- “Cabbage Patch Gospel” (Jordan), 111
- Caddell, Pat, 197, 197n, 213, 230, 234, 242, 264, 459–60, 474, 557, 592, 593–94
- “Of Crisis and Opportunity” memo, 460–61, 460n
- on Democrat regional schism, 490
- JC influenced by, 463–64
- Kennedy and, 490
- malaise speech and, 463–65, 467, 469, 470
- Caldwell, Erskine, 35
- Calhoun, John C., 461n
- Califano, Joseph, 313, 473, 493, 494, 495, 496
- California
- JC and primary election (1980), 572
- JC and saving the redwoods, 597
- JC’s political woes with, 255
- presidential race (1980), 589
- Proposition 13, 347
- Callaghan, James, 442–43, 443n
- Callaway, Howard “Bo,” 127, 132, 133, 134, 136, 263n, 623
- Calley, William, Jr., 256n
- Call to Action, A (JC), 659
- Cambodia, 311–12, 367–69, 368n, 515
- Camp David, 325, 341, 379n, 393, 463–64, 486–87, 537
- Iran hostage crisis discussions, 518–19
- JC practices his malaise speech at, 467–68
- JC’s self-reflection and leaders’ meetings at, 465–67
- Camp David Accords, ix, 6–7, 24, 334, 352, 388–417, 435, 643, 644n
- Framework for Peace, 406, 407, 410, 411
- JC’s “failure plans,” 410
- JC’s religious faith and, 389
- Jerusalem and, 410, 413, 414
- media and, 399–400, 451n
- signing ceremony, 352, 416, 452
- Sinai and, 389, 391, 398, 401, 402, 404–6, 408, 410–13, 415
- Single Text technique, 399, 399n
- threat of collapse, 432, 438–39, 448–53
- West Bank and, 389, 401–3, 407–8, 411, 412, 414–16, 438
- Cannon, Howard, 381
- Cannon, Jim, 378
- Carlisle, Charles, 82, 88
- Carlyle Group, 288n
- Carmichael, Stokely, 136
- Carter, Alton “Buddy” (uncle), 46, 48, 88, 250
- Carter, Amy (daughter), 26, 142, 167, 196, 217, 250, 282, 295, 322, 406, 591, 616, 619–21, 667
- boarding school, 616, 645
- Camp David Accords and, 396, 410
- caregiver for, 170–71, 316–17, 317n
- as civil rights activist, 620
- Deng Xiaoping and, 424
- at public school, 317, 645
- relationship with her parents, 317, 620–21
- Sadat and, 397
- White House years, 316–17, 322–23, 442
- Carter, Annette (daughter-in-law), 316, 666
- Carter, Billy (brother), 29, 35, 86, 88, 97, 101–2, 112, 187, 250, 251, 318
- alcoholism and, 482, 573, 575, 616
- Billy Beer, 318, 573
- Billygate, 574–76, 579, 595
- death of, 624
- JC as president and, 318, 573–74, 573n
- JC’s campaign and, 217, 250–51, 257
- Libya and, 520, 574, 575–76
- Carter, Buddy (nephew), 35, 573
- Carter, Caron (daughter-in-law), 316
- Carter, Don (cousin), 49
- Carter, Donnel Jeffrey “Jeff” (son), 76–77, 98–100, 172, 208, 315, 621, 666
- JC’s peace efforts and, 636
- JC’s campaigns and, 153, 226, 268
- in private school, 645
- Carter, Gloria. See Spann, Gloria Carter
- Carter, Hodding, 362, 525, 529, 562
- Carter, Hugh (cousin), 113, 129, 138, 250, 254, 275
- Carter, Hugh, Jr. (cousin), 324, 325–26
- Carter, Isaac (ancestor), 23
- Carter, James (ancestor), 23
- Carter, James Earl (father), 15, 18–20, 25, 28, 29, 36, 47
- accomplishments of, 87
- acquisitions, businesses, wealth, 18, 20, 25, 29–30, 49, 86, 87, 476
- anger at FDR, 36–37, 248
- birth of son, Jimmy, 28
- cancer and death of, 86–87
- character and personality, 14, 16, 17, 20, 25, 28, 86–87
- Christian faith of, 16
- community standing, 30, 86–87, 97
- Louis-Schmeling rematch and, 46
- meets and marries Lillian Gordy, 28
- moves family to Plains, 86
- political ideas, 33, 36
- Pond House built, 47
- race, racism, and, 15, 46, 77, 86–87
- reaction to JC and Rosalyn, 65
- relationship with Billy, 101
- relationship with JC, 15–22, 29, 45, 47–48, 50, 51, 77, 86–87, 89, 98
- relationship with JC’s siblings, 21, 29
- in state legislature (1952), 86, 88
- tenant farmers’ strike and, 30
- values and life lessons, 17, 19, 21, 466
- wife’s pregnancies, rewarding her for, 29
- Carter, James Earl, III “Chip” (son), 74, 115, 127, 208, 316, 323, 621, 666
- childhood, 99–100
- civil rights and, 129
- in congressional delegation to China, 419
- at the DNC, 315–16
- drug abuse and, 153, 572, 621
- JC’s campaigns and, 153, 226, 272
- JC’s presidency and, 318, 323
- JC’s reelection defeat and, 616
- Johnson-Humphrey campaign and, 127
- Carter, James Earl, IV (grandson), 621, 657n
- Carter, Jason (grandson), 622, 662, 669
- Carter, Jeremy (grandson), 621, 666
- Carter, Jimmy (James Earl, Jr.)
- as ahead of his time, 248
- ambitions of, 15, 69, 89, 132, 141
- birth of, 14, 28
- Carter family and slave ownership, 23, 24
- children born, 69, 74, 76–77, 142
- Christian faith of, x, 7, 8, 16, 31–33, 40, 58, 138–47, 202–4, 218–19, 240–41, 252, 266–67, 636, 656n, 657–58, 669–70
- core of approach to public life, 41–42
- depression of, xi, 7, 140
- father’s death, impact of, 86–87
- friendships, 39–41, 41n, 51, 58, 89, 102–3, 113, 117, 120, 135, 150, 152, 173–74, 183, 209, 223 (see also Jordan, Hamilton; Kirbo, Charles; Lance, Bert; Powell, Joseph L., Jr. “Jody”; Rabhan, David; specific people)
- “moral ideology” of, 8, 61
- moral stature, 104, 105, 210, 657
- motto, from Ecclesiastes 11:4, x
- as “neoliberal” or “New Democrat,” 248, 287, 338
- Nobel Peace Prize, x, 61, 105, 653–54
- pancreatic cancer in family, 59, 87, 624
- parenting by, 98–100
- philosophy of life, 139
- “political bible” of, 140
- political orientation and influences, 7–8, 70, 134, 135, 149, 156–57, 159, 160, 207, 239, 248
- populism and, 7, 135, 149, 156–57, 159, 160, 207, 248, 346, 347, 477, 571
- recreational mishaps, 50, 667
- Rosalynn and marriage, xi, 28, 61–77, 90, 91, 95, 99, 100, 265, 269, 309, 619–20, 623, 666
- substance abuse in family, 621, 624, 666
- —characteristics and traits
- aloofness, xiii, 60, 145, 182
- anger, emotions controlled, 55, 321, 321n, 620, 622, 637
- anger, signs of, 172, 202, 234
- as autodidact, xii–xiii
- compassion of, 58–59
- competitiveness, 16, 43, 98–99, 486–87, 614, 619
- confidence, 20, 60, 220, 225–26, 343
- as detail-oriented, 18, 25, 56, 73, 76, 178, 223, 332–33, 375, 535
- diet, exercise, and weight, 224, 486
- DIY skills, 623
- drive to do his best, x, xi, 15, 50, 57–58, 81–82, 487
- engineering, skills and outlook of, 73, 83, 97, 100, 133, 152–53, 177, 319–21, 620
- environmental stewardship and, ix, xi, 7, 8, 32, 300
- favorite book, 30
- favorite poet, 100–101, 622
- as grammarian, 4, 178, 178n
- humor of, 217, 235, 266, 267, 322, 331–32
- hunting, fishing, and, xi, 16, 183, 583, 667
- icy glare of, 8, 17, 330, 539, 574
- impatience as a defining trait, 561–62, 614
- inflation of qualifications, 83, 230
- integrity, x, 8, 16, 53, 230, 231
- intelligence, 58, 70, 302–3, 319, 334, 383
- lack of belligerence, 24n
- leadership style, 4, 9, 73, 178, 181–83, 332, 343, 374–75, 461, 497
- love for the soil, 15
- love of reading, 26, 73, 100, 100n
- moderate drinking by, 116, 120, 202, 209
- music and, 58
- navy habits, 70
- as outsider, 7, 39, 52, 59–60, 89, 102, 123, 152, 198, 216, 217, 225, 246, 248, 285–98, 336, 343
- personal voter contact, 154–55, 222
- planning, being well-prepared, 132, 133
- prayers and Bible reading, x, 203, 241, 259, 320–21, 342, 549, 575
- preference for ordinary people, 76
- prickly side, x, 21, 145, 252, 276, 279, 330
- pride, 141, 147, 267, 305, 329, 579, 580, 582, 645
- public persona, x, 8, 169, 234–35
- punctuality, fanatical, 29, 67, 223, 620
- qualities of a long-distance runner, 59, 220
- risk and, 6, 7, 43, 53, 133, 186, 227, 229, 248, 327, 389, 392, 416, 417, 449, 469, 520, 614
- sarcasm of, 56, 157
- self-containment, 59, 60, 72–73, 76, 322, 343
- self-improvement and, xii, 59, 73, 223, 461, 613, 614, 622
- sermonizing, 145, 190, 208, 226, 294, 469
- Southern regional pride, 55–56, 155, 247
- speed reading and, 122, 122n
- sports and pastimes, 16, 20, 44, 50, 57–59, 77, 77n, 98–99, 102–3, 250, 486–87, 623
- stoicism, 69
- stubbornness, stubborn righteousness, 45, 48, 90, 180, 189, 267, 305, 330, 393, 580
- tenacity, 17, 20–21, 632
- thriftiness, 99, 152, 172, 223, 324–26, 479
- toothy smile of, 55, 64
- transactional politics and, 181, 322, 461
- values, 32–33, 53
- wood working, furniture building by, 20, 77, 116, 292, 615, 616, 623–24, 661, 662
- work ethic, 18, 83, 122, 320
- See also civil rights and racial equality; peace
- —1924–53, early years, 13–91
- academic performance, 43–44, 49–50
- African Americans and, 7, 15, 30–33, 46
- Annapolis and, 49–61
- appearance, 42, 50–51, 52, 54
- as child entrepreneur, 47–48
- childhood, 7, 10, 13–22, 31–33, 466, 476
- childhood reading, 35, 43
- Choctawhatchee Creek and, 16
- Christian instruction, 16
- Clark family and, 31–33, 41, 318, 629
- education, Plains, Ga., 18, 39–45, 45n
- family background, 23–38, 24n, 44
- family farmhouse, 15, 45
- farm work and chores, 17–20, 44
- friendships, black playmates, 39–41, 41n
- at Georgia Southwestern State College, 50
- at Georgia Tech, 51
- government job, at sixteen, 48
- Great Depression and, 13, 35–36
- homelife and culture, 1930s, 13–14, 19, 46
- “an immersion in the natural world,” 16
- interest in engineering, 18
- leaves Georgia (1943), 50
- lesson in dangers of following the tribe, 45
- Louis-Schmeling rematch and, 46
- naval career, 68–86, 88–91
- nicknames, x, 15, 20, 44
- political views, becoming liberal, 70
- racial attitudes and, 33–35, 37, 39–40, 46
- religious doubts, 40
- Rhodes scholarship rejection, 69–70
- Rickover and, 78–91
- Rosalynn and, 28, 62–77, 90, 91
- skills acquired, 17–18, 19, 20, 44
- social life, girlfriends, 44–45, 50, 64, 66
- “sounding black,” 40
- teacher, Julia Coleman, and, 41–45
- uncle, Tom Gordy and, 60–61
- —1953–75, Georgia years, x, 95–191
- appearance, 136, 196, 196n
- Baker v. Carr and political career, 116
- business success, peanut farming, prosperity, and Carter’s Warehouse, 90, 92, 95–97, 112, 114, 115, 130–31
- circle of friends, pastimes, golfing, 102–3
- civil rights, racial equality, and, 104, 106–14, 126, 128, 130, 131, 148, 164, 164n, 166–70
- crisis of faith and born again, 138–47
- as a “Dick Russell Democrat,” 133, 156
- family dinners and, 100
- farm inventions and use of technology, 97
- financial stress (1953–54), 95–96
- gaining a statewide reputation, 132–33
- in Georgia Senate, 7, 101, 103, 117–33
- as governor, 7, 166–91, 206–7, 209, 332
- as governor, inaugural declaration, 166–67, 195
- gubernatorial campaign (1966), 133–37
- gubernatorial campaign (1970), 43, 148–65, 159n, 271
- home in Plains, 115–16
- “Jimmy” Carter on ballots, 117
- as “joiner,” 97–98
- Koinonia farm and, 111–12
- lay missionary work, 7, 142–45, 203
- national visibility and, 195–96
- nickname “Jungle Jimmy,” 177, 180
- as outsider, 7, 102
- path to the presidency, 167, 195–212
- peanut as campaign symbol, 153
- political dirty tricks and, 157–58
- political donors, backers, 150–52
- political team for, 135–36, 151
- populist message, 135, 149, 159, 160
- return to Georgia (1953), 89–90
- Rosalynn and family business, 96–97
- school consolidation, as first public campaign, 112–13
- segregationist supporters, 156–63, 196
- sons of, relationships with, 99, 153
- Sumter County Board of Education and, 106–9, 112–13
- Trilateral Commission and, 200
- US Congress run, 132–33
- West Central Georgia Area Planning and Development Commission and, 132–33
- —1975–76, presidential race, xii, 4, 7, 192, 195–281
- announcement of candidacy, 214–15
- “Anybody but Carter” (ABC), 244
- appeal to voters, 217–18, 223–24, 231, 260
- black staffers, 228
- black supporters, 227–28, 234, 236, 241, 243, 275–76
- building an organization, 222–23, 222n
- business support for, 273
- campaign ads, 226–27, 230
- campaign autobiography Why Not the Best?, x, 215, 215n, 239–40, 251
- campaign concerts, 226–27, 227n
- campaign issues, 218, 222–23, 234, 235–36, 239, 245, 249, 272, 292
- campaign pledge, 226, 229–30, 267, 595
- Carter family campaigning for, 226
- celebrities supporting, 226–27, 227n, 248
- colorful relatives and, 217, 249–51, 262
- creating a political identity, 213, 226, 246, 247, 265, 272
- debates and, 269–70, 273–74, 419
- deciding on, planning campaign, 196–212
- Democratic Convention, 247, 254–59
- Democratic Convention acceptance speech, 257–58
- Democratic Party and, 246, 262–63, 263n, 280
- Dickey’s advice, 273, 274
- energy level as “bionic,” 217
- “ethnic purity” gaffe, 242–43
- evangelical Christianity as political asset, 202–4, 218–19, 240–41, 252
- first Spanish language TV ad, 262
- fund-raising, 245n
- general election, 247, 249, 259–81
- general election results, 277–79
- Georgia Stop Carter movement, 213n
- handling of rejection and, 220
- handwritten notes and, 222, 222n
- hard-core base lacking, 247
- honing skills for, 155
- Jewish voters, 236, 237, 240, 241–42
- “Jimmy” Carter on ballots, 217
- Jordan and, 199, 211, 213, 224–25, 252
- Kirbo and, 145, 229, 253–54
- love as concept in national politics, 219
- media and, 217, 218, 220, 228–29, 233, 238–41, 249–53
- message to voters, 218, 219
- “Miz Lillian” becomes famous, 249–50
- “Peanut Brigade,” 233
- Playboy interview, 266–71, 271n
- political endorsements, 240, 242, 246
- Powell and, 222, 224, 227n, 234, 238, 263, 271
- pre-primary stumping (1975), 217, 225–26
- primary campaign, 213–46
- primary candidates, 212–13, 213n, 214, 215, 225, 234, 244, 246
- Rafshoon and, 213, 215, 220–21, 224, 226, 229, 230, 262, 263, 276
- as a religious calling, 259
- retail politics and, 222
- Rosalynn campaigning, 224, 226, 228, 265
- running against Nixon’s record, 215, 216
- running as Washington outsider, 216, 217, 225, 246, 248
- Secret Service protection, 217
- signs of future political troubles, 235, 237
- “so-called fuzziness” and, 245
- Southern heritage and, 217–18, 236, 239, 247, 262, 277, 278, 280
- vice presidential pick, 253–55
- voters targeted by, 214, 252
- whistle-stop railroad trip, 265–66
- —1977–81, presidency, 285–609
- accomplishments, 5–7, 290, 298, 307–8, 315, 362, 371, 387, 426, 427, 431, 531, 533, 556, 571–72, 596, 597–600, 602
- accountability and, 8, 265, 286, 297, 301–2, 351
- as ahead of his time, 287
- amount of legislation passed, 5
- approval ratings, 1–2, 302, 302n, 303, 343, 344, 417, 431, 462, 471, 474–75, 489, 490, 517, 576, 615–16
- assembling a team and transition period, 287–92
- behaviors that hobbled his presidency, 287, 326, 327, 328–29, 330–31, 336, 347, 495–96, 517, 557
- biggest failure, 435
- blacks in administration of, 313
- blind trust for holdings of, 292
- “Cabinet government,” 287–88
- Cabinet purge, 472–75, 478, 507
- campaign promises and, 431, 493, 495
- celebrities supporting, 293, 317, 323, 379
- colorful relatives and family problems, 318, 482, 573, 574–76, 579
- critics of, 9, 297, 333–34, 337, 345, 506, 530, 538 (see also media)
- demeanor, relationships, treatment of staff, 320–22, 321n, 328, 330, 331, 602
- Democratic Party relations and, 182–83, 249, 286, 287, 304–6, 336, 337, 489–90, 572, 575, 582
- deposition in Carter’s Warehouse investigation, 481–82
- domestic policy, 327, 333, 346–47, 463, 497, 579–80 (see also consumer issues; deregulation; economy; education; Eizenstat, Stuart; energy; environmental issues; health care; welfare reform)
- domestic policy, greatest regret, 497
- downsizing and cost-cutting, xiin, 300, 324–26, 325n, 345, 557
- epitaph of his presidency, 602
- ethics and, x, 5, 298, 341, 343, 350–51
- evaluation of, 9
- farewell address, 601–2
- films watched, books read, 322–23
- final message to Cabinet, 602
- first national address, 301–2, 302n
- fiscal conservatism, 479–80, 490, 493, 530, 553–54
- foreign policy and, 5–6, 198, 200, 273, 273n, 310, 333, 345, 355, 356, 360–61, 364–66, 369, 387–89, 419–20, 431, 448, 466, 481, 515–16, 531, 533–34, 536, 537–38, 544, 553, 563, 578–80, 648 (see also arms control; Brzezinski, Zbigniew; Camp David Accords; human rights; Iran hostage crisis; Middle East; Panama Canal Treaties; peace; Vance, Cyrus; specific countries)
- G-7 summit, Tokyo, 462–63
- “Georgia mafia” (staff), 288, 288n, 294
- God Squad and, 466–67
- Great Britain state visit, 100–101
- Guadeloupe summit, 442–43
- as historical anomaly, 280–81
- identity as a reformer, 349
- image and, 301
- inaugural address, 41, 294–95, 357, 532
- inauguration, 282, 293–96, 293n
- inner engineer and productive temperament, 300, 323, 319–21, 532
- Jewish voters and, 483–86, 487, 555–56
- judicial appointments, x, 5, 313–14, 327, 587
- Kennedy and, personality and policy clashes, 205–6, 239, 255, 491, 493–98, 582–83
- Kennedy and, re-nomination challenge (1980), ix, 9, 329, 487–90, 498–501
- “Killer Rabbit” story, 482–83, 482n, 487
- Lance scandal and, 340–41
- leadership style, 4, 9, 73, 332, 343, 374–75, 461, 497
- “malaise” speech, 2, 456–57, 463–72, 478, 487, 488–89
- media and, 253, 279, 288, 292–94, 297, 335, 342–45, 422, 578, 582, 585–86
- Middle East trip (1979), 448–52
- “moral equivalent of war” speech, 303, 306
- morality and, 8, 332, 356, 374, 440, 466, 468, 479, 587
- moral vision, 281
- national addresses, fireside chats, 301, 378
- new Cabinet-level departments, 5, 306, 473, 571–72
- New England “town meeting” begun, 302
- nonjudgmental diplomacy of, 131
- Notre Dame speech (1977), 360
- one-term predictions for, 245
- “ostentatious modesty” and, 324–25
- “playing politics” and, 326–27, 329, 495
- prioritization lacking, 345–46
- Reagan debate (Oct. 1980), 590–92, 590n
- Reagan’s inauguration and, 605–6
- Reagan’s transition and, 600–601
- reelection campaign, 2, 517–18, 526, 543, 551–53, 555, 562, 572–73, 575, 583–94
- reelection defeat, 9, 327, 344, 480, 486, 519n, 521, 568, 586, 593–95, 616
- religious faith and, 321, 359, 389, 398, 416, 452, 516, 520, 532
- restoration of faith in government and, 292
- Rosalynn as advisor and envoy, 287, 301, 309–12, 327, 377, 392, 445, 459–60, 464, 472, 473, 479, 540, 552, 557, 575
- running and public collapse, 486–87
- Secret Service code name for, 322
- separation of church and state, 8, 122, 237, 241, 268
- speech at the DNC (1980), 581–82
- speeches on energy, 303, 306
- speechwriters, speechwriting, and delivery, 306, 338, 360, 378, 378n, 459, 463–64, 467, 509, 534
- staffers taking speed-reading class, 122n
- State of the Union address (1979) and “New Foundation,” 458–59, 459n
- State of the Union address (1980) and Carter Doctrine, 542–44, 543n, 547, 548
- tennis court story, 334
- Three Mile Island nuclear accident, 86, 457–58, 458n
- transparency and, 292, 302, 331, 351
- Truman’s “The Buck Stops Here” sign, 8, 265, 297
- “trusteeship” approach, 286
- UFOs and, 201–2
- US Congress and, 304–6, 327–29, 346–47, 375–85, 387
- vice president’s role, 253, 254, 289–90
- Vienna summit (1979), 534–35
- Vietnam draft dodgers pardon, xiin, 255, 256, 296–97, 586
- vision of, 4, 5, 307, 333–34, 362, 581–82
- Volcker appointment, 478–81
- Washington establishment and, 336, 341
- as Washington outsider, 7, 198, 285–98, 336, 343
- “weak leader” perception, 490, 502, 521, 529, 584
- women appointments, hiring, and issues, 5, 313–15, 348–49, 361, 444–45, 552
- worst decision, 472–75
- written briefings, 327
- —1981–present, postpresidency, 7, 613–70
- in Africa, 610, 629–30
- aging and health issues, 668
- appearance, 667
- approval ratings, 653
- Baptist Church and, 657–58
- big goals of, 663
- Bush, George H. W. and, 618, 640–41, 642–43, 644, 664
- Bush, George W. and, 615, 618, 638, 641, 649, 653, 654, 664, 665
- cancer diagnosis (2015), 661, 666
- Carter Center and, xiii, 613, 626–39
- Christian faith and, 613
- Clinton and, 641, 645–52, 664–65
- Covid-19 and, 669
- death of his siblings and, 624–25
- democratic accountability, election monitoring by, 633–34, 637
- the Elders and, 663
- Emory University association, 617
- evaluation of, xii, 613–14
- ex-presidents and, 640–43, 645–52, 664
- finances and income, 617–18
- Ford and, 640–41
- as freelance secretary of state, 640–52 (see also specific countries; foreign leaders)
- frugality and, 326
- in Gaza (2008), 656
- global health and, 630–33, 631n, 633n, 668–69
- global peace and, x, 89, 620, 628, 635–39, 642–52, 654–57, 663
- Habitat for Humanity and, xi, 614–15, 615n, 667, 668
- hallmark of, 613–14
- human rights and, 635–39
- married life and, 619–20, 623
- nuclear submarine named for, 651
- Obama snubbing, ignoring, 641, 656, 657
- painting and, 622
- in Plains, Ga., 661–63, 667–70
- poetry-writing, 622–23
- political movement left and, 620
- Presidential Medal of Freedom, 652
- presidential race (2020) and, 665
- public affection for, 662
- Rabhan’s release and, 659–60
- racial discrimination and, 669
- Reagan and, 641–42
- refusal to cash in on presidency, 618, 664
- relationship with grandchildren, 621–22
- in Russia, fishing trip (2014), 667
- self-improvement and, 613, 614, 622
- as servant-leader, 260
- social justice and, 206
- Sunday school teaching, Maranatha Baptist Church, 661–62, 669
- travel, “exile,” and finding purpose, 613–25, 640, 664
- Trump and, 665
- writing career, 618–19, 622–23
- —writings
- Always a Reckoning and Other Poems, 19, 623
- “The Ballad of Tom Gordy,” 61
- A Call to Action, 658–59
- early years, workbooks and essays, 43–44
- Everything to Gain, 619
- The Hornet’s Nest, 623
- An Hour Before Daylight, 32, 48, 619
- influences on, 42
- “I Wanted to Share My Father’s World” (poem), 21–22, 89
- Keeping Faith, 618
- The Little Baby Snoogle Fleejer, 619
- “Miss Lillian” (poem), 38
- number of books written, 618
- Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid, 655, 655n
- “The Pasture Gate” (poem), 41, 623
- “Peanuts” (poem), 47
- poetry and, 53, 321, 622–23
- “Rachel” (poem), 33
- “Rosalynn” (poem), 65
- Turning Point, 114n, 120n
- Why Not the Best?, x, 49, 50, 239–40
- Carter, John William “Jack” (son), 69, 75, 90, 91, 98, 113, 208, 315, 316, 621
- childhood of, family life, 98–100
- estrangement from JC, 208, 215, 621
- healing relationship with JC, 666
- JC’s presidential campaign and, 226
- “Why not the best?” and, 215
- Carter, Judy Langford (daughter-in-law), 153, 171, 552, 619, 621
- Carter, Lillian Gordy (mother), 21, 25–28, 33, 34, 35, 37, 47, 50, 56, 88, 129, 140
- advice at age seventy, 146
- as Auburn housemother, 99, 99n
- births of children, 28–29
- death of, 624
- on Georgia Human Resources Board, 171
- Iran hostage crisis and, 519, 519n
- JC as president and, 278, 318
- JC’s political campaigns and, 117, 118, 134, 153, 218, 276
- LBJ’s campaign and, 127
- Louis-Schmeling rematch and, 46
- love of reading, 26, 35
- meets and marries Earl Carter, 28
- as “Miz Lillian” and fame, 25, 249–51, 317–18
- as nurse in Sumter County, 27, 37–38
- parenting by, 21, 33, 37–38
- Peace Corps and, 134–35
- personality, 33, 35, 56, 61, 249–50, 251
- racial and religious tolerance and, 27, 33–35, 37, 39–40, 45n, 77, 115, 276
- relationship with her husband, 29
- relationship with JC, 33, 34, 37–38, 51, 99n
- relationship with Rosalynn, 28, 62–63, 65, 90, 95, 100, 153–54, 171
- Sadat and, 397
- Carter, Littleberry Walker (paternal great-grandfather), 24
- Carter, Nina (paternal grandmother), 24
- Carter, Rosalynn Smith (wife), xi, 62–77
- academic performance, intelligence of, 64
- in Africa, 610, 629
- age discrimination project, 310–11
- aging and health issues, 668
- appearance, 64, 65
- birth of, xi, 62–63
- birth of daughter, Amy, 142
- birth of son, Chip, 74
- birth of son, Jack, 69
- birth of son, Jeff, 76–77
- Camp David Accords and, 392, 396, 397, 398, 400, 401, 404, 405, 406, 407, 408, 410, 411, 415, 416–17, 450–51, 452
- caregiver for Amy, Mary Fitzpatrick, and, 170–71
- Carter Center and, 633, 634, 637, 638
- character and personality, 63
- childhood reading, 63
- children’s health and, 312
- civil rights and, 129, 131
- the Clintons and, 646
- desire to escape Plains, 63, 64, 67
- Equal Rights Amendment and, 552
- family business in Plains and, 96–97
- family problems and, 621–22, 622n
- father’s death, impact of, 63–64
- as First Lady, 5, 282, 309–12
- at Georgia Southwestern, 64
- as governor’s wife, 171–72
- Graham and, 268
- grandchildren and, 621–22
- Great Depression and, 63
- Guadeloupe summit, 442
- home in Plains, 115–16
- in Honolulu, 73
- independence of, 69
- Iran hostage crisis and, 519, 519n, 561
- Iran hostage rescue mission and, 567
- JC and marital life, xi, 62–77, 90, 91, 95, 99, 100, 265, 269, 309, 619–20, 623, 666
- on JC as leader, 9
- JC calls “Darling,” 28
- JC’s Annapolis graduation and, 61
- JC’s confidence and, 144
- JC’s courtship of, 64–67
- JC’s decision to return to Georgia, 90, 91
- JC’s decision to run for state office, 117
- JC’s first date with, 64
- JC’s gubernatorial campaign, 133, 134
- JC’s gubernatorial inauguration, 166–67
- on JC’s inability to relax, 98
- JC’s love letters to, xi, 74–75
- JC’s “perfect extension of myself,” 67
- JC’s Playboy interview and, 269
- JC’s political campaigns and, 148, 153
- JC’s postpresidency and, 613, 614, 666
- JC’s presidency, role in, 287, 301, 309–12, 327, 377, 392, 445, 459–60, 464, 472, 473, 479, 540, 552, 557, 575
- JC’s presidential ambitions and, 197
- JC’s presidential campaign and, 217, 220, 224, 226, 228, 243, 265
- JC’s reelection campaign and, 557, 560, 567, 583, 594
- JC’s reelection defeat, effect of, 616
- JC’s sister Ruth and, 63, 64, 65, 67–68
- Koinonia farm and, 111
- Mailer on, 253
- at Maranatha Baptist Church, 661
- memoirs of, 618
- as mental health advocate, 187, 311, 596–97, 621–22, 633, 657n
- as Methodist, 146
- mother-in-law Lillian and, 65, 90, 95, 100, 153–54, 171
- as navy wife, 67, 69, 88
- the Obamas and, 657n
- Panama Canal Treaties and, 373, 377
- personal development, 315
- political orientation, 70
- popularity of, 310, 662
- presidential inauguration and, 282, 293n, 295–96
- pronunciation of first name, 62
- racial equality and, 105, 106
- Reagan and, 641–42
- Reagan as president-elect, Nancy’s comments, 601
- refugee resettlement and, 311–12
- return to Plains (1953), 95
- “Rosalynn” (poem by JC), 65
- running as sport for, 486
- self-improvement and, 73
- Soviet dissident Vins and, 359–60
- virginity at marriage, 68
- wedding, 67–68
- White House family rituals and movie-watching, 322
- White House nickname, 310
- women’s issues and, 310, 312–13, 445
- Carter, Ruth. See Stapleton, Ruth Carter
- Carter, Sybil Spires (sister-in-law), 101, 573, 574, 624
- Carter, Wiley (paternal great-great-grandfather), 24
- Carter, William Alton “Buddy” (paternal uncle), 24–25
- Carter, William Archibald “Billy” (paternal grandfather), 24
- Carter Center, xiii, 613, 622, 626–39, 641, 657, 664
- African farming projects, 629–30
- Arab benefactors, 628
- Atlanta Project, 628
- board chair, Jason Carter, 622, 662
- design of, 627
- donors, 655
- election monitoring by, 633–34, 637, 642
- Emory University and, 627
- focus of, 628–29
- funding for, 627–28
- fund-raising Weekend, 662
- global health and, 630–33, 631n, 633n
- Guinea worm disease and, 630–32, 662
- JC’s vision for, 626
- in Liberia, Ebola virus, 633
- Mental Health Program, 633
- motto, 629
- number of employees, 627
- river blindness project, 632–33
- Carter Doctrine, 542–44, 543n, 547, 548, 620, 642
- Casey, William, 588–89, 590, 607n, 608–9
- Cash, Johnny, 227n, 278
- Castro, Fidel, 376, 568–69, 635
- Catoctin Park 10K Race, 486–87
- Cave, George, 607n
- CBS and CBS News, 99, 128, 168, 233, 255, 267, 302, 332, 451n, 464, 581
- Face the Nation’s Billy interview, 574
- JC campaign speech on, 518
- JC inaugural, 296
- JC’s “ethnic purity” gaffe and, 243
- Mudd’s Kennedy interview, 499–500
- Cédras, Raoul, 637, 649–51
- Cédras, Yannick, 650
- Centers for Disease Control, x, 630–31
- Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 607n, 620
- Afghanistan and, 535, 535n, 536, 544
- Carter Doctrine and, 543
- Casey and, 588–89
- Eastern bloc dissidents and, 358
- intelligence failure in Iran, 437–38, 454
- Iran hostage crisis and, 515, 562
- payments to Hussein and, 335
- shah of Iran backed by, 437n
- Sorensen nomination, 291–92
- Turner heads, 61, 292
- Chalk River nuclear accident, 84–86
- Chamorro, Violeta, 642
- Chancellor, John, 257, 257n, 278
- Chaney, James, 584
- Chappell, Fred, 111, 115, 125
- Chase, Chevy, 261
- Chase Manhattan Bank, 200, 442, 504, 505, 507
- Chavez, Cesar, 272
- Cheney, Dick, 262, 278, 288, 376n, 578
- Cher (Cher Bono, later Allman), 317
- Chiang Kai-shek, 71–72, 419
- Chicago, Ill., 78, 149, 214, 240, 497, 592, 621
- baseball game rioting, 457
- Democratic National Convention (1968 and 1996) in, 149, 498, 651
- mayor Jane Byrne and Kennedy, 553
- See also Daley, Richard J.
- Chicago Tribune, 242
- Children’s Express, 257
- Chile, 363, 370, 443
- China, 252, 418–27, 418n, 420n
- Baptist missionaries in, 40, 418, 425
- Communist Revolution, 71–72
- coronavirus pandemic and, 427
- “Democracy Wall Movement,” 421
- Deng’s visit to Washington, 72, 423–25
- economic development, 422–23, 426, 427
- energy and coal, 426
- human rights and, 427
- Japan and, 426
- JC and Christianity in, 8, 425
- JC and Deng, 8, 40, 72, 421, 422, 423–24
- JC and Rosalynn visit, 425
- JC in the navy and, 72, 418
- JC’s ninetieth birthday present from, 426
- Nixon and, 72, 418, 419
- normalizing US relations, x, 6, 72, 368, 419–27
- Soviet Union and, 419, 420, 421, 423–24
- Summer Olympics boycott and, 545–46
- Tiananmen Square, 421
- “two-China policy,” 6, 419, 423, 426
- US ambassador, Communist China, 423
- Vietnam and, 423–24
- Western education and, 421
- China Syndrome, The (film), 458
- Chirac, Jacques, 443n
- Christopher, Warren, 381, 423, 484, 509, 515, 516, 541, 563, 592, 603, 605, 645, 650
- Chrysler Corporation, 551
- Chun Doo-hwan, 367
- Church, Frank, 244, 254, 386, 569
- Churchill, Winston, 393, 395
- Civil Aeronautics Board (CAB), 491
- Civiletti, Benjamin, 314
- Civil Rights Act of 1957, 106
- Civil Rights Act of 1964, 106, 127, 541
- civil rights and racial equality, 355, 577
- Albany Movement, 114
- Americus, Ga. and, 114–15, 124–26, 128, 129
- bank investment reform, 5, 556–57, 557n
- Boston busing crisis, 262
- Brown v. Board of Education, 105, 113
- Carmichael and Atlanta racial strife, 136
- Children’s Crusade, 125
- fear and lack of open support for, 129
- globalizing of, 356–57
- integration of Annapolis, 56–57
- JC and, x, xi–xii, 40–44, 57, 77, 89, 104–16, 187, 190–91, 262, 355, 556–57, 557n, 585, 669
- JC as Georgia governor and, 164, 164n, 166–70, 204
- JC on school desegregation, 155–56
- JC’s judicial appointments and, x, 5, 313–14, 327
- JC’s public silence on, 126, 128, 129, 130, 131, 147, 148–49, 355, 629, 669
- Jewish community funding, 150
- march from Selma to Montgomery, 128
- outlawing redlining, x, 556
- racism in the North, 262
- school desegregation and, 105–9, 127
- summer of 1965, 127–28
- in Sumter County, Ga., 124–26
- civil service reform, 5, 218, 345, 350–51, 406
- Civil Service Reform Act of 1978, 350
- Clark, Dick, 499
- Clark, Ellery, 59
- Clark, Jack, 18, 31–32, 33, 629
- Clark, Rachel, 31–32, 33, 41, 318, 629
- Clark, Ramsey, 516–17
- Clarridge, Duane “Dewey,” 607n
- Clausen, A. W. “Tom,” 290, 478–79
- Clausen, Peggy, 479
- Clean Air Act Amendments of 1977, 307
- Clean Water Act of 1972, 183
- Clean Water Act of 1977, 308
- Cleland, Max, 297, 568, 587
- Clifford, Clark, 465–66, 517
- Clift, Eleanor, 217
- climate change, 2, 599, 600
- Clinch River Breeder Reactor Project, xiin, 458n
- Clinton, Bill, 5, 40, 89n, 258, 285–86, 285n, 287, 302n, 314, 327, 482, 519n, 664
- banking deregulation, 554n
- Breyer appointment, 492n
- Children’s Health Insurance Program, 493
- Cuban refugees, Fort Chaffee riot, 571
- EITC and, 348
- inauguration, 645–46
- JC and, 212, 466, 571, 641, 645–52
- JC’s shot at ethics of, 664–65
- North Korea and, 646–49
- Oslo Accords, 646, 654
- wealth after leaving office, 618, 618n
- Clinton, Chelsea, 645
- Clinton, Hillary, 646, 652
- Clinton, Roger, 573n
- Clinton Foundation, 633n, 665
- Clinton Library, Little Rock, Ark., 571, 652
- Clough, Susan, 321–22, 334, 334n, 377n, 413–14, 482, 594
- Clymer, Adam, 374
- CNN (Cable News Network), 337n, 581, 616, 627, 647, 648, 651
- Coal Miner’s Daughter (film), 322
- Coca-Cola, 47, 178, 221, 325, 423, 537
- Coffin, William Sloane, 515
- Cohen, Roberta, 362
- Cohn, Roy, 345
- Cold War, 356, 360, 364, 365, 366–69, 433, 439, 549, 569
- JC and, 6, 356, 360, 422, 528, 547, 548, 569
- JFK on, 528
- revival of, 360n, 369
- “soft power” and, 370
- US nuclear fleet and, 79, 79n
- Colegrove, Warren, 73
- Coleman, Julia, 41–45, 41n, 153, 668
- JC’s inaugural address and, 41–42, 294–95
- Coleman, Morton, 510–11, 588
- Colombia, 311, 370, 372, 516
- Colson, Chuck, 260
- Columbus Enquirer, 161
- Comish, Allen, 116
- Commentary magazine, 538
- Commission on Mental Health, 311
- Common Cause, 465
- Communism, 72, 360, 360n, 362, 366, 370, 418, 528, 531, 535, 569
- GOP anti-Communist group, 529
- JC and Solidarity movement, 601
- JC’s new approach, 360–61, 360n
- Nicaragua and, 363–64, 385, 454, 642
- US alliances and, 369, 369n
- Community Reinvestment Act (CRA), 556–57, 557n
- Comprehensive Employment and Training Act (CETA), 338
- Congo (Zaire), 366
- Connor, Bull, 111
- consumer issues, consumer protection, 5, 170, 189, 207, 252, 346, 349–50
- EPA and, 308
- JC’s deregulation and, 493
- Consumer Product Safety Commission, 308, 348
- Consumer Protection Agency, 349–50
- Coolidge, Calvin, 7, 488
- Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, 658
- Corbin, Paul, 590
- Corman, James, 496, 497
- Cosell, Howard, 542
- Costanza, Midge, 288n, 341–42
- Costa Rica, 370
- Costle, Doug, 308
- Cox, Archibald, 241, 498
- Cox Chambers, Anne, 135
- Crested Butte resort, Colo., 263n, 623
- Criswell, W. A., 268
- Cronkite, Walter, 233, 255, 267, 302, 582
- Crow, Carl, 119–20
- Crowe, William, 83
- Cruise, Tom, 256
- Cruz, Eloy, 144–45, 165, 661
- Cuba, 360n, 568–69
- JC’s visit (2002), 635
- refugees, xiin, 568–71, 595
- Culture of Narcissism, The (Lasch), 460
- Culver, John, 383–84, 386
- Cumberland Island National Seashore, 183
- Cuomo, Mario, 475
- Cutler, Lloyd, 477, 519, 523, 524, 603–5
- Czechoslovakia, 536
- Czech Republic, 371
- Daley, Richard J., 214, 240, 246, 259
- Dalton, John, 78
- Daniels, Charlie, 226, 585
- Dark Horse (Knebel), 216
- Davis, Alonzo “A.D.,” 39, 40–41, 41n, 45n
- Davis, Benjamin O., 57n
- Davis, Bette, 293
- Day, Dorothy, 110
- Dayan, Moshe, 396, 398, 402, 404, 405, 407, 410, 411, 413, 416, 451
- Dean, John, 271
- DeBakey, Michael, 559, 588
- Declaration of Independence, 351
- DeConcini, Dennis, 382
- defense
- B-1 bomber, xiin, 530, 530n
- B-2 Stealth bomber, 6, 419, 530
- draft registration, xiin, 543, 543n, 577
- intermediate range missiles, 6, 530–31
- JC’s buildup, 544, 548
- JC’s defense budget, 6, 530, 544
- JC’s presidential directives on nuclear engagement and PD-59, 532–33, 533n
- MX missile, 6, 531, 535
- Rapid Deployment Force, 543, 543n
- Deliverance (film), 186, 209, 273
- Delta Airlines, 178
- Democratic National Campaign Committee, 211
- Democratic Party, 246
- 1948 presidential race, 70
- 1968 National Convention, 148–49
- 1972 National Convention, 196–97
- 1972 presidential campaign, 196–97, 198
- 1974 midterms, 211–12, 213
- 1976 National Convention, 254–59, 457
- 1976 Party platform, 255
- 1976 presidential campaign, xii, 7, 145, 259–81
- 1976 presidential primary, 4, 212, 213–46
- 1978 midterms “mini convention,” 488
- 1980 National Convention, 577–81
- 1980 platform, 580
- 1980 presidential campaign, 2, 517–18, 526, 543
- 1980 presidential primary, ix, xii, 9, 487, 488–89, 498–501, 517–18, 534, 543, 550–53, 557, 572–73, 575
- 2008 National Convention, 656
- abortion issue and, 236
- Congressional majority and, 5, 285–86
- Deep South and, 127, 204–5
- divisions in (1970s), 286, 456, 490
- evangelical Christians and, 241
- FDR acceptance speech (1932), 258
- in Georgia, 120
- JC and, xii, 4, 249, 255, 280, 304–6, 336, 337, 489–90, 575, 582
- JC as Georgia governor and, 168
- JC as “neoliberal” or “New Democrat,” 248, 287, 338
- JC campaigning for (1974), 211–12, 212n
- Jewish donors, 485
- JFK acceptance speech (1960), 258
- Kennedys and, 197
- left wing of, 255
- liberal politics of, 159
- organized labor and, 214
- Panama Canal Treaties and, 385–86
- progressives and, 68, 225, 242, 488
- racist wing, 237
- “Watergate Babies,” 212, 286
- Deng Pufang, 420n
- Deng Rong, 426
- Deng Xiaoping, 8, 40, 72, 420, 420n, 421, 422–25, 425n, 432, 448, 641
- Denver, John, 227
- Depository Institutions Deregulation and Monetary Control Act of 1980, 554n
- deregulation, 5, 306, 383, 406, 345, 477, 491–93, 554, 554n
- JC’s reforms and business boost for FedEx, other companies, 492
- Kennedy backing of, with JC, 491–92
- Motor Carrier Act, 492
- OSHA and, 348–49
- “regulatory capture” and, 491
- Derian, Patricia “Patt,” 361–63, 367, 369
- Deutsch, Alejandro, 363
- Deutsch, Karl, 617
- Dewey, Thomas, 70, 254
- Dickey, James, 186, 273, 274
- “Dictatorships and Double Standards” (Kirkpatrick), 369n
- Dingell, John, 598
- Dobelle, Evan, 485
- Dobrynin, Anatoly, 357, 358, 370, 371, 529, 529n
- Dolan, Terry, 386
- Dole, Bob, 261, 274, 278, 349, 500
- Dolvin, Emily Gordy (aunt), 17, 56, 68, 171
- Donaldson, Sam, 243, 249, 251, 258, 331, 344, 585, 595, 601
- Donilon, Tom, 573
- Donovan, Hedley, 477
- Doolittle, Jerry, 306, 338, 360, 378, 378n, 382, 434n
- Doonesbury (Trudeau), 166, 558
- Dowd, Maureen, 651, 665
- Drew, Elizabeth, 241
- Drummond, James “Bulldog,” 570, 571
- Dubs, Adolph “Spike,” 454, 537
- Duchin, Peter, 259
- Dukakis, Michael, 593
- DuPont, gift to Carter Center, 631
- Durkin, John, 499
- Duvalier, Jean-Claude “Papa Doc,” 369
- Dylan, Bob, 153, 206, 209, 258