Please note that index links point to page beginnings from the print edition. Locations are approximate in e-readers, and you may need to page down one or more times after clicking a link to get to the indexed material.
About Ropes, 6
Alternatives to Whipping, 72
Anchor Bend, 28
Becket Bend, 34
Bowline, 24
Bowline on the Bight, 57
Braid on Braid Eye Splice, 88
Buntline Coil, 65
Buntline Fisherman’s Bend, 53
Carrick Bend, 46
Clove Hitch, 30
Common Whipping, 68
Constrictor Knot, 44
Double Becket Bend, 36
Double Sheet Bend, 36
Eye Splice:
Braid on Braid, 88
Flemish Wire, 91
Laid Core, 84
Multiplait, 80
Three Strand, 79
Figure of Eight, 23
Figure of Eight Loop, 42
Fisherman’s Bend, 28
Flemish Wire Eye Splice, 91
Gasket Coil, 65
Half Hitch Coil for Stowage, 64
Halyard Coil, 63
Hunter’s Bend, 62
Jury Knot, 60
Laid Core Eye Splice, 84
Lighterman’s Hitch, 32
Long Splice, 78
Marling Hitch, 52
Masthead Knot, 60
Multiplait Eye Splice, 80
Multiplait to Chain Splice, 93
Needle and Palm Whipping, 70
QR Codes, how to use, 95
Reef Knot, 20
Rolling Hitch on a Rope, 38
Rolling Hitch Around a Spar, 40
Round Turn and Two Half Hitches, 26
Sailmaker’s Whipping, 71
Sheepshank, 48
Sheet Bend, 34
Short Splice, 76
Sliding Figures of Eight, 55
Slipped Reef Knot, 22
Spanish Bowline, 58
Spar Hitch, 54
Stitch and Whip Eye, 82
Stopper Knot, 56
Surgeon’s Knot, 45
Three Strand Eye Splice, 79
Trucker’s Hitch, 50
Waggoner’s Hitch, 50
West Country Whipping, 69