
Abani, Chris 64, 220, 403, 499506

Abel, Jonathan E. 402403, 459467

Abelvik-Lawson, H. et al. 148, 150

abolitionists 126128, 129, 145, 177, 179, 217

Abu Ghraib 6, 109, 121, 122, 123, 466, 467; Botero’s paintings 122, 123

Achebe, Chinua 220, 345, 410, 499

Ackerman, S. 225

Act of Killing, The (film) 403, 438, 485, 493, 495497; children of perpetrators 497; cognitive dissonance 485; Communist Women’s Movement 487; confrontations with perpetrators 492, 495; G30S (propaganda film) 482, 484; Kampung Kolam village massacre 486487; perpetrators, boasting of 480, 481, 482, 483, 484; reenactments/counter-performances 485, 486487; victims, stigmatization of 482

Adams, Henry 447

Adelson, L. A. 363

Adorno, Theodor 104, 116, 152, 189, 409

advocacy see human rights advocacy

Afghan women 3, 154155, 436, 474

Afghanistan 353; American-led war 451; extraordinary rendition 109; human rights and 473474; occupation of 471, 473474; Operation Enduring Freedom 390; poetry and 154155, 403, 471, 473476; prisoners repatriated to 474; Pul-i Charkhi prison 474; retaliation for 9/11 6; Soviet military occupation 474; Taliban 353, 471; US drone strikes 224, 225, 226228, 452; violations of rights 3, 4; war crimes and 452

Africa: colonization of 217; human rights and 452, 453; humor/satire 107, 215217, 218; independence movements 12; laughter and 218; oral traditions 136, 138139; parody/humor in 219222; polygamy 220; postcolonial literature 220, 345; queer rights 55; ridicule as means of control 218; satire and sentiment 217219; sentimentalism and 217218; stand-up comedy 220221; stereotypical assumptions 216; Tanganyika Laughter Epidemic 218219; ubuntu 256; US Special Forces and 75; see also child soldiers; North Africa; Rwanda; South Africa; West Africa

Africa United (film) 216

African Americans 107, 143144, 217, 218; slave songs and 139, 218; see also Beasts of the Southern Wild (film)

African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights 453

African literature, postcolonial 220

African National Congress 320

African Union 30

Afro-Argentines 362, 367

Agamben, Giorgio 69, 256, 257, 266, 338, 355, 407408

Agier, Michel 80

Aguinis, Marcos 367

Ahmadi, Qari Yousuf 474476

Ahmed, S. 211; and Stacey, J. 211

Aizenmann, N. 356

Akallo, Grace, Girl Soldier 132

al Attar, Mohsen and Thompson, Rebekah 295

al Qaeda 353; detainees 109, 354, 452

Al-Hela, Abdulsalaam 356

al-Shabaab 69, 72, 74

Alexander VI, Pope 269, 280; Alexandrine Bulls 271, 275

Allen, Lori 374

Allies 159160, 161, 168; see also World War II

Alston, Philip 450; and Goodman, R. 391

Amazon 463, 464

American Anti-Slavery Group (AASG) 131, 132

American Civil War 180

American Declaration of Independence (1776) 173

American Indians see Native Americans

American literature 380386

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) 4849

Amnesty International 187, 455; atrocities 344, 345; Nobel Peace Prize award 10, 428; Pelican Bay SHU 230

An-Na’im, A. and Deng, F. 452, 453

“and”: as pairing conjunction 23, 5, 9; see also “in”

Andersen, Niels Pagh 494

Anderson, Amanda 27

Anderson, Benedict 196, 484

Anderson, C. 381

Andrejevic, M. 226

Andrews, Penelope 391

Anghie, Antony 290, 292, 293

animal imagery 49, 50

animal rights 23

animals 47, 466

Anker, Elizabeth S. 23, 3744, 303, 382; counterliberal odyssey of the human 2324, 37, 38; sympathy, critique of 415, 417

Annan, Kofi 405, 410

anti-Semitism 366, 367, 368; culturally learned 401, 419, 420; Edgeworth’s writings and 419424

Anti-Slavery International 127

anti-slavery movement 131

anticolonial movements 255

Anzaldúa, Gloria 389, 390, 392

apartheid 29, 328

Aquinas, St Thomas 270

Arab League 373

Arab Spring 25, 88, 90, 233, 453

Arab uprisings 25, 86, 8889

Arendt, Hannah 46, 51, 174175, 260, 382; hypocrisy 406; loss of human rights 408; Origins of Totalitarianism 30, 408; refugees 82; word, power of 407

Argentina 451; anti-Semitism 366, 367, 368; Catholic Church in 368; citizenship 362; disappearances 367; discrimination 367; Guerra Sucia (dirty war) 366; HIJOS 367; human rights movement 367, 368; identity 362; immigrants and 362, 365366; indigenous populations 362; Jewish-Argentine minority 361362, 365368; military regime 367; myth of racial “whiteness” 362, 367, 368; new xenophobias 368

Arias, Arturo 256, 258, 326331

Aristotle 15, 29, 270, 271, 434

Art Institute of Chicago 179

art/artists: Chinese revolutionary art 315316; human rights violations and 104; “Inside Out” project 225; Kunstlerroman subgenre 97, 100; narrative painting 116; public art installations 106107, 206; role of 94, 95, 97, 98, 99, 100; Rwandan 345346; US drone strikes and 229; West African 503, 504; see also Botero, Fernando; Breughel, Pieter, the Elder; Busby, Cathy; Holzer, Jenny

ArtForum 111

Asia 452, 453; South Asia 12, 33; West Asia 86, 89, 92

Asian American literature 197

asylum seekers 60, 62, 66, 67; see also refugees

Atanasoski, Neda 202

Atlantic Charter 159

atomic bombings: cake celebration 169; “Enola Gay” ground crew 169; Hiroshima and 164, 168, 197, 342, 444; Nagasaki and 164, 168, 342, 444; Nakazawa’s account of 195, 197

Attwood, B. 209

Auden, W. H. 120, 121, 122, 124, 154; “Musée des Beaux Arts” 116, 117119

Augustine, St 270

Aung San Suu Kyi 246

Auschwitz 199

Australia: apology to the Stolen Generations 206, 207, 210, 211212; Bringing Them Home Report (1997) 208, 210; child removal 207, 208209; Council for Aboriginal Reconciliation 211; HREOC inquiry 210; indigenous peoples, rights of 268; “Link Up” campaigns 208; public art installation 106107, 206; reparation/restitution 210; the Stolen Generations 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211212; testimonial accounts 209210; WE ARE SORRY installation 106107, 206

Australian Aboriginals: child removal 206, 207, 209; folktales 136; “sorry business” 212

Austria 164, 168

authenticity: metrics of 108, 243, 244246; verification and 243250

autobiographical genre 37, 39, 40, 41, 106, 184191; agency and authority 190191; fiction, autobiographically based 184191; hybrid texts 184, 186, 188, 189, 190; indigenous Australian 209; legible face of human rights 184191; literatures of captivity 186187; mimesis 188190; nonfictional narratives 186187; pareidolia 106, 185186, 188, 189, 190191; prosopopeia 106, 185186; redescription 188; sentimental education 186; testimonial narratives 209210; truth and fiction 184; see also life narratives; slave narratives; testimonial/witness narratives

Azoulay, Ariella 105106, 159172, 392, 416, 419

Bâ, Mariama, So Long a Letter 220

Bakhtin, M. M. 219; and Holquist, M. 219

Baldwin, James 431

Bales, Kevin 128, 129; Disposable People 128

Balfour, Ian and Cadava, Eduardo 4

Balibar, Etienne 23, 34, 260, 265; dialectic of power 286; dominant/dominated 281282; the politics of universalism 279280

Bandung Conference (1955) 255, 301

Barnave, Antoine 262

Barnett, Michael 415

Barthes, Roland 109, 113, 115, 177

Bartow, Joanna 329

Basu, Tanya 299

Baucom, Ian 40

Bauer, Ralph 254, 268276

Baxi, Upendra 33, 292, 293, 442

Beah, Ishmael 74, 130, 131; Long Way Gone, A 74

Beasts of the Southern Wild (film) 105, 138, 139144; critiques of 139140; griot figure in 140141, 143, 144; land rights abuses 141, 144; oral tradition perspective 144; Pomme D’Or prize 139; poverty 142, 144; reviews of 142143; warehousing of refugees 142, 144

Begley, Josh 229

Behram, Noor 224225, 224

Belgium, Rwanda and 341, 343

Ben Ali, Zine El Abidine 90, 92

Ben Jelloun, Tahar 9092; By Fire (Par le feu) 90, 91; Spark, The (L’étincelle) 90

Benjamin, Walter 87, 176, 195, 408; baroque drama 280, 282; language 31, 409, 411

Bentham, J. 405

Berlin, Isaiah 443

Bernard, Anna 258, 373378

Bernhard, Thomas 443

Berry, Jo 416, 417

Bérubé, Michael 46, 47, 51

Beti, Mongo 220

Beverley, John 1213, 103

Bhabha, Homi 31, 32, 138, 435, 437

Big International NGOs (BINGOs) 31, 33

Biggs, Michael 89

Bildungsroman genre 40, 41, 49, 97, 137; autobiography and 190; limitations of 187; making rights legible 184, 185, 186; postcolonial 300

Billig, M. 286

Blau Duplessis, Rachael 151

blogs 154, 155

Bloom, E. A. and Bloom, L. D. 217, 219

Bloom, Paul 430

Boer, R. 437, 438

Boianjiu, Shani, People of Forever Are Not Afraid, The 377378

Bok, Francis, Escape from Slavery 129

Bonaparte, Napoleon 483

Borger, J. 476

Bosco, D. L. 444

Bosniak, Linda 333

Botero, Fernando 122123, 122, 123

Bouazizi, Tarek al-Tayeb Mohamed 25, 8889, 90, 91, 92

Bouris, Erica 94, 97, 99

Bové, P. A. 382

Boyarin, J. 201

Brady, Matthew 177

Brazil, human rights and 454

Brecht, Bertolt 240

Bretton Woods consortium 291

Breughel, Pieter, the Elder: Hunters in the Snow 118; Landscape with the Fall of Icarus 112, 116119, 118, 120, 121, 122; Massacre of the Innocents, The 118

British Empire 217; colonization of India 302

British and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society 127

Brooks, M. 155

Brössler, D. 362

Brown, J. 189, 190

Brown, Wendy 437

Brysk, Alison 215

Buckley, J. 185

Buddhism 87, 89

Bunch, C. 367

Burke, Roland 301

Burman, E. 218

Busby, Cathy 107, 206, 207, 210, 212; WE ARE SORRY installation 106107, 206, 207, 210, 211

Bush administration 6, 109, 121, 293294, 436; Bybee memo 111; Geneva Conventions and 6, 353; Guantánamo detainees 352; torture and 472; UN authority, attempts to circumvent 475; wars in Afghanistan, justification of 472; see also War on Terror

Bush, George W. 3, 6, 452

Bush, Laura 436

Butler, Judith 5, 27, 410; Bodies that Matter 17, 28; cultural translation 28; Frames of War 75; human rights regime (HRR) 30, 31, 32; human status 47; Israeli press reports 75; the “Other” 389; parody 216; sexual autonomy 33; “state of exception” 355; universal, definitions of 28; vulnerability 72

Bybee, Jay S. 111, 408

Bystrom, K. 137

Cacho, Lisa Marie 258, 381382

Cadet, Jean-Robert 128

Cambodia 181, 451

Cameron, Lynne J. 414, 416417, 422

Camp X-Ray see Guantánamo Bay

Canada: apology to First Nations 206, 211; child removal 207, 208209; First Nations testimony 208; Indian Residential Schools TRC 206, 208; indigenous peoples, rights of 268; testimonial accounts 210

capitalism 310311, 312

Caribbean 55, 151; opacité 96

Carr Vellino, Brenda 100, 105, 148155

Carter, Jimmy 10, 401, 428429

Caruth, C. 195

Cassin, René 446

Castillo, Ana 257, 334, 335, 337338; Guardians, The 257, 334, 335

Catholic Church: in Argentina 368; censorship and 460; human dignity and 174; theology 254

Cédras, General Raoul 98

Celan, Paul 149, 152, 153

censorship 115, 402403, 460, 462463; corporations and 463464; identification of 460; images of abuse and 466; institutions of 463464; the internet and 459; literature and 461462; media networks and 459460

Center for the Study of Human Rights (CSHR) 2930

Chakrabarty, Dipesh 300, 301, 303

Chambers, R. 216

Cheah, P. 306

Chechnya 453

Cheesman, T. 363

Chen, David 326327

Chen, Mel Y. 47, 48

Cheney, Dick 230

Chiasson, D. 357

child soldiers 2425, 6976, 70, 130; CRC and 72, 73; “embodied vulnerability” 71; exceptionality 70; as human rights subjects 6976; international profile, exploitation of 75; narratives 131, 132, 249; redemption of 73; status of “righted” subjects 69, 70, 71, 73; as victims 71, 131; vulnerability 6972, 7374

children: Article 3(1), UNCRC 7172; child labor 128, 129, 130; deaths in war 75; forced marriage and 128; #NotABugSplat project 107, 224226; protectionism 71; racialized removal of 206, 207, 208209; refugees in flight 81, 82; sex trafficking and 130; West African 501502, 504; see also child soldiers

Chile 327, 451

Chimni, B. S. 290, 292, 294295

Chin, R. 364

China 31, 55, 309311, 447, 451; Anyuan workers’ strike 310; ballet/opera 315316; colonial markets, effects of 312; Communist Revolution 255256; Confucian tradition 309; Cultural Revolution 315; human rights and 314, 452, 454; human rights, peasants and 309310, 315; peasant association/political power 314315; peasant revolt 309310, 313314; poverty/the poor in 314; Qing dynasty, demise of 311312; queer rights 55; revolutionary art in 315316; rights consciousness in literature 311316; rural economy 312314; self-regulating market 311; silk production 312313; Tiananmen Square 149; world markets, rural economy and 312313

Chinese Revolution 309310, 311312

Chiotti, C. 201

Chol-Hwan, Kang 184, 186, 187; Aquariums of Pyongyang, The 186, 187

Chomiak, Laryssa 90

Chouliaraki, L. 154

Christianity 87, 272; conquest of Mexico and 275; Islam and 272, 273; land rights and 269; Native Americans and 273, 279, 280; natural law and 271; persecution and 132; Vega’s play and 283284

Churchill, Sir Winston 159, 161

Cicero 15, 175; De Officiis (On Duties) 175

Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission (2010) 23

citizenship: in Argentina 362; dual citizenship 363; in Germany 362, 363; in Palestine 416

City University of New York (CUNY) 45, 9

civil/political rights 29, 64, 408, 435; asylum seekers and 6667; Chinese peasants and 314; French revolutionary debates and 263, 264, 265; International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights 29, 61, 66, 338; Turkish Germans and 362

Clark, Phil 348

Clarke, Kamari 7475

Clarkson, Thomas 127

Cleave, Chris, Little Bee 24, 6067

Clinton, Bill 342

Cloud, D. 227

Cmiel, K. 194

CNN 88, 148

Coalición de Derechos Humanos, Tucson 337

Cold War 159, 160162, 197; America’s global posture 202; narrative of opposition 160162; post-Cold War human rights revolution 447; UDHR and 441, 446; the West and 452

Collins, Jo 96, 98

colonial markets, China and 312

colonial powers, and human rights 8, 256

colonialism 330; banning of sati 88; capitalist 310; differential rule and 163; India and 302; inherited rights/social movements of self-protection 309316; neocolonialism 255; property rights and 310; Rhodesia and 190; settler colonialism 149, 206, 208

coloniality 328, 330; postcoloniality and 11, 255, 393

colonization 12, 23; of Africa 217; colonial discourse and 23; of India 302, 304; indigenous sovereignty and 254; injuries inflicted by 304; man/people distinction 41; the natural law and 254; postcolonial ambivalence 39; retributive justice and 302, 304305; of Rwanda 341, 343; as violence 346

Columbus, Christopher 255, 269, 274; Vega’s play and 279, 282285

comedy genre: comedia/tragicomedy 280281; New World Discovered by Christopher Columbus, The (Vega) 279, 282285; politics of universalism and 280282, 286; subversion of power 286

comics 193203; Citizen 13660 (Okubo) 197199, 198; human rights themes 193194, 197, 201202; humanity, conceptions of 194; I Saw It (Nakazawa) 197, 202203, 203; interpreting/understanding 193194; manga comics 195, 197, 202, 203; Maus (Spiegelman) 106, 189190, 193, 197, 199201, 199; politics of images 194; racial caricature 195196, 197; social history of 194, 195196; theorists and 196; war comics 197; the West and 194, 195; white supremacy 197; world-form 194195

Communism 453

compassion fatigue 187, 454

CONAVIGUA (National Association of Guatemalan Widows) 326

concentration camps 166167, 166; see also internment camps

Congo, Anwar 483, 484, 485486, 487, 488490, 494495

Congo, Democratic Republic of 451

Conrad, Joseph, Heart of Darkness 345

Convention for the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEFDW) 29, 391

Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989) 24, 7172, 73, 383; Article 6(3) Optional Protocol 74; Involvement of Children in Armed Conflict (2000) 72, 73, 74; Optional Protocol 72, 73, 74

Coomaraswamy, R. 73

Cooper, Frederick 16, 162, 163

copyright, corporations and 463, 464

Copyright Term Extension Act (CTEA) 464

Corntassel, Jeff 330

corporations: censorship and 463, 464; copyright and 463, 464; free speech and 23, 464; local communities and 326327; personification of 464465; user agreements and 464

Cortés, Hernando 272, 273, 274, 275

Coullie, J. 323

Coundouriotis, Eleni 25, 7885, 130, 131; and Goodlad, L. M. E. 138

Couser, G. Thomas and Sanders, Mark 248

CRC see Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989)

Crimea 390, 454

critical theory/theorists 6, 8, 72, 230

Crownshaw, Richard 95

Cuban Revolution (1959) 12

Cubilié, Anne 8, 247

cultural relativism 8, 22

CUNY see City University of New York

Czechoslovakia: Charter 77 10; immolation in 89

Dabbagh, Selma, Out of It 377

Daguerre, Louis 180

Daguerrean Miniature studio and gallery 177

Dang, Minh 130

Dangarembga, Tsitsi, Nervous Conditions 190

Danticat, Edwidge 25, 94100; “Book of the Dead, The” 97; “Book of Miracles, The” 97; Dew Breaker, The 25, 94100; “Night Talkers” 95, 9697, 98; symbolism of dew 96

Dash, Julie, Daughters of the Dust 139

Dash, Michael 96

Davis, C. T. and Gates, H. L. 127

Davis, Jack, Boy’s Life, A 209

Davis, Lennard 4849

Dawes, James 79, 254, 257; Evil Men 95; literature, empathy and 427431; literature, role of 401; That the World May Know 10, 237

Day, Amber 219, 221

de Bolla, Peter 13, 1516, 22

De Gouge, Olympe de 217

de la Cadena, Marisol 331

de Man, Paul 185, 191, 265

de Soto, Domingo, De Justitia et Jure 270

de Sousa Santos, Boaventura 328, 389, 390, 391, 394, 395

Declaration of Independence (US) 136, 445

Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen 173, 217, 254, 401, 445; language of 405; literature, effects of 427; nature and society, debates on 260266

declassification 112; US documents and 109, 112, 113, 114, 115, 121, 124

decolonization 33, 151, 299, 301; India-Pakistan Partition 299300, 301, 304, 305; movements 255

Deger, A. 378

dehumanization 42, 48, 50, 78, 378, 444; aggressive humor and 218, 220; refugee camps and 81, 82; see also slavery; War on Terror

Delandine, Antoine-François 263264, 266

Delmont, Matthew 224

Deng, Valentino Achak 79, 82, 249, 383

Derrida, Jacques 4, 328, 329

Dershowitz, Alan 472473

Dewey, John 32

Díaz del Castillo, Bernal 12, 275

Díaz, Junot 258, 383, 385386; Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao, The 385386; Drown 385, 386; This Is How You Lose Her 385

dictatorships 91, 295, 453; Argentina 366; Dominican Republic 386; Haiti 98, 100; human rights and 455; rise of 12; the West and 452

Didur, Jill 303

Diem, Ngo Dihn 89

digital humanities 393394

dignity see human dignity

Dimock, Wai Chee 386

Diop, Boubacar Boris 348

disability: category of the human and 4649; definition of 4849; dignity and 48; literature 47; oppression 47; rights and 4649; studies 24, 48; transnational rights movement 4647; US legislation 4849

Disney, Walt 464

dissensus 34, 92

Doezema, Jo 131

Dominican Republic 385386

Dossari, Jumah al 357, 358

Dost, Abdurraheem Muslim 352, 356

Douglas, K. 187

Douglass, Frederick 126, 129, 133; autobiography 177, 179; freedom purchased 179; photographic portraiture 174, 177181, 178, 179; visual politics, use of 177, 178, 181

Douzinas, Costas 194, 202, 286, 390, 395, 471; Human Rights and Empire 7; the power of human rights 399400

Doxtader, Erik 401, 405411, 433434, 438, 439

Dragon, Z. 200

Drescher, S. 127

Du Bois, W. E. B. 181

Dudai, Ron 104

Dulles, John Foster 381

Dunnage, Jonathan, Memory Studies 95

Dunne, A. and Raby, F. 393

Dussel, Enrique 330

Duvalier, Jean-Claude (Baby Doc) 98

Eastman, Charles 145

ecoexploitation 151

Edgeworth, Maria 401, 419420; anti-Semitism and 419, 420; Harrington 401, 419; inverted sympathy theory 419, 421, 422, 423; Practical Education 420

Edgeworth, Richard Lovell 419

Edmunds, J. 363

Eggers, Dave 25, 79, 82, 84, 249, 258; Circle, The 461; family life 383384; Heartbreaking Book of Staggering Genius, A 383, 384, 386; What Is the What? The Autobiography of Valentino Achak Deng 249, 383, 386

Egypt 6, 234

Eichmann, Adolf 366

Eisner, Will 193

Elie, Lolis Eric 143

Elmer, Jonathan and Wolfe, Cary 47

Eltantawy, N. and Wiest, J. B. 234

Elver, Hilal 292

Emecheta, Buchi, Destination Biafra 82

Emory Law School 71

empathy 286, 414, 422; aesthetic notion of 418; artistic mediations of 418; case study (Edgeworth’s novel) 419424; cognitive empathy 417, 424; conciliation/reconciliation and 417418; in human rights aesthetics 418419, 424; human rights and 427428; “imagined empathy” 414415; “inverted sympathy”, theory of 419, 421, 422, 423; leveraging 415; literary works and 418, 424, 430431; literature and 427431; as mediation 415417, 418419, 424; as a medium 418; pseudo-empathy 431; role of 429430

Endean, Steve 56, 57

Enlightenment 6, 22, 40, 61, 227, 228; mediation, understanding of 418; satirists 217

environmental exploitation 151, 390

Equiano, Olaudah 127

ethics, of actions 15

Eurocentrism 8, 11, 23, 60, 321, 327, 329

European Union (EU) 30, 365

Evaristo, Bernardine, Blonde Roots 220

Falk, Richard et al. 292

Falkoff, Marc D. 257, 351359, 471

family 384385; definition of 383; rights of members 383

Fassin, Didier 83

Faubourg Tremé: The Untold Story of Black New Orleans (film) 143

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) 112, 113

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) 142, 144

Feldman, Allen 148, 153

Feldman, Keith P. 107, 224230

feminism 53, 364, 465

feminist legal scholars 71, 72

Ferdinand of Aragon, King 269270

Ferrara, Alessandro 28

Ferry, L. and Renaut, A. 408

Fielding, Henry 217

Fineman, Martha Albertson 71; and Grear, Anna 24

Fingueret, Manuela, Daughter of Silence 368

First World 62, 6364

Fischer, S. and McGowan, M. 363

Forché, Carolyn 149, 150, 152; and Wu, D. 152

Foreign Policy (magazine) 88

Forster, E. M. 289, 290, 295

Foster, D. W. et al. 367

Foucault, Michel 32, 33, 110, 124, 280

Foundation for Fundamental Rights 225

Frakes, M. 197

France: French Revolution 260; National Assembly 260, 261, 262; nature and society, debates on 260266; Rwanda and 215; see also Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen

Franck, T. 451

Fraser, A. 301

Frederick Douglass Family Initiatives 129

freedom of expression 459, 466467; conceptions of 463; corporations and 464; cyberspace and 463; digital/virtual 465466; human rights violations, representation of 465; literature and 461462, 465; right to 466467; UDHR and 460

Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) (1966) 110, 112, 115; exemptions 121, 123, 124

freedom of religious belief 23

freedom of speech 23, 464

French, R. and Cunningham, A. 270

Fugitive Slave Act 179

Fulmer, Amanda et al. 327

Gandhi, Mahatma 88, 435, 446, 499

Ganguly, S. 299

Gardener-Patterson, Debs 216

Garguin, E. 362

Garimara, Nugi 209

Garrison, William Lloyd 126, 128, 133

Gathii, James Thuo 291, 293294, 296

Gaza 75, 229, 235, 239

Geertz, Clifford 32

gender: asylum seeking and 67; binary gender systems 5354, 55; human rights violations and 6067; manhood, loss of 65; masculinity 65, 66; reversal of expectations 6566

gender identity 58, 62; categories 5354

gender relations 60, 363, 364

gender rights 57

Geneva Conventions: Additional Protocols (1977) 7273; Article 5 353; Bush and 6, 121, 353; Common Article III 6; US and 6, 109, 121

genocide 450451; Armenian 149, 341; child removal as 207, 208; definition of 341; global geographies of 342343; in Guatemala 328, 329; in Indonesia 484; in Namibia 409; Nazis and 167, 375; in Rwanda 80, 181, 215, 257, 343344; UN and 207, 208, 341

Gerber, Henry 5657

Germany: Berlin 160, 161; citizenship 362, 368; de-Nazification 170; displaced Germans 170; dual citizenship 362; East Germany 160, 161; female guest workers 363364; guest workers (Gastarbeiter) 361362, 363; immigrants and 362, 368; law of general equality of treatment 364365; Muslims, attitudes towards 363, 365; Nuremberg trials and 300, 302; Orientalism, role of 362363; post-war economy 361362; press photographers’ training 168; race/racism 365; racist attacks 365; rape of German women 164, 168; Turkish-German literature 363365; Turkish-German minority 361365; West Germany 160

Ghosh, Amitav, Shadow Lines, The 306

GiedRé (singer) 215

Gilmore, L. 184, 190

Glendon, Mary Ann 7, 8, 255, 300301, 443, 447, 451

Glissant, Édouard 25, 96

global financial crisis (2007–8) 89

Global North 64, 154, 202, 255; human rights theory and 391

Global South 30, 64, 255; human rights and 450, 451, 453, 455; the West and 455

Gobodo-Madikizela, Pumla 319, 320; Human Being Died That Night, A 319

Goedde, Petra 160

Goldberg, Elizabeth Swanson 24, 6067, 95; Beyond Terror 95; et al. 5; and Moore, A. S. 5, 149, 151, 299, 436

Golden, Audrey J. 255, 299306

Golder, Ben 33

Gómez Grijalva, Francisca 326, 327

Goodale, Mark 402, 441448; and Merry, Sally Engle 443

Google 460, 464

Gourevitch, Philip 257, 342349

Goya, Francisco, Third of May 112

graphic novels 106, 195; Maus (Spiegelman) 106, 189190, 193, 197, 199201, 199; see also comics

Gray, John 473

Grear, Anna 71

Greece 138, 149

Greicius, J. 132

Grewal, Inderpal 436

Grice, H. and Woods, T. 184, 186, 187, 188

Grimson, A. and Kessler, G. 368

Griswold, Eliza 154, 155

Guantánamo Bay 6, 109, 148149; abuse of detainees 257, 351352; acquittal rate 358; “cup poems” 151, 352; declassified FBI notes 112; Detainee Treatment Act (2005) 355; detainees, public perception of 352; “enemy combatant” status 354; evidence, detainees and 354, 358; FBI notes/records 112, 113; force-feeding 225, 358; habeas litigation 353, 354, 355, 358; hunger strikes 225, 229, 358; interrogation techniques 109; legal black hole 452; Military Commissions Act (2006) 355; Pentagon and 356, 357; poems, confiscation of 356; poetry anthology 257, 351, 352, 356358, 471; the poets of 351359; prisoners, repatriation of 474; suicide/suicide attempts 357, 358359; witness poetry 151, 154

Guardian 476

Guatemala 256; CONAVIGUA 326; genocide 328, 329; human rights violations 326328; hydroelectric power station 326, 327; Maya, assassinations of 326327; Maya Ixil population 328, 329; Ministry of Energy and Mines 327

Gubar, Susan 150

Gugelberger, John 13

Guillory, John 418, 423

Habermas, Jürgen 32, 233234

Habyarimana, Juvénal 342, 343

Hacket, Thomas 142

Haiti 96, 98, 99, 100, 128, 221

Hales, P. B. 202

Haley, Alex, Roots 128, 220

Halpern, Jodi and Weinstein, Harvey M. 417

Hamacher, W. 408, 410

Hamas 75, 235

Hamilton, B. 270

Hanneken, J. 243

Hardt, Michael, and Negri, Antonio 92

Harlan County, USA (documentary) 327

Harlow, Barbara 75, 255, 289296

Harrell, Fox D. 393

Harris, Wilson 96

Hartman, S. 42, 201

Harvard International Law Journal 290, 291

Harvard University, School of Law 290

Harvey, David 310

Hasan, Amir 480, 482, 496, 497; Embun Berdarah 483, 493

Hauser, Gerald 434

Haydon, Robert 150

Hayot, E. 193, 194

Heaney, Seamus 149

Hegel, G. W. H. 280, 281, 285, 462

Heidegger, Martin 194195, 197, 407

Heine, Heinrich, Almansor 465

Heiss, Anita 209

Henkin, Louis 450

Henty, G. A. 218

Hermagoras of Temnos 15

Hesford, Wendy S. 140, 154, 257, 436; child soldiers 24, 6976; Spectacular Rhetorics 95, 434; visual knowledges 227

Hinduism 87, 88, 89

Hiroshima 164, 168, 197, 202, 342, 444

Hitchcock, Peter 25, 8692

Hobbes, Thomas 286

Hobsbawm, E. 443

Holiday, R. 215

Holloway, David 471477

Holmes, Oliver Wendell 467

Holocaust, the 150, 167, 342, 343; Jewish-Argentine literature and 368; “Lest We Forget” exhibition 166; responses to 341; Spiegelman’s account of 193

Holt, Albert, Forcibly Removed 209

Holzer, Jenny 111, 112113, 115, 121, 124; “Protect Protect” exhibition 109115; Redaction Paintings 110, 112, 114

Hong, Christine 106, 193203

hooks, bell 139140, 143

Hopgood, Stephen 31, 389, 390, 394, 395, 455

Hosseini, Khaled 382

Hotel Rwanda (film) 117

Hounso, Djimon 216

Howard, Philip 234

HRC see Human Rights Campaign

Hron, Madelaine 107, 215222

HRR see human rights regime

Hsu, Hua 244

Huggan, Graham 210

Hughes, K. 352

Hughes, Langston 151

Hughes-D’Aeth, Tony 212

human beings: animalization of 47; category of human 149; dehumanization 42, 48, 50, 51; humanization of 50; notion of human 144145; silenced being 408; speaking animal 407408, 409; species grid 47; speech, the gift of 409410; subhuman status 41, 42, 201

human dignity 173181, 448; as composure 176; conceptions of 394; dignitas 175; inalienable (UDHR) 173; as intrinsic value 175; photography and 106, 174175, 176181; religion and 174, 175; as status 175; themes and variations 175176

human reason 270

human rights 382383, 450456; American exceptionalism and 381, 382; antiwestern theorists and 8; continuity model of 428, 429; critique of 89; as cultural concept 13; culture and 391; deficits of 451452; discontinuity model of 428429; exclusions from discourse 168; family, right to 383; First World and 62, 6364; first-generation rights 29, 382383; the five Ws and one H 14, 15, 1617; “globalized localism” of 394; group rights 29; historical emergence of 414, 415, 428; humanist view of 3, 8; indigenous sovereignty and 254255; literatures 137; localizing 299306; natural law and 164165, 254, 261, 263; normativity 435438; oral literature and 136, 137; post-9/11 56, 7, 8; post-mortem of 454455; postcolonial approaches 11, 12; power and 51; privation, persistence of 453454; research, literary approaches to 117; second-generation rights 29, 382383, 435; the seven circumstances 1516; Third World and 62, 6364; third-generation rights 382383; topoi (topics) 1516; two cultures theory and 67; universality of 435, 450; Valladolid debate and 254; violations see violations of human rights; western construct 8, 455

human rights advocacy 10, 451; conceptual basis of 8; journalism and 14, 15; literary expression of 1014; memoirs and 10; storytelling and 1011; testimonio genre 1213; transnational 225; visuality 227228

Human Rights Campaign (HRC) 24, 56, 57

human rights discourses 35, 2324; literary language and 305; postcolonial particularities 300

human rights literature/writing 137; censorship and 402403; contexts 253258; critical approach to 138; empathy, development of 401; forms of 103108; illiterate/silenced subjects 22; impacts of 399403; limits of 400; market for 400; mythos and pathos in 402; postmodern genres 138; power of 399400; rhetoric, role of 401402; slave narrative 105; subjects of 2125; universal ideology of 402; universality of human rights 2122

human rights regime (HRR) 28, 2931, 32, 390391; cultural translation 3132; the generalizable 3233; negotiating claims 3133; progressive politics 33; the universal and 2931; the work of the universal 3334

human rights theory 389395; comparative human rights 394395; the cultural bomb and 389; digital humanities and 393394; geopolitical location of 390391; indigenous practices and 394; nontextual theory 392394; political action and 389; world literature and 391392

human rights violations see violations of human rights

Human Rights Watch (HRW) 390, 455; 2012 report 69, 7071, 70, 72, 73; Afghan prisoners and 474; empathy, role of 429; “No Place for Children” (2012) 69, 7276; “Precisely Wrong” (2009) 229

human trafficking 128, 129, 130, 131, 334, 336

humanism/humanists 4, 6, 11, 23, 4142

humanitarianism 286, 415

humanity 382; definitions of 41, 42; dehumanization and 42; slavery and 130; subhuman status 41, 42, 201

Hume, David 419

humor/satire: advertising campaigns and 221222; in Africa 219222; in Africa United film 216; censorship of 220; cynical 215; human rights and 215217; laughter, perception of 218219; parodic performances 219; parody 216217, 219222; resistance “from below” 215216; role of 107, 218; satire and sentiment 217219; satirical novels 217; social justice potential of 219; stand-up comedy 220221; theorists 216; “Tutsi Crush” 215, 221; US politics 221

Humphrey, John 446

Hunt, Lynn 137, 217, 286; empathy, literature and 427, 430; imagined empathy 414415; Inventing Human Rights 127

Hurricane Katrina 139, 141, 142, 143, 144

Hutcheon, L. 216, 219

Huxley, Julian 446

Huyssen, A. 188, 189190

Hyatt, S. B. 333

Hyder, Qurratulain, My Temples, Too 301

hypocrisy 402, 406; universality and 452453

Ignatieff, Michael 10, 381, 453, 472, 477

immigrants; Argentina and 362, 365366; Germany and 362, 368; rights of 334; undocumented 334, 338; US legislation and 333334

immolation 25, 8692; as act of political resistance 89, 92; Arab culture and 89; Arab uprising and 8889; immolare 87; martyrdom and 89; media and 8889, 92; in North Africa 88, 8990; sacrifice and 86, 87; sati 25, 88; self-immolation 8789; as site of conflict 87; of widows 25, 88

imperialism: Afghanistan and 471; Central Asia and Middle East 403; colonial justice 289; cultural bomb and 389; differential rule and 163

India: colonization of 302, 304; Dahbol project 295; decolonization 299300, 301; human rights and 452, 454; human rights law and 301; immolation 89; novels/literature 301; sati 25, 88; women, violence against 301

India-Pakistan Partition (1947) 299300, 301, 302304, 305; novels addressing Partition 306

Indigenous Affairs (2010) 391

indigenous peoples 33, 106; alterity, negation of 330; apologies to 206, 207, 210, 211212; in Argentina 362; child removal 206, 207, 208209; colonization and 254255; forgiveness and 329; human rights violations 326328; humanity of 255; invisibility of 328, 331; Maya Ixil women 328, 329; Native Americans 268, 269; opposition to UN Declaration 268; revolts and 329; the Stolen Generations 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211212; subjectivity 330331; symbolic reconciliation and 107, 206; testimonial narrative 208, 209210; UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples 268; UN PFII and 330; witness poetry 151

Indonesia 403; anti-Communist propaganda 482, 495; Communist Party 485; Communist Women’s Movement 487; G30S (docudrama) 482, 484; genocide 484; Kampung Kolam village massacre 486; Komnas HAM investigation 490; KontraS 490; national lie 484, 486, 488, 494; national official history 484; Pancasila Youth 488489, 492; truth and reconciliation, need for 495, 497; see also Act of Killing, The (film); Look of Silence, The (film)

information: censorship and 459, 460, 464; control and regulation of 464; user agreements 464

“in” as pairing conjunction 5, 9

Innocent IV, Pope 269

Institute for Religion and Democracy (IRD) 132

International Criminal Court (ICC) 73, 75, 391; Rome Statute 72, 73, 451

international human rights law (IHL) 255, 299, 300, 305

international law (IL) 279; American flouting of 453; dictatorships and 453; human rights and 390; neocolonialism and 255; origins of 270; Third World Approaches to (TWAIL) 255, 289296; Third World critique of 290

International Law and the Third World 290, 292

internment camps, American 197, 198199, 202

Iraq 150, 451; American forces in 348; American-led war 451, 452; invasion of 3, 6, 472; redacted, declassified documents 109; war crimes and 452; weapons of mass destruction and 452

Iraqi citizens, autopsy reports 109

Irele, Abiola, African Imagination, The 346

Irish Republican Army (IRA) 416

Iriye, Akira, and Goedde, Petra 8

Ishay, Micheline 428

Islam 132, 272, 273, 365

Islamic State (ISIS) 239

Islamist militants see al-Shabaab

Israel 453; border crossing regime 338; conflict with Palestine 374; creation of state 160; declaration of independence (1948) 375; human rights organizations and 374; literature 258, 374376, 377378; occupation of Palestinian territories 202; territorial claims in Palestine 375; War on Gaza 75, 235

Israeli Civil Administration 373

Israeli Defense Forces 373

Israeli-Arab war 375

Jackson, Robert 163

Jacobs, Charles 132

Jameson, Fredric, Political Unconscious, The 104

Japan: atomic bombs and 342; photography ban 168; Tokyo Trials 300, 302; US occupation of 168; see also Hiroshima; Nagasaki

Japanese 168; internment of 197, 198199, 202

Jenkins, H. 240

Jensen, Meg 106, 184191

Jewish-Argentine literature 257258, 366368

Jewish-Argentine minority 361362, 365368; anti-Semitism 366, 367, 368; disappearances 367; human rights organizations and 367, 368

Jews: concentration camps and 167, 199200; diaspora 343; murder of 342; Nazi construction of 201; Polish 199200

Johnson, M. G. and Symonides, J. 300

Jones, Gail 211212; Sorry 211, 212; “Sorry-In-the-Sky” 211212

Joppke, C. 364, 365

Jordan 6, 31; Zaatari camp 7980, 79

Jordan, June 151

Joselit, David 111

journalism: ethical philosophy and 15; the five Ws and one H 14, 15, 1617

Kabera, Eric 216

Kafer, Alison 48

Kagame, Alexis 345

Kagame, Paul 344

kairos 402, 436, 437438; akairos and 438

Kamra, S. 306

Kanafani, Ghassan 25, 8284

Kangura (magazine) 220

Kant, Immanuel 175, 445

Karzai, Hamid 474

Kawabata, Yasunari 44

Keane, Fergal 348

Kedhri, Adel 90

Keen, Suzanne 414, 418, 423424, 430

Keenan, T. 319

Kelsey, Penelope Myrtle 392, 394

Kemp, Colonel Richard 476

Kennedy, David 410, 451

Kenya 69, 72

Keys, Barbara 428

Khalifeh, Sabar, End of Spring (Rabi’Harr) 376377

Khalili, L. 226, 230, 374

Kidd, David and Castano, Emanuele 430

Kincaid, Jamaica 23, 24; Autobiography of My Mother, The 23, 3744; colonial education 39, 40; cruelty 38, 39; humanism 40, 41, 42; possessive individualism 37, 40; self-awareness 4243; self-determination, rights and 37, 41; self-possession 38, 39, 40, 4243

King-Irani, Laurie 292

Kirschner, Luz Angélica 257258, 361368

Kiyak, Mely 364

Kohen, A. 447

Kolinsky, E. 363

Konile, Notrose Nobomvu 320321, 322, 438

KONY 2012 424

Kony, Joseph 75

Korea 197; North Korea 455; South Korea 89

Kosovo 471

Kossew, Sue 212

Koto, Herman 486, 487, 488, 489

Kozol, Wendy 436

Krog, Antjie 256, 319320, 321322, 323, 324, 438; Begging to Be Black 320, 322, 323; Country of My Skull 320, 321322; There Was This Goat 320, 323, 438

Kundera, Milan 445, 494; Book of Laughter and Forgetting, The 445

Kunstlerroman subgenre 97, 100

Lacan, J. 87, 115, 281, 285, 286

LaCapra, Dominick 94, 184, 190

Laclau, Ernesto 27, 28, 34; Emancipations 28

Lafayette, Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de 264

Lally-Tollendal, Gérard de 264, 265

land: indigenous peoples rights to 268269; Johnson v. M’Intosh 268; Native Americans and 268; Rights of Discovery and 268, 269

language: African proverbs and 499500; Geneva Convention, interpretation of 6, 306; Igbo language 499, 503, 504; improper usage of 6; inferential 500; narrative and 501; in the US 500; vague 7; Yoruba 499, 502503

language of human rights 57, 300, 303, 305, 306, 405411; critique of 406, 407; (dis)articulating barbarous words 409411; hypocrisy and 406; rhetoric/reality differentiation 405

Laocoön Group 176, 180

Laqueur, Thomas 419

Larrère, C. 261

Las Casas, Bartolomé de 274, 280

Laski, Harold I. 22

Latif, Adnan 351352, 353355, 356, 357359

Latin America 12, 361, 366

laughter: benefits of 219; perception of 218; primitiveness and 218219

Lauren, Paul Gordon 127, 254, 428; Evolution of International Human Rights, The 127

Le, Nam 25, 84

League of Nations Temporary Slavery Commission 128

Leahy, Patrick 119

Lebowitz, C. 111

Leebaw, Bronwyn Anne 305

Legofesto website 466

Lemarchand, René 342

Lenin, Vladimir 161

Levi, Primo 80, 343, 430

Levinas, Emmanuel 150, 319, 323

LGBT 53, 56, 390


Liberator (newspaper) 128

Libya, oil concessions 291

Life (magazine) 380

life narratives: human rights and 10, 153, 207, 236, 237, 400; as salable properties 400; see also autobiographical genre; slave narratives; testimonial/witness narratives

Lifshey, Adam 327

Lindqvist, Sven 409

literature: African postcolonial 220; Asian American 197; censorship and 461462; empathy and 427431; ethical reading 504505; freedom of expression and 461462; human rights and 391392; human rights bestsellers 383; Israeli 258, 374376, 377378; magical realism 257, 335336; modern 462; Palestinian 258, 374, 376377; reading, the act of 504505; role of 401; War on Terror and 473; see also autobiographical genre; Bildungsroman genre; graphic novels; Kunstlerroman subgenre; slave narratives; testimonial/witness narratives; testimonio genre

Lloyd, D. 201

Lloyd, Moya 31

Lloyd, Rachel, Girls Like Us 132

local, the see particular, the

Locke, John 420, 451, 454

Lockhart, D. B. 366

Löning, Marcus 362

Look of Silence, The (film) 403, 480, 481, 482483, 487, 490492; atrocities 493494; confrontations in 495; fear, effects of 492493; intimacy 491492; memory 491

López de Palacios Rubios, Juan 269

Louverture, Toussaint 128

Luce, Henry 380, 386

Lutz, Helma 364

Luxemburg, Rosa 310

Lynch, M. 453

Lyon, Arabella 434, 438; Deliberative Acts 438; and Olson, Lester 434

Lyotard, François 27, 32; Postmodern Condition, The 27

Mabanckou, Alain, African Psycho 220

Macbrair, R. M. 219

McClennen, Sophia A. 392; and Moore, A. S. 117, 103108, 253258; and Morello, H. J. 5; and Slaughter, J. R. 5, 299, 392

McDonnell, Faith, Girl Soldier 132

McGee Deutsch, S. 366, 367

McKeon, Richard 2122, 406407, 434435

MacKinnon, Catharine 113114

Macklin, Charles 420421, 422, 423

MacLean, E. and the Open Society Justice Initiative 329

Magee, Patrick (IRA) 416, 417

magical realism 257, 335336

Maldonado-Torres, Nelson 330

Malik, Kenan 476

Malouet, Pierre-Victor 261263, 264, 265266

Mam, Somaly 131

Mamdani, Mahmood 346

Mandel, R. 362, 364

Mandela, Nelson, Long Walk to Freedom 320

Manfredi, Zackary 89

Mansfield, Nick 237238, 240

Mao, Dun 256, 312

Mao, Zedong 256, 313315

Maritain, Jacques 22

Marshall, John 268269

Martinez, Jenny 127

Marx, Karl 281, 408

Maslan, Susan 254, 260266

Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society 126, 129

Mazower, Mark, and Moeller, Robert G. 160

Mbembé, Achille 256; and Meintjes, Libby 338

media networks: control of 459460; see also social media

mediation, empathy and 415419

Mehta, Brinda 96

Mehta, Hansa 7

Melamed, Jodi 201

Melvern, L. 341

Menchú, Rigoberta 246, 438

Merry, Sally Engle 22, 53, 56, 70, 442

Mesoamericans 272273

Mexican Consulate, Tucson, Arizona 336337

Mexico 327, 330; conquest of 272273, 274, 275; drug trafficking 336; human trafficking 336

Mexico-US border migration 333338

Meyssan, Thierry, Big Lie, The 463

Mgbeoji, Ikechi 292, 294

Mickelson, Karin 294

Middle East, human rights and 452, 453

Mignolo, Walter, Darker Side of the Renaissance, The 329

migrants 32, 83; deaths/disappearances of 334335, 336337; deportations 334; forced migrations 164; illegalized 148, 150; Mexico-US border and 333338; US legislation and 333338; see also immigrants; refugees

militant Islamists 69, 72

Military Commissions Act (US) 6

military interventions: post 9/11 34; US and 56

Miller, J. Hillis 121, 188

Miller, Samuel J. 179

Milton, John 465, 467

Minich, Julie Avril 24, 4651

minorities: human rights and 361368; Jewish-Argentine 361362, 365368; national literatures and 257258; Roma 30; Turkish-German 361365

Mirzoeff, Nicholas 226, 227

missionaries 218, 273, 276

Mitchell, W. J. T. 170, 227

Miyoshi, Masao 7

Mohanty, Chandra Talpade 27

Montejo, Victor 145

Moore, Alexandra Schultheis 74; Act of Killing, The 403, 438, 480481, 485; interview with Oppenheimer 480–497; Look of Silence, The 403, 480, 481, 482483, 487, 490494

Moqbel, Samir Naji al Hasan 229

Mordecai, Rachel 420

Morris, David 117

Morsink, Johannes 414, 418, 446

Mortenson, Greg 382

Mounier, Jean-Joseph 264265, 266

Moyn, Samuel 10, 11, 381, 389, 406; human rights, discontinuity model 428; Last Utopia, The 10, 161; origins of human rights 428429

Mpolweni, Nosisi 320, 322

Mueller, John 166

Mugo, Micere M. G., African Orature and Human Rights 143

Muhsen, Zana, Sold: A Story of Modern-Day Slavery 128

Mukasonga, Scholastique, Notre dame du nil 348

Muldoon, J. 268, 269

Muldoon, Paul 410411

Mullins, Greg A. 24, 5358

Murphy, Laura T. 105, 126133

Mushikiwabo, Louise and Kramer, J. 348

Musil, Robert 441, 442, 448; Man without Qualities, The 442

Musiol, Hanna 258, 389395

Muslims 363, 364, 365

Mutua, Makau 62, 64, 131, 402, 450456

Nagar, Richa 248249

Nagasaki 164, 168, 342, 444

Naipaul, V. S. 346

Nakazawa, Keiji 195; Barefoot Gen (Hadashi no Gen) 197; I Saw It 197, 202203, 203

Nam Le 25, 84

Narayan, K. 136

narrative, absence of 104, 109124

National Archives and Records Administration 164, 165

national human rights institutions (NHRIs) 3031, 33

Native Americans 137, 145, 268, 269, 273; Christianity and 273; natural rights of 279; as “natural slaves” 274; in propaganda play 279; rights of 271, 272; Vega’s depiction of 282284, 286

NATO 390

natural law: human rights and 164165, 254, 261, 263; principles of 270271; violations of 272

Nazi Germany 159, 164; concentration camps 164, 165, 166, 166167; criminal trials 302; extermination plans 167; genocide 375; ideology of ethnicization 364; Jews and 201; photography and 181

Nelson, Cary 150, 151

Nelson, Roberto 352

neocolonialism 23, 290, 329; international law and 255; UDHR and 301

Nesiah, Vasuki 292

Netanyahu, Benjamin 235

New Orleans 142, 143

New York Times 429; Sunday Book Review 357

New Yorker, The 343, 348, 476

New Zealand 105, 136, 268

newspapers/print-media 196

NGOs see nongovernmental organizations

Ngũgĩ, W. T. 389

NHRIs see national human rights institutions

Nicholas V, Pope 269

Nigeria 151; Niger Delta 62, 64, 6667; proverbs and 499500

9/11 attacks 3, 453; post-9/11 conferences on human rights 45, 9; post-9/11 military interventions 56; TWAIL after 9/11 293294; see also War on Terror

Nixon, Rob 295, 390, 392

Noah, Trevor 220, 221

Nobel Peace Prize 10, 246, 446

nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) 31, 33, 451, 455

Nora, Pierre 188189

Normand, R. and Zaidi, S. 381

normativity of human rights 435438

Norridge, Zoe 257, 341349

North Africa 86, 8990, 92, 361, 453

#NotABugSplat project 107, 224226, 228

Nott, J. C. and Glidden, G. R. 180

Noyce, Phillip 209

Nussbaum, Martha 113, 430

Nwapa, Flora, One is Enough 220

Nyiramilimo, Odette 346348

Nzayo, Tsepiso 221

Obama administration 75, 227

O’Donnell, Catherine 234

Ogada, Ayub 216

oil industry: Libya and 291; in Louisiana 141; Niger Delta and 64

Okafor, Obiora 291, 292, 293, 294, 453

Okubo, Miné 197199; Citizen 13660 197198, 198

Oliviero, Katie 72

Olson, A. 151

Ong, Walter 197

Onondaga Historical Association 178

opacité (opaqueness) 25, 96, 99

Opinión, La 367

Oppenheimer, Joshua: Act of Killing, The 403, 438, 480481, 485; film, importance of 493; interview with Moore, A. S. 480497; Look of Silence, The 403, 480, 481, 482483, 487, 490494; moral responsibility 497

oral poetry 138, 154155

oral traditions 105, 136145; African 138139, 145; American Indian 137, 145; European 138; griots and 105, 136, 138, 140141, 143, 144; impact on literature 137, 138, 139; interdisciplinary scholarship 137; literary analysis of 137; pedagogical tales 139; themes 136, 137, 138139; tricksters and 143; West African 138

Organization of Islamic Conference (2000) 30

Orient, Otherness of 477

Orientalism 11, 362363

Orwell, George 222, 461, 475

Osbey, Brenda 143

Osgoode Hall Law Journal 255, 290, 293

Oslo Accords 373, 376

Oxford Encyclopaedia of Human Rights 174

pagans/paganism 271, 273, 275; land rights and 269

Paglen, Trevor 229

Pakistan: BBDO Pakistan 225226; India-Pakistan Partition (1947) 299, 301; Khan family, deaths of 225; #NotABugSplat project 107, 224226; US-led drone strikes 224

Pal, Radha Binod 302

Palach, Jan 89

Palestine: autonomous governance, lack of 373; citizenship 416; deaths of children 75, 235; drone missiles in Gaza 229; expulsions from 82, 375; #GazaUnderAttack 239; human rights organizations and 373, 374; international humanitarian law 374, 376; Israel and 202, 374, 375; land rights 373; literature 258, 374, 376377; the nakbah 82, 83; nationalism 11, 84; Oslo Accords and 373; population transfer 160; refugees 78; settler colonialism 149; TheWorldStandsWithPalestine site 240; West Bank 373

Palestinian Authority (PA) 373

Palmeri, F. 217

Palumbo-Liu, David 107, 233241

papal bulls: Alexandrine 271, 275; Inter Caetera 269, 271, 280; Romanus Pontifex 269

pareidolia 106

Parikh, Crystal 48, 51, 257, 258, 380386

Paris Exposition (1900) 181

Paris Principles 30

particular, the 23, 2728, 32

particularism 27

particularity 22, 23, 27, 71, 75, 201

Partnoy, Alicia 367

Patton, Paul 323

Paulson, R. 216, 217

Peace of Westphalia 443

Pécoud, A. and De Guchteneire, P. 334

Peri Rossi, Cristina, Ship of Fools, The 119, 120

Perniola, Mario 238

perpetrators 94100; boasting by 480, 481, 482, 483, 484; children of 9798, 497; cognitive dissonance and 484, 485; confrontations with/fear and 492; forgiveness and 491, 495; heroic rhetoric and 484, 486; ICC and 451; second-generation survivors and 98; survivor narratives and 25, 94; survivors’ confrontation with 495; testimonies of 95; victims and 94, 96, 97, 98, 99; WWII and 168, 170171

Perry, Elizabeth 310

personhood 23, 24; eligibility for 381; rights of 22; robust forms of 382; ubuntu and 319; UDHR and 319

Peru 327, 329

Philip, M. Nourbese, Zong! 151, 438

Philippines 233

Phillips, Anne 33

Phillips, Caryl, Distant Shore, A 64

photography: daguerreotype 176, 177; as destructive tool 181; human dignity and 106, 174, 176181; invention of 174175, 176; #NotABugSplat project 107, 224226, 228; population control and 177; portraiture 174, 176177; role of visuality 107, 175; totalitarian regimes and 181

Picasso, Pablo, Guernica 3, 112

Piersen, William 218, 219

Pilkington, Doris (Nugi Garimara), Follow the Rabbit-Proof Fence 209

Pitch Interactive 229

Plath, Sylvia 150

Plato 51, 218, 237, 434


poetry 105, 116118; Afghan 154155, 403, 473475; after 9/11 attacks 471; In Protest: 150 Poems for Human Rights 148, 150; limits of human rights and 471477; oral poetry 138, 154155; Poems from Guantánamo: The Detainees Speak 257, 351, 352, 356358; Poetry after Auschwitz (Gubar) 150; Poetry and Commitment (Rich) 148; Poetry of the Taliban 403, 473475, 476, 477; Poetry of Witness (Forché and Wu) 152; the poets of Guantánamo 351359; “Pul-i Charkhi Prison” 474476; the soldier-poet 355; Taliban fighters and 471, 473476; see also witness poetry

Polanyi, Karl 311

politics of universalism 279280; comedy genre and 280282, 286

Pollis, Adamantia 301; and Schwab, P. 300, 301

pollution: coal-burning power plants 327; oil industry 141; toxic waste 151

population displacements 164165; see also asylum seekers; immigrants; migrants; refugee camps; refugees

pornography 465466, 467

Portugal: Africans and 330; Rights of Discovery 268, 269

possessive individualism 37, 40, 382

postcolonial ambivalence 39

Postcolonial Digital Humanities 393

postcolonial literature 64, 345

postcolonial studies 1112, 13, 22

postmodern era 7

postmodern genres 138, 384

postmodernism 27, 62

poverty/the poor 140, 142; in rural China 314; We the Animals case study 4950

Povinelli, Elizabeth 206, 210, 410

Powell, Colin 3

Powell, Katrina M. 105, 136145

Powell, Malea 145

Prasetyo, Joseph “Stanley” Adi 490

precarity/precariat 75, 78, 89

Prince, Gerald 115

prisoners: hunger strikes 230; literatures of captivity 186187; security housing units (SHUs) 229230; solitary confinement 229230; see also Abu Ghraib; Guantánamo Bay

privacy 459, 464

property rights 464465; as collective rights 310; colonialism and 310; monopoly capitalism and 310311

prosopopeia, role of 106

Prunier, Gérard 342, 348

Puar, Jasbir 48, 54

Pulitzer Centre 154, 155

Pulitzer Prize 193

Quang Duc 89, 92

queer, definitions of 53

queer rights 24, 5358

Qui Parle 89

race 227

racial caricature 195196, 197, 218

racial discrimination 29, 57, 150, 367

racism 50, 217; in Argentina 367; structural 364; Turkish Germans and 365

Radhakrishnan, R. 11

Rajagopal, B. 291, 292

Rancière, Jacques 34, 92, 382, 394, 407

Rankin, A. M. and Philip, P. J. 219

rape 113, 164, 168, 328

Ratele, Kopano 320, 321, 322, 323

Rausig, Sigrid 148

Razack, Sherene 228

refugee camps: at Kenyan border 69; in Dadaab 72; deaths at Kibeho camp 343, 344; dehumanization and 82; idleness, problem of 80; in Jordan 79; in Kivu 80; Tingi Tingi 80, 81

refugees 24, 25; in flight 7885; German Jewish 82; Guinean boys 83, 84; internally displaced persons (IDPs) 343, 344; international community and 81; narratives/human rights 7885; Palestinian 78, 8284, 375; post-WWII displacements 164, 165, 166, 168, 170; Somali 72; statelessness and 84; Syrian 79; UN Convention Relating to the Status of 81, 375; UNHCR and 4647, 78, 81; US refugee legislation 333; uselessness, effects of 80; Vietnamese 33, 8485; West African 505506

regional rights organizations (RRO) 30

Rein, R. 361, 362, 363, 366, 367; and Davidi, E. 363

Rejali, Darius, Torture and Democracy 110111

religion: freedom of belief 23; human rights and 453

Reprieve (advocacy organization) 225

Reyntjens, Filip 343

rhetorical theory 401, 433439; kairos and 402, 436, 437438

Rhodes, Cecil 217

Rials, S. 264

Rich, Adrienne 148, 150

Rich, Ruby 139

Richardson, Samuel 217, 427

Ricoeur, Paul 188

rightslessness, nonstate actors and 30

Ríos Montt, Efraín 328

Robbins, Bruce 27, 31

Robinson, Mary 405

Rodriguez, J. 362

Roma people 30

Rome Statute 72, 73, 451

Romulo, Carlos 7

Roosevelt, Eleanor 7, 442, 443, 445446, 447

Roosevelt, Franklin D. 159, 161, 255

Rorty, Richard 186, 217, 236237, 430

Rose, M. A. 216

Ross, F. 410

Roughsey, Labumore Elsie, Aboriginal Mother Tells of the Old and the New, An 209

Roumain, Jacques, Masters of the Dew 96

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques 217, 261, 263, 265, 427, 431

Rowland, Anthony 150, 152153

Rudd, Kevin 210

Ruf, Frederick 142

Rukeyser, Muriel 151

Rukun, Adi 483, 491, 492, 495, 496497

Rukun, Ramli 483, 484, 491, 493, 496

Rumsfeld, Donald 109

Rushdie, Salman 6, 299300; Midnight’s Children 301, 306

Russell, Bertrand 341

Russia: Crimea and 390, 454; war on Chechyna 453

Rwanda 10, 80, 82, 181, 215, 341349; Africa United (film) 216; art/culture 345346; Belgian colonial legacies 343; camps for IDPs 344; divisionism, crime of 220; ethnic politics, polarization of 341342, 346; genocide 257, 341, 342343, 451; Gourevitch’s interviewees 346348; humanizing individuals 346348; humor, attitude towards 220; Hutus 341, 347; internally displaced persons (IDPs) 343, 344; international response to 343; Kibeho camp, deaths at 343, 344; Kinyarwandan verbal culture 345, 346; literary responses to 348349; Nyarubuye site 344; Rwandan Patriotic Front 342; “Tutsi Crush” 215; Tutsis 215, 216, 220, 341, 344, 347

Sabatello, Maya, and Schulze, Marianne 46, 47, 48, 51

Sacco, Joe 197; Palestine 201, 201202

Sadow, S. A. 366, 368

Sadowski-Smith, Claudia 256257, 333338

Sage, Jesse and Kasten, Liora 131, 132

Said, Edward 11, 27, 111, 348, 477

Said, Wadie E. 292

Salamanca: School of 270, 275; University of 273274

Sander, August, Citizens of the 20th Century 181

Sanders, Mark 256, 318324

Sandoval, Chela 390

Sangtin Writers and Nagar, R., Playing with Fire 248249

Santa Cruz, Hernán 78

Saro-Wiwa, Ken 220

Sassen, Saskia 331

satire see humor/satire

Savu, Laura 62

Scanlon, Mara 150

Scarry, Elaine 42, 122, 368, 392, 399, 431

Schaffer, Kay and Smith, Sidonie 127, 154, 206207, 240, 245; Human Rights and Narrated Lives 10, 153, 237, 400

Schiller, Friedrich 176, 178, 180

Schumpeter, Joseph 310

Schwenger, P. and Treat, J. W. 202

Scott, J. B. 270

Scott, J. C. 185, 186, 188, 190

Scott, Kim, That Deadman Dance 212

Seck, Sara L. 295

Séhène, Benjamin, Feu sous la soutane, Le 348

Seirlis, J. K. 220

Sekula, Allan 177

self-determination: decolonized nations and 33, 301; denial of right to 107; right to 33, 159, 160, 161

Sen, Amartya 29

September 11, 2001 see 9/11

Sepúlveda, Juan Ginés de 254, 274, 282

Seu, Irene Bruna 187

sex trafficking 130, 131

sexuality 56; criminalization of 56; queer 49, 5358; stigmatized 54

Sezgin, Hilal 364

Shakespeare, William 401, 420421

Shalakany, A. 291

Shanghai Dance Academy 315

Shannon, E. 196

Sharafudeen, M. 294

Shehadeh, Raja, Palestinian Walks 373374

Shelach, Oz, Picnic Grounds: A Novel in Fragments 376

Shirky, Clay 233234

Shoah, the 149, 150, 328; see also Holocaust, the

Shoneyin, Lola, Secret Lives of Baba Segi’s Wives, The 220

Siahaan, Amir 492, 497

Sidhwa, Bapsi: case study 302306; Cracking India 255, 299306

Siebers, Tobin 47

Sikkink, K. 368

Simonsen, Karen-Margrethe 254255, 279286

Şimşek, Enver 365

Şimşek, Semiya 365

Singer, Marcus 32

Sinik, Ibrahim 484, 495

Slaughter, Joseph R. 10, 22, 109124, 137; autobiography, rights and 319; Bildungsroman genre 40, 185, 186, 190, 300; Human Rights, Inc. 184185; human rights market 194; incorporation/redescription 188; narrative, absence of 104, 109124; world literature, human rights and 392

slave narratives 105, 126133; authenticity and 131132; Douglass, F. and 177; editing and 131132; Enslaved: True Stories of Modern Day Slavery 131; modern narratives 129130, 131133; political forces and 132

slave songs 139, 218

slavery 38, 41, 42; abolitionist movement 126128; child laborers 128, 129; definition 128, 130; forced labor 128, 129, 130; Fugitive Slave Act 179; legislation and 129; modern-day slaves 105, 128, 129; sex slaves 130, 131; UDHR and 128; United Nations and 128; Zong massacre 151; see also Douglass, Frederick

Sliwinski, Sharon 106, 167, 173181, 227, 392

Smith, Adam, Theory of Moral Sentiments 419, 421422

Smith, Anne 31

Smith, R. 111, 112

Smith, Sidonie and Watson, Julia 107108, 243250

Snow, C. P. 6

social media 107; community-building and 234; context and 236, 238240; Facebook 226, 235; human rights and 233241; humanization and 235236; Instagram 226; political activism and 233234, 240; Tumblr 235; Twitter 107, 226, 229, 238241, 459, 464; YouTube 153, 154, 216, 221

Society for Human Rights (1924–25) 24, 56

Soerjosoemarno, Yapto 488

Somalia: child soldiers in 69, 70, 72; civil war in 6971; Transitional Federal Government 69

Sornarajah, Muthucumaraswamy 295

Souad, Burned Alive 248

South Africa 33, 451; anti-Apartheid struggle 149; Gugulethu Seven, deaths of 320; Human Rights Violation Hearings 318; settler colonialism 206; stand-up comedy 220221; TRC testimony 256, 320; Truth and Reconciliation Commission 318, 319320, 323, 324; ubuntu 256, 319320, 322, 501; White/Boers 322; writers, TRC and 319320

South America 119, 149

South Atlantic Quarterly 4

sovereign nation-states 443, 444

Spain: Catholic Monarchs 274, 282, 284; conquest of Mexico 272273, 274, 275, 280; Habsburg Monarchy 274; indigenous subjects and 330; justification of conquest 280; New Laws (1542) 274; reconquest of 272, 273; Rights of Discovery and 268, 269; title to the Americas/New World 269270, 271272

Spanish Civil War 116

Speier, H. 215, 219

Speke, John Hanning 346

Spiegelman, Art, Maus 106, 189190, 193, 197, 199201, 199

Spivak, Gayatri 30, 33, 329, 386; “Can the Subaltern Speak?” 25, 88; et al. 300

Srikanth, Rajini 144145

Stalin, Joseph 149, 151, 181

Stanford/NYU joint project 229

Stanley, H. M. 219

Stanton, Domna 45, 6, 23, 149; and Butler, Judith 45, 9; the new universal 2734; universalism 22, 23

statelessness 30, 84

Stavenhagen, Rodolfo 330

Steichen, Edward, Family of Man, The 181

Steiner, H. and Alston, P. 451

stereotypes: African American 139, 144; comedic 500; humor and 107, 216; Jewish 420, 421, 422; Russian Jews 366; Turkish women 363

Stern 365

Storr, R. 111, 112

Stowe, Harriet Beecher, Uncle Tom’s Cabin 217, 399

subaltern protest 88, 89, 90, 9192

Sudan 129, 249, 451, 453, 455

Sun, Yat-sen 314, 315

Sunder Rajan, Rajeswari 301

Sutton, B. 367

Swanson Goldberg, Elizabeth see Goldberg, Elizabeth Swanson

Swift, Jonathan 217, 473

Syah, Inong 480, 482, 492, 493494, 495, 497

sympathy 417; critique of 415, 417; Smith’s definition of 421422; see also empathy

Syria 451, 454, 455, 459

Taliban 353, 354, 358, 471

Tanzania/Tanganyika 218219

testimonial/witness narratives 108, 209210; authenticity and 243; collaborative production of 248249; collective “I” and 248; collective story 245; cultural specificity 245246; Guatemalan/Maya Ixil 328329; “I” witness, configurations of 247249; “I”-formations, defining 243; Jewish-Argentine 367; Judging a Dictator 328329; metrics of authenticity 244246; reading, new paradigm of 249250; rights discourse, invocation of 244245; sense of immediacy 244; suspicious reading and 243, 246247; verification and 247

testimonio genre 1213, 104, 318319

Third World 62, 6364; economic/social/cultural rights (ESCR) 294; international law and 291292; trade, law and development 294295

Third World Approaches to International Law (TWAIL) 255, 289296; post-9/11 293294; TWAIL II 295

Third World Quarterly 290, 291292

Thompson, E. P. 311

Tibet 87, 149

Timerman, Jacobo 367

Titchener, Edward B. 418

TNCs see transnational corporations

Torres, Justin: case study We are the Animals 4951; We are the Animals 24, 46

torture 110111, 454; antinarrative 122; at Abu Ghraib 6, 109; clean techniques of 110, 111; definitions, rewriting of 472; in Guatemala 328; images of 465, 467; invisible methods of 110, 124; methods 109; of prisoners 6; solitary confinement 230, 351; “torture warrants” proposal 472473; US military and 454; War on Terror and 104; see also Abu Ghraib; genocide; Guantánamo Bay; trauma; violations of human rights

Totten, S. and Parsons, W. 451

Trade, Law and Development 290, 294295

transgender rights 55

transitional justice 318, 320

transnational corporations (TNCs) 60, 62, 64, 67, 310

transnational legal advocacy 225

trauma: cross-cultural link 195; perpetrators of 94100; studies 99, 148; witness poetry 105

trauma fiction 96

trauma theory 42, 148; concept of opacité 25

Treat, John 237

Trujillo, Rafael Leonidas 385386

Tucker, Margaret, If Everyone Cared 209

Tunisia 90, 234

Turkish-German literature 257258, 363365; issues of identity and 363; life narratives and 363; subject matter 363

Turkish-German minority 361365; citizenship regulations and 362; Orientalism and 362363; perception of 364, 365; racist attacks 365; Turkey and 362

Turner, Brian, Here, Bullet 355, 356

Turner, Bryan S. 71

Turner, Nat 128

Tutu, Desmond, Archbishop 319, 320

Tuyuc, Rosalinda 326

Tuyuc Velasquez, Juan de León 326

TWAIL see Third World Approaches to International Law

Twitchell, E. 383

Twitter 107, 226, 229, 238241, 459, 464

two cultures theory 67

ubuntu 256, 319320, 322, 501

UDHR see Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Uganda 75, 132, 390, 451

Umutesi, Marie Béatrice 25, 8082, 84

UN see United Nations

Undocumented, The (film) 257, 334, 336338

UNESCO 437; “Human Rights Exhibition” 228; Philosophers’ Committee 7, 434435, 446447; Philosophers’ Committee Report 21, 446, 447; UDHR Drafting Committee and 7, 446

United Nations: ad hoc criminal courts 10; Charter 380, 444; Commission on Human Rights 66; Conference on Women in Beijing (1995) 61; Convention against Transnational Organized Crime 334; Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (1979) 29, 391; Convention on the Prevention and Punishment on the Crime of Genocide 341; Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees 81, 375; Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2006) 24, 46, 47; Declaration Granting Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples (1960) 29; Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples 268, 330, 447; differential rule 163; domestic jurisdiction clause 381; founding conference 7; Guernica, shrouding of 3; High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) 4647, 78, 81; human rights and 160, 161, 163; International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination 29; International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (1966) 29, 61, 66, 338; International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (1976) 29, 61, 66; Military Commissions Act 6; nation-state model 161, 163, 165; Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues 330; permanent member states (P5 states) 163; post-WWII world order 161163; Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking 128; rights of colonized peoples 7; Security Council 444; sovereignty and 163; Supplementary Convention on the Abolition of Slavery 128; visual literacy program 105106, 163164; see also Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989); Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948)

United States Supreme Court 6, 358, 464; Boumediene v. Bush 358; Hamdan v. Bush 355; Johnson v. M’Intosh 268; Rasul v. Bush 353, 355

United States (US): 4th Infantry Division, ICE 109; black sites and 6, 111, 113, 454; border crossing regime 338; Border Patrol Search and Rescue 336; capitalist print-media 196; citizenship 333; Clean Air Act 327; Cold War 159, 160162; Declaration of Independence 136, 445; deportation proceedings 334; Detainee Treatment Act (2005) 355; disability legislation 4849; Environmental Protection Agency 327; exceptionalism 381, 382; “extraordinary rendition” 6, 408; FBI, Guantánamo Bay notes/records 112, 113; foreign policy 75; Freedom of Information Act 110; Geneva Conventions and 6, 109, 121; homeland security 229, 230; human rights and 428429; immigration law 333, 338; imperialism 403, 471; indigenous peoples, rights of 268; internment camps in 197, 198199, 202; Israel and 202; Korean war 197; migration, Mexico-US border 333338; Military Commissions Act (2006) 355; military interventions 56; National Security Archive 111; noncitizens, status of 333; political cartoons 196; prisoner abuse 6; queer human rights 54, 56; racial capitalism 202; racial caricature 195196; redacted, declassified documents 109, 110; rights given by discovery 268; scholars’ language usage 7; security state, migrants and 256257; segregation 381; Society for Human Rights 24, 56; Special Forces 75; superpower status 160, 380; “torture warrant” proposal 472473; UN Charter and 381; war crimes and 452; see also Bush administration; Guantánamo Bay; War on Terror

Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) 3, 6, 2930, 61, 136, 207; accountability, demand for 207; adoption of 341; Article 1 444; Article 8 305; Article 11 305; Article 16 383; Article 19 460; capital punishment 30; child removal testimony 207208; Commission on Human Rights 7; drafting of 78, 66, 300, 446; genocide, child removal as 207, 208; human dignity 173174; Humphrey Draft 446; ICCPR 29, 61, 66; ICESCR 29, 61, 66; immigration and 334; inalienable dignity 173; inalienable universal rights 228; language of 7, 21, 305, 406407; legal personhood 319; modernity, collapse of 443444; myth of universality 441, 442, 445447; neocolonialism and 301; pathos in 402, 444448; perception of 451; Preamble to 255, 444; slavery and 128; Soviet bloc abstention 160; USSR abstention 160; World War II and 443444

universalism 22, 23; comedy genre and 281; concrete universalism 28; particulars and 28; the politics of 279282, 286

universality 2122, 23, 435; of Eurocentric thinking 329; of human rights 435, 450, 452; human rights regime and 2931; hyprocrisy and 452453; myth of 441, 442, 445447; the new universal 27, 28; versus cultural relativism 8, 22

Urry, J. 394

USSR: Cold War 159, 160162; Declaration of Rights of the Working and Exploited People 445; imperialism 403; occupation of Afghanistan 474; perception of 475; superpower status 160, 380; UDHR abstention 160

Valéry, Paul 176, 177

Valladolid debate 254, 274

Van Bueren, G. 383

Van Harten, Guy 295

Van Toorn, P. 207

Vargas, Claret 145

Vasey, G., Philosophy of Laughter and Smiling, The 218

Vásquez, J. G., Sound of Things Falling, The 487

Vega, Lope de 255, 279, 280; New World Discovered by Christopher Columbus, The 279, 282285

victims 170, 410; complex political victim 94, 97, 99; ideal victim 99; perpetrators and 94, 96, 97, 98, 99; stigmatization of 482

Vietnam: immolation and 89; refugees 33, 8485

Vindex (F. Verschoyle) 217

violations of human rights 25, 166, 170, 409410; in Afghanistan 474475; gender-based 301; gendered nature of 6067; in Guatemala 326327; justification of 34, 453; post-WWII 166, 170; see also Abu Ghraib; genocide; Guantánamo Bay; torture; trauma; war crimes

violence: legitimate 161, 166; legitimate/illegitimate distinction 160, 164; as policy 170; pornography of 139140; state-sanctioned 227; see also War on Terror

visual culture: of human rights 224225, 228; human rights visuality 227228; “Inside Out” project 225; #NotABugSplat project 107, 224226, 228

visual literacy 159172; distance dynamic 168; UN program 105106; us/them distinction 168

visuality, role of 107

Vitoria, Francisco de 270, 273, 274; conquest as “unjust war” 272273; “De Indis” lectures 270, 271, 272; “De Jure Belli” lectures 270; rights of Native Americans 271, 279; Spain’s rights to the New World 271272

Voltaire, 217

vulnerability 2425, 43, 44, 51; child soldiers and 6972, 7374; concept of 71; critical theorists and 72; “embodied vulnerability” 71; feminist legal scholars and 71, 72; heuristic/norm/exception 7172; as legal concept 74; theory 75

Vulnerability and Human Condition Initiative 71

Wainaina, Binyavanga 216, 222

Waisvisz, Sarah G. 25, 94100

Walk Free Foundation 128

Walker, Alice 392

Walker, J. 441, 445

Wallerstein, Immanuel 6, 292, 329

Walzer, Belinda 401402, 433439

Wang, Ben 255256, 309316

war: Chechyna and 453; Israeli War on Gaza 75, 229, 235; Israeli-Arab war 375; Second Sino-Japanese War 95; see also Afghanistan; child soldiers; Cold War; War on Terror; World War I; World War II

war crimes 452; see also atomic bombings; genocide; Holocaust, the

War on Terror 28, 104, 148, 202, 224, 436; analysis of 293294; data visualization of drone strikes 229; dehumanization and 229; homeland security 229230; homeland visuality 226227; human rights and 453, 454; human rights violations 475476; literature and 473; raciality of 229; UN authority, circumventing 475; US-led drone strikes 224, 225, 226228, 452

Ward, Glenyse, Wandering Girl 209

Warhol, R. 115

Washington, Booker T. 129

Weine, Stevan, Testimony after Catastrophe 150, 152

Weiss, P. 378

Weizman, Eyal 389, 390

Wertham, Fredric 197

West Africa 138; Afikpo, Nigeria 499, 500, 501502, 505; beauty, concepts of 502503; Biafran-Nigerian Civil War 505; birth methods/rituals 502; children, naming of 504; Igbo language 499, 503, 504; Igbo people 503, 505; proverbs 499500; refugees 505506; satire in songs 218; walking gracefully 502; Yoruba art 503; Yoruba language 499, 502, 503

West, the: dictatorships and 452; double standards/hypocrisy of 452; human rights movement and 451452; human-rights-themed comics and 194, 195, 201202; in Taliban poetry 473

Westerbeck, C. 180

White, Hayden 114, 115, 193

Whitlock, Gillian 106107, 206212, 246

Whitney Museum of American Art 109, 110, 114

Widodo, Joko 491

Wilkie, M. 208

Williams, Marco 257, 334, 335, 336, 337, 338

Williams, Randall 194, 195, 202, 228

Williams, Raymond 174

Wilson, M. 111

Wilson, Peter H. 443

Wilson, R. A. 447

Winant, Howard 197

Winckelmann, Johann Joachim 176

Winfrey, Oprah 221, 246

Winnemucca, Sarah 145

Winnipeg Art Gallery 206, 211

Winter, Sarah 401, 414424

witness narratives see testimonial/witness narratives

witness poetry 105, 148155; activism 150, 154; cultural studies approaches 150, 153, 155; dialogic approach 150, 151; expansionist approach 151; framework 149152; Harlem Renaissance 151; oral poetry 154155; proxy witness 150; readers as tertiary witnesses 150; secondary witnesses 150, 151; short lyric poems 151; testimonial approaches to 150, 151; testimonial frameworks 152153, 154; transnational anthology of 149; trauma aesthetic 153; vernacular modernism 151, 154; witnesses/forms/modes 149152

Wolfe, Cary 47, 48

Wolfe, P. 206

women: Afghan women 3, 154155, 436, 474; CEFDW and 29, 391; discrimination and 29, 391; feminism 53, 364, 465; feminist legal scholars 71, 72; global violence and 60; honor killing of 31, 245, 248, 363; Muslim 364; pornography and 465466, 467; violence against in India 301

women’s rights: Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action 61; as human rights 53, 55, 6162, 436; private sphere violations 61; public sphere violations 61; UN Conference, Beijing (1995) 61

Wong, Rita, Forage 151

Woolf, Virginia 175

Wordsworth, William 427; and Coleridge, Samuel T. 427

Works Progress Administration (WPA) 127, 128

World War I 443

World War II 105, 159, 168, 443444; American internment camps 197, 198199, 202; criminal tribunal system and 302; ending of 170; new world order and 161163; poetry 152; post-war settlement 444; post-WWII nation-state model 161; power relations post-war 380; see also atomic bombings; Holocaust, the

Yaeger, Patricia 140, 142

Yizhar, S., Khirbet Khizeh 374376

Yousafzai, Malala 246

YouTube 153, 154, 216, 221

Yugoslavia 10, 113, 361, 451

Zaire 80, 343

Zeitlin, Benh 139, 142

Zelizer, Barbie, Remembering to Forget 166167

Zerilli, Linda 27, 28

Zimbabwe 453

Zulkadry, Adi 482, 484

Zupančič, Alenka 281, 282, 284, 285, 286