Table of Contents


Chapter One
Grapes and Wine

Grapes: Their Composition and Properties

The Pulp of the Grape

The Seeds and the Tannin

The Grapeskin

Grape Varieties

Grape Varieties and Climatic Variation

Chapter 2


Yeast Nutrients (or Energizer)

Scientific Progress

Malolactic Bacteria

The Fermentation of Red Wine

The Stages of Fermentation

The Fermentation of White Wine

Carbonic Maceration

Chapter 3
Biochemical Aspects and Ecological Concerns

Preserving Techniques

Chemistry in the Service of Winemaking

Sulphur (Sulphur Dioxide)

Potassium Metabisulphate and Other Salts


The Antioxidants






Kielselsol (Claro K.C.)

Other Clarifiers

Pectinase (Pectic Enzymes)


Chapter 4
The Basic Equipment and How to Use It

The Primary Fermentor

The Secondary Fermentor

Barrels or Casks

Other Utensils

The Stirring Spoon

Tubes and Other Instruments Needed for Racking

The Auto-Siphon

The Fermentation Lock

The Hydrometer, the Baster, and the Cylinder

The Thermometer

Carboy Stoppers (or Bungs)

Bottling Equipment


The Bottle-Rinser

The Drainer Stand

The Sulphiter

The Bottle-Filler

The Automatic Bottle-Filler

The Enolmatic


Natural Corks

Plastic Stoppers and Champagne Wires

Capsules and Labels

More Expensive, Specialized Equipment

The Siphon Pump

The Wine Filter

The Grape Crusher

The Wine Press

Chapter 5
The Choice of Must

Concentrated Musts

Concentration Techniques

Concentration by Boiling

Concentration under Vacuum

Concentration by Cryogenization

Concentration by Osmosis

The Availability of Concentrated Musts

Straight Concentrate Format Kits

The 3-Litre Format Kit

The 5 or 5.5-Litre (200 - 250 oz.) Format Kit

Semi-Concentrated Musts

Sterilized Musts

Fresh Musts

Musts From Whole Grapes

Pure Musts vs. Blends

The Art of Blending

A Voluntary Ethical Standard

Paying for Good Value

An Enlightened Choice

The Lifespan of Home-Made Wine

The Wine Maturation Graph

Chapter 6
The Winemaking Process

The Fermentation Stage: A Very Complex Phenomenon

Preparing Yeast Starter


Making Wine from Concentrated Must


Vinification Method for Concentrated Must

Bulk Aging, or Cuvaison

Bottling and Aging

Making Wine with the 28-Day Concentrate Kit

Ingredients (Usually Included)

Vinification Method for the 28-Day Kit

Bulk Aging, or Cuvaison

Bottling and Aging

Making Wine from Sterilized Must

Ingredients (Usually Packaged Together)

Vinification Method for Sterilized Must

Bulk Aging, or Cuvaison

Bottling and Aging

Making Wine from Fresh Must


Vinification Method for Fresh Red Must

Bulk Aging, or Cuvaison

Bottling and Aging

Vinification Method for Fresh White Must

Making Wine from Whole Grapes

Vinification Method for Whole Grapes (Red Wine)

Bulk Aging, or Cuvaison

Bottling and Aging

Vinification Method for Whole Grapes (White Wine)

How To Make Sparkling Wine

The Closed Fermentor and Carbonation

The Closed Fermentor and Refermentation

The Méthode champenoise

The Méthode champenoise Made Easy

Problems and their Solutions

Sluggish Fermentation

Fermentation Will Not Start

Stuck Fermentation

Rotten Egg, or Sulphur Odour

Oxidized Sulphur Odour

Geranium Odour

Overly Acidic Wine

Colour Problems

Chapter 7
Measurements, Scales and Tests

Measurement Equivalents

Temperature Equivalents

Larger Liquid Volumes

Dosage for Products Commonly Used in Winemaking

Potassium Metabisulphite (Sterilant)

Potassium Sorbate



Kielselsol, or Claro K.C

Oak Flavour Extract, or Essence

Oak Chips

Reading and Applying Hydrometer Measurements

The Hydrometer

Precision Test

Reading the Hydrometer

Air Bubbles

Variations in the Readings

Alcohol Rates and the Hydrometer

The Potential Alcohol Scale

Calculating the Alcohol Rate from the Density Reading

Determining the Alcohol Rate without Initial Density or PA Readings

The Brix (or Balling) Density Scale

Various Tests

Determining the Acidity Rate

Sodium Hydroxide Test

Sodium Hydroxide and the pH-meter

Determining the Residual Sugar Rate

Determining the Sulphur Dioxide Content

Altering the Alcohol Rate in Wine

The Pearson Square

To Know the Alcohol Rate of a Blend

Chapter 8
Grape Varieties and Home-Made Wine

Fifty Wine Grape Varieties

