abolitionism, 108–109, 113

Adams, Abigail, 98

Adams, John

Benjamin Franklin and, 78–79, 81

Declaration of Independence and, 80

in France, 89–90, 93, 98

peace treaty negotiations and, 94, 95

on William Franklin, 64

Adams, Sam, 78

Addison, Joseph, 11

Albany Plan, 57

America. See also colonies

colonial, 55–56

as symbol, 83

American Philosophical Society, 40

American Revolution

Declaration of Independence and, 80–82

events leading to, 66–75

France during, 82–95

peace negotiations and, 93–95

spies during, 87

apprenticeship, 7–12, 15

Articles of Confederation, 109

atoms, 43

The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin (Franklin), 72, 100, 111, 113


Bache, Benjamin Franklin, 70, 83, 97–98, 106

Bache, Richard, 70

balloons, 98–100

Bancroft, Edward, 87

bifocals, 101

books, 10–11

Boston, 3

Boston Latin School, 6

Boston Tea Party, 73

Braddock, Edward, 57

Bradford, Andrew, 18, 24–25, 27

Bradford, William, 17, 79

Bray, Thomas, 108


actions leading to American Revolution by, 66–75

Franklin’s time in, 22–23, 59–66, 70

peace negotiations with, 93–95

British Empire, 55–56, 75

Bunyan, John, 10

Burnet, William, 21

Bute, Lord, 64


Charles, Jacques, 98

Charles II, 19

Church of England, 3

Coercive Acts, 75

Collinson, Peter, 47–48, 60


prosperity in, 55–56

rebellion in, 67–68, 71, 73

taxes on, 66–69, 71, 73

union of, 56, 57

color, heat and, 38

conductors, 43

Congress (U.S.), 110

Constitutional Convention, 109–111

Continental Army, 78

Continental Congress, 78–82

Copley Medal, 51

Craven Street home, 59, 65


d’Alibard, Thomas-François, 48

Dartmouth, Lord, 72

Deane, Silas, 82, 87

Declaration of Independence, 80–82

Declaratory Act, 69

Defoe, Daniel, 10

Deism, 10

democracy, 82, 109

Denham, Thomas, 22, 23

Dickinson, John, 80, 81

Dogood, Silence, 13–15


eagles, 102


female, 39

of slaves, 108

Edwards, Jonathan, 38

electrical experiments, 47–53

electrical parties, 40–41

electricity, 42–44, 102–103

electrons, 43

empiricism, 43, 47

England. See Britain

Enlightenment, 40

Europeans, 98

exercise, 71

Experiments and Observations on Electricity (Franklin), 47–48


“Father Abraham’s Speech” (Franklin), 59

fireplaces, 41

fire protection, 38

Folger, Abiah. See Franklin, Abiah

Folger, Peter, 2–3


adoration of Franklin in, 83–84, 86, 89–90, 98, 114

American Revolution and, 82–95

Franklin’s time in, 82–91

Franklin, Abiah, 2–3

Franklin, Anne, 1–2

Franklin, Benjamin

abolitionism of, 108–109, 113

apprenticeship of, 7–12, 15

arrival in Philadelphia, 17–20

business success of, 34–35

childhood of, 1–6

as colonial agent, 71–72

at Constitutional Convention, 109–111

death of, 114

declining health of, 107, 109–110, 113

diplomacy by, 82, 86–95, 97

disillusionment of, with English, 75

education of, 6–7

electricity experiments by, 48–53

in England, 22–23, 59–66, 70

fame of, 53, 60, 83–84

final years of, 111–115

in France, 82–91

frugality of, 5

as gentleman, 44–46

honors received by, 51, 62–63

industriousness of, 24–25

inventions by, 41, 51–53, 62, 101, 107

life plan by, 37

as loyalist, 95

peace negotiations by, 93–95

popularity of, with French, 83–84, 86, 89–90, 98, 114

portraits of, 60

as postmaster, 38, 56, 64

printing business of, 24–25, 34–35

before Privy Council, 73–75

public service by, 38, 46–47

reading by, 10–11

return of, to America, 77–78, 104–107

as runaway, xiii–xiv, 15

at Second Continental Congress, 78–82

as Silence Dogwood, 13–15

Franklin, Deborah Read

courtship between Franklin and, 20, 22–23

death of, 75

declining health of, 70

defense of home by, 67

gifts sent to, 69–70

marriage to, 27–28

separations from, 58, 59, 65

Franklin, Francis Folger, 28

Franklin, James, 9, 11–12, 15, 20, 38

Franklin, Jane, 3

Franklin, Josiah, 1–3, 21

Franklin, Sally, 39, 58, 65, 70, 90, 106, 113

Franklin, William

in England, 59

during French and Indian War, 58

as loyalist, 79

promotion of, by father, 46

relationship with father of, 28, 79, 95, 104

as royal governor, 64

Franklin Society, 113

Freemasons, 34

French and Indian War, 56–58, 87

French language, 88


Galloway, Joseph, 100

games, marbles, 6

gentlemen, 44–46

George III, 64, 72

glass armonica, 62, 63

gout, 92

gravestone, 115

Great Awakening, 38–39

Grenville, George, 66–67

Gulf Stream, 104–105


Hadley, John, 62

Hamilton, Alexander, 110

Hancock, John, 81

Handel, George Frideric, 62

Harvard University, 14

heat, color and, 38

Helvéius, Anne-Catherine, 98

Hillsborough, Lord, 71–72

Holmes, Robert, 20

House of Representatives, 110

Howe, Richard, 82

Hughes, John, 67

Hume, David, 60

Hunter, William, 56

Hutchinson, Thomas, 57,



indentured servants, 19

inoculation, 13

insulators, 43

Intolerable Acts, 75

inventions, 41


James, Abel, 100

Jay, John, 91, 93, 94, 95

Jefferson, Thomas, 80, 102, 104

Junto, 28, 30–31


Keimer, Samuel, 18, 22, 24

Keith, William, 20, 21, 22


Laurens, Henry, 94, 95

Laurens, John, 91

Leather Apron Club, 28

Lee, Arthur, 78, 82, 87–90

Lee, Richard Henry, 78, 80

Leyden jar, 42, 43

libraries, 28, 30

lightning, 44, 48–53

lightning rods, 51–53, 72, 105

Livingston, Robert, 80

Locke, John, 10

London, 22–23, 59

Louis XVI, 84, 86, 94

loyalists, 79, 94


magnetism, 102

Market Street home, 106–107

marriage, 27–28

mastodon bones, 66

Mather, Cotton, 10, 12–13, 20

medicine, 101–102

Meredith, Hugh, 24, 27

Mesmer, Friedrich, 101–102

mesmerists, 101–102

militia, 58

Militia Association, 41, 46

Monroe, James, 104

Montgolfier, Jacques-Éienne, 98–99

Montgolfier, Michel, 98–99

Morris, Robert, 81, 93

music, 62


Native Americans, 56–57

natural philosophy, 40–41

New England Courant (newspaper), 11–13, 15

newspapers, 11–12

Newton, Isaac, 47

Nollet, Abb?Jean-Antoine, 42, 51


paleontology, 66

paper mills, 35

paper money, 25

Parliament, 68–69

Paxton Boys, 65

Penn, Thomas, 41, 58, 63–64

Penn, William, 19, 41

Penn family, 46, 57–58, 63–65

Pennsylvania, 19, 41

Pennsylvania Academy, 46

Pennsylvania Assembly, 46, 57, 63

Pennsylvania Gazette (newspaper), 25, 27, 34

Pennsylvania Hospital, 47

Philadelphia, 19, 105–107

Pitt, William, 75

Plutarch, 10

political cartoons, 57

Poor Richard: An Almanack, 34, 35, 58–59

postmaster, 38, 56, 64

Powell, Elizabeth, 111

Priestley, Joseph, 60

Prince, Thomas, 52–53

Pringle, John, 49, 60

printing press, 9–10, 14

Puritans, 3


Quakers, 19, 108, 113


Ralph, James, 22–23

Read, Deborah. See Franklin, Deborah Read

Read, John, 20

religion, 28, 38–39, 115

Revolutionary War. See American Revolution

rising sun, 111

Royal Society, 62


satires, 74

science, 40–41

scientific experiments, 47–53, 71

Scotland, 62

Second Continental Congress, 78–82

Senate, 110

Sherman, Roger, 80

Shipley, Georgianna, 73

Silence Dogood, 13–15

slavery, 108–110, 113

smallpox, 12–13

Smith, Adam, 60

Socrates, 10

Socratic method, 10–11

Spencer, Archibald, 40–41

spies, 87

Stamp Act, 66–69

Stamp Act Congress, 67

static electricity, 43, 44

Steele, Richard, 11

Stevenson, Margaret, 59, 66

Stevenson, Polly, 59, 114

Stiles, Ezra, 115

stove, 41

Strahan, William, 60


taxes, on colonies, 66–69, 71, 73

Temple, William

Benny and, 98

in England, 64, 66

in France, 83 inheritance of, 113

as peace commissioner, 95

promotion of, by Franklin, 103–104

Those Who Would Remove to America (Franklin), 98

Townshend duties, 71

Turgot, Jacques, 83, 84

turkeys, 102


Union Fire Company, 38

University of Pennsylvania, 46, 106

U.S. Constitution, 110–111


van Marum, Martinus, 102–103

Vaughan, Benjamin, 100

Vergennes, Comte de, 87, 93, 94

Voltaire, 83, 84


Washington, George, 56, 78, 79, 109, 113–114

Watts, Isaac, 3

The Way to Wealth (Franklin), 59, 84

Wedderburn, Alexander, 74

Whatley, George, 115

Whitefield, George, 39

will, 113