


1 and 2 Chronicles



A. From Adam to the Sons of Israel (1Ch 1:1–2:2)

B. The Tribes of Israel (1Ch 2:3–9:1)

1. The Tribe of Judah (1Ch 2:3–4:23)

a. The Family Line of Judah Part One (1Ch 2:3–55)

b. The Line of David (1Ch 3:1–9)

c. Listing of Davidic Kings (1Ch 3:10–24)

d. The Family Line of Judah Part Two (1Ch 4:1–23)

2. The Tribe of Simeon (1Ch 4:24–43)

3. The Transjordanian Tribes (1Ch 5:1–26)

a. The Tribe of Reuben (1Ch 5:1–10)

b. The Tribe of Gad (1Ch 5:11–17)

c. Military Accomplishments of the Transjordanian Tribes (1Ch 5:18–22)

d. Transjordanian Manasseh (1Ch 5:23–26)

4. The Tribe of Levi (1Ch 6:1–81)

5. The Northern Tribes (1Ch 7:1–8:40)

a. The Tribe of Issachar (1Ch 7:1–5)

b. The Tribe of Benjamin Part One (1Ch 7:6–12)

c. The Tribe of Naphtali (1Ch 7:13)

d. The House of Joseph (1Ch 7:14–29)

i. The tribe of Cisjordan Manasseh (1Ch 7:14–19)

ii. The tribe of Ephraim (1Ch 7:20–27)

iii. Settlement of Ephraim and Cisjordanian Manasseh (1Ch 7:28–29)

e. The Tribe of Asher (1Ch 7:30–40)

f. The Tribe of Benjamin Part Two (1Ch 8:1–40)

6. Genealogical Summary (1Ch 9:1)

C. Postexilic Resettlement (1Ch 9:2–34)

D. The Line of Saul (1Ch 9:35–44)


A. The Closing Moments of Saul’s Reign (1Ch 10:1–14)

B. The Reign of David (1Ch 11:1–29:30)

1. David’s Enthronement and Consolidation of Power (1Ch 11:1–12:40)

a. David’s Coronation over All Israel (1Ch 11:1–3)

b. David’s Taking of Jerusalem (1Ch 11:4–8)

c. David’s Power and Support (1Ch 11:9–12:40)

2. Return of the Ark of the Covenant Initiated (1Ch 13:1–14)

3. David’s Family (1Ch 14:1–17)

4. Return of the Ark of the Covenant Completed (1Ch 15:1–16:43)

5. The Davidic Covenant (1Ch 17:1–27)

6. David’s Military Victories and Regional Hegemony (1Ch 18:1–20:8)

a. David’s Victories to the North, East, South, and West (1Ch 18:1–14)

b. David’s Officials (1Ch 18:15–17)

c. David’s Battles against the Ammonites (1Ch 19:1–20:3)

d. David’s Additional Battles against the Philistines (1Ch 20:4–8)

7. David’s Presumptuous Census and Selection of the Temple Site (1Ch 21:1–22:1)

8. David’s Preparations for the Temple and Leadership Transfer (1Ch 22:2–29:30)

a. David’s Preparation of Temple Materials and Craftsmen (1Ch 22:2–4)

b. David’s Initial Charge to Solomon and the Leaders of Israel (1Ch 22:5–19)

c. David’s Organization of Levitical Families (1Ch 23:1–32)

d. Priestly Divisions (1Ch 24:1–31)

e. David’s Organization of Levitical Musicians (1Ch 25:1–31)

f. Levitical Gatekeepers (1Ch 26:1–19)

g. Levitical Treasurers (1Ch 26:20–28)

h. Levites Serving away from the Temple (1Ch 26:29–32)

i. David’s Military Leaders (1Ch 27:1–24)

j. David’s Officials (1Ch 27:25–34)

k. David’s Second Charge to Solomon and the Leaders of Israel (1Ch 28:1–10)

l. David Gives the Temple Plans to Solomon (1Ch 28:11–19)

m. David Gives another Charge to Solomon (1Ch 28:20–21)

n. Gifts for the Temple Project (1Ch 29:1–9)

o. David’s Benedictory Prayer of Praise (1Ch 29:10–20)

p. Solomon’s Public Coronation (1Ch 29:21–25)

q. David’s Death and Regnal Summary (1Ch 29:26–30)

C. The Reign of Solomon and the Construction of the Temple (2Ch 1:1–9:31)

1. Solomon Assumes the Davidic Throne (2Ch 1:1)

2. Solomon and All Israel Worship at Gibeon (2Ch 1:2–6)

3. Solomon’s Dream Theophany and Request for Wisdom (2Ch 1:7–13)

4. Solomon’s Equine Force and Chariot Cities (2Ch 1:14)

5. Solomon’s Wealth (2Ch 1:15)

6. Solomon’s Regional Trade in Horses and Chariots (2Ch 1:16–17)

7. Solomon’s Construction of the Jerusalem Temple (2Ch 2:1–7:22)

a. Workers Conscripted and Phoenician Assistance Sought (2Ch 2:1–18)

b. Temple Building Details (2Ch 3:1–17)

c. Temple Furnishings (2Ch 4:1–5:1)

d. Deposit of the Ark of the Covenant and Temple Dedication (2Ch 5:2–7:22)

8. Solomon’s Building and Trading Activity (2Ch 8:1–18)

9. Visit of the Queen of Sheba (2Ch 9:1–12)

10. Summary of Solomon’s Wealth (2Ch 9:13–31)


A. The Reign of Rehoboam (2Ch 10:1–12:16)

1. Division of the Israelite Kingdom (2Ch 10:1–11:4)

2. Rehoboam’s Fortifications and Administration (2Ch 11:5–23)

3. Invasion of Pharaoh Shishak (2Ch 12:1–12)

4. Rehoboam’s Regnal Summary (2Ch 12:13–16)

B. The Reign of Abijah (2Ch 13:1–14:1)

C. The Reign of Asa (2Ch 14:2–16:14)

1. Asa’s Reforms and Military Strength (2Ch 14:2–8)

2. Invasion of Zerah the Cushite (2Ch 14:9–15)

3. Azariah’s Prophecy and Asa’s Further Reforms (2Ch 15:1–19)

4. Asa’s Battle with the Northern Kingdom and Treaty with Aram (2Ch 16:1–6)

5. Asa Rebuked by the Prophet Hanani (2Ch 16:7–10)

6. Asa’s Regnal Summary (2Ch 16:11–14)

D. The Reign of Jehoshaphat (2Ch 17:1–21:3)

1. Jehoshaphat’s Early Years (2Ch 17:1–19)

2. Jehoshaphat’s Alliance with the Northern Kingdom (2Ch 18:1–19:3)

3. Jehoshaphat’s Judiciary Reforms (2Ch 19:4–11)

4. Jehoshaphat’s Battle against an Eastern Coalition (2Ch 20:1–30)

5. Jehoshaphat’s Regnal Summary Part One (2Ch 20:31–34)

6. Jehoshaphat’s Further Alliance with the Northern Kingdom (2Ch 20:35–37)

7. Jehoshaphat’s Regnal Summary Part Two (2Ch 21:1–3)

E. The Reign of Jehoram (2Ch 21:4–20)

F. The Reign of Ahaziah (2Ch 22:1–9)

G. The Coup and Rule of Queen Athaliah (2Ch 22:10–23:21)

1. Athaliah’s Coup (2Ch 22:10–12)

2. Jehoiada’s Counter-Coup and Installment of Joash (2Ch 23:1–21)

H. The Reign of Joash (2Ch 24:1–27)

I. The Reign of Amaziah (2Ch 25:1–28)

J. The Reign of Uzziah (2Ch 26:1–23)

K. The Reign of Jotham (2Ch 27:1–9)

L. The Reign of Ahaz (2Ch 28:1–27)

1. Introduction to the Reign of Ahaz (2Ch 28:1–4)

2. The Syro-Ephraimite Crisis (2Ch 28:5–25)

3. Ahaz’s Regnal Summary (2Ch 28:26–27)

M. The Reign of Hezekiah (2Ch 29:1–32:33)

1. Hezekiah’s Reforms and Temple Purification (2Ch 29:1–36)

2. Hezekiah’s Passover Celebration (2Ch 30:1–31:1)

3. Hezekiah’s Further Reforms (2Ch 31:2–21)

4. The Invasion of the Assyrian King Sennacherib (2Ch 32:1–23)

5. Hezekiah’s Illness (2Ch 32:24–26)

6. Hezekiah’s Wealth and Accomplishments (2Ch 32:27–31)

7. Hezekiah’s Regnal Summary (2Ch 32:32–33)

N. The Reign of Manasseh (2Ch 33:1–20)

O. The Reign of Amon (2Ch 33:21–25)

P. The Reign of Josiah (2Ch 34:1–35:27)

1. Josiah’s Reforms (2Ch 34:1–33)

a. Introduction to Josiah’s Reign (2Ch 34:1–2)

b. Josiah’s Destruction of Idolatry (2Ch 34:3–7)

c. Josiah’s Temple Repairs (2Ch 34:8–13)

d. Discovery of the Book of the Law (2Ch 34:14–33)

2. Josiah’s Passover Celebration (2Ch 35:1–19)

3. Josiah’s Confrontation with Pharaoh Neco (2Ch 35:20–24)

4. Josiah’s Regnal Summary (2Ch 35:25–27)

Q. The Reign of Jehoahaz (2Ch 36:1–3)

R. The Reign of Jehoiakim (2Ch 36:4–8)

S. The Reign of Jehoiachin (2Ch 36:9–10)

T. The Reign of Zedekiah and the Fall of Jerusalem (2Ch 36:11–19)