3  Sets

When you read advanced mathematics books you will see the word “set” show up with great frequency. Since the late 1800s, set theory has been a fundamental approach to describing mathematical objects. For example, if you study abstract algebra you will encounter a statement that begins

A group is a set with a binary operation …

Similarly, in real analysis you study the set, image, of real numbers and properties of various subsets of it.

3.1.  Set Builder Notation

A set is nothing more than a collection of objects, and the objects are referred to as its elements. When a set is quite small, it is usually described by listing its elements inside of squiggly braces. For example, image is a set whose elements are the first three natural numbers. One very small yet very important set is the empty set. This is a set that has no elements, and it is commonly denoted by image or image.

Sets are often described using set builder notation. For example, the set of positive “perfect squares,” which we give the temporary name S, can be described as


The initial statement, image, describes what sort of objects are being considered for membership in S, while the second half describes all of the conditions that are placed on membership. The vertical bar that separates the two halves can be read as “such that,” so that as a sentence we have “S is the set of all natural numbers n such that n is equal to image for some natural number m.”

Exercise 3.1   Complete the statement: image.

We will let image denote the set of all prime numbers:


(Unlike image and image, there is no standard notation for the primes.) This set can be defined using set builder notation:


Here is an example of a “family” of sets defined using set builder notation. For any image, we can define


In other words, image consists of those rational numbers that can be expressed with a denominator that is a power of n. For example image; on the other hand, image for the following reason. Suppose that


for some integers m and k. If image you would have image equaling an integer, so k must be positive. But then cross-multiplying would yield image, and hence image would be even for some image, a contradiction.

Exercise 3.2   Explain why modifying the definition of image to become


does not change its contents.

Exercise 3.3   Prove that image, image, and image. We will return to the sets image at several points, so it is worth spending some time now to understand what elements they contain.

Exercise 3.4   You can explain the existential quantifier usingset theory. If A is a set and P(a) is a statement about image, explain why


are either both true or both false. Then do the same for the universal quantifier


3.2.  Sizes and Subsets

If S is a set with finitely many different elements, then image denotes the number of different elements in S. For example,




as well. If S is not finite then we simply say that S is an infinite set.

We say that A is a subset of B, and we write image, if every image is also an element of B. For example,


If image, and it is known that there is a image with image, then we write image and say that A is a proper subset of B. Thus, image and image. As with image, we use the symbols image and image, so that we may write image.1

A Hasse diagram is sometimes used to display subset relationships in a finite collection of sets, with image if you can follow an ascending path of edges from A to B. For example, Figure 1 shows the subset relationships among all eight possible subsets of image.


Figure 1. A Hasse diagram in the shape of a projected cube, showing all eight subsets of image.

Exercise 3.5   Show that if image, then image. Then, explain why image for image.

EXAMPLE 3.1.   It is important to understand that image and image correspond to different concepts. Let image be the 4-element set whose members consist of three integers and a set of two integers. Then the following are true statements:

(a)   image

(b)   image

(c)   image

(d)   image

Exercise 3.6   Referring to Example 3.1, explain why the following statements are false:

(a)   image

(b)   image

(c)   image

(d)   image

Two sets are equal if they contain exactly the same elements. That is, image if both of the following are true: image implies image, and image implies image. Alternatively, using subset notation we say that image if both image and image.

In the proof of the proposition below, we show that two sets are equal in a standard way. Notice that the word “let” begins both halves of the argument, as you need to start each half with any possible element of the given set.

PROPOSITION 3.2.   image.

PROOF.   We will first show that image, and then that image.

To show that image, let image. If we set image and image, then we know that image as well.

To show that image, let image. By the definition of image, there exist integers m and k such that image. Since image for any k, we know that image.


Exercise 3.7   Determine all of the subset and proper subset relationships among the famous sets image, image, image, and image.

Exercise 3.8   Determine all sets S such that image and image.

For image, we define


In this definition, the two vertical bars have different meanings that should be clear from context: “image equals the set of all integers m such that n divides m.” For example, image.

Exercise 3.9   Prove that image.

3.3.  Union, Intersection, Difference, and Complement

Given two sets A and B, you can combine them into one set:


The resulting set is called the union of A and B. Similarly, you can restrict to common elements:


The resulting set is the intersection of A and B.

These operations are commonly visualized using Venn diagrams. A 2-set Venn diagram is a way of illustrating how two sets may interact with each other, as in Figure 2. The entire shaded region represents image while the smaller, darker region is image. The rectangle acts as a “universal” set containing both A and B as subsets; we will say more about universal sets later in this section.


Figure 2. A 2-set Venn diagram.

You can also have a set that is the difference of two sets:


Notice that in this definition of set difference we do not assume that image. Another common way to write image is image.

REMARK 3.3.   We emphasize that this type of “subtraction” has absolutely nothing to do with the difference of real numbers. For example,


doesn’t involve the calculation of image, and certainly not image!

The symmetric difference of two sets is


Put another way, image. This set is illustrated in Figure 2 by the two somewhat crescent-shaped regions that are lightly shaded.

EXAMPLE 3.4.   If image and image, then

(a)   image

(b)   image

(c)   image

(d)   image

(e)   image

Exercise 3.10   If image and image, the set of primes, determine the following sets.

(a)   image

(b)   image

(c)   image

(d)   image

(e)   image

Exercise 3.11   Two sets A and B are said to be disjoint if they have no common elements; that is, image. Explain whether each of the following statements is logically equivalent to image.

(a)   image and image

(b)   image

We often want to talk about the things that are not in a set A. However, there is a small problem. For example, you might want to point out that


but it would be rather silly to point out that


In a less silly vain, suppose someone says “Pick a number not equal to 1.” Are you allowed to pick image? the golden ratio ϕ? or maybe the imaginary number image? The term “number” hasn’t described a specific domain of discourse, making the request vague.

When talking about elements that are not in a given set, it is always best to make sure that a universal set, the set of elements under consideration, has been made explicit. If U is the universal set, and if image, then the complement of A consists of all of the elements in U that aren’t in A:


For example, if we let image be the universal set, then image is the set of irrational numbers.

Exercise 3.12   Prove that image .

REMARK 3.5.   Because the universal set is not always clear in a given situation, some mathematicians avoid referring to complements of sets, preferring to always write image instead of image.

Exercise 3.13   In this exercise you’ll examine the identity:


(a)   Explain why image by appealing to a Venn diagram.

(b)   Now prove that image without referring to a Venn diagram. Instead argue that any element of image is an element of image, and vice versa.

3.4.  Many Laws and a Few Proofs

There are many elementary facts about set operations that are used quite frequently. The following theorem lists a number of these essentially arithmetic identities. Proofs of two of these identities are presented below; finding proofs for the rest is Exercise 3.51.

THEOREM 3.6.   Let A, B and C be sets. Then the following formulas hold.

Idempotent Laws

(1)   image

(2)   image

Associative Laws

(3)   image

(4)   image

Commutative Laws

(5)   image

(6)   image

Distributive Laws

(7)   image

(8)   image

PROOF OF (3).   We first show that image. To do this, let image. By the definition of the union of two sets, this implies that image or image, which (again by the definition of union) means that image or image or image. This in turn means that image or image, which implies that image. Thus, we have shown that image.

The other half of the proof is Exercise 3.14.


Exercise 3.14   Prove that image, which completes the proof of (3).

PROOF OF (8).   We first show that image. Let image. This implies, by the definition of intersection, that image and image. In particular, image or image. If image, then image, so image. If image, then image, and thus image. The conclusion is that image, proving that image.

The other half of the proof is Exercise 3.15.


Exercise 3.15   Prove that image, which completes the proof of (8).

The associative laws tell us that the manner in which we build the unions and intersections of three sets, two-at-a-time, doesn’t matter. Section 3.5 gives definitions of the union and intersection of an arbitrary number of sets, in a way that is consistent with the associative laws we have just proven and that leads to more general versions of the distributive and other laws.

The following theorem is stated in terms of complements; a complement-free version can be found in Exercise 3.53.

THEOREM 3.7.   Let A and B be subsets of a universal set U. Then

(1)   image

(2)   image

(3)   image if and only if image


(a)   image

(b)   image

PROOF OF (3).   To prove the “only if” half, we use the assumption that image to prove that image. Since we want to show that image, we let image; our goal is to conclude that image.



we know that image. We are assuming that image, so we know that image as well. Since image, x is in the set image, which is exactly the statement that image.

As you might have expected, the proof of the “if” half is Exercise 3.16.


Exercise 3.16   Finish the proof of (3) in Theorem 3.7.

Figure 3 shows a Venn diagram for three sets A, B, and C. When dealing with two or three sets at a time, Venn diagrams are very useful for helping you build instinct and then verify claims; these are important parts of the process of mathematical exploration and explanation. However, Venn diagrams have their limitations, as they might not be helpful for situations involving more than three sets (see Section 3.5 and Exercises 3.57, 3.65, and 3.88). The proofs given so far in this section are the type of general “element” arguments already seen in the proof of Proposition 3.2 and in part (b) of Exercise 3.13. These types of arguments are ubiquitous in many mathematical settings and require practice.


Figure 3. The standard 3-set Venn diagram.

Exercise 3.17   Use a 3-set Venn diagram to investigate the claim that symmetric difference is associative: for any sets A, B, and C,


Exercise 3.18   Let A and B be finite sets. Venn diagrams may be useful for investigating the following:

(a)   Prove image.

(b)   If C is another finite set, is there an analogous formula for image? If so, prove that your formula is correct.

3.5.  Indexing

Section 3.3 discussed the intersection and union of two sets, and Section 3.4 extended these to three sets. What if we want to discuss intersections and unions of more than three sets? In particular, how could we discuss intersections and unions of an infinite number of sets? As an example to motivate these general questions, we look first at a specific infinite collection of nested open intervals on the real number line image.

Recall that image. For each image define an associated open interval


For instance, image, image, and image.

Exercise 3.19   Indicate the first five of these sets on a number line to see why we call them “nested.”

What is the union of all of these intervals? Generalizing the definition of union in Section 3.3, it should consist of all real numbers that are in at least one of the sets image Notationally, we write


which can be read as “the union of the images, taken over all natural numbers n.”



PROOF.   We prove that the two sides of the equation are equal by showing that each is a subset of the other.

Let image. This means that image for some image. Since image for each image, we know that image.

Alternatively, let image. Since image, we know that image, and therefore image.


What is the intersection of these intervals? It should consist of all of the real numbers that are in every one of the sets image



PROOF.   In trying to prove that a set is empty, it is a common tactic to begin by assuming to the contrary that the set is not empty. So to establish the equation we begin by assuming to the contrary that there is some image. Then this x must satisfy


for all image. In particular, if we consider all n of the form image for natural numbers k, then we must have image, and image, and image, and so on. Can any such x exist? The answer is “no”; but a rigorous proof must be postponed until we encounter the Archimedean Property in Section 8.2.


Now let’s define the general concept of indexing. An index set is simply a set I that helps describe a collection of mathematical objects. In the case of sets, the individual sets are written as image, where image. In the example above, the index set image, because there is one set for each natural number. Other options for index sets are image when there are only two sets involved, and image when there’s a set corresponding to each real number.

We can now define unions and intersections of any indexed collection of sets:


Exercise 3.20   Convince yourself that, in the case when I has two elements, these new definitions of union and intersection express the same concept as the definitions given in Section 3.3.

For example, let image, and define image to be the set of points in the plane image that lie on the graph of image for image. Then


consists of all of the points on the curves shown in Figure 4, while the intersection contains only three of them:



Figure 4. The curves image, image, and image.

Exercise 3.21   Let image, and define image to be the set of points in image that lie on the graph of image for image. Draw a graph of the indexed union of the sets image, and determine their intersection.

REMARK 3.10.   In Section 3.4 we presented a number of results about intersections and unions in the context of two or three sets. You are asked to prove versions of these results in the context of indexed sets in Exercise 3.57 at the end of this chapter. Even if you decide not to prove the results, it would be worth your time to glance at the statements in that exercise.

3.6.  Cartesian Product

In this section, we define the Cartesian product of two sets, a concept that will be essential when we discuss functions and relations.

DEFINITION 3.11.   The Cartesian product of two sets A and B, denoted image, is the set


The elements of image are ordered pairs, with the first element in the pair from A and the second element from B. For example, if image and image, then image has six elements:


Ordered pairs are different than 2-element sets since the order of the listed elements matters: for example, image as sets, but image.2

You are no doubt familiar with the use of ordered pairs of real numbers for graphing points in the “Cartesian” plane image, where image and image form the horizontal and vertical axes, respectively. For example, the graph of image is the subset of image defined by the set of ordered pairs


However, many of the sets A and B that you may encounter won’t allow for a similar 2-dimensional graphical representation.

Exercise 3.22   If image and B is any set, what is image?

Exercise 3.23   What is image in terms of image and image? Does your answer hold if one of A and B is infinite, or empty?

REMARK 3.12.   It would be nice to be able to define the concept of an ordered pair in terms of sets, since sets are our building blocks; and in fact we can do this by defining image to be the set image. However, most of the time when we’re dealing with the Cartesian product of two sets, we write the elements in the standard ordered pair notation image.

Exercise 3.24   Prove that image using the technical definition given above that image.

3.7.  Power

Given a set A, the collection of all subsets of A is called the power set of A. We will write this set as image; another common notation is image, for reasons made apparent in Theorem 3.14.

EXAMPLE 3.13.    

(a)   If image, then image.

(b)   The power set of the empty set is a set whose only element is the empty set: image, which can also be written image. This set is not equal to the empty set itself because image but image.

(c)   When dealing with power sets, be careful with image and image. Check that image, while image.

Exercise 3.25   The empty set image is the only set A with image, and we have seen that image.

(a)   Show that if A is any set with image, then image.

(b)   Show that if A is any set with image, then image.

(c)   Determine the size of image if image.

Exercise 3.26   What is image? How about image?

We hope that by now you’ve conjectured a formula for image in terms of image when A is a finite set. We provide two proofs of the theorem below, the first using induction and the second using the counting principle stated in Proposition 2.13.

THEOREM 3.14.   Let A be a finite set with n elements. Then image is a finite set with image elements.

INDUCTIVE PROOF.   The base case was established in Exercise 3.25: if image, then we must have image, so


Thus the theorem is true for image.

For the inductive step, we assume that the theorem statement is true for all sets of size at most n. Let A be any set with image, and let α be any element of A. Then A can be expressed as


where image is a set with n elements.

Every image is in exactly one of the following two cases:

(a)   image, in which case image,

(b)   image, in which case image for some image.

The subsets B in case (a) are exactly the elements of image, and so by induction there are image such subsets. The subsets B in case (b) also correspond to the elements of image: every such image corresponds to a unique image, and vice versa. Thus, we conclude that



DIRECT PROOF.   Since A is finite we can list its elements in some particular order:


Any subset of A can be uniquely described by a sequence of yes/no answers to the n questions, “Is image in A?” As examples: the empty set corresponds to a sequence of length n where each answer is “no”; the set A corresponds to each answer being “yes”; and if image, the subset image corresponds to “yes, yes, no, yes, no, no, no, …, no.”

By Proposition 2.13, the total number of such yes/no sequences is image, so image has image elements.


Exercise 3.27   Let image and image. Referring to the inductive proof above, verify that there are eight elements in each of the two cases, and determine all of the sets image in case (b).

Figure 5 is a visual aid that might help you better understand the inductive step in the first proof of Theorem 3.14. It is an enhanced Hasse diagram showing image as the disjoint union of two bold “cubes,” each the size of image. With image, image, and image, it is clear that the size of image is twice the size of image: a thin edge connects a subset B that contains d with its corresponding subset image.


Figure 5. The power set of image, displayed as a “hypercube.”

For even moderately sized n, the power set of an n-element set S contains an enormous number of different subsets. Applying Theorem 3.14 to image, we see that image has image subsets, which is greater than 30 million when image. Among these many subsets are those of a special type that we will consider again in Chapters 5 and 6:

DEFINITION 3.15.   Given a set S and an index set I, a collection image of non-empty subsets of S is a partition of S if the following two conditions hold:

(a)   image when image.

(b)   image.

The subsets image are called blocks.

EXAMPLE 3.16.   The blocks of a partition of a set S “cover” the set without overlap. If image, then the following subsets of image are two of many possible partitions of S:


The first partition has three blocks, of sizes 1, 2 and 1; the second has two blocks.

Exercise 3.28   The set image has five partitions. Find them.

Exercise 3.29   This problem explores some partitions of image.

(a)   Show that image can be partitioned into two blocks, using “even” and “odd.”

(b)   Find a partition of image into infinitely many blocks.

(c)   Find a partition of image into three blocks, each of infinite size.

(d)   Find a partition of image into infinitely many blocks, each of size 2.

3.8.  Counting Subsets

In this chapter, we have already presented arguments that help us determine the sizes of certain finite sets: image in Exercise 3.18, image in Exercise 3.23, and image in Section 3.7. The goal of this section is to determine the sizes of two subsets of image: the set of all k-element subsets of A, and the set of partitions of A into k blocks. For example, Exercise 3.8 and the middle level of Figure 5 show that the number of 2-element subsets of a 4-element set is 6. We begin by first developing several basic enumeration techniques with wide applicability beyond sets.

3.8.1. Sampling.   Let S be a set of n elements. We might wish to select, or sample, k elements from S, one element at a time, keeping track of the order of our choices. We then have two natural possibilities: after an element is selected, it is either still available for future selection (“sampling with replacement”), or it is removed from future consideration (“sampling without replacement”). For example, if image, then the sequence image is one ordered sample of size image, but only if we are sampling with replacement.

Exercise 3.30   Use the counting principle of Proposition 2.13 to prove that the number of ways to sample k times with replacement from an n-element set S is equal to image.

Let image be the number of ways to sample k times from an n-element set S without replacement. Recall that if m is any positive integer, m factorial is defined as


and we set image.

PROPOSITION 3.17.   If image, then


PROOF.   If image, there are n ways to select a first element from S. Once it is chosen, there are image ways to select the second element from S. With the first two elements chosen, there are image ways to select the third element from S. This process continues until the kth element is chosen from among image options. By Proposition 2.13, the product of these values is image, giving the first equality above. The second equality follows from rewriting image as


If we define image for all non-negative integers n, then the equalities hold for image as well: the expression image is an empty product and so equals 1, and there’s only one way to pick nothing.


Exercise 3.31   Compute image, and explain what it counts in terms of the set image.

A permutation of S is the special case of sampling without replacement when image. In this case, we are ordering all of the elements of S, and we get the formula


Exercise 3.32   There are many ascending paths of four edges from image to image in the Hasse diagram of Figure 5; for example,


How many different such paths are there?

3.8.2  Combinations.  What if instead of an ordered sample, we wish to choose a subset of size k from the elements of S? In this context, the subset is often called a combination, or a k-combination. A combination is by definition unordered; but we can use ordered sampling without replacement to prove the following formula for image, which counts k-combinations.

THEOREM 3.18.   The number of k-combinations of an n-element set is


PROOF.   Every ordered sample of size k can be produced in two steps: first choose the corresponding k-element subset of S, and then permute those k elements. Moreover, every selection of a k-element subset of S and a permutation of its elements determines a unique ordered sample of size k. Since there are image ways to permute any k elements, we must have


which immediately leads to the desired formula for image.


The symbol image is referred to as “n choose k” because it counts the number of ways of choosing k elements from among n possible options.

Exercise 3.33   Explain the relationship between image, image, and image in terms of the set image, referring back to Exercise 3.31.

Exercise 3.34   Prove that the formula


holds for all image by explaining why the left-hand side counts all of the subsets of an n-element set.

Several end-of-chapter exercises give you practice with permutations and combinations. For further discussion and application, you can then proceed directly to Section 9.3 if you wish, where the common terminology “binomial coefficient” for image is explained and Pascal’s Triangle is presented.

3.8.3. Partitions.   Let image represent the number of partitions of an n-element set S into k blocks, with n and image. There is no formula for image akin to the one given in Theorem 3.18 for image. However, some cases are not too difficult to analyze. For instance, image, because the only possible partition of S into one block has S as the only block. And image as well, because the only possible partition of S into n blocks has a single element of S in each block.

A more interesting case is image for image. Every partition of S into two blocks can be obtained by letting image be a subset of S and then setting image. However, if you do this for every subset image, two issues arise:

(a)   Every partition is generated twice.

(b)   In two instances, image is not a legitimate partition.

Exercise 3.35   Explain the two issues above, and prove that image.

Exercise 3.36   Prove that image for image.

The numbers image are called Stirling numbers of the second kind. A partial table of values is given in Figure 6, and a recursive formula is presented in Exercise 3.84. The total number of partitions of an n-element set S is called the nth Bell number, image; thus,


The first six Bell numbers are 1, 2, 5, 15, 52, and 203. You showed that image in Exercise 3.28.


Figure 6. Stirling numbers of the second kind for image.

3.9.  A Curious Set

In this section we provide a cautionary tale about set theory.

Let’s attempt to define a set whose elements are themselves sets:


An appropriate response at first glance is “Hunh?” But then you can start finding elements of image. For instance, image so image; and image, so image. At this point you might think that every set is an element of RUSSELL. However, consider the set:


If you have a sufficiently robust notion of what is implied by the ellipses in the definition of image, then it might appear that image.

Let’s try to determine if image. Well, if we assume that image, then by the definition of image we know that image, which contradicts our assumption. On the other hand, if we assume that image, then by the definition of image we know that image, which again is a contradiction. Thus it is neither possible for image to be in image nor for image not to be in image. (If your head hurts at this point, that’s okay. Step away from the book and take a stroll outside until the pain subsides.)

This example was introduced to the mathematics community around the turn of the last century by Bertrand Russell. It pointed out that a naive3 treatment of set theory, similar to what is occurring in this chapter, may initially appear to be benign but is in fact not logically consistent. This led to a number of axiomatic approaches to set theory, the most famous of which is the Zermelo–Fraenkel set theory.

GOING BEYOND THIS BOOK.   If you are interested in the fact that set theory is considerably more complicated than our toolkit approach in this chapter indicates, then you have a number of options. You might investigate topics like “Zermelo Fraenkel” and “Axiom of Choice.” You might read a more extensive treatment; we recommend Cunningham’s book [Cun16] and Hajnal and Hamburger’s text [HH99]. And if you are interested in the history around Russell’s Paradox, we recommend Grattan-Guinness’ article [GG78], but caution that this paper will be easier to follow after you have learned Cantor’s Diagonal Argument (see the proof of Theorem 7.15).

3.10.  End-of-Chapter Exercises

Exercises you can work on after Sections 3.1 and 3.2

3.37 List every element in each of the following sets.

(a)   image

(b)   image

(c)   image

3.38 Determine all of the subset and proper subset relationships among the following sets.

(a)   image

(b)   image

(c)   image

3.39 Which, if any, of the following statements are true?

(a)   image

(b)   image

(c)   image

(d)   image

3.40 For any natural number n, is there any difference between the set image and the set


3.41 Find three different elements that are in both image and image. Is there a convenient way to describe the set of all elements that are in both image and image?

3.42 What conditions on a and b guarantee that image? Is your condition logically equivalent to image?

3.43 For image, let image. Is this set equal to image?

3.44 For image define


Find a formula expressing image in terms of the value of k.

Exercises you can work on after Section 3.3

3.45 Let image and define image. Determine each of the following.

(a)   image

(b)   image

(c)   image

(d)   image

(e)   image

3.46 Describe the following sets.

(a)   image

(b)   image

3.47 One way to develop an instinct for logical connectives is through their parallel constructions in set theory. For example, when thinking of P image Q you can imagine a Venn diagram with sets P and Q containing those situations where P is true and those situations where Q is true. Thus P image Q would correspond to the intersection of P and Q: image is analogous to image. Similarly, image is analogous to image.

(a)   Explain why image is analogous to image.

(b)   What is image analogous to?

(c)   What is exclusive-or analogous to?

3.48 Considering the three sets



as subsets of the universal set image, determine the following.

(a)   image

(b)   image

(c)   image

3.49 Figure 7 shows a 3-set Venn diagram for the sets image, and C. Using only the processes of intersection, union, and complement, find expressions that specify certain regions. For example, the connected region labelled 0 is


Find expressions for:

(a)   the region labelled 1,

(b)   the region labelled 2,

(c)   the union of the shaded regions.


Figure 7. A 3-set Venn diagram with highlighted regions for Exercise 3.49.

3.50 Let U be an infinite set with image and image. How many different possible subsets of U can be constructed using the sets image and image and the symbols image , image, image, image, and c? Each set and symbol can be used a finite number of times.

Exercises you can work on after Section 3.4

3.51 Prove the remaining six items in Theorem 3.6.

3.52 Prove the remaining three items in Theorem 3.7.

3.53 Prove the following generalization of Theorem 3.7.

Let A, B, and C be sets. Then the following hold.

(1)   image

(2)   image

(3)   image if and only if image

(4)   DeMorgan’s Laws

(a)   image

(b)   image

3.54 Is the following claim correct:


If so, prove it; and, if not, provide a counterexample.

3.55 Let A and B be two sets. Prove that the following are equivalent.

(a)   image

(b)   image

(c)   image

(d)   image

The claim that “the following are equivalent” means that you need to show that each statement is logically equivalent to every other statement in the list above. This can be done in any number of ways, one of which is to establish the following cycle of implications:


Exercises you can work on after Sections 3.5 and 3.6

3.56 For each natural number n, let image be an infinite set.

(a)   What can you conclude about the size of image, and why?

(b)   What can you conclude about the size of image, and why?

3.57 Verify the following generalizations of results from Section 3.4. Here I is an arbitrary index set for the collection of sets image.

Distributive Laws

(1)   image

(2)   image

DeMorgan’s Laws

(3)   image

(4)   image

3.58 Let image be the disk of radius 1 centered at the point image in image:


(a)   Plot the points in image.

(b)   Plot the points in image.

(c)   Plot the points in image.

3.59 For each image let image. Each image is a line in the plane that goes through the origin.

(a)   Plot the points in the sets image, image, image, and image.

(b)   Show that image.

(c)   What is image?

(d)   What is image?

3.60 (This exercise assumes you have studied the equations of lines and planes in image.) For each image let image be the set of all points image satisfying the equation image. Describe the sets image and image.

3.61 For each image let image be the half-open interval image on the real line.

(a)   What is image?

(b)   What is image?
We emphasize that this means image, not image. Part (4)   of Exercise 
3.57 reinforces this.

(c)   What is image?

(d)   What is image?

3.62 Either explicitly describe a collection of sets image, image, so that the following conditions are all true simultaneously, or prove that this is impossible.

(a)   For each image, image is an infinite subset of image.

(b)   image for each image.

(c)   image is an infinite set.

3.63 Recall that image.

(a)   Show that if image is any finite subset of image, then image is an infinite set.

(b)   Show that image.

3.64 Draw each of the following Cartesian products as a subset of image, where image and image are open and closed intervals of real numbers.

(a)   image

(b)   image

(c)   image

(d)   image

(e)   image

(f)   image

Admittedly, for each of the last few products you can’t easily depict the entire set, but you should demonstrate that you know exactly which points in image are elements of the product.

3.65 For sets A, B, C, and D, prove the following.

(a)   image

(b)   image

(c)   image

Further, show by example that for (c) the containment can be proper.

3.66 Let A and B be subsets of a universal set U. Then image and image are both subsets of image. How are they related to each other?

3.67 Consider the following subset of image:


The set S can be represented as a subset of the lattice of integer points contained inside the first quadrant in image, as in Figure 8. In this exercise you will use this graphical representation to illustrate various claims.

(a)   Show how Figure 8 can be used to illustrate why this statement is false:


(b)   Show how Figure 8 can be used to illustrate the truth of


(c)   Is the following claim true or false? How does Figure 8 illustrate your answer?


(d)   Is the following claim true or false? How does Figure 8 illustrate your answer?



Figure 8. The set of all image satisfying image is illustrated by the filled circles.

Exercises you can work on after Section 3.7

3.68 Which of the following statements about the power set of the real numbers are true, and which are false?

(a)   image

(b)   image

(c)   image

3.69 Let A and B be arbitrary sets, and consider the following pairs of sets. Is one always contained in the other? Are they always equal? Provide proofs or counterexamples.

(a)   image and image

(b)   image and image

(c)   image and image

3.70 Is there a set A and an element a such that image and image?

3.71 If image, must image?

3.72 In this exercise you will consider power sets of certain subsets of the natural numbers. As in Exercise 3.45, for each image let image.

(a)   Prove that image if and only if image.

(b)   Prove that


To show the containment is proper, you must exhibit an explicit member of image that is not contained in the union of the images.

3.73 Which of the following are partitions of the set image?

(a)   image

(b)   image

(c)   image

3.74 This problem explores partitions of image.

(a)   Find a partition of image into blocks of finite size, where no two blocks have the same size.

(b)   Find a partition of image into infinitely many blocks, each of infinite size.

3.75 Let image and image be two partitions of a set S. Then image is said to be a refinement of image if every block of image is a subset of a block of image.

(a)   Explain why image is a refinement of image.

(b)   Explain why image is not a refinement of image.

(c)   Find all of the refinements of image.

3.76 Let S be any set and let image be the partition of S into single elements,


The notion of a refinement is defined in Exercise 3.75. Prove that image is a refinement of every partition of S.

Exercises you can work on after Section 3.8

3.77 0010011 is an example of a binary sequence of length 7 containing four 0s and three 1s. How many different binary sequences of length image contain m 0s and n 1s?

3.78 Four balls labeled a, b, c, and d are to be thrown into seven baskets numbered image. How many ways can this be done if …

(a)   …no two balls can end up in the same basket?

(b)   …there is no restriction on the number of balls in the same basket?

(c)   …the only restriction is that at least two baskets must be occupied?

3.79 As in Exercise 3.78, suppose that four balls are to be thrown into seven baskets numbered image; but now the balls are unlabeled and indistinguishable from each other. “Stars and bars” is one approach to counting the number of different possibilities. Consider all of the different ways that you can create a sequence of six bars and four stars, such as


Each image represents a ball, and each bar separates two adjacent baskets, so that the example just given puts two balls in basket 3, one ball in basket 4, and one ball in basket 7.

How many different assignments of balls to baskets are possible?

3.80 A subset S of image is diffuse if it does not contain any two consecutive integers. Prove that the number of k-element diffuse subsets of image is image.

If you enjoy this problem, take a look at Exercise 3.87.

3.81 Suppose that A and B are disjoint sets, with image and image.

(a)   What’s image?

(b)   Express the number of k-combinations of image as a single binomial coefficient.

(c)   In the case when image and image, explain why the number of k-combinations of image can also be expressed as


(d)   In fact, the expression in part (c)   gives the correct count even when image or image, as long as you have the appropriate definition for image when image. What is the correct approach?

3.82 Each card in a standard deck has one of 13 values (Ace, 2, 3, …, 10, Jack, Queen, King) and one of four suits (image, image, image, image).

(a)   How many cards are in a standard deck?

(b)   The deck is shuffled well, and five cards are dealt face-up in order on a table. How many different ways can this be done?

(c)   In games like poker, the order of the cards in your hand doesn’t matter. How many different 5-card hands can be dealt from a standard deck?

(d)   One particularly powerful hand in poker is four-of-a-kind, where four of the five cards match in value. How many different four-of-a-kind hands are possible?

(e)   Another powerful hand in poker is called a full house: it contains three cards of one value and two cards of a different value. How many different ways can you create a full house?

3.83 How would you define the values of image when image or image?

3.84 Prove that


for natural numbers n and k (image). As a hint, focus on which partitions contain element image.

3.85 Use the results of Exercises 3.35, 3.36, and 3.84 to compute the next row in the table of Stirling numbers of the second kind (those with entries of “?” in Figure 9).


Figure 9. Stirling numbers of the second kind for Exercise 3.85.

More Exercises!

3.86 The game of Chomp, explored more generally in Project 11.2, is a 2-player game that can be played on a image board. On each turn in this game, a player takes a right-angled “bite” from the northeast: a square is removed along with all other squares to the north and east of it. An example is shown in Figure 10, where we have illustrated two moves in the game.

(a)   Prove that the possible stages of the game correspond to edge paths from the northwest corner of the board to the southeast corner that are only allowed to move down or right with each step.

(b)   Prove that the number of possible stages in image Chomp is image.


Figure 10. Two plays into the game Chomp. The eight unshaded squares were eaten first; the four lightly shaded squares were eaten second.

3.87 Let image be the number of subsets of image that do not contain consecutive integers.

(a)   Compute image for image and 5. (Do not forget about the empty set.)

(b)   Conjecture a connection between image and the Fibonacci numbers, and prove that your conjecture is correct.

3.88 We’ve seen Venn diagrams for two and three sets at a time. Is it possible to draw a Venn diagram to represent four or more sets? (If you get frustrated, you might consult “The search for simple symmetric Venn diagrams” by Ruskey, Savage, and Wagon [RSW06].)

3.89 Call a subset image cofinite if image is a finite set.

(a)   Prove that the union of any two cofinite sets is cofinite.

(b)   Prove that the intersection of any two cofinite sets is cofinite.

(c)   Let image be an indexed family of cofinite sets image. Prove that the union image is cofinite.

(d)   Let image be an indexed family of cofinite sets image. Show by example that the intersection image may not be cofinite.

(e)   Construct a family of cofinite sets image, where image, such that

(1)   image,

(2)   image is infinite.

(f)   Prove or disprove: Every image is the intersection of cofinite subsets of image.

1   There is an alternate notational convention for subsets. In this notation, image allows for the possibility that A and B are equal, and the notation image indicates that A is a proper subset of B.

2   The ordered pair notation is not to be confused with open interval notation image. Context should make the distinction clear.

3   There is a branch of set theory, called “naive set theory,” which we are not referencing here! By “naive” we mean “lacking experience or understanding.”