Clarity slider, 73, 95

clipping warning, 66, 7071

Contrast slider, 69, 96, 373

Crop tool, 100102, 372

DNG file options, 104105

double-processing in, 9094

Elements Editor and, xv

Exposure slider, 67, 68, 373

Full Screen view, 82

Highlights slider, 71, 96, 373

multiple photo editing in, 7879

Noise Reduction feature, 8587

opening photos in, 4849

panorama images edited in, 308

Preferences dialog, 81, 105

Red Eye Removal tool, 8889

Saturation slider, 74, 95

Shadows slider, 72

Sharpening section, 8084

Straighten tool, 103

Temperature slider, 58, 60, 373

Tint slider, 60, 373

Vibrance slider, 74

White Balance settings, 5760

Whites slider, 6566, 68, 96

workflow order using, 372373

See also RAW images

Camera Standard profile, 53

cameras. See digital cameras

canvas area, 122123


adding to photos, 9, 29

finding photos by, 32

slide shows using, 38

capture sharpening, 80

Channel pop-up menu, 192, 256, 305306, 321323

checkerboard background pattern, 119

circular selections, 239240

Clarity slider, 73, 95

Clean Edges dialog, 310

clicking-and-dragging images, 164

clipping warning, 66, 7071

Clone Stamp tool

distracting object removal and, 267

panorama cleanup and, 310

cloudy sky enhancement, 201202

clutter reduction, 3940

collage, effects, 289290

collections. See albums


adding to photos, 330331

converting to B&W, 9599, 301307

filling layers with, 187, 325

filling selections with, 177

optimizing for printing, 354

removing from layers, 295, 299, 325

sampling from duotones, 324

selective color effect, 314316

vibrance added to, 74

white balance and, 5760

Color blend mode, 325

color casts, 144, 369

color channels

B&W conversions and, 305306

flesh tone fixes and, 192

Instagram app look and, 321323

color correction

fixing prints requiring, 369

Instant Fix feature for, 140

skin tone adjustments, 192193

Color Detail slider, 86

Color Handling pop-up menu, 361, 365

color management, 354361

color space settings, 354

monitor calibration, 355357

paper profiles and, 358361, 366

printer configuration, 365367

color noise reduction, 8586, 203204

Color palette, 144, 331

Color Picker, 176, 324

Color Settings dialog, 354

Color slider, 8586

color space configuration, 354

colorizing photos, 330331

combining photos, 184189

composite images, 255261

fringe removal from, 255

Guided edit mode for, 258261

Hue/Saturation adjustments, 256

sizing subjects in, 255

Constrain Proportions checkbox, 130, 132, 135, 184

contact information, 30

Content-Aware features

Content-Aware Fill, 266268, 269

Content-Aware Move, 272274

Spot Healing Brush tool, 265, 268, 269


adding to cloudy skies, 201202

black-and-white conversions and, 96

Camera Raw adjustments, 69, 96, 373

high-contrast portrait look, 297300

Contrast slider, Camera Raw, 69, 96, 373

control palette, 11

Convert to Black and White dialog, 301302

Cookie Cutter tool, 117119

copying-and-pasting images, 163, 171, 184

copyright information, 30

Correct Camera Distortion filter, 223225

Amount slider, 223, 312

Angle setting, 225

Horizontal Perspective slider, 225

Midpoint slider, 223, 313

Remove Distortion slider, 223, 224

Show Grid Checkbox, 223, 225, 312

Vertical Perspective slider, 224

Create a New Group icon, 175

Create a New Layer icon, 160, 169, 175

Create Category dialog, 18

Create Keyword Tag dialog, 18

Create menu in Organizer, 36

Create New Adjustment Layer icon, 216, 244

Create Subfolder(s) pop-up menu, 2

Crop Suggestions feature, 110

Crop tool

Camera Raw, 100102, 372

Elements Editor, 108116, 122123

Quick edit mode, 145

cropping border

dragging out, 108, 111, 115, 121

resizing, 115, 116

rotating, 109

cropping photos, 100102, 108124

Camera Raw for, 100102, 372

canceling crops, 110

canvas area and, 122123

custom size options for, 101, 114116

gang-scanned images and, 124

Instant Fix feature for, 141

multiple at same time, 102

overlay features for, 110111

panorama stitching and, 310

perspective fixes by, 120121

rotating the border for, 109

Rule of Thirds overlay for, 110111

scene cleanup and, 279

shading feature for, 108109

shapes used for, 117119

square crop ratio for, 320

standard size options for, 112113

steps in process of, 108111

straightening and, 103, 126

suggestions feature for, 110

custom crop

Camera Raw, 101

Elements Editor, 114116

Custom Name option, 3

custom printer profiles, 361

Custom Shape Picker, 117

Custom Workspace option, 153


dark print fixes, 368

dark subject fixes, 216218

Darken Highlights slider, 215

date information

changing for photos, 13

finding photos by, 14

sorting photos by, 12

Decontaminate Colors checkbox, 253

Default button, 64

Defringe Layer option, 255

Delete Options setting, 3


albums, 27

bad photos, 370

keyword tags, 27

layers, 178, 299

photos from memory cards, 3

See also removing

Depth Of Field effect, 291294

desaturated skin look, 295296

Deselect command, 181, 215, 239

Detail icon, 80

Detail slider, 83


Clarity slider for enhancing, 73

finding photos based on, 32

digital cameras

camera profiles, 5256

importing photos from, 25

lens distortion problems, 223225

metadata information for, 5, 28

digital noise

adding, 369

reducing, 8587, 203204

digital photos

adding info to, 2930

backing up, 67

combining, 184189

cropping, 100102, 108124

deleting, 3, 370

editing multiple, 7879

emailing, 4445

finding, 14, 3135

fixing problems in, 192233

importing, 25, 370

location info for, 4143

metadata info for, 5, 28, 30

previewing, 1011

recomposing, 135137

renaming, 134

rotating, 145

sharing, 4445

sharpening, 334351, 362

sizing/resizing, 127134

sorting, 12

stacking, 35, 3940

straightening, 103, 125126

tagging, 1524, 371

digital workflow, 370375

distortion problems, 223225, 309

distracting object removal. See unwanted object removal

Divide Scanned Photos option, 124

DNG file format, 102, 104105


copying photos into, 163

resizing photos between, 132

Dodge and Burn tools, 205

dodging and burning, 205209

double exposure effect, 326329

double-processing, 9094

downsizing photos, 131132

Droplet tool, 331

duotone effect, 324325

duplicate photos, 3435


layers, 180, 347

selections, 179


edge vignettes

applying to images, 312313

removing from images, 223, 309


sharpening in photos, 344346

softening around selections, 244245

Edit IPTC Information dialog, 30


cheat sheet for image, 5051

Elements Editor modes for, 142153

keyword tags, 26

multiple photos, 7879, 134

non-destructive, 187, 188

order recommended for, 75

RAW images, 5775

workflow for, 372375

editing modes, 142153

Expert mode, 150153

Guided mode, 146149, 258261, 314

Quick mode, 142145, 282283

effects. See special effects

Effects icon, 141

Elements Editor

Camera Raw and, xv

Expert mode, 150153

Guided mode, 146149, 258261, 314

Quick mode, 142145, 282283

Elements Organizer dialog, 219

Elliptical Marquee tool, 239, 244, 375

Email Attachments palette, 45

emailing photos, 4445

Emboss filter, 345

Eraser tool

blended images and, 180

compared to layer masks, 188

layer basics and, 159, 161

Esc key, 10, 103, 110, 121

EXIF data, 12, 28

Expand Photos in Stack option, 40

Expert mode, 150153

exporting slide shows, 38

exposure adjustments

Camera Raw, 67, 373

Instant Fix feature, 140

Quick edit mode, 143

external hard drive, 67

Eye icon, 165, 170

eye retouching

opening closed eyes, 230233

removing red eye, 219222


facial-recognition feature, 2224

Feather Selection dialog

flesh tone adjustments and, 192

selection edge softening and, 245


automatically renaming, 134

processing multiple, 133134

viewing names of, 12

Fill, Content-Aware, 266268, 269

fill flash technique, 217218

Fill Layer command, 187


layers, 187, 325

selections, 177, 268

filmstrip view, 11


Add Noise, 369

Correct Camera Distortion, 223225, 312

Emboss, 345

Reduce Noise, 203204

Shake Reduction, 226229

Surface Blur, 298

Unsharp Mask, 334342, 362

finding photos, 14, 3135

date info for, 14

duplicate photos, 3435

methods used for, 3133

Search feature for, 33

fixing image problems, 192233

bright areas, 214215

camera shake reduction, 226229

dark subjects, 216218

digital noise, 203204

enhancing dull skies, 196202

flesh tone adjustments, 192193

focusing light, 205209

haze removal, 210211

lens distortion, 223225

opening closed eyes, 230233

red-eye removal, 219222

shadow areas, 212213

Flatten Image command, 94, 200, 279, 307, 375

Flatten Stack command, 40

flesh tone adjustments, 192193

floating windows, 92, 162, 171, 228, 255

focusing light, 205209

Foreground color setting, 119, 176, 187, 188

Foreground to Transparent gradient, 317

Forward Slash key (/), 109 website, 168

frame images, 182

Free Transform

accessing the handles of, 130

Constrain Proportions checkbox, 130, 132, 135, 184

resizing images using, 130, 132, 135, 172, 184, 239

freeform cropping, 116

fringe removal, 255

Full Backup option, 7

Full Screen view

Camera Raw, 82

Elements Organizer, 1011

full-screen previews, 1011

Fun Edits option, 284, 287, 289, 326


gang-scanned photos, 124

Gaussian Blur removal option, 350

Get Media button, 5, 219

Get Photos from Scanner dialog, 8

GPS information, 42, 43

Gradient adjustment layer, 317

Gradient Editor, 318

Gradient Fill dialog, 199, 317, 318319

Gradient Map adjustment layer, 304

Gradient Picker, 170, 317

Gradient tool, 170


Foreground to Transparent, 317

neutral density filter effect, 317319

Reverse checkbox for, 317

soft-step vs. hard-step, 318

grainy photo look, 322

gray card, 60

gray fill option, 206

Grayscale mode, 303, 307

Green color channel, 306, 322

Grid Overlay option, 110

group shots, opening closed eyes in, 233

grouping layers, 175

Groups palette, 23

Guided edit mode, 146149, 258261, 314

See also special effects


hair selections, 249254

halos in images, 83

hard drive backups, 67

Hard Light blend mode, 345

hardware calibration, 355

haze removal, 210211

Healing slider, 273


layers, 165, 185

palettes, 153

Rule of Thirds overlay, 112, 115

Tool Options bar, 151

high ISO noise, 85

high-contrast portrait look, 297300


adjusting in photos, 71, 214215

clipping warning for, 66, 7071

Highlights Adjust Sharpness controls, 350

Highlights slider

Camera Raw, 71, 96, 373

Quick Edit mode, 143

history, finding photos by, 33

Hollywood, Calvin, 297

Home Screen, xvii

Horizontal Perspective slider, 225

Hue/Saturation adjustments

composite images and, 256

flesh tone fixes and, 192

print color fixes and, 369

selections and, 237

Hughes, Bryan O’Neil, 347


ICC profiles, 359, 360

image files

automatically renaming, 134

downloading for this book, xiv

processing multiple, 133134

viewing names of, 12

See also digital photos

Image Size dialog, 127, 131


digital photos, 25, 370

scanned photos, 8

Incremental Backup option, 7


adding to photos, 5, 2930

location and GPS, 4143

removing from photos, 30

viewing EXIF metadata, 28

Information palette, 28, 2930

inkjet printer profiles, 358361

Input Levels sliders, 217, 305, 306

Instagram app look, 320323

Instant Fix feature, 140141

Intensity slider, 328

inversing selections, 93, 240, 243, 244


layer masks, 374

layers, 298

selective color effect, 316

IPTC metadata, 30

ISO setting, 85


JPEG images

cropping in Camera Raw, 100, 102

opening in Camera Raw, 49

white balance preset for, 57


Katz, Shelly, 362 website, xiv

keyboard shortcuts, xvii, 151

keyword tags, 1524

applying multiple, 21

assigning to photos, 17, 19, 21, 371

choosing icons for, 26

creating new, 18

deleting, 27

facial recognition and, 2224

finding photos using, 31

removing from photos, 20

selecting multiple photos for, 20

Smart Tags and, 1516


landscape photos

adjusting skies in, 196202

converting to black and white, 301302

Lasso tool, 147, 179, 214, 266

layer masks, 184189

advantages of, 187, 188

applying to layers, 254

brushes and, 187188, 254

combining images using, 184189

double-processing and, 94

example of filling, 187

inverting, 374

selections and, 185187, 253254

sharpening photos with, 342343

special effects and, 296, 300

thumbnails for, 186

layers, 156189

aligning, 173

applying masks to, 254

basics of, 156161

blending, 165166, 179183

creating new, 169, 175

deleting, 178, 299

desaturating, 296

duplicating, 180, 347

filling, 187, 325

flattening, 94

grouping, 175

hiding, 165, 185

inverting, 298

linking, 174

logos added as, 166167

merging, 178, 296, 298, 375

multiple images and, 162167

naming/renaming, 175

Picture Stack effect, 286

selecting, 173

stroke, 175176

texture, 169170

See also adjustment layers

Layers palette

Add Layer Mask icon, 93, 185

Background layer, 158, 169

Create a New Layer icon, 160, 169, 175

Create New Adjustment Layer icon, 216, 244

Expert mode, 152

Eye icon, 165, 170, 185

Flatten Image command, 94

Link Layers icon, 174

opening/closing, 152

thumbnail resizing, 168

undocking, 153

Lens Blur removal option, 350

lens distortion problems, 223225, 309

Levels adjustments

B&W conversions and, 304, 305306

color channel controls and, 305306, 321323

contrast enhancement and, 209

dark subject fixes and, 216217

portrait retouching and, 374, 375

selections and, 240, 244, 245, 248

light, focusing, 205209

light print fixes, 368

Lighten Shadows slider, 213, 215

Lighten Skin Tones preset, 218

Lighting palette, 143

Lighting presets, 199

linking layers, 174

Load Selection dialog, 243

location information, 4143

logos in images, 166167

lossy compression, 105

Luminance Contrast slider, 86

Luminance Detail slider, 86

luminance noise reduction, 8687

Luminance slider, 86

Luminosity blend mode, 362


Macintosh computers, xvii, 355, 365

magnification settings, 334

magnifier window, 228

Map view, 4143

Mark Face icon, 24

Mark for Protection tool, 136

Mark for Removal tool, 136

marquees. See selections

Masking slider, 83, 84

Maximize mode, 122

memory card imports, 25

menu bar, 153

merging layers, 178, 296, 298, 375

metadata information, 5, 28, 30, 32, 370

Midpoint slider, 223, 313

midtone adjustments, 67, 95, 143, 213, 215

Midtone Contrast slider, 213, 215, 299

monitor calibration, 355357

Motion Blur removal option, 350

Move, Content-Aware, 272274

Move tool, 130, 164, 171, 255

Multiply blend mode, 181182, 368

music for slide shows, 37



imported files, 3, 370

layers in the Layers palette, 175

multiple files automatically, 134

Nature presets, 196, 200, 201

neutral density gradient effect, 317319

New Album pane, 25

New document dialog, 163

New Keyword Tag option, 21

New Layer dialog, 169, 205206

noise, digital

adding, 369

reducing, 8587, 203204

non-destructive editing, 187, 188


adding to photos, 29

finding photos by, 32

numbering photos, 134


Object Removal option, 146149

See also unwanted object removal

Old Fashioned Photo effect, 322

Opacity settings

Brush tool, 206

double-processing and, 93

edge sharpening and, 346

fill flash effect and, 218

layer blending and, 170, 180

print sharpening and, 362

Smart Brush adjustments and, 202

special effects and, 296, 300

Open Closed Eyes dialog, 231233

Open Images button, 79

Organizer, 145

albums in, 25, 27

backup options, 67

Create Menu in, 36

emailing photos from, 4445

finding photos in, 14, 3135

full-screen previews in, 1011

importing photos into, 25

info added to photos in, 2930

Instant Fix feature, 140141

Mac computers and, xvii

metadata viewed in, 28

Places feature in, 4143

red-eye removal in, 219220

scanning images into, 8

setting preferences in, 4

sharing photos from, 4445

sizing thumbnails in, 9

slide show option, 3638

sorting photos by date in, 12

stacking photos in, 35, 3940

tagging photos in, 1524

time/date changes in, 13

output sharpening, 80

oval selections, 239240

overexposed areas, 214215

Overlay blend mode, 183, 206, 254, 299, 318

Overlay selection view, 252


Palette Bin, 142, 147, 290


Actions, 113

Albums, 25, 27

Balance, 144

Color, 144, 331

Email Attachments, 45

Groups, 23

Information, 28, 2930

Layers, 93, 152, 158, 168

Levels, 209

Lighting, 143

Sharpen, 145

Smart Fix, 142

Tags, 17, 21, 31

panoramas, 308311

editing RAW files for, 308

finishing techniques for, 310311

Photomerge creation of, 308, 309310

paper profiles, 358361, 366

paper size options, 363

Paste Into Selection command, 238

Pencil tool, 278

people-recognition feature, 2224

Perceptual Rendering Intent, 367

Perfect Portrait guided edit, 195

Perspective Crop tool, 120121

perspective distortion, 224225

Photo Bin, 276, 277

Photo Downloader, 2, 5, 370


example of drawing on, 156158

scanning into Organizer, 8

See also digital photos

Photomerge Panorama feature, 308, 309310

Photomerge Scene Cleaner, 276278

Photoshop Elements Manages Colors option, 361, 365

Picture Stack effect, 284286

pin-registered photos, 92

Places feature, 4143


desaturated skin look for, 295296

high-contrast look for, 297300

opening closed eyes in, 230233

sharpening, 336, 347348

skin smoothing technique, 194195

workflow for editing, 372375

Power Trio technique, 68

practice photos, xiv

Preferences dialog

Camera Raw, 81, 105

Elements Organizer, 4, 44

Preserve Current Filename in XMP checkbox, 3

Preserve Details slider, 203, 204

Preset Picker, 196, 200, 201


Crop tool, 100

Recompose tool, 137

Smart Brush tool, 196, 199, 200, 201, 218

White Balance, 5758, 60

Preview on/off option, 60

Preview Preferences dialog, 62


B&W conversion, 301

Before/After, 6162

full-screen, 1011

noise reduction, 204

print, 363

Quick mode, 142

sharpening, 81, 84

skin smoothing, 195

slide show, 36

white balance, 60

Print dialog, 361, 363367

Printer Preferences button, 365

Printer Profile pop-up menu, 361

printing process

fixing images for, 368369

monitor calibration for, 355357

optimizing colors for, 354

paper profiles for, 358361, 366

setting options for, 363367

sharpening images for, 362

Process Multiple Files dialog, 133134

Profile Browser, 55, 56, 97


B&W, 9798

camera, 5256

printer/paper, 358361, 366

Protect Detail checkbox, 347

PSD images

cropping in Camera Raw, 100, 102

opening in Camera Raw, 49

Pupil Radius setting, 222


Quick edit mode, 142145, 282283

Quick Selection tool, 246248

Auto-Enhance checkbox, 246

Depth Of Field effect and, 293294

double-processing and, 92

flesh tone adjustments and, 192

making selections with, 247, 249253

Refine Edge dialog, 250253

Select Subject feature, 249250

sky selections and, 181, 243

Subtract mode for, 247248, 294

tricky selections and, 249253


Radial Gradient icon, 170

Radius slider

Adjust Sharpness control, 349

Camera Raw Sharpening section, 82

Refine Edge dialog, 251, 316

Unsharp Mask dialog, 335, 339

RAW images

auto correcting, 6364

camera profiles for, 5356

color vibrance in, 74

contrast adjustments, 69

converting to black-and-white, 9599

double-processing, 9094

editing multiple, 7879

enhancing details in, 73

exposure adjustments, 67, 68

highlight adjustments, 7071

noise reduction, 8587

opening in Camera Raw, 48

panorama creation and, 308

saving in DNG format, 104105

shadow adjustments, 72

sharpening, 8084

white balance settings for, 5760

See also Camera Raw

Recompose tool, 135137

Rectangular Marquee tool, 171, 176, 185, 236, 238

rectangular selections, 236237

Red color channel, 305, 321

Red Eye Removal tool

Camera Raw, 8889

Photoshop Elements, 221222

red-eye removal, 219222

automatic process of, 219220

Camera Raw feature for, 8889

Eye tool used for, 221222

Instant Fix feature for, 141

red face corrections, 192193

Reduce Noise filter, 203204

Refine Edge dialog, 250253, 316

Refine Radius tool, 252

Refine Selection Brush, 247248

Relative Colorimetric Rendering Intent, 367

Remove Background icon, 126

Remove Color command, 299, 301, 325

Remove Distortion slider, 223, 224

Remove IPTC Metadata button, 30

Remove Keyword Tag option, 20

Remove Object button, 147


blur from photos, 350

color from layers, 295, 299, 325

IPTC metadata, 30

keyword tags, 20

red eye, 8889, 219222

slide show images, 38

Smart Tags, 16

spots and artifacts, 264265

unwanted objects, 264279

white backgrounds, 126

See also deleting

Rename Files pop-up menu, 3

renaming. See naming/renaming

Rendering Intent options, 367

Replace Background option, 258

Resample Image checkbox, 128, 129, 131

Reselect option, 243

Reset Image icon, 143

resizing. See sizing/resizing


setting for photos, 127129

viewing size and, 132

RGB color channel, 323


cropping border, 109

photos in Quick mode, 145

shapes, 118

round selections, 239240

Rule of Thirds overlay

cropping photos using, 110111

hiding, 112, 115

rulers, 115, 127


sampling colors, 324

Saturation slider

B&W conversions and, 95

composite image adjustments and, 256

print color fixes and, 369

Quick edit mode, 144

skin tone adjustments and, 193

Vibrance slider vs., 74

Save Backup button, 7

Save Image button, 104

Save Options dialog, 104

Save Selection dialog, 243

Saved Searches feature, 32


automated processing and, 133134

profiles as Favorites, 56

RAW files to DNG, 104105

search criteria, 32

selections, 243

slide shows, 38

Scale icon, Free Transform, 172

Scale to Fit Media checkbox, 364

scanned photos

dividing gang-scanned images, 124

importing into Organizer, 8

scene cleanup technique, 275279

Scenic Landscape B&W conversion style, 301, 302

Screen blend mode, 179, 368

Search feature, 33

See also finding photos

Select All command, 238

Select Subject feature, xvi, 249250, 258

selections, 236261

adjusting, 237, 240, 244, 248

Auto Selection tool for, 241242

brush for refining, 247248

compositing, 255261

deselecting, 181, 215, 239

duplicating, 179

filling, 177, 268

inversing, 93, 240, 243, 244

Lasso tool, 147, 179, 266

layer masks and, 185187, 253254

Quick Selection tool, 246248, 249253

rectangular, 236237

refining edges of, 250253, 259

round or circular, 239240

saving, 243

scaling, 239

softening edges of, 244245

square, 238239

tricky, 249254

selective color effect, 314316

Sensitivity slider, 227


adjusting in photos, 72, 212213

digital noise in, 85

Shadows Adjust Sharpness controls, 350

Shadows slider

Camera Raw, 72

Quick Edit mode, 143

Shadows/Highlights dialog

bright area adjustments using, 214215

shadow area adjustments using, 212213, 299

Shake Reduction filter, 226229


cropping photos into, 117119

selections based on, 236240

sharing photos, 4445

Sharpen palette, 145

Sharpen tool, 347348

sharpening techniques, 334351

Adjust Sharpness control, 349351

basic sharpening, 334340

Camera Raw, 8084

edge sharpening, 344346

extraordinary sharpening, 341343

layer masks and, 342343

portrait sharpening, 336, 347348

print sharpening, 362

Quick edit mode, 145

sample settings, 84, 335340

Sharpen tool, 347348

soft subjects and, 336

Unsharp Mask filter, 334342

web graphics and, 338

Show Grid Checkbox, 223, 225, 312

Show Magnifier Window icon, 228

Show One Photo view, 140

Show Strokes checkbox, 278

side-by-side previews, 61


automated, 134

brushes, 197, 267

cropped images, 112116

digital camera photos, 127134

downsizing process and, 131132

dragging between documents and, 132

emailed photos, 45

Free Transform for, 130, 132, 135, 172, 184, 239

parts of images, 135137

shapes, 118

thumbnails, 9, 168


adding contrast to cloudy, 201202

enhancing photos with dull, 196200

selecting with Quick Selection tool, 181, 243

Smart Brush adjustments, 196202

skin smoothing technique, 194195

skin tone

color adjustments, 192193

desaturated skin look, 295296

preset for lightening, 218

slide shows, 3638

customizing, 3738

saving and exporting, 38

themes for, 3637

Smart Brush tool, 196202

adjustment settings, 199

how to use, 196200, 201202

presets, 196, 199, 200, 201, 218

subtract mode, 198

Smart Fix icon, 140

Smart Fix palette, 142

Smart Looks feature, 283

Smart Radius checkbox, 251, 316

Smart Tags, 1516

Smooth Skin dialog, 194195

Smoothness slider, 195

Soft Light blend mode, 183, 208, 296

soft subject sharpening, 336

softening selection edges, 244245

software calibration, 355

sorting photos, 12

special effects, 282331

black-and-white conversions, 301307

burned-in edge effect, 312313

colorizing photos, 330331

Depth Of Field effect, 291294

desaturated skin look, 295296

double exposure effect, 326329

duotone effect, 324325

effects collage, 289290

Guided mode, 146149

high-contrast portrait look, 297300

Instagram app look, 320323

neutral density gradient effect, 317319

panoramas, 308311

photo inside text, 287288

Picture Stack effect, 284286

Quick edit mode, 282283

selective color effect, 314316

split-screen previews, 61

Spot Healing Brush tool

blemish removal and, 374

Content-Aware features and, 265, 268, 269

spot/artifact removal and, 264265

unwanted object removal and, 268, 269

spot removal, 264265

spotlight effect, 244, 245, 375

Spyder5ELITE calibrator, 355357

square crop ratio, 320

square selections, 238239

sRGB color space, 354

Stack icon, 39

stacking photos, 35, 3940

standard photo sizes, 112113

stock photo websites, 324

Straighten tool

Camera Raw, 103

Photoshop Elements, 125126

straightening photos, 103, 125126

Stroke dialog, 175, 176

strokes, 175176

Style Settings dialog, 288

Subtract mode

Auto Selection tool, 242

B&W Selection Brush, 315

Quick Selection tool, 247248, 294

Smart Brush tool, 198

Surface Blur filter, 298


tabbed viewing, 122

tagging photos. See keyword tags

Tags palette, 17, 21, 31

Temperature slider

Camera Raw, 58, 60, 373

Quick edit mode, 144


photos inside, 287288

slide show, 38

textured backgrounds, 168, 169170

themes for slide shows, 3637

Threshold slider, Unsharp Mask, 335, 340


layer mask, 186

previewing selected, 1011

Profile Browser, 56

Quick Edit mode, 142, 143

sizing/resizing, 9, 168

TIFF images

cropping in Camera Raw, 100, 102

opening in Camera Raw, 49

Time Zone Adjust dialog, 13

Timeline, 14, 31

Tint slider

Camera Raw, 60, 373

Quick edit mode, 144

Toggle Film Strip button, 11

Tool Options Bar, 151

Top/Bottom previews, 62

touchscreen capabilities, 19, 140

tourist removal, 275279

Trash icon, 178, 254

tripods, 275

Type Tool button, 287


UnCheck All button, 5

underexposed subjects, 216218

Undo command, 63, 89, 187, 245

Unsharp Mask filter

Adjust Sharpness control vs., 349

basic sharpening and, 334340

downsized photos and, 131, 132

extraordinary sharpening and, 341342

panorama creation and, 311

print sharpening and, 362

sample settings for, 335340

See also sharpening techniques

Unstack Photos command, 40

unwanted object removal, 264279

Content-Aware features for, 266269, 272274

Guided mode option for, 146149

moving parts of images for, 272274

scene cleanup technique for, 275279

Spot Healing Brush for, 264265, 268, 269

spots/artifacts and, 264265

Urban/Snapshots B&W conversion style, 302


Version Sets, 220

Vertical Perspective slider, 224

vertical straightening, 126

Vibrance slider

Camera Raw, 74

Quick edit mode, 144


applying to images, 312313

removing from images, 223, 309

Vintage effect, 283

Visual Similarity Photo Search dialog, 34

Vivid Landscapes B&W conversion style, 301, 302

Vivid Light blend mode, 297


Watch Folders option, 4

web sharpening, 338

website for book, xiv

wedding album page, 168178

white balance settings, 5760, 96

White Balance tool, 5960

Whites slider, 6566, 68, 96

windows, floating, 92, 162, 171, 228, 255

Windows computers, xvii, 355

workflow order, 370375


XMP sidecar files, 104, 105


Zoom slider, 9

Zoom tool

Camera Raw, 81

Photoshop Elements, 145, 221, 264, 277

zooming in/out, 334, 347, 374