In this chapter, you will preview a few topics that you otherwise might first see in a course in algebra. The focal point of this chapter is a proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic (Theorem 4.11), which says that the natural numbers greater than 1 have unique prime decompositions, up to the ordering of the terms.
We begin with a proof of an important property of the natural numbers, the Well-Ordering Principle, which guarantees the existence of minimal elements in sets of natural numbers. The concept of a minimal element, though, makes sense for any set of numbers.
DEFINITION 4.1. A set is said to have a minimal element if there is an
such that
for all
. That is, m is smaller than all other elements of S.
PROPOSITION 4.2. If has a minimal element, then it has a unique minimal element.
PROOF. If m and are both minimal elements of S, then we know
because m must be less than or equal to every element in S. However, it is also true that
must be less than or equal to every element in S. Thus
Here are a few examples illustrating the idea of minimal elements in sets of numbers.
(a) The minimal element of is the number 1.
(b) The integers have no minimal element.
(c) The minimal element of the closed interval is a.
(d) The open interval has no minimal element. To prove this, assume to the contrary that there is some
that is minimal. Then
is still in the open interval
, and
. This contradicts the claim that x is the minimal element.
(e) The set of positive rational numbers is
The set has no minimal element. For assume to the contrary that there is some q that is a minimal element in
. Then the number
is also a rational number and greater than 0, and so
. But
, contradicting the claim that q is smaller than all other elements of
Exercise 4.1 Recall the definition of in Chapter 3, and define
Does have a minimal element?
PROOF. Let be a non-empty subset. Our proof that S contains a minimal element is by induction, with the base case being the situation where S contains the number 1. Since
and 1 is minimal in
, it must also be the minimal element of S.
Our inductive hypothesis is that every subset where
contains a minimal element. Assume then that
If S contains a natural number less than , then by our inductive hypothesis, S contains a minimal element. Otherwise S contains no natural number less than
, but it must contain
, in which case
is the minimal element of S.
A powerful proof technique combines the Well-Ordering Principle with a proof by contradiction. As a first example, we can prove that the inequality
holds for all using this method. The argument begins by assuming to the contrary that there is some n where
. That is, we are assuming the set of counterexamples is a non-empty subset of
. Then by the Well-Ordering Principle there is a minimal counterexample, which we denote by m. Because
we know that
. This leads to a contradiction, because
So is also a counterexample, contradicting the fact that m was the smallest counterexample.
EXAMPLE 4.4. Here is a question inspired by the scoring in American football: what integers can be expressed in the form , where a and b are non-negative integers? The best first step is to consider examples, and after checking non-negative integers up to 15, we conjecture that the set of all such integers is
To prove this, assume to the contrary that there are counterexamples in
By the Well-Ordering Principle there must be a minimal counterexample, m, which we know by our earlier computations must be greater than 15. Since m is the minimal counterexample and , it must be the case that
for some non-negative integers a and b, because
. But then we have
, which contradicts the claim that m is a counter- example.
Exercise 4.2 What postage can you make using only 10 cent stamps and 4 cent stamps?
This proof strategy is sometimes referred to as the minimal criminal strategy. This basic structure is to first assume to the contrary that there are counterexamples to a given claim. Then by the Well-Ordering Principle you can discuss the smallest counterexample – the minimal criminal. You then derive a contradiction, thereby proving that the set of counterexamples is empty.
GOING BEYOND THIS BOOK. Minimal criminal arguments often employ steps that are reminiscent of standard proofs by induction, and indeed it is often simply a matter of stylistic preference as to whether to use a minimal criminal argument or induction. We use the minimal criminal strategy in the proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic (Theorem 4.11). It also arises in work related to the four-color theorem, an important result in graph theory that is nicely described in Robin Wilson’s Four Colors Suffice [Wil14].
The Well-Ordering Principle is directly related to the principle of induction, each implying the other, and the connections between such topics is developed nicely in [Cun16].
The “easy” part of the Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic was proved by induction as Theorem 2.11 in Section 2.6:
Every natural number is either prime or it can be written as a product of primes.
We are now left to show that the factorization of n into the product of primes is unique up to the order of the factors. To facilitate this part of the proof, we will first develop a relationship between two mathematical concepts that are important on their own: integer combinations and relatively prime integers.
DEFINITION 4.5. If a and b are real numbers, an integer combination of a and b is an expression of the form , where
For example, is an integer combination of 8 and 3 that equals 7. Also, Example 4.4 considers integer combinations of 3 and 7, but with restrictions on the values of m and n.
Exercise 4.3 Find an integer combination of 8 and 3 that equals 1. (It is possible to do this in many different ways.) Then try to find an integer combination of 8 and 6 that equals 1, or explain why this is impossible. What is the essential difference between these two cases?
DEFINITION 4.6. The integers a and b are said to be relatively prime if the only positive integer d such that and
For example, 48 and 35 are relatively prime, while 5802 and 6111 are not.
Exercise 4.4 Verify that pairs of consecutive Fibonacci numbers and
are relatively prime for
. Why do we need to specify consecutive Fibonacci numbers?
Exercise 4.5 Which integers are relatively prime to 0?
It is important to notice a fundamental difference between the definitions of “prime” and “relatively prime”: the term “prime” can only be applied to a single integer, while “relatively prime” applies to a pair of integers. For example, 3 is prime, as is 7, while and 21 are not. The set
contains a relatively prime pair of integers, as does
, while
do not.
Here’s a result that will be used in the proof of Lemma 4.9 below.
PROOF. This proof is by contradiction. Suppose that a and b are relatively prime but and b are not. Then there is some positive integer d greater than 1 such that
. By Exercise 1.17 we know that
, which means that
. Since
, a and b are not relatively prime, contradicting our original supposition.
Exercise 4.6 For each of the following statements about integers a, b, and c, either prove the statement is true in general or provide a specific counterexample.
(a) If a and b are relatively prime, so are and
(b) If a and b are relatively prime, so are a and .
(c) If a and b are relatively prime, so are a and .
(d) If a and b are relatively prime, so are a and .
You saw in Exercise 4.3 that there’s an integer combination of 8 and 3 that equals 1, but no such integer combination of 8 and 6; the reason is that 8 and 3 are relatively prime but 8 and 6, having a common factor of 2, are not. We now prove the general result about this correspondence. The second half of the proof uses mathematical induction quite cleverly: we have two positive integers a and b, but we induct on the single value .
THEOREM 4.8. Let a and b be positive integers. There is an integer combination of a and b that equals 1 if and only if a and b are relatively prime.
PROOF. We first prove the “only if” part, namely
by proving the contrapositive: assuming that a and b are not relatively prime, we will show that no integer combination can be equal to 1.
If a and b are not relatively prime, there must exist some positive integer d greater than 1 such that and
. This means that
for some integers x and y, which implies that any integer combination
of a and b can be written as
Thus any integer combination of a and b is divisible by d, so no integer combination can be equal to 1.
We now prove the “if” part of the theorem,
using induction on .
Suppose a and b are relatively prime positive integers. The smallest possible value of is 2, when
. In this base case for the induction argument, there is certainly an integer combination of a and b that equals 1:
To show that the inductive step also holds, we consider any relatively prime positive integers a and b with . Since a and b are assumed to be relatively prime, and since
implies that at least one of a and b is greater than 1, they cannot be equal to each other. Therefore we know that either
. Since the definition of relatively prime given above is symmetric with respect to a and b, these two cases are really no different, so without loss of generality we may assume that
The key to the inductive step is to apply it to and
, which represents a “smaller” case since
. Since
are relatively prime by Lemma 4.7, we may assume that there are integers m and n such that
. A calculation now shows how this leads directly to an integer combination of a and b that equals 1, as desired:
Exercise 4.7 Is Theorem 4.8 true if at least one of a and b equals 0?
Exercise 4.8 Is Theorem 4.8 true for all integers a and b?
Exercise 4.9 For each of the following triples of numbers, find specific integer combinations of a and b that equal c. For parts (a) and (b), you may find it helpful to first find a combination of a and b that equals 1.
We now return to the Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic, with the goal of finally completing a full proof of this well-known fact. We first use the main result of the previous section to prove an important lemma.
The structure of this proof will be to show that if then
, which is equivalent to showing that
PROOF. Suppose that p is a prime, , and
. Since
and the only positive integers dividing the prime p are 1 and p, we conclude that p and a must be relatively prime. By Theorem 4.8, this means that there are integers m and n such that
. Multiplying both sides of this equation by b gives
Notice that p divides both terms on the right-hand side of the equation because and
, so by Exercise 1.17 we know that p divides their sum, b, as desired.
To prove the Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic, it will be best to use a more general version of Lemma 4.9.
LEMMA 4.10. Let p be a prime number, and let . If
and n can be written as a product of natural numbers
then for some i.
Exercise 4.10 Prove Lemma 4.10 by induction on k.
THEOREM 4.11 (Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic). There is a unique way, up to the order of the terms, to express a natural number as a product of primes.
PROOF. Theorem 2.11 states that any integer greater than 1 can be expressed as some product of primes, including the case when the product contains only one prime, so we only need to show the uniqueness of the expression. An equivalent way to state this part of the theorem uses an efficient “standard form” for prime factorizations: any product of primes can be written as
where the distinct primes appearing in the product are listed in strictly increasing order , and each exponent
is a positive integer telling how many times the prime
appears in the product. For example,
. Using this notion of standard form, the uniqueness part of the theorem states that if n is an integer greater than 1 such that both
where and
are sequences of increasing primes, then
, and
for all i.
Suppose there is some natural number that has two distinct factorizations. Then by the Well-Ordering Principle (Theorem 4.3), there is a minimal natural number n that has at least two distinct factorizations. Let the standard form of any two such factorizations be the ones just given above.
We know that n is not prime, because then we must have ,
, and
. So any standard form expression of n must involve at least two prime factors (which might not be distinct). Since
divides n, it must divide
. By Lemma 4.10,
must divide
for some j; and so by Lemma 4.10 again, it divides
. Since
is itself prime, it must be the case that
. Thus
can be factored in two distinct ways, the expressions being
where if or
is zero we simply remove this term from our expression. These two expressions are distinct if the original expressions are distinct, because the exponent of the same prime simply decreased by 1. Thus we see that
can be factored in distinct ways, contradicting the claim that n is the smallest such integer. Thus there cannot be a non-empty set of counterexamples, and therefore all natural numbers
have unique factorizations up to the order of the terms.
At this point you should pause and reflect on quite an accomplishment: you have worked your way through a proof of a very important number theoretical result, a proof that required induction, direct arguments, indirect arguments, and the support of several lemmas and simpler theorems.
Exercise 4.11 Outline the proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic, including the “easy” part, on a single page (and remember it forever).
With the Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic in hand, we are in a great position to generalize Theorem 4.8 by introducing two important concepts: the “greatest common divisor” and the “least common multiple” of a pair of integers.
DEFINITION 4.12. Let a and . The greatest common divisor of a and b, written
, is the largest positive integer d such that
. The least common multiple of a and b, written
, is the smallest positive integer m such that
It is immediate from the definition of that two natural numbers a and b are relatively prime if and only if
EXAMPLE 4.13. If and
, the set of all positive common divisors of a and b is
, so
. The set of all positive common multiples of 18 and 30 is the infinite set
, so
Exercise 4.12 Find two natural numbers a and b such that and
. Is the pair of numbers unique? Could you have
It is important to make sure that concepts like and
are “well defined.” Could there be some positive integers a and b for which
don’t exist or don’t give unique answers? We’ll leave the question for
to Exercise 4.13 and answer the question for
here. Since 1 is a common divisor of both a and b, and since no positive common divisor can be greater than
, the minimum of a and b, the set of positive common divisors is a non-empty and finite subset of
. Since a finite, non-empty subset of
must have a single largest element, the
of a and b exists and is unique.
Exercise 4.13 Show that the concept of is well defined.
A simple variant of the standard form of prime factorizations introduced in the proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic gives us a quick way to compute s and
s. Suppose that a and b are positive integers greater than 1, so that there is a unique prime factorization of each. If we let
list all of the primes that are divisors of a or b, we can write
where all of the exponents are non-negative but some may be equal to 0. Then
For example, the primes that divide 18 and 30 are 2, 3, and 5, so we write and
and compute
matching our earlier answers.
Exercise 4.14 Prove that this method really does compute s and
Exercise 4.15 Let . Prove that
We end this section by examining an important relationship between integer combinations and s. You were asked in an earlier section to show that it was possible to write 1 as an integer combination of 8 and 3, but you could not do the same for 8 and 6. The problem with 8 and 6 is that 2 is a common divisor, and so 2 is a common divisor of
for any
, and of
by Exercise 1.17. The following theorem is the appropriate generalization of Theorem 4.8.
THEOREM 4.14. Let a and b be positive integers. The smallest positive integer combination of a and b is , and every integer combination of a and b is a multiple of
PROOF. Let . The fact that every integer combination of a and b is a multiple of d follows from an argument just like that given above for 8 and 6: since
, for any integers m and n we find that
, so by Exercise 1.17 we know that
To prove that the smallest positive integer combination of a and b is d, we will first show that and
are relatively prime integers. They are certainly integers, since
. They are also relatively prime, as the following short proof by contradiction shows. If
are not relatively prime, an integer c greater than 1 would divide both
, which would mean that both
are integers. But this would mean that cd is a common divisor of a and b that is larger than d, a contradiction.
Since and
are relatively prime positive integers, by Theorem 4.8 there are integers m and n such that
. Multiplying through by d gives us
, as desired.
Exercise 4.16 Find an integer combination of 21 and 33 that equals 3.
In the spirit of the mathematical process described in Section 2.8, we encourage you to end your study of this section with generalizations of and
to more than two natural numbers at a time. If
is a finite subset of natural numbers, define
to be the largest
such that
for all i, and define
to be the smallest
such that
for all i. The following exercise asks you to explore several of the concepts introduced earlier in this section, to determine whether they might apply in this more general setting.
Exercise 4.17 There are a number of things to prove or refute in considering the extension of the concept of and
to more than two natural numbers.
(a) Explain why the more general definitions of and
given above are well-defined.
(b) Show that the most direct generalization of the “min” and “max” functions gives you a quick way to compute and
(c) Compute and
(d) Does
hold for all natural numbers a, b, and c? If not, can you characterize the triples for which it does hold?
Extending Theorem 4.14 to more than two numbers is the focus of Exercises 4.53 and 4.54.
The set of natural numbers has the very nice property that it is “closed under addition.” This means that whenever
, then
as well. For instance, 3 is a natural number and so is 17, as is 20, their sum. In general, we say that a set S of numbers is closed under addition if
implies that
as well. Similarly, a set S of numbers is closed under multiplication if
implies that
as well. The sets
, and
are all closed under addition and multiplication.
It is possible for finite sets of numbers to be closed under multiplication. For example, the set is closed under multiplication. It is not, however, closed under addition, as
Exercise 4.18 Is any non-empty finite set closed under addition?
Let be at least 2, and define
to be the set of all integers that leave a remainder of 1 when divided by n:
The set is not closed under addition: the numbers 1 and 1 are both in
, but
is not in
. However, these sets are closed under multiplication.
PROPOSITION 4.15. Each of the sets is closed under multiplication.
PROOF. Fix , and let a and b be elements of
. Then
, for some
. A bit of arithmetic shows that
Since , it follows that
for some
, and so
A set of numbers S is closed under subtraction if implies that
as well. The numbers 3 and 17 provide just one of many possible counterexamples to the claim that
is closed under subtraction: 3 and 17 are both natural numbers, but
is not. The larger set of all integers,
, is closed under subtraction.
The notion of being closed under division is perhaps the most complicated, as 0 is an exceptional number. Thus a set S is said to be closed under division if given with
, the number
is also in S. The sets
are closed under division, while
is not.
Exercise 4.19 Is closed under addition? subtraction? multiplication? division?
We end this section with a discussion of a set of numbers based on the golden ratio . We first discussed ϕ in Section 1.2, where we noted that it is a root of the polynomial
. In Exercise 4.36 we ask you to prove (in three ways!) that ϕ is irrational, a fact we will assume in this discussion.
Let be the set of all integer combinations of 1 and ϕ:
is a set of numbers satisfying
. (The inclusion
is proper as
; the claim that the inclusion
is proper is intuitive but is a bit more delicate to establish.) This set is called “
adjoined by ϕ” or “
adjoined by the golden ratio.”
PROPOSITION 4.16. The set of numbers is closed under addition, subtraction, and multiplication.
PROOF. Let and
be numbers in
. Then
Since and
are in
, it follows by the definition that
The same argument, with some minus signs replacing plus signs, shows that is closed under subtraction.
In proving that is closed under multiplication we will appeal to the fact that ϕ is a root of
, which implies that
. Thus we have
Since is closed under addition and multiplication,
, hence
The set is not closed under division, though. For example, 1 and
, but
is not in
. To prove this, start by assuming to the contrary that
. Thus
. If
, which contradicts
. However, if
which contradicts the fact that .
On the other hand, is in
. We can take the identity
, divide every term by ϕ, and then rearrange the equation to show
Since is closed under multiplication we immediately get the following result:
is contained in .
We hope that the example of inspires an inclination to ask if similar results hold when you extend the integers using other irrational numbers. The exercise below gives you the chance to explore a similar situation, this time focused on
. You might even ask about using
, which appears in Project 11.4 on the Gaussian integers.
Exercise 4.20 The set of numbers is a subset of
consisting of all integer combinations of 1 and
. That is,
This set is called “ adjoined by
.” Determine whether
is closed under addition, subtraction, and multiplication.
The sets of numbers ,
, and
are all closed under multiplication, and so you can ask about decompositions of given elements as products of the others. Is there a notion of “prime numbers” for these systems? Unique factorization? The cases of
are beyond the scope of this book. They are often discussed in courses in abstract algebra and number theory, where you will find that sometimes adjoining square roots to the integers results in a system (called a “ring”) with unique factorization, and sometimes unique factorization fails. Perhaps the easiest example to present comes from
, where
and none of the four factors shown can be further decomposed. Unique factorization in ,
, and
is explored in Exercises 4.48, 4.49, and 4.50.
Exercises you can work on after Section 4.1
4.21 Let be a subset of the integers that has a minimal element. Prove that S has the well-ordering property, that is, every non-empty subset of S contains a minimal element.
4.22 Prove that postage of cents or more can be achieved by using only 2-cent and 7-cent stamps.
4.23 In this exercise you will construct two proofs of the fact that is divisible by 3 for all
(a) Prove this result using a standard induction argument.
(b) Prove this result using a minimal criminal argument. As a hint, if is the minimal criminal then 3 divides
, and it also divides
Modular arithmetic (Chapter 6) will offer another method for proving this fact.
for all using a minimal criminal argument.
for all using a minimal criminal argument.
4.26 Return to the induction exercises at the end of Chapter 2, and prove some of them using a minimal criminal argument instead.
Exercises you can work on after Section 4.2
4.27 Use one of the results of Exercise 4.6 and mathematical induction to prove that any two consecutive Fibonacci numbers and
are relatively prime.
4.28 What would it mean to say that three integers a, b, and c are relatively prime? Try to come up with a reasonable mathematical definition for this concept. Make sure that your definition allows an example where the three integers a, b, and c are relatively prime as a triple, yet each of ,
, and
is not a relatively prime pair of integers.
4.29 Let a, b, and c be natural numbers. Prove that if a and b are relatively prime and if a and c are also relatively prime, then a and bc are relatively prime.
4.30 The set of integer combinations of and
(a) Prove that the following inclusions are proper: .
(b) Conjecture a relationship between S and
(c) Prove your conjecture.
4.31 Let a and b be relatively prime. Prove that for any there are integers m and n such that
Exercises you can work on after Sections 4.3 and 4.4
4.32 What proportion of the integers in can be expressed as
for non-negative integers m and n?
4.33 A natural number is awesome if whenever
, then
. Or, said a bit more carefully and using notation from Chapter 2, n is awesome if
(a) Show that 1 and all the prime numbers are awesome.
(b) Show by an example that not all natural numbers are awesome.
(c) Show by an example that there are non-prime numbers that are awesome.
(d) Formulate a conjecture that identifies in a simple and precise way exactly which numbers are awesome.
(e) Prove your conjecture.
4.34 In this exercise we return to the sets defined at the beginning of Chapter 3 and in Exercise 3.2.
(a) Characterize when .
(b) Characterize when .
(c) Characterize when .
If it wasn’t understood already, you should prove your characterizations are correct!
4.35 Recall that is the set of primes.
(a) Explain why
(b) Explain why
(c) Explain why
is an infinite set if and
, …,
are any k primes. Then contrast this statement with the one in part (b).
4.36 Here we outline three proofs that the golden ratio ϕ is irrational. It is your job to fill in the gaps in these arguments.
Proof 1: A variation on the -argument presented in Section 1.7
(a) Modify the argument that proves is irrational to show that
is irrational.
(b) Assume that ϕ is a rational number, and show that this implies is also rational.
(c) Conclude that the assumption that ϕ is rational must be false.
Proof 2: Using the definition of ϕ
(a) Assume that , in lowest terms. Show that
by recalling that ϕ is related to dividing segments into “extreme and mean ratio.”
(b) Conclude that the assumption that is in lowest terms is false, and therefore that no such expression exists for ϕ.
Proof 3: Using the quadratic equation it satisfies
(a) Assume that , in lowest terms. Show that the equation
(b) Conclude that and that this contradicts the assumption that
is in lowest terms. (Be careful here: see Exercise 4.33.)
4.37 Use the Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic to prove that is irrational for each positive integer k that is not a perfect square.
4.38 For which pairs of natural numbers a and b is rational?
4.39 Generalize the statement and proof in Exercise 4.37 to .
4.40 Find all pairs of natural numbers a and b with and
4.41 Let m and n be natural numbers where . What is
? What is
4.42 Let m and n both divide k. Prove that also divides k.
4.43 Let m and n be natural numbers with . Let e be a divisor of both m and n. Prove that
4.44 Prove that if m and n are relatively prime natural numbers and their product mn is a perfect square, then m and n must both be perfect squares.
4.45 Write a rational number in lowest terms and take the product of its numerator and denominator. For how many rational numbers strictly between 0 and 1 will
be the resulting product?
4.46 Is the following formula true?
Either prove it or find a counterexample.
Exercises you can work on after Section 4.5
The Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic is so well known that people might take it for granted. The following two exercises show that we shouldn’t be so cavalier.
4.47 Consider the set of even integers.
(a) Show that is closed under addition and multiplication.
(b) Call a number an even-prime if
and n cannot be expressed as a product of two elements in
. Prove that an even number is an even-prime if and only if it can be written as
for some
(c) Prove that every positive is an even-prime or can be expressed as a product of even-primes.
(d) Show by an example that there are numbers that can be expressed in two different ways as a product of even-primes.
(e) Theorem 4.11 proves the uniqueness of prime decompositions for all with
. By your work above you have shown that this proof cannot apply to
. Can you find a claim in the proof of Theorem 4.11 that is false when applied to
4.48 Let be the set of all integers giving a remainder of 1 when divided by 4. Thus
Proposition 4.15 shows that is closed under multiplication, and so it is reasonable to discuss the ways in which elements in
can be written as products of elements in
. For example, working in
we can write
, but we cannot write
because 3 and 15 are not elements of
. Similarly, 9 has no non-trivial factorizations within
, as the prime decomposition of 9 is
, and
(a) Call a positive integer a 4-prime if its only positive factors in
are 1 and p. Show that if p is an actual prime number in
, and p is also in
, then p is a 4-prime as well.
(b) Show that 21 and are 4-primes.
(c) Show that 693 can be written as a product of 4-primes in two distinct ways.
If you found this exercise interesting, you might look at the article “Unique factorization in multiplicative systems” by James and Niven [JN54].
4.49 Let be the set of odd natural numbers.
(a) Prove that is closed under multiplication.
(b) Describe a notion of primes within , and prove that
has the same unique factorization property as
4.50 Recall that for a given integer ,
consists of those integers that leave a remainder of 1 when divided by n. In Exercise 4.49 you proved that
(the odd natural numbers) has the unique factorization property. In Exercise 4.48 you proved that
does not. This leaves an obvious question: does
have the unique factorization property? Develop a conjecture, and then prove it!
4.51 We could extend the definition presented in Exercise 4.20 by letting consist of all rational combinations of 1 and
. That is,
Determine whether “ adjoined by
” is closed under addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division by non-zero elements.
4.52 Given your experience with and
, you might be tempted to define “
” to be:
(a) Show by an example that this set is not closed under multiplication.
(b) Prove that the set
is closed under multiplication.
More Exercises!
4.53 Let and c be real numbers. Any sum of the form
with and
, is called an integer combination of
and c. Is it true that
is the smallest positive integer combination of the natural numbers
and c? Is every linear combination of a, b, and c a multiple of
4.54 Extend the ideas and questions in Exercise 4.53 from three terms to n terms.
4.55 Let represent the set of polynomials in the variable x of degree less than or equal to n. For example,
is in
, but
is not. Determine whether
is closed under addition, subtraction, and multiplication.