10  Algebra and Symmetry

Algebra and geometry are two of the oldest branches of mathematics. These two topics come together in the study of groups, algebraic objects that can be used to describe symmetry. In this chapter we introduce group theory, following a narrow and carefully chosen path toward the idea of isomorphism.

10.1.  An Example from Modular Arithmetic

Modular arithmetic was introduced in Section 6.5 where we discussed addition, subtraction, and multiplication modulo n; in Section 6.6 we then determined that you can divide by m modulo n only when m and n are relatively prime. In this short introductory section, we examine addition in image and multiplication in image (the invertible elements modulo 5). Each of these involve four equivalence classes, but little else looks similar. In particular, the equivalence classes are different:


To emphasize the differences, we note that


In addition to the fact that the equivalence classes are different, a quick inspection of the addition table for image and the multiplication table for image seems to indicate that addition modulo 4 and multiplication modulo 5 are not related, as seen in Figure 1.


Figure 1. Addition in image and multiplication in image. In both tables we have dropped the equivalence class notation to avoid clutter.

However, after reorganizing the order in which we list the elements of image, we see that the resulting arithmetic tables look remarkably similar. As one example, look at the positions for 2 in the table for image and 4 in the table for image in Figure 2. The locations for image and image are also the exact same; the locations of image and image are the same; and the locations of image and image are the same. Overall, both tables follow the pattern illustrated by the card suit table on the right in Figure 2.


Figure 2. The tables on the left and in the middle are the same as in Figure 1, but with the elements of image listed in a different order. The general pattern for both tables is shown by the card suits in the table on the right.

This small example hints at an idea worthy of further exploration, as it now appears that these two different mathematical objects may have some underlying structural similarity. Introducing the algebraic notion of groups and exploring how to describe this notion of similarity are the objectives of this chapter.

10.2.  The Symmetries of a Square

We have constructed tables to display the structure of modular arithmetic. In this section we develop a similar table, but in a quite different context. Let image denote a square, which in order to keep things concrete, we can think of as the image square


The corners of image are the four points in


At an informal level, a symmetry of image consists of any motion that does not change the square. In other words, if you look at the square, close your eyes while a symmetry is being performed, and then open them again, you would not see any difference. One example would be a 90image rotation of image, and another would be the reflection across the diagonal, both shown in Figure 3.


Figure 3. Two symmetries of image are the counterclockwise rotation shown on the left and a reflection across the diagonal shown on the right.

While this characterization has some intuitive appeal, its lack of rigor makes it fairly useless for proving theorems. Therefore we define a symmetry of image to be a function image that preserves distances: if the distance from image to image is d, then the distance from image to image is also d.

DEFINITION 10.1.   The set of all symmetries of image is denoted by image.

We would like to describe all the functions in image, and the following lemma is key to being able to do this.

LEMMA 10.2.   Any symmetry of image is determined by what it does to the adjacent corners image and image. That is, if f and image, where image and image, then f and g are the same function.

The idea behind our proof is that the location of any point in image is determined by its distance from two adjacent corners; and by our definition, symmetries preserve distances. Thus if we know where the corners are moved by f or g, then we can determine the image of any point under f or g.

PROOF.   A symmetry of image has to take corners of image to corners of image because the distance between opposite corners is the maximum distance between any two points in image, and symmetries preserve distances. Adjacent corners, which are pairs of corners separated by a distance of 2, must then be mapped to adjacent corners.

Assume that image and image, and let image be an arbitrary point. Our goal is to show that image.

Let image be the distance from image to image, and let image be the distance from image to image. Then image is on the circle of radius image centered at image and is on the circle of radius image centered at image. Further, image is the only point in image that sits on both circles; the circles may intersect twice, but only one of those intersections is contained in image, as seen in Figure 4. In general, every point in image is determined by its distances to any two adjacent corners of image.

Figure 4. Each point in image is determined by its distances to the corners image and image.

Since image, the distance from image to image is image, and the distance from image to image is image. Since image and image are adjacent corners of image, it follows that there is only one possible location for image. Since the same conditions hold for image, we conclude that image.


COROLLARY 10.3.   There are at most eight functions in image.

PROOF.   In the proof of Lemma 10.2, we showed that the corner image has to go to one of the four corners of image. Thus if image, there are four possibilities for image. The image of the corner image must then be a corner of image that is adjacent to image, so there are two possible locations for image. By Lemma 10.2, once we know the location of image and image, we have determined image. Thus there are at most image functions in the set image.


As was shown in Figure 3, a counterclockwise rotation through 90image, with the center of the rotation at image, is one example of a symmetry of image. We denote this symmetry as ρ and note that there is a simple formula for this function:


Exercise 10.1   Prove that the formula for ρ is correct by showing that it is distance-preserving and sends two adjacent corners of image to the correct locations.

Counterclockwise rotations through 180image and 270image are also symmetries of image. A counterclockwise rotation through an angle of 180image can be produced by applying ρ twice. Hence we may express this symmetry as image. Similarly, a counterclockwise rotation through 270image can be expressed as image.

Exercise 10.2   Show that the symmetry image can be expressed by the formula


and the symmetry image can be expressed by the formula


We do not need to introduce separate notation for clockwise rotations, as each clockwise rotation is equivalent to a counterclockwise rotation. For example, let ϱ denote a 90image clockwise rotation of image. We then have image and image. But image and image, so by Lemma 10.2, image. In the study of symmetry, it is the destination, not the journey, that matters!

In addition to the rotations described above, there are four reflections of image. In general, a reflection in the Euclidean plane is defined via a line image in the plane, called the axis of the reflection. Each point image has a corresponding point image such that the segment joining p to image is perpendicular to image, and the distances from p to image and from image to image are the same. The reflection associated to the axis image exchanges p and image (for all such pairs), and it leaves the points on image fixed.

The set image contains reflections across the x-axis, the y-axis, and across the two diagonals of image. Denote the main diagonal by


and the off-diagonal by


We name these four reflections using subscripts corresponding to their axes: the reflection across the y-axis is image, the reflection across the x-axis is image; and the reflections across the diagonals are image and image.

Exercise 10.3   Find formulas for image and image, similar to the formulas you found in Exercise 10.2.

Finally, there is one more very important symmetry of image that is easy to miss on first examination: the “do nothing” identity function image, given by image.

PROPOSITION 10.4.   The set image consists of the eight functions described above.

PROOF.   By Corollary 10.3, we know that there are at most eight functions in image. The eight functions described above are all in image, and they are all distinct, as can be verified by applying the functions to the corners image and image.


Now, knowing that we have described all the symmetries of image, we can create a table that displays the result of function composition; see Table 1. For example, the second row is labeled by ρ and the fifth column by image, so the entry in the table is then image. (If you think the answer should be image then you composed your functions in the wrong order!)

Table 1 A table describing the composition of symmetries in image.

image Id ρ image image image image image image
Id Id ρ image image image image image image
ρ ρ image image Id image image image image
image image image Id ρ image image image image
image image Id ρ image image image image image
image image image image image Id image image ρ
image image image image image ρ Id image image
image image image image image image ρ Id image
image image image image image image image ρ Id

Exercise 10.4   Verify that the entry in Table 1 in the row corresponding to image and the column corresponding to image should be image.

There are other image tables we already know. We could make the table describing addition modulo 8, and in Figure 4 (page 154) we displayed the table for multiplication of the eight invertible elements in image. No two of these three tables – the one for image, the one for image, and the one for image – appear to be the same. However, in the previous section we saw how simply permuting the elements can make two seemingly different tables become essentially identical. Checking that one table can or cannot be permuted to produce the other could well require all image permutations of the eight elements, which is one indication that blind permutation is not a good strategy.

GOING BEYOND THIS BOOK.   Herman Weyl’s classic book Symmetrie, translated into English as Symmetry [Wey89], provides an extended introduction to geometric symmetry by exploring the symmetry inherent in works of art and architecture, and then extending these ideas into the natural sciences.

10.3.  Group Theory

The language and viewpoint of group theory is central in mathematics. Mathematical groups have proven to be a useful means of describing the symmetry of mathematical objects, from the sorts of geometric symmetries we have already seen, to notions of symmetry that are more subtle.

DEFINITION 10.5.    A group image consists of a non-empty set G and a binary operation image such that:

(a)   the binary operation is associative, that is, image for all image and image;

(b)   there is an identity element image such that image for all image;

(c)   for each image there is an inverse element image such that image.

Many of the mathematical objects we have studied are groups, including those based on the associative operations from modular arithmetic.

EXAMPLE 10.6.   For any image, image and addition modulo n forms a group image. As we saw in Sections 6.5 and 6.6, the identity element is image and the inverse of image is image. The integers themselves, image, also form a group under addition.

EXAMPLE 10.7.   For any image, the set image of units modulo n, with the binary operation of multiplication modulo n, forms a group image. You can see the Cayley table for image in Section 6.6.

EXAMPLE 10.8.   Finally, let’s look at an example that is not based on a number system. Let S be a non-empty set, and let image be its power set. Then the symmetric difference provides us with a binary operation image, since the symmetric difference of two subsets of S is another subset of S. You proved that the symmetric difference is associative in Exercise 3.17. The empty set is an identity element, as


for all image. Finally, because image, each subset of S is its own inverse. Thus image is a group.

REMARK 10.9.    The notation image represents a group, while the similar notation image from Section 6.2 represents a partially ordered set. The context makes things clear; in particular, image is a relation, not a binary operation. To simplify notation, a group image is often called G when the operation is apparent.

Exercise 10.5   There are many binary operations on subsets of a non-empty set S; image and image are two examples. In this exercise you will show that image with image and image with image do not provide examples of groups.

(a)   Show that the empty set image is the only element of image that can serve as the identity element for image.

(b)   Show that there are elements of image that do not have inverses with respect to image.

(c)   Show that the full set S is the only element of image that can serve as the identity element for image.

(d)   Show that, as long as S is non-empty, there are elements of image that do not have inverses with respect to image.

The symmetries of a square, image, form a group. The elements are symmetries of the square image and the binary operation is function composition. In fact, much more is true.

DEFINITION 10.10.    Given any subset image, the set of all distance-preserving functions image is the symmetry group of X, denoted image.1

THEOREM 10.11.   Let image and let image be the collection of all symmetries of X. Then image is closed under composition and the taking of inverses, and the set of symmetries along with function composition forms a group.

Given our work developing image, Theorem 10.11 is not surprising, and we ask you to prove it in Exercise 10.27. You can find even more general results along these lines in [Mei08].

Given any two groups, we can use the Cartesian product to create a new group.

DEFINITION 10.12.   In order to be very clear about the product structure, we let image be a group where “image” is the operation and image be another group with “image” as the operation. The Cartesian product of these two groups has as its underlying set the Cartesian product image; the binary operation for image is defined component-by-component:


For example, consider image, where the two operations are addition modulo 4 and addition modulo 2. In this group, we would have


where we have included all the notation for elements of image and image.

LEMMA 10.13.   The Cartesian product of two groups is a group.

Exercise 10.6   Prove Lemma 10.13.

You may have noticed that the definition of a group demands that there is “an identity” instead of “the identity,” and that every element has “an inverse” and not necessarily a unique inverse.

PROPOSITION 10.14.   Let G be a group. Then there is only one identity element in G.

PROOF.   Assume to the contrary that both e and image are identities for G. Then image, since e is an identity element. But it is also true that image since f is an identity element. Thus image.


PROPOSITION 10.15.   Let G be a group. Then each image has exactly one inverse.

PROOF.   Let g be any element of G, and assume to the contrary that both h and k are inverses of g. Thus image and image are both equal to the identity image. Right multiplying both expressions by h then gives


But image, since h is an inverse of g. So we have image, hence image.


10.4.  Cayley Tables

Given a group G, we can make a table that displays all of the products of elements of G; the addition and multiplication tables we made for modular arithmetic are examples. The rows and columns of the table correspond to the elements of G, and the entry in the row corresponding to g and the column corresponding to h is the product image. This is exactly what we did in constructing Table 1 for image. A table displaying a group in this fashion is called a Cayley table.

Exercise 10.7   Construct the Cayley table for image.

Here we introduce another group and use it to construct an additional example of a Cayley table. Let image be a rectangular box with three different side lengths. It may, for example, have length image, width image, and height image. As in the case of the square, let image be the collection of all functions from image back to image that preserve distances.

We can quickly identify a number of elements that are in image. There is an identity element. There are three reflections, where instead of reflecting across a fixed line, we reflect across a fixed plane that divides image into two congruent pieces; the box and one such plane are depicted in Figure 5. And there are three 180image rotations where the axis of rotation is a line that passes through the center of a rectangular face of image. We can denote the reflections by image, and image, where we let the subscript denote the orientation of the reflecting plane. For example, the reflecting plane for image is orthogonal to the four edges corresponding to the length image. Similarly we can denote the three rotations by image, and image, where for example the axis of rotation for image is parallel to the four edges corresponding to the length L.


Figure 5. Two symmetries of an irregular box image. The 180image rotation about the “height” axis is denoted image; the reflection across the plane perpendicular to this axis is denoted image. As shown in Table 2, the composition image is the antipodal map we call α.

Our census of symmetries might lead you to guess that image contains only these seven elements, and in order to verify this guess, you would like to have a result like Corollary 10.3. Because image is irregular – having different length, width, and height – we get a slightly stronger result.

LEMMA 10.16.   Any symmetry of image is determined by where it takes any single corner of image.

Exercise 10.8   Prove Lemma 10.16.

Since image has eight corners, Lemma 10.16 immediately implies the following.

COROLLARY 10.17.   The symmetry group image contains at most eight functions.

There is a small gap between the maximum number of functions in image and the number we have found. There is indeed one symmetry that we have not already described.

Exercise 10.9   Let image. Prove that image and that it is not one of the seven symmetries we previously identified.

We now know the eight elements in image:


The Cayley table for this group of symmetries is shown in Table 2.

Table 2 Cayley table for the symmetries of the irregular box image.

  Id image image image image image image α
Id Id image image image image image image α
image image Id image image α image image image
image image image Id image image α image image
image image image image Id image image α image
image image α image image Id image image image
image image image α image image Id image image
image image image image α image image Id image
α α image image image image image image Id

Exercise 10.10   Verify three entries in the Cayley table for image, keeping in mind that using the identity element is a lazy strategy.

GOING BEYOND THIS BOOK.   Arthur Cayley was an early advocate of studying groups like image; he frequently constructed composition tables like the one we have been exploring. For this reason such tables are often referred to as Cayley tables. Groups and Their Graphs by Grossman and Magnus [GM64] is an excellent text describing Cayley tables and geometric structures associated with groups, as is Nathan Carter’s Visual Group Theory [Car09].

10.5.  Group Properties

There are a handful of elementary properties which can be used to distinguish one group from another.

10.5.1. Abelian Groups.   Not all groups have commutative operations; for example, image in image.2 However, many groups do have operations that are commutative.

DEFINITION 10.18.   An Abelian group is a group where the binary operation is commutative. That is, for every g and image you have image.

REMARK 10.19.   The adjective Abelian is used, instead of commutative, in honor of the pioneering mathematics of Niels Abel. Because the term is derived from his last name, it is often capitalized.

We have already seen a number of examples of Abelian groups. Addition in image is a commutative operation, so image is an Abelian group. Similarly multiplication modulo n is commutative, hence image is an Abelian group. There are also infinite Abelian groups. The most accessible examples would be image, image, and image, with image as the binary operation. The sets image and image with multiplication as the binary operation form Abelian groups as well.

Exercise 10.11   Verify some of the claims we have just made. At a minimum you should consider the following two items.

(a)   Prove that image is an Abelian group.

(b)   Why is image not an Abelian group?

Exercise 10.12   Is the symmetry group of the irregular box image in Section 10.4 Abelian?

10.5.2. Cyclic Groups.   In some groups, a single element can be used to express every element.

DEFINITION 10.20.   If image, then for image define


A group G is cyclic if there is some image such that image. The element g is called a cyclic generator of G.

PROPOSITION 10.21.   For any image the group image is cyclic.

PROOF.   The element image is a cyclic generator of image since for any image


Thus every element in image can be written as a power3 of image.


Exercise 10.13   Show that cyclic generators may not be unique. That is, find a cyclic group G and distinct elements g and image where g and h are both cyclic generators of G.

While the groups image are all cyclic groups, the situation for image is a bit more complicated. As an example, the group image is cyclic, since image is a cyclic generator:


However, image is not cyclic. To verify this, we simply check the possibilities:


Exercise 10.14   Find two more examples like those shown above, one where image is cyclic and the other where image is not cyclic.

10.5.3. Order of a Group and an Element.   The word “order” has two meanings in group theory, which context makes clear.

DEFINITION 10.22.   If a group G has a finite number of elements, then this number is the order of G. It is denoted image. If G is not finite, we say that G is an infinite group.

For example, image and image, while image is an infinite group.

DEFINITION 10.23.   If there is an image such that image, then we say that g has finite order. In this case, the order of g is


For example, the order of 1 in image is 8, while the order of 2 in image is 4, and the order of 4 in image is 2. Notice that stating “image has order 1” is the same thing as saying “image is the identity.”

Exercise 10.15   Consider the Abelian group image, where addition modulo 3 is the operation in the first coordinate and multiplication modulo 15 is the operation in the second coordinate.

(a)   What is the order of image?

(b)   What is the order of the element image?

(c)   What is the order of the element image?

10.6.  Isomorphism

In Section 10.1 we showed that the Cayley tables for image and image have the same underlying form, even though the names of the elements and the binary operations are different. The differences, though, are simply cosmetic and are not part of the algebraic structure of either group.

DEFINITION 10.24.   Two groups G and H are isomorphic if there exists a bijection image such that


for each image. We write image when G and H are isomorphic.

Notice that the product on the left side of the equation above comes from G while the product on the right side comes from H; the subscripts on the operations are presented here for emphasis but are unnecessary in practice. Thus the equation is essentially saying that you can apply the binary operation from G and then f, and you’ll get the same result as when you first apply f to the individual elements and then the operation from H. The phrase associated to this equation is “f respects the binary operations.” A bijection image that respects the binary operations is an isomorphism.

An isomorphism between image and image is given by the function


The fact that f is a bijection is clear from its description. What remains to be shown is that image for any image. As just one example, we can establish that


which holds because


Going through a similar computation for all sixteen possible choices of a and b is a numbing proposition. In most situations, however, you do not need to do this. For this example we can use the fact that image is a cyclic generator of image and image is a cyclic generator of image. In fact, the function f has been defined by beginning with image and then extending this via


To show image, we note that




Since image, the claim follows.

Exercise 10.16   Construct an isomorphism between image and image.

Exercise 10.17   Let image, and let image as in Example 10.8. The order of G is 4. Prove that image.

We close with a useful lemma.

LEMMA 10.25.   If image is an isomorphism, then its inverse image is an isomorphism as well.

PROOF.   We know that image is a bijection, so it remains only to prove the fundamental identity


for every image. By applying the fact that f is an isomorphism and that image is its inverse function, we see


and applying image to the first and last terms then gives us image.


10.7.  Isomorphism and Group Properties

In this section we describe ways in which isomorphic groups share key properties. We begin with the following result, which follows immediately from the requirement that an isomorphism from G to H is a bijection.

PROPOSITION 10.26.   If G and H are isomorphic finite groups, then image.

More interesting is that every isomorphism takes the identity element to the identity element.

LEMMA 10.27.   Let image be an isomorphism, and let image and image be the identity elements of G and H respectively. Then image.

PROOF.   Since image is the identity in G, we know image. Applying f to just the left side of this equation we get


We also know that image, so


Multiplying both sides of this equation on the left by image gives us



These multiplications are occurring in the group H, so


Applying this to both sides of (10.1) then gives



It is also the case that isomorphisms take inverses to inverses:

LEMMA 10.28.   If image is an isomorphism, then image for all image.

PROOF.   The proof is similar to the prior argument, in that we will start by applying f to an equation involving inverses. Namely, since image, we know:


Thus image is the inverse4 of image. Said symbolically, we conclude that image.


LEMMA 10.29.   If image is an isomorphism, then image for any image. Here we are using the convention that image is the identity element for any group element a.

Exercise 10.18   Prove Lemma 10.29. To do this, you may want to consider three cases.

(a)   Prove that, for each image, image using an induction argument.

(b)   Prove that image by quoting a previous result.

(c)   Prove that, for each image, image using Lemma 10.28 and an induction argument.

THEOREM 10.30.   Let image be an isomorphism. Then for any image the order of g equals the order of image.

PROOF.   In this argument we assume that both elements have finite order. We leave the case where they might be of infinite order as Exercise 10.41.

We first show that image. By Lemma 10.29 we know that


for any image. If image then image. It follows that image. Thus image and so image.

It is also true that image. To prove this, let image, so that image and thus image. Since f is a bijection and f takes the identity element of G to the identity element of H (by Lemma 10.27), image and so image.

The only way we can have image and image is if image.


Exercise 10.19   In the proof of Theorem 10.30 we appealed to the fact that if image, then image. Why can’t we claim that if image then image?

In Exercise 10.43 we ask you to prove the following corollary.

COROLLARY 10.31.   Let image be an isomorphism. Then, for any image, f induces a bijection between the elements of order n in G and the elements of order n in H.

THEOREM 10.32.   If image is an isomorphism, then G is cyclic if and only if H is cyclic.

PROOF.   It suffices to prove that G being cyclic implies H is cyclic, as that argument can then be used with image to show that when H is cyclic, G must be cyclic as well.

Let x be a cyclic generator of G. Given any image there is a image such that image, and so there must be an n such that image. But image by Lemma 10.29. Thus given any image there is an n such that image, and so image is a cyclic generator of H.


THEOREM 10.33.   If image is an isomorphism, then G is Abelian if and only if H is Abelian.

Exercise 10.20   Prove Theorem 10.33.

10.8.  Examples of Isomorphic and Non-isomorphic Groups

Discovering that two groups are isomorphic usually entails understanding how those groups are connected to each other, with a benefit often being that additional insights are gained for at least one if not both of the groups. Proving that two groups are not isomorphic also involves discovery, this time of group-theoretic properties that are not the same for the two groups. In this section we provide some examples to help illustrate these ideas.

In Exercise 10.16 you showed that image is isomorphic to image. The key is to realize that image is also a cyclic group, with image being one example of a cyclic generator. From this it is easy to see that the map sending image to


is an isomorphism.

The following result generalizes Exercise 10.17.

PROPOSITION 10.34.   Let image be a finite set with n elements, and let image. Then


PROOF.   For convenience and following standard conventions, we denote


by image. An arbitrary element of image can be written in coordinate notation as image with each image. Our putative isomorphism from image to G is then defined by


If image and image are distinct elements of image, then they must differ in at least one coordinate, hence image and image are distinct subsets of S. Thus f is injective. To show that f is surjective, note that, given any subset image, the element image defined by


is mapped to A by f.

Finally, we need to establish that f respects the binary operations. First note that if image, then image if and only if exactly one of image and image is 1 (and the other is 0). So


Let the images of image and image be






Since this is the exact same description given for image, we see that f respects the binary operations.


These two examples give some suggestions as to how you might create an isomorphism between two groups. Establishing that two groups are not isomorphic requires finding distinguishing properties of the groups. For example, image and image are both Abelian groups of order 12, but they are not isomorphic. Theorem 10.32 tells us that the property of being cyclic is preserved by isomorphisms, and image is cyclic while image is not.

Let image be a regular hexagon and let image be its symmetry group. Like the symmetry group of a square discussed earlier in this chapter, any symmetry of image is determined by what it does to adjacent corners. An analysis almost exactly like that building up to Proposition 10.4 shows that image has twelve elements: six reflections, five non-trivial rotations, and the identity element.

Exercise 10.21   Find two elements of image that do not commute.

Like image, the groups image and image have order 12. But image cannot be isomorphic to image or image or any other Abelian group of order 12, because you have just shown that image is not Abelian, and in Exercise 10.20 you proved that isomorphic groups are either both Abelian or both non-Abelian.

Thus the properties of being cyclic and Abelian are sufficient to distinguish these three groups of order 12.

REMARK 10.35.   If you enjoyed seeing how to distinguish these three groups of order 12, you should tackle Project 11.11, where you will identify and distinguish all of the groups of order 8.

GOING BEYOND THIS BOOK.   Marcia Ascher’s book Ethnomathematics [Asc91] contains two chapters that describe ways that groups arise in the context of anthropology. One is on “The logic of kin relations” and the other is “Symmetric strip patterns.” These chapters, and the whole book in fact, are fascinating.

10.9.  End-of-Chapter Exercises

Exercises you can work on after Sections 10.1 and 10.2

10.22 Lemma 10.2 states that symmetries in image are determined by what they do to the points image and image. Prove or disprove the following variations on the statement of this lemma.

(a)   Any symmetry of image is determined by what it does to the points image and image.

(b)   Any symmetry of image is determined by what it does to the points image and image.

(c)   Any symmetry of image is determined by what it does to the points image and image.

10.23 In Section 10.2 we described the eight symmetries of a square. The rotation ρ was shown to be given by the formula image. If you are familiar with matrix multiplication you could also describe ρ as being given by the matrix


and the function is then given by matrix multiplication


Determine the matrices associated with the other seven symmetries, and verify in at least two interesting cases that matrix multiplication yields the same results as function composition.

10.24 Let Δ be an equilateral triangle. The goal of this exercise is to show that image contains six functions.

(a)   Prove there are at most six symmetries of Δ.

(b)   Find three reflections in image and name them.

(c)   Find two rotations in image and name them.

(d)   Show that you now have a collection of six distinct symmetries of Δ, meaning that you have identified all of the elements in image.

10.25 Let image be a regular octagon, and consider the group of symmetries image.

(a)   Describe all the elements of image, and prove that your list is complete.

(b)   Let ρ be a counterclockwise rotation through 45image and let f be any reflection in image. Prove that image for all i.

Exercises you can work on after Sections 10.3 and 10.4

10.26 In this problem you will describe the symmetries of a cube image.

(a)   Prove that a symmetry of image is determined by what it does to any face of image.

(b)   Prove that image consists of 48 functions.

(c)   Describe the 48 symmetries of image.

10.27 Prove Theorem 10.11.

10.28 There is a group with only one element, called the trivial group. Describe the structure of the trivial group, and verify that it is indeed a group.

10.29 Let image be an element of a group G, and let image be the identity element. Show that if there are elements g and h in G such that


then image. Thus there is no reason to distinguish “left inverses” and “right inverses.”

10.30 Create the Cayley table for image.

10.31 Create the Cayley table for image, described in Exercise 10.24.

10.32 Let G be any group. Prove that every element of G shows up once and only once in each row and each column of its Cayley table.

Exercises you can work on after Section 10.5

10.33 Let G and H be groups.

(a)   Prove that if G and H are both Abelian, then their Cartesian product image is also Abelian.

(b)   Prove the converse: If image is Abelian, then G and H are Abelian.

10.34 Prove that image is a cyclic group.

10.35 Prove or disprove: image is a cyclic group.

10.36 Let image.

(a)   What is image?

(b)   Find an element in G whose order is 10.

(c)   Find an element in G whose order is 20.

(d)   Prove that G is not cyclic.

10.37 Let G be an Abelian group of even order. Prove that some non-identity element must be its own inverse. That is, there is some image with image and image.

10.38 Here are some examples where image is infinite.

(a)   Let X be the set of integer points inside of image. Prove that image is a countably infinite group.

(b)   Is image countable or uncountable?

(c)   Let image be the integer grid in image, that is,


Is image countable or uncountable?

This problem continues with Exercise 10.50.

10.39 Let Δ be a regular tetrahedron – one where all the edges have the same length – with vertices image, as shown in Figure 6. The line segments joining vertices are referred to as the edges of Δ; the four triangles associated to triples of vertices are the faces of Δ.


Figure 6. A 120image rotation around the axis passing through vertex a produces a symmetry of the regular tetrahedron.

Let image be all of the rotational symmetries of Δ that you can perform on a solid, physical model of Δ.5 For example, you can hold the vertex a fixed and rotate the face of Δ opposite of a by 120image, which has the effect of permuting the vertices b, c, and d.

(a)   Prove that image contains at most 12 elements.

(b)   Find 12 distinct elements in image, thus proving that image.

(c)   Create the Cayley table for image, and highlight entries that demonstrate that image is not Abelian.

Exercises you can work on after Sections 10.610.8

10.40 Prove


10.41 Assume that image is an isomorphism. Prove that if image is an element of infinite order, then so is image.

10.42 Let Δ be a tetrahedron where two non-intersecting edges of Δ have length 2, while the remaining four edges have length image. (See Figure 7.) If you would like a particular set of coordinates for the vertices, use image. Since this tetrahedron was pointed out to us by Jon McCammond, we will refer to it as McCammond’s Tetrahedron. Prove that the symmetry group of McCammond’s Tetrahedron is isomorphic to the symmetry group of the square image.


Figure 7. McCammond’s Tetrahedron Δ with two sets of congruent edges.

10.43 Prove Corollary 10.31.

10.44 Use Corollary 10.31 to prove that image and image – the symmetries of a regular hexagon and the rotations of a regular tetrahedron – are not isomorphic.

10.45 Let image be the toy jack shown in Figure 8.


Figure 8. What is the symmetry group of a toy jack?

(a)   Prove that the order of image is 16.

(b)   The symmetry group of a toy jack and the symmetry group of an octagon are both non-Abelian groups of order 16. Prove that these two groups are not isomorphic.

More Exercises!

10.46 Let image be the circle image. Prove that image is an uncountable, non-Abelian group.

10.47 Prove that “isomorphic” is an equivalence relation on the set of all groups.

10.48 There are five Abelian groups of order 16. List them, and prove that no two groups on your list are isomorphic.

10.49 In this problem we focus on the collection of all finite groups.

(a)   For a fixed image, prove there can be only finitely many groups of order n.

(b)   Prove that the collection of all finite groups is countably infinite.

10.50 In this problem we explore elements of the groups introduced in Exercise 10.38.

(a)   Let X be the set of integer points inside of image. Prove that if image, then image or 2, or g has infinite order.

(b)   Let image be the integer grid in image, that is,


What can you say about the orders of the elements in image?

1   Distance-preserving functions image are called isometries of X, and in this terminology we are defining the isometry group of X. That said, there is a lot of terminology to absorb in this chapter, so we will not use the term isometry.

2   If you have studied matrix arithmetic, you have encountered non-commutative multiplication when you learned how to multiply square matrices (and you might be interested in Exercise 10.23 in the end-of-chapter exercises).

3   It seems odd to say “product” or “power” when the binary operation is addition, but this is the accepted way to phrase such statements.

4   If you are concerned that we might have found only the “right inverse,” congratulations! But see Exercise 10.29.

5   The name we have chosen for this group, image, references a general class of groups including the “rotation group” that is commonly denoted image. The group image is the group of all rotations in image that fix the origin.