
Note on Transcription

List of Abbreviations and Library Sigla

Introduction: Rethinking Boundaries in Musical Practice and Circulation / Linda Phyllis Austern, Candace Bailey, and Amanda Eubanks Winkler

1. Tudor Musical Theater: Sounds of Religious Change in Ralph Roister Doister / Katherine Steele Brokaw

2. English Jesuit Missionaries, Music Education, and the Musical Participation of Women in Devotional Life in Recusant Households from ca. 1580 to ca. 1630 / Jane Flynn

3. The Transmission of Lute Music and the Culture of Aurality in Early Modern England / Graham Freeman

4. Thomas Campion’s “Superfluous Blossomes of His Deeper Studies”: The Public Realm of His English Ayres / Christopher R. Wilson

5. Oyez! Fresh Thoughts about the “Cries of London” Repertory / John Milsom

6. “Locks, Bolts, Barres, and Barricados”: Song Performance, Gender, and Spatial Production in Richard Brome’s The Northern Lass / Katherine R. Larson

7. “Lasting-Pasted Monuments”: Memory, Music, Theater, and the Seventeenth-Century English Broadside Ballad / Sarah F. Williams

8. The Challenge of Domesticity in Men’s Manuscripts in Restoration England / Candace Bailey

9. A Midcentury Musical Friendship: Silas Taylor and Matthew Locke / Alan Howard

10. Music and Merchants in Restoration London / Bryan White

11. Daniel Henstridge and the Aural Transmission of Music in Restoration England / Rebecca Herissone

12. Courtly Connections: Queen Anne, Music, and the Public Stage / Amanda Eubanks Winkler

13. Disseminating and Domesticating Handel in Mid-Eighteenth-Century Britain / Suzanne Aspden

14. From London’s Opera House to the Salon? The Favourite (and Not So “Favourite”) Songs from the King’s Theatre / Michael Burden

15. Education, Entertainment, Embellishment: Music Publication in the Lady’s Magazine / Bonny H. Miller

Selected Bibliography

List of Contributors
