- Eagleburger, Lawrence, 361–62
- Eagleton, Tom, 197, 342
- Earle, Ralph, 534
- East, John P., 386
- Eastland, James, 313
- Ebenezer Baptist Church, Atlanta, Ga., 148, 150, 163–64, 585
- Ebtekar, Masoumeh, 514
- Ecclesiastes 11:4, x
- economy, xii, xiin, 2, 5, 9, 37, 260, 287, 431, 461
- federal budget cuts, xiin, 553–54, 554n
- Humphrey-Hawkins bill and, 338
- inflation, 2, 5, 260, 261, 307, 339, 431, 432, 456, 462, 476–81, 493, 553–54, 555, 586
- interest rates, xiin, 2, 432, 475, 479, 554, 586
- JC’s advisors, 477–78
- JC’s credit controls, 554
- JC’s reelection campaign and, 584
- JC’s reelection loss and, 595
- manufacturing and, 338–39
- Middle East oil and, 543, 544, 548
- “misery index,” 2, 555
- rebound (1980), 586
- recession and, 481, 554
- recovery program (1977–78), 337
- stagflation, 287, 477, 490
- unemployment, 2, 431, 554
- Ecuador, 370
- Edelman, Peter, 550
- Edenfield, Berry Avant, 660
- education
- Brown v. Board of Education and, 105, 107, 108, 113, 127
- Department of Education, 571–72
- funding, 480, 596
- Head Start, 480
- JC as governor and, 186–87
- JC on Sumter County Board, 106–9, 112–13
- school desegregation, 155, 187, 571
- school prayer and, 586
- segregated schools, 106–9
- teachers’ unions and, 571
- women’s equity in sports, 571
- Edwards, Bruce, 275
- Edwards, Clarence, 236
- Efaw, Fritz, 256
- Egypt, 395, 416n
- Camp David Accords, ix, 6, 352, 388–417, 438–39, 448–53
- Gaza and, 389, 390, 406, 407, 411, 416, 451
- JC in (1979), 449
- shah of Iran exiled in, 559
- Sinai and, 389, 391, 398, 401, 402, 404, 405–6, 408, 410–11, 412, 413, 417
- Suez Canal, 390
- Yom Kippur War, 389, 395
- Ehrlichman, John, 210
- Eidenberg, Gene, 570
- Einstein, Albert, 396
- Eisenhower, David, 393
- Eisenhower, Dwight D., 59, 216, 289–90, 302n, 373, 393, 536, 601
- Eizenstat, Stuart, 288n, 341, 347, 464, 467, 472, 474, 495, 543, 572
- domestic policy chief, 327, 337, 346, 463
- JC’s most senior Jewish advisor, 485–86
- Elders, 663
- Elizabeth II, Queen, 506
- El Salvador, 364, 569
- Emergency Natural Gas Act, 300–301
- Emory University, 101, 151, 153, 613, 617, 627, 628, 647
- Emory University Hospital, 666
- Endangered Species Act, 303
- energy, xiin, 3
- alternative energy sources, 46, 299
- Clinch River Breeder Reactor Project, xiin, 458n
- coal liquefaction plant, W.Va., 577
- conservation as moral equivalent of war, 303
- deregulation, 273, 306, 307
- as dominant domestic issue, 253
- federal fuel economy standards, 307
- gas shortages, 1, 287, 456, 462, 463
- JC and Plains solar panels, 668
- JC as governor and, 188
- JC’s addressing problem of, 463–64
- JC’s policies, 3, 5, 299–301, 303, 306–8
- malaise speech and, 470, 470n
- National Energy Act of 1978, 303–4, 306, 307
- oil prices, 2, 307, 443, 462, 477, 553
- OPEC oil embargo, 188, 299, 476–77
- Three Mile Island nuclear accident, 457–58, 458n
- White House solar panels, 1–4, 668
- windfall profits tax on fossil fuel, 571
- environmental issues, ix, xi, 5, 178, 245, 304, 345
- Alaska Lands bill, xiin, 334, 597–99
- California’s redwoods, 597
- Chattahoochee River and, 183–84, 597
- Chattooga River and, 186
- Clean Air Act Amendments, 307
- Clean Water Acts, 183, 307–8
- climate change, 600, 600n
- dam development opposed, 183–86, 304–5
- first official global warming alarm, 2
- Flint River preservation, 16, 184–85
- Georgia Nature Conservancy founded, 183
- Global 2000 Report to the President, 599–600
- inauguration as “eco-friendly,” 293
- JC and, 1–4, 8, 32, 222–23, 299, 597, 668
- JC as Georgia governor and, 177, 178, 183–86, 222–23, 597
- JC’s NPS designations and urban parks, 5, 597
- Szego as clean-energy pioneer, 2, 3
- toxic waste cleanup, 5, 307–8, 597, 601
- wetlands preservation, 183
- White House Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ), 600
- Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 307–8, 348
- Equal Rights Amendment, 225, 552, 577, 586
- Escobar Bethancourt, Rómulo, 377
- Etheridge, Jerome, 144, 144n
- ethics, x, 245, 341, 343, 351n
- JC as governor and, 188–89, 207
- JC’s federal legislation, 5, 350–51, 351n
- “sunshine laws,” 188
- Ethics in Government Act of 1978, 350–51
- Office of Independent Counsel, 351n
- Ethiopia, 366, 630
- Evans, Rowland, 229–30, 534
- Evelyn Wood speed reading, 122n
- Everything to Gain (JC and Rosalynn Carter), 619
- Face the Nation (TV show), 574
- Fahd, King of Saudi Arabia, 628
- Fair Housing Act of 1968, 106
- Fallaci, Oriana, 424
- Fallows, James, 252n, 288n, 306, 333–34, 338, 378n, 534
- Falwell, Jerry, Sr., 577–78, 595, 658
- Farwell, Thelma, 143
- Faubus, Orval, 161–62
- Faulkner, William, 100
- Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), 533, 533n
- Federal Paperwork Reduction Act, 330, 350
- Federal Reserve, xiin, 5, 344, 478–81, 553, 586
- Federal Trade Commission, 348
- Fein, Esther B., 615n
- Finch, Cliff, 278
- Fisher, Roger, 399, 399n
- Fisher, William, 467
- Fitzpatrick, Mary (later Mary Prince), 170–71, 316–17, 317n, 322
- Flandrin, Georges, 508, 509, 588
- Fletcher, Kathy, 599
- Florida
- Cuban-American voters, 237
- 1976 primary, 199, 224, 226, 229, 234, 235–37, 243
- 1980 primary, 499
- Floyd, George, 669
- Flynt, John, 185
- Flynt, Larry, 318
- Foege, Bill, 630–31, 632
- Foley, Tom, 350, 595
- Food and Drug Administration, 348
- Food Stamp Act of 1977, 349
- Foote, Shelby, 402
- Forbes, George, 324
- Ford, Betty, 262
- Ford, Gerald, 89n, 216, 219, 252, 261–62, 280, 294, 300, 302n, 373, 438, 578, 631n
- amassing wealth after leaving office, 618
- Cambodia and, 368n
- clumsiness myth, 260
- dumping of Rockefeller, 228, 261
- inflation and, 260, 261
- Iran, the shah, and, 505
- Israel agreement (1975), 403
- JC’s friendship with, 376, 376n, 640–41
- JC’s strategy against, 247
- Nixon pardon, 211, 247, 277, 296
- as president, 210–11, 358n
- presidential campaign (1976), 228, 260, 261–64, 263n, 268–78, 419
- Reagan challenge to, 373
- “Rose Garden strategy,” 517
- Soviet Union and, 538
- State of the Union address (1975), 261
- “two-China policy,” 6
- Ford, Wendell, 325, 380
- Ford Motor Company, 457
- Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977, 351n
- Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, 596
- Forrester, E. L. “Tick,” 90
- Fortson, Ben, 120, 180
- Fortson, Warren, 113, 117, 119, 130, 131, 180
- Frank, Leo, 27
- Frankel, Max, 273
- Franklin, Aretha, 293
- Franklin, Benjamin, 553
- Fraser, Don, 356–57, 493, 551
- Frazier, Joe, 318
- Free, Jim, 277
- Freeman, Myron, 170
- Freeman, Robertiena, 125, 125n
- Friedman, Milton, 481
- Fuller, Millard, 615, 660
- Fuqua, J. B., 149, 159
- Future Farmers of America (FFA), 44
- Gabor, Zsa Zsa, 318
- Gadhafi, Mu’ammar, 444, 520, 601
- Gallucci, Robert, 647
- Gamasy, Mohammed Abdel Ghany el-, 405
- Gambrell, David, 169, 179n
- Gandhi, Mahatma, 43, 395, 666
- Garagiola, Joe, 276
- Gardner, John, 465
- Gardner, Richard N., 370
- Garner, John Nance, 289
- Garten, Ina, 288n
- Gates, Bill, 631
- Gates, Bill, Sr., 631
- Gates, Melinda, 631
- Gates, Robert, 358, 531
- gay rights, Gays for Carter, 272
- Geisel, Ernesto, 311
- Gelb, Leslie, 455, 533, 535
- General Conference of Methodists, 565
- Genscher, Hans-Dietrich, 546
- George, Walter, 90
- Georgia, 17, 36, 97, 127, 159, 207n
- Arnall as governor, 105
- Baker v. Carr and, 116
- black vs. white schools in, 107–9
- Brown v. Board of Education and backlash, 105–6
- Carter family and, 23, 24
- death penalty in, 207, 207n
- Democratic Party in, 120
- Gordy family and, 25
- governor’s mansion, 170
- Griffin as governor, 110–11
- integration in, 121, 123–24
- JC and American Fighting Men’s Day, 256n
- JC and drinking age, dry laws, 202
- JC and education reform, 186–87
- JC and the environment, 183–86, 222–23
- JC and farsighted changes, 182
- JC and first major land-use legislation, 184
- JC and movie production in, 209–10
- JC and racial equality, 169–70, 204
- JC and state government overhaul, 177–82
- JC and trade missions, 200
- JC and zero-based budgeting, 178–79
- JC as governor, 104, 166–91, 206–7, 209
- JC leaves (1943), 50
- JC returns (1953), 89–90
- JC’s drug treatment program, 180
- JC’s gubernatorial campaigns, 7, 43, 133–37, 148–65, 271
- JC’s inaugural declaration on ending racial discrimination, 166–67, 195
- Lions Clubs in, 98
- lynching and disappearances, 29n, 46
- Maddox as governor, 137, 138, 149
- Martin Luther King Day in, 204
- mental health centers, 187
- “pay-to-play” system, 172
- peanut farming and, 18, 92, 96–97
- poll tax abolished, 105
- prison system, 188
- racism and segregation in, 36, 104–16, 121, 127, 158–59, 161–62, 170, 170n
- Sanders as governor, 123, 130, 149, 156
- summer of 1965, 127–28
- Talmadge as governor, 36
- Talmadge’s son as governor, 86
- thirty questions for black voters, 121, 121n
- Time magazine story “Dixie Whistles a Different Tune” and, 195–96
- Treaty of Indian Springs, 23
- US Constitution and, 23
- voter fraud in, 118–19, 634
- Georgia Baptist Convention, 202
- Georgia Board of Regents, 170
- Georgia Crop Improvement Association, 97
- Georgia Department of Transportation, 627
- Georgia Film Commission, 209n
- Georgia Highway Department, 173, 188–89
- Georgia House of Representatives, 124n
- Georgia Human Resources Board, 172
- Georgia Institute of Technology, 50, 51, 76, 126
- Georgia Nature Conservancy, 184
- Georgia Southwestern State University, 50, 64, 87, 122, 131, 153
- Rosalynn Carter Institute for Caregiving, 622n
- Georgia State Highway Board, 172–73
- Georgia State Senate, 123–24
- JC as outsider, 7, 123
- JC’s campaign for, 103, 117–21
- JC serving in, 101, 121–33
- Gergen, David, 590
- Getting to Know the General (Greene), 524
- Getting to Yes (Fisher and Ury), 399n
- Ghana, 610, 629–30
- Ghorbanifar, Manucher, 607n
- Ghotbzadeh, Sadegh, 558, 558n, 560, 565
- GI Bill, 587
- Gierek, Edward, 359, 367
- Giles, Gilbert, 257
- Gillespie, Dizzy, 323
- Gillis, Hugh, 172
- Gillis, Jim, Sr., 172–73
- Gingrich, Newt, 185
- Girardeau, John, 137
- Giscard d’Estaing, Valéry, 442, 443n, 444, 546
- Gladwell, Malcolm, 320
- Glenn, John, 253–54, 379, 499
- Glickman, Dan, 540–41
- Global 2000 Report to the President, 599–600
- Global warming, 2, 599, 600
- Goldberg, Arthur, 413
- Goldschmidt, Neil, 486, 557n
- Goldwater, Barry, 127, 219n, 297, 377, 590, 593
- Goldwater-Nichols bill, 568
- Golson, Barry, 266, 267
- Goodman, Andrew, 584
- Goodwin, Richard, 306
- Gorbachev, Mikhail, 359n, 370, 533, 541n, 549, 641
- Gordy, Berry, 26
- Gordy, Berry, Jr., 26
- Gordy, Dorothy (aunt), 49, 60–61
- Gordy, Ida Nicholson (maternal grandmother), 26
- Gordy, James “Jim Jack” (maternal grandfather), 26–27
- Gordy, James Thomas (maternal great-grandfather), 25
- Gordy, Tom Watson (uncle), 27, 49, 60–61
- Gore, Al, 648, 650
- Graham, Billy, 146, 268–69, 269n, 646
- Graham, Katharine, 336
- grain embargo, 539–41, 548
- Granquist, Wayne, 464
- Granum, Rex, 464
- Graves, John, 513–14
- Gray, Robert, 589
- Great Britain, 299, 395, 423, 435, 506, 547
- JC state visit, 100–101
- See also Thatcher, Margaret
- Great Depression, 13, 35, 63, 301, 303
- Green, Annelle, 67–68
- Greene, Graham, 524
- Greer, Peter Zack, 120–21
- Gregory, Dick, 129
- Greider, William, 481, 586
- Grenada, 531, 568, 569
- Griffin, Robert, 346
- Griffin, Marvin, 110–11, 162, 169
- Grizzard, Lewis, 278
- Gromyko, Andrei, 358, 535
- Guadeloupe summit, 442–43
- Guatemala, 364
- Gulag Archipelago, The (Solzhenitsyn), 515
- Gulf War, 642–43
- Gulliver, Hal, 176, 573
- gun control, 211
- Gunter, Bill, 140, 147
- Guyana, 634
- Habitat for Humanity, xi, 614–15, 615n, 660, 667, 668
- Haig, Alexander, 369, 607
- Haiti, 369, 635, 637, 649–51
- Haldeman, H. R., 210, 287
- Hall, Tom T., 624
- Hamas, 646, 656
- Hamilton, Lee, 608–9
- Hamilton, William, 211
- Harding, Warren, 488
- Harkin, Tom, 357
- Harper’s magazine: “Jimmy Carter’s Pathetic Lies,” 230
- Harpster, Wayne, 583, 595
- Harriman, Averell, 6–7, 233, 488–89, 536
- Harris, Don, 126
- Harris, Fred, 225, 233, 235
- Harris, Patricia Roberts, 313
- Harris, Robert, 142
- Harris, Roy, 106, 161–62, 163
- Harris, Virginia, 44
- Harrison, Benjamin, 3
- Hart, Gary, 197, 222n, 305
- Hart, Phil, 296
- Hartke, Vance, 263
- Hartsfield, William B., 121
- Harvard Law School, 226
- Hassan II, King of Morocco, 504, 505, 511
- Hatfield, Mark, 575
- Havel, Vaclav, 371
- Hayakawa, S. I. “Sam,” 382–83
- Hayes, Rutherford B., 486–87
- Hays, Ken, 413–14
- Head Start, 480
- health care, 239, 327, 346
- Affordable Care Act, 597
- global health issues, 37, 630–32, 631n, 662, 668–69
- hospital costs, 493, 495, 497, 497n
- JC, Kennedy, and reform bills, 493–98
- Medicaid expansion, 495
- Medicare for All, 494
- preschool immunizations, 312
- Rosalynn and children’s health, 312
- Heartsongs (Stepanek), 663
- Hebrews 11:1, 575
- Heimann, John, 340–41
- Helms, Jesse, 375, 380
- Helms, Richard, 437n
- Help America Vote Act of 2002, 634
- Helsinki Accords, 356n, 357
- Henderson, Hal, 128
- Henley, William Ernest, 53, 667
- Heritage Foundation, 272
- Hertzberg, Hendrik “Rick,” 279, 288n, 338, 387, 463, 509, 526, 593, 601, 643, 666
- JC’s malaise speech and, 467, 471–72
- Herzog (Bellow), 322
- Herzog, Red, 58
- Hewes, Hayden C., 201
- Hezbollah, 431
- Hicks, Carlton, 223
- Hill, Jesse, Jr., 170, 243
- Hinckley, John, 589n
- Hirohito, Emperor, 462
- Hitler, Adolf, 365, 395, 534, 541, 583
- Hoffman, Abbie, 620
- Holbrooke, Richard, 366, 638, 651n
- Hollings, Ernest, 328
- Hollis, Annie Mae, 34, 45, 87, 98
- Holmes, Larry, 522
- Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 319
- Holton, Linwood, 195
- Hooks, Benjamin, 485
- Hoover, Herbert, 7–8, 216, 302n, 488, 572
- Hopkins, Donald, 631
- Horne, Billy and Irene, 102
- Hornet’s Nest, The (JC), 623
- Horowitz, Vladimir, 323
- Hour Before Daylight, An (JC), 48, 619
- Hua Guofeng, 420
- Huang Zhen, 420
- Hudson, Lou, 158
- Hufstedler, Shirley, 315
- Hughes, Charles Evans, 279
- Hughes, Harold, 260
- human rights, ix, 245, 355–71
- Africa and, 365–66, 365n
- Asia and, 366–69
- Cambodian genocide, 367–68
- China and, 427
- Cuba and, 218
- Democratic Party platform and, 255
- Eastern Europe and, 371
- El Salvador failure, 364
- Human Rights Day proclamation, 369
- Indonesia and, 366
- Iran and, 434, 434n
- JC in Gaza (2008) and, 656
- JC on mistreatment of women, 658–59
- JC’s faith and, 359
- JC’s farewell address and, 602
- JC’s foreign policy and, 360, 361, 390, 531, 578–79
- JC’s moral stature and, 104, 105
- JC’s perspective on peace and, 637–38
- JC’s policies, ix, xii, 6, 218, 295, 369, 370–71, 617
- JC’s postpresidency and, 635–39
- Latin America and, 362–64, 369, 370, 375
- Palestine and, 390
- Soviet Union and, 357–60, 358n, 359n, 538
- State Department Bureau of Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs, 361
- Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 70
- use of phrase, 356, 356n
- Human Rights Watch, 637
- Humphrey, Hubert, 149, 159–60, 196, 219, 244, 248, 254, 259, 338, 379, 379n, 581
- Humphrey-Hawkins bill, 338, 339
- Hungary, 536
- Crown of St. Stephen return, xiin, 531
- Huntley-Brinkley Report (TV show), 128
- Hurst, Joe, 118, 119–20, 123
- Hussein, Saddam, 444, 526, 588, 642
- Hussein of Jordan, King, 335, 401, 655n
- Huyser, Robert, 441–42, 443, 444, 453
- Iacocca, Lee, 551, 551n
- “I Ain’t Gonna Work on Maggie’s Farm No More” (Dylan), 206
- “If—” (Kipling), 43
- Illinois Democratic primary (1980), 553
- India, 516
- Indonesia, 366
- Inouye, Daniel, 577
- Inspector General Act of 1978, 350–51
- International Criminal Court, 635, 639
- International Longshoremen’s Assn., 539
- International UFO Bureau, 201–2
- “Invictus” (Henley), 53, 668
- Iowa, 221
- 1976 primary, 199, 221–29, 232
- 1980 primary, 552
- Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner, 228–29
- Iran, xiin, 2, 439–41, 503
- anti-Americanism in, 435, 453, 455, 503, 504, 511, 521, 525
- Israel and, 519
- nationalizing of oil fields, 433
- new constitution, 515
- nuclear weapons and, 431–32
- Rabhan’s imprisonment, 150, 659–60
- shah and, 3, 433, 435, 436, 443, 444, 446, 447, 505, 507
- Soviet Union and, 519, 538
- terrorist organizations backed by, 431
- as a theocracy, 2, 435, 437, 453–55, 503
- US ambassador Laingen and, 507, 508, 509, 514
- US ambassador Sullivan and, 436, 437, 437n, 440, 441, 443–44, 447, 453–54
- US coup plotters, 442
- US embassy in Tehran, 454, 503, 505, 507–8, 510, 513
- US extracting Americans from, 507
- US freezing assets of, 504, 517, 588, 603, 604–5, 608
- US intelligence failure in, 437–38, 454
- Iran-Contra scandal, 607, 607n
- Iran hostage crisis, xii, 1, 9, 428, 448, 456, 475, 501, 502, 502n, 512–26, 550, 555, 558–68, 574, 588–89, 592–93
- ABC News and, 524–26, 558, 560
- Algiers Accords, 604–5
- as campaign issue (1980), 587
- embassy takeover, 513–14
- hostages released, 515, 603–6
- instigators of, purpose of, 512–13
- JC’s failures and, 520–21, 525–26
- JC’s prescience about, 504, 505, 507
- JC’s priority, 518, 523
- Reagan campaign’s October Surprise and, 588–89, 606–9, 607n
- rescue of diplomats, 562
- shah’s death and, 588
- Special Coordination Committee (SCC) set up, 518
- treatment of hostages, 515
- US botched rescue mission, 562–68
- US embargo and, 562
- US military options, 518–20, 562
- Iranian Revolution, 431, 432–48, 454, 456
- Iran-Iraq War, 431, 588
- Iran-United States Claims Tribunal, 604
- Iraq, 391, 444, 448, 526, 642
- Iraq War, 483, 653
- Islam, radical Islam, 503, 525, 536
- Israel
- Camp David Accords, ix, 6, 352, 388–417, 438–39, 448–53, 644n, 655
- Ford’s agreement with (1975), 403
- Gaza and, 389, 390, 406, 407, 411
- immigration of Russian Jews and, 655
- Iran and, 432
- Iran-Contra scandal and, 607, 607n
- Irgun of, 396, 401n
- JC and, 388, 654–56
- JC and UN vote against, 555–56
- JC mission in (1979), 448–51
- JC’s criticism of, 644
- JC’s Knesset speeches, 450, 654
- JC’s visits to, 200–201, 453, 656–57
- Jerusalem issues, 410, 413
- Oslo Accords, 646
- Palestinians and, 644
- Raid on Entebbe (1976), 564
- Sadat’s visit to, 391, 391n
- settlements, 391, 398, 403, 404, 408, 410–12, 414–15, 417, 439, 655n
- Six Day War, 389
- War of Independence, 396
- Yad Vashem, 449
- Yom Kippur War, 389, 395
- See also specific leaders
- Italy, 370
- “I Wanted to Share My Father’s World” (JC), 21–22, 89
- Jabotinsky, Vladimir, 395, 406
- Jackson, Andrew, 23
- Jackson, Brooks, 482
- Jackson, Henry “Scoop,” 186, 197, 246, 248, 253, 499, 534
- 1976 primary, 232, 234, 236–38, 242–44
- Jackson, James, 26
- Jackson, Jesse, 344, 461
- Jackson, Maynard, 626
- Jackson, Roy and Gussie, 112
- Jackson Samuels, Rita, 169, 170, 204
- James, Henry, xiii
- James, William, 303
- James 1:12, 141
- Japan, 312, 426, 462–63
- Jefferson, Thomas, 602
- Jeffries, Jim, 46
- Jewish American community, 27, 27n, 150, 195, 211, 225, 236, 241–42, 302
- JC and, 237, 240, 241–42, 302, 439, 449, 484–86, 557, 576, 645, 655–56, 656n
- JC and UN vote against Israel, 555–56
- Jiang Qing, 556n
- Ji Chaozhu, 423, 425n
- Jimmy Carter Presidential Library and Museum, 4, 626
- John 14:1, 575
- John Birch Society, 130
- John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum, 509
- John Paul II, Pope, 321, 364
- Johnson, Alvan, 34
- Johnson, Esther (Gordy family slave), 25
- Johnson, Jack, 46
- Johnson, Lady Bird, 270
- Johnson, Leroy, 123, 160, 174–76
- Johnson, Luci Baines, 270
- Johnson, Lyndon Baines (LBJ), 5, 216, 219n, 254, 280, 289, 336, 349, 373, 476, 495, 536, 590, 597
- civil rights legislation, 106, 127, 129
- Deep South, Democratic Party, and, 127
- Great Society, 219, 337, 356
- JC’s comments on, 270–71, 270n
- presidential race (1964), 127
- Johnson, Sam Houston, 573n
- Johnson, William Decker, 30–31
- Johnston, Bennett, 521
- Jonassaint, Emil, 650
- Jones, Charles O., 286
- Jones, David, 563, 567
- Jones, Jim and Jonestown, 457, 464
- Jones, Reginald H., 471
- Jones, Thaddeus, 45n, 88, 130
- Jordan, Barbara, 255, 364
- Jordan, Clarence, 109–10, 111–12, 615
- Jordan, Florence, 109, 111–12
- Jordan, Hamilton, 112, 122–23, 135–36, 137, 146, 151, 151n, 152, 157, 180, 181, 305, 373, 653
- attitude toward Washington politicos, 294
- Billygate and, 574–75
- Caddell and, 463
- Camp David Accords and, 392, 408, 450
- as chief of staff, 277, 288, 333, 472–73
- Democratic Party and, 211, 255
- how to make Carter president analysis, 199
- Iran hostage crisis and, 501, 506, 510, 516, 517, 519, 524, 559, 565–67, 592, 605
- on JC’s faith and peace-making, 639
- JC’s pledge on race relations and, 168
- JC’s postpresidency and, 613–14, 618
- JC’s presidential agenda and, 304
- JC’s presidential ambitions and, 198, 199
- JC’s presidential race (1976), 213, 218, 224–25, 232, 233, 252
- JC’s reelection race (1980), 499–500, 558, 572, 580, 585, 593, 594–95
- Lance scandal and, 341, 342
- media and, 323, 344–45
- Panama Canal Treaties and, 378, 381–82
- presidential staff and, 287, 288n, 290
- on Rosalynn, 311
- shah of Iran and, 523
- Jordan, Jan, 112
- Jordan, Nancy, 344
- Jordan, Vernon, 168–69, 203–4, 337
- judicial system
- civil liberties and, 207
- death penalty, 207, 207n
- decriminalizing marijuana, 208, 313
- incarceration rate and, 207n
- JC’s judicial appointments, x, 5, 170, 170n, 313–14, 327, 587
- JC’s Law Day speech (1974) and, 206–8, 351
- Omnibus Judgeship Act of 1978, 314
- sentencing guidelines for cocaine, 208
- Justus, Jere, 202
- Kahn, Alfred, 477, 491–92
- Kakutani, Michiko, 178n
- Karadzic, Radovan, 637–38, 651n
- Karmal, Babrak, 537
- Kean, Benjamin, 508, 509, 588
- Keeping Faith (JC), 618
- Kempton, Murray, 356, 651
- Kennedy, Caroline, 509
- Kennedy, Edward “Ted,” xi, 199, 338, 383–84, 488–501, 543n
- cancer diagnosis of son, Teddy, Jr., 212
- Chappaquiddick and, 205, 212, 498, 499–500
- drinking and, 212, 491, 498, 583
- on exiling the shah, 523–24
- health care reform and, 493–98
- JC and, personality and policy clashes, 205–6, 239, 255, 491, 492n, 493–98, 509, 582–83
- JC’s malaise speech and, 488–89
- “moral issue” with, 269n
- Mudd interview disaster, 499–500, 517
- personal doubts of, 498–99
- polling and, 490, 499, 517, 550, 555
- presidential ambitions, 205, 212, 488, 496, 497, 498
- presidential bid (1980), ix, 9, 329, 487–89, 498–501, 517–18, 524, 543, 550–53, 552n, 555, 556, 572–73, 575, 577–81, 580
- speech, Democratic Convention (1980), 580–81
- Kennedy, Joan, 212, 500
- Kennedy, John F., 8, 126, 166–67, 216, 240, 241, 269, 288, 302n, 349
- acceptance speech (1960), 258
- assassination of, 126
- Bay of Pigs and, 567
- Cold War and, 528
- Cuban Missile Crisis, 416
- vision of, 333
- Kennedy, John F., Jr., 509
- Kennedy, Robert F., 126, 136, 148, 457, 498
- Kennedy, Rose, 196n
- “Kennedy’s Women Problem/Women’s Kennedy Problem” (Lessard), 552n
- Kerensky, Aleksandr, 441n
- Kerrey, Bob, 297–98, 586
- Kerry, John, 657
- Keynes, John Maynard, 460
- Khomeini, Ahmed, 514
- Khomeini, Seyyed Ruhollah, 2, 150, 433, 435–38, 443, 444, 446–48, 453–55, 504, 518, 522, 538, 558n, 659
- Iran hostage crisis and, 512, 514–16, 521, 522, 559, 560–61, 588
- Iran-Iraq War and, 588
- Khrushchev, Nikita, 393
- Kidd, Culver, 175, 181, 181n
- Kierkegaard, Søren, 140
- Kim Dae-jung, 367
- Kim Il-sung, 646–49
- Kim Jong-un, 328n
- Kim Young-sam, 546
- King, Bernice, 660
- King, C. B., 158, 276
- King, Clennon, 275, 276
- King, Coretta Scott, 170, 204, 259, 276, 313, 643
- King, Dexter, 660
- King, Martin Luther, Jr., xi, 104, 110, 114–15, 121, 126, 148, 150n, 158, 266
- Children’s Crusade, 125
- “I Have a Dream” speech, 259
- JC mediates for children of, 660
- Nobel Peace Prize, 121, 654, 660
- portrait in Georgia state capitol, 204
- Selma march and, 128
- King, Martin Luther, Sr., 163–64, 170, 227, 243, 259, 276, 313
- DNC benediction (1976), 259
- King, Marty, 660
- Kipling, Rudyard, 43
- Kirbo, Charles, 119–20, 135, 145, 164, 167, 169, 180, 229, 245, 267, 288n, 292, 373
- as JC’s chief of staff, as governor, 171–72
- JC’s postpresidential finances and, 617
- JC’s presidency and, 287, 320
- JC’s presidential ambitions and, 196–97
- JC’s reelection campaign and, 572
- JC’s vice presidential pick and, 253–54
- warning about “Kick Me” sign, 229–30, 267
- Kirk, Paul, 580
- Kirkpatrick, Jeane, 369n
- Kissinger, Henry, 6, 290, 343, 357, 363, 389, 390, 393, 419, 529, 588
- Iran, the shah, and, 436, 442, 448, 504, 505, 506, 507, 510
- “Who lost Iran?” query, 455
- Klobuchar, Amy, 665
- Klutznick, Philip, 486
- Knebel, Fletcher, 216
- Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory, Schenectady, N.Y., 82
- Koch, Ed, 556, 556n, 557, 558, 558n
- Kohl, Helmut, 443n
- Koinonia Farm, 109–12, 115, 127, 187, 615
- Kopechne, Mary Jo, 213, 500
- Koppel, Ted, 525, 526, 558
- Korshak, Sidney, 245n
- Kovic, Ron, 256
- Kraft, Tim, 222, 223, 228, 229, 232, 263n
- Kramer, Orin, 556
- Kreps, Juanita, 313
- Kuhn, Bowie, 457
- Ku Klux Klan, 110, 112, 128, 158, 585
- Küng, Hans, 139
- labor unions, 214, 243, 338, 339, 551
- Lack, Andrew, 500
- Laffer, Arthur, 578
- Laingen, Bruce, 507, 508, 509, 514, 565
- Lalor, William, 89
- Lance, Bert, 135, 172, 173, 188, 336, 373, 595
- advice to JC, 302–3
- “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” and, 340
- as JC’s budget director, 290
- JC’s fight over water projects and, 305
- JC’s friendship with, 173–74, 339, 343
- JC’s frugality and, 324
- JC’s presidential agenda and, 304
- on presidential staff, 288n
- scandal and the media, 340–44
- on Volcker, 479
- Lance, LaBelle, 342, 344
- Landon, Alf, 46
- Laney, James, 613, 617, 647
- Laney, Lucy Craft, 204
- Langford, Edna, 224, 622
- Language in Thought and Action (Hayakawa), 383
- Lasch, Christopher, 460
- Las Vegas Review-Journal, 381
- Lawyers Committee for Human Rights, 637
- Laxalt, Paul, 424
- Leadership (Burns), 460, 461
- Lebanon, Hezbollah and, 431
- Lechner, Zachary J., 262
- Lehman, John, 575n
- Lennon, John, 293
- Leno, Jay, 623
- Lessard, Suzannah, 552n
- Letelier, Orlando, 363
- “Letter from Birmingham Jail” (MLK), 126
- Let Us Now Praise Famous Men (Agee), 30
- Levy, Gus, 220
- Lewis, John, 127–28, 626–27
- Lewis, Samuel, 405, 416
- Liberia, 633, 636
- Liberty University, 658
- Libya, 391, 444, 520, 525, 574–76
- Lincoln, Abraham, 131, 280, 471
- Linowitz, Sol, 374–75, 376, 465
- Lions Club, 98, 201
- Lippmann, Walter, 9
- Lipshutz, Robert, 288n, 341, 486
- Little Baby Snoogle Fleejer, The (JC), 619
- Little Rock, Ark., 161–62
- Lock Haven, Pa. (site of JC’s lay missionary work), 143, 203
- Lockheed Corporation, 51
- Logan, Roxy Jo, 50
- Long, Russell, 304, 347, 348, 380, 496, 497
- Longest Yard, The (film), 209–10
- López Michelsen, Alfonso, 311
- López Portillo, José, 331, 454, 506, 523
- Louis, Joe, 46
- Lucey, Patrick “Pat,” 499, 578
- Lukash, William, 486, 487
- Luther, Martin, 100n
- Lynn, Loretta, 293
- Lynyrd Skynyrd, 227
- MacArthur, Douglas, 207
- MacNeil, Robert, 436
- Macon County Club, 170
- Macon News, 160
- Maddox, Lester, 134, 136–38, 149, 151, 161, 164, 167, 169–70, 174–76, 184, 203, 204, 211, 233, 278
- Maddox, Virginia, 169
- Mailer, Norman, 140, 196, 253, 257–58, 381, 445
- malaise speech, 2, 456–57, 463–72, 470n, 478, 488–89
- number of American’s viewing, 468
- “pivot” of, 470
- public reaction, 471
- Mandela, Nelson, 366, 663
- Mandus, George, 204
- Mao Tse-Tung, 71–72, 418, 420, 556n
- Maranatha Baptist Church, Plains, Ga., 660–62
- “Marching Through Georgia” (song), 55
- Marcos, Ferdinand, 366
- marijuana decriminalization, 208, 313
- Marshall, Ray, 286, 326, 338
- Marshall Tucker Band, 226
- Marston, David, 329
- Marty, Martin, 42
- Massachusetts, 1976 primary election, 234
- Massell, Sam, 195
- Mathis, Evan, 51
- Matthews, Chris, 212n, 288n, 329
- Maudlin Bacon, Kathryn, 43
- Mayhew, Alice, xi
- Mbeki, Thabo, 633
- McCain, John, 656
- McCarthy, Colman, 487
- McCarthy, Eugene, 225–26, 232, 259, 278
- McClain, Fred, 222
- McCloy, John J., 505, 505n, 507
- McCoy, Jennifer, 636
- McCullough, David, 320, 374, 374n, 384
- McCullough, Peter, 203
- McGill, Ralph, 121
- McGovern, George, 196–97, 211, 214, 232, 233, 259, 349, 386, 593
- McGrory, Mary, 582, 595
- McHenry, Donald, 555–56
- McIntyre, James, 288n
- McIntyre, Tom, 380
- McKinley, William, 488
- McLeary, Joel, 245n
- McMaster, H. R., 664
- Meany, George, 338
- media
- Arnall’s advice to JC, 211
- Camp David Accords and, 399–400, 451n
- “Carter Lies” stories, 229–30
- Carters portrayed as hicks, 323
- Chief Justice Burger on the press subverting justice, 343
- coverage of Amy Carter, 322–23
- Ford’s “gaffe” story, 271–72
- Iran hostage crisis and, 524–26, 558, 560
- JC and Iowa caucuses, 221–22
- JC and “meanness” issue, 585
- JC and New Hampshire primary, 233
- JC and post-Watergate press, 5
- JC as governor and, 189
- JC’s ABC interview (1980), 538, 539
- JC’s acrimonious relationship with, 5, 251, 253, 279, 335–37, 483, 578, 582, 583, 585–86, 616
- JC’s Billygate press conference, 575–76
- JC’s brother Billy and, 573, 574
- JC’s China agreement and, 422
- JC’s defense policy and, 529–30
- JC’s “ethnic purity” gaffe and, 243
- JC’s foreign policy and, 534
- at JC’s headquarters, Plains, Ga., 249–52
- JC’s peace efforts and Haiti, 651
- JC’s Playboy interview, 267–71, 271n
- JC’s presidency and, 288, 292–94, 297, 335, 342, 343, 344–45
- JC’s presidential ambitions and, 211–12
- JC’s presidential race and, 217, 218, 220, 228–30, 234–35, 238–41, 249–53, 271
- JC’s reputation harmed by, 293
- JC’s Sixty Minutes interview, 579–80
- JC’s TMI, 230, 251, 331
- Khomeini and, 436
- “Killer Rabbit” story, 482–83, 482n
- Lance scandal and, 340–43
- Milwaukee Sentinel headline, 242
- “Miz Lillian” and, 249, 317–18
- “Rafshoonery,” 459
- Reagan and, 585–86
- Shrum’s indictment of Carter, 244–45
- White House Correspondents’ Dinner, 336–37
- See also specific outlets
- Meese, Edwin, 605
- Meir, Golda, 200
- Mencken, H. L., 332
- Mendez, Tony, 562
- Mengistu Haile Marian, 636
- Menil, Dominique de, 635
- mental health issues, 154, 187, 311, 596
- Mental Health Systems Act, 596
- Milledgeville mental hospital and, 187
- Reagan response, 596
- Rosalynn as mental health advocate, 187, 311, 596–97, 621–22, 633, 657n
- Merck pharmaceutical company, 632
- Meroni, Flavio, 605
- Meshaal, Khaled, 646
- Methodist Church, 146–47
- Mexico
- JC’s state visit (1979), 331, 454
- shah of Iran and, 506, 508, 523
- Micah 6:8, 294
- Michigan, JC primary win, 244
- Middle East, 201, 296, 360, 407
- Camp David Accords denounced, 438
- Carter Doctrine and, 542–44, 543n, 547, 548, 620, 642
- Clinton’s initiatives, 646, 654
- Iranian Revolution and, 431
- JC’s postpresidency and, 641, 643–46
- JC trips, 434, 448–52
- oil prices and, 443, 448
- Oslo Accords, 646
- Persian Gulf oil supplies, 543, 544, 548
- Six Day War, 389
- Soviet Union and, 503
- threats from (1979), 526–27
- US economy and oil, 543
- war in, 388, 394
- Yom Kippur War, 389
- See also Camp David Accords; Iran; Iraq
- Middleton, Arthur, 55
- Mikva, Abner, 327, 587
- Miller, G. William, 478
- Miller, George, 305, 305n
- Milwaukee Sentinel, 242
- Minow, Newton, 269–70
- Mirdamadi, Mohsen, 512, 512n
- Mississippi, 278
- Mitterrand, François, 443n
- Mobutu Sese Seko, 366, 636
- Moffett, Toby, 489
- Mondale, Joan, 254, 461
- Mondale, Walter “Fritz,” xi, 200, 213, 222n, 253–55, 340, 344, 463, 602
- Cabinet purge and, 474
- on Caddell’s memo, 461
- Camp David Accords and, 392, 400, 410
- China and, 419
- Democratic Convention speech, 257
- draft resumption and, 543
- grain embargo and, 539–40
- Iran and, 438, 443, 507
- Iran hostage crisis and, 517, 555, 606
- on JC’s approach to office, 328
- JC’s malaise speech, 464–65, 467, 469
- JC’s reelection campaign, 572, 583, 589
- Kennedy and, 490, 496, 497
- as mediator with Congress, 496
- Panama Canal Treaties and, 380, 381, 383
- in Plains, Ga., transition team and, 290
- resigning contemplated, 461–62, 474
- Summer Olympics boycott, 541
- as vice president, 2, 289–90, 296, 304, 365, 396
- vice presidential debate, 274
- weekly lunch tradition, 289
- Monroe Doctrine, 376
- Moon, Lottie, 425
- Moore, Frank, 179–80, 497n
- as JC’s congressional liaison, 287, 288n, 325, 328, 329, 332, 345–46, 349–50
- Moore, Homer, 118, 120, 120n
- Morales-Bermudez, Francisco, 311
- Moral Majority, 586, 587
- Morgan, Charles, Jr., 239
- Morgan, Robert, 386
- Morris Brown Concert Choir, 167
- Mosaddegh, Mohammad, 432–33, 443, 453
- Motor Carrier Act, 492
- Mount St. Helens eruption, 533, 533n
- Moyers, Bill, 127, 259
- Moyle, Walter, 57
- Moynihan, Daniel Patrick, 255, 471, 499, 528–29, 651
- Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (film), 285
- Mudd, Roger, 499–500
- Mugabe, Robert, 365n
- Muir Woods National Park, 597
- Mulroney, Brian, 643
- Murphy, Reg, 157, 158–59, 189–90, 211
- Murray, Bill, 302
- Muskie, Edmund, 196, 254, 305, 567, 588
- NAACP, 105, 106, 109, 130, 485
- Nader, Ralph, 252, 349, 350, 491
- NASA, 333
- Skylab disintegration, 457
- Nashville (film), 216
- Nasser, Gamal Abdel, 395
- National Advisory Committee for Women, 445
- National Conference of Catholic Bishops, 471
- National Conservative Political Action Committee, 386
- National Education Association, 571, 572
- National Energy Act of 1978, 307
- National Governors Association, 235
- National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 348
- National Observer, 252
- National Organization for Women, 552, 552n
- National Park Service, JC’s new designations, 132, 597
- National Rifle Association (NRA), 587
- National Telecommunications and Information Administration, 348
- National Urban League, 168, 337
- Native Americans, 23, 24
- ANWR and, 598–99
- International Whaling Commission rules and, 599
- JC and Tlingit tribe, 598–99
- Trail of Tears, 23
- NATO, 370, 532
- Nature magazine, 178
- Naughton, James, 280
- Navy Wife, The (US Navy guidebook), 67
- NBC and NBC News, 128, 257, 260, 276, 278, 302, 500, 542, 543, 581, 582, 664
- filming of JC on the Chattooga, 186
- JC in special on gas shortage, 462
- Nelson, Willie, 227, 293, 323, 654
- neoconservatives (neocons), 369n, 391n, 447–48, 529, 538–39, 569
- Netanyahu, Benjamin, 644n
- New Hampshire
- 1976 primary, 199, 215, 221, 226, 232–33
- 1980 primary, 553, 583–84
- New London, Conn., 70
- Newsom, David, 454
- Newsweek, 2, 30, 359
- Carters portrayed as hicks, 323
- Clift on candidate JC, 217
- JC’s peace efforts and Haiti, 651
- JC’s sister Ruth and, 318
- Smith on Earl Carter, 30
- 1976 primary election, 229, 237, 238
- New York
- 1976 primary, 241–42
- 1980 primary, 555, 557, 558n, 572
- New York City
- Al Smith Dinner, 589–90
- CRA and South Bronx, 557n
- Habitat for Humanity in, 614–15, 615n
- JC and bailout, 556, 557
- Metro Baptist Church, 514
- New York Daily News, 243, 471, 555
- New Yorker, Wallace interview, 241
- New York magazine
- article on “The ‘Me’ Decade,” 259–60
- Reeves on JC in, 239–40
- siege mentality at the White House, 344
- New York Post, 464
- New York Times, 273, 394
- “Ambassador Rosalynn Carter,” 311
- Butz’s racist remarks and, 271
- Clymer on Panama tensions, 374
- Dowd on JC, 651, 664–65
- JC and Habitat for Humanity, 615, 615n
- JC cancels speech, 464
- JC refuses to grant interview, 130–31
- JC’s acceptance speech and, 258
- on JC’s election, 280
- on JC’s “fireside chat,” 301
- JC’s first appearance in, 130
- JC’s inauguration as governor in, 168
- JC’s moral equivalent of war speech, 303
- JC’s presidential race and, 228–29, 238
- on PD-59, 532–33
- Rabhan quote on JC’s friendship, 150
- Reston on JC and Iranian hostages, 561
- Safire and Lance scandal, 340
- Wicker on JC, 335, 464
- New York Times Magazine, 229
- Mailer’s article on the Carters, 253
- Ngo Dinh Diem, 443
- Nicaragua, 363–64, 385, 454, 569, 642
- Niebuhr, Reinhold, 140, 206, 466
- Nigeria, 365, 631, 634
- Nightline (TV show), 525, 558, 560
- Nitty Gritty Dirt Band, 370
- Nitze, Paul, 529
- Nixon, Donald, 573n
- Nixon, Julie (later Eisenhower), 393
- Nixon, Richard, 149, 219, 220, 229, 237, 255, 271, 272, 280, 293, 302n, 336, 350, 373, 438, 464, 483, 498
- approval ratings, 1–2, 431, 576, 616
- Cabinet reshuffling, 472
- Cambodia and, 368n
- China and, 72, 418, 419, 422
- economic policy, 476, 478, 553
- election of (1972), 344
- EPA established by, 307
- Iran, the shah, and, 505, 506
- JC and, 210, 215, 216, 424, 640
- media and, 340
- oil crisis and, 300, 301
- pardon of, 211, 247, 277, 296
- presidential debates, 269
- reelection of, 198
- school desegregation and, 155
- Soviet Union and, 6, 538
- “two-China policy,” 6, 426
- vice presidency and, 289
- Vietnam War and, 503
- Watergate scandal, 199, 210, 212, 240
- Yom Kippur War and, 389
- Nobel Peace Prize, x, 61, 105, 653–54
- Noriega, Manuel, 380n, 642
- Norquist, Grover, 386
- North Carolina, 1976 primary, 240–41, 261
- North Korea, 646–49, 664
- Novak, Robert, 229–30, 534
- nuclear weapons, 219n, 288n, 601
- Agreed Framework, 649
- Brazil and, 362–63
- briefing of vice president and, 288–89
- Carter debate (Oct. 1980) and, 591
- India and, 526
- Iran and, 375n, 421–32
- JC’s inaugural address and, 294–95, 532
- JC’s policies and, xiin, 6, 295, 360, 362–63, 386–87, 531, 546–47
- North Korea and, 646–47, 649
- Pakistan and, 526
- Soviets and, 528, 532, 534
- See also arms control
- Nunn, Sam, 179, 179n, 380, 650, 651