
Page numbers in italics indicate photographs or illustrations. Page numbers in bold indicate charts or tables.


abbreviations, 158

adapting sock patterns, 14–15

Addi knitting needles, 6, 6–7

anatomy of a toe-up sock, 18–19

April, 90–97, 91

color chart, 97

pattern stitches, 90


backward loop increases (M1), 159, 159

Ballet, 20, 98–105, 99

pattern stitches, 98

rib chart, small and large, 105

stitch chart, size large, 105

stitch chart, size small, 104

bamboo knitting needles, 6

binding off, 13, 159–60

basic, 159, 159

creating a looser bind off, 13

sewn, 13, 159, 159

tubular, 13, 160, 160

blocking, 160–61

Blue Moon Fiber Arts Socks

That Rock yarn, 11, 53, 106


cashmere yarn, 8–9, 12

casting on

Judy’s Magic Cast On, 13, 22

sample sock, 23–26


decreases, 158, 158

Dream in Color Smooshy yarn, 74


fiber substitutions, 11

fitting, 5


gauge, 10, 14

row gauge vs. stitch gauge, 19

glossary, 158–62

Graphic, 81–89, 83

pattern stitches, 81

stitch chart, size large, 89

stitch chart, size small, 88

Great Adirondack Silky Sock yarn, 12

Green Mountain Spinnery Cotton Comfort yarn, 90

gussets, increasing sample, 33



cups, shaping sample, 34–38

flap, sample, 38–41

Helix, 150–57, 151

pattern stitches, 150

stitch chart, small and large, 157


increases, 159, 159

Inox knitting needles, 6, 6


Judy’s Magic Cast On, 13, 22


K2tog (knit two together), 158, 158

Keep, The, 120–27, 121

pattern stitches, 120

stitch chart, small and large, 127

Kid Stuff, 46–52, 47

pattern stitches, 46

Knit One, Crochet Too Ty-Dy Socks yarn, 136

Knit Picks knitting needles

Options Harmony, 7

Knit Picks Stroll Tweed yarn, 81

knitting needles. See needles

Kollage Yarns square circulars, 8

Kraemer Sterling yarn, 12

Silk & Silver, 67

Ktbl (knit through the back loop), 161, 161

kwise (knitwise), 160, 160


Lantern Moon Destiny knitting needles, 7, 7

Lorna’s Laces Shepherd Sock yarn, 60

Louet Gems Merino Fingering Weight yarn, 150


M1 (backward loop increases), 159, 159

Malabrigo Sock yarn, 120

math, toe-up, 19–20

toe-to-gusset formula, 20


needles, 4–8

Addi Clicks, 6

Addi Natura, 6, 6

Addi Turbo, 6, 6

bamboo, 6, 6

Inox, 6, 6

Knit Picks Harmony, 7

Kollage Yarns square circulars, 8

Lantern Moon Destiny, 7, 7

Susanne Ebony, 7

Noro Silk Garden Sock yarn, 143


On the Town, 67–73, 69

pattern stitches, 67

stitch chart, 73


P2tog (purl two together), 158, 158

Peppercorn, 143–49, 145

pattern stitches, 143

stitch chart, 149

percentage, a matter of, 18

pwise (purlwise), 160, 160


Raindrops, 128–35, 129

pattern stitches, 128

stitch chart, 135

reinforcing threads, 12

resources, knitting supplies, 163


sample toe-up socks, 21–43

casting on, 23–26

finishing, 42

increasing for gussets, 33

knitting round 1, 27–30

knitting the feet, 32

knitting the legs, 41–42

shaping the heel, 34–38

shaping the toes, 31–32

supplies needed, 21, 22

working the heel flap, 38–41

Schaefer Yarn Heather, 113, 128

Seacell yarn, 8

Seagrass, 74–80, 75

pattern stitches, 74

stitch chart, 80

sergers, 12

sewn bind off, 159, 159

Simplicity, 113–19, 115

pattern stitches, 113

stitch chart, small and large, 119

size conversion chart, 15, 19

children, 165

women and men, 164

size, adjusting for, 14–15, 17

Soft Waves, 53–59, 55

pattern stitches, 53

stitch chart, 59

ssk (slip, slip, knit), 158, 158

stitch markers, 21

stranding, 161, 161

Susanne Ebony knitting needles, 7

swatch, knitting a, 10


Tencel yarn, 8

toe-to-gusset formula, 20

toes, shaping sample, 31–32

tubular bind off, 160, 160

Tuscany, 60–66, 61

pattern stitches, 60

stitch chart, 66

tweedy, 11

tweedy yarn, 11

Twisted Baskets, 106–12, 107

pattern stitches, 106

stitch chart, 112


Valley Yarns

Colrain Lace, 12

Franklin, 46

Huntington, 98

Valley Superwash, 21–22


Warm Woolies, nonprofit organization, 221

Wavelength, 136–42, 137

pattern stitches, 136

stitch chart, 142

weaving in the ends, 161, 161

wool, 8, 12, 45

wrapped stitches, working, 38, 162, 162


yarn, 8–12. See also by brand name

added nylon or bamboo, 12

alpaca, 12

appropriate for socks, 8

cashmere, 8–9, 12

cotton, 8, 11–12, 45

hand-washing, 8–9, 12

machine washable, 8

merino, 12, 45

mohair, 8, 11

Seacell, 8

silk, 8, 45

superwash, 10, 21

Tencel, 8

wool, 8, 12, 45

yarn substitutions, 10–12

fiber options, 11

get the gauge, 10

weight considerations, 10

YLI Corporation’s Woolly Nylon, 12

yo (yarn over), 159, 159