
Page numbers in italics refer to illustrations. AdT stands for Alexis de Tocqueville, and square brackets indicate AdT’s spelling preferences.

Abd el-Kader (Algerian emir), 279, 300

Abdul Medjid (Ottoman sultan), 179, 182, 292–93; biographical note, 271

absolute power, AdT on, 267–68

Académie des Sciences Morales et Politiques, xxxviii, 48n12, 277, 294, 303, 313, 318

Académie française, xxvii, xxxviii, 8, 48n12, 298, 302, 318

Adams, John, 304

Adelsward, Rheinhold Oscar, baron d’, 85; biographical note, 271

Alexander I (czar), 310, 311

Algeria, AdT in, xvi, xxxviii, 316, 321

Almanac and Meteorological Calendar (Raspail, 1874), 318

America. See Democracy in America (AdT, 1835/1840); United States

Ampère, Jean-Jacques, xviii, 48–49, 307; biographical note, 272

anarchists, xix, 208

Ancien Régime, AdT on, 4, 6, 12–13, 47, 73, 143, 267

Ancien Régime and the Revolution, The (AdT, 1856), xiv, xviii, xxix, xxxi, xxxv–xxxvi, xl, 275, 293, 295, 313

Andryane, Alexandre-Philippe, 41, 314; biographical note, 272

Anne of Austria, 319

Arago, Étienne, 186; biographical note, 272

Arago, François, xvii, 272

Aristotle, 95

assembly, freedom of. See freedom of assembly

Atala (Chateaubriand, 1801), 283

Atelier, L’(periodical), 285

Austria, during foreign ministry of AdT, 165–67, 171–80, 182, 183

Avenir, L’ (newspaper), 297, 298, 300, 308

Babeuf, François-Noël (known as Gracchus), 236n27, 241; biographical note, 272–73

babouvisme, 241, 272

banquet movement, xiii, 14–20, 65–66, 187–88

Barbès, Armand, 85–88, 89, 277, 297, 318; biographical note, 273

Baroche, Jules, 202, 254; biographical note, 273

Barras, Paul-François-Jean-Nicolas, vicomte de, 123; biographical note, 273–74

Barrot, Ferdinand, 187; biographical note, 274

Barrot, Odilon: banquet movement and, 15, 19, 20, 188; biographical note, 274; Broglie and, 278; in Constituent Assembly, 80; constitutional commission and, 121, 123, 125, 127, 129; coup of 1851 and, 206, 291; Daumier’s illustration of (1849), 140; Falloux and, 199; Feb. 23–24, 1848, events of, 26, 29, 34–37, 42, 185–87, 189, 190; formation of new government by, xxi, xxxix, 134, 137, 139; jailed after 1851 coup, 291; as leader of dynastic opposition to July Monarchy, xxi, 15; Mauguin and, 306; notes for period from June 1848 to June 1849, 195, 196; Portalis and, 316; republican government and, 144; Roman affair and, 148, 151; Thiers and, xxi, 15, 26, 29. See also cabinet of Barrot

Bastide, Jules, 105–6, 287; biographical note, 274; Daumier’s illustration of (1849), 105

Baude, Jean-Jacques, 327

Baudelaire, Charles, 307

Beaufort (owner and printer of opposition newspaper), 208, 271

Beaumarchais, Pierre-Auguste Caron de, 287

Beaumont, Clémentine de, 24–25; biographical note, 274

Beaumont, Gustave de: in America with AdT, xiii, xxix, xxxviii; banquet movement and, xiii, 15, 187–88; biographical note, 275; cellular system of imprisonment advocated by, 291; Chabrol and, 281; Constituent Assembly and, 76, 230–31; on constitutional commission, xx, 235; coup of 1851 and, 268–69; elections of 1849 and formation of new government, 134; Feb. 23–24, 1848, events of, 24–25, 26, 34, 42, 189–92; Germany, letter of AdT on situation in, 247–48; June Days, letter of AdT after, 246–47; Lamartine and, 300; Lasteyrie and, 301; letters of AdT to, 230–31, 246–48, 251–53, 254–55, 264–65; Lieber and, 268–69, 303; London, as ambassador to, 160; Louis-Napoléon and, 160–61; Marie, or Slavery in the United States, 275; in notes for period from June 1848 to June 1849, 195; Recollections edited by, xv; Vienna, as ambassador to, xxi, 160–61

Bedeau, Marie-Alphonse, 31–33, 100, 117, 134, 185, 211, 244, 276; biographical note, 275

Belgrade, Treaty of, 177

Bem, Joseph (Murad Pasha), 179, 287; biographical note, 275

Benthamites, 295

Berry, duc de, 327

Berry, duchesse de, 279, 297

Berryer, Pierre-Antoine, 38, 159, 203–4, 205, 211, 291, 313; biographical note, 275–76

Bertrand, Marshal, 278

Billault, Adolphe-Augustin-Marie, 37, 42, 187; biographical note, 276

Bixio, Jacques-Alexandre, 100, 279; biographical note, 276

Blanc, Louis: biographical note, 276–77; Crémieux and, 286; dress of Constituent Assembly members and, 72–73; Dufaure and, 289; Duvivier and, 290; Goudchaux and, 294; May 15, 1848, events of, 87, 90; on Normanby’s Year of Revolution (1857), 311; The Organization of Labor (1839), 276; Portalis and, 316; in provisional government, xvii; right to work and, 236n25; views of AdT on, xxvii

Blanqui, Adolphe, 141; biographical note, 277

Blanqui, Louis-Auguste, xxxiii, 85, 88, 101, 273, 318; biographical note, 277

Bloomfield, Lord John Arthur Douglas, 183; biographical note, 277

Bocage, Pierre-Martinien Touzé, 212n36; biographical note, 277–78

Boislecomte, Ernest Sain de, 176; biographical note, 278

Bonaparte, Louis-Napoléon. See Louis-Napoléon (later Napoleon III)

Bonaparte, Napoleon. See Napoleon I (emperor)

Bonapartists, compromises made by AdT with, xiv

Bourges, Michel de (Louis-Chrysostome Michel), 211, 283, 288, 307, 326

Bourrely, General, 214, 271

Bresson, Charles-Joseph, 302

Bricqueville, Armand-François, comte de, 67; biographical note, 278

Britain. See England

Broglie, Victor, duc de, 57, 73, 164, 205, 291, 321; biographical note, 278

Browning, Robert, 307

Buchez, Philippe-Joseph-Benjamin, 85, 321;

biographical note, 278–79

Buffet, Louis-Joseph, 138, 206; biographical note, 279

Buffon, Georges-Louis LeClerq, comte de, xxx

Bugeaud, Thomas-Robert, marquis de la Piconnerie, 33, 41, 147, 185–86, 190, 280, 291, 305; biographical note, 279

Buonarroti, Philippe, 272, 273

Cabet, Étienne, xxvii, 236n25; biographical note, 279

cabinet of Barrot: dismissal of, xxxix, 251–55; elections of 1849 and formation of new government, 132–39, 196–200; June 1849 insurrection, 146–51, 197; Legislative Assembly and, 152–53, 155–58, 161–62; Louis-Napoléon and, 136, 144–46, 158–61, 199–200, 251–53, 254; members of, 139–43; relations between members, 153–58, 199–200; republican government, goal of sustaining, 143–44, 153; Roman affair and, 146–51, 162

Cadoudal, Georges, 316

Candide (Voltaire, 1759), 327

Carbonaros, xxii, 272, 285

Carlier, Pierre, 290

Carmen (Mérimée, 1845), 307

Carnot, Hippolyte, 92, 93, 302; biographical note, 280

Carrel, Armand, 274, 324, 326

Castellane, Victor-Boniface, comte de, 157–58; biographical note, 280

Catherine the Great (empress of Russia), 316

Caussidière, Louis-Marc, 73, 289, 323; biographical note, 280

Cavaignac, Louis-Eugène: Adelsward and, 271; biographical note, 280–81; decrease in popularity (September 1848), 246; in June Days, xix, 100, 104, 106, 244; in presidential election of 1848, xx, xxxix, 132, 194–95, 308; provisional government, as head of, xxi, 146, 193, 194; Roman affair and, 150

centralized government, constitutional commission on, 121, 128

Chabrol-Chaméane, Ernest de, 212; biographical note, 281

Chamber of Deputies: Constituent Assembly compared, 76; Daumier, “Le ventre législatif” (1833), 7; Feb. 23, 1848, session of, 22–23; Feb. 24, 1848, events of, 29, 31, 33–43; Legislative Assembly meeting in old chamber of, 147; Louis-Philippe addressing, 7–8, 18–19; reactions of former parliamentarians to revolutionary events, 55–61; AdT as representative in, xiii, xvi–xvii, xxxviii, 8, 11–14

chamber pots, war of, 229

Chambord, Henri d’Artois, comte de (Henri V), xxiii, 267–68, 297, 312; biographical note, 281

Champeaux, François Palasne de, 77–79, 80; biographical note, 281

Changarnier, Nicolas-Anne-Théodule, xxxix, 140, 146, 149, 150, 200, 211; biographical note, 281–82

Chantelauze, Jean de, 322

Charbonnerie, 276, 318

Charles Albert (ruler of Piedmont-Sardinia), 165–66; biographical note, 282

Charles I (king of England), 46; biographical note, 282

Charles X (formerly comte d’Artois; king of France), xxxvii, 19, 27, 46, 75, 145–46, 295, 299, 304, 316, 321, 324; biographical note, 282

Charnisay, Philippe-Amable Arthuis de, 208; biographical note, 282

Charras, Jean-Baptiste-Adolphe, 211, 326; biographical note, 283

Chartres, Robert, duc de, 312

Chassin, Charles-Louis, 211; biographical note, 283

Chateaubriand, François-René, vicomte de, xxix, 118, 272, 307, 308; biographical note, 283

Chateaubriand, Jean-Baptiste, 283

checks and balances, constitutional, xxv, 123

cholera, in Paris, 147, 197

Chopin, Frédéric, 288

Choses Vues (Hugo, 1830–85), xv

Clamorgam [Clamorgan], Paul-Emile, 222–23, 243–44; biographical note, 284

Claramont, Privat Joseph, 295

Clark, T. J., xxxiii

class and class conflict in France: adaptations to events of 1848 and, 56; awareness of AdT of depth of, xix; elections of 1848 and, 228; government with support of single class, 31; June Days as class conflict, 97, 101; middle-class spirit of government during July monarchy, 4–5, 152; revolution of 1848, socialist character of, 51–55

Class Struggles in France, 1848–1850, The (Marx, 1850), xv, xvin9

Clayton, John Middleton, xxiv

clergy: in Constituent Assembly, 75; power of clerical spirit, defrocked priest as example of, 122; reliance of Louis-Napoléon on, 201

Colomba (Mérimée, 1840), 307

Combarel de Leyval, Mathieu-Louis-Désiré, 207, 210, 214–15; biographical note, 284

Comité de la rue de Poitiers, xxi, 134, 324

Commerce, Le (newspaper), 194, 303

Comte, Auguste, 321

Condé, Louis I de Bourbon, prince de, 102n27, 229n13

Confessions (Rousseau, 1782), 320

Considerant, Victor, xxvii, 100, 119, 151–52, 292; biographical note, 284

Considerations on the Causes of the Grandeur and Decadence of the Romans (Montesquieu, 1734), xviii, 257–58

Constituent Assembly (of 1789), 8, 74–75

Constituent Assembly (of 1848–49): Chamber of Deputies compared, 76; character and politics of representatives, 70, 73–77; constitution presented to, 130; dress of representatives at, 72–73; early sessions of, 72–74; Festival of Concord (May 21, 1848) and, 91–93; hall of, 76; in June Days, 98–100, 102, 104–10, 116, 117, 244; Lamartine in, 77–81; May 15, 1848, invasion of, xix, 82–90, 91, 92, 120; members sent out across Paris during June Days, xxxv, 106–10, 244; notes for period from June 1848 to June 1849, 193–96; period between Festival of Concord and June Days, 93–96; Rome, order not to attack, 146. See also elections of 1848 (March–May; Constituent Assembly)

constitutional monarchy, AdT’s commitment to, xiii, xvii, 143

constitution and constitutional commission, xx, 119–31, 232–42; amendment of constitution, 129; American constitution and, xxv, 120, 128, 233; bicameral/single chamber, debate on, xxv, 123–25, 233–34; on centralized government, 121, 128; chair, machinations of, 122–23; checks and balances, constitutional, xxv, 123; chronology, xxxviii–xxxix; circumstances affecting, 120, 127; on Council of State, 125, 128, 129; election of president, 126–27, 241–42, 261–63; elections of 1849, desire to get rid of constitution after, 135; executive branch, 125–28; finalization and presentation of constitution to Constituent Assembly, 129; judicial branch, 128–29; on local government, 120–22; members of commission, 119–20; notes for period from June 1848 to June 1849, 193–94; notes of AdT on proposed revisions, 260; peculiar proposals regarding, 129; plot of July 1849 to overthrow constitution, 158–59; report of AdT on proposed revisions, 260–63; right-to-work clause, xx, 235–41; term limits on presidency and proposed revision, xx, xxi, xxii, xxxix, 128, 160, 201, 203–4, 235, 254–55, 260–63

Convention, 36, 51, 72–73, 74

Coquerel, Athanase, 125; biographical note, 284

Corbon, Claude-Anthime, 130; biographical note, 285

Corcelle[s], Francisque (Claude-François-Philibert Tircuy) de: biographical note, 285; in Constituent Assembly, 76; elections of 1849 and formation of new government, 134; Feb. 24, 1848, events of, 26, 27, 187, 189; in June Days, 98–99; Lasteyrie and, 301; letters of AdT to, 250–51, 259, 263–64; notes for period from June 1848 to June 1849, 193, 195; religion, AdT on general return to, 263–64; Roman affair and, xxii, 250–51; wife of, 274

Cormenin, Louis-Marie de Lahaye, vicomte de, 106–8, 119, 122, 125–28, 130; biographical note, 285

Cotte, Jules Charles Conway de, 210; biographical note, 285

Council of State, 125, 128, 129, 234

Courtais, Amable-Gaspard-Henri, vicomte de, 83, 89, 90; biographical note, 286

Cousin, Victor, 323

Crédit Foncier, 327

Crémieux, Adolphe (Isaac Moïse), xvii, 37–38, 41, 106–8, 306; biographical note, 286

Crimean War (1855–56), 311

Damesme, Édouard, 244; biographical note, 286

Danton, Georges, 320

Darthé, Augustin, 273

Daru, Napoléon, comte, 205; biographical note, 286

Daru, Paul-Henri, vicomte, 205, 206–7; biographical note, 286

Daumier, Honoré, illustrations by: Odilon Barrot (1849), 140; Jules Bastide (1849), 105; “Dernier conseil des ex-ministres” (1848), 28; Comte de Falloux (1849), 142; Francois Guizot (1833), 10; Louis-Napoléon tripping on a liberty tree (1850), 261; Pierre-Joseph Proudhon (1849), 237; Adolphe Thiers (1848), 27; Alexis de Tocqueville (1849), 141; Universal suffrage (c. 1850), 63; “Le ventre législatif” (1833), 7. See also Philipon, Charles, King Louis Philippe’s metamorphosis into a pear (1830)

death penalty, abolished for political reasons, xvii

Degousée, Joseph, 83; biographical note, 286–87

Delarue-Beaumarchais, Charles-Édouard, 206; biographical note, 287

Dembinski, Henri, 177, 179; biographical note, 287

democracy, AdT on, 240, 242–43

Democracy in America (AdT, 1835/1840): on acceptable restrictions of liberty, xxv, xxvi; Corcelle’s review of, 285; on cycle of revolution in France, xxiii; foreword to twelfth edition (written after revolution of 1848), 219–20; literary style of AdT and, xxix, xxxi, xxxiii, xxxv; literary success of, xiii, 272; Mazzini’s reading of, xxii; publication of, xxxviii; referenced in Recollections, xxiv; Royer-Collard’s admiration for, 321; George Sand on, 96; on self-interest, xxv; Senior critiquing, 323; theorist of democracy, AdT as, xxiii, xxxi; AdT on writing of, 255; travel of AdT to America, xxxviii

Démocratie Pacifique, La (periodical), 284

Desmoulins, Camille, 320

Destutt de Tracy, Alexandre, 139, 140–41, 142; biographical note, 287

Dornès, Auguste, 100, 120; biographical note, 287

Drouyn de Lhuys, Édouard, 176, 275; biographical note, 287–88

Duchâtel, Charles-Marie-Tanneguy, comte, 16–17, 18, 21, 35, 73; biographical note, 288

Dudevant, Aurore (née Dupin; George Sand), xix, 95–96, 307; biographical note, 288

Dufaure, Jean, 214, 292; biographical note, 288

Dufaure, Jules Armand Stanislaus: biographical note, 289; as cabinet minister, 139, 144, 149, 154–58, 161, 199; Chamber of Deputies, on AdT’s speech in, 14; in Constituent Assembly, 76; constitutional commission and, 119, 123–24, 129, 235; coup by Louis-Napoléon and, 205, 291; elections of 1849 and formation of new government, 134, 137, 138; Falloux and, 154–55, 199, 200; Feb. 23–24, 1848, events of, 24, 25, 27, 29, 187–89; in June Days, 104; letter of AdT to (December 1850), 258–59; Louis-Napoléon and, 161, 200; notes for period from June 1848 to June 1849, 193–94, 195, 196; on Paris placed in state of siege, 156; Passy and, 140; republican government, maintenance of, 144, 157; Roman affair and June 1849 insurrection, 149, 150, 197; views of AdT on, 157–58

Dulong, François-Charles, 279

Dumas, Christian-Léon, 185; biographical note, 289

Dumoulin, Jean-Baptiste, 38; biographical note, 289

Dupin, André-Marie, 36, 124–25; biographical note, 289

Dupont de l’Eure, Jean-Charles, xvii

Duvergier de Hauranne, Prosper, 16, 57, 188, 189, 191, 211–12; biographical note, 289–90

Duvivier, Franciade-Fleurus, 117, 244; biographical note, 290

École des femmes, L’ (Molière, 1662), 71, 308

economic repercussions of revolution of 1848, 223, 230, 294

Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte, The (Marx, 1852), xv, xxiii

elections of 1848 (March–May; Constituent Assembly), xviii–xix, 61–69, 222–32; campaign circular of AdT, 64–65, 66, 223–25; candidacy of AdT in, 64–69; chronology, xxxviii; decision of AdT to take part in, 60–61, 222–23, 230–31; description of AdT’s département of La Manche, 61–64; Lamartine in, 77; letters of AdT to Marie de Tocqueville during, 227–30; popular banquet in Cherbourg (March 1848), address of AdT to, 225–26; secret ballot (May 1848), 94–95; timing and results of, 70–71; universal male suffrage, comments of AdT on, 231–32; Valognes electoral committee, response of AdT to president of, 65–66, 227; voting, 69

elections of 1848 (December; presidential election), xx, xxxix, 132, 194–95, 215

elections of 1849 and formation of new government, xxxix, 132–39, 195, 196–200, 247

elections of 1851, presidential (forestalled by coup), 208, 235, 254, 260–63, 264–65

elections of 1852, 214–15

Elster, Jon, xxx

Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 307

Émile, or on Education (Rousseau, 1762), 320

Encyclopedia Americana (Lieber, 1829–33), 303

Encyclopédie nouvelle (Leroux, Carnot, and Reynaud), 302

England: Charles I, monarchy of, 46; class system in, 63; Corn Law controversy, 307; during foreign ministry of AdT, xxi, xxiv, 169, 170, 172, 176–77, 178, 180–81, 183; Louis-Napoléon in, 145, 296; naval dominance of, xxiv, 226; Poor Law (1834), 323; Spanish marriages and, 6; travels of AdT in, xxxviii

equality, AdT on gradual development of, 219

Essarts, Eugène-Charles-Marie Des, 184; biographical note, 290

Essay on Indifference in Religious Matters (Lamennais, 1817), 298

Essay on the Inequality of Races (Gobineau, 1853), 294

Essay on the State of the Church (Lamennais, 1808), 300

Eugène (servant of AdT), 112; biographical note, 290

Eugénie (empress of Napoleon III), 307

Europe, revolutions of 1848 in, 165–84, 209–10, 229. See also foreign ministry of AdT and specific countries by name

executive branch: constitutional commission on, 125–28; election of president, process of, 126–27, 241–42, 261–63; Louis-Napoléon elected president of Second Republic, xx, 143–44, 194–95, 215, 259; presidential election of 1848, xx, xxxix, 132, 194–95, 215; presidential election of 1851 (forestalled by coup), 208, 235, 254, 260–63, 264–65; term limits on presidency, xx, xxi, xxii, xxxix, 128, 160, 201, 203–4, 235, 254–55, 260–63

Eynard, Phocion, 209; biographical note, 290

Falloux, Frédéric-Alfred-Pierre, comte de: biographical note, 290–91; in cabinet of Barrot, 138, 139, 142–43, 161, 199–200; Daumier’s illustration of (1849), 142; Dufaure and, 154–55, 199, 200; elections of 1849 and formation of new government, 137, 138; foreign ministry of AdT and, 153, 181; in June Days, 99–100; Louis-Napoléon and, 153, 161, 196; Memoirs of a Royalist (1888), 291; Montalembert and, 308; on National Workshops, 326; relationship with AdT, 154; Trélat and, 326

Faucher, Léonard-Joseph-Léon, 134, 155, 201, 202; biographical note, 291

Feray, Henri, 205, 210; biographical note, 291

Ferdinand I (emperor of Austria), 292, 322

Ferdinand II (ruler of Kingdom of Two Sicilies), 291

Ferdinand-Philippe (oldest son of Louis-Philippe), 311–12

Festival of Concord (May 21, 1848), xix, 90–93

Figaro, Le (newspaper), 288

Filangieri, Carlo, prince di Satierno, 167; biographical note, 291

Flocon, Ferdinand, xvii

Florence, Republic of, 51

foreign ministry of AdT, xxi–xxii, 162–84; aptitude of AdT for, 162–63, 197–98; Austria during, 165–67, 171–80, 182, 183; Broglie, Thiers, and Molé, working with, xxi, 164–65; chronology, xxxix; decision of AdT to take part in new government, 135–37; diplomats, dealing with, 163–64; elections of 1849 and formation of new government, 132–39; England during, xxi, xxiv, 169, 170, 172, 176–77, 178, 180–81, 183; Germany during, 166, 169–70, 171–74, 247–48; Hungary during, xxi, 167, 177–79, 184, 199, 298; June 1849 insurrection, diplomatic effects of putting down of, 169; Louis-Napoléon and, 144–46, 160–61, 165, 181; notes of AdT on, 197–99, 200; Piedmont during, xxi, 165–66, 174–76, 199; Poland during, 173, 179, 181, 271, 311; Russia during, 167–68, 169, 173, 177–80, 182, 183; Sicily during, 165, 167, 291; Switzerland, refugee situation in, 170–71; Turkey during, xxi, 165, 177–84; United States, French relationship with, xxiv. See also Roman affair

Fourier, Charles, xxvii, 151, 236n24, 317; biographical note, 291–92

Fournier, Bertrand, 214, 288; biographical note, 292

Francis (emperor of Austria), 272

Franco-Prussian War (1870–71), 310, 324

Franz-Joseph I (emperor of Austria and king of Hungary), 167, 179, 322; biographical note, 292

fraternal confusion, as theme of Festival of Concord, 92

freedom of assembly: law limiting rights of political clubs (1849), xxxix, 156, 286; provisional government instituting, xvii

freedom of the press: limitations placed on (1849), xvii, 156; provisional government instituting, xvii

French Revolution (from 1789): Chateaubriand and, 283; chronology, xxxvii; Constituent Assembly of 1789, 8, 74–75; Convention, 36, 51, 72–73, 74; cycle of revolution in France and, xxiii, 47–48, 245–46; election campaign of 1848 and use of terms from, 64; Girondins, 39, 51, 53, 93, 299; history of France from 1789 to 1830 and, 4, 47–48; land ownership in Normandy following, 62; letter of AdT on writing of Recollections and, 256–57; Montagnards, 51, 73; property rights and, 11; revolution of 1848 compared, 244; socialism and, xxvi–xxvii, 238–39, 242; Tennis Court Oath, 12; the Terror, xxxvii, 53, 84, 208, 214, 241, 278, 320

Friedrich Wilhelm III (Prussian ruler), 311

Friedrich Wilhelm IV (Prussian ruler), 171, 172, 173, 311; biographical note, 292

Fronde, 229n13, 319

Fuad Efendi (Fuad Pasha), 179, 182–83; biographical note, 292–93

Gallemand, Zacharie, 244–45; biographical note, 293

Garnier-Pagès, Étienne, 293

Garnier-Pagès, Louis-Antoine, xvii, 40; biographical note, 293

Genius of Christianity (Chateaubriand, 1802), 283

Gérard, Étienne-Maurice, 191; biographical note, 293

Germany: during foreign ministry of AdT, 166, 169–70, 171–74, 247–48; travels of AdT in, xxix, xl, 132, 195, 196

Girardin, Émile de, 22; biographical note, 293–94

Girondins, 39, 51, 53, 299

Girondins, Les (song), 93

Globe, Le (newspaper), 288, 302

Gobineau, Arthur de, xxxix, 253, 297; biographical note, 294

Goudchaux, Michel, 106–9, 113, 293; biographical note, 294

government, announcement of formation of new government on Feb. 23, 1848, 22–24. See also cabinet of Barrot; constitution and constitutional commission; provisional government

Gracchus (François-Noël Babeuf), 236n27, 241, 272–73

Great Britain. See England

Greg, William Rathbone, 231–32; biographical note, 295

Gregory XVI (pope), 298, 300, 315

Grote, George, 295

Grote, Harriet, xxxi, 253; biographical note, 295

Guizot, François: Barrot and, 274; biographical note, 295; on causes of revolution of 1848, 44; in Chamber of Deputies, xvii; Daumier’s illustration of (1833), 10; Duchâtel and, 16, 288; Duvergier and, 289; end of era of, AdT on, 231; Feb. 23–24, 1848, events of, 22–23, 73, 295; Hébert and, 296; Janvier and, 297; Le Peletier d’Aunay and, 302; literary style of, xxix; Louis-Philippe and, 304, 308; Lord Normanby and, 311; on le pays légal (voters), 8; Plichon and, 316; publication of memoirs, AdT on, xv; Royer-Collard and, 321; Sonderbund, support for, 48n13; Spanish marriages and, 6n1; views of AdT on, xxvi

Hamilton, Alexander, xxvi

Havin, Léonor-Joseph, 66–68, 187; biographical note, 296

Hébert, Michel-Pierre-Alexis, xxxii, 18–19; biographical note, 296

Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, xxx

Henriade, La (Voltaire, 1723), 198n33

Henri V (Henri d’Artois, comte de Chambord), xxiii, 267–68, 281, 297, 312

Hirschman, Albert, xxx

Histoire de la Révolution (Thiers, 1823–27), 53, 256, 257, 324

History of the American Civil War (comte de Paris, 1875), 312

History of the Consulate and the Empire (Thiers, 1845–62), 324

History of the Girondins (Lamartine, 1847), 39, 53, 299

History of the Two Bourbon Restorations (Vaulabelle, 1844–54), 326

Howard, Elizabeth Ann Harryett, 181; biographical note, 296

Huber, Louis (Aloysius), xixn18, 87–88; biographical note, 296–97

Hugo, Victor, xv, 273, 277, 307

Humanité, de son principe et de son avenir, L’ (Leroux, 1839), 302

Hungary during foreign ministry of AdT, xxi, 167, 177–79, 184, 199, 298

Institut de France, 48

Isabella II (queen of Spain), 6n1

Isly, battle of, 279

Italy: Piedmont, during foreign ministry of AdT, xxi, 165–66, 174–76, 199; revolution of 1848, effects of, 259; Sorrento, AdT in, xviii–xx, xxxix, 44, 255–59. See also Roman affair

Janvier, Eugène, 108; biographical note, 297

Jews and Judaism, 106, 286, 294, 306, 320

Jockey Club, 205

Joinville, François-Ferdinand-Philippe d’Orléans, prince de, xxii, 206, 264; biographical note, 297

Journal de Valognes, 67n16

judicial branch, constitutional commission on, 128–29

Julie, or the New Heloise (Rousseau, 1761), 320

July Monarchy: banquet movement, xiii, 14–20, 65–66, 187–88; Barrot as leader of dynastic opposition to, xxi; chronology, xxxvii–xxxviii; creation of (1830), xxxvii; dislike of AdT for, xxxiii; end anticipated by AdT, xiii, xvii, xxxviii, 9–14; Guizot on, xv; impeachment of government ministers, 19; middle-class spirit of government during, 4–5, 152; recollections of AdT regarding, 4–8; revolution of 1830, xxxvii, 4–5, 26–27, 46, 47, 282, 299. See also Louis-Philippe (last king of France)

June Days, xix, 96–119; ammunition and weapons stockpiled for, 94; as class conflict, 97, 101; Constituent Assembly in, 98–100, 102, 104–10, 116, 117; constitutional commission and, 120, 127; correspondence of AdT during, 243–46; Eugène (servant of AdT) in, 112; fighting in, 101, 102–3, 104, 108, 109–10, 113–18, 243–45; Lamartine and, 81; leadership in, 102–3; members of Constituent Assembly sent out during, xxxv, 106–10; military rule, imposition of, 104–6; National Guard in, 99, 101, 102, 103, 106–10, 112, 117; National Workshops, insurrectionists drawn from, 102; National Workshops, precipitated by closure of, 97–98, 276–77; notes for period from June 1848 to June 1849, 194; period between Festival of Concord and, 93–96; porter, threat against AdT by, 111–12; socialist ideas and, 97, 112, 118, 127

June insurrection of 1849, 149–51, 155–56, 169, 197

Kainardji, Treaty of (1774), 177

Kergorlay, Louis, comte de, 255–58; biographical note, 297

Kossuth, Lajos, xxi, 177, 182, 287, 301, 311, 313; biographical note, 298

La Bruyère, xxiv, xxix

Lacordaire, Dominique-Henri, 84, 297, 300, 308; biographical note, 298

Lacrosse, Bertrand, baron de, 36, 139, 141–42; biographical note, 298–99

Lafayette, Edmond du Motier, vicomte de, 91; biographical note, 299

Lafayette, Gilbert du Motier, marquis de, 12, 274, 285, 287, 301; biographical note, 299

La Manche. See Normandy

Lamartine, Alphonse de: Barbès, commutation of death sentence of, 273; biographical note, 299–300; Blanqui and, 277; in Constituent Assembly, 77–81; defeat in presidential election of 1848, xxxix, 300; Feb. 23–24, 1848, events of, xvii, 36–37, 38–41, 211–12, 278; at Festival of Concord, 92, 93; History of the Girondins (1847), 39, 53, 299; in June Days, 100, 113–16; May 15, 1848, events of, 89–90; relationship with AdT, 78

Lamartine, Mary Ann Elisa de (née Birch), 17–18, 81; biographical note, 300

Lamennais, Félicité-Robert de, 119–22, 275–76, 297, 298, 308; biographical note, 300

Lamoricière, Louis-Christophe-Léon-Juchault de: as ambassador to Russia, xxi, 153, 167–68, 173, 177, 182–83, 301; biographical note, 300–301; Charras and, 283; coup of 1851 and, 211; elections of 1849 and formation of new government, 134; Feb. 24, 1848, events of, 34, 50, 97, 99, 186, 190; in June Days, xix, 99, 115–16, 244; in Legislative Assembly, 153

Lanjuinais, Victor-Ambroise, vicomte de, 316; biographical note, 301; in cabinet of Barrot, 139, 144; in Constituent Assembly, 76; coup of 1851 and, 207, 211; elections of 1849 and formation of new government, 134, 138; Feb. 22–24, 1848, events of, 25, 27, 28, 37, 187, 189; foreign ministry of AdT and, 181; in June Days, 104

La Rochefoucauld, xxix, xxx, 28n6

Lasteyrie du Saillant, Jules, marquis de, 189; biographical note, 301

Ledru-Rollin, Alexandre-Auguste: after June 1849 insurrection, 151, 301–2; Andryane and, 272; biographical note, 301–2; Caussidière and, 280; in Constituent Assembly, 80; defeat in presidential election of 1848, xxxix, 301; dress of Constituent Assembly members and, 72; Duvivier and, 290; Feb. 24, 1848, events of, 38, 39–40, 41, 42; May 15, 1848, events of, 85; as minister of the interior, 228n10; in provisional government, xvii; Roman affair, xxii, 148, 151

Legislative Assembly: cabinet of Barrot and, 152–53, 155–58, 161–62; constitutional provisions on election of, 260; coup of 1851 and, 205; elections of 1849, xxxix, 132–36, 247; first impressions of AdT regarding, 147; right to call in army to defend national representation, 207, 211; Roman affair and, 147–51, 162, 197, 248–50

legitimists: Barrot and, xxi; compromises made by AdT with, xiv, 152–53; defined, xiv; Henri V, 281; Law of May 31 and, 206; in Legislative Assembly, 152–53; Ministry of Public Instruction, control over, 154; suspicions of AdT as closet legitimist, xviii, xxiii

Lehon, Charles de, comte, 302

Lehon, Françoise-Zoé-Mathilde, comtesse de, 207, 309; biographical note, 302

Lehon, Léopold, 207, 302

Le Peletier, Louis-Honoré-Félix, baron d’Aunay, 109–10; biographical note, 302

Leroux, Pierre-Henri, 150n31; biographical note, 302–3

letters of AdT: to Gustave de Beaumont, 230–31, 246–47, 247–48, 251–53, 254–55, 264–65; to Paul Clamorgam, 222–23, 243–44; to comte de Chambord, 267–68; to Francisque de Corcelle, 250–51, 259, 263–64; to Armand Dufaure, 258–59; to Zacharie Gallemand, 244–45; to Arthur de Gobineau, 253; to William Rathbone Greg, 231–32; to Harriet Grote, 253; to Louis de Kergorlay, 255–58; to Francis Lieber, 268–70; to Jean-Bernardin Rouxel, 267; to Eugène Stöffels, 245–46; to Édouard de Tocqueville, 265–66; to Marie de Tocqueville, 227–30, 244

lettres de cachet, 208

liberty, acceptable reasons for restriction of, xxv, xxvi

Lieber, Francis, 268–70; biographical note, 303

Lincoln, Abraham, 297, 303

Louis XIII (king of France), 319

Louis XIV (king of France), 6, 319; biographical note, 303

Louis XVI (king of France), xxxvii, 28n6, 46, 73n20, 273, 299, 308; biographical note, 303–4

Louis XVIII (king of France), xxxvii, 10, 75, 281, 282, 308, 316; biographical note, 304

Louis-Napoléon (later Napoleon III): biographical note, 309–10; cabinet of Barrot and, 136, 144–46, 158–61, 199–200, 251–53, 254; Constituent Assembly, election to, 94–95, 126; conversation between AdT and (May 1851), 201–2; coup anticipated by AdT, 251–52, 254–55; coup staged by (December 1851), xiv, xvi, xxi, xxii–xxiii, xl, 205–15, 265–70; Daumier’s Louis-Napoléon tripping on a liberty tree (1850), 261; elected president of Second Republic, xx, 143–44, 194–95, 215, 259; Falloux and, 153, 161, 196; fears of AdT regarding eventual coup by, 144, 153, 158–59; followers and favorites, 146, 160, 200, 254; foreign ministry of AdT and, 144–46, 160–61, 165, 181; Miss Howard and, 181, 296; letter of AdT to Beaumont (September 1848) on, 246; Molé on, 212–13; relationship with AdT, 160–61; Roman affair and, xxii; term limits on presidency and proposed revision, xx, xxi, xxii, xxxix, 128, 160, 201, 203–4, 235, 254–55, 260–63; Vieillard and, 67, 326; views of AdT on, xxvi, xxxiv, 144–46, 158–61, 199–200, 252, 259

Louis-Philippe (last king of France): abdication and flight of, 34, 185–87, 190–92; addressing Chamber of Deputies, 7–8, 18–19; on banquets campaign, 18–19; biographical note, 304; chronology, xxxvii–xxxviii; conversations of AdT with associates of, xvi; formation of new government (Feb. 23, 1848), 23, 24; frustrations of AdT with, xvi; governmental role as viewed by, 10–11; irrelevance following revolution of 1848, 56–57; metamorphosis into a pear (illustration by Philipon, 1830), 9; Lord Normanby and, 311; views of AdT on, 5–8, 46. See also July Monarchy

Löwenhielm [Lowenhelm], Gustaf, count, 211; biographical note, 304

Luisa Fernanda (Spanish infanta), 6n1

Luxembourg Commission, xvii, 276, 294, 326

Lyon, xxii, xxxix, 116, 151, 155, 175

Magen, Hippolyte, 213; biographical note, 305

Magnan, Bernard-Pierre, 210, 309; biographical note, 305

Magne, Pierre, 190; biographical note, 305

Malesherbes, Chrétien-Guillaume de Lamoignon de, xxxvii

Malleville, François-Jean-Léon de, 186; biographical note, 305

Maria Amalia (queen of France), 191

Marie, or Slavery in the United States (Beaumont, 1835), 275

Marie, Pierre Thomas, xvii, 37, 193; biographical note, 305–6

Marie-Antoinette (queen of France), 304

Marrast, Armand: on Bastide, 274; biographical note, 306; constitutional commission and, 119, 120, 121, 123, 125–26, 129–30; Dornès and, 287; dress of Constituent Assembly members and, 73; in June Days, 117; on Lamartine and Crèmieux, 41; in provisional government, xvii; sybaritic tastes of, 123, 274

Marseillaise, La (former and future French national anthem), 93

Martin, Alexandre (Albert), xvii

Martin, Édouard (Martin de Strasbourg), 129; biographical note, 306

Marx, Karl: babouvisme influencing, 272; The Class Struggles in France, 1848–1850 (1850), xv, xvin9; compared to AdT, xxx; on coup of Louis-Napoléon, xxiii; The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte (1852), xv, xxiii; Misery of Philosophy: A Response to the Philosophy of Misery of M. Proudhon (1847), 317; Proudhon and, 317; on rescindment of universal suffrage in France, xvi; right to work and, 236n25

Mauguin, François, 248; biographical note, 306

Maximilian II (king of Bavaria), 315

May 15 (1848) invasion of Constituent Assembly, xix, 82–90, 91, 92, 120

Mazarin, Cardinal, 303, 319

Mazzini, Giuseppe, xxii, 282, 285

McLellan, George, 312

Memoirs from Beyond the Grave (Chateaubriand, 1848–50), 283

Memoirs of a Royalist (Falloux, 1888), 291

Mérimée, Prosper, 95, 272, 288; biographical note, 306–7

Metternich, Klemens von, 298, 322

Michel, Louis-Chrysostome (Michel de Bourges), 211, 283, 288, 326; biographical note, 307

middle-class spirit of government during July monarchy, 4–5, 152

Mignet, François-Auguste, 324

military character of recent revolutions in France, 209–10

Mill, John Stuart, xxiii, 277, 295

Milnes, Robert Monckton, 95; biographical note, 307

Mirabeau, Honoré-Gabriel Riqueti, comte de, 13; biographical note, 307–8

Misanthrope, Le (Molière, 1666), 44, 308

Misery of Philosophy: A Response to the Philosophy of Misery of M. Proudhon (Marx, 1847), 317

Mobile Guard, 83, 89–90, 94, 102

Molé, Louis-Mathieu, comte: biographical note, 308; Bugeaud and, 279; on causes of revolution of 1848, 44; Caussidière pardoned by, 280; in Chamber of Deputies, xvii; Dufaure compared, 24; elections of 1849 and formation of new government, 134; end of era of, AdT on, 231; Feb. 23–24, 1848, events of, 23, 26, 29, 185, 189; foreign ministry of AdT and, xxi, 164–65; Legislative Assembly and, 153; Louis-Napoléon and, 158, 212–13; Louis-Philippe and, 304, 308; notes for period from June 1848 to June 1849, 195; reactions of former parliamentarians to revolutionary events, 57; Royer-Collard and, 321; in secret ballot (May 1848), 94–95; Senior and, 323; views of AdT on, xxvi, 252

Molière (Jean-Baptiste Poquelin), 44, 71; biographical note, 308

Moniteur, Le (periodical), 11, 90, 92, 148, 209, 210, 213, 214, 221

Moniteur Universel, Le (periodical), 277–78

Monnier, Luc, xvn7

Montagnards: in Constituent Assembly, 73–74, 77–79, 81; on constitutional commission, 119; coup of 1851 and, 203, 211; of first French Revolution, 51, 73; June Days and, 95, 103, 118; in Legislative Assembly, 132, 133, 134, 135, 147, 149, 150, 152, 156, 158; May 15, 1848, invasion of Constituent Assembly and, 85; notes for period from June 1848 to June 1849, 194; Roman affair and June 1849 insurrection, 149, 150, 151, 156, 197; secret ballot (May 1848) and, 95; unwillingness of AdT to work with, xiv–xv

Montaigne, xxix

Montalembert, Charles-René, comte de, 98, 298, 300; biographical note, 308–9

Montalivet, Marthe-Camille-Bachasson, comte de, 189; biographical note, 309

Montesquieu, Charles-Louis de Secondat, baron de, xxvii, xxx, 257–58

Montijo, Countess of, 307

Montpensier, duc de, 6n1, 191

Mont Ventoux, xxxi

Morny, Charles-Auguste, duc de, 205, 207, 302, 305, 321; biographical note, 309

Mountain, the. See Montagnards

Murad Pasha (Joseph Bem), 179, 275, 287

Musset, Alfred de, 288

My Prisons (Pellico, 1832), 314

Nantes, revocation of edict of, 303

Napoleon I (emperor): biographical note, 309; Chateaubriand and, 283; chronology, xxxvii; coup of Louis-Napoléon on anniversary of coronation of, xxiii; history of, plans of AdT to write, xviii; invasion of Russia (1812), 309, 318; Molé and, 308; Waterloo, battle of, xxxvii, 278, 290, 303, 309, 313, 318

Napoleon III (emperor). See Louis-Napoléon (later Napoleon III)

National, Le (newspaper), xvii, 120, 212, 274, 276, 282, 287, 294, 306, 314, 324, 326

National Assembly. See Constituent Assembly (of 1848–49); Legislative Assembly

National Guard: elections of 1848 and, 68; Feb. 22–24, 1848, events of, 24, 26–33, 37–38, 41–42, 185, 186, 190; at Festival of Concord, 92–93; in June Days, 99, 101, 102, 103, 106–10, 112, 117, 244–45; June insurrections of 1849 and, 149, 155; Lafayette and, 299; May 15, 1848, events of, 89–90; in period between Festival of Concord and June Days, 93, 94; in presidential elections, 195

National Workshops: creation of, xvii, 276; decree reducing number of workers in, xxxviii; dissolution of, 100, 325–26; June Days insurrectionists drawn from, 102; June Days insurrection over closure of, 97–98, 276–77; population of, in period between Festival of Concord and June Days, 94

Necker, Jacques, 304

Négrier, François-Marie-Casimir de, 117; biographical note, 310

Nemours, Louis d’Orléans, duc de, 35, 37, 187, 191; biographical note, 310

Nesselrode, Count Karl von, 183; biographical note, 310–11

Neue Rheinische Zeitung (periodical), xvi

Ney, Michel, 275

Nicholas I (czar), 6, 167–68, 292, 300, 310, 317–18; biographical note, 311

Ni Dieu Ni Maître (newspaper), 277

Normanby, Constantine Henry Phipps, Lord, 181; biographical note, 311

Normandy: Chamber of Deputies, AdT as representative in, xiii, xvi–xvii, xxxviii, 8, 11–14; Conseil général de la Manche, xviii, xl, 67; coup of 1851, retirement of AdT after, 268–69; description of AdT’s département of La Manche, 61–64; election campaign of 1848 in, xviii–xix, 61–69; first part of Recollections composed in, xvi–xviii, xxxix; medical rest for AdT in, xiv, xvi, xviii; revolution of 1848, reaction to, 62–64; terror measures, following coup of 1851, in, 208; Tocqueville, estate of, 68–69, 268

Novara, battle of, 165, 174

Œuvres complètes (AdT, 1951–), 221n2, 329–30

Ollivier, Émile, 316, 324–25

On Civil Liberty and Self Government (Lieber, 1853), 303

On the Causes of the Inequality of Riches (Passy, 1848), 313

Organization of Labor, The (Blanc, 1839), 276

Orleanists, xiv, 265, 312

Orléans, duc d’, 207, 304

Orléans, Hélène-Louise-Elisabeth, duchesse d’: biographical note, 311–12; escape of, xvii, 39–40, 41–42, 66, 187, 192, 312; regent, proposed as, xvii, 35–38, 191, 286, 289, 296, 310, 312; sympathy of AdT for, xxxiii, xxxiv, 35, 39–40

Orléans, Louis-Philippe-Albert d’, comte de Paris, xvii, 35, 37, 38; biographical note, 312

Oudinot de Reggio, Nicolas-Charles-Victor, xxxix, 41–42, 287, 315; biographical note, 312

Outline of the Science of Political Economy, An (Senior, 1836), 323

Owen, Robert, 279

Paillet, Alphonse-Gabriel-Victor, 212; biographical note, 313

Palmerston, Lord Henry John Temple, 6, 176, 183; biographical note, 313

Paris, Louis-Philippe-Albert d’Orléans, comte de, xvii, 35, 37, 38, 312

Paris: cholera in, 147, 197; declarations of state of siege in, xxii, 104–6, 108, 149–51, 156, 197, 244; on Feb. 25 (1848), 49–52; in June Days, 98–99, 100, 103, 104–10, 113–15, 117, 245; provincial suspicion of, 62–64, 94; on return of AdT after elections, 71–72; Rome, demonstrations against invasion of, 149–51

Parson, Colonel, 209, 271

Pascal, Blaise, xxx, 300

Passy, Hippolyte, 139–40, 161, 200; biographical note, 313

Patrie, La (periodical), 209

Paulin, Captain, 207, 271

Paulmier, Charles-Pierre-Paul, 21; biographical note, 314

Paulmier, Mme, 21

Péan, Nicolas-Lucien-Émile, 212; biographical note, 314

Pellagot, Colonel, 214; biographical note, 314

Pellico, Silvio, 41, 272; biographical note, 314

Perrier, Joseph, 207; biographical note, 314

Persigny, Victor-Fialin, duc de, 165, 195, 305, 309; biographical note, 314–15

petit-cheval, 205

Petrarch, xxxi

Peyronnet, Charles-Ignace, comte de, 19, 321; biographical note, 315

Pfordten, Karl Ludwig, baron von der, 172; biographical note, 315

Philipon, Charles, King Louis Philippe’s metamorphosis into a pear (1830), 9

Pichegru, Jean-Charles, 316

Piedmont, during foreign ministry of AdT, xxi, 165–66, 174–76, 199

Piétri, Pierre-Marie, 209; biographical note, 315

Pius IX (pope), xxi, xxii, xxxix, 249–51, 285; biographical note, 315. See also Roman affair

Pleiades, The (Gobineau, 1874), 294

Plichon, Charles-Ignace, 215; biographical note, 316

Poland: during foreign ministry of AdT, 173, 179, 181, 271, 311; Lamennais’s support for, 300; May 15, 1848, demonstration for independence of, xix, 82–90, 286; Wolowski and nationalist cause, 83, 327

Polignac, Jules-Armand, prince de, 19, 315, 321; biographical note, 316

Political Ethics (Lieber, 1838), 303

Portalis, Auguste-Joseph-Melchior de, 25; biographical note, 316

Poussin, Guillaume Tell, xxiv

poverty and revolution, 221–22

precocious republicans (républicains de la veille), xix, 70, 129

presidency. See executive branch

press. See freedom of the press and specific newspapers and periodicals by name

Presse, La (periodical), 293–94

property rights, 11, 236–41, 317

Proudhon, Pierre-Joseph, xix, 236–37, 236n26; biographical note, 317; Daumier’s illustration of (1849), 237

provisional government: Cavaignac as head of, xxi, 146, 193, 194; Constituent Assembly, on dress of, 72–73; Festival of Concord set up by, 90–91; formation of, xvii, 41–43; muskets provided to workers by, 94; provisions immediately passed by, xvii; universal male suffrage, failure to understand, 70–71

Prussia. See Germany

public charity clause, xx

Qu’est-ce que la propriété? (Proudhon, 1840), 237n28, 317

Radetzky, Joseph Radetz von, 175, 322; biographical note, 317

Radetzky March (Strauss, 1848), 317

Radziwill, Prince Léon, 179; biographical note, 317–18

railroads, proposed nationalization of, 98

Randon, Jacques-Louis-César-Alexandre, comte de, 206; biographical note, 318

Raspail, François-Vincent, xxxix, 85, 297, 301; biographical note, 318

Récamier, Juliette, 272, 283

Recollections (AdT), xiii–xxvii; American republic in, xxiv; character of, AdT on, 3–4; composition of, xiv, xvi–xxii, xxxix, 319; coverage of revolution in, xv–xvi; letters from AdT on writing of, 255–58, 269–70; literary style of, xxiv, xxix–xxxvi; publication history, xv, 255; theorist of democracy, AdT as, xxiii–xxvii, 44–49; uninhibited style of, xv

Réforme, La (periodical), xvii, 280, 305

religion, AdT on general return to, 263–64

Rémusat, Charles-François-Marie, comte de: biographical note, 318; Feb. 24, 1848, events of, 26, 190, 191; on Feray’s gambling, 291; in June Days, 104; Lasteyrie and, 301; on Louis-Philippe, 7–8; notes for period from June 1848 to June 1849, 194; reactions of former parliamentarians to revolutionary events, 57; refusal to join new government, 137; Royer-Collard and, 321; Thiers and, 137, 164–65; wife of, 274

républicains de la veille (precocious republicans), xix, 70, 129

republican government: as goal of Barrot cabinet, 143–44, 153; Third Republic, 280, 297, 299, 302, 310, 323, 324, 325; AdT’s concept of, 224–26. See also Second Republic

Reshid Pasha, Mustafa, 178, 271 292; biographical note, 319

restriction of liberty, acceptable reasons for, xxv, xxvi

Retz, Jean-François-Paul de Gondi, Cardinal de, 58; biographical note, 319

Révolution, La (periodical), 305

revolutionary agitations in 1849: after elections, 135, 136, 147; June insurrection, 149–51, 155–56, 169, 197; plot of July 1849 to overthrow constitution, 158–59

revolution in France, AdT on cycle of, xxiii, 47–48, 245–46

revolution of 1789. See French Revolution (from 1789)

revolution of 1830, xxxvii, 4–5, 26–27, 46, 47, 282, 299. See also July Monarchy; Louis-Philippe (last king of France)

revolution of 1848: abdication and flight of Louis-Philippe, 34, 185–87, 190–92; anticipated by AdT, xiii, xvii, xxxviii, 9–14, 221–22; anticipated by public, 17–18; chronology, xxxviii–xl; coup of Louis-Napoléon ending (1851), xiv, xvi, xxi, xxii–xxiii, xl, 205–15, 265–70; economic repercussions, 223, 230, 294; effects on Italy, 259; Feb. 22, disturbances of, 21–22; Feb. 23, announcement of formation of new government on, 22–24; Daumier’s “Dernier conseil des ex-ministres” (1848), 28; Feb. 24, formation of Second Republic on, 26–33, 28, 185–92; Feb. 25, state of Paris on, 49–52; Festival of Concord (May 21, 1848), xix, 90–93; initial reticence of AdT regarding, xiii, xvii, 24–25, 47–49, 55–61; Normandy, reaction to revolution in, 62–64; precipitating events, 14–20; provisional government, formation of, xvii, 41–43; reactions of former parliamentarians to, 55–61; reflections of AdT on causes of, 44–49, 221–22; socialist character of, 51–55, 236. See also Recollections (AdT); Second Republic

revolutions of 1848 in Europe, 165–84, 209–10, 229. See also foreign ministry of AdT and specific countries by name

Revue des Deux Mondes (periodical), 285, 303

Revue Indépendante (periodical), 302–3

Revue Nationale, La (periodical), 274

Revue Provinciale (periodical), 297

Reynaud, Jean, 302

Ricardo, David, 323

Richelieu, Armand-Jean de Plessis, Cardinal, 58, 304; biographical note, 319

right to work, xx, 235–41, 276

Rivet, Jean-Charles, xx, 187–89, 196, 208; biographical note, 319

Robespierre, Maximilien-François-Marie-Isidore de, xxxvii, 72, 239; biographical note, 319–20

Roger du Nord, Édouard-Léon, 206; biographical note, 320

Roman affair, xxii, 248–51; cabinet of Barrot and, 146–51, 162, 200; chronology, xxxix; Constituent Assembly’s order not to attack, 146; correspondence of AdT with Corcelle regarding, 250–51; domestic ramifications of, 198; elections of 1849 and formation of new government, 134, 135, 136; Legislative Assembly and, 147–51, 162, 197, 248–50; Oudinot and, 312; Pius IX (pope), xxi, xxii, xxxix, 249–51, 285, 315; public demonstrations and June 1849 insurrection, xxxix, 149–51; AdT first learning of, 132, 146; views of AdT on, xxii, 148–49, 160, 195, 196, 197, 200, 248–50

Rouen massacres, 85

Rouher, Eugène, 254; biographical note, 320

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, xxix, xxx, 7n2, 300, 327; biographical note, 320

Rouxel, Jean-Bernardin, 267; biographical note, 321

Royer-Collard, Pierre-Paul, 212; biographical note, 321

Rulhière, Joseph-Marcellin, 139, 140; biographical note, 321

Russia: during foreign ministry of AdT, 167–68, 169, 173, 177–80, 182, 183; Lamoricière as ambassador to, xxi, 153, 167–68, 173, 177, 182–83; Napoleon’s invasion of (1812), 309, 318

Saint-Arnaud, Armand-Jacques-Achille-Leroy de, 210, 305, 309, 318; biographical note, 321

Saint Bartholomew’s Day massacre, xix

Saint-Simon, Claude Henri de Rouvroy, comte de, and Saint-Simonians, 236n23, 236n25, 274, 278–79, 280, 300, 302, 316, 324; biographical note, 321–22

Sallandrouze de Lamornaix, Charles-Jean, 21–22, 187; biographical note, 322

Sand, George (Aurore Dudevant, née Dupin), xix, 95–96, 288, 307

Sauzet, Jean-Pierre, 33–34; biographical note, 322

Savoye, Henry-Charles-Joseph, 248; biographical note, 322

Schwarzenberg, Felix, Prince of, 176, 292; biographical note, 322–23

Second Republic: activities of AdT in, xiii, xviii, 60–61; cabinet’s goal of sustaining, 143–44, 153; coup staged by Louis-Napoléon (December 1851) ending, xiv, xvi, xxi, xxii–xxiii, xl, 205–15, 265–70; elections of 1849 and formation of new government, xxxix, 132–39, 195, 196–200, 247; foreign ministry of AdT, xxi–xxii; June 1849 insurrection, 149–51, 155–56, 169, 197; May 15, 1848, invasion of Constituent Assembly, xix, 82–90, 91, 92; notes for period from June 1848 to June 1849, 193–96; popular dislike of, 144; presidential election (1848), xx, xxxix, 132, 194–95, 215. See also Constituent Assembly (of 1848–49); constitution and constitutional commission; elections of 1848 (March–May; Constituent Assembly); elections of 1848 (December; presidential election); foreign ministry of AdT; June Days; Legislative Assembly; provisional government secret societies, 208–9, 212

self-interest, AdT on public benefits of, xxv–xxvi

Sénard, Antoine-Marie-Jules, 110; biographical note, 323

Senior, Nassau, xviii, xix, xxvin33, xxxi, 221–22, 295; biographical note, 323

Shakespeare, William, 40

Shiner, L. E., xxxv

Sicily, during foreign ministry of AdT, 165, 167, 291

Siècle, Le (newspaper), 296

slavery in French colonies, abolition of, xvii, 287, 313

Smith, Adam, Wealth of Nations (1776), 313

Sobrier, Marie-Joseph, 87, 88; biographical note, 323

Social Contract (Rousseau, 1762), 320

socialists and socialism: in Constituent Assembly, 74; constitutional commission and, 127; coup of 1851 and, 212; discussion of socialist systems in Constituent Assembly before June Days, 94; June Days and, 97, 112, 118, 127; Leroux and, 302; popular fear of, 94; in provisional government, xvii; refusal of AdT to compromise with, xiv–xv, xxvi–xxvii; revolution of 1848, socialist character of, 51–55, 236; right to work, xx, 235–41, 276; speeches of AdT on, 235–41, 242

Sonderbund, 48n13

Sorrento, AdT in, xviii–xx, xxxix, 44, 255–59

Soult, Prime Minister, 295, 313

Spanish marriages (1846), 6

Spartacus (Magen, 1847), 213

Spencer, John Canfield, xxv

Staël, Albertine de, 278

Stendhal, 307

Stöffels, Charles, 323–24

Stöffels, Eugène, 245–46; biographical note, 323–24

Strauss, Johann, Radetzky March, 317

Swinburne, Algernon, 307

Switzerland: refugee situation in, 170–71; Sonderbund, French support for, 48

Talabot, Léon, xxxiv, 42, 43, 187; biographical note, 324

Tanzimat Reforms in Turkey, 319

Taylor, Zachary, xxiv

Tennis Court Oath, 12

Tennyson, Alfred, Lord, 307

term limits on presidency, xx, xxi, xxii, xxxix, 128, 160, 201, 203–4, 235, 254–55, 260–63

Terror, the (1793–94), xxxvii, 53, 84, 208, 214, 241, 278, 320

terror measures, following coup of 1851, 208–9, 212–15

Thiers, Adolphe: banquets campaign and, 15; Barrot and, xxi, 15, 26, 29; biographical note, 324; Louis Blanc and, 276; Broglie and, 278; cabinet ministers and, 140; on causes of revolution of 1848, 44; in Chamber of Deputies, xvii; compared/contrasted with AdT, xxxiv, xxxv; coup of 1851 and, 208, 211, 212; cowardice of, xxxiv, 42–43; Daumier’s illustration of (1848), 27; Dufaure named minister of justice by (1871), 289; elections of 1848, failure to win in, 73, 231; elections of 1849 and formation of new government, 134, 137; Feb. 24, 1848, events of, 26, 29, 36, 42–43, 185–91; foreign ministry of AdT and, xxi, 164–65, 199; Havin compared to, 296; Histoire de la Révolution (1823–27), 53, 256, 257, 324; History of the Consulate and the Empire, 324; in June Days, 104, 115–16; Legislative Assembly and, 153; letter of AdT to Beaumont (September 1848) on, 246–47; Louis-Napoléon and, 158, 259n51; Molé on, 213; Lord Normanby and, 311; notes for period from June 1848 to June 1849, 194, 195; comte de Paris and, 312; reactions of former parliamentarians to revolutionary events, 57; Rémusat and, 318; revolution Thiers, Adolphe of 1830 and, 282; Roman affair and June 1849 insurrection, 148–49, 197, 199; Sauzet and, 322; in secret ballot (May 1848), 94–95; on Spanish marriages, 6n1; Vaulabelle and, 326; views of AdT on, xxvi; Vivien and, 327

Third Republic, 280, 297, 299, 302, 310, 323, 324, 325

Tocqueville, Alexandrine de (nèe Ollivier; sister-in-law), 29–30; biographical note, 324–25

Tocqueville, Alexis de (AdT): on acceptable restrictions of liberty, xxv, xxvi; on Ancien Régime, 4, 6, 12–13, 47, 73, 143, 267; The Ancien Régime and the Revolution (1856), xiv, xviii, xxix, xxxi, xxxv–xxxvi, xl, 275, 293, 295, 313; anticipating revolution of 1848, xiii, xvii, xxxviii, 9–14; cellular system of imprisonment advocated by, 291; in Chamber of Deputies, xiii, xvi–xvii, xxxviii, 8, 11–14; chronology, xxxvii–xl; conservatives, willingness to work with, xiv, xxvi; constitutional monarchy, commitment to, xiii, xvii, 143; courage valued by, xxxiii–xxxv, 76, 107; Daumier’s illustration of (1849), 141; death of (1859), xiv, xl; in Germany, xxix, xl, 132; initial reticence regarding revolution of 1848, xiii, xvii, 24–25, 47–49, 55–61; jailed briefly, following coup of 1851, xxiii, xl, 205, 266, 268; leftists, unwillingness to work with, xiv, xxvi–xxvii, xxxiii; in Legislative Assembly, xxxix; literary style of, xxiv, xxix–xxxvi; Louis-Napoléon, conversation between AdT and (May 1851), 201–2; money, instructions to wife to set aside, 230; nephews of, xv, 49–50, 103, 104; oath of loyalty to new regime, refusal to swear (1852), xl; Œuvres complètes (AdT, 1951–), 221n2, 329–30; porter’s threat to murder, during June Days, 111–12; pulmonary tuberculosis suffered by, xiv, xvi, xviii, xx, xxxix, 3, 195, 258; on republican government in France, 143–44; Second Republic, activities in, xiii, xviii, 60–61; in Sorrento, xviii–xx, xxxix, 44; suspected of being closet legitimist, xviii, xxiii; as theorist of democracy, xiv, xvii, xxiii–xxvii, xxx–xxxi, 44–49; in Versailles, xx–xxii, xxxix, 132. See also Democracy in America (AdT, 1835/1840); letters of AdT; Normandy; Recollections (AdT); revolution of 1848

Tocqueville, Édouard, baron de (brother), 29–30, 265–66; biographical note, 325

Tocqueville, Hervé de, comte de (father), xxxvii, 111, 244

Tocqueville, Hippolyte, vicomte de (brother), 244, 278; biographical note, 325

Tocqueville, Louise-Madeleine de (mother), 283

Tocqueville, Marie de (née Mottley; wife), xv, xviii, xxxviii, 17–18, 101, 104, 111, 133, 227–30, 244, 300; biographical note, 325

Tocqueville (estate in Normandy), 68–69

Tracy, Alexandre Destutt de, 139, 140–41, 142, 287

Trainel (soldier), 210, 271

Trélat, Ulysse, 88; biographical note, 325–26

Tribune, La (newspaper), 306

Turgot, Anne-Robert-Jacques, 304

Turkey during foreign ministry of AdT, xxi, 165, 177–84

Turkish Embassy, AdT attending gala ball at, 16

Tyler, John, xxv

United Kingdom. See England

United States: Chateaubriand in, 283; Civil War in, 297, 303, 312; constitution, xxv, 120, 128, 233; democracy, AdT on, 240; election campaign of AdT in 1848 and, 225–26; foreign ministry of AdT and, xxiv; French in American Revolution, 304; French socialists founding communities in, xxvii, 279, 284; Louis-Philippe in, 304; naval dominance of England and, xxiv, 226; in Recollections, xxiv; universal male suffrage in, 262. See also Democracy in America (AdT, 1835/1840)

universal male suffrage: constitutional commission on, xx; Cormenin on, 131; Daumier’s Universal suffrage (c. 1850), 63; declaration by provisional government, xvii; in elections of 1849 (Legislative Assembly), 133; energizing effect on AdT, xviii, 77; failure of provisional government to understand, 70–71; first elections in France allowing, xiv; letter of AdT on, 231–32; president, election of, 126–27, 241–42, 261–63; representatives resulting from, 75–76; rescindment (Law of May 31, 1850), xvi, xxxix, 202, 206

Urusova, Sofya, 317

Vaulabelle, Achille-Tenaille de, 120, 123; biographical note, 326

Vavin, Alexis, 22; biographical note, 326

Versailles, AdT in, xx–xxii, xxxix, 132

Victor Emmanuel I (ruler of Piedmont-Sardinia), 165–66, 282

Victor Emmanuel II (king of Italy), 315

Victoria (queen of England), 6n1 Vieillard, Narcisse, 67; biographical note, 326

Vitet, Louis-Ludovic, 211; biographical note, 326–27

Vivien de Goubert, Alexandre-François-Auguste, 119, 121, 128, 129, 134, 193; biographical note, 327

Voleur, Le (The Thief, periodical), 293

Voltaire (François-Marie Arouet), xxv, 67, 198n33; biographical note, 327

Voyage to Icaria (Cabet, 1840), 279

Warning to Proprietors (Proudhon, 1842), 317

Washington, George, 120, 304

Waterloo, battle of, xxxvii, 278, 290, 303, 309, 313, 318

Weber, Max, xxxiv

Wilson, Woodrow, xxv

Wolowski, Louis, comte de, 83; biographical note, 327

women: Festival of Concord, maidens in white at, 92; in June Days insurrection, 97, 103; as writers, 96, 253

workday limits, provisional government instituting, xvii

Year of Revolution (Normanby, 1857), 311