Keep Your Intuition
Congratulations, you have almost completed the book. You now understand how you have a unique spiritual communication system specially designed to guide you on your path and support your goals. Plus you have received a toolkit of meditation techniques to support your intuition development. In this chapter, you will document the unique profile of intuitive abilities you were born with and relate them to your life purpose. You will discover how to keep your intuition flowing and follow your intuition development plan.
Identify Your Intuition Blueprint
When people come to me for a Psychic Ability Blueprint,41 I access their information from an altered state of consciousness, called a trance. This enables me to read their chakras and aura, access their Akashic Records, and communicate with their soul or higher self. You can learn to channel information from a trance state too. This involves mastery over your energy system and chakras. An appropriate preparation for this is to lay a strong foundation using the meditation techniques taught in this book. You will now explore your intuition using these techniques, and do some fun self-exploration exercises. You’ll start to identify your Intuition Blueprint by exploring your intuition experiences and challenges.
Refresh your memory on the types of intuition, outlined in Part Two, and then complete two exercises for each, described below.
Your Intuition Experiences Exercise
Everyone has stories about intuition. Use the techniques you learned in Chapter 16 to Chapter 20 to enter a relaxed state. Ground, center, and run your energies. Then recall times when you used your intuition. Even if it isn’t something you previously would have called intuition.
After the meditation, list your experiences in as much detail as possible. Next, identify which chakras and styles of intuition you used. Refer to chapters in Part Two to remind you about them. You may want to do several meditations, using the examples in those chapters to prompt your memory.
Take the time to recall as many incidences as you can. I suggest creating a table in your notebook with three columns. Describe your intuition experiences in the left column. Then put the relevant chakra in the middle column, and the form of intuition you used in the column next to that.
Your Intuition Challenges Exercise
Identifying how you block your intuition can also give you clues to your life purpose and unique profile of intuitive gifts. What appear to be our biggest challenges can become our greatest gifts when we overcome them.
At the end of Chapter 4, you identified your main life challenges. You related each challenge to a specific chakra. Turn to this page in your notebook. Many of the stories in Part Two describe people like you, who had struggled to overcome challenges in order to develop their gifts. Refer back to these stories and reflect on how you relate to them. Add any new examples you become aware of to your list.
After updating your list, use the techniques from the book to enter a relaxed state. Ground, center, create and explode roses, and run your Earth and cosmic energies. Choose a challenge from your list. Ask how it relates to your personal intuition style. You might be surprised at what emerges. Go through your list, and after meditating on each item, record the information you received. Refer to Table 1 in Chapter 1 to remind yourself of all the different intuitive abilities and their relationship to the chakras.
Create Your Intuition Chart
Take what you learned in the above exercises and use it to create Your Intuition Chart. The purpose of this exercise is to get to know yourself better and build awareness of your overall Intuition Blueprint. It doesn’t matter if your experience has been positive or challenging. Either way, it indicates an area where you are focused as spirit.
Create a copy of the chart found in Figure 2. Then transfer the number of intuition stories and challenges from the previous two exercises into the appropriate row and column. To get your final scores, add up the two numbers in each row to see where there is a concentration of experience.
Chakra |
Ability |
Experiences |
Challenges |
Total |
First |
Survival |
Second |
Clairsentience |
Third |
Energy Distribution |
Astral Experience |
Fourth |
Affinity |
Oneness |
Fifth |
Clairaudience |
Inner Voice |
Broad Band Telepathy |
Narrow Band Telepathy |
Pragmatic Intuition |
Sixth |
Clairvoyance |
Abstract Intuition |
Seventh |
Trance Mediumship |
Claircognizance |
Sixth, Seventh |
Precognition |
H, 6, 7 |
Psychometry |
Hands 6, 7, 1 |
Healing |
Telekinesis |
Figure 2: My Intuition Chart Example
Review the scores to see if it makes sense to you. For example, perhaps you have the potential to be a great communicator and your fifth chakra shows a strong focus. Or you are more sensitive to emotions and your clairsentience has a higher score. If you have a lot of challenges in an area, this tells you where you are in the spectrum of developing this ability and being clear about its messages. This is not a scientific assessment of your intuition, nor are your results set in stone; rather, they are pointers to help you explore yourself more deeply and make sense of your abilities as they exist today.
Review the entire chart to see if certain intuition styles stand out and if there is a pattern. As you explore your Intuition Blueprint, ask how it makes sense given what interests you, or what you feel passionate about. As you can see from your list of intuition stories and challenges, you’ve had clues about your intuitive gifts your whole life. If you are mainly following your life purpose free from influences that keep you out of alignment, you might have had more positive experiences. If you have been programed to follow someone else’s ideal for your life, then you might have had more challenges.
The chart points to your unique profile of intuitive gifts, which reflect what you are calling forth this lifetime. It is a starting point to further developing your intuitive abilities.42 High or low scores don’t mean you are good or bad at something. If you haven’t experienced clairvoyance or other abilities, you can learn to. The path of the intuitive involves a meditation practice to turn within, self-healing to clear what gets in your way, and energy tools to help you access your information. When you are in a state of nonresistance, you are in alignment with your higher self and your intuitive abilities flow easily. If you are resisting your life in any way, the energy in your chakras can become blocked and so does your intuition.
What stops your intuition is twofold: first, there are things that get in your way, and second, nobody has taught you how to do it. You can use the meditation techniques presented in this book to release what blocks you, and to help you access your messages. I recommend you commit to a daily meditation regime and practice the techniques you have learned. The more you use them, the clearer you will be and your intuition will flow. It is also a good idea to decide which intuitive gifts you wish to develop further and make a plan to do so.
Your Daily Meditation Practice
You have learned how to use meditation to clear blocks, limiting beliefs, and other energies from your field. Be patient and take the time you need to clean your energy field. How much time you need will depend on your unique circumstances. The good news is you can clear it in less time than it took to accumulate, and there will be a tipping point when you will feel clearer than before. Each time you let something go, you raise your vibration, which makes it easier for you to access and validate your intuition.
Even when you pass the tipping point, you will still have new experiences to process and ongoing exposure to various energies and people. If you offer readings and healings, you might absorb your client’s energy. Even if you don’t, you still have family, friends, pets, news reports, shopping trips to crowded supermarkets, and other ways to develop disturbances. You can stay on top of it by having a daily meditation practice. Think of it like cleaning your teeth or taking a shower. Do your energy hygiene with the same commitment as your physical hygiene because just as your body gets dirty, the following things can show up in your daily life: physical pain, emotional turmoil, mental anguish, foreign energy, self-limiting beliefs, other people’s information, judgments, expectations, and unhelpful life circumstances.
Limiting energies may have been in your system since you were a single cell, embryo, baby, or even a past life. You don’t yet know what it’s like not to have them. You may feel very different once they’re gone. It is important to clear these unwanted vibrations at a pace that is comfortable for your body. If you clear too many things at once, you may go into overwhelm. The meditation techniques are very powerful. When you use them, your growth will accelerate and your life will change because you are changing what is present in your energy field, and you create your reality as a reflection of what is in this field.
Pay attention to the shifts in your reality as you do this work. Changes that happen in your life are no coincidence. Changes you make as spirit using the techniques happen instantly because you are working outside of time and space. However, the body exists in time and space, and it will enter a growth cycle in response to what you have changed. Take a break and slow down if you need to. As you clear out limits, your body will respond and may need recovery time. Be sure to allow the integration time it needs.
You create your reality, and what you create depends on what is in your energy field. You change your energy field when you meditate, and your reality will change as a result. Once you start paying attention to what you stored in your body, it might start offering suggestions about what to clear next. It could draw attention to stored fear, anger, and pain precisely because now you are paying attention. Your growth could be experienced in a gentle or extreme way depending on your relationship with your body. Things will be much easier if you communicate with your body and remain grounded and centered as your growth unfolds.
Pay close attention to your body and its needs during this time. If you are not sure how to talk to your body, imagine it is your child. Tell it you love it. Reassure it that you are listening. Explain that the healing work you are doing is to help it feel better and you plan to take care of it throughout. Remember, as you change it needs to adjust. It might need more or less sleep, exercise, sex, or food. Or it might need a change of scene or a change of diet. Don’t judge, give it what it needs, and it will support your growth.
It is possible to shift your entire reality in an instant. Those who experience this often spend years assembling a new sense of who they are and where they fit in the world. For most people, spiritual growth is gradual. You may need many meditations to clear all your blocks. Things you thought had gone might re-appear weeks or even years later. Don’t get frustrated. You are making progress. It’s just that sometimes there are multiple layers to get through. Use the meditation techniques to peel away the layers as they come up. Trust that divine timing is working to support your growth. When you use your new meditation techniques, you operate consciously as spirit and can identify and release the energies causing your problems.
Meditation to Clear Your Intuition Blocks
Now that you have learned all five techniques, you may use them to transcend your limits. You can use them to clear the seven major blocks to intuition covered in Chapter 5. Review your notes to remind yourself which of the intuition blocks you resonated with the most. Whether it was having a busy life, being unable to quiet your mind, being unable to calm your emotions, or approaching your intuition through effort, perfectionism, logic, doubt, or fear. You can use this meditation to shift these blocks and free yourself to act on your intuition.
• Sit in a straight-back chair with your feet on the floor and hands in your lap.
• Breathe deeply in and out. Remember this is your time to relax.
• Create your grounding cord and release distractions.
• Run your Earth energy up your leg channels and down your grounding cord.
• Run your cosmic energy down your back channels, and up your front channels.
• Let it branch off near the cleft of your throat, and flow down your arms and out your palms.
• Get yourself centered, so you can be:
• above your emotions
• apart from your noisy intellect
• Create and explode roses to release:
• emotional overwhelm
• your busy monkey mind
• effort, so you can operate as spirit
• perfectionism, so you can accept yourself exactly as you are
• Be aware of any way in which you doubt or fear your intuition.
• Allow the flow of energies to clear your doubt and fear.
• Release them down your grounding cord and by creating and exploding roses.
• Let go of all resistance to following your intuition down your grounding cord.
Give yourself permission to repeat this meditation often. Each time you do, it you will clear more limits. You will raise your vibration, and it will be progressively easier for you to access your intuition.
Meditation to Transcend Your Limits
In Chapter 5, you learned the three biggest reasons people resist their own guidance: being influenced by someone else, having low self-esteem, and having self-limiting beliefs. Then at the end of Chapter 6, you also became aware of some of your limiting beliefs and where or from whom they came from. You can now use your meditation techniques to transcend these limits, so you can turn the challenges you listed at the start of this chapter into strengths. You can even use them to clear out old creations and make way for new ones.
• Sit in a straight-back chair with your feet on the floor and hands in your lap.
• Breathe deeply in and out. Remember this is your time to relax.
• Create your grounding cord and release limits to using your intuition.
• Be in the center of your head and create and explode roses to release limits.
• Run your Earth energy up your leg channels and down your grounding cord.
• Run your cosmic energy down your back channels, and up your front channels.
• Let it branch off near the cleft of your throat, and flow down your arms and out your palms.
• Be aware of someone who influenced your beliefs about intuition.
• Release their energy down your grounding cord.
• Create and explode roses to let go of their limiting beliefs about you and your intuition.
• Keep going until you feel a shift in your energy and a sense of relief.
• Be aware of any way in which you limit yourself.
• Allow the flow of energies to clear your unworthiness.
• Release self-limiting beliefs down your grounding cord and by creating and exploding roses.
• Validate yourself. You are spirit, you are intuitive. You can create the reality you want.
Do this meditation often, choosing different influencers and limits to work on each time. The more foreign energy and information you clear, the easier it will be for you to connect with your own information. It is helpful to work on your parents, siblings, and spouse, as well as others who have been influential in your life.
Find Your Life Purpose
The more you meditate, the clearer you will become and the easier it will be for you to know who you are and why you are here. You will understand your purpose as a spark of divine consciousness to anchor light in this reality. You will know your unique vibration and gifts to humanity, and you will understand the purpose in each and every moment of your life, no matter how big or small.
Your Intuition Vision and Mission
There are many ways to be an intuitive. I know professionals who consciously use their intuition in many fields of endeavor, including a detective, policewoman, and lawyer. I have met teachers, scientists, nurses, doctors, pharmaceutical sales reps, as well as psychologists and counselors who rely on it as a foundation for their work. Most of my clients are professionals. I have helped CEOs and executives develop their gifts and improve their personal lives and businesses. I have also helped practicing healers and psychics enhance their abilities. You can use your intuitive gifts to make your life better too.
There are also many ways to be a healer. All comedians are healers as it is nearly impossible to feel ill when you are having a belly laugh. This is because laughter instantly raises your vibration above your concerns. Having a life purpose as a healer doesn’t necessarily mean you are a doctor, nurse, healthcare practitioner, dietician, veterinarian, therapist, herbalist, yoga instructor, personal trainer, spiritual teacher, or energy healer; although it can. An environmentalist is a healer. So is a woman who shares her story of dealing with breast cancer to inspire recovery of others; a mother who soothes her child’s scraped knee; a hairdresser who listens to her client’s woes; and a car mechanic who greets his customers with a smile and makes them feel better about their broken car.
To affirm where you fit in terms of using your intuition, meditate on how you want to apply what you have learned in this book. Then you can be certain if you want to use it to be of service to others, in your work, or elsewhere in your life.
• Sit up straight, feet on the floor and hands in your lap.
• Breathe deeply in and out and relax.
• Start by grounding and centering.
• Run your Earth and cosmic energies.
• Create and explode roses to release doubt.
• Be in the center of your head.
• Visualize yourself in the future using your intuition.
• Notice what you are doing.
• Observe how you are using it.
• Be aware how it fits into everyday life.
• Reflect on your life mission.
• Be aware of how your intuition fits this purpose.
• Will you incorporate it into your career or business?
• Are there specific projects you can apply it to?
• Continue in this meditation until you feel complete.
• Create and explode roses to adjust your energy and then open your eyes.
Perhaps you will find that you just want to use it in your daily life, personal meditation practices, or with friends and family. Or maybe you wish to be a professional intuitive or healer. Whatever you discovered, describe your vision and write about your mission in your notebook.
Your Life Purpose Story Exercise
Now let us connect the dots between your Intuition Blueprint and your vision and mission.
Review the information you now have about your intuition and life purpose and look for connections and patterns. Consider how your Intuition Blueprint might help you fulfill your purpose. Write a summary about how your intuition was purpose-built to serve your unique life purpose.
To inspire you, read the stories at the end of Chapter 1 as well as the following additional stories from my practice’s Psychic Ability Blueprint sessions.
Jenny’s Purpose as an Inspired Motivator
Jenny Munford’s Intuition Blueprint indicated a life purpose as an inspired motivator of humanity. When I met her, she was recovering from the dissolution of her once successful business. She learned many lessons about herself and others through this painful time, including how emotions can be a system for guidance or sabotage. She realized the importance of body-spirit communication for positive life experiences and developed her spiritual awareness and emotional intelligence. She had a vision of humanity as an awakened species and her purpose was as a motivator of collective human consciousness. She wanted to create structures that would serve us all. Her business experience was an exploration of these old fear and greed paradigms not working and this enabled her to embody a strong desire for change.
Jenny is a motivational force, here to inspire people to change by planting seeds of possibility. She has the potential to be a motivational speaker and broadcaster. Her chart showed her fifth chakra was blocked in childhood when her parents sought to contain their precocious child. She was an extrovert forced to be an introvert. Now she must clear this invalidation and reclaim her inner voice and ability to self-express. She was telepathic as a child, but turned it down when others couldn’t hear her. By overcoming these blocks, she could unleash her ability to inspire others to step into their highest self-expression too.
Clarity from clairvoyance was a strength she used her whole life, but it made her feel different. She oscillated between being her bright self versus fitting in. She was relieved to hear she could be a beacon of light offering others a chance to shine too. As she spread seeds of awareness, some would grow the seed and others wouldn’t, and that was okay. She could allow everyone space to be where they were. There was a belief that humans are self-destructive that held her back. As a master of manifestation, many of Jenny’s life lessons related to creating and destroying. Her business had been her spiritual training wheels for embodying this information. Her life continues to be a process of being more embodied so she can inspire others. What she created so far is a fraction of what she is capable of. I have no doubt she will continue to heal and expand.
Becky Clears Karma to Fully Use Her Gifts
Becky Kimes is a gifted healer who has created her own healing modalities, assisted by star beings. She wondered why she wasn’t yet creating an abundant healing practice. In her case, all the blocks came from past lives. Her purpose was to clear them, and be a successful healer and teacher. She had many past lives as a seer. Her abilities were amazing but limited due to imprisonment, ridicule, death, and torture in prior lives. Her life plan included overcoming a tendency to please others that made her override her intuition; misusing her power; being manipulated by others for their gain; being blamed when things didn’t work out as others wanted; and fearing her intuition would get her into trouble.
She was working on setting healthy second chakra boundaries so she would no longer let responsibility for others override her needs. She knew her life plan included ministering to groups, but she was afraid this would overwhelm her so she held back on promoting her business. Yet the reading showed she could expand incrementally and adjust her energy in a stepwise fashion. She had lots of energy but had given it away. Now she was seeking a healthy balance. If she focused on herself and divine source, she could hold her own vibration, regardless of what others did. By letting them be where they were, she could rise above and serve as a beacon of light they could be attracted to when they were ready. In prior lives, she received information through prophetic dreams. This time, she wished to experience her gifts in an awakened state.
Becky’s fifth chakra was her main growth area, where she was releasing karmic imprints of misuse of power, self-judgment, regrets, fear of being wrong, and mistrust of others, so she could help create a new Earth. Seniority with her inner voice would allow her own perspective, no matter what others said. By releasing a pattern of using telepathy to intuit what others wanted, she could apply it in teaching. Becky’s clairvoyance and abstract intuition were powerful. She had used different symbolic systems in past lives, but pain and invalidation diminished her ownership of her sixth chakra in this life. She was working on reclaiming it in present time. She was releasing doubt that humans can change so she could fully express these gifts. The plan for her life was poised to manifest, and as she does her inner work, I’m sure she will actualize her dreams.
Karishma and the New Generation of Implementers
Karishma studied journalism but was working in a tech company. She felt a strong urge to write about women’s empowerment. During our session, Mother Mary and Mother Teresa came through. They heard her call to be of service, and they were guiding her to fulfill this dream and help create a more balanced society. Karishma was amazed because she had been thinking about Mother Teresa all that week. As it turned out, she had a past life working with her.
As we delved into her life story, more emerged about her purpose. Initially, she was embedded in a reality where she could witness the disempowerment of women. This helped spark her passion. In childhood, she struggled to stay in her body due to seizures. This fight between body and spirit was caused by a shocking birth experience, which she healed by using her clairsentience and inner voice to open communication with her body. Then her trance mediumship and energy distribution focused her energy through her body. All that remained was to gain seniority over her intellect. Then she could channel new ideas using her knowingness and trance mediumship, and use her intellect to translate the information through her writing.
Karishma’s fifth chakra was a major part of her growth. Her inner voice was helping her have and express her unique point of view. Her telepathy would help her ideas gain mass appeal and build group consensus on better ways of doing things. She wanted her ideas on women’s empowerment to be inclusive and result in harmony. She is part of a new wave of light workers who are implementers of the new world. Many of the older light workers have felt alone, but Karishma would be part of a cohesive group. Her pragmatic intuition was helping her follow the breadcrumbs. Her clairvoyance was helping her have clarity about new ways of being and to clearly express these high vibration options. Her claircognizance was helping her receive ideas from lightening presences such as Mother Teresa and Mother Mary. They were helping her open her heart to imagine what our world would be like if it was governed by a mother’s love.
Your Intuition Development Plan
Reading this book, and exploring your intuition, life purpose, challenges, and desires have already stimulated growth. Now is a good time to reflect on your journey and make a commitment to continue what you started. By following the exercises in this book, you are already well on your way to developing your own multidimensional communication system. By continuing to use the meditation techniques to clear your energy field and activate your chakras, your intuition will continue to develop. Here are some examples of what I mean:
• By practicing grounding, you, the high vibration being, can occupy your body.
• By centering, you stimulate your pineal gland and activate your clairvoyance.
• By sitting in your crown, you enter a state of being and receive your information.
• By creating and exploding roses, you become a master energy manipulator.
• If you see the roses, you see clairvoyantly.
• If you know the roses are there, you use your knowingness.
• By running your Earth and cosmic energies, you balance your energy and heal yourself.
The paths of the intuitive are varied, and developing each form of intuition offers many adventures. Regardless of your unique style, intuition can help you overcome challenges. Whether you wish to use it for yourself or to be of service, it can help you achieve everything you wish to be, do, and learn.
Your Next Steps for Intuition Development
Your personal Trusted Source will never abandon you and will always guide you. It will show you each step on your path to a life of consciousness and purpose. All your angels and guides are aspects of divine consciousness. They are always available to support you. You can talk to your higher powers through your intuition. One of the best ways to communicate with your higher self and Trusted Source is through your claircognizance. This sense of knowingness is located in your crown chakra. Enter the experience of knowing by placing some of your consciousness in the crown. The following short meditation will help you receive answers from your Trusted Source about your next steps in developing your intuitive senses.
Intuition Next Steps Meditation
• Sit up straight, feet on the floor and hands in your lap.
• Breathe deeply in and out and relax.
• Ground, center and run your Earth and cosmic energies.
• Create and explode roses to cleanse your energy.
• Move your consciousness to the crown of your head.
• Be still and know yourself as spirit.
• Know yourself.
• Know your Trusted Source.
• Know yourself as an aspect of divine consciousness.
• Be still and know your best next steps.
• Are there meditations you want to do regularly?
• Is there a friend you can practice with?
• Do you want to take some courses?
• Be in your crown chakra.
• Ask any question you wish and know the answer.
• Ask another question and effortlessly receive your information.
• Ask questions until you feel complete.
• Create and explode roses to adjust your energy.
Once you have finished meditating, write down everything you became aware of. See if you can formulate them into a series of goals.
Find a Great Intuition Teacher
Everyone is unique. Your intuition profile is completely different from everyone else’s. Your purpose is special to you. You can let it unfold naturally, and you can consciously direct it. A good teacher will use their intuition to help light your way so you do not stumble in the dark. They will keep you accountable so you do not go back to sleep or fall into the traps of your own ego. Spiritual growth is happening always, but it can happen on purpose, and more quickly and easily with an experienced teacher helping you.
Each awakening human forges a unique path of spiritual evolvement. You will explore your chakras like no one else will. There is no particular order you are meant to open them. There is just the way it happens for you. A good teacher recognizes this and will validate that every experience you have is an opportunity to learn.
There are many spiritual systems to choose from to awaken your intuition. The tools presented in this book are ancient. If you choose to use them, they will give you a solid foundation on your path to spiritual awakening. They seem simple and they are, but they work on a multidimensional level and you can do a lot more with them than given so far.
While it is possible for you to unlock your intuition on your own, there is no substitute for a good teacher. The best intuition teachers are those who recognize your uniqueness and help you remember your greatness. They can help you to be honest about where you are in your growth as well as guide you from their wisdom and experience. The “About the Author” section has some information on how to proceed if you would like to work with me. Whatever you choose, remember you can’t ever get it wrong, though you can make it easier.
If you are unsure if a particular teacher or course is right for you, use your intuition to bring certainty. You can make intuitive choices from the center of your head. Use a rose to represent a teacher, course, or modality. If it looks fresh and appealing, it’s a great option; if it’s wilted and unappealing, it isn’t. If you’re choosing between multiple options, create and compare roses for each option. If you follow this guidance, it will steer you on the right path. You can even use two roses to compare doing something versus not.
41. Intuition Blueprint is the process you are using in this book to discover your unique profile of intuitive gifts. Psychic Ability Blueprint refers to my process of accessing your information from your Akashic Record from the trance state.
42. For a complimentary quiz to identify your strongest “clair-ability,” go to