Explanatory Note

The Maturation of Chinese Civilization and New Challenges to Chinese Tradition

25. The Chinese Tradition in Retrospect

Huang Zongxi’s Critique of the Chinese Dynastic System

Waiting for the Dawn: A Plan for the Prince

Lü Liuliang’s Radical Orthodoxy

Commentaries on the Four Books

Late Confucian Scholarship: Wang Fuzhi (Ian MacMorran)

Cosmological Foundations

Wang’s “Revision” of Orthodox Neo-Confucianism

Historical Trends

The Justification of Social and Cultural Divisions

The Preservation of Chinese Political and Cultural Integrity

Gu Yanwu, Beacon of Qing Scholarship

True Learning: Broad Knowledge and a Sense of Shame

Preface to Record of the Search for Antiquities

On the Concentration of Authority at Court

On Bureaucratic Local Administration, ca. 1660 (William Rowe)

The Han Learning and Text Criticism

Dai Zhen and Zhang Xuecheng (Lynn Struve)

Dai Zhen’s Text-Critical Moral Philosophy (L. Struve)

Letter to Shi Zhongming Concerning Scholarship (L. Struve)

Letter in Reply to Advanced Scholar Peng Yunchu (John Ewell)

Zhang Xuecheng’s Philosophy of History (L. Struve)

“Virtue in the Historian”

“Virtue in the Writer”

Women’s Learning (Susan Mann)

Cui Shu and the Critical Spirit

Foreword to the Essentials of the Record of Beliefs Investigated

Han Learning and Western Learning

The Qing Version of Neo-Confucian Orthodoxy

Village Lectures and the Sacred Edict

The Sacred Edict

26. Popular Values and Beliefs

Ensemble Performance


A Procession on the Birthday of the Sanzong God

The Great Sai Ritual of Zhangzi County, Shanxi

The Refining Fire Ritual of Shenze Village, Zhejiang

The Attack on Hell, a Popular Funeral Ritual (John Lagerwey)


Mulian Rescues His Mother

Guo Ju Buries His Son

Solo Performance


“Woman Huang Explicates the Diamond Sūtra”

“Song of Guo Mountain”


Sacred Edict Lecturing


The Precious Scroll [Baojuan] on the Lord of the Stove

Written Texts


The True Scripture of the Great Emperor


Selections from The Twenty-four Exemplars of Filial Piety

27. Chinese Responses to Early Christian Contacts

Li Zhizao: Preface to The True Meaning of the Lord of Heaven

Xu Guangqi: A Memorial in Defense of the [Western] Teaching

Yang Guangxian’s Critique of Christianity

Yang Guangxian: I Cannot Do Otherwise (Budeyi) (John D. Young)

Zhang Xingyao and the Inculturation of Christianity

An Examination of the Similarities and Differences Between the Lord of Heaven Teaching [Christianity] and the Teaching of the Confucian Scholars

28. Chinese Statecraft and the Opening of China to the West

Chen Hongmou and Mid-Qing Statecraft (William Rowe)

On Substantive Learning

On Universal Education

On Women’s Education

On the Duties of an Official

On Governance by Local Elites

Statecraft in the Grain Trade and Government-Controlled Brokerages
(Pierre-Etienne Will)

A Memorial on Grain Prices, the Grain Trade, and Government-Controlled Brokerages

Hong Liangji: On Imperial Malfeasance and China’s Population Problem (K. C. Liu)

Letter to Prince Cheng Earnestly Discussing the Political Affairs of the Time, 1799

China’s Population Problem

The Deterioration of Local Government

The Roots of Rebellion

Gong Zizhen’s Reformist Vision (K. C. Liu)

On the Lack of Moral Fiber Among Scholar-Officials

Institutional Paralysis and the Need for Reform

The Scholar-Teacher and Service to a Dynasty

Respect for the Guest

Wei Yuan and Confucian Practicality (K. C. Liu)

The Learning of Statecraft

Wei Yuan: Preface to Anthology of Qing Statecraft Writings (Huangchao jingshi wenbian)

Criteria for Anthology of Qing Statecraft Writings

Learning and the Role of Scholar-Officials

On Governance (Philip Kuhn)

The Pursuit of Profit

On Institutional Progress in History

On Merchants and Reform

On Taxation and the Merchants

On Reform of the Tribute-Rice Transport System, 1825

On Reform of the Salt Monopoly

The Western Intrusion Into China

The Lesson of Lin Zexu

Letter to the English Ruler

Letter to Wu Zixu on the Need for Western Guns and Ships

Wei Yuan and the West

Preface to Military History of the Qing Dynasty (Shengwu jixu), 1842 (K. C. Liu)

Preface to Illustrated Gazetteer of the Maritime Countries (Haiguo tuzhi)

29. The Heavenly Kingdom of the Taipings

The Book of Heavenly Commandments (Tiantiao shu)

A Primer in Verse (Youxue shi)

The Taiping Economic Program

The Principles of the Heavenly Nature (Tianqing daolishu)

Reform and Revolution

30. Moderate Reform and the Self-Strengthening Movement

Feng Guifen: On the Manufacture of Foreign Weapons

On the Adoption of Western Learning

Zeng Guofan and Li Hongzhang: On Sending Young Men Abroad to Study

Xue Fucheng: On Reform

Zhang Zhidong: Exhortation to Learn

31. Radical Reform at the End of the Qing

Wang Tao on Reform

Yan Fu on Evolution and Progress (DON PRICE)

“On Strength”

Kang Youwei and the Reform Movement

Confucius As a Reformer

The Three Ages

The Need for Reforming Institutions

The Grand Commonality

Conservative Reactions (CHESTER TAN)

Chu Chengbo: Reforming Men’s Minds Comes Before Reforming Institutions

Zhu Yixin: Fourth Letter in Reply to Kang Youwei

Ye Dehui: The Superiority of China and Confucianism

Tan Sitong

The Study of Humanity

Reform Edict of January 29, 1901 (DOUGLAS REYNOLDS)

Liang Qichao

Renewing the People

“The Consciousness of Rights” (Peter Zarrow)

“The Concept of the Nation” (P. Zarrow)

Liang Qichao and the New Press (Joan Judge)

Inaugural Statement for the Eastern Times (Shibao) (J. Judge)

Advocates of Script Reform (VICTOR MAIR)

Song Shu: Illiteracy in China

Lu Zhuangzhang’s Attempt at Romanization

Shen Xue’s Universal Script

Wang Zhao’s “Mandarin Letters”

Zhang Binglin’s Revolutionary Nationalism (P. ZARROW)

Letter Opposing Kang Youwei’s Views on Revolution

32. The Nationalist Revolution

Sun Yat-sen and the Nationalist Revolution

Hu Hanmin

“The Six Principles of the People’s Report”

Sun Yat-sen

The Three People’s Principles

The Principle of Democracy

The People’s Livelihood

The Three Stages of Revolution

Democracy and Absolutism: The Debate Over Political Tutelage

Luo Longji: What Kind of Political System Do We Want?

Jiang Tingfu: “Revolution and Absolutism”

Hu Shi: “National Reconstruction and Absolutism”

Chiang Kai-shek: Nationalism and Traditionalism

Chiang Kai-shek: Essentials of the New Life Movement

China’s Destiny

Jiang Jingguo (Chiang Ching-kuo): The Republic of China in Taiwan

The Evolution of Constitutional Democracy in Taiwan

Implementing “The Three People’s Principles”

33. The New Culture Movement

The Attack on Confucianism

Chen Duxiu: “The Way of Confucius and Modern Life”

The Literary Revolution

Hu Shi: “A Preliminary Discussion of Literary Reform”

Chen Duxiu: “On Literary Revolution”

Hu Shi: “Constructive Literary Revolution—A Literature of National Speech”

The Doubting of Antiquity

Gu Jiegang: Preface to Debates on Ancient History (1926)

A New Philosophy of Life

Chen Duxiu: The True Meaning of Life

Hu Shi: “Pragmatism”

The Debate on Science and the Philosophy of Life

Zhang Junmai: “The Philosophy of Life”

Ding Wenjiang: “Metaphysics and Science”

Wu Zhihui: “A New Concept of the Universe and Life Based on a New Belief”

Hu Shi: Science and Philosophy of Life

The Controversy Over Chinese and Western Cultures

Liang Qichao: “Travel Impressions from Europe”

Liang Shuming: Chinese Civilization vis-a-vis Eastern and Western Philosophies

Reconstructing the Community

Hu Shi: Our Attitude Toward Modern Western Civilization

Sa Mengwu, He Bingsong, and Others: “Declaration for Cultural Construction on a Chinese Basis”

Hu Shi: Criticism of the “Declaration for Cultural Construction on a Chinese Basis”

Radical Critiques of Traditional Society (Peter Zarrow)

He Zhen: “What Women Should Know About Communism”

Women’s Revenge

Han Yi: “Destroying the Family”

34. The Communist Revolution

The Seedbed of the Communist Revolution: The Peasantry and the Anarcho-Communist Movement (PETER ZARROW)

Liu Shipei: “Anarchist Revolution and Peasant Revolution”

Li Dazhao: The Victory of Bolshevism

Mao’s Revolutionary Doctrine

“Report on an Investigation of the Hunan Peasant Movement”

“The Question of Land Redistribution”

The Chinese Revolution and the Chinese Communist Party

The Mass Line

On New Democracy

The Dictatorship of the People’s Democracy

35. Chinese Communist Praxis

Liu Shaoqi: How to Be a Good Communist

Mao Zedong: The Rectification Campaign

Report of the Propaganda Bureau of the Central Committee on the Zhengfeng Reform Movement, April 1942

Wang Shiwei: “Wild Lily”

Liu Shaoqi: “On Inner-Party Struggle”

Mao Zedong: “Combat Liberalism”

Mao Zedong: “On Art and Literature”

Wang Shiwei: “Political Leaders, Artists”

Ding Ling: “Thoughts on March 8, 1942”

36. The Mao Regime

Establishment of the People’s Republic

Mao Zedong: “Leaning to One Side”

Mao Zedong: “Stalin Is Our Commander”

Guo Moruo: Ode to Stalin—“Long Live Stalin” on His Seventieth Birthday, 1949 (Chao-ying Fang)

Ji Yun: “How China Proceeds with the Task of Industrialization” (1953)

Li Fuqun: “Report on the First Five-Year Plan for Development of the National Economy of the People’s Republic of China in 1953–1957, July 5 and 6, 1955”

Changes in Mid-Course

Mao Zedong: “The Question of Agricultural Cooperation,” July 31, 1955

Mao Zedong: “On the Correct Handling of Contradictions Among the People”

Liu Binyan: “A Higher Kind of Loyalty”

Intellectual Opinions from the Hundred Flowers Period

Mao Zedong: Remarks at the Beidaihe Conference, August 1958

Peng Dehuai: “Letter of Opinion” to Mao Zedong on the Great Leap Forward, July 1959

Wu Han: “Hai Rui Scolds the Emperor,” June 19, 1959

The Cultural Revolution

The Sixteen Points: Guidelines for the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution

Quotations from Chairman Mao Zedong

“What Have Song Shuo, Lu Ping, and Peng Peiyun Done in the Cultural Revolution?”

Red Guard Memoirs

Wang Xizhe, Li Zhengtian, Chen Yiyang, Guo Hongzhi: “The Li Yi Zhe Poster,” November 1974

The Return to Stability and Tradition

37. Deng’s “Modernization” and Its Critics

The Turn to Stability and Modernization

Zhou Enlai: “Report on the Work of the Government,” delivered on January 13, 1975, at the First Session of the Fourth National People’s Congress of the People’s Republic of China

Communiqué of the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, December 22, 1978

Yu Qiuli: “The Relationship Between Politics and Economics”

“Uphold the Four Basic Principles,” Speech by Deng Xiaoping, March 30, 1979

“Building Socialist Spiritual Civilization,” Letter from Li Chang, Vice President of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, to a Member of the Party Central Committee, December 1980

Office of the CCP Dehong Dai Nationality and Qingbo Autonomous Zhou Committee: “Several Questions in Strengthening and Perfecting the Job Responsibility Systems of Agricultural Production,” November 7, 1980

Early Critiques of the Deng Regime

Publication Statement, Beijing Spring Magazine, January 1979

Wei Jingsheng: The Fifth Modernization—Democracy, 1978 (Kristina Torgeson)

Democracy or New Dictatorship, Exploration, March 1979

Wall Poster from the April Fifth Forum

Hu Ping: “On Freedom of Speech,” Written for His Successful 1980 Campaign to Become Beijing University’s Delegate to the Haidian District People’s Assembly

Wang Ruoshui: “Discussing the Question of Alienation”

Wang Ruoshui: “In Defense of Humanism”

Assessing the New Policies

Deng Xiaoping: “Build Socialism with Chinese Characteristics”

Chen Yun: Speech Given at the Chinese Communist National Representative Conference, September 23, 1985

New Demands for Change and Democracy

Fang Lizhi: Democracy, Reform, and Modernization

Fang Lizhi: “Reform and Intellectuals,” Talk Given in 1986

Fang Lizhi: “The Social Responsibility of Today’s Intellectuals,” Speech Given at Beijing University, November 4, 1985

Li Xiaojiang: “Awakening of Women’s Consciousness”

The New Authoritarianism

Wu Jiaxiang: “An Outline for Studying the New Authoritarianism,” May 1989

Rong Jian: “Does China Need an Authoritarian Political System in the Course of Modernization?,” May 1989

Yan Jiaqi: “How China Can Become Prosperous”

38. Twentieth-Century Christianity in China

Ma Xiangbo

Religion and the State (Ruth Hayhoe)

Religion and Culture (R. Hayhoe)

Zhao Zichen

“Present-Day Religious Thought and Life in China”

Leadership and Citizenship Training

Wu Yaozong

“The Present-Day Tragedy of Christianity”

“The Reformation of Christianity”

The Christian Manifesto

Wang Mingdao

“We, Because of Faith”

Wu Jingxiong: Christianity and Chinese Tradition

“Beyond East and West”

“The Lotus and the Mud”

39. Reopening the Debate on Chinese Tradition

The New Confucians

Xiong Shili (Tu Weiming)

Manifesto for a Reappraisal of Sinology and the Reconstruction of Chinese Culture

Mou Zongsan’s Confucian Philosophy (JOHN BERTHRONG)

The Sensitivity and Steadfastness of Humaneness (ren)

Feng Youlan: “China—An Ancient Nation with a New Mission”

The Continuing Critique of Tradition

Bo Yang: “The Ugly Chinaman”

Sun Longji: “The Deep Structure of Chinese Culture”

Su Xiaokang and Wang Luxiang: “River Elegy,” a Television Documentary

Li Zehou: “A Reevaluation of Confucianism” (Woei Lien Chong)

Gu Mu: Confucianism as the Essence of Chinese Tradition

