Section 1 Epidemiology in the clinic
Introduction: epidemiology in the clinic
Clinical uses of predictive value
Likelihood ratios and post-test probabilities
So what has my patient got? The Bayesian clinician
Decisions, decisions . . . the principles of clinical management
What is prognosis? Looking into the crystal ball
How effective is the treatment?
Interpreting reports of clinical trials
How appropriate is the treatment?
Patient-centred decision-making
3 Risk communication and promoting health
Health promotion in clinical practice
Health promotion in the clinic
Exercise, weight, and dietary advice
Breaking the chain of infection
Section 2 Evidence-based practice
4 Finding and summarizing evidence
Finding and evaluating existing evidence
Analysis and interpretation of a meta-analysis
5 Preventive medicine and screening
Preventing communicable disease
Preventing non-communicable disease: example of cardiovascular disease
Basic infectious disease epidemiology
Evaluating screening programmes
6 Evaluating clinical practice
Clinical governance and ethics
Carrying out an audit: getting started
Section 3 Epidemiological methods
Types of evidence and study designs
Basic concepts in epidemiological research
Time trend and geographical (ecological) studies
Surveys and cross-sectional studies
Cross-sectional studies: examples
Case–control studies: examples
Intervention studies and clinical trials
Choosing the right type of study
Introduction: good quality data
Infectious disease notification
Statistical or clinical significance
Sample size and power calculations
When to consult a statistician
10 Statistical techniques in clinical medicine
Confidence intervals for a proportion
Normal test for difference in proportions
Chi-squared test for association
Parametric and non-parametric tests
T-tests for regression coefficients
Kaplan–Meier product limit estimator
Cox proportional hazards model
Receiver operating characteristic curves
Section 4 Epidemiology of common diseases
Global burden of non-communicable disease
Burden of non-communicable disease in the UK
Global burden of communicable disease
Burden of communicable disease in the UK
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Healthcare associated infections
High blood pressure and hypertension