Accelerationist movement (e/acc), 95–96
Ada Lovelace Institute, 144
Adobe, 183
AFL-CIO, 179
African-Americans, names of, 59
Age of Surveillance Capitalism, The (Zuboff), 62
Agility, need for in AI agency, 155, 175
AI agency, need for, 149–156, 175
AI Insight Forums, 101
AI literacy, 133–135
Alan Turing Institute, 179
Aleem, Zeeshan, 49
Alexa (system), 24
Algebraic Mind, The (Marcus), 164
Algorithmic Accountability Act (introduced), 123–124
Algorithmic transparency, 123
Alignment acceleration, 145
Allison, Graham, 159
Altman, Sam, 6, 46, 65, 70, 73, 88, 89, 92–93, 97, 100, 136–137, 150–151, 153–154
Echo device, 117
American Data Privacy and Protection Act (proposed), 119
Amnesty International, 179
Angwin, Julia, 36
Apollo 11 mission, computer, 44
Artificial Escalation (film), 67–68
Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), 88–89
Artificial intelligence, 23–24. See also Generative AI; specific problems, e.g.: Defamation, and AI
Artificial Intelligence (AI) Literacy Act (introduced), 134
Atlantic, The (magazine), 69, 98
Atleson, Michael, 124
Auditing, 143–144
AutoGPT, 58
Aviation, 104–105
Ball, Philip, 51
Ballot initiative, 180–181
Balsillie, Jim, 178
Barth, Brian, 178
Bateman, Justine, 66
BBC, 50–51
Bender, Emily, 164
Bengio, Yoshua, 94
Bias, and AI, 59–61
Biden administration, 101–102
Big Brother (fictional agent of totalitarianism), 13
“Big Companies Find a Way to Identify A.I. Data They Can Trust?” (New York Times), 122
Bing (Microsoft), 24–26, 54, 132
Bioweapons, and AI, 58–59
Bipartisan AI Framework, 130
Bletchley Park, Summit at, 16–17
Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights (White House), 234
Blumenthal, Richard, 130
Boeing 737 Max, 104
Boeree, Liz, 95
Bombay Stock Exchange, 50
Bombe, 16
Bommasani, Richi, 121–122
Brin, Sergey, 88
Brockman, Greg, 80
Brynjolffson, Erik, 145–146, 147
Buck, Ken, 67
Bullying, 97
Burkov, Andriy, 60
Buschon, Larry, 134
Cable Act of 1984, 153
California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC), 140
Caltrider, Jen, 117
Captcha, 57
Car manufacturers, data collected by, 117
Center for AI and Digital Policy, 123
CERN, 172
ChaosGPT, 73
Chappelle, Dave, 133
Character.AI, 57
ChatGPT, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 26–27, 40, 44, 70, 80, 90. See also OpenAI
book generated by, 53
and defamation, 54
echo chamber effect, 51
and employment discrimination, 61
“hallucinations” by, 33–36
media hype about, 67
and privacy, 62–63
reasoning by, 170
and Rubik’s Cube, 91
Children and Teens’ Online Privacy Protection Act (proposed), 119
Chowdhury, Rumman, 160
Citizens’ Convention on Climate (France), 181
Citron, Jason, 130
Civil Aviation Board (CAB), 105
Civil society, 179–180
Clarke, Yvette, 123–124
Classical AI, 169
Climate and Resilience Law (France), 181
Clinton, Hillary, 48
CNBC, 100
Coldewey, Devin, 124
Commodore 64, 5
Common Sense Media, 105
Communications Act of 1934, 153
Communications Decency Act (1996), 3
Section 230, 106, 126–127, 129, 131
Communists, and Joseph McCarthy, 94–95
Connected by Data, 179
Copilot (Microsoft), 28–31, 36, 90
Copyright laws and copyrighted work, 112–113, 174
Corporate Europe Observatory, 100, 103
Corporate transparency, 125
“Counterfeit people,” 124
COVID-19, 72
“Co-Writing with Opinionate Language Models Affects Users’ Views” (Jakesch and Naaman), 13
Cox, Joseph, 53
Crime, and AI, 56–58
Cruise, Tom, 42
Culture, change in, 147
Cummings, Missy, 143
Cybersecurity, and AI, 58–59
DALL-E 3, 60
Dartmouth College, 23
Data & Trust Alliance, 122
Data leaks, and AI, 62–64
Data rights, 111–115
Data transparency, 123
Davis, Ernest, 17–18, 34, 51, 165, 179
Davos, 70
Defamation, and AI, 54–55
Deepfakes, 55–56
nonconsensual, 55–56
“DeepStateUncovered” (Discord channel), 12
Democracy, and AI, 11–12
Dennett, Dan, 124
Designer (Microsoft), 27, 128, 132, 33
Dietert, Pete, 114
Digital Equity Act, 134
Digital sweatshops, 31
Discrimination, and AI, 59–61
Doctorow, Cory, 53
Dowd, Maureen, 80
Driverless cars, 140
DuckDuckGo, 82
Durbin, Dick, 130, 150, 152, 155–156, 161
Dunlop, Connor, 144
Duty of care, 127
e/acc. See Accelerationist movement
Echo chamber effect, 51
Economist, The (magazine), 16, 157
Employment, and AI, 10–11
Enshittification, 53
Environmental costs, of AI, 68–70
Environmental transparency, 124
“Escape (The Piña Colada Song)” (Holmes), 168
Eshoo, Anna, 125
Esther (author’s aunt), 164
Esvelt, Kevin, 14
European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC), 179
privacy rules, 79
Product Liability Directive, 128–129
Evans, Owain, 41
“Evolution of Jazz” (Generative AI-written book), 52
Facebook, 8, 14, 82–83, 117. See also Meta
News Feed algorithms, 13
whistleblower, 78
Factuality, and ChatGPT, 170
Fairly Trained, 183
Family Guy (TV show), 133
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), 139, 180
Federal Trade Commission (FTC), 124, 129, 139
Finland, 49
Fishburne effect, 71
Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 139, 143–144, 180
Ford Pinto, 125
Foundation Model Transparency Act, 129
Francis, Pope, 161
Frankfurt, Harry G., 33
Fraser, Colin, 169–170
Full Disclosure (Fung), 125
Fung, Archon, 125
Gardner, Howard, 24
Garner, Michelle Rempel, 143
Gaslighting, 97
Gates, Bill, 44–45
GCHQ (UK), 10–11
Gemini (Google), 36, 44, 91–92
Generative AI, 3
flawed nature of, 6–7
Geometric Intelligence, 5
Germany, 70
Gilman, Nils, 148
Gioia, Ted, 52
Girl with a Pearl Earring, The (Vermeer), 53
GM (General Motors), 88
Google, 4, 8–9, 36, 44, 45, 51, 71, 79, 82, 117, 183
and Anthropic, 84
and Apple, 98
Bard, 51
IPO prospectus, 79–80
lobbying by, 99–100
Photos, 59
and privacy, 112
Government policy, and Silicon Valley, 99–107
GPS navigation 24
GPT-3, 68
GPT-4, 24–25, 31, 54, 57, 68, 80, 152
GPT-7, 46
Graham, Lindsey, 106, 130–131, 150–151, 155
Grisham, John, 10
Grok (X), 24–25
Guterres, Antonio, 161
Hallucination, 33, 36–38. See also ChatGPT
Hamas, attack by, 49
Hamdy, Mona, 81
Hansche, Petruschka, 38
Hao, Karen, 69
Harris, David Evans, 14
Hassabis, Demis, 161
Haugen, Frances, 78
Hawley, Josh, 64, 94, 130, 149–150
Heikkilä, Melissa, 69
Heinrich, Martin, 125
Henrietta Gets a Nest (Oswalt), 35
Hinton, Geoff, 94
Hoffman, Reid, 164
Hollywood writers’ strike, 10
Holmes, Rupert, 168
Hong Kong, 56
“I’m Just a Bill” (“Schoolhouse Rock”), 133
Incentives and incentivizing good AI, 145–148
Income to Support All Foundation, 148
Information, The, 30
Intellectual property, and AI, 65–67 112–113
Intelligence, 24
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), 162
International AI governance, 157–162, 175
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), 160, 161
International Civil Aviation Organization, 160
International Energy Agency, 70
Internet service providers (ISPs), 126
Internet Watch Forum, 11
Iran, 14
Jakesch, Maurice, 13
Jankowicz, Nina, 106
Joker (movie), 65
Kallaugher, Kevin KAL, 16
Kambhampati, Subbarao, 42
Kennedy, John (senator), 97, 136–137
Kennedy, John F., 166
Kenya, 31
Khosla, Vinod, 112–113
Kissinger, Henry, 159–160
Labor transparency, 124
LaFrance, Adrienne, 98
LaMDA (chatbot), 8–9
Landemore, Hélène, 181–182
Large language models (LLMs), 24–25
and medical questions, 50
LawSites blog, 38
LeCun, Yann, 44–45, 93, 94, 97, 102
LexisNexis, 38
Liang, Percy, 121–122
LLaMA and Llama–2 (Meta), 14, 24–25
Luddites, 95
Luke Skywalker (fictional character), 66
MacCarthy, Mark, 10, 104–105, 138, 139
McCain, John, 106
McCarthy, Joe, 94–95
McNamee, Roger, 67, 83, 84, 106–107, 139, 177–178
Macron, government, 102–103
Mani, Francesca, 182
Mankoff, Bob, 85
Marcus, Gary, 17–18, 34, 51, 149–151, 159, 161, 164
Market manipulation, 49–50
Mason Autonomy and Robotics Center (MARC), 143
Meme stocks, 12–13
Merchant, Brian, 95
Meta, 2, 8, 14, 15, 45, 79, 87, 183. See also Facebook
and Instagram, 84–85
LLaMA, 24–25
lobbying by, 99–100
and privacy, 112
and transparency, 122
Microsoft, 8, 9, 70, 92, 101, 183. See also OpenAI
Bing, 24–26
Graph, 36
Office, 28
and Section 230, 106
365, 36
Midjourney (system), 27, 65, 183
Minsky, Marvin, 87–88
Misinformation, and AI, 11–12
accidental, 50–53
Mistral, 192
Mitchell, Melanie, 42
Morrison, Ewan, 96
Moskowitz, Dustin, 101
Mosseri, Adam, 84–85
Motorola, 79
Musk, Elon, 12, 17, 35, 81, 88, 89, 90, 159, 167
Naaman, Mor, 13
Nadella, Satya, 9
National AI agency, need for, 149–156, 175
National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, 56
Nazi memes, 49
Negative externalities, 90, 127–128, 146
Nelson, Alondra, 36
Netanyahu, Benjamin, 11
Neural networks, 167
New Hampshire, deepfaked robocalls in, 94
New York Times, 9, 51–52, 67, 122, 141, 151, 172
“Next Decade in AI” (Marcus), 167
Nintendo Wii, 10
NVidia, 124
Object permanence, 167–168
Olson, Parmy, 91–92
OpenAI, 6, 8, 15, 17, 31, 45, 54, 64, 79, 80, 81, 83, 97, 183
app store, 90
and Artificial General Intelligence, 88–89
and GPUs, 84
and privacy, 112
and transparency, 122
valuation, 92
Open Rights Group, 179
Open source, 14
O’Reilly, Tim, 125
Oremus, Will, 54
Oswalt, Gary, 35
“Our Future Stolen: Elites and Aliens Conspire Against Humanity” (Chat GPT), 12
layers of, 142–144
Overton window, 96
Palta, Rina, 36
p(doom), 72
Pentagon, fake image of, 49–50
Perrigo, Billy, 31
Pfeiffer, Mary Lee, 42
Pigouvian tax, 146
Politico, 101
Porn, deepfake, 132
Predeployment testing, 143–144, 175
Princeton University, 121, 122
Prince William County (Virginia), 69
Privacy, 116–119
and AI, 62–64
Privacy Is Power (Veliz), 118
Prompt, 25
Public opinion, Silicon Valley and, 86–98
Quayside (Toronto), 177–178
RAND Corporation, 101
Reasoning, and ChatGPT, 170
Rebooting AI (Davis and Marcus), 17–18, 34, 35, 165–166
Recommendation on the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence (UNESCO), 123
Regulating Digital Industries (MacCarthy), 104–105, 138
Regulatory capture, 104–105, 107
Reuel, Anka, 155
“Rise of Technoathoritarianism, The” (LaFrance), 98
Robocalls, deepfaked, 94
Robo taxis, 90
Rochester, Lisa Blunt, 134
Roose, Kevin, 9
Rubik’s Cube, 91
Rumsfeld, Donald, 72
Russell, Stuart, 96
Russia and Russians, 14, 48–49
Sandboxing, 58
Santens, Scott, 148
Saturday Night Live (TV show), 133
Saudi Arabia, 103–104
Scammers, and AI, 12
Schaake, Marietje, 101, 125, 161–162
“Schoolhouse Rock” (public service announcements), 133, 135
Schwarz, Michael, 93
Second Machine Age and the Race Against the Machine, The (Brynjolffson), 145–146
Section 230, 106, 126–127, 129, 131
Segway, 88
Sidewalk Labs (Alphabet), 177, 178
Silicon Valley
and government policy, 99–107
moral descent of, 77–85
and public opinion, 86–98
Silverman, Sarah, 10
Sinema, Kyrsten, 137
Siri (system), 24
60 Minutes (news program), 32
Skynet (fictional system), 73
Sky News, 17
Slovakia, 2023 election in, 11, 48
Social Dilemma, The (movie), 87
SOL (system), 60
Solana, Mike, 95
Sound AI, 169
Source transparency, 124
Southen, Reid, 65
SpaceX, 12
Spalding, Thomas, 34
Speed, Ann, 44
Stability AI, 113
Stable Diffusion, 183
Stahl, Lesley, 32
Stanford Internet Observatory, 56
Stanford University, 38, 121, 122
Human-Centered AI Institute, 40
Star Trek, fictional computer in, 6–7, 45
Stein, Jill, 48
Stein, Merlin, 144
Stern, Joanna, 121
Sternberg, Robert, 24
Stevens, John Paul, 137
Steyer, Jim, 105
Substack, 60
Sweeney, Latanya, 59
SXSW, 96
Sydney (chatbot), 9
TaskRabbit, 57
Tay (chatbot), 8
Techlash (Wheeler), 127
Technology Review, 69
“Techno-Optimist Manifesto” (Andreessen), 95
TED talks, 15
Telecommunications Act of 1996, 153
10X employees, 30
Terms of Service agreement, 118
Times, The (newspaper), 48
Transparency, 120–125, 174–175
Trustworthy AI, research into, 163–173, 175
TUC, 179
Tufekci, Zeynep, 118
Turing, Alan, 16
Turkewitz, Neil, 162
Twitter, 80–82, 93. See also X
Twitter poisoning, 87
Uber, 5
United Kingdom (UK), 145
House of Lords, 15
United Nations (UN), 121
United States
Code, Title 49, Chapter 301, 143
Congress, 3, 11, 49, 101, 102, 105, 106–107, 133, 152, 156, 176, 182, 183
Department of Energy, 12
Department of Homeland Security, 14
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, 61
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), 139, 180
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 12
Federal Trade Commission (FTC), 124, 129, 139
Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 139, 143–144, 180
House of Representatives, 102
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 143
National Transportation and Safety Board, 142
Office of Technology Assessment, 139
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), 151, 180
Senate: author’s testimony before, 149–151, 160–161
Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on AI Oversight, 7, 136–137
Supreme Court, Decision on Citizens United, 137
Universal Basic Income (UBI), 149–149
Universal Guideline for AI (Center for AI and Digital Policy), 123
Unreliable systems, overreliance on, 67–68
Veliz, Carissa, 118
Verma, Pranshu, 54
Vermeer, Johannes, 53
Vietnam, 145
Virtual reality (VR), 10
Vogt, Kyle, 88
Wall Street Journal, The (newspaper) 36, 81, 121
Warner, Mark, 106
Washington Post, The (newspaper), 31, 49, 54, 56, 93–94, 137
Waymo, 140
WeWork, 92
Wheeler, Tom, 127, 151, 152, 153
White House Executive Order on AI, 101, 102
“Why Zuckerberg’s 14-Year Apology Tour Hasn’t Fixed Facebook” (Tufekci), 118–119
Wii (Nintendo), 10
WIRED (magazine), 51–52, 72, 118, 160
World Economic Forum, 93
Wyden, Ron, 123–124
Wylie, Bianca, 178
X, 24–25, 53, 81–82, 101. See also Twitter
and Section 230, 106
Y Combinator, 97
Yellow Vests protests (France), 181
Yudkowsky, Eliezer, 159
Yurieff, Kaya, 35
Zabka, Kandy, 117
Zuboff, Shoshana, 62
Zucked (McNamee), 83
Zuckerberg, Mark, 2, 72, 73, 78, 94, 99, 118–119, 130–131, 147, 153