accounting basics, 348–350, 358–367
additional help. See staffing
additional revenue streams through passive income, 258, 275–280, 419
advocacy for independent workers, 7, 12, 14, 317–320, 415
arbitration of disputes, 197, 201, 292
attorneys, advice of, 127–128, 138, 175, 194, 199–201, 292–293
bad news, how to deliver, 156, 177, 371
bartering, 94, 284–286, 309, 422, 475
beehive metaphor, 11, 13, 14, 234, 256, 294, 319
bereavement time, 408
Bill of Rights for freelancers, 473–474
Blue Chip clients in freelancer’s portfolio, 79–81
bookkeeping basics, 348–350, 358–367
borrowing. See debt
bottom-feeder jobs, 34, 86, 87, 144
boundaries in relationships, 15, 151–153, 181–182, 401
client relationships, reporting, 160
subcontracting, budgeting for, 293
troubleshooting budget problems, solutions for, 186–187
vacation, budgeting for, 409
building community. See community and New Mutualism
building teams. See subcontracting and teamwork
burnout, 396–407
business cards, 48–49, 107, 163, 223, 224
business expenses, 385–387 see also income tax
business growth. See growing business
business loans, 271–275
business name, 32
business structures, 45, 262–268, 304, 371
cancelled projects, kill fees for, 135, 184, 186, 189, 408
cash flow, 9, 10, 77–80, 130, 140, 141, 143, 194–197, 274, 472
cell phones. See mobile phones
chairs and sitting posture, 61–62, 68–69
children. See families
client mix. See freelance portfolio
client relationships, 147–172
actual needs of clients, discerning, 31
boundary setting, 151–153
communicating. See communication essentials
crises and damage control, 190, 191
see also troubleshooting problems
negotiation of fees with clients, 138–144
on-site projects, 161–162
warnings from other freelancers, 320
Client Scorecard, 14, 131, 195–197, 316, 319, 471
closing the deal, 123–146
clothing, appropriateness of, 424
CO-OPs (consumer operated and oriented plans), 14, 426, 441
coaching and mentoring, 46, 57, 80, 94, 146, 171, 191, 221, 226, 275, 285, 289, 293, 297, 308, 310, 312, 402, 461
collections, 199–201
commitment, sustained, 228, 255
communal office space, 57, 66, 144, 310–313, 319, 327, 470, 479
communication essentials, 152–156, 177–181
bad news, how to deliver, 156, 177, 371
decision to become a freelancer, how to tell people, 47–48
helping clients figure out what they want, 153
initial marketing, 47–48
troubleshooting problems, 177–181
community and New Mutualism, 299–320, 466
definition of New Mutualism, 301
Love Bank, explained, 109–110
competence and key strengths, 25–31, 94, 95
competition, noncompete requirements, 131, 132, 244, 292
computer issues. See technology
consultants, defined, 6
contingent workers, 7–9, 170, 469
contract employees, defined, 7
contracts. See negotiations and contracts
copyrights and intellectual property, 136–138
business structures, 45, 264–266
see also mega-corporations
costs and expenses, 37, 39, 43, 44, 75, 131, 443, 447
documenting business expenses, 348–349, 358, 361–363, 375
vs. “fees,” 143
coworking spaces, 57, 66, 144, 310–313, 319, 327, 470, 479
credit. See debt
creepy networking, 102, 107, 111–112, 114
crisis management. See troubleshooting problems
damages for breach of contract, 131–133, 201
data protection, 56
day laborer, defined, 8
day rate as fee structure, 34
deadbeat clients, 193–202
arbitration and mediation, 197
warnings of, 303
deal, closing of. See negotiations and contracts
borrowing for business growth, 271–275
collections, 199–201
credit reports, 451–452
Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), 451
paying down credit card debt, 449–452
tax deductions, 385
depreciation, 363–365, 377, 380, 381
depression, 426
disaster plan, 56
discontinued projects, kill fees for, 135, 184, 186, 189, 408
dispute resolution, 197, 201, 292
distractions and interruptions, 340–343
domain names, 235
dress code, 424
dry time, 90–97
email and text messages
automated filtering and segregating, 336
cc’d recipients, 156
email marketing, 238–241
invoicing via, 198
troubleshooting problems, appropriate media for, 178
education and tuition, 281, 463–466
employees vs. independent contractors, 162–168
estimated taxes, 385–387
etymology of term “freelance,” 8
expenses. See costs and expenses
Facebook. See social media
fair employment law compliance, 298
child care expenses, tax benefits, 381–382
family leave benefits, 164
flexibility of freelance schedules, 5
networking with family and friends, 420–422
paid vs. unpaid parental leave, 164
fee structures, 25, 33–44, 119, 141
benchmarks for rates in industry, 41
bottom-feeder jobs, 34, 86, 87
equation for calculating hourly rate, 35
family/friends projects, 422
kill fees, 135, 184, 186, 189, 408
minimum amount, 34
negotiating fees, 142–144
negotiation of fees with clients, 138–144
“one price fits all,” 41
unpaid. See free, working for
client relationships, 152, 157–159
on-site projects, 161
financial safety net, 440–452
fire protection for home and home office, 56
fixing problems. See troubleshooting problems
401(k) plans, 458–459
free, working for, 96, 97, 145
free-to-paid conversion rate, 278
freemiums, 89
volunteer and pro bono work, 94, 97, 309, 420
“freelance,” history of term, 8
freelance portfolio, 75–98
balance in, 77–79, 125, 260–261
Blue Chips, 79–81
growth investments, 81–83
long shots and one-shots, 84–88
new ventures and growth, 89, 90
Freelance Switch Hourly Rate Calculator, 38
Freelancer Bill of Rights, 473–474
Freelancers Insurance Company, 302, 441
Freelancers Retirement Plan, 460
Freelancers Union, 1, 14, 16, 17, 47, 84, 168, 170
Freelancers Union Contract Creator, 472
“freemiums,” 89
getting clients, 101–202, 238–239
informational interview, successful prospecting as, 113
keeping clients. See client relationships
prequalified prospects, 113
scripts to use with prospective clients, 117–118
social validation, 104–105
X-factor, explained, 102
see also networking and self-marketing
getting started. See start-up
goods in lieu of payment, 97
growing business, 203–320, 334
borrowing for business growth, 271–275
freelance portfolio, growth investments, 81–83
helping other freelancers succeed. See community and New Mutualism
marketing. See marketing
passive income (things bringing in extra income), 275–280
rental space, sufficiency, 57
subcontracting. See subcontracting and teamwork
handshake agreements, 126–127
harassment of deadbeat clients, 199
health care and health insurance, 433–440
CO-OPs (consumer operated and oriented plans), 14, 426, 441
Freelancer Bill of Rights, 473–474
Freelancers Union, 14
health savings accounts (HSAs), 438–439
helpful resources, 477
medical records, 437
misclassification of employment status, 164, 166
tax deductions, 384–385
hiring, 296–298
contract clarifying relationship, 293
website professionals, 237
see also subcontracting and teamwork
home offices, 51–56
homeowners’ insurance, 56
hourly fee structures, 33
see also fee structures
income tax, 44, 262–268, 369–391, 468, 480
accountants for, 373–375
deductions, 376–385
depreciation, 363–365, 377, 380, 381
direct and indirect business expenses, 385–387
estimated taxes, 385–387
Freelancer Bill of Rights, 473–474
health savings accounts (HSAs), 438–439
home office tax deductions, 55, 377–379
passive income (things bringing in extra income), 258, 275–280, 419
recordkeeping, 380–387
resources provided by IRS, 366, 390–391
saving for, 447
subcontracting and hiring, 297, 389–390
tax code, simplifying, 314–315
independent contractor, defined, 6
influence and persuasion in getting clients, 102–106
information technology. See technology
see also health care and health insurance
intellectual property and ownership, 131, 136–138, 292, 297
international clients, communicating with, 156
see also online; websites
interns, hiring, 297
investing in growth. See growing business
IRS (Internal Revenue Service). See income tax
job descriptions, 419
judgments (litigation), 130, 194, 197, 201
Keogh plans, 459–461
key strengths and skills, 25–31, 94, 95
keywords for online marketing, 231, 233
kill fees, 135, 184, 186, 189, 408
late payments and nonpayment, 193–202, 316
leased employees, defined, 7
life insurance, 271
damages for breach of contract, 131–133
deadbeat clients, 199–202
small claims courts, 200–201
LLCs (limited liability companies) and LLPs (limited liability partnerships), 45, 266–268
Small Business Administration lending programs, 315–316
see also debt
Love Bank
explained, 109–110
see also community and New Mutualism
marketing, 205–256
business cards, 48–49, 107, 163, 223, 224
creepy networking, 102, 107, 111–112, 114
helpful resources, 479
online marketing. See online marketing
see also networking and self-marketing
mediation of disputes, 197, 201, 292
medical matters. See health care and health insurance
employment of permatemps, 167–168
nonpayment by, 196
mentoring and coaching, 46, 57, 80, 94, 146, 171, 191, 221, 226, 275, 285, 289, 293, 297, 308, 310, 312, 402, 461
microentrepreneurship, 285
misclassification of employees as independent contractors, 12, 13, 162–168, 170, 316
contract clarifying relationship, 293
syncing of files and information, 337
mutualist economy, 471–472
name of business, 32
napping, as technique for dealing with procrastination, 339
negotiations and contracts, 123–146
attorney advice regarding, 127–128, 138, 292–293
damages for breach of contract, 131–133, 201
delayed signatures on contracts, 144
dissatisfied clients, damage control, 191
Freelancers Union Contract Creator, 472
handshake agreements, 126–127
subcontracting, terms of agreements, 292–293
networking and self-marketing, 102–112, 205–228
creepy networking, 102, 107, 111–112, 114
family and friends, networking with, 420–422
isolation and alone time, combatting, 428
online. See online marketing
scripts to use with prospective clients, 117–118
selling vs. giving, 217–221
word of mouth, 82, 96, 102, 206, 247, 251
New Deal laws, 12, 163, 434, 468
microplan for, 261–262
see also growing business
New Mutualism. See community and New Mutualism
no work (dry time), 90–97
noncompete requirements, 131, 132, 244, 292
nondisclosure issues when subcontracting, 292
nonpayment and late payments, 193–202, 316
office parties at on-site projects, 162
office setup, 51–72
communal office space, 57, 66, 144, 310–313, 319, 327, 470, 479
helpful resources, 479
tax benefits, 377–378, 381–382
on-call employees, defined, 7
on-site projects, 161–162
online advertising for additional revenue, 279
online calendars, 337
online collaboration and filesharing, 295
online information, updating, 93
online invoicing, 198
online management tools, 336–337
online marketing, 221, 229–256
search engines, optimizing for, 230–233
see also social media; websites
overtime, misclassified workers, 163, 165
part-time employees, defined, 7
formal business organizations, 263–264, 266, 304
informal work-sharing among freelancers, 293, 472
see also subcontracting and teamwork
passive income, 258, 275–280, 419
password protection, 56, 171, 443
past-due invoices. See deadbeat clients
amount. See fee structures
late payments and nonpayment, 193–202, 316
per-diem employees, defined, 7
percentage of profits fee structure, 35
permatemps, 167–168
personal business, 334
client relationships, phone call interruptions, 149
home lines, separate from business lines, 418
invoicing via, 198
tax issues, 381
see also mobile phones
place of work. See workspace
portfolio. See freelance portfolio
praise and testimonials, 160, 303
pricing. See fee structures
pro bono and volunteer work, 94, 97, 309, 420
procrastination, 337–346
nonpayment, old debts, 199
procrastination busters, 338–340
good days vs. bad and medium days, 403–407
link between profit and community, 300, 302
percentage of profits fee structure, 35
project fee pricing, 34
project management, online tools, 336–337
proofreading, essential, 156, 181
prospecting for clients. See getting clients
Quick Response (QR) codes, 49
rates. See fee structures
receipts and records, 44, 55, 348–350, 358–367, 380–387
shredding documents, 56
renters’ insurance for home and home office, 56
misclassification of employees, 164, 166
revenue streams through passive income, 258, 275–280, 419
Roth IRAs, 457–458
S corporations, 265–266
safety nets, 433–466
selling vs. giving, 217–221
see also marketing
sales tax, 372
savings safety nets, 440–452
schedules and scheduling, 333, 334, 427
advocacy for independent workers, time for, 415
home responsibilities, 417–420
troubleshooting schedule problems, 183–186
scripts to use with prospective clients, 117–118
search engine optimization (SEO), 231–233
self-marketing. See networking and self-marketing
self-publishing, for additional revenue, 279
SEP (Simplified Employee Pension Plan) IRA, 457
shredding documents, 56
SIMPLE (Savings Incentive Match Plan for Employees) IRA, 456
slacking, freelancing as, 13, 47, 429, 430
Small Business Administration (SBA), 315
small business owners, distinguished from freelancers, 285
small claims courts, 200–201
small employer group insurance, 439
smart phones. See mobile phones
snail mail, 155, 178, 198, 354
social media, 246–256
social media optimization (SMO), 232
social validation, explained, 104–105
sole proprietorships, 6, 45, 263
solopreneurs, 470
debt, paying down, 449–452
tracking, 443–444
staffing, 296–298
contract clarifying relationship, 293
see also subcontracting and teamwork
start-up, 21–50
actual needs of clients, discerning, 31
business name, 32
business structure options. See business structures
costs, 44
elevator speech, 32
goals, 22–23
initial marketing, 47–48
stress, 426–428
subcontracting and teamwork, 169, 283–298, 402
contract issues, 292–293
excellence in subcontractors, partners, and teammates, 253, 287, 291, 294
fair employment law compliance, 298
inadequate work from subcontractors, 291
tax issues, 297
work ethic and attitude in subcontractors, 291
syncing of files and information, 337
tax deductions, 376–385
see also income tax
teamwork. See subcontracting and teamwork
communal office spaces, 57
office setup, 64–66
password protection, 56, 171, 443
tax benefits, 381
tech support, 40, 57, 237, 304
see also email and text messages; websites
temporary employment, 84, 88, 95, 296–297, 469
text messages. See email and text messages
time management, 324–346
Transient Workers Union, 13, 163, 299
troubleshooting problems, 173–202
blame and responsibility, 179
computer problems, 64
late-paying clients. See deadbeat clients
Twitter. See social media
UL (Underwriters’ Laboratory) safety requirements, 56
see also fee structures
unemployment protection, 95, 164, 403, 449
Freelancers Union, 1, 14, 16, 17, 47, 84, 168, 170
insurance through, 439
Transient Workers Union, 13, 163, 299
vacation time, 408–412
virtual assistant (VA), 171
virtual business cards, 49
volunteer and pro bono work, 94, 97, 309, 420
W-2 form, Internal Revenue Service reporting, 162, 163, 168, 314, 370, 389–391
webinars for extra revenue, 277–278
websites, 233–238
affiliate marketing, 280
domain names, 235
included on business cards, 49
tax benefits, 381
see also online marketing
word of mouth networking, 82, 96, 102, 206, 247, 251
work habits, 324–346
workers’ compensation benefits, 164
coffee shops and libraries, 54, 327, 332
coworking, 57, 66, 144, 310–313, 319, 327, 470, 479
home offices, 51–56
on-site projects, 162
see also office setup
X-factor, explained, 102